HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02177_Well Construction - GW1_20240408 . . . . . . , isa, • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) For Internal Use Only: I.Weil Contractor Inforroatfon: - 1 Russell Taylor ; 14,WAIN&ZONES i "' FROM TO ! ! I a6C Ft1019 Wall Connector Nta 2187-A Ia?8.2t` I a82•tt i 'a9onA4.6ft' I • NO Well Conutcme Ctat�ettica Numberi I5,OUTER CASING(for male wells)OREINER(S eDiel Redden Brothers Well Drilling, Inc FROM TO . ; DIAMETER TOCIO s IAI. }_ m I I ft' In. • CompanyName �p I Id.WRERCASINO OR TUBING(geottu�aldosed-t000l - 2.Weil Construction Permit#; ( 7 I443-f ! FROM t TO I. . DIAMETER I TIOCIOrESs. ffitATIRTAI. WI art appiteablr well eva rorBoc paa (r.ets c.WC County,Stars Variance,eta) �- 0 90. i• 1, hi. .I PVC 3.Weil The(check u ); i-qo .tt i GJ? I Ls 'a' 188 STEL wawacppIyWeil: 1-SCREE( ' FROM •t To DIAMETER SLOTSIZE TKIEIMffi alATIOUJI ,MAgzitpalmnl QMunicipal/Public ft. I 1. ft. I is M al des Supply) stResideatial Water Supply(ogle) ft I it. I ie. I lEduattialiCoammcciat Residential Water Supply(shared) ' -18.GROLT ' on - FROM t To' t MATERIAL 1 E+IFLAccum T attracts a*aid Non-Water Supply Well: j 0 ft ! 20 It a.=m.ro.rs ) Outromi bloaitoresQ ©Recovery ! • ft. : ft. jection Well: i ffiI ft- Aquff=Rahargc IG:roundwatar Romediation 19.SAY/GRAVEL PACK(if appEeable) Storms wad Resovvey EllSalinity Barrier FROM ! To t MATERL 1. tEtn iat_v' .t� rx87Ron' oiler Test MStorsrivraterDrainage ft ` fa. i I . Expetir>iental Technology Subsidence Control I fr. I It I II I Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTracer . ' go.IIRILLI:1iGLOGfamehaddltionsi sheets ifnecessary) FROM TG I DES;:RIPTIONtmler.eo�tet.seo4aek"1.Eels Geothcmal(HeadalrlCoolioft Return) I�Other(explain twin 21 Remarks/ 1 A. i � � 112. l 0 1 R I am a sane 4.Datc Well(s)Completed; I o�O o 4,24wc l ID= Sa rt I a ft- granite " SoI.LWell Locratioli: .ft. I It. floUII 1 rennM 4nr► ft. ► rft. ' l o h_k .. f of g l e . ,G. t_ l� i fuaitytov -Nemo Facility IDd cif appleable) f4 ft' ��� t,/41 ii.4iDn Lang. Fani!J n1 c2873414 fc. i ;t APR 1� dd Physical Anas.City and Zip I . . Ir)`.:;..... °^ � -... . .- ,-,.. ;17ar. • �ACor� L'awri • 1o5r13�38151a 21.REMeur� .., • County Parcel Ideat9frearim No.(?IN) 51%Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: • (ifwali geld,one la:/iong is sufficient) 12.Certificatian: • ‘f5° 08. )1+7 ri O83° I2.-.39 8 w . 7?..a4.4LeLgpa.t- 1.2iiat,, Sigaatutc of Certified Welt Cc atrarar 6.Is(are)the well(s) m eraneat or E'Temparary d ,I 3y signing:Ids form.I senor cont that well(s1 uta(Were)'carer t;et!ra.ass 7.Is this a repair to ao Misting well: DYes orpN. .7::tie is,,N.02,C.0100 or 1S4:CAC 02C.0200 Well Caasa�artlar r teaIfthir1r:rrpoir.filloutktonairrllewswuctianirrformc:ioa =plaisrkercur:plane coPy OH;record haTbemprm dmthetrelltmae' repair mtdrreZ/ntaan(ssavion once the back cfrlrirfrrm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.Far Go:prabe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Welt having the same You may use the hack of this page to provide additional well site Wallis: coneruetio4 only I GR-i is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells constructionif details. You may also attach additional pages nece eiy.•`' drilled: I SUBMITTAI:INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth belt»Laud surface; .9.2 5 (ft) 24a. Per 411 IWeils_ Submit this form within 30 days of completion For e:Mapir well;far ail deptkr if-derma teaaarptr-3( 200'and 2C;c 100') construction to the followin 10.Stade water lard casing: below top of sing: 1 bo (ft.? DivSian of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, glance lave it abate t tore-=" j,i 617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC Z76994627 11.aare:ale diaasetar: Q fin) 13b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addles , ,, �L abate,also sprats one copy of this farm•n isbIn 30 days of caropletlan • 32.Well eossstsvesioa method: C�'�. t Li l�C[ conot•Or4on to the fellotcia Cu.wrier,sway,tonic,:rasa push,etc} Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Pros & I6Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC Z7699 1636 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS QWELLS ONLY: jt� I i �63 23a.Yield(gpm) V 0 Method of(Oct w� j 24c.For Water Suonl &Infection Welts: In addition to lender the FF I the address(es))above. also submit one copy of this for within 30 I3b.Disinfection t..pe: S R ;.=aunt. t LQ 1 co:tpiedon Of Well construction to Me county health department of M where c* .sir feted. Fe O��-1 Nord%Carolina Departmont ofEnvirono=n QI-ai:r'-Disisi n1 .a o:l:aier R6CRT.Y Rctiised: