HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110720 Ver 2_Year 1 Monitoring Report_20151130CEDAR GROVE MITIGATION SITE Orange County, NC Bank Parcel Development Plan Monitoring Year 1 Report DWR Project # 11-0720v2 Issue Date: November 2015 iso' 4. :7 Submitted By: EPX r, Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Prepared By Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project Location and Description..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives............................................................................................................ 2 2.0 Project Area — Pre -Construction Condition Summary ............................................................................ 2 3.0 Bank Site Conditions.............................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Restoration Plan............................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Vegetation Monitoring Plots............................................................................................................ 4 3.3 Photo Stations...................................................................................................................................4 4.0 Monitoring Conditions............................................................................................................................ 4 5.0 Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation........................................................................... 5 Appendix A: Site Maps Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2.1: Conservation Easement Area Figure 2.2: Vegetation Plot and Photo Station Monitoring Locations Figure 2.3: Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas Figure 2.4: BPDP Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas Figure 3: As -Built Exhibit Figure 4: Cedar Grove Stream Mitigation Plan Map Appendix B: Existing Conditions Photographs Appendix C: Vegetation Assessment Data Table 1: Plant Species Summary Table 2: Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 3: Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix E: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets Appendix F: Photo Stations Appendix G: Correspondence Letters NC DWR Credit Release Letter dated June 22, 2015 USACOE Cedar Grove Mitigation Plan Approval Letter dated May 13, 2014 Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 1.0 Introduction LI Project Location and Description Located off of McDade Store Road (NCSR 1354), northwest of its intersection with Rick Road in Orange County, North Carolina (Figure 1), is the Neuse buffer and nutrient offset mitigation site currently known as Cedar Grove Mitigation Site (Site). The Site is located approximately 0.8 miles southwest of the intersection of McDade Store Road and State Route 86 and approximately 0.7 miles northeast of the intersection McDade Store Road and Efland Cedar Grove Road. The tract containing the Site is approximately 131.5 acres, which includes area within the right- of -way along its frontage of McDade Store Road. A 60.14 acre conservation easement protects the Site. Within the conservation easement, existing riparian areas have been restored and enhanced to generate both Neuse buffer and nutrient offset (nitrogen and phosphorus) credits. In addition, the dimension, pattern, and profile of existing perennial and intermittent stream channels located within the conservation easement have been restored at the Site in accordance with the approved stream mitigation plan approved by the Interagency Review Team (IRT) as provided in Appendix G. The As -Built design of the Cedar Grove Stream Mitigation Bank site is shown in Figures 2.3 and As -Built Exhibit. The remaining 71.36 acres not placed within a conservation easement will be developed as a low-density subdivision that will consist of three (3) single-family lots that are a minimum size of 28 -acres, along with driveways, existing walking trails, and other infrastructure. Please refer to Table 1, below, for additional information regarding buffer restoration, buffer enhancement, and nutrient offset credits proposed within this Site. The Site is located within the Upper Falls Lake watershed in the Neuse River Basin (8 -digit USGS HUC 03020201, 12 -digit USGS HUC 03020201 0301), more specifically within Neuse Sub -basin 03-04-01. Stormwater runoff from this site drains into the East Fork Eno River (Stream Index #27-2-3), which is located in the northeastern section of the Site. According to the N.C. Division of Water Quality Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS), the East Fork Eno River is classified as WS -II (Water Supply II), HQW (High Quality Waters), and NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters). The WS -II classification is for "waters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes which are generally in predominantly undeveloped watersheds". HQW is a "supplemental classification intended to protect waters that are rated excellent based on biological and physical/chemical characteristics" while the NSW designation is for "Nutrient Sensitive Waters". The purpose of this Site is to improve water quality within the Neuse River Basin, specifically the Falls Lake watershed, by providing off-site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) requiring stream buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 and nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0240. Nutrient offset credits can only be provided to offset nutrient loads in the Upper and Lower Falls Lake Watersheds of the 03020201 HUC. This Site is established under the terms and conditions of the EBX Upper Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank), signed on February 10, 2012, made and entered into by EBX Neuse I, LLC (EBX), a subsidiarity of Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES), acting as the Bank Sponsor (Sponsor), and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWR). Annual monitoring activities and monitoring reports will be performed by RES. Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this buffer and nutrient offset mitigation project are: Improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributaries of the Neuse River by reducing nutrient and sediment loads into the streams caused by development and agricultural influences. Improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement. Provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributaries to the East Fork Eno River and associated riparian and upland buffers These goals will be met through the following objectives: - Establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Site. - Reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through chemical methods. - Establishing a conservation easement to provide long-term protection for the Bank Site. - Donation of the conservation easement and all of its interests, in perpetuity, to an accredited or approved land trust or stewardship program. 2.0 Project Area — Pre -Construction Condition Summary The majority of the existing riparian areas within the Site were considered maintained/disturbed and cultivated lands that have, historically, been a maintained golf course, which included fairways, greenways, driving range, and maintained fields. The Neuse riparian buffer area width within the maintained/disturbed and cultivated land areas were less than 50 feet in some instances prior to mitigation work activities. As part of buffer mitigation, Neuse buffers would be restored out to a minimum of 50 feet. Other riparian areas which extended 51 feet to a maximum of 200 feet on both sides of the bankfull elevation of each restored stream bank would be planted and described as nutrient offset areas and are shown on Figure 2.4. These areas were ripped and scarified prior to vegetation planting activities. Existing grasses were mowed and treated with herbicide to reduce competition with planted species. Where necessary, invasive species were also treated with herbicide to ensure they do not become dominant, or hinder the establishment, growth and survival of planted vegetation. In addition to maintained/disturbed and cultivated land areas within the Site, there are existing forested riparian areas which have been selectively timbered. Significant portions of the secondary understory within these existing forested riparian areas have been cleared. Riparian buffer enhancement was considered for these forested areas that are within 50 feet of the stream, but lacking adequate stem counts. Riparian buffer enhancement is defined as the process of converting a sparsely woody vegetated area (greater than or equal to 100 trees per acre but less than 200 trees per acre that are greater than or equal to five inches diameter at breast height (dbh) for trees and greater than two feet in height for shrubs) to a forested riparian buffer area (15A NCAC 02B .0233 (2)(m)). Nuisance and exotic vegetation are not included in the stem count. 2 Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 3.0 Bank Site Conditions 3.1 Restoration Plan Stream restoration and enhancement construction activities at the Bank Site were completed in early May 2015 in accordance with the Cedar Grove Stream Mitigation Plan approved by the IRT. Neuse riparian buffers and other riparian areas were planted on May 13, 2015. Construction activities included priority 1 stream restoration, stream enhancement, bank stabilization, and installation of stream structures. Removal of golf course cart paths, draining and filling ponds, and planting Neuse riparian buffers (0-50') and other riparian areas (51-200') within the conservation area were also completed. Monitoring devices were installed post -construction which included 12 photo stations and 12 vegetation plots. On June 15, 2015, DWR staff conducted an on-site visit to inspect the As -Built conditions of the buffer mitigation and nutrient offset areas. Based on DWR's findings at the site visit, approximately 4.22 acres of planted riparian areas were removed from the creditable acreage for the bank. Originally, Neuse riparian buffers and other riparian areas were proposed within Conservation Easement Area 3 along Ponds A and B as well as stream UT6 (Figure 2.4). These areas are considered not subject to generate credit and account for the 4.22 acres removed from the creditable acreage for the bank. The letter documenting DWR's findings is in ppendix G. Abandoned golf course fairway areas within the conservation easement were bush -hogged and scarified prior to vegetation planting activities. The established microtopography on level surfaces has promoted diffuse flow and surface water storage. In addition, subsurface hardpans were eliminated to promote vegetation growth and survival and to increase groundwater recharge rates. Where necessary, invasive species were treated with herbicide to ensure they do not become dominant within the Bank Site, or hinder the establishment, growth and survival of planted vegetation. The Cedar Grove Bank Site was planted with bare root seedlings consisting of species previously observed on the Bank Site and selected species known to inhabit Dry Mesic Oak -Hickory Forest community type as described in Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). Table 1 (Appendix C) provides a listing of planted species and a summary of total stems planted at the Bank Site. A total of 28,200 individual stems, or 787 stems per acre, were planted within the Bank Site, which is slightly above the desired 680 stems per acre. A total of 3,000 live stakes were also planted along streams banks to provide bank stability and aquatic cover as required per the stream mitigation plan approved by the IRT. The planted species were a mixture of hardwood tree species consistent with those found within a Basic Dry Mesic Oak -Hickory Forest in the Piedmont. Plant composition consisted of ten (10) tree species. Temporary and permanent native herbaceous seed mix was applied simultaneously to the nutrient offset restoration areas within the Bank Site area. Temporary seed will provide cover until the permanent seed applied becomes established. Temporary cover consisted of millet (Echinochloa crusgalli), annual rye grain (Secale cereale), and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum). Permanent ground cover consisted of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), deertongue (Panicum clandestinman), black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta), and riverbank wildrye (Elymus riparius). Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 3.2 Vegetation Monitoring Plots Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC permanently installed twelve (12) vegetation plots for future vegetation monitoring purposes. The locations of each vegetation plot are depicted on Figure 2.2 (Appendix A). The vegetation plots were randomly setup throughout the Bank Site and each are 100 square meters in size (10 meter by 10 meter square plots). Year 1 vegetation monitoring was conducted in general accordance to CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CVS-EEP, v4.2). Table 2 (Appendix C) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot.,A a resu of DWR's site visit on June 1'5, 2015 and the removal of 4.22 acres from the bank, vegetion plot # does not require monitoring; However, all twelve vegetation monitoring plots will Contin or --1i6 monitored. Vegetation plot #1 monitoring data will be reported; however, it has been discarded from the site's overall stems/acre average and will not be counted towards the success criteria. Monitoring Year 1 field activities were conducted on November 11 and 12, 2015. Based on the Year 1 vegetation monitoring data, all required eleven (11) vegetation monitoring p o s have met the success criteria for Year 1 monitoring. The Site's overall average Year 1 planted stems per acre is 592 excluding vegetation plot #1. The Site's overall average Year 1 total stems per acre including volunteer species is 769 excluding vegetation plot #1 (Table 2, Appendix Q. Table 3 (Appendix C) provides a more detailed summary of stem counts and the type of planted species within each vegetation monitoring plot. The survival of planted stems per acre during monitoring Year 1 range from 364 to 809 stems per acre. Photographs of each vegetation monitoring plot are located in Appendix D. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix E. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides the measurements, location, and vigor of each planted tree within the vegetation monitoring plots. 3.3 Photo Stations Photo documentation is a key essential to monitoring the success criteria of the Bank Site. Photographs provide a visual representation of the onsite vegetation conditions. RES installed twelve (12) permanent photo stations for future annual monitoring purposes. The locations of each photo station are depicted on Figures 2.2 (Appendix A). Photographs for the photo stations are located in Appendix F. 4.0 Monitoring Conditions The Site will be monitored for four (4) more consecutive years or until the required success criteria have been met as determined by DWR. The Site is performing as planned and is on track to meeting its success criteria. Overall the site's vegetation has established well in Year 1. An 76undant amount of er aceous ground cover as well as volunteer trees species were present during Year 1 monitoring activities. No problems or areas of concern were noted during Year 1 monitoring activities on the Cedar Grove Bank Site. If site conditions or tree survival rates require remediation, supplemental planting and additional site modifications will be implemented. DWR will be notified if supplemental planting is to occur within Site. The Cedar Grove Bank Site contai 12 egetative monitoring plots, 11 of which were monitored and reported for success criteria in genera cordance with the CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CVS-EEP, v4.2). Twelve (10) by ten (10) meter square plots were permanently established following completion of the planting phase and at least two opposing corners have been permanently installed and surveyed for future use. The plant species, density, survival rates, and the cause of mortality, if identifiable, have been recorded within each plot. Twelve (12) vegetation plots were sampled and reported; however, vegetation plot #1 has been discarded from the site's overall stems/acre average and is not counted towards the success criteria. Success criteria will be generated from vegetation monitoring plots 2 —12. The primary 4 Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC focus of the vegetative monitoring will be solely on the tree stratum, although shrub and herbaceous species encountered may also be recorded, but will not be counted towards the success criteria. Within Neuse buffer and nutrient offset restoration areas, success criteria will be based on the survival of a minimum density of 320 trees per acre after five years of monitoring. Within Neuse buffer enhancement areas, success criteria will be based on a minimum of at least two tree species at an average density of 320 trees per acre following five years of monitoring. Year 1 vegetation monitoring activities occurred on November 11 and 12. As of Monitoring Year 1, the Cedar Grove Bank Site yields 592 planted stems per acre and 769 total stems per acre counting volunteer species. A determination will be i'egarciing-HRe success of t e projec o owing eco ec ' ua ion of ecological and physical monitoring data, photographs, and site observations. 5.0 Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation The Cedar Grove Site will provide Neuse buffer and nutrient offset mitigation credits for development impacts within the Neuse River Basin USGS HUC 03020201, specifically the Falls Lake watershed (Figure 1). Of the 60.14 acres conservation easement (Figure 3), approximately 39.43 acres will be dedicated to Neuse buffer restoration / enhancement and nutrient offset restoration. A Neuse buffer restoration area of 14.46 acres (629,616 sf) will be used to generate 14.46 acres (629,616 sf) of Neuse buffer credits. A Neuse buffer enhancement area of 0.75 acres (32,611 sf) will be used to generate 0.25 acr sf)) (enhancement area divide by 3) of Neuse buffer credits. Therefore, a total of 14.71 acr�--�"'86eSite o Neuse buffer credit will be generated. The remaining 24.22 acres of riparian restoration ar (i.e. areas outsi o Ft se buffer) will provide nutrient offset credits for nitrogen and phosphorus. The Sitewillprov'de 55,.54 ounds of Nitrogen Nutrient Offset credit and 3,545.8of Phosphorous Nutrient Offse ed Table 1 provides a summary of mitigation credit for the Site. Table 1: Mitigation Credit Summary NEUSE BUFFER RESTORATION/ENHANCEMENT Conservation Area Neuse River Buffer Acres Restoration Enhancement 1 1.37 59,503 s 0.00 2 3.02 131,551 s 0.75 32,611 s 3 10.07 (438,562 s 0.00 TOTAL ACERAGE 14.46 629,616 s 0.75 32,611 s RATIO 1:1 3:1 TOTAL CREDITS 14.46 (629,616 sf) 0.25 (10,870 sf) NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION Conservation Area Nutrient Offset Restoration Acres Nitrogen Credit (2,273.02 lbs/ac Phosphorus Credit 146.4 lbs/ac 1 2.69 6,114.42 393.82 2 7.14 16,229.36 1,045.30 3 1 4.39 1 32,708.76 1 2,106.70 TOTAL 1 24.22 1 55,052.54 1 3,545.81 No 10 Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC 6.0 References Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2004. Guidelinesfor Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: http://www.ncegp.net/news/rel2orts/buffeE"df. Accessed August 2009. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC I:1»ON11►:I_1 Site Maps am IffEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Rd 03010104 1 Oakley Rd Lees o. O Rd Nc Q' C O N .a Q � d t O d a M CG C 0302020 �xt Hawkins Rd 0 N N d C 10 V Off. k �L Cedar Grove Mitigation Site a C1 m a Legend Roads 0 0 3 � Cedar Grove Streams vo tore Rd �0 3 Carr S o M Cedar Grove Mitigation Site �p O - Q HUC Boundary © Open,3treetMap (and) contributors, CC -BY -SA Date: 6/9/2015 FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP + �Drawn by: BSH 111 CEDAR GROVE MITIGATION SITE res 0 1,000 2,000 Checked by: xxxxxxxx Feet ORANGE COUNTY, NC { f 1 NEUSE BUFFER RESTORATION/ENIIANCEMENT 2. d Neuse River Buffer (Acres) Conservation Area Restoration Enhancement i;e fF 1 1.37 59,503 s 0 s'a 2 3.02 131,551 A 0.75 32,611 s a 3 10.07 438,562 so 0 TOTAL ACERAGE 14.46 629,616 s 0.75 32,611 s D RATIO 1:1 3:1 a TOTAL CREDITS 14.46 629,616 so 0.25 10,870 s NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION Conservation Area Nutrient Offset Nitrogen Credt Phosphorus Crecit Restoration (Acres) (2,273.02 lbs/ac) (146.4 lbs/ac) 1 2.69 6,114.42 393.82 2 7.14 16,229.36 1,045.30 3 14.39 32,708.76 2,106.70 TOTAL ---r 24.22 55,052.54 3,545.81 } N .lj , 4 tiw CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA 03 1n�,- \. , et = �." M VAL 'NCONSERVATION EASEMENT t AREA #2fk E y s' 4 • v PS s i v� '�� 28 1 AC. (OUTSIDE R/W) " �r i moi, 00, If • .w UT 5 ENHANCEMENT AREA t ^' .-_- > �A ,v -•� ''- �� • i_ ENHANCEMENT � � • AREA 2 � UT2 1 r \ id "t 1 O - 52.48 AC. (OUTSIDE R/W) _ UT 4 CONSERVATION EASEMENT EXISTING DAM TO BE MODIFIED TO SERVE AREA #1 AS A 25-FT WIDE DRIVEWAY CROSSING (I.E. PORTIONS OF THE DAM WILL BE REMOVED TO INSTALL DRIVEWAY CULVERTS) 1357 1508 77E UNE TABLE i.SSd L EAK A* 70 NPS -8' .`� LN4£ BEUONC OSTANC£ L-96 S O86 L-97 N 1629^57' E 4Q 45' L-98 N W- 70' E 32.OY V/C/NR Y MAP (NOT TO SCALE) NOTES 1. NO NO GRID MONUMENIS WERE LOCATED WDW 2000' OF TNS PROPERTY. 2 ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND MFASURENENS IN FEET h DECIMALS THEREOF, UMESS O7HERWSE NOTEDD, 3. NO URUTTES ARE SHOWN ON 7NS SURVEY. LEGEND _ R/N' = RXHT OF WAY C/L - CENTERLINE DS = £XZTMK' YNN STAKE ETP = EXISDNG IwN PIPE ON - EXLSRNG NAG M41L EPK = EX60NG PX NUL ERRS = EXIS17NC RAILROAD SPIKE £AX = EXISTING AXLE NPS - NO POINT S£T O= NO POINT SET (A) = 17E UNE (CC) = CONTROL CORNER N/P = NOW Wi FORMERLY — - - — = ADJOINING PROPERTY UNE EXkVMK' PARCEL LINES (NOT SURVEYED) I I N I n I 1 CHARRING P. McDADE I DO 775, PG 242 PD 55, PG 127 EXSEMVT FJ� 0.73 IDLES FROM ERRS, ALONG CENTERLM£ OF MCDAD£ STORE C. 1354) HJ A' INTERSECTION Of N.C. HWY.WY. 8 66 SOURCE OF TnLE OB 5323, PG 198 MB 110, PC 142 7 CH4NN6JG P. "COAX 1 DB 5206, PG 394 PE' 109, PC 8 FLOOD STAMMW THIS PROPERTY S LOCATED IN 2 AND 15 PART94LLY LOCATED 1"7H1 HAZARD ARGk AS DETtFARNED 8 DATED FERTbARY 2. =7 NUM80S 370342-9858-J d 37 M4RCERET S ANDERSON F 9D -E -3f2 DB 227, PG 1584 PON! EPK_f / v / A L; CONSERVAWN EASEMENT /2 CONSERVATION EASEMENT /1 JOHN F POPE DB 1669 PG 60 ERX NEUSE L LLC DO 5323 PG 198 AS—BUILT EXHIBIT FOR CEDAR GROVE MI TIGA TION BANK PARCEL DEVELOPMENT PI DWR-PROJECT 111-0720V2 CEDAR GROVE TOWNSHIP JUNE 15, 2015 ORANGE COUNTY, N.C. SCALE: 1" = 200' 200' 100' 0 200' 400' GRAPHIC SCALE LINE TARLE AROUND CONSERVATION Fdcl:MEM 1 LINE BEARING DISTANCE UNE 8FARING DISTANCE L-46 N 313819' £ 71.73'L-55 S 08'14'13' £ 84.36' L-47 L-56 S 6 '0 ' E 6234' L-48 L-57 L-49 N 2759'13' £ 85.69' L-58 S L-50 N 48' '13' £ 127,79' L-59 L-51 S 46'4739' E 92.35' L-60 S 4 75' W 96.56' -52 S 79Y9"29' E 55.04' L-61 S 48'4439' W 7Q ' L -5J ML X22'11' £ M ' L-62 S 8750'46' W 217.64' L-59 S 21J4�?4' £ 111.93' ERX NEUSE L LLC DO 5323 PG 198 AS—BUILT EXHIBIT FOR CEDAR GROVE MI TIGA TION BANK PARCEL DEVELOPMENT PI DWR-PROJECT 111-0720V2 CEDAR GROVE TOWNSHIP JUNE 15, 2015 ORANGE COUNTY, N.C. SCALE: 1" = 200' 200' 100' 0 200' 400' GRAPHIC SCALE APPENDIX B Existing Conditions Photographs AA iffEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Appendix B. Cedar Grove Existing Conditions Photos UTI Looking Upstream (11/12/2015) UT2 Looking Downstream (11/12/2015) UT2 Looking Upstream (11 / 12/2015) Appendix B. Existing Conditions Photos UT 1 Looking Downstream (11 /] 2/2015) UT2 Looking Downstream (11/12/2015) UT3 Looking Downstream (11/12/2015) Appendix B. Existing Conditions Photos Cedar Grove Existing Conditions Photos UT3 Looking Upstream (11/12/2015) UT4 Looking Downstream (11/12/2015) UT5 Looking Upstream (11/12/2015) UT5 Looking Downstream (11/12/2015) APPENDIX C Vegetation Assessment Data C�9 �-, I IFEnvironmental Banc & Exchange, LLC c l APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 1. Planted Species Summary Planted Date: May 13, 2015 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Total Stems Planted Betula nigra River Birch Bare Root 4,000 Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud Bare Root 200 Liriodendron tuli i era Tuli tree Bare Root 4,000 Platanus occidentalis Americansycamore Bare Root 8,200 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Bare Root 3,700 Quercus nigra Water Oak Bare Root 3,000 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Bare Root 2,000 Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak Bare Root 600 Quercus pagoda Cherry Bark Oak Bare Root 2,000 Ce halanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush Bare Root 500 809 607 Total 28,200 Salix nigra Black Willow Live Stake 1,000 Populus deltoides Cottonwood Live Stake 1,000 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Live Stake 1,000 10 769 Total 3,000 Table 2. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Plot # Stream/ Wetland Stems/Acre Riparian Buffer Stems/Acre Volunteer Stems/Acre Total Stems/Acre (Including Unknown Species) Success Criteria Met? 1 647 647 0 647 Yes 2 567 567 81 647 Yes 3 647 647 243 890 Yes 4 607 607 405 1012 Yes 5 486 486 81 567 Yes 6 364 364 0 364 Yes 7 809 809 607 1416 Yes 8 445 445 283 728 Yes 9 567 567 0 567 Yes 10 769 769 0 769 Yes 11 809 809 243 1052 Yes 12 445 445 0 445 Yes Project Average 597 597 162 759 Yes *Project Average W/o Plot 1 592 592 162 769 Yes *Vegetation Plot 1 data was disregarded from the sites success criteria totals. Table 3: Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Project Name: Cedar Grove Mitigation Site Scientific Name Common Name 05202015-01-0001 Species Type PnoLS P -all T 05202015-01-0002 PnoLS P -all T 05202015-01-0003 PnoLS P -all T 05202015-01-0004 PnoLS P -all T 05202015-01-0005 PnOLS P -all T 05: Pno Acernegundo Boxelder Tree 1 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud Tree 5 5 5 3 3 3 DONTKNOW: unsure record Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash Tree Liquidambarstyraciflua Sweetgum Tree 6 1 1 10 1 2 Liriodendrontulipifera Tuliptree Tree 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore Tree 7 7 7 2 2 2 1 5 5 5 9 9 9 2 Quercus Oak Tree Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 1 1 1 3 Quercus nigra wateroak Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak ITree 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 Rhus copallinum IFlameleafSumac Shrub 1 Ulmus americana JAmerican Elm Tree Unknown IShrub or Tree Stem count 16 16 16 14 14 16 16 16 22 size (ares) 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 3 3 3 6 6 8 6 6 7 Stems per ACRE 647.5 647.5 647.5 566.6 566.6 647.5 647.5 647.5 890.3 15 4 607 1 15 1 0.02 4 607 25 12 12 14 9 a0.02 5 5 1012 485.6 APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Appendix D. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Cedar Grove Vegetation Monitoring Year 1 Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 2 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 3 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 4 (11/12/2015) V 6 Vegetation Plot 5 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 6 (11/12/2015) Appendix D. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Cedar Grove Vegetation Monitoring Year 1 Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 7 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 8 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 9 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 10 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 11 (11/12/2015) Vegetation Plot 12 (11/12/2015) APPENDIX E Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheets tm am fff Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0001 map source X Y ID Species char (m) (m) Nov 2015 Data ddb Height DBH (mm) (cm) (cm) o THIS YEAR'S DATA ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Dama e* Notes (mm) (cm) (cm) sproutg g Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 05202015-01-0001 27.0 ❑ P Role: Date last planted: 05/2015 �� VMD Year (1-5): ' 2 Date: New lanting date m/yy? C� / / / / Taxonomic Standard: Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below ❑ 3 Quercus sp. O Taxonomic Standard DATE: 1.1 Latitude or UTM-N: Missing 890580.3392 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg.or m) Longitude or UTM-E: ® 1953374.114 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5'I X -Axis bearing (deg): 168 ❑ Plot Dimensions: X: IOI y; 10 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X ID Species Name Map Source* X Y char O.lm 0.1m Nov 2015 Data Height DBH lcm* 1 cm z 0 * ❑ THIS YEAR'S DATA Height DBH Re- Vi or* Damage* Notes lcm* I cm sprout g g 1 Platanus occidentalis O R 1.0 0.4 27.0 ❑ 2 Platanus occidentalis ® R 1.1 2.8 47.0 ❑ 3 Quercus sp. O R 1.1 5.3 Missing ❑ 4 Platanus occidentalis ® R 1.2 7.9 55.0 ❑ 5 Quercus sp. O R 3.2 9.4 Missing ❑ 7 Platanus occidentalis O R 3.2 7.2 63.0 ❑ 8 Platanus occidentalis R 3.2 4.8 18.0 ❑ 9 Platanus occidentalis O R 3.3 2.9 55.0 ❑ 10 Quercus sp. O R 3.3 0.6 Missing ❑ 11 Cercis canadensis O R 5.6 0.5 25.0 ❑ 12 Cercis canadensis O R 5.6 3.1 Missing ❑ 13 Cercis canadensis Oj R 5.7 5.8 47.0 ❑ 14 Cercis canadensis ® R 5.6 8.4 38.0 ❑ 15 Cercis canadensis R 7.6 7.9 30.0 ❑ 16 Cercis canadensis R 7.7 5.3 Missing ❑ 17 Cercis canadensis O R 7.6 3.1 37.0 ❑ 18 Platanus occidentalis O R 7.6 0.7 Missing ❑ 19 Platanus occidentalis O R 9.9 0.2 35.0 ❑ 20 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 9.8 2.4 39.0 ❑ 21 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 9.7 4.8 22.0 ❑ 22 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 9.8 7.0 38.0 ❑ 23 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 9.7 9.2 26.0 ❑ # stems. 22 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name Source* X Y Height DBH (m) (m) I cm* 1 cm Vigor Damage Notes *SOURCE: Ti -Transplant, L=Live stake 13=13 11 and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown P. *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2 -fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Primed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0001 Nov 201 5 Data o THIS YEAR'S DATA map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Natural Woody Stems -tallied by species Explanation of cut-off & subsamMing": ei ht Cut-Off(All stems shorter than this are ignored. If>10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ IOcm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name D C SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required ifcut-off >1Ocm or subsample ? 100%. 01 02 .......r.�s: 03 *4 NS 6 S 0 Form WS2,ver 9.1 *SOURCE: Tr Trans )ant L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicAIX, U=Unknown *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2 -fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0001 X-axis: 168 ° # stems: 22 map size: N LARGE (0,0) X:5 m B= *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Hunan TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 05202015-01-0002 Pa Role: Date last planted: VMD Year (1-5): 1-2 ] Date: / // / New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Taxonomic Standard: Notes: sampled, specify reason below Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 890558.7357 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1954312.697 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): 257 Plot Dimensions: X: 16 Y: F 10 ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m 1cm* 1 cm ` Icm* 1 cm sprout g g 36 Quercus rubra O R 0.7 0.7 Missing ❑ 37 Cercis canadensis O R 0.4 2.6 71.0 ❑ 38 Quercus pagoda ® R 0.5 5.1 46.0 ❑ 39 Quercus phellos ® R 0.6 7.8 8.0 ❑ 40 Quercus nigra O R 2.9 9.7 Missing ❑ 41 Quercus nigra ® R 2.8 7.5 Missin g ❑ 42 Cercis canadensis O R 2.9 5.1 38.0 ❑ 43 Cercis canadensis O R 2.8 2.9 30.0 ❑ 44 Quercus pagoda O R 3.2 0.7 69.0 ❑ 45 Quercus phellos O R 5.3 0.3 16.0 ❑ 46 Platanus occidentalis O R 5.3 2.8 Missing ❑ 47 Quercus sp. Oj R 5.3 5.2 Missing ❑ 48 Liriodendron tulipifera ® R 5.3 7.6 Missing1:1 49 Quercus nigra O R 7.5 8.8 48.0 ❑ 50 Quercus nigra R 7.7 6.5 20.0 ❑ 51 Quercus phellos R 7.7 3.9 47.0 ❑ 52 Platanus occidentalis O R 7.7 1.9 56.0 ❑ 53 Quercus rubra O R 9.8 0.6 17.0 ❑ 54 Quercus phellos O R 9.8 3.0 31.0 ❑ 55 Platanus occidentalis O R 9.8 5.7 48.0 ❑ 56 Quercus rubra O R 9.8 8.1 13.0 ❑ 57 Quercus rubra O R 9.8 9.7 7.0 ❑ # stems: 22 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes Y *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 riot tcontinuen): 05202015-01-0002 Nov 2015 Data o THIS YEAR'S DATA map source X Y ddh Height DBH ddh Height DBH Re - ID Species Vigor Damage Notes P char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout j Explanation of cut-off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamdin¢**: ei ht Cut-Oif(Allstems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name p c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (writDH) **Required ifcit-off >1Ocm or subsample ? 100%. 01 :2 • 3 .. 0 *4 •• NS •• �6 7 N8 •• N N N ]0 Form WS2, Va 9.I *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0002 x-axis: 257 # stems: 22 map size: I I ' LARGE { N (0,0) X:5m *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 6 ` *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l0cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 l I E 6 6 71 71 7� 73 74 #s SFccies INameSource* r Height DBH __ "' •• � triantea woody Stems) Form: im) gym) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes - I f Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 052020169_—11-nnn,2 Please fill in any missing data and correct anv errnrc_ 3wxCl : "1'r Trans 'at L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=baze Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown aa gtion, UN 1=unlikely. survive yea, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, STOck, ane, /Unkned, VINE 7 M=missing. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I Ocm if>2.5m and Omlaf>4m. KNown, specify other. Printed in the CYS EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0003 Nov 2015 Data o 1 J711 r L�"" ---- map source X Y ddh Height DBH ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) * (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Explanation of cut off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species ^& subsant P**: 04, Heigh Lut-Off (All sterns shoiter than this are ignored. If>10cm,explain why to the right): ❑ 1OCm ❑ 50em ❑ 100em ❑ 137em SEEDLINGS —HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS--DBH TREES — DBH 10 cm- 50 cm- 100 cm- =10 Species Name a 50 cm J100 cm 137 cm s�pl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- (write DBH) **Required ifcct-off>10cm or subsample? 100%. 411 • 2 • 3 ♦ 1 • •S 1:46 6N• r ::8 :: ::0 Fom1WS2,ver9.1 • •• - — --- -- --- - *SOURCTt-Trans lant L=Live stake B=B 11 and burlap, P=Potted Tu-Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=U own E: *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown *=unlikely to survive year, o=dead, ANIMaI, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Y Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0003 X-axis: 246 ° # stems: 17 map stze: LARGE N\ (0,0) X:5m -Nuutcta;: l f 1Yans lant L=Live stake B=BaII and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown D. *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown l=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 1.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 05202015-01-0004 VMD Year (1-5): 721 Date: / / / / Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 890062.7158 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg.or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1954555.225 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): 210 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Role: Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Plot Dimensions: X: '0 Y: 10 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data z THIS YEAR'S DATA 5 Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* * Dama e* Notes ID Species Name char O.Im 0.1m lcm* 1 cm * lcm* 1 cm sprout g g 75 Quercus phellos O R 2.2 0.3 Missing ❑ 76 Platanus occidentalis O R 4.2 0.2 46.0 ❑ 77 Betula nigra O R 5.9 0.3 58.0 ❑ 78 Betula nigra O R 7.8 0.8 49.0 ❑ 79 Platanus occidentalis R 9.5 1.2 55.0 ❑ 80 Platanus occidentalis O R 7.8 3.7 Missing ❑ 81 Platanus occidentalis O R 5.6 3.2 48.0 ❑ 82 Quercus pbellos O R 3.8 2.6 27.0 ❑ 83 Platanus occidentalis ® R 2.1 2.0 53.0 ❑ 84 Platanus occidentalis O R 0.1 1.3 40.0 ❑ 85 Platanus occidentalis ® R 0.5 4.4 54.0 ❑ 86 Quercus phellos R 3.1 5.0 45.0 ❑ 87 Quercus phellos 0 R 5.4 5.7 27.0 ❑ 88 Quercus rubra R 8.2 6.1 16.0 ❑ 89 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 9.7 9.4 Missing ❑ El 1 90 Platanus occidentalis R 8.1 9.1 59.0 ❑ 91 Platanus occidentalis ® R 7.7 8.5 53.0 ❑ 92 Platanus occidentalis O R 2.8 7.8 49.0 ❑ 93 Quercus phellos O R 0.8 7.8 Missing ❑ # stems: 19 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Ti=Trans lant L=Live stake B=B 11 and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown P. 10 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0004 Nov 2015 Data o — HEIGHT CLASSES THIS YEAR'S DATA ID Species map source X Y char (m) (m) ddb Height DBH (mm) (cm) (cm) N * ddh (mm) Height DBH Re- * * Vigor Damage Notes (cm) (cm) sprout Exulanation of cut-off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamolin¢**: Heigh Cut -Off (All sterns shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name D c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH **Required if cit-off>10cm or subsample? 100%. 01 �;10, 3 • *4 •. N5 •• �6 •• �7 N tt8 N � 0 Form WS2, ver 9.1 : *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown 11 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I0cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0004 Y:5 { • 1 X-axis: 210' # stems: 19 map sue: 0 LARGE N 1 (0,0) X:5111 *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown V. 12 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2—fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 t l i II (0,0) X:5111 *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown V. 12 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2—fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 t l Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 05202015-01-0005 Pa Role: Date last planted: VMD Year (1-5): Date: / / 1 F/ / New planting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Taxonomic Standard: Notes: sampled, specify reason below Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 889560.9106 Datum: NAD8YW (dec.deg.or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1954029.015 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5i X -Axis bearing (deg): I 106 Plot Dimensions: X: 10' Y: 10 LlPlot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH * Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m Icm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout 94 Quercus rubra O R 0.1 0.3 40.0 ❑ 95 Quercus rubra $) R 0.1 3.4 58.0 ❑ 96 Quercus rubra O R 0.2 6.6 61.0 ❑ 97 Quercus rubra O R 1.0 9.6 61.0 ❑ 98 Quercus pbellos 0 R 2.8 7.9 Missin g ❑ 99 Quercus phellos O R 2.7 5.8 Missing ❑ 100 Quercus phellos O R 2.6 3.2 49.0 ❑ 101 Quercus nigra ® R 2.9 LO 51.0 ❑ 102 Quercus michauxii O R 5.7 1.0 40.0 ❑ 103 Quercus rubra © R 5.7 3.3 53.0 ❑ 104 Quercus phellos O R 5.9 5.6 MissingEl 105 Quercus phellos ® R 6.8 7.7 MissingF-1 106 Quercus pagoda O R 7.7 9.6 22.0 ❑ 107 Quercus rubra R 9.4 9.0 59.0 ❑ 108 Cercis canadensis R 9.5 6.2 Missin 8 ❑ 109 Quercus rubra O R 9.7 3.6 26.0 ❑ 110 Quercus phellos O R 9.4 1.2 Missin g ❑ 111 Quercus phellos O R 5.2 9.8 46.0 ❑ # stems: 18 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to IOcm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Toot ver. 7.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0005 Nov 2015 Data z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout planation of cut-off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamolina**: Height Cut -Off (All sterns shorter than this are ignored. If >10an, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name p c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required ifctioff>1Ocm or subsample? 100%. •I • •2 • 3 • • • •4 • • 1 N5 • • :6 • ♦ •7 N• 81 •-• •-•0 Fonn WS2, ver9.l *SOURCE: TrTrans lant L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown 1 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=11air, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0005 Y X-axis: 106 ° N # stems: 18 map size: LARGE U (0,0) X:5m *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 05202015-01-0006 VMD Year (1-5): Fil Date: / / Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 890785.7802 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg.or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1954563.782 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): 218 Please fill in any, missing data and correct any errors. Role: Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? 0 Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y: 10 El Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data Z THIS YEAR'S DATA 5 Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m ]cm* 1 cm * lcm* 1 cm sprout g g 112 Quercus rubra O R 0.1 0.1 Missing71 113 Quercus phellos O R 2.6 0.0 42.0 ❑ 114 Liriodendron tulipifera Q R 5.0 0.3 Missing ❑ 115 Platanus occidentalis Q R 7.4 0.7 10.0 ❑ 116 Quercus nigra R 9.8 1.0 8.0 ❑ 117 Quercus michauxii Q R 7.9 3.7 32.0 ❑ 118 Platanus occidentalis O R 5.3 3.4 10.0 ❑ 119 Quercus michauxii Q R 2.7 3.3 18.0 ❑ 120 Quercus michauxii ® R 0.2 3.4 41.0 ❑ 121 Betula nigra O R 0.7 7.1 66.0 ❑ 122 Betula nigra ® R 3.2 7.2 57.0 ❑ 123 Platanus occidentalis ® R 5.5 7.2 Missing ❑ 124 Quercus michauxii O R 8.0 6.9 Missing ❑ 125 Platanus occidentalis R 9.7 9.9 MissingEl 126 Platanus occidentalis ® R 7.7 9.9 Missing ❑ 127 Platanus occidentalis ® R 4.8 9.8 Missing ❑ 128 Platanus occidentalis ® R 1.9 9.7 Missing ❑ # stems: 17 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name Source* X Y Height DBH (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME,LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0006 Nov 2015 Data o THIS YEAR'S DATA map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Ex lanation of cutoff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamoHi 2**: Heigh Cut-Off(All stems shorter than thisareignored. if>l0cm,explain why tothe right.): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name 0 c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) "Required ifcttoff>1Ocmorsubsample?100%. •I •2 • •3 •• ••4 • • NS •• 6 • �•7 j• �8 3 •r 0 Form WS2, ver 9.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Trans lant L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=P _d, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanical) U=Unknown 17 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0—dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DlSeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0006 Y:5 X-axis: 218 ° # stems: 17 map size: LARGE N *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanical) U=Unknown P. 18 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DlSeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 05202015-01-0007 VMD Year (1-5): 2 Date: Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: L ' Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Y: Role: Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below atttude or UTM-N: 889142.07 Datum: NAD83/W (deadeg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1953725.702 j UTM Zone: 17NLEE -1] L Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): ]54 Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y: ]0 ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 de ree t h - - "- i taus tanr t �2- ive stake B=Bal] and burla P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=goofair, *DAMAGE: REMikely to survive year, 0 ad, 19 H missing Arang l Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 1 Ocm if 12.5m an0 mli f>4m. KNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 g s o t e right of X FO.lm Nov 2015 Data z ° THIS YEAR'S DATA ID Species Name Map Source* X O.lm Height DBH � Height DBH Re- 129 Quercus rubra Icm* 1 cm cm* Vigor* Damage* Notes I cm sprout 130 Quercus rubra O R 0.1 0.0 56.0 ❑ 131 Quercus rubra c R ❑ 0.2 2.6 65.0 ❑ 132 Quercus rubra d R ❑ 0.2 4.8 51.0 ❑ Quercus michauxii e R ❑ 0.3 7.4 52.0 El133 134 Liriodendron tulipifera b R ❑ 0.1 10.0 43.0 ❑ 135 Quercus pagoda O R 2.3 8.1 Missing ❑ 136 Quercus rubra ® R 2.3 5.3 63.0 ❑ 137Missing Quercus rubra R 2.3 2.7 ❑ 138 Quercus phellos O R 2.1 0.2 Missing ❑ 139 Platanus occidentalis 0 R 4.1 1.5 61.0 ❑ 140 Platanus occidentalis © R 4.2 3.7 43.0 141 Platanus occidentalis ❑j R 4.4 5.6 58.0 ❑ 142 Betula nigra ® R 4.6 7.6 45.0 ❑ 143 Quercus phellos ® R 4.5 9.7 38.0 ❑ 144 Liriodendron tulipifera ❑r R 6.5 8.1 10.0 ❑ 145 Betula nigra @ R 6.4 5.6 32.0 146 Betula nigra ® R 6.4 3.0 41.0 147 Quercus phellos O R 6.3 0,955.0 E]❑ 148 Platanus occidentalis s R ❑ 8.2 1.7 24.0 ❑ 149 Platanus occidentalis t R ❑ 8.3 3.9 45.0 ❑ 150 Quercus phellos O R 8.4 5.5 49.0 151 Quercus phellos v R ❑ 8.5 7.6 34.0 ❑ #stems: 23 New Stems, not w R ❑ included last 8.6 9.7 45.0 ❑ year, but are obviously planted. If more space Species Name ';z--* X Y Heieht nm4 needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form - - "- i taus tanr t �2- ive stake B=Bal] and burla P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=goofair, *DAMAGE: REMikely to survive year, 0 ad, 19 H missing Arang l Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 1 Ocm if 12.5m an0 mli f>4m. KNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0007 Nov 2015 Data o tni� map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes TT) Sneeies char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Explanation of cut-0ff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsampline**: Heigh Cut -Off (All stens shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10ctn ❑ 50cm ❑ 10 SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH 10 cm- 50 cm- 100 cm - Species Name c Sed 50 cm 100 cm 137 cm Sap1 0-1 cm 1-2.5 **Required if crtoff >] Ocm or subsample ? 100%. L— — --- •l t2 •• 1004 INS *61 m ❑ 13 /cm TREES — DBH =10 2.5- 5- (write DBH) X0 Form W S2, ver 9.1- *SOURCE:T Trans lant L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root nknown M=MechanicallU=Unknown *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/U 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Y Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0007 x-axis: 154 # stems: 23 N-0 map size: LARGE (0,0) X:5m *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 05202015-01-0008 Pa : Role: Date last planted: VMDYear (1-5): Date: / / / / New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Taxonomic Standard: Notes: sampled, specify reason below Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 888878.6851 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg.or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1953408.748 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): r 56 Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y: 10, ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 DataZ THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH * Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m lcm* 1 cm Icm* 1 cm sprout 152 Quercus phellos O R 0.1 0.1 48.0 ❑ 153 Quercus phellos O R 2.4 0.3 Missing ❑ 154 Quercus phellos O R 4.7 0.3 42.0 ❑ 155 Quercus phellos ® R 6.9 0.2 40.0 ❑ 156 Platanus occidentalis R 9.1 0.0 83.0 ❑ 157 Platanus occidentalis O R 8.3 2.9 Missing ❑ 158 Platanus occidentalis O R 6.1 3.2 Missing ❑ 159 Liriodendron tulipifera ® R 3.9 3.2 21.0 ❑ 160 Liriodendron tulipifera ® R 1.7 3.1 40.0 ❑ 161 Betula nigra O R 1.4 6.3 53.0 ❑ 162 Betula nigra R 3.7 6.3 Missin 8 ❑ 163 Betula nigra 0 R 6.2 6.5 30.0 ❑ 164 Betula nigra R 8.3 6.2 MissingEl 165 Betula nigra O R 9.8 8.8 Missing ❑ 166 Betula nigra O R 7.4 9.1 71.0 ❑ 167 Betula nigra O R 5.2 9.2 71.0 ❑ 168 Quercus sp. O R 3.2 9.1 Missin g ❑ 169 Quercus sp. ® R 1.1 8.8 45.0 ❑ # stems: 18 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* I cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 2 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Toot ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0008 Nov 2015 Data o THIS YEAR'S DATA map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Exnlanation of cut-off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamoline**: Ci ht Cut-OIT(Allstems shorter than this are ignored. If>l0cm,explain why to the right.): ❑ 10cm ❑50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name D c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm sub_ saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required ifcut-off>10cmor subsample?100%. 01 •2 • 3 • 04 0-05 :46 t•7 �8 0 Form WS2,ver 9.1 *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 2 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0008 Y: f # stems: 18 —7 X-axis: 56 ° N 0// map size. LARGE ( *SOURCE: Tr—Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicallU=Unknown p. 24 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown t 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. i *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 T 1�} O O II O © 0 II ( *SOURCE: Tr—Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicallU=Unknown p. 24 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown t 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. i *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 05202015-01-0009 P Role: Date last planted: VMD Year (1-5): '-21 Date:/ -7-1- / / New I rating date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Taxonomic Standard: Notes: sampled, specify reason below Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 888860.4046 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1951982.528 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): 50 Plot Dimensions: X: 10' Y: 10 ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data Z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH N Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char O.lm O.lm lcm* 1 cm lcm* 1 cm sprout g g 170 Quercus sp. O R 0.1 0.1 Missing1:1 171 Platanus occidentalis O R 2.2 0.1 35.0 ❑ 172 Platanus occidentalis O R 4.3 0.2 60.0 ❑ 173 Quercus rubra ® R 6.3 0.3 48.0 ❑ 174 Quercus phellos @ R 8.6 0.4 45.0 ❑ 175 Platanus occidentalis O R 7.9 3.1 38.0 ❑ 176 Quercus rubra O R 5.3 3.2 130.0 7.0 ❑ 177 Platanus occidentalis R 2.9 3.6 108.0 6.0 ❑ 178 Platanus occidentalis ® R 0.8 2.9 Missing ❑ 179 Quercus phellos O R 1.1 5.6 62.0 ❑ 180 Quercus phellos R 3.3 5.9 Missing11 181 Platanus occidentalis O R 5.4 5.5 Missing ❑ 182 Quercus michauxii O R 7.5 5.6 60.0 ❑ 183 Quercus sp. O R 9.4 5.4 45.0 ❑ 184 Quercus sp. O R 9.9 9.1 80.0 ❑ 185 DONTKNOW: unsure record R 7.8 8.8 Missin g ❑ 186 Quercus michauxii O R 5.6 8.7 55.0 ❑ 187 Quercus michauxii ® R 3.4 9.0 85.0 ❑ 188 Platanus occidentalis ® R 1.4 9.8 62.0 ❑ # stems: 19 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 2 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0009 map source X Y 1D Species char (m) (m) Nov 2015 Data o ddh Height DBH * (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) THIS YEAR'S DATA ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes (cm) (cm) sprout planation of cutoff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamyine**: el htCut-Of(Allstemsshorterthanthisareignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50em ❑ 100em ❑ 137em Species Name p C SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sap] 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) "Required ifcuoff>lOcmorsubsample?100%. 01 •2 • •3 • • ••4 • • 1 •45 • • :•6 �•7 • • /�� NE :-• ) •-� 10 FoimWS2,va9.1 �-• *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicallU=Unknown p. 2 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown I=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0009 Y:5 X-axis: 50 ° # stems: 19 0 ���N map size: ( ' ) LARGE (010) X:5)111 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2—fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 05202015-01-0010 VMD Year (1-5): _21 Date: / / / / Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 889185.9688 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg.or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1952614.215 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5, X -Axis bearing (deg): � 174 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Role: Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Plot Dimensions: X: 10i Y: 10 ❑ Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data z 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH ID Species Name char O.lm 0.1m lcm* 1 cm 189 Quercus phellos O R 0.1 0.0 55.0 ❑ 190 Quercus sp. © R 0.3 2.1 Missing ❑ 191 Quercus phellos O R 0.4 4.2 55.0 ❑ 192 Quercus phellos O R 0.3 6.3 62.0 ❑ 193 Quercus phellos ® R 0.2 8.4 50.0 ❑ 194 Quercus nigra R 2.2 9.5 58.0 ❑ 195 Quercus rubra O R 2.3 6.6 60.0 ❑ 196 Quercus rubra O R 2.4 3.6 62.0 ❑ 197 Quercus rubra ® R 2.4 0.7 35.0 ❑ 198 Platanus occidentalis O R 4.5 2.0 62.0 ❑ 199 Platanus occidentalis ® R 4.5 4.5 60.0 ❑ 200 Platanus occidentalis O R 4.5 7.4 55.0 ❑ 201 Platanus occidentalis ® R 4.5 9.8 62.0 ❑ 202 Betula nigra R 6.9 7.4 98.0 ❑ 203 Betula nigra O R 6.9 4.5 25.0 ❑ 204 Betula nigra O R 6.9 1.4 80.0 ❑ 205 Quercus phellos ® R 9.2 1.3 25.0 ❑ 206 Quercus sp. O R 9.3 3.1 35.0 ❑ 207 Quercus sp. O R 9.3 5.1 Missing ❑ 208 Platanus occidentalis O R 9.4 7.5 64.0 ❑ 209 Platanus occidentalis O R 9.6 9.6 58.0 ❑ # stems: 21 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr -Trans lant L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicallU=Unknown p. 2 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0010 Nov 2015 Data o THIS YEAR'S DATA map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Ex Dl a don of cutoff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & subsamdim¢**: Height Cut -Off (All steins shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10cm ❑50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name 0 C SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm sub- saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBII) "Required ifcitoff>lOcmorsubsample?100%. 01 •2 • •3 • • ••4 • • •-•5 • • }-•6 • t•7 tt8 N-• �N-• �10 FonnWS2,ver9.1 *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 29 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0010 Y: c X-axis: 174 ° # stems: 21 map size: No LARGE (0,0) X:5m *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicallU=Unlmown p. 30 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DIseased, VINE M missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. t *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 ft �J O 0 5n O I so (0,0) X:5m *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicallU=Unlmown p. 30 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DIseased, VINE M missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. t *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot 05202015-01-0011 VMD Year (1-5): 71� Date: / /-T F / / Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 889598.4073 Datum: NAD83/W (dec.deg. or m) Longitude or UTM-E: 1952446.46 UTM Zone: 17N Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): 164 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Role: Date last planted: New lanting date m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y; 10; ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data z THIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH Height DBH Re- Vigor* Dama e* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m lcm* 1 cm * lcm* 1 cm sprout g g 210 Quercus michauxii O R 0.1 0.0 50.0 ❑ 211 Quercus michauxii O R 2.2 0.1 50.0 ❑ 212 Quercus sp. O R 4.3 0.1 58.0 ❑ 213 Cercis canadensis O R 6.5 0.1 34.0 ❑ 214 Quercus michauxii O R 8.8 0.2 60.0 ❑ 215 Quercus rubra O R 9.6 2.2 20.0 ❑ 216 Quercus rubra @ R 7.3 2.2 48.0 ❑ 217 Quercus rubra O R 4.9 2.3 40.0 ❑ 218 Quercus sp. R 2.6 2.4 Missing ❑ 219 Quercus michauxii ® R 0.4 2.3 20.0 ❑ 220 Quercus phellos O R 0.8 4.7 48.0 ❑ 221 Quercus michauxii ® R 2.9 4.7 45.0 ❑ 222 Quercus michauxii O R 5.0 4.7 Missing ❑ 223 Quercus michauxii ® R 7.0 4.7 53.0 ❑ 224 Quercus michauxii O R 9.0 4.7 80.0 ❑ 225 Quercus rubra O R 8.1 6.7 40.0 ❑ 226 Quercus rubra O R 5.5 6.7 50.0 ❑ 227 Quercus rubra O R 3.2 6.6 45.0 ❑ 228 Betula nigra ® R 1.0 6.6 55.0 ❑ 229 Betula nigra O R 2.1 9.1 92.0 ❑ 230 Quercus phellos ® R 5.1 9.1 60.0 ❑ 231 Quercus phellos O R 8.0 9.1 58.0 ❑ # stems: 22 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH Species Name Source* (m) (m) 1 cm* 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 3 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0 -dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0011 Nov 2015 Data o THIS YEAR'S DATA map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Natural Woody Stems -tallied by species planation of cut-off & subsamolin¢**: Height fut-0 ff (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If>]Ocm,explain why to the right.): ❑ IOCM ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name D C SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required ifcutoff>] Ocm or subsample? 100%. 01 •2 • •• • 3 • #4 •• •-05 •• :6 ♦ •7 • N �8 ) •-� 0 Form WS2, ver 9.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanical) U=Unknown p. 3 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2—fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DlSeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0011 N' 7 X-axis: 164 ° N-0 # stems: 22 map size: LARGE (0,0) X:5m *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Toot ver. 2.3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot 05202015-01-0012 P Role: Date last planted: VMD Year (1-5): FTI Date: / / _ New lanting date m/yy? Taxonomic Standard: Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 889560.9684 Datum: NAD83/W (dem) Longitude or UTM-E: 1952957.56 UTM Zone: 17N TM - Coordinate Accuracy (m): 0.5 X -Axis bearing (deg): 108 Plot Dimensions: X: 10 Y: 10 ❑ plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Nov 2015 Data ZTHIS YEAR'S DATA 0 Map Source* X Y Height DBH N Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1m 0.1m ]cm* 1 cm * lcm* I cm sprout g g 232 Betula nigra O R 0.1 0.2 65.0 ❑ 233 Liriodendron tulipifera O R 2.7 0.4 Missing ❑ 234 Quercus sp. O R 5.5 0.3 64.0 ❑ 235 Platanus occidentalis R 8.3 0.3 60.0 ❑ 236 Platanus occidentalis R 8.2 2.9 61.0 ❑ 237 Liriodendron tulipifera ® R 5.9 2.7 20.0 ❑ 238 Liriodendron tulipifera ® R 3.7 2.7 38.0 ❑ 239 Betula nigra ® R 1.5 2.6 MissingF-1 240 Liriodendron tulipifem ® R 0.5 4.9 Missing1:1 241 Quercus phellos ® R 2.9 4.9 MissingEl 242 Platanus occidentalis Oj R 5.4 5.0 Missing ❑ 243 Liriodendron tulipifera R 7.7 5.6 Missin g ❑ 244 Quercus phellos O R 9.4 7.0 12.0 ❑ 245 Quercus phellos O R 7.5 9.1 43.0 ❑ 246 Quercus phellos ® R 5.7 8.1 25.0 0 247 Quercus rubra Q R 4.6 9.0 55.0 ❑ 248 Quercus sp. O R 3.6 7.7 Missing 249 Quercus sp. © R 1.5 7.7 Missing ❑ 250 Platanus occidentalis G) R 1.0 9.5 33.0 ❑ # stems: 19 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBH *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): 05202015-01-0012 Nov 2015 Data o THIS YEAR'S DATA map source X Y ddh Height DBH * ddh Height DBH Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species char (m) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (mm) (cm) (cm) sprout Explanation of cutoff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & sobsamoline*: Ci htCut-Oti(Allstemsshorterthanthisareignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.): ❑ 10cm ❑ 50cm ❑ 100cm ❑ 137cm Species Name [21 c SEEDLINGS — HEIGHT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sap] 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) **Required ifcit-off >1Ocm or subsample ? 100%. 101 •2 • • 3 •• • 164 •• •45 •• ♦-•6 ♦ •7 �8 •• N t�3 •,• 0 FormWS2,ver 9.l *SOURCE: Tr–Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=MechanicallU=Unknown p. 3 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0–dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 Map of stems on plot 05202015-01-0012 Y: t a X-axis: 108 ° N # stems: 19 \� map size: ULARGE r (0,0) X:5m *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 36 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 24air, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 t 0 0 5n II (0,0) X:5m *SOURCE: Tr --Transplant, L=Live stake B=Ball and burls P --Potted, Tu=Tublin R=bare Root M=Mechanicall U=Unknown p. 36 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 24air, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 t APPENDIX F Photo Stations Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC f -� f I 1 1 1 { 1 Appendix F. Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 1 Photo Station 1 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 1 East (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 1 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 1 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 2 Photo Station 2 North (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 2 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 2 East (11/12/2015) Photo Station 2 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 3 Photo Station 3 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 3 East (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 3 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 3 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 4 Photo Station 4 North (11 / 12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 4 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 4 East (11/12/2015) Photo Station 4 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 5 Photo Station 5 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 5 East (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 5 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 5 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 6 P; 6 Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 6 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 6 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 6 East (11/12/2015) Photo Station 6 West (11/12/2015) I I I I I I 1 I t t I l l l I 1 l l l t l l l Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 7 Photo Station 7 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 7 East (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 7 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 7 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 8 Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 8 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 8 East (11/12/2015) Photo Station 8 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 9 Photo Station 9 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 9 East (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 9 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 9 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 10 Photo Station 10 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 10 East (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 10 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 10 West (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 11 Photo Station 11 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 11 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 11 East (11/12/2015) Photo Station 11 West (11/12/2015) Cedar Grove Photo Stations Photo Station 12 Photo Station 12 North (11/12/2015) Photo Station 12 East (11/12/2015) Appendix F. Photo Stations Photo Station 12 South (11/12/2015) Photo Station 12 West (11/12/2015) APPENDIX G Correspondence Letters NO Al Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC i r C l l 1. 1, l 1. l l.� fi*LA)W� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor June 22, 2015 Ms. Daniel Ingram Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary DWR Project #: 2011-0720v2 Orange County Re: Upper Neuse River Basin Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (LIMBI) Cedar Grove Bank Credit Release — Task 2 Dear Mr. Ingram: On October 2, 2012, the Division of Water Resources (DWR), approved a Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP) for the Cedar Grove Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel submitted by Environmental Banc & Exchange, LLC (EBX) and affiliate of Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES). On June 9, 2015, Katie Merritt with DWR received documentation from EBX that the subject site had been constructed in its entirety and monitoring plots had been established. On June 15, 2015, Ms. Merritt, with assistance from Brian Hockett with RES, inspected the site and confirmed that most of the subject site had been completely planted and monitoring devices had been established in accordance with the BPDP. However, planted areas adjacent to Pond A and Pond B, as well as along the ephemeral channel label "Feature B" are not creditable for riparian buffer mitigation or nutrient offset under the UMBI, and therefore must be removed from the Bank. Additionally, the enhancement area along Feature B proposed for buffer mitigation must also be removed. A map showing these features are attached to this letter for reference. The credits being released have been modified to reflect any changes to the creditable acreage as proposed in the BPDP. According to the UMBI signed on February 10, 2012, the following Project Milestones have been met, and the corresponding credits shall be released: Task/Milestones Credit 2) Mitigation Site Earthwork, Planting and Installation of Monitoring 20% Devices Completed Division of Water Resources - 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6300 \ FAX: 919-807-6494 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - Made in part by recycled paper By copy of this correspondence, DWR confirms that you have satisfied the above requirements for the above -referenced tract and 20% of your Neuse riparian buffer credits (0.2 x 640,486 ft2 = 128,097.2 ft2) minus 4,325.2 ft2 yields 123,772 ft2 available for sale. Additionally, 20% of your nitrogen nutrient offset credits (0.2 x 55,052.54 lb -N = 11,010.51 lb -N) minus 1,472.92 lbs -N yields 9,537.59 lbs -N available for sale. Lastly, 20% of your phosphorous nutrient offset credits (0.2 x 3,545.81 lb -P = 709.16 lb -P) minus 94.87 lbs -P yields 614.291bs-P available for sale. Please note that nutrient offset credits generated at this site must be used for impacts in HUC 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin which includes only the Upper and Lower Falls Watersheds as defined in 15A NCAC 02B.0276. Additionally, the riparian buffer credits must be used for impacts in the Neuse River Basin according to guidelines in the new Temporary Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule, 15A NCAC 02B.0295, which became effective on October 24, 2014. Please feel free to call Katie Merritt at (919) 807-6371 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, Karen Higgins, Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit KAH/km cc:File Copy (Katie Merritt) Cara Conder — EBX (via electronic mail) 91 fail - 9 CEDAR GROVE NIMGAIION srmEcoEnglneeTng-" ORANGE COUNTY. NORTH CAROIRVA iiA MOVIL PROFOSM MWW Mn%R & WMMW MWr R-MRAMN DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 'rTAiF.S OF P' • May 13, 2014 Regulatory Division/ I 200A Action ID: SAW -2012-00294 Mr. Norton Webster Environmental Banc and Exchange, L.L.C. Project Manager 909 Capability Drive, Suite 3100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Dear Mr. Webster: This correspondence is in reference to the Cedar Grove Mitigation Bank Site you are developing -located off of McDade Store Road (NCSR 1354), just northwest of its intersection with Rick Road in Orange County, North Carolina, within the Neuse River Basin, Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201. The purpose of this letter is to confirm the initial release of credits from this Bank. Pursuant to the approved stream restoration mitigation plan entitled, Cedar Grove Mitigation Site, dated December 2013, including the Performance Bond received on May 1, 2014 and the Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) entitled, Neu -Con Umbrella Wetland Mitigation and Stream Restoration Bank, dated March 8, 2001, fifteen percent (15%) of the Bank's total restoration credits shall be available for sale immediately upon completion of all of the following: a. Execution of the MBI by the Sponsor, the Corps, and other agencies eligible for membership in the IRT who chose to execute the agreement; b. Approval of the final mitigation plan; c. Delivery of the financial assurance described in Section III, Part F, Paragraph 1 of the MBI; d. Recordation of the preservation mechanism described in section III, part G of the MBI, as well as a title opinion covering the property acceptable to the Corps. Printed on Recycled Paper By copy of this correspondence, we confirm that you have satisfied the above requirements and 1090.5 linear feet of stream credits constituting 15% of the Bank's total restoration credits are now available for sale. Please be reminded that you must also complete the initial physical and biological improvements to the bank site pursuant to the mitigation plan no later than the first full growing season following initial debiting of the Bank. Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Williams at the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, telephone 919-554-4884, extension 26. Sincerely, S . fjle/an B. Gibby Chief, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Copies Furnished: Mr. Todd Allen Bowers Wetlands Regulatory Section US EPA Region 4 Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30303-8960 Mrs. Kathy Matthews US Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Mr. Fritz Rohde National Marine Fisheries Service 101 Pivers Island Beaufort, NC 28516 Mr. Eric W. Kulz Stream/Wetland Mitigation Coordinator NC Division of Water Resources 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Ms. Shari Bryant NC Wildlife Resources Commission Post Office Box 129 Sedalia, NC 27342-0129 Mr. Todd Tugwell Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 11405 Falls of Neuse Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 Mr. Bill Biddlecome Washington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West 5th Street Washington, NC 27889 Mr. Carl Pruitt Assistant District Counsel U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District 69 Darlington Ave. Wilmington, NC 28403 3