HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02166_Well Construction - GW1_20240408 i WELL CONSTRUCTION itEgiAD flaW-n ratantatu OSe Oa* — 1.Well OmtractorInfornadost • - 74100/421139:01tetir.7...;:•Fi:•:•1:-.•,A''';' . 1.:1...;:::v...:•,•;-t r ...•':::•••-.1.,-,..: -:' • , %IRO;lia's;ime — _•,..._ To ' ..r-.:..1__-_._ti..t: i IL X I . . 13D Wel;Cesios'cairiCadfseadonifteaber ;IWOODIRCASIBIa41110;adigailiatiodls ORIMIlitIN ' ' )17 PIVV CO6 NiAgt 1( :4is 9,14,f0., , noN „ TO UMW= I 111111=158 ISIAIERIAL b MDW L7(it .46.Neautersintawaumw.twitithibrdwaimo::., snow mumgr irmoureass maramar. 2,Writ OnstromSaaresmit* ltreadaisdkablvtalImmoredoorrans 4a _To_ at,roccagatAstak- ralicace.00 ' —11: 11 . ..., it 9 IL. 3.Well Ilse(dteckwril an) 2%5C10121C::-'..,, .F.,;.f.:-1.,....--,.:•!.-,,...1,:i.. ,- ..,",,S.--•-11:..:.!..7.-..c,...i.' ...,. ...:• ': Water Suggptillreili' ' nom TO ' M=ME storMii 'mem= MA.TOITAL _ Agricultural riMutdripaThdric X, a, IL Cloothormal aladingleoornSoppb) allOssidurilalWalaraoplai(sio010) rt, at. " ladaMis/Conitnemial lillaRotilkallitaWalia'S*PAY0514114tdi .:Ir:iaaoter.,.,':,-.,,:,...:;..i,-. .-;":::::yr-_,..:.-:,::.•:,:zi.- : • •..:,;.•-'-..,:-. -- Tniaarion most :so, _ , lig mamas. , , siii.Afirsew b-1---unciii a r amoun lNiiiiieigogi*W-dik' - " - 0 1 4• 2 0 it ireibbitt, Att•Ozi Monitoring _13RecamY -- a.a It. a. — lujectron Welt _. -.--,-,, -- , AguithrReobarge riCirounduaterlteriodiatice -1:-EtaacarilazitiLlOOMuCIr soineibilit ::".,:"..e..:-::-.'....-;:-.1•-• ...-..: ..:...; ;••• !oar SiozieSaadasovary r3SaNaityliarti.X MOSS co Mtlatit : :._... EstriAcamosera‘mon , AgtrifmTest r3skitawoorrfritisse it. it. . .... RgscrinandalTeelmolovi ri*5.4arreouttol it, ft. • Gembormal(Closed Loop) Mawr rem so Ecalsclarlaeek tlpf4 pallake_tel j _ .FreadfirkISFILICOOng RAM) 13°._1°11911atimd.a*1374-rmb) CI rt. AO-1L [4 Wil r '/ j .tr 4.Datewcuocompittatlt30q wennw _ _ _ '2, t ft, is L I CP 1.,,/,‘ a_W, Welt 1Localion: 5.7 ft. V ift cif mi tP) , . /4 51 0 6:1 lie01/4e/ . . i, ,..., e55 / 6/41 13toK LA IL SG '''''-\-.0 C i i.f ir'0 ... — Phy - Addoss.City;=120 -1 IX a , - - • ,.. --.: , ..A.)1.3...g 1 2.0?I : - .. . le)Ah2kA._Cxy . .. ....- 1 Psteelikatirm-lainalto.04 InfiLrFr.n:'^71 r3i--.,,,...,;.., , S.Latitudeand longlardelariegostiots' uterimmadscrekrionaldtweem (Swell fold.we beam Is adffeiatt) 22' A 0. 5-V9 n 7 N$);Z:%17711 w /r i.,, ., . ..-atCotied Dale fi • 6.Igare)thewoll(s)Wrnimart or CITempomry I— BPS elitejtem I len*,cone Aar;he veils)war(sari constrecud le accordance 7.Isthlt a rrpair toancristingurik Clifes or D§No worm Brag orc.ozonorrst NCetC WC.422011MaCatilmaion&akar assi that a Ifelffsisa repoinjil 1 at boyar wel 1 ontsrnamat bforsomentinetteelktk ear norm refs?* can 0.06 nrconliablis i 0 the 11,1141411ff; nerunder#21;marks stake tor ce'the backefshisforem 73.Site abgramor additional writ details: s.For Groprobenrr or aoromoop Grothorood web haviugthe swat caostandooYext may amdetlitheis.backyonefrasythit suopagesuackto providesadagadcrakocesi mosal trdecessay.site dead Is or well consttuction,only I OW-1 ism:trial.IndicaseTOTALMIMBEltofwells drilled: 0)4111TAI.INSIllarflOttS . 9,Total theimuell dep b husbudge: 14.5 00 2.4a.Fir 414,Wgffit Submit this faun within 30 days of completion of uall Fornaddple vat list oil clephyregjerent troankere-382trarni2910,) constrictiattolborobWkg: I . 10.Stade water krelbeilow bigot caw,, 35 • (14 Bistriont‘WaterResourees,Irifonordkarsoces.4.61Init, .01acerlewel&above m *.sae nei 14 1617 Mai ServiesCenter,Raidgb„NC27650-1617 11.Borehole Mans:tom (it te (a) 24b.Ft*Tolgefoo W415 he aidifiOR'Pamela rim form to thc address in 24a abcreet,also submit ono copy of ibis Sinn within 30 days ofcomplation of Ma 22.Welloonstructio'ta method: 4C 4.7dt[A/ K canal:crime tothafollowing ,. . (La.au,ger,=toy.table,directpack ma) , MI DiTidINOtWaies.riacosnacel,assorepoRoo IIdedigateAntlx4.Program, Ibitiiiiilatithig 0.141.1e 3- 1661baSaslocCoater,Raltigh,14C27699-1636 . __ ., , '1.32i.' rieki(gom) usamiefirsb - LIP* , 24c.For ipolal. r Smarr ejukstft,3'rcun Tat addilion to sending the form to e AL, thc wykitooto*vivo,*bop Fixed alio ixipy af this' firm widths' 30 days of 1.31s.PrinforriotrAy• pc Chlerieje4 Amotatft ',-) t' 7 tompletioa of von coastamune to Os aunty bud*department of dm county • I i