HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02141_Well Construction - GW1_20240409 WELI;.CONSTRUCTION"RECORD(GV64l) For Inte(nnl Use.onlLT7,77 y 1..Well_Contractor lnfortriation: Chris:King' •14.WATER ZONES• " . .I .11 . . Well Contractor Name FROM . TO -DESCRIPTION 2080-A_ • :416 .ddol.. .R. 1...6 i''1 .1 pl • 'NC.WeIIContractorCertifcation Number. . i iS:OUTERCASiNG(for multi cased'welb)OR LINER(If.to, licabie) Aqua'Drill,Inc FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL' " :Company A'ame• • • •O:n.: ft: / is i I� C� 7 '16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal c1osed:loop) 2.Well Construction Permit#:`)(J"I ! .J . FROM'. TO DIAMETER . THICKNESS' MATERIAL List all applicable cell construction permits(I e.UIC,Conntr:State,Variance,ate.) ft.• fL. I I •In., • .3.Well Use(check'well use);' tt.. . n ;' In. Water Supply Well: • • • 17.SCREEN.T13.., • _ . • Agricultural.. FROM. TO• .' •DIAMETER I SLOT SIZE . •THICKNESS ' .MATERIAL . �MUnicipaUPublic it: •R,' : • in. Geothermal(Heating/CoolingSupply) "{ Residential"WaterSupply"(single) ft: it.. In. Industrial/Commercial QRcsidcntial Water Supply(shared)" " Irrigation. 18:GROUT .: FROM. TO - MATERIAL . 'EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply'Well: Q at.• : X 0 R: ,� . � Monitoring: . DRecovory,., R:. ��r'r �l{ .. �s11�.�. injection Well:- R. A" tfer'Reclia a . .QGrouridwater Remediation- Aquifer Storage and Recovery .19;SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) - . QSalinity Battier .FROM • . TO- • •MATERIAL. -:EMPLACEMENT METHOD Aquifer Test QStorinwaterDrainage ' . " ft•. , ft.• - i Experimental Technology; : QSubsidence Control .ft. . -n.• - ! - Georhennal"(Closed Loop) •DTracer • 20:DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary)' ' " ' Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return). f l'�'(iOther(explain under'#21 Remarks) v 7CJ FROM . To : : .DPscRIPTioN motor,tisrdnest.sell/rock type.,ram size.etc.).'. ' ft:: tt..C_' y 4."Date"Well(s)Completed:3:-2..S"a I. Well lD# ft. ft, i : So:Well Location:. - _76 ft." io ft. ..611,1e.. •6TZia)tl'aje 00 y 'PEA:4.2ga,�ss• •ft:. . It. I Facility/DU/nor ( Nnmo " / I• 1 11 1 N ifswppllcablc) ft.• ft.' I' :gaga,. v . "i i . is ) �rim.I �� �'"4 !_rr_.; io 1._ �_ ,r'riv etzclii.Ass lw. c +t•:: :fl: t f� V' Physicaall�Addn.ns:City:andZip ft: : ft. : APR .eT Ltv24 - • County' PateclIdentificationNo,(PIN) DVvu....Y..J(:.- _ 5b.l.atltude•and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees ' ' " •(if well field,one laUtong ii sufficient) 22.Certification: • '6:Is(a ar re)thewell(s)eFmanent or•.Temporary. Signature ofCenifi Well C nttacter ; .Date • .By signing.this,iiii s, I hereby ienU,'ilia(the.nell(v),iins(were)canstritrted in accordance' • '7.is this a rcptI_h to an exliting well:. Dyes "or.:No • with ISA-A'CAC 02C:0100 or•ISA NCACi 02C'.0200 JVell Conslrueilun Slanrtath and than a (Phis Ls a repair,fill an,kniina will innetnn'lion Infinmallon and erplalwlhe nature alike 'ca/ti:of tills record has'heen prnvldisllo the ircllhivne, repaii under h21 renrarhe ceriumn or"on the bath nflhis form. " 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For"Geoprobc/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal.Wells having the creme You may-use the back of this page to provide additional:well site details"or well constntctioa.only1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells - .constniction details. You mayelso;attachadditional pages ifnecessary:. 'drilled r SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface:. J" .0 S • . ' • .For nndrIple wells list all depths ifdfercnl lesaniplc-'3 200'and2@000ry (ft) "construct Alt thef l wing'Subm: this"form within 30 days of completion.of well • construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of.casing: ' • C.''.v . (ft.) vision Of-Water Resoirices,:Information,Processin unit, ,.•If uoter.lerel Ls above casing:use•#" 1617 Mail Service Centeri.Raleigh;.NC 27699-1617. 11.Borehole diameter: (in,). I j j 24b.For infection Wells::In-addition.to sending the form to:the address in'24a ,^ s" above:also-submit one copy of this:!form within 30:days"of completion of well" 12.Well construction•method:."r-f:u i'Z ..RI '1 I.•" construction to the following:.(i.e,auger.rotary.cable:direct push,etc.). - "Division of Water Resources,.Underground 7njectton Control,Program,:FOR iVA a L'?"SLPPL�'WELLS 01'iLYe 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC'27699-1636 1 II gp ) . " Method of test:- I irk 7- 24e..For Water.Supply Sc'Infection Weller In addition to sending the form'to-- �" the"addresses) Above,'also submit''one codays • 13b.Dfsin;uctian )1oc: I4 T f, py'he this"form within 30 of Amount:140 -�: :completion:of well construction tO"the county health"depamrient'of the county, where constructed. Form OW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resource-¢' v-.:::gaol o.r,r11< 1 ;