HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02153_Well Construction - GW1_20240409 Ir I • . Print Faun .,WELL coNTSTRUCTION RECORD.[GW-�,) 'Por Internal Use.Only { .1.Well Contractor Information: • .Gary Thompson. • I 14.WATER7 •. ANES'- I' .i WoU Coatractur!tie . FROM_ TO -DPdL'Rll?dON -4418=A0`� 5a5 Fe�►e 'ot '306.(3t� . n • 'NC Well ComnetoeCertiButIo ixunilici - •• • 15.-OUTER CASING gbr mufkased Odle)OR LINER(if a licable) - %Aqui Drill,Inc. FROM " TO DIAMETER t . THCKNESS - .MATERIAL . co ria na O.--"IL. :.38... n- •.6e 5''!a.. Spit. ' •. PVC • .16 IIUNERCABINGORTOI3INGloon tcrmaldanddoop) . •2.Wet:ConatnmJon Permit HI•'AVipliQ -Obi •• . FROM .TO-. "- Dimaimi n I • •.TDZCIOVEeS mama. ._ .. flit all applcablestillcartina:t uspermlh(le.'UIG,CountyStateVarlanr4eta)• :.ti•• _ft:- . ;•In' .3 Well-Use.(checkfulluse): R." ' Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN I FROM. TO • . . ".DIAMETER'• SLOTSIZE THICKNESS -MATERIAL- 19 Agnculhnel : cipaYPabllc: ' ti:-' •" .8: is .ill Geothermal(Heating/.Cooling Supply)-'. Residential Watertft. - . I. • Residential Water >�lndttahial(co�ercial' �7. y(s . . .' litigation - FROM - • TO" MATERIAL i : EMPLACgmerri HETHOD&AMOONr. ' .Non-Water Supply VCR: ' . -cov. tt. tt 8e fo9i'4•t; iR Monitoring •• ' - _ ,� Po• lar. '+1•ydt. Injection WeUt 91 Aquifc ecliarge !G EDGmundwaterkin ediet on . it.''Pifer' torugeand 19:SAND/GRAVEL PACK(ifarnllodOO •..jSalindyBaaier . E+RNI •TO • MATERIAL I . LACEMENTMETROD . - I'AqulferTest •. . ,E StotmwaterDiniaage R $ i I, • - ' : it0 : Technology Snbsldrnce Control .. : R." - :fL • • ' 'thentnal(Closed Loop). I: ti • .20.DRILLING LOG(attathadditionel ahem inraanary) •- " _ Geothermal(Haatin7/CooiingReturn) fOtlur(explebimder Oil.Remmles) -z•ROM Tto• • tZ: D t1oNt rrn+r,ah.ctcssvar 1112r,rtc4" ; •4.DaEeWen(s).Cumpietea::3-33` 'HWef109 - • -. . -.j0 " . -33••--R. "- . •Sc\na4 Say i . . -�: _ , . . . . •Sa.WellLimatioa: . - 33:'-It. •36 ,t: •- Gceane}e.- . " : . . ' m - Covr S .,. ... -38: ° •5MS a�- . (re w.P4g.. Faclity/OwmrNone. r. . • pFa OR)?lD#(if`oippileiNe): • " fG- I I R„ IAAS" h.1ty: c*t.W4 'Rf. R¢\is iati .a 3„itteC - " - !L tt:- ; •I Aa ._T. . R.a, • 'P6ysiedl Ad#,,n,citAand.z0: •• pNR �, T. _2u24: . - . Rockitn�han\ 21.REMARKB' coigns,. . �l• . ..Parcctldentifcstto`i ta;onl) - - • !L. ~.,•G: _- .Pr- ii. •:y 1.):1' 6b.Latitddeaad ion tutte is - i;'e r=�'- Bi do elminutes/seconds or,dedmvl degrees: . '(ifwell field,ono ladlods is ao03eieat)- - " " . 2.Certlttpetlon:' • j' 36.35SA1, __ .N.- • lq.58t6yo. ,,, j . . 6:Is(are):tite,we1(s) pern�Dent .or �Tesnptmrry • Simone of al, elios - - `" 2 _: , T..Ls this a re BP signing thir fonn,.Unrebymtg.p that the well(s)ueo(were)'conitraoteat In aceoidaaace. 1 Man eslatlng well QYes 'or•®No rvifh I5ANCAC 02C:0100 or.134 NCAC 02C:0200.•Well.Cenrauetlan,Stagdards'and Mai a. • flaktaarapatr fill outhrowa%Oil caiuhaeaton brbrmat on aitd ezplain the natane edt.e;. mPP�I'th&rtsao hit beta,provtdedro"tail orvsen, ! iepair.ander#21.tentarlar noronthebaekrlfihitforim: . • �;. • .23.:131te dfngeamor additional well detest • • • • 8.For GeoprobeJDPT or Clored-Loop Geothermal Willa having the lame . Yon makuse the back of ibis page to picvide.additions'well ate details or well- eonsttuction,only 1OW=li d,snreil. hidkit TOTALNi1NIBERofwells ' •Constnictiondetais.Yonmay.aLaoOnahaddnienalpagesIfaecesseryc. drilled:•, " • z BQRR1t7TAI,INSA R,UCTlONS•. : vratalwenlbottibelathuidier[ace: -- .(tl:)• Ida.for.All Welke •Submit thisl.form`•within 30'da of c-- FlvremLlplewei/s7/ifalldepIkted18Rteat(exampit_S(d)Z00,and 201009•• . . 'days omplttion of iNeU a •consdadion to the follovrlttgo- 1' 10.'Statleweter level belti*top of casing: • -•60 • •• (fit) Division of Water Resou . ,y'wdterknit is abawecaike i se"+ rceJr RaleI a,NC 2 oce 4161 Unit, • p 1617 Mull ServiceCent�r,Raleigh,"NC 27699.1617 11.Borehol dianietei:' " 6 • e���') 24b.j?or_7nlectlon Wells'In addition to.sending the fbim to the-eddrese in 24a"-' •:12.Will censtrn¢tlon:gethod: • . lw`a1�' 'Nit aback also submit one copy:of this'one within 30 hays of cotttpletion;of Well 'VA=FA rotary;mble,•Efaectjaim,sta.)• • consttuotion to'the following . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:: • - • Dlvlslon of.Water:33esorrees; ent argion i Ii gaidatt Contrel•Program, r 1636 M. Service C ter,Bab gli,NC 27699-1636 '. 13L Yield „ ) ",050 • ..Met od often t'koI1 MTtl " •24c. or rater Sotto*&Inlecti`on Wells: In addition to +j i: . N the Pays of the.addte sending 136.D,',,,. ,an pie:. . -6• •Amount:_-- Ef..0111... . - Of above,.•Co,also•imi tO ;one copy health this.form•within:th days:of." completion of well•eetntntch�to the county department of the.county- whimcomtnicted: " . ('I! .I+ormGW t. ileitis CmelinapcpitfnientofFavlmmneapl Quality-DfvirtoaofWeterRe 'Revised 2.2242016 • •• L ;