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GW1--02246_Well Construction - GW1_20240409
v „a,.,vn WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD D(GW ) For Internal Use Only. 1.Well Contractor Information: [� I 1 ' iaRc-R y 'T Sieik e,rn .s 0\ IC WATIIIMPIB.S I Well Contn..etarName J mtOAa 3O DFSCPButION `� a�: A 3.'►O� a o /� csPP\ . NC Well con rceitificnion Nwnb IS.OMER CASING(re multi:-ccsed wens)ORLEI I Of Ucib1e Stephenson's Welt®riding, Inc. IROM TO ' MUSTERT !C atATEt3tat. Company Nome � Z) IL 1 V g G i/td� �_S© ' V Q at L �o t f J r Q\ 36.iPR�tE1tCAsSHi�IGOY3MIt+tG.ff mad 4000 2.Well Construction Permit#: IR TO _DIAMETER TRIMNESS _'MEDIAL List all applicable well canstrucifcmpaaits(Le.WC.Carmt%State.Y ca eta) NIA ft. ft. I in- _ 3.Weil Use(checkwefuse): /// R. I W. Water Supply Welk FROM TO I DIAL OF TtIICtIIC MATERIAL l ticuliurnl — Municipal/Public //A tL Im. Geothermal(Liealing/CaotingStpply) lRtsidentisi Wau rSupply(single) ft. It; I In. Indushia1lCommcrciat jIResidentral Water Supply(shared) 11£GRour 1LiiQdtioa moat TO INATERFAL I E5 WLAC D Ei TMETEIon&AMOU5ZT Non:Water Supply Well: q ft- ac) it 51A o rilfed Pc r ,1 50113 b x - EilMonitoring - _ __ DRccovcry IL Ih_. Chi ,t Injection Welk P Aquifer Rechatge OCuatmdrea2�Re<netiiatia3 19.SA PiD1GRAVEL PACFC�oAI 1e Aquifer5rotageandRecovery QlSalinityBarrier FROM TO i MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD DBAquiferTest QStormwaterDtainage a A It: ft. 1 xperimentalTecimology jjSnbstdencConIIal ft. 1 ft. �- Geothermal(Closed Loop) OlTracer 3so.DRILLING LOG(attsehaddiitional4 sif ) ID Geothermal(Heating�CooiingRearm) DOther(explain unde #21Remarss) o T° oxtm t rmrtuvice.matn�msl 1 ( op.ra; 1 4.Date Well(s)Completed:4-2N—� 1 WelllD I it; —d fe- R c k 5a.Well Location: ao n. S rowN S r cry so;1 &ro'/ I y r\ f4di'vves °\.$'': a3$' co uK Facility/Owner ame Pacilky 1DP(if k) ft. IL .3115 aVerI C0.rran3tkr\ l \61\1 f is , ,-'. Physical Mddres.Coy,and 2+up (S X,{Q r \t N ,Q..t �,S 6 5 j 8, f. ' 'k.'�v,. L.i is ,.a.I, J &rowlvi/le, 10\I coo aI.2,7v9c3 REPIAARKS 3 0 2024 County Parcel Identification No(PIN) t o L; - ?r^2:, lin 5b.L titude and loongitude in degrees/minutia/seconds flnti/seconds or decimal degrees: 1...:: :1" l (dwell field,onelatllong is sufficient) 32.Certification: ut"e v'./i-. 3�d �I / SO II N \%° 3 •' S5'' W i '/ , T i 1, .04— 4 -a-5' .! . .; .;, ,tvcutaonoaetoe / a� Hare 6.1s(as.)the well(s . ermanent or DTemporary Bystmtagekfsferia!!tidy eerafp tlwt de usll(s)uns irate)eatatructetl in atcatdance 7.110 this a rrpnir to an evisting Ivalk Dyes or.0910 tali LIANC.CILC.0100 ar ISA NCAC MC_OM Wall Construction Standards and that a . Iftlits is a repairdilloutImawnwilcmutrrrilaainfamaitfaaendeeeplainthenateeofthe cola'ethic retan Marhem provfdeltothane]meter- repair underb2l remarksseaianarea the baet.-ofth sforzc 23.Site diagram or additional wen detain S.For CeoprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction only 1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells . construction details. Youmay also attach additional pages if.necessary, drilled: 1— {� SUBlv(ITTALINSSRUCTIONS 9.Turd stall depth below landsnrfat e: a'si Qom) 24a,For All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well For m,jltiple wells listalldepihs dhffared(example-eV eonsbtuctioaio the following' 10.Static water level below top of easing a o (ft.) Division of Water resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifrvaterlevel is abate casing use=r`' 1617 Dad Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: Um) 24b.For intieruon WUelIn In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: A I r P.ola r y above,also submit one copy of this folai within 30 days of completion of well (t e.au constmcdonto the following: auger,mazy,cable,dime:push,eta) Division of Waterresodrees,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: ('+ 1636 Ma Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 ISa.Yield(gpm) I 5- Method oft `i Ati,3'Q 24e.For Water Svmpic&Intention Welllsa In addition to sending the form to 'J the addless(es) above, also!submit one copy of this faint within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: if T I-1 Amount: - I b. completion of wall conatroetiOn to the county health department of the county