HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0045280_Application (FTSE)_20240328State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources FAST TRACK SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSION APPLICATION of Water Resources FTA 10-23 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Application Number: 1)JQ )gSZ0Q pob��,npi��-of>�o�e�tl All items must be completed or the application will be returned L APPI JCANT INFORMATION: 1. A pplicant's name: Harnett Regional Water (company, municipality, HOA, utility, etc.) 2. Applicanttype: []individual ❑ Corporation ❑ General Partnership ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑ State/County ® Municipal ❑ Other 3. Signature authority's name: Steve Ward per 15A NCAC 02T 0106(b) Title: Director �� 4. Applicant's mailing address: 700 McKinney Parkway C EI 1 ECty: Lillin on State: NC Zip: 27546-_ MAR 2 8 V 5. Applicant's contact information: 2024 P ione number: 9U 893-7575 Email Address: swardna ametLorg "Q_'AYE1TEV1LLEREG,0% 11. PROJECT INFORMATION:I� 1- P jectname:CounlaVillageTownhomes 2. A pplication/Project status: ® Proposed (New Permit) ❑ Existing PermiUProject ❑ ARPA funded If a modification, provide the existing permit number. WQD0_ and issued date: For modifications, also attach a detailed narrative description as described in Item G of the checklist. If new construction, but part of a master plan, provide the existing permit number: W000_ 3. C unty where project is located: Harnett 4. proximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: 35.4020' Longitude:-78.6752' 5. P el ID (if applicable): 0690-60-6818.000 (or Pared ID to closest downstream sewer) Ill. CON ULTANT INFORMATION! I . P ofessional Engineer: Peter E. Norfleet Temple License Number: 024441 F : Fleet Temple Engineering PLLC IV ailing address: 5245 Red Hill Church Rd. C ty: Coats State: NC Zip: 27521-_ P one number: 9( 10) 658-2446 Email Address: flect(a�templeengineerinecom IV. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (W WTF) INFORMATION: I. F citity Name: North Harnett Regional W WTP Permit Number: NCO021636 ner Name: Harnett Regional Water V. RECI WING DOWNSTREAM SEWER INFORMATION: L P rmit Number(s): W00017413 2. wnstream (Receiving) Sewer Information: 8 inch ® Gravity ❑ Force Main 3. S stem Wide Collection System Permit Number(s) (if applicable): WQCS000166 O vner Name(s): Harnett Regional Water FORM: F1 A 10-23 Page I of 5 V 1. GENERAL REQUIRENIEINTS I_ Ville Appliemlt is o Pmatciv-UNNnaI Public I Tit IIt% ha, a ( crtIflcatc of Puhlic Cl m%cm, Tier and Nccc,slty been ill lit, hed ❑ Y, ❑ No Q'N.A _. I I'the Applicant is a Developer of lots RI he sold_ has it 1 1, , .. , - . , - been attached ❑ Yc, ❑ No ❑ NO\ II'tIle Applicall I is it I lonle/19vprnN UNNiler" ,A,soe i aIuon. has an _ and supplemenlan ducumen(nliou as requital hN 13!A NCAC u?-f ul I �Ie 1 been uUuchcd., ❑ Ycs ❑ No ❑ N/:', -l. Otic in of Nva,tc Nvalcr. Iehsk all that apple ). ® RCSIden I l Ill (Ind IN IdUa I IN UNvnedl ❑ Road IsI ui CN- CCIIICIN. Ill:llls) ❑ Cal W:Ish Residential (Lca>ed) ❑ Retail kith food preparallon/sen-ice ❑ I told and/or Motels ❑ School / pre,chool /dal care ❑ Medical /denlal /velerimuN I;lciIIt1c, ❑ SNNinnnine PooI/Cluhhousc ❑ Food and drink lacilitics ❑ Church ❑ SNNinuuinp Poold life] liackNN:lbh ❑ Businesses / oll ices / lactol Ics ❑ Nur,inc I mate ❑Other I IAphol ill :Attachment s Nature olNNasleNniter _ Domestic ';„ Commercial Industrial 1==,- - I -IOn—';'" -- II Industrial. is Ihcre IT I'relrealment Pn,pram in e11'ect ❑ )'cs❑ No t,. I las a IIoi% reduction been approved undo 1 __ - _ .. ' ❑ Yce ® No I If sev, provide a cone of f1mi reduction approval letterwith this application tiumnlarize NvasleNvater generated by project Est abhsh men t7spe(see 02I0114(f)) I WHYDesign Floss"" N ofUnitsi Floe Iciidultl l 21W tomillomcs 1 ,> ealldaN RIZ (12 ;..4 rtJ (d'D gall � i GPD gill' 1 CPD 1w,d I 4g1111111'I) it sec i. ' a I _ fur caNtals to lcaslcecater desien 11(m titles (i c. properscd unknoltn nun -residential deiclopment uses_ public access facilities located near high public use alraN: and lesidattial pnlpert% located Mouth nr cast of the Allantte [Till 'co:vial N'alencac to he used as vacation rentals as delined in t '.F-t)_ h Per I A NCAC 1121 Jtl I Ile), dcsien tloev talcs till establishments not identified tin tahcc 1 , _ '.-I shall lie delennioal using aeailahic IIov% data. haler using I iyturez_ oc agl:ulcv or operation pullenls- and other pleasured data. N. Wasteo:ncr generated by projceL Satin (WI) Iper . t .- I>o not include IWillC Iloevs ur previoush pcnuiffed :dlncations If permitted Doss is zero, please indicate sah.: ❑ Pump Slation/force Main or (malt% ScNNcr Nvhcrc Him Neill he permitted in subsequent penniu lhal connect to Oils Ilne. Please provide supplenlcntmA inlomlation indic,omp the appromillate limcf)i ale Iol penmlting upslrn,lm scvN crs NN nh [I'm ❑ I toe has already becu alloclted in Permit Number. Issuance I )ate ❑ Rehablhlalloll or replacement of c,ilstine sCNaels Nvilh no neNN IloNv eNpeeted ❑()Ihcr(I whim) - f ( W%I_ I I':A I0-2; Paec 2ol VII. GRAVITY SEWER DESIGN CRITERIA (if Applicable)_p2T.030_&!ID( (GraOl'wirer,): 1. Sill] III) ariic gIaxilc Scecrto be permitted Size (inches) I Length (feet) j Material I Ii7 I PVC SDR 3i I Section II &' III of the MDC for Permitting or Grn it% SCvrcrS containS inlbnuaGon rclalcd to design Cl Ile] r Section Ill contain, information rclalcd to minimum slopes tin grarily scrver(s) I Ocersizing lines to meet minimum slope requirements is not allowed and a violation of the MDC Vill. PUMP STATION DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable)—OII.__0303 & %1D((P_ unipStatinro,1Force i`ilaiii j: PROVIDI: A SEPARAII: COPY OF 1111S PAGI1 FOR LACI I Pt1MP STATION INCLUDED IN I I IIS PRO1FCI I . Pump station number or name. 2. Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees)- Latitude- _ LOULIUL11C_ -_ Tjflat numhencf pumps at the pump station. 3_ IXSien flow of the pump station, millions gallons Joel dal (lirm capacity-) i. This should iellect the total GPM fbr the pump station kith the largest pump out of Se:A ice d. Operational poun(s) per pumJo(S): gallons Im minute (GPM) ❑( _ I,ect total dynamic head ( I I I I i_ S(inunariic the Ibrcc main to he permitted (for this Pump Station)_ Size (inches) Length (feet) i Material i if'anv portion orthe lurce main is less than d-inches rn diameter, plcane idailil' the method ol'solidS reductinu per NjDCPSFM Section 2 01 C_ 1_1)_ ❑ Grinder Pump ❑ MCChanlCal 10r SCreeil ❑ Olhci (please specilV ) 6. Pvswci reliability in accorditnec with i � : Ar .i [] Standhv powersoutecoi ❑ SinndM pump Must have automatic ueGvation and telcmctn - 1 iA NCAC 02f.0305(li)(I)(13)_ �'. Required for all pump stations kith an average daily tlory greater than orequal to I UUU gallons per dac Must be permanent to facility and mar not be poilahlc Oi- if the porn Jo station has an averipe daily tlorc less Ihan 15.000 gallons per Jar I sA NCACO2 1030i(hl(1)10 Q Portable power source with manual activation. quick -connection receptacle and wlenictlti - up Puitable pumping unit rcith plugged emerrnencv pump connection and tetenlenl IInclude dUCuilleiitilli011 that the lwrtable source is owned of contracted hr the applicant and is compatible No ill) the Station 1- Iflhe portable power source of punip is dedicated to mulliplc pump stations_ an evaluation of all the pump station storirc capacities and the ndation Schedule of Ibe portable lvmer source orpunrp. including Ravel timefranics. shall he provided its part or this permit application in the case era mulliplc station power outage FORM_ h 1'A I0-23 Page 3 of i IX. ETBACKS & SEPARATIONS — (02B .0200 & 15A NCAC 02T.0305(f)): I I toes the project comply with all separations/alternatives found in 15A NCAC 02T .0305(f) & (¢)? ® Yes ❑ No 1 SA NCAC 02T.0305(t) contains minimum separations that shall be orovided for sewer systems: Setback Parameter* Separation Required orm sewers and other utilities not listed below (vertical) 18 inches a ater mains (vertical - water over sewer preferred, including in benched trenches) 18 inches z Vater mains (horizontal) 10 feet claimed water lines (vertical - reclaimed over sewer) 18 inches cclaimed water lines (horizontal - reclaimed over sewer) 2 feet * Any private or public water supply source, including any wells, WS-I waters of Class I or lass II impounded reservoirs used as a source of drinking water, and associated wetlands. 100 feet * It Waters classified WS (except WS-1 or WS-V), B, SA, ORW, HQW, or SB from normal gh water (or tide elevation) and wetlands associated with these waters (see item IX.2) 50 feet * ditches, Any other stream, lake, impoundment, or ground water lowering and surface drainage as well as wetlands associated with these waters or classified as WL. 10 feet y building foundation (horizontal) 5 feet ny basement (horizontal) 10 feet p slope of embankment or cuts of 2 feet or more vertical height 10 feet Drainage systems and interceptor drains 5 feet y swimming pools 10 feet Final earth grade (vertical) 36 inches If noncompliance with 02T.0305(f) or (a). see Section X.1 of this application NCAC 02T.0305(g) contains alternatives where separations in 02T.0305(t) cannot be achieved. Please check "yes" ,e if these alternatives are used and provide narrative information to explain. ream classifications can be identified using the Division's NC Surface Water Classifications webpage 2. r s this project comply with the minimum separation requirements for water mains? ® Yes El No El NIA ➢ If no, please refer to I SA NCAC 18C.0906(f) for documentation requirements and submit a separate document, signed/sealed by an NC licensed PE, verifying the criteria outlined in that Rule. 3. rs the project comply with separation requirements for wetlands? ®Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A Please provide supplementary information identifying the areas of non-conformance. See the Division's draft separation requirements for situations where separation cannot be met. No variance is required if the alternative design criteria specified is utilized in design and construction. 4. I the project located in a river basin subject to any State buffer rules? ® Yes Basin name: Cape Fear ❑ No I yes, does the project comply with setbacks found in the river basin rules per 15A NCAC 02B .0200? ® Yes ❑ No This includes Trout Buffered Streams per 15A NCAC 213.0202 5. goes the project require coverage/authorization under a 404 Nationwide/individual permits ❑ Yes ® No 401 Water Quality Certifications? Please provide the permit number/permitting status in the cover letter if coverage/authorization is required. 6. s project comply with 15A NCAC 02T.0105(c)(6) (additional petmitsteettitications)? ® Yes []No r 15A NCAC 02T.0105(c)(6), directly related environmental permits or certification applications must be being prepared, ve been applied for, or have been obtained. Issuance of this permit is contingent on issuance of dependent permits (erosion d sedimentation control plans, stormwater management plans, etc.). 7. s this project include any sewer collection lines that are deemed "high -priority?" ❑ Yes ® No r I SA NCAC 02T.0402. "high -priority sewer" means any aerial sewer, sewer contacting surface waters, s phon, or sewers positioned parallel to streambanks that are subject to erosion that undermines or deteriorates the sewer. phons and sewers suspended through interference/conflict boxes require a variance approval. If yes, include an attachment with details for each line, including type (aerial line, size, material, and location). priority lines shall be inspected by the permittee or its representative at least once every six -months and ctions documented per 15A NCAC 02T.0403(a)(5) or the permittee's individual System -Wide Collection permit. FORM: FTA 10-23 Page 4 of 5 X.' CERTIFICATIONS: Dues the submitted system compl% with I _:A NC.V 1. the tAlill unup7 Ih,ten Ci Ile l .r na Ilrc l'unulon_ of Puntp,xt_auor I; _art 1 oTc- Main, rl aul n %cIlio_ u �.h and the (n,n IIv Ncntnm III Design ( ntcIil dmc t tci,wn) as applicable? ® Yes ❑ No It' no, for projects requiting a single variance_ complete and submit the Variance/Alternati%e Design Request application iVADC 10-14) and supporting documents for retie\% to the Central Office Approval of the request will be issued concurrently with theapproyal of the permit, and proiects requiring a variance approval mar he subiect to longer review times. For projects requiring two or more variances or where the variance is determined by the Division to be a 2. professional Fnginecr's Ceitilication. p� E, 40Q- � attest that this application foFz,,N%1 V�L-1 t I'mfessional Engineer's name fmm Application ttmrt III.1.) (Projeet Name fmm ..\pplication Item 111) has been reviewed 1)y me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the plans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge- I further attest that to the best of nry knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance e ilh the applicable regulations. Mnnmun) Dosign ( mend lot hIJ%Ilt ,ile,t �ww, and the "Inuinunt 1)ee121] ( 111"It Ina IIr 1 11,1-1 n:ck i'rnniwn,. oI "is I -Icy `1 rim late t t nun). Although other professionals mar hrvc dev-clnped certain portions of dos submittal package, inclusion of these materials under rm signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and hit%e judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. N�o'17-: — In accordance )%ilh General Statutes 143-215 6A and 143-215.613, ant person %%ho knonvingl% makes ant false statement. representation, or certification in an% application package shall be gtnllt of it Class 2 misdentcanor. )cinch may include a line not to exceed $10,000, as v%ell as tacit penalties up to $25.000 per %rotation. Misieprescntation of the application information. including failure to disclose ape design non-compliance vrith the applicable Rules and design criteria, mac subject the North C•atnlina-licensed Professional Ftigincei to referral to lire licensing board. (21 NCAC 56 0701) North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: O' %G 8 Applicants C'ertilication pet 15A NCAC 021 _0106(br. � I \� ,�f attest that this application lotCXU f!j_I _ l(t j'h•Dii�,es (signature Aullimv, Same Irom 4pphcaaon (t m 1.3_) IRoject \'o n Irom :\ppli- m Item Itl ) attest that this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I tmdeisunul that if all required parts of this application arc not completed and that it all required supporting documentation and attachments are not included. this application package is subject to being returned as incomplete- I understand that an% discharge of v%acteicater front this uon-discharge s%Slenn to sinDace waters or the land till result in an immediate ctroicement action that m;w include m ll penalties, injuncG%c relic]_ and/or criminal prosecution. I t%ill make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be %iolated_ I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments arc not included,. this application package v%ill be returned to me as inarmplete. NOTE — III accordance pith Gcncral "taroks 1 R. r. arlI ... am person echo knot%ingl% makes am rinse stillement, representation, or certification in aI v pplication package shall he guilty of a Class 2 nusdemeanor, v%hich ma_% jn'cludc a fine not to exceed $I0,000 as )cell as c I penalties up Ice .$25.000 per %iolation. Signature �1 FORM: I M 10-21 I'aec i of 5 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Qualitti Division of Water Resources Flow Tracking for Sewer Extension Applications (FTSE 10-23) Entity Requesting Allocation: Harnett Regional Wtatct Project Name for which flow is being requested: Country villa, e rownhornes More than one FTSE nnay he required for a single project if the owner of the WWTP is not responsible for all punip stations along the route of the proposed wastewater flow. 1. Complete this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater treatment plant. a. WWTP Facility Name: Harnett County North Re�%ionalNNIWTP b. WWTP Facility Permit #: AC'0021636 c. WIWTP facility's permitted flow it. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWI P e. WWI P facility's actualavg. flow f. Total flow for this specific request g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility h. Percent of permitted flow used Alt floncs are in AXD 7500 3 45 4.431 MAR0.008 2 2024 c 7 684 pEQ-FAYF -TEVf tERECI'O1Vk 102.45% fFii 11. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along the route of this proposed wastewater flow. List pump stations located between the project connection point and the WWTP: (A) (fi) (C) (D)—(B+C) (F)=(A-D) Design Obligated, Pump Pump Average Approx. Not Yet Total Current Station Station Firm Daily Flow* Current Tributary Flow Plus (Name or Permit Capacity, '" (Firm , pf), Avg. Daily Daily Flow, Obligated Available Number) No. MGD MGD FIow,MGD MOD Flow Capacity*" SLS-01 0.288 0.115 0.041 0.008 0.049 0.066 SLS-04 0.504 0.201 0.130 0.079 0.209 -0.008 SLS-1013 2.167 0.947 0.443 0.199 0.642 0.305 SI_S-120 14.4 5.760 3.348 2.336 5.684 0.076 * The Firm Capacity (design Flow) of any pump station is defined as the maximum pumped now that can be achieved with the largest pump taken out of service. * 4 Design Average Daily Flow Is the firm capacity of the pump station divided by a peaking factor (pf) not less than 2.5, per Section 2.02(A)(4)(c) of the Minimum Design Criteria. *** A Planning Assessment Addendum shall be attached for each pump station located bctsveen the project connection point and the WWT13 where the Available Capacity is < 0. Downstream Facility Name (Sewer): North Harnett Re iona] NV'�N'TP Dosnstream Permit Number: NC0021636 Page l of 8 III. Certification Statement, I Steve Ward, Utilitics Director certify to the best of my knowledge that the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow liom this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances, given the implementation of the planned improvements identified in the planning assessment where applicable. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Sections I and II plus all attached planning assessment addendums for which I am the responsible party. Signature of this form certifies that the receiving collection system or treatment works has adequate capacity to transport and treat the proposed new wastewater. Sfg,ningO[fcial Sigacnure Dare r11 Title of Signing Official Page 2 of 8 FL,kNNING ASSESSIvtEN I ADDENDUM (FAA) Submit a planning assessment addendurn for each pump station Iisted in Section II where Available Capacity is < 0. Pump Station (Name orNumber)� Given that: a. The proportion and amount of Obligated, Not Yet Tributary Daily Flow (C) aceomlls for 39.3 % and 0.079 MGD of the Available Capacity (L) in Pump Station SLS-04 and that b. The rate- of activation of this obligated. not yet tributary capacity is currently approximately 0.011 MOD per year:. and that c. A funded Capital Project that wilt provide the required planned capacity, namely TBD is in design or under construction with planned completion in TBD ; and/or d. The followin applies: HRw has received earmarked Cundim, for a regional sanita-, sevtier itcliecd to hrerease the canacit: or to re place SLS OI. HRW is cutrentt. be:;innin-= the orelimm.. en. ineerin.: rocess to determine alternatives and overall . joieet scot e for the entire re.:ional pro:cct atom:, with i roject schedule. Therefore: Given reasonably expected conditions and planning information, there is sufficient justification to allow this flown to be permitted, without a significant likelihood of over -allocating capacity in the system infrastructure. I understand that this does not relieve the collection system owner Jim complying with G.S. 143- 215.67(a) which prohibits the introduction of any waste in excess of the capacity of the waste disposal system. Si rirly <lffieial.S"igmd ire Date pane of 8 RECE!v- MAR 18 2024 DEQ•FAYETTEVILLE REGIONA, w TFLEETTEMPLE ENGINEERING PLLC March 18, 2024 5245 Rod Hill Chur<_h Rci Co_jts, NC 27521 910.658,2446 ileet�ftempleergineeriny.com Fine Lieense P-2357 MAR 2 8 2024 Mr. Trent Allen UER-FAYETTEVJ[ LE REGIONAL OFFIOE Environmental Engineer NC DEQ-Division of Water Quality 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 Re: Country Village Townhomes - Town of Coats - Harnett County Mr. Allen: The following information is enclosed for review and approval: One original & one copy of Fast Track Application (FTA 10-23) Application Fee ($600.00) Form FTSE USGS Topographic Map Country Village Townhomes is a proposed single family townhome located on West Erwin St. in Coats, North Carolina. The phase will be served by proposed gravity sewer main. Flow of 8,400 GPD is being requested at this time. If you need additional information or have questions, please call 910-658-2446 or email fleet( ftempleengineering.com Respectfully, Fleet Temple, PE State of North Carolina VR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources of Water Resources FAST TRACK SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSION APPLICATION FTA 10-23 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Application Number _ (to be completed by DR'R) All items must be completed or the application will be returned I. APPtjCANT INFORMATION I. Applicant's name_ Ilariett Regional Water (company, municipalitN, HOA, utility. etc. 1 2. Applicant type: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporation ❑ General Partnership ❑ Priva[elt--OWned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑ Slate/County ® Municipal ❑ Other 3. Signature authoritv's name, Steve Ward per j_ A� ',� Title: Director- 4. A.pplicant-s mailing address: 700 McKinne% Parlavav [RECEIVE: City: Lillington State: NC Zip: 27546- !Applicant's contact informa« on: MAR 25 2024 -� Phone number: '910) 893-757S Finail Address: swarddhamett ore 1EQ,FAYEI7EV,((E 11, PROJECT INFORMATION: REGI�NgLQF l �h t I- Project name- Country Village Ioanhomcs 2. Application,,'Project status: ® Proposed (.NewPermit) ❑ Existing Permit/Project ❑ ARPA funded Iti a modification, provide the existing permit number r W(p0 and issued date: _ For modifications, also attach a detailed narrath a description as described in Item G of the checklist. If net% construction, but pan of a master plan" provide the existing permit number: WQ00_ 3 Cbunn' Ni here project is located: Ilamett 1- Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: 35.4020 Longitude:-716752 5- Parcel LD (if applicable): 0690-60-0818 000 (or Panel ID to closest downstream server) Ill. CONSULTANT INFORMATION: I- Professional Engineer Peter F. Nortleet Tenn>le License Number: 024441 Pima: Pleet'lemple Engineering PLLC Fleet Temple Engineering, PLLC Firm ,2357 R 5245 Red Hill Church Road Coats, NC 27521 )THE NCDEQ-DWQ 3 OF TRUIST` 1 278 307 E. MAIN ST. BENSON, NC 27504 - 66 112/531 3/18/2024 $ «•600.00 x Hundred and . IVIiUCIi-i.iltlty{ ' 225 Green St. - Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Country Village Sewer Permit Fee rill