HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02175_Well Construction - GW1_20240408 • •
I.Well Contractor laformatlon:
Russell Taylor ; 14.WATER ZONES
Well CoaIIlltscrName • i FROM I TO 1 I DESCRIPTION
2187-A a�•3re. 10946.ft. i -
- n 1. ft. I
KC Weil Coaaaeooe Certification x�ber I M OUSER CASING(tor malls wells)ORLIN=(If
redden Brothers Weil Drilling, Inc I FROM TO I : DIAMETER 1 T1UCICioss it TUTA3.
Com:panyNonle •
ft. p , ft: In. I
116.1 MI ER CASING OR TUBING facothataal eiowdaooaj.., '
L Weil Construction Permit#: lot 9.2.2-P I FROM 1 TO f ; DIAMETER l TRICORN DIATIIDIAL
:la aQagpfteable aetteaasa teCon permits az.WC Catauy,State,Varieare,eta) I. 0 it I 4,17 ft. is III' P Ye,
3.Well use(cluck mil use):, a 7 j 3b:- fc 1 /o i.. • 188 t9 T E L..
• Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN
FROM 1 TO t. DIAMETER SLOTS! THICIDO swumAni eukural DMunicipa)/Public - ft. I- ,f:. i lie
Geoff al g/Coalg Supply) i Resided jai Water Supply(single) ft. I 1 ft. I in. 1
IndusSial/Commacial 1811tesidetsial Water Supply(spared) 18.tatOLT I
Irrigation - FROM I TO' I MATERIAL I £atPL4QtiI1%1 MIIMIOO&A319
Non-Water Supply Well: j _ .0 ft I io .ece- I o1anwe .
nitoring l vc - I I ft. I.-: D.-. • - - I .
lection Well: I ,
fr. I ft. ! I
Aquifer Recharge • Qoronadwatar Rcmediztion
19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if aapleablel
Storage sad Recovery Salinity Barrie PROM I TO I S TERLtL 1:1tTtr►GEMRSTMtlrtftOD
oat-Telt ' ,SiormwatsrDreiaa§e I ft. I it
Faperitasatsl Technology. 0Subsidence Conant I I ft. I , 1t I 1
' Geothermal(Closed Loop) • DTrace: ' Zn.DRILLS 3J IC LOti fattaeh additrenelsh�if aecosu7)
- ; TO DESC RIPT1ON tenter.tndeaa.asUI IekftaottNa�,b
Geotltetmat(FieatiaglCoolialtRettacr) Other(explain under Z PROM I Remarks) . R ft, 1 4D it-
4.Date Well(s)Completed: .3 J/8/J4.94 Well Mt.' 4D ft. Apo n- I i
5a.Well Location: • ft I
SIN �,Jb tL�851Gr f:. I ., - - ..t'..,.•.�
rsdlitytOwaermace - Facility'Dr:(if:war:1Me) tt: j I ft.
Rani m Ki e..,D 1%1vc. S&ki Min o?8'r75 ` t` I i :, t A I'H o f 40I4
Ph,,yss�ical Address,Oty and30 •f• I fr.
1 ' G.,f,.}:".. .n... ...�5'.:;ti .'' v
ltARNO C�r7 7 987 oa5r1 . 31.RE`NL4RIGI .YY%:;j"f
Calmly Parcel ldcedfetdon No.(?O ) •
5b.Latitude and longlande in degrers/rainuteslsecoads or decimal degrees:
lifwell geld,one tal/ioag is sufficient) 11.Certification:
(15° Da2. 33' . ri 083° 1 q. 654 w + 1die/Ay.• 6.Is(are)the weil(s} ermaneat or �TemparalySigtuturc afCerified welt Cvacaem:
ss����+►►+++ 3y signing ad.s Jamm.I aenar verify that t urll(si Ala(hur)ceamautti fe ersl
7.Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or Na ,+:dr 15d NCec 53C-0100 or IS-4 VCr4C 02C.0200 frill Caasaaenaa 9am>�dr cis
if this it a repair;J oat hi ChM Weir 3~cics etiors iecuirlarioa chaplain:ere.44u~-afthe =X'0.11, crowd sus been prat7ded ro this wart osfren •
repair ender clt rrarartlsswioa or en the ojMiriam. 23.Site diagram or additional well desaLs: additional
S.For Ge:oprabe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells Ravine the same You mar use the back of this page to provide well site details,
construction,only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL 'UMBER of wells ro Boa derails. You may also attach additional pages if aeeasaty;
9.TotaI wail depth below land surfacer V 0D (f-) ?,4a. Far A111 Wells: Scgrtit this fo of within 30 days of completionti
For swklpir welly art al deptlre it -cliff (rrawplr.3Q200•and 2@r 100') corsrrrc:on to the foliowin
10.Statie water level below top of easing: I I 0 (f.) Di*;sitin of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit,
Ifteeter fowl it above eosin&use �
" ,I fi17 Man Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I6I7
11.EonAole diameter. p ) Z4b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the darn:to the addzu
f Q ,�L above,also sebrr:t one copy of this foss within 30 dere of compleclon
ID.Well c°astracZiori method: ` it. t LL l.0 A consauc ran fo:hc fallonia=
Cid.zags,Italy,=bk.rinser push,ere] i 1
Division of irVater Resources,Undergronad Injection Control Prog
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1 11636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
13a.Yfeld($pm) lJO method of tan &1.CIw ! Z4e.For Water SuopIv Le Infection Wells In addition to sending the
'{ I the address(zs)j above. also submit one copy of this loan within 30
I3b.Disinfection type. 1"VA . ,Amauat-. . t"(1 _ 1 co tpiedon of well consrasetioa to the county health department of th+
: I where consauoted.
Form OW-1 • North Carolina Dep211-.3:31t oi:n-hanmy.a:2•_i.t_'D"1 so:a`S"s;.--R..ocitrmo Retired: