HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02250_Well Construction - GW1_20240409 1/4 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ` Fysltutmnlusot)NLY: . This farm can be used,foi single or nndtipk wels•• ' ` I.W L1.Contractorlifotluatfou: \ ' • • "1:OG IVATER 2.0NES Scott Hunt, Jr . FROM 10 )' IflPIION1 ! WellConliador.Namc. 45 ft.: 55 ft.. ,rocky sandy' silt tan 4561-A :IL fL. NC Well Contractar Ceti iftcationNwi>bei !:IS.OUTER CASING(rormutlt-itiser0 wellsl OR LINER(if apprleabkl . FROM - •TO -. DIAMETER. I' ;THICKNESS. • .MATERIAL.. SAEDACCO •ft,• ft. ia: • Coayt:uty Name. [6.1N.NER'CASING OR TUBING(giodies-6 A elnsed-look):_. •FROM To• DIti.METER.. .'rnICKNESS MAI-CRUL 2,Well Constrpetirin Perinit ar: . . -SCH-40 PVC ""0 R: 45 ft,' 2 `iu: list ofiapliliodfde will pennies(Er.County,Simi!:-Variance.Neil t 0;1' ft._ .. • . . . ft. 3.We:IL.Lise(che ck.wdl use); I7:SCREEN • `Voter Supply WelkFROM" TO tttMETRR SLOT SIZE TittaiscSs "IIArh.Rmt. . - l7Agmcultutul . CRdmiie paUFublic . 45 ft. 55 ft: 2 in :Ol SCH-90 PVC _ ClGeotlteimal(EleatingiCooling Supply) CiRcsidentiat'WaterSupply(single) ft: ft in is:GROUT _7lndustnal/Conmtercial clResidcntiatVah rStppt}(shared' :FROST- TO . • "MATERIAL . . EMMACESIENTMERIOD&AMOWT ' ❑riieation . . 0 ft. .41 .. 'ft. Portland I rem Tie • Min Water Supply Wett:; • EllvMonitoring '. •.Rcco)ety . . . R.. ft InJectiott:%Veti: . . . IL. O. . . OAnnifcr Recharge ®GtounderatcrRenicdiation ' •LS SAND/GRA.VEI..PACt,firattidieabter ....: _- - • 'FROM-- 10 ! "MATPRUt. I - EMPLACEMENTlit:Tn0n . ElAguitcr-Stoiagcand Rccovcty° ClSalinity Elamcr 43 . R.. 55 ft. sand I 2 • • 13Agiiifer'fcst t7Siomnrttcr Drainage ft. It. " I. ❑Everimcntal Technolo • DSubsidence Consent •.20 DRiLLiNG'.LOG(attach additional sheds if eeccssarvl • "❑Geothetwat(C Posed Loop)• []Tracer", . - .FROM TO . ' t DESCRIPTION tuobr°hankie*vlMwkttpr. ao Ate.cu:t ❑Geotiteimal(Heating/Cabling Return) Clother(tviaiiiuttder#21 Reumtts) 0 :It.i 5 . ft. red fill) 5 ••R: 25 fL red silty clay . 4.Date WCu(s)Coniplcecd:_'3-4-24 „Wdlill#MW-2R • •25 ft. 45 R. red/tan silty clay Sa.Well Gtcati»tit • 45 ft,,- 55 (t, tan rocky sirs: ,--',,, Edgewood Shell f. R. • , . d' (,.u,'L.is°►J' 3, i FacilitloiwurNana: Facility ID#(if able) - - - A w. R.' ft.~ APR .�24 1210.Ed ewood Rd. Bessemer City, NC,. 28016 ' A r g , .ft.. • fl.. • . Physical Addicss,Citl•.and Zlp• .•21.RESIARKS' ' . '1I t9.,.vrx::.:Z 'r =r,.•, +r: tr.,f Gaston .Bentonite seal from 41-43! riVil:S3OG Couuly . Parcel hkulifsc;ilioe No,(PIN) - 56.Latitude'and Longitude in dcgreesltninutcs/secctgndsar decitnarctegtres ' 22,Ccitifieation:' • (if u¢II field,met l/10rig 1g grdfrcicni) Jill � �.. . i , . . N - W. 3/5/2024 Signa's:xn Ccif.tiS.1 Sir"efI Can1mctar I ; - - Uatc 6.Is(are)the_well(S): ElPerinanent .or ❑Tentporary. lip signing ibis farm'(berry certif}'char the irell(.sI was(isrmi amorist-fed brorconlancr irk!'/5A NCAC 02C.0100 or 1,54 NCAC 02C.0200 Wi if Conatnwtlou Staizdards and that a •7.Is this a repair to an cusling'acR: l7Yrs or R No cdpv oftleis record has brat pmrided to;tlr.'gyell Pawn fjthfs ll,o rrpalr;fie!tort ku6eii wild coustrtrcttoa lu fotrrratlort owl captain the More oldie repairwrd'er 421 ierruarLv arciinn or on the boa of Air form. .23.Site diagram or additional well detailst - ' , _ You ma use the back of this page.to pro6'16 additional well site,detail,or"tselt • 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 • • - : cotistruction details. You may also allaclt additional pages if necessary. For nruttlpde lttteerionor iron-carer mppir welds ONLY with die same coustrurtlotr,you can - 1 .suburironr form: SUBMITTALiNSTUCTiONS 9.Total welt depth below Lind surfitce: 55 (fr.) .21m•Ftir All Wells:. Sarni(this•fomt within.30 days of completion of welt For molelpfea•ellslist off depths(feA.0-•rent(example-3e200°anii2@WO) " Construction to the rationing: j , 10.Static water level below top of rasing:30 .-(I,) Dilis°iun of Water Resources;Information Ptuecssin„Unit, . 1prater level Is above tvtsfidn:use"+" I617 Mail Service Centers Ralcig t.NC 27.699I6L7 IL:Borehole diameter;8,25" '(in.) 24b.For Infection Wells ONLY: IA addition to sending thefomr to theaddress-in • .24d above.also submit a copy of this foam within 30 days-of completion.of welt 12,Welt constpitetiou method:NSA construction to the follov@itig: (Lc:auger,'tteary.cable.direct Festi etc.) - Division of Water Resources;Underground Injection Control Prograli, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 JNail Service Ceiiter.Raleigh,NC 27699.163E • 13a,Yield(gpm), Method of test: 24e-For •Water Supply.tt Injection Wells: - Also subtiut one"cop} of this famllawthiu 30_days ofcotupletiotlof 13b.Disinfeitiun type: ,Amount: well construction to the cotmty health;department of thc.countycwhere consirected, Fonn GW-i North Carolina Dgaument of Envier irmu and Natural Resources-Division of Water RelotSem Revised August 2013 . i 1 '