HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240526 Ver 1_BP13.R023_MCDC_20240405DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 NCDOT MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST State Project No.: BP13.R023 Project Location: The proposed project involves replacing Bridge No. 87 over California Creek on SR 1347 (Chandler Creek Road) north of Mars Hill in Madison County. The project location is shown in Figure 1. Project Description: The purpose of this project is to replace Madison County Bridge No. 87 on SR 1347 (Chandler Creek Road) over California Creek (see Figure 1). Bridge No. 87 is a 27-foot long by 32- foot wide (timber floor on I -beams) single span bridge. The replacement structure will be a proposed 40- foot long by 30-foot wide cored slab bridge with 10-foot lanes. The proposed roadway grade of the new bridge will be approximately one foot above the existing structure. The approaches will be widened to include two 10-foot travel lanes and 3-foot shoulders (7-feet with guardrail) for approximately 175-feet northwest of the bridge and approximately 22-feet east of the bridge. SR 1347 (Chandler Creek Road) has a Rural Local classification and will utilize Sub -Regional Tier Standards with a 40-mile per hour design speed. Approximately 175-feet of US 23 located east of the existing bridge will be resurfaced. Traffic will be detoured on -site utilizing a 78-inch corrugated steel pipe east of the existing bridge during construction. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: A Section 404 permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) will likely be required. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. Special Project Information: Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed project is to replace a functionally obsolete bridge. The bridge is considered structurally deficient due to superstructure appraisals of four out of nine according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standards. Bridge 560087 was built in 1972 with timber and steel. The timber bulkheads, wingwalls, abutments, and piles are decaying displaying section loss; and some of the steel beams are corroding exhibiting section loss in areas. Bridge No. 87 is approaching the end of its useful life. Replacement of the bridge will result in safer traffic operations. Design • Functional classification: Local, Rural • Sub -Regional Tier Guidelines • Design Speed: 40-mph • Design Exception: Not Required Bridge Demolition Bridge No. 87 is constructed of timber and steel and should be possible to remove with no resulting debris in the water based on standard demolition practices. Complete Streets Assessment There are currently no bicycle, pedestrian, or sidewalk facilities along SR 1347 (Chandler Creek Road) or in the project area. There are no local or regional plans that are applicable to the study area. There are MCDC June 2023 Bridge 560087 BP13.R023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 NCDOT MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST currently no bicycle or pedestrian plans included in the Madison County Comprehensive Transportation Plan to improve bicycle facilities along SR 1347. The bicycle and pedestrian facilities identified in the area and regional plans are not close enough to Bridge No. 87 study area to warrant additional analysis. There are no recorded bicycle or pedestrian crashes within the project study area since 2007. NCDOT's Integrated Mobility Division concurs that separate bicycle facilities and sidewalks are not required with this project. Water Resources Water resources in the study area are part of the French Broad basin. Three streams were identified in the study area. California Creek, Chandler Creek, and UT to California Creek are designated as Water Supply Watershed (WS-II) and High Quality Waters (HQW). For the purpose of stream mitigation, all three streams have been designated as cool water. The proposed bridge will have no direct charge into California Creek. Stormwater runoff from the bridge will flow to the northwest where it will be diffused by a grassed shoulder behind the guardrail. All proposed stormwater runoff is discharged as far away from the stream and at the lowest velocity practicable. Regulatory Floodway This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s) and is located in a FEMA Detailed Study area. Bridge No. 87 is located on DIRM Panel 9758. The existing single span bridge will be replaced with a 21-inch cored slab bridge. No structures will be adversely affected by the water surface elevations from the proposed bridge replacement. This project will be submitted as a State Floodplain Compliance (SFC) Type B. The Hydraulic Unit will coordinate with the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP) to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT's State Floodplain Compliance (SFC), or if required, approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). The Division shall submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulic Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. Tribal Coordination There are five federally recognized tribes with interests in Madison County (Cherokee Nation, Catawba Indian Nation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, and Muscogee (Creek) Nation) that were notified of the project in December 2021. The Cherokee Nation (March 15, 2022) recommended that a cultural resources survey be conducted for this project. The Cherokee Nation asked that all project activities are immediately halted and to be notified when items of cultural significance are discovered during ground disturbance activities. An archaeological review and evaluation were undertaken on December 29, 2021. A finding of No National Register Eligible or Listed Archaeological Sites Present was rendered for this project on February 15, 2022. A survey was not required. All tribes with interests in Madison County will be notified if cultural materials or human remains are encountered during ground disturbance, construction, or demolition activities. MCDC June 2023 Bridge 560087 BP13.R023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 NCDOT MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST Archaeological Survey An archaeological review and evaluation were undertaken on December 29, 2021. One previously recorded archaeological site is within the area of potential effect (APE), 31MD65. Site 31MD65 resides outside the project limits to the north and south. No further archaeological investigations are required for the project within the current APE. A finding of No National Register Eligible or Listed Archaeological Sites Present was rendered for this project on February 15, 2022. Historic Architecture and Landscapes A historic architectural review was conducted on December 17, 2021, yielded undocumented properties over 50 years of the age within the Area of Potential Effects, which follows the boundary of the Study Area. An Historic Architectural Survey was required and performed in August 2022 to evaluate the Ramsey Farmstead, MD0318. A report addendum was reviewed by SHPO in March 2023 and SHPO concurred that that there are no individually eligible resources or district within the project area. No Historic Resources are present. A finding of No Historic Properties Present or Affected within the APE was rendered for this project on April 17, 2023. PART A: MINIMUM CRITERIA YES NO Is the proposed project listed as a type and class of activity allowed under the ® ❑ Minimum Criteria Rule in which environmental documentation is not required? If the answer to number 1 is "no", then the project does not qualify as a minimum criteria project. A state Environmental Assessment is required. If yes, under which category? 9 If either category #8, #12(i) or #15 is used complete Part D of this checklist. PART B: MINIMUM CRITERIA EXCEPTIONS YES NO 2 Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use concentrations that ❑ would be expected to create adverse air quality impacts? 3 Will the proposed activity have secondary impacts or cumulative impacts that may ❑ result in a significant adverse impact to human health or the environment? Is the proposed activity of such an unusual nature or does the proposed activity have 4. such widespread implications, that an uncommon concern for its environmental effects ❑ has been expressed to the Department? Does the proposed activity have a significant adverse effect on wetlands; surface 5. waters such as rivers, streams, and estuaries; parklands; prime or unique agricultural ❑ lands; or areas of recognized scenic, recreational, archaeological, or historical value? 6 Will the proposed activity endanger the existence of a species on the Department of ❑ Interior's threatened and endangered species list? 7 Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use concentrations that ❑ would be expected to create adverse water quality or ground water impacts? 8 Is the proposed activity expected to have a significant adverse effect on long-term ❑ recreational benefits or shellfish, finfish, wildlife, or their natural habitats? MCDC June 2023 Bridge 560087 BP13.R023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 NCDOT MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST If any questions 2 through 8 are answered "yes", the proposed project may not qualify as a Minimum Criteria project. A State Environmental Assessment (SEA) may be required. PART C: COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS YES NO 9 Is a federally protected threatened or endangered species, or its habitat, likely to be ❑ impacted by the proposed action? 10. Does the action require the placement of temporary or permanent fill in waters of the ® ❑ United States? 11. Does the project require the placement of a significant amount of fill in high quality or ❑ relatively rare wetland ecosystems, such as mountain bogs or pine savannahs? 12 Is the proposed action located in an Area of Environmental Concern, as defined in the ❑ coastal Area Management Act? 13. Does the project require stream relocation or channel changes? ❑ Cultural Resources 14. Will the project have an "effect" on a property or site listed on the National Register of ❑ Historic Places? 15. Will the proposed action require acquisition of additional right of way from publicly ❑ owned parkland or recreational areas? MCDC June 2023 Bridge 560087 BP13.R023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 NCDOT MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST 16. Project length: 17. Right of Way width: 18. Project completion date: 19. Total acres of newly disturbed ground surface 20. Total acres of wetland impacts: 21. Total linear feet of stream impacts: 22. Project purpose: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Question 9: Projected Species Gray bat, Northern long-eared bat, Tricolored bat — A review of the NCNHP records, updated January 2023, indicated no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. Surveys for these species will be conducted prior to construction. Question 10: Waters of the US It is anticipated that the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 87 with a 40-foot long by 30-foot wide cored slab bridge will result in 65-feet of permanent and 67-feet of temporary water surface impacts to Chandler Creek. Approximately 29-feet of temporary water surface impacts are anticipated to the UT to California Creek due to the installation and removal of the 78-inch CMP for the on -site detour. Wetlands will not be impacted by the proposed project. DocuSigned by: Reviewed By: _FY4j Ally, tree-AkW 3E-nvironmental Specialist II NCDOT, Division 13 Date: 6/29/2023 1 1:11 PM EDT DocuSigned by: Approved By: _FsfWkIA, b, r",ln VU Date: 7/3/2023 1 1:43 PM EDT 5--_.,eFEidasACFatFs .n, PE, Project Development Engineer NCDOT, Division 13 DocuSigned by: Prepared By:"`� -y3&?10i 01ausen, PE, CPM TGS Engineers MCDC June 2023 BP13.R023 Date: 6/29/2023 1 12:03 PM EDT Bridge 560087 DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 PROJECT COMMITMENTS Madison County Bridge No. 87 over California Creek on SR 1347 (Chandler Creek Road) Project No. BP13.R023 NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit, Biological Surveys — Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys for the northern long-eared bat, gray bat, and tricolored bat will be conducted during the appropriate survey window. Biological conclusions will be rendered for these species at that time. MCDC June 2023 Green Sheet BP13.R023 Bridge 560087 DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 Legend Bridge 560087 = County Boundary BRIDGE #560087 A� HtggX\s >3r�Ch ❑ �a G C+ J u„ 0 0.25 0.5 1 9 a t 0 Miles �- ra�J . Ll r w. O . V 7 S x c ESRI World Street Basemap NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT VICINITY MAP Date: 6-28-2023 OF TRANSPORTATION Project No. BP13.R023 Q DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Madison County p �Qv Bridge No. 560087 on SR 1347 (Chandler Figure 1 '�=A• DIVISION 13 Creek Road) over Chandler Creek DocuSign Envelope ID: 86996D98-CF61-48B6-9CF3-6B3E49A81402 Legend C Bridge 560087 Project Study Area NCHPO Points Surveyed Only NC1 Map GIS Parcels =a Stream Line (hydro24k) NC Flood Hazard Area Effective 1 % Annual Chance Flood Hazard 0 100 200 400 Feet NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION = DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Q DIVISION 13 r (1i iA}ris " -P� —`NG OnelVlap Imagery:2018 Environmental Features Map Date: 6-28-2023 WBS No. BP13.R023 Madison County Bridge No. 560087 on SR 1347 (Chandler Figure 2 Creek Road) over Chandler Creek