HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240526 Ver 1_No NRHP Eligible or Listed Archaeological Sites Present PA 21-12-0010_20240405Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES oa ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES e A PRESENT FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. Y p p J `. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult ;Q separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Team. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: BP13-RO23 County: Madison WBSNo: BP13.R023.1 Document: MCC F.A. No: na Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: USACE Project Description: The project calls for the replacement of Bridge No. 87 on SR 1347 (Chandler Creek Road) over California Creek in Madison County. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project is defined as a 365 foot (I11.25 m) long corridor running northwest along Chandler Creek Road from its intersection with US 23 Alt. This section of the APE corridor is approximately 175 feet (53.34 m) wide extending 75 feet (22.86 m) to the southwest and 100 feet (30.48 m) to the northeast from the center of Chandler Creek Road. The APE also runs for 260 feet (79.25 m) along US 23 Alt extending 160 feet (48.77 m) to the northeast and 100 feet (30.48 m) to the southwest from its intersection with Chandler Creek Road. This section of the APE corridor is approximately 100 feet (30.48 m) wide extending 40 feet (12.19 m) to the southeast and 60 feet (18.29 m) to the northwest from the center of US 23 Alt. In all, the APE encompasses 1.8 acres. A federal permit is anticipated. As a result, this archaeological review was conducted in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance (36 CFR Part 800). SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Team has reviewed the .subject project and determined: ® There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed.) ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ® Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ® All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: NC DOT has conducted an intensive archaeological survey and evaluation for the planned replacement of Bridge No. 87 on SR 1347 (Chandler Creek Road) over California Creek, located north of Mars Hill and southwest of Burnsville in Madison County, North Carolina. The project area is plotted near the northeast corner of the Mars Hill USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle (Figure 1). 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 1of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 Background Research A site file search was conducted using data from the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on December 29, 2022. The search found that an archaeological investigation was previous been carried within the current APE as part of initial A-10 project with site 31MD65 recorded (Padgett and Baroody 1981) (Figure 2). Minimal work was conducted during this investigation, which included a pedestrian survey. No subsurface tests were excavated as the site area was thought to have been disturbed from channel relocation and farming activities. Woodland period artifacts including Swannanoa pottery and Connestee and Otarre projectile points were identified on the surface in the fields north and south of the confluence with California Creek and Chandler Creek. Artifact density was reported as light with a higher concentration in the field to the north. Although the site was originally recommended as not eligible for the National Register in the A-10 report, this previous investigation does not meet current OSA standards. As a result, site 31MD65 is considered unassessed for the National Register. The site has since been revisited in 2015 by a local amateur archaeologist (V. Gary Henry), who reported additional finds to OSA. He expanded the site boundaries based on the surface scatter, which included Archaic period materials. Currently, the site covers three separate fields (referred to as the northern, middle, and southern loci). Only that portion of the site in the middle field or middle locus (just north of Chandler Creek and California Creek) falls into the APE. However, it was also thought prior to the current survey that the southern locus may extend into the APE. As a result, the National Register evaluation for the section of site 31MD65 within the APE was required for this project. An additional seven other sites (31MD63, 31MD64, 31MD193, 31MD194, and 31MD205-31MD207) have also been recorded within a mile of the bridge to the south and west along California Creek and its tributaries. Most (31MD193, 31MD194, and 31MD205-31MD207) were reported during investigations for I-26 Alternative Routes (Gresham 1990); while 31MD63 and 31MD64 were identified during the initial A-10 investigation (Padgett and Baroody 1981). All yielded evidence of precontact occupations with 31MD194 also producing 20th century materials. Unidentified lithic resources were collected from 31MD64, 31MD193, and 31MD205-31MD207, while Early Woodland artifacts were at 31MD63 and 31MD194. Site 31MD63 also yielded a Middle Archaic projectile point. Artifact density is reported as light at all the sites. The placement of sites include the floodplains (31MD63 and 31MD193), terraces (31MD 64, 31MD194, and 31MD207), saddles (31MD206), to ridge tops (31MD205). The I-26 Alternative Routes sites have been determined not eligible for the National Register, but the A-10 sites are considered unassessed. In general, the previous known sites in the region suggested a high probability for resources along the California drainageway if conditions are favorable for occupations. According to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online data base (HPOWEB 2022), there are no known historic architectural resources that are eligible or listed within the APE that may yield intact archaeological deposits. Most early maps prior to the 20th century show few details concerning the project area making it difficult to place. An approximate location for the project was first identified on the 1901 USGS Asheville topographic map (Figure 3). This map depicts a crossing over California Creek near the current bridge site. A road like that of Chandler Creek Road is illustrated following the drainage towards the northwest, but the road similar to US 23 Alt travels up the westside of California Creek instead of the east. As a result, the roads intersect north of the stream crossing. Several structures are also shown, which are depicted along California Creek. Remnants of these structures were likely removed during a realignment of US 23 Alt at a later date. The subsequent 1936 Soil Survey Map for Madison County and later highway maps display a more modern road configuration (Hearn et al. 1936) (Figure 4). The road like that of US 23 Alt is now to the east of California Creek, and all nearby structures are missing. It is not clear, however, from the maps of when the creeks were modified. Overall, it seems very unlikely that significant historic resources will be encountered. The USDA soil survey shows the APE composed of three soil types (USDA NRCS 2022) (see Figure 2). The floodplain is made up of the Dellwood-Reddies complex (DeA). This series has a slope of less than 3 percent, subject to occasionally flooding, and is moderately well drained. The terraces consist of the Toecane- 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 2of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 Tusquitee complex (TrQ to the northwest and Tate loam (TaQ to the east. Both have a slope of 8 to 15 percent and are well drained. Subsurface testing was recommended for all three series as they are dry, fairly level, and near fresh water making them suitable for evidence of early settlement activities. Fieldwork Results The archaeological APE runs along Chandler Creek Road crossing California Creek at Bridge 87 from the northwest to the southeast (Figure 5). California Creek flows south parallel to US 23 Alt, while Chandler Creek runs along the westside of Chandler Creek Road. Their confluence is immediately south of the bridge. The channels of both streams have been modified to act as drainage ditches for the roads. Debris (large rocks and soil) from channel cleaning has been deposited along the stream banks for both creeks. California Creek continues flowing south and joins with Middle Fork Creek to form Little Ivy Creek. These waterways are part of the French Broad drainage basin. Landforms within the APE consist mostly of a floodplain that rises onto a sloping stream terraces to the northwest and east. Properties are a mix of cultivated fields and residential lawns (Figures 6 and 7). Ground disturbance is heavier than expected. Fill was found in every shovel test along the westside of Chandler Creek and the road. A buried fiber optic line is also to the west, but it is mostly outside of the APE. Redeposited or mixed soils are present north/east of California Creek within the middle locus of site 31MD65, while a drainage ditch cuts across the site as well (Figure 8). Fill material and a gravel drive leading to a barn are found in an area between Chandler Creek Road and California Creek at the APE's northeastern corner. And finally, the eastern terrace, east of US 23 Alt, is heavily graded with the surface layer removed for a house and the adjacent garden plot and field (Figure 9). The archaeological field survey was carried out on January 27, 2022. The investigations included excavations of shovel tests (STs) initially placed at 15-meter (ca. 49 ft) intervals and a surface inspection as ground visibility was considered good (see Figures 5). Limited or no subsurface testing occurred in areas with visible and severe ground disturbance such as the area between Chandler Creek Road and California Creek in the northeast and along the terrace east of US 23 Alt or on wet soils adjacent to California Creek. Shovel tests 91-3 were placed northeast of Chandler Creek Road and California Creek in the field designated as site 31MD65's middle locus (see Figure 6). STs 91 and 2 were positive for precontact cultural artifacts, while all others were negative. ST 94 was then plotted halfway between STs #2 and 3 at seven meters (ca. 23 ft) in an attempt to define the limits of the artifact scatter. A modern ditch approximately 30 to 50 (ca. 12 to 20 in) deep prevented excavation of another shovel test between 91 and 2 (see Figure 8). Approximately 5 to 6 meters (ca. 16 to 20 ft) south of ST 91 is a gravel entrance to the property, while wet soils are just north of ST #3. Shovel tests 95-11 were dug west Chandler Creek and just east of 31MD65's southern locus, which is outside of the project limits (see Figure 7). All seven STs were negative, but modern 20th century materials (plastic) were identified in STs 95-7. These appear to be modern discards from the latter half of the century. Lastly, STs 912 and 13 were excavated as judgmental tests east of US 23 Alt, once it was observed that grading was severe (see Figure 9). Both were negative. Soil stratigraphy north/east of California Creek at STs 91-4 appears to be homogenous with very subtle changes in texture and color. The surface layer or plowzone is a dark yellowish brown (10YR 5/4) loam occasionally mottled with a dark grayish brown (1 OYR 4/2). This layer is somewhere between 40 and 70 cm (ca. 16 and 28 in) thick. Gravel is heavy in ST 91 but lightens in 92, and no gravel is present in 93 and 4. The clay and moisture content increase with depth on each of the shovel test. The second soil layer if seen is a either a brown (1 OYR 5/3) or a yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/4) sandy clay loam that extends to at least 75 cm (ca. 30 in) below the surface. This layer is saturated with water. In ST# 1 and 4, large rocks are present in the second layer which hindered excavation attempts. Due to the strange nature of the soils in this particular area, it is likely disturbed from the relocation of California Creek when the road were reconfigured. Soils west of Chandler Creek are heavily disturbed as well from the relocation of that waterway. STs 95-11 show at least 80 cm (ca. 31 in) of dark yellowish brown (1 OYR 3/4) sandy loam fill. No intact soils were observed, and large rocks and plastic fragments were seen throughout the fill. The final two shovel tests (#12 and 13) 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 3of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 on the eastern terrace consist of a 30 cm (ca. 12 in) brown (10YR 5/4) clay loam plowzone followed by a strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) clay subsoil. 31MD65 Site 31MD65 is a previous recorded archaeological precontact site that stretches over three loci to the west of US 23 Alt along the California Creek floodplain (see Figure 2). The northern locus is approximately 130 in (ca. 427 ft) away from the project area. The middle locus covers the field north/east of Chandler Creek Road and California Creek with a small portion of the site falling within the project limits (see Figure 5). The southern locus is in large residential lawns just outside of the APE. Past investigations by NCDOT archaeologist (Padgett and Baroody 1981) and collections made by an amateur report artifact density as very light. Only four diagnostic artifacts have been recovered in the past, which include one Swannanoa pottery sherd and three projectile points (Savannah River Stemmed, Connestee, and Otarre). These artifacts represent several occupations dating from the Archaic to Early and Middle Woodland periods. Non -diagnostic materials recovered included quartz, quartzite, and chert debitage along with biface fragments. All artifacts have been collected from the surface. The site was previously considered unassessed for the National Register since the past archaeological investigation did not meet current OSA standards for site evaluation. The current investigation focused on the extent of the middle and southern loci. Four shovel tests (91-4) were placed at the middle locus, while seven (95-11) were excavated west of Chandler near the boundary for the southern locus (see Figure 5). Shovel tests were placed at 15-meter (ca. 49 ft) intervals with a reduced interval of seven meters (ca. 23 ft) at the middle locus due to positive tests. The middle locus yielded two positive STs (#1 and 2) in the cultivated field (see Figure 6). Testing at a reduced interval between 91 and 2 was not carried out due to ground disturbance from a ditch approximately 30 to 50 (ca. 12 to 20 in) deep that ran the length of the field north from California Creek (see Figure 8). ST# 4 (in the field) and 3 (just outside of the field) to the northwest were both negative. Past ST #3, the floodplain slopes gradually towards California Creek. The area is forested, and the soils were wet at the surface during the current survey. Although the forested area is marked as part of 31MD65 on the OSA map, the site does not extend outside of the cultivated field. The two positive tests, however, expanded the site area for the middle locus towards the south (see Figure 5). Therefore, this section of 31MD65 within the project limits is bounded by California Creek to the south, negative shovel tests and wet soils to the west, and US 23 Alt and rising slope to the east. The northern extent is unconfirmed since it is outside of the APE. Based upon the soil stratigraphy as mentioned earlier, this section of 31MD65 is likely disturbed from the relocation of California Creek, which was reported as a concern for the site's eligibility by the previous A-10 investigation (Padgett and Baroody 1981). Additional shovel tests to the northeast within the APE were not excavated due to the soils disturbance already observed. The artifacts recovered include two pieces of debitage (quartzite and chert) dating to an unknown precontact period (Table 1). They were recovered from the upper soil layer (Ap horizon) between 20 and 40 cm (ca. 8 and 16 in) below the surface. No buried cultural layers or intact features were identified. A surface inspection of the field within the APE failed to reveal additional material. Table 1. Site 31MD65 Artifact Invento Bag Prov Strat Depth Artifact Description Qty 1 STl I 20-40 Debitage Quartzite; Tertiary Flake 1 2 ST2 I 20-40 Debitage Cheri; Tertiary Flake 1 Total 2 Ground disturbance was also recorded west of Chandler Creek in STs 95-11 with fill being identified (see Figure 7). This disturbance is likely the result of Chandler Creek being relocated to act as a drainage ditch for the adjacent road. No intact soils were present within the APE showing that 31MD65's southern locus does not extend within the current project area. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 4of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 As defined within the APE, site 31MD65 appears to lack the potential to yield important information about regional precontact occupations. The artifact density is low within a disturbed context. No evidence of intact cultural deposits or soils were identified during subsurface testing. The site lacks vertical and horizontal integrity and potential for associated features due to the relocation of the waterways. Site 31MD65 is recommended not eligible for the NRHP under any of the four criteria, and no further work is recommended within the defined project limits. However, the site extends to the north and south, and the uninvestigated site area remains unassessed. Summary and Recommendations The archeological investigations for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 87 in Madison County revisited one previous recorded site (31MD65). No new sites were identified. Site 31MD65 represents a small section of a much larger precontact site that resides outside of the project limits to north and south. That portion of 31MD65, which was investigated within the APE, lacks substantial intact subsurface deposits and the integrity needed to provide important information about the precontact history of the area. Site 31MD65 within the APE is recommended not eligible for the National Register, but the site area outside the APE will remain unassessed. No further archaeological work is required for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 87 on Chandler Creek Road over California Creek in Madison County. However, additional investigations will be needed if the project expands outside of its currently defined APE. This project falls within a North Carolina County in which the Catawba Nation, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Cherokee Nation, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, and Muscogee (Creek) Nation have expressed an interest. We recommend that you ensure that this documentation is forwarded to these tribes using the process described in the current NCDOT Tribal Protocol and PA Procedures Manual. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ® Photos ❑ Correspondence Other: historic map images Signed: 2/15/22 C. Damon Jones Date NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 5of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 REFERENCES CITED Gresham, Thomas H. 1990 Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of the Alternative Routes 1-26 Extension (Project A-10), Madison and Buncombe Counties, North Carolina. Southeastern Archaeological Services, Inc., Athens, Georgia. Submitted to North Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh. Hearn, Edward, Eugene Goldston, William Davis, C.W. Croom, and Samuel Davidson 1936 Soil Map for Madison County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. On file at North Carolina Collections, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. HPOWEB 2022 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office GIS Web Service. hops://nc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webgppviewer/index.html?id=79ea671 ebdcc45639fD860257d5 f 5ed7. Accessed January 14, 2022. Padgett, Thomas and Chris Baroody 1981 Archaeological Survey Report for the Proposed Relocations of US 23 from the Tennessee State Line to US 19, Madison County, North Carolina, State Project No. A-10. North Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services (USDA NRCS) 2022 Madison County Soil Survey. Available online at http://webosilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/app/. Accessed January 14, 2022. United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1901 Asheville, North Carolina -Tennessee 30 minute quadrangle map. Reprinted in 1907. 2000 Mars Hill, North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 6of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 WIM7•� ti15. ` ` One "file Radius (Shaded) Around Project Area SP-g0N�iE Ar f ^�, p � `- Bridge 87 �' O r� APE (Red) BM € 1$4 { 5 �.0Ql �n 0 1 N Mies X F 0 1.5�7u Madison County Meters g Figure 1. Topographic Setting of the Project Area, Mars Hill (2000) NC USGS 7.5' Topographic Quadrangle. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 7of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 Madison County Bridge 87 APE (Red) Contour at 4 feet l� Soiis Site 31MD65 0 500 N D Feet 150 W F Meters g Figure 2. Aerial view of the project area showing development, soils, landforms, and three loci making up Site 31MD65 according to OSA's map. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 8of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 Project Area Figure 3. The 1901 USGS Asheville Topographic map showing the location of the project area. "V P I H rn vV v .� M qq r Project Area IV m h� Figure 4. The 1936 Soil Map for Madison County showing the location of the project area. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 9of12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 Figure 5. Aerial view of the project area showing STs and the new extent of Site 31MD65 along with soils and contours. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 10 of 12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 Figure 6. General view of the middle locus at 31MD65 in the cultivated field, looking north. s Figure 7. General view of southern locus at site 31MD65 and the residential lawn west of Chandler Creek, looking southeast. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 11 of 12 Project Tracking No. 21-12-0010 t* a. ����7 _ � } � y.. ,`✓'fit, � t r `rml 0 -,3•i Nwl- . 4+ a a T Figure 8. General view of the ditch cutting across site 31MD65, looking northwest. Figure 9. General view of graded terrace east of US 23 Alt, looking southwest. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 12 of 12