HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02247_Well Construction - GW1_20240409 I . • ' ..- WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD' FgrltsttrnniuscONLY.. Thy formcpn be uscd.fof�sin�koi tmultipk wens•. • i .. : li W4l Contnetar lrMorntatiatt , • :ICI:WATER ZON tIS Scott,Hunt, Jr .." FROM.' - :70 'DFSCREPtto;r ' • WcII.Cati7tadat,Natne 45 "R ; 55 ft. .rocky sandy.silt tan • 4561-A • H. fti. NC Wa CosilkeibreertifidatithiNuiite '-15.OUTER CASING-Ivor'entlirinatweilsl OR-LINER aria Rata - .FRoat • •TO .D!AMETEIt muctorEss. ]VTATEtarAL: SAEDACCO • . 1.. (1. ia: Con>,truty:tYome t6:INNER'CASiNGORTURING•(r.ea�ttain [loge[aon0)• ' . •• �•RR05I —TO DtAAIETSR, 1 .Tn1CKNESs MATERIAL • . "- 2,�YcIt Constrcit [tin P•eimiit R: 0 R: 45 R: 2 1>i SCH-4o PVC . .2..Weil County;$2uti;:Vanarrre,"f a c4efr4'. 3..Wcfl (cbccl.-ncllise) se . . r7 SCCRE:EN, • WaterSupplyWe1L•- - -- FROM : TO 'DIAMETER SLOT Sin.. TTIICKNIIS. 11MATERIAL • ®!1 uIt(ltal C11Gluniei 45 It. 55 .R 2 • 'EL• "•')Ol SCH-40 PVC �Itf paliNblic' l7Geotlieimat(iieatingtoohng••Supply). " ®Residential NaterSupply�(single) . ti: ft u� i, ; ®Iudttsifia1(Coi uteicial CIResidsntiallVater'Su CIFI Rp .( '�`md� • Fa BA:orr.RO' To. MATERIAL .,, catruCEMENTstemoD s AMOUNT ❑hii€;[lion 0 . ft.. 41 •ft. Portland'; Tremie 'Non-WaterSutil}ly,Well:; . . Monitoring - 17Rccoyety' R•; tt I, Injection:Welt: rt tt L]'Aqutf rRecharge` • DGmundnider.Reincdtalion 't4:SANDIGRAVEL1'AC[KtilmtphuMcl'' „_ PROM' ' TO ' 'HATRRtaI. E.MAmum-watiOn . i3Agnt('crSioragc antd Rccoi'cty . 11STlinity, Bamer - 43 .ft.: 55 ft. sand I 2 • 17AqurfcrTest•. ElStomntsatcrffiainagc +' ' • ' tt ft. .i, ; . CDE tpetnncnhtl Tgetir oatogy JSubsidceeg.Con tol 20:IlRILLtNt;'I OG7altaci addii7otial sheets' teccccsan 1 - - . OGaotltenwat_(Ciosedd Luop) ' DTracer. • ' • .FROM' .110 • -. DESCRIPTION(color.n,tvacc.,,niEa,ct:Olit,:riu»:ru t • ': DGeollteanal(Heafinn Cnoting Return} ..ClOder(explaiicunder#21 Rettiatlg)- .0 ;14 .5 ft.. red fill I. 'ft.. 25 . . ft red siTtyi'elay . - 4:Date Well(s)Com-pitted;,'3-5-24 Ar i ll#MN-7R.• . .25 ., _ `tt.' 45 tt. red/tan silty clay I, Sit.'Wd1 Ltncatatn 45,' it, 55 (t, tan rocky.silts Edgewood Shell. ' - -. I.' 4t. i" .. C 7,. - . r, t„..,,kv, .,.t ) Fact�it},Y)ieocrNttmc. Faetl7t,mA+6fapplinWe}. �" s--�r •3 , 1210.Edgewood Rd: , Bessemer City, NC,. 28016 fA _tt j \PR 2024 . P1n5tcol.Add[ess:City,:alyd Ziif- '2 t:RI:t[ARKS.•- ' Gaston „ Bentonite seal from 41-43' is In.., irfTG "? a,._..74, zj M Lin County 1Vrcct.w ttftcation NU,(PIN} - ' . I, .I JYvl.7 r:' G) 5U. :atitudlesod:l:_ongitadeinttegrcellmintifislsccnndsorttceitt,TictctlIcei: . ,.21iGertificatioQ::. . -• . (0t:tiell field;o t.lciflong 7s'stdtlelcid) ' - . N. W c 3/5/ _ 2024 • ' Sigtst€; Ccns W cIt Contiactor Date • 6.Is.(are)thesteli(s): 10Permattent. .or DTemporaty. .. `N3'plbubr6 that fotm:;11rercLp+;ergf}thru flu;ux11t'sJ sm.(Krm}cxrnrrructrd ia;ayxnrrlmiar iehlr l5A NC!(C OTC,01 X)or 15A NCAC 02e,0200 Rt7!Constriiettat Standards and km a • . ' 7:Isthis a repair to an.eristtag Fell; §7Y or KNo taprojfhdr wool hat•h en pnruled,iotf;c a:1;110 ter. ' if rlr(s'&o repel fit/oat krruw.isall causmrctloa Frrfamun(on mut rap(alft'rlte rtrtrure of* • ' -rcpairtlmder 021 trrrtl2rt-Su..w`f(an or on the bad nftlits fornc •„23.Site diapt•am'or additional well details: - , • 'You niay:use tie back of this pagertO.pro�,ide additional well site details or.iiell S.Itutitber of Wells Constructed: 1 consttuctiotidetails, You way.alsaatiactt additional es if ne.essaty. - . •koisitillzWe trtjeeilmtornru_i-tinttersuppl weItsdh'LYIdrisrile.saniecomtruetroir,"yaucatr I e tu submit onrn. - SUIBMITTAL iNSTITCTit)NS 1. - . �: • Totalwell iepcll belowI.vid aortae.: 55 • op,') ,21.a. For All Wells: Submit this font tyithin 30 daYs'of completion of'.w'ell • For mi.Itdple llielfrlistalldeprlhs itdi ferent(esar: (e'3@AV LT1 .20"l00) - - construction to the fotioaing; • • 10.Static wsaterle%cl below tops of casieW.30 .MOIthtsiun of Water Resourc'�•,Information Ftueessimg Unit, !Ante fevef is[those casing;itu"4" '1617 M.ul Service Ccntrr';Ralc gh.NC 27699=1617. . II,Burcholedianictcr 8.25" (�) 21b,mop lteJectlort Willa ONLY: in addition to sending the foam to the address in ' • . ' 24a above.also.submit a copy of this;feint within 30 days'of contpletion.of cell 12:Well construction"method:NSA constmetiouto the following: , (i.c.auger.iotnt}::cable,dbxt push ire.}• . 'Dls•ision of Water Resources,Underground Injection"Control Program, - FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:-" •T636 Mail Service CenteC.Raleigh,NC 2769v-1636 13 t Yield Method"at list: 24e.•For"Watcr Souls-&Injection Wells: " ,_Also"subtilit One copy-orthis faint'Within 30,day Ofeompletionof 13h.Disinfection type: • - A-mount: - Ira Cons[action 6the county health'ettadment of tlte.coun. ,.where constricted. ( I• - Fonts GN-1 Noah Caroltna D.cpott matit of Hm imttniia and Natural.Resourcesi L Division of W iet Reat» -Revised Auguat'3013