HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0011313_Monitoring - 12-2023_20240205Monitoring Report Submittal ..................................................... Permit Number#* WQ0011313 Name of Facility:* Month: * December Peppertree Resort WWTP Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Year:* 2023 Upload Document* Peppertree NDMR Dec 2023.pdf PDF Only 4.16MB Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * fortin.contract@yahoo.com Name of Submitter: * Robert C. Howard Signature: tc& ; '0W1W-tae Date of submittal: 2/5/2024 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* WQ0011313 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 4/11/2024 FORIA NDVIR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page / of Permit No.: W00011313 Facility Name: Peppertree Resort WWTP :.ounty: Carteret -T Month: December Year: 2023 001 Flow Measuring Point: I11nh, ilt rrt iit t No fbw geieratrd -'TPPI: Parameter Monitoring Point: Ir.9.1e it Effljent Groundwater LooAc-ng Surface Water Parameter Code -► 50050 00310 00940 50060 31616 U. U 00610 00625 00620 00600 00400 00665 - V) p G mglL 70300 B . No N O 00530 00630 00615 !N- Z ea ` O O u- W) m M ` t W� Z Z � o z eE '01 o3 = i Y 20 ° ac Z Z0 24-hr hrs GPD m9fl. mg/L mgiL #1100 mL mWL mg1L mg/L su mg/L mg/L mg1L mg1L 1 10- 00 0 3 7.9 2 10:00 0 3 09:50 FLOW 0 4 12:05 METER 0 3 7,9 5 11:11 BAD 0 3 7,8 6 10:00 0 1 _ 7.9 7 10:00 YJAIT1NG 0 2 3 2 015 5 9' 22.6 28.57 7.8 6.22 11 22.6 <0.02 8 10:00 ON 0 3 j 7.7 9 10:00 FLOW 0 10 12:00 METER 0 11 10:00 TO 0 3 7.8 12 10.50 be 0 2 7,7 7.8 13 10:00 rep aced 0 2 _ 14 10.00 0 3 7.9 15 10:00 0 3 7.8 16 11:00 0 17 11:00 WAT-ING1 0 18 12.05 on 0 5 7.7 19 11:20 generator 0 5 7.6 20 10:00 repair 0 8 7.8 21 10.00 0 5 7.8 22 10:15 0 5 7,8 23 10:00 0 24 1000 0 25 11:00 0 5 7.7 26 10:55 0 5 7.7 27 09:30 0 3 7.8 28 10.00 0 3 _ 7,9 29 1030 0 3 8 30 1000 0 31 0 Average: 0 2.00 245 200 015 5.97 22.60 2857 6,22 1100 22,60 0 00 Daily Maximum: 0 2.00 800 200 0.15 5.97 22.60 28.57 8.00 6.22 11.00 22.60 0 02 Daily Minimum: 0 2.00 1 00 200 0.15 5.97 2Z60 28.57 7.60 6.22 11.00 22.60 0.02 Sampling Type: Recorde- Composi-,e Corrposite Grab C-rao Composite Camocsite Comaoscte Composite Grab Composite Composite Ccmoove Monthly Limit: 80.000 10 14 4 1 20 Daily Limit: 43 Sample Frequency: Continuous See Pe-rni1 3 X Year 5 X Week See Permit See Permit See Permit See Pe-T-A See Pemvit 5 X Week See Permit 3 X Year See Permd 5 FORM; ND&IR 05-16- NON -DISCHARGE NICWTORiNG REPOR1 (NDIMR; P�_'r Samplirg Persons) I Certified Laboratories Name: Robert C. Howard, Kevin Stanley Narne: Environment 1, Inc Name: Nanw: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? :, . Cr) P1wr-4 Nx-Compliant !f the faalty is non-comp!,ant, ,lease expiain rr ne space below the resseMs) the facil:. oar. no., i i cemptance. Prc-ide in you., exp:ar.aticn'he date(s) of the nor.-c: rnpliance ar.d descrit;e the corrective actm(s) taken Attach additional sheets if necessary. 1 Operator in Responsible Charge (ORCI Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Robert C. Howard Fermittee ' Peppertree Atlantic Beach GAfner's Association, Inc. Certificatior No.: 996013 Signing dffi=ial: Daniel E. Fortin Grade: VVW III Phone Number. 252-393-872C Signing Official's Title: Operator Responsible in Charge Has the ORC changed sjnce the evio NDMR? ^ Ye'. So Phone Number: 252-393-8720 Permit Expiration: 4/13/2023 7 — r Signature Date Signature ; Date By !h:. signature, i c xtty that rus repot is aearrate and complete to vw best of ^7y t ioWedge. I certify, ,order penally of taw, that this docurowl and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in acccmdar ce wrth a system dewgred to assrre that ad quaGfved personnc:.l property g M&ed and ev"ed the information sut WIlec Based on my irxiury or tie person or persons who menage- the sw.Aem, or those persons directtl resporable for 9@r erl^g :he oforrnabon. the information su mTeo a. to the best or my krxmiedge anc belief, true, acomate, and complete. I am aware trw Mere are sigruricant penatdes for sr.bmnrrg false irdorrnwion, including the possibility of firms and imprisonment for kroowUig vlWbons. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Informatior Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 4 z FORM' NDAR-2 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) page )` Permit No.: W000113'3 Facility Name: Peppertree Resort WWTF County: Carteret Month: December Year: 2023 • infiltration occurat this facility*? YES NC Area (acre�: Area (acres). Area (acres).' Rate (GPD1ft2): t: • • WL&i;- o'021196 Site Infiltrated? Site Infiltrated? III ME ®gym m mmmm� '.:aR-2 35-'6 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Page o= Did the application rates exceed the iimits ir, Attachment B of your permit? cixt�ii3t•t _ .t�mCompliar� If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? /i`CWV ant Non-compliarx If not a basin, were there any instances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? r,:>a�a��� P(on cornptiart If a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? �ca,�+ianc hon,-�wlarx rtrras tr;e onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operational? : c«,�+tant at wmpl�arl If the facility is rton-cornplian,, please explain in the space beiow the reason(s) the fatality was not in compliance Provbde in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the correrti-le action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets 0 necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC► Certification ORC: Robert C. Howard C: _ mfication No.: 996013 Permitter Certification Permitted: Peppertree Atlantic Beach Owner's Association, Inc. Signing official: Daniel E. Fortin Grade: VVIN III Phone Number. 252-393-8720 I Signing Official's Title: Operator Responsible in Charge Has the ORC ch2991A since the previous NDAR-47j Yes 7 = * No Phone Number: 252-393-8720 Permit Exp.: 04113/2023 'LY lac• Signature Date Signature I Date i Hy thy. sVa1tr-9, t prrtify that this report is arcurrtte and conpiele to the best of my knowledgis I cent y. under penalty of taw. Brad ohs docu-nent and A xttxhmonts were pntpared under my dreetion or supervision ir, accordance with a system designed to assure that at QuatiBed persomel property gatht"C and evatuafed the Wormation submitted t3ased on my rquay cd tha person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible kv grrttronng ffre Wormaton, the iforrnation submitted is, to the best of my knoMedge and boief, true. acarate, and connplete. ; am aware that there are sigrdcant ponattas for submitting falsin arformartion, indudng this possablty of fats and impnsonment for knumN vri:»ons, Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617