HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201938 Ver 2_Loop Road Bank AsBuilt Report_20240401Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel  DWR ID# 2020‐1938v2  Wildlands Holdings IX, LLC’s Loop Road Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank        AS‐BUILT & BASELINE MONITORING REPORT  April 2024                  PREPARED BY:  Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225  Raleigh, NC  27609  Phone: 919‐851‐9986      _____________________________________________________________________________________           Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel                                                                                                                         As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Report – April 2024 Page i  AS‐BUILT & BASELINE MONITORING REPORT   Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel     Wildlands Holdings IX, LLC’s Loop Road Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank    TABLE OF CONTENTS  1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1  2.0 Parcel Location & Background .................................................................................................. 1  2.1 Location and Setting ..................................................................................................................... 1  2. 2 Parcel Background ........................................................................................................................ 1  2. 3 Parcel Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 1  3.0 NCDWR As‐Built Evaluation ...................................................................................................... 1  4.0 Restoration Activities ............................................................................................................... 2  5.0 Project Credit Potential and Deviations from the Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP) .... 2  6.0 Monitoring Protocol & Success Criteria ..................................................................................... 3  7.0 Financial Assurance & Long‐Term Management ........................................................................ 3  6.1  Financial Assurance ...................................................................................................................... 3  6.2 Parcel Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 3  8.0 References ................................................................................................................................ 4    APPENDICES  Appendix A: General Figures and Tables  Table 1 Project Credit Table  Table 2  Project Activity and Reporting History  Table 3 Project Contact Table  Table 4 Project Information and Attributes  Table 5  Adjacent Forested Areas Existing Tree and Shrub Species  Table 6 Planted Tree Species  Figure 1 Vicinity Map  Figure 2  Credit Service Area Map  Figure 3       Credit Generation Map  Figure 4 Monitoring Components Map  Figure 5 As‐Built Survey    Appendix B: Vegetation Plot Data  Table 7a‐7b Planted Species by Vegetation Plot         Vegetation Plot Photographs  Appendix C: NCDWR Surface Water Determination and Site Viability Letter           On‐Site Determination Letter and Map (April 2021)          On‐Site Site Viability Letter – (July 2021)   Appendix D: Conservation Easement  Appendix E: Overview Photographs         Additional Mitigation Activities     _____________________________________________________________________________________           Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel                                                                                                                         As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Report – April 2024  Page 1  AS‐BUILT & BASELINE MONITORING REPORT  Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel   Wildlands Holdings IX, LLC’s Loop Road Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Bank  The Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel (Parcel) is part of Wildlands Holdings IX, LLC (Sponsor), Loop Road  Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI). The Bank Parcel Development Package  (BPDP) was approved in August 2023. The Parcel contains one unnamed tributary (UT1), two project  ditches (D1 and D2) and one non‐project ditch (DA). The primary purpose of the project is to provide  riparian buffer mitigation credits and nutrient offset credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts in  the Neuse River Basin 03020201 Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) outside the Falls Lake Watershed. The  project has been planned, designed, and constructed according to the BPDP, the Consolidated Buffer  Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015), and Nutrient Offset Credit Trading  Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0703. The Parcel service area is depicted in Figure 2.  1.0 Introduction  The Parcel was restored to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Neuse River Basin  by creating a functional riparian corridor and restoring the riparian area along D1 and D2, which flow to  UT1 within the Parcel. Prior to planting, the Parcel was open row crop fields. Approximately 13.69 acres  have been protected along the project features by permanent conservation easement. The conservation  easement for the Parcel was recorded during August 2023.  2.0 Parcel Location & Background  2.1 Location and Setting  The Parcel is in Wayne County, approximately eleven miles southwest of the City of Goldsboro (Figure  1). From the City of Raleigh, travel east on 1‐40 for approximately 42 miles. Take exit 341 for NC‐50/ NC‐ 55 towards US13/Newton Grove. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Newton Grove. Turn left onto NC‐ 50 S/NC‐55 E. At the traffic circle, take the 4th exit onto US‐13 N. Continue onto US HWY 13 S. In 7.8  miles, turn right onto Loop Rd. The entrance to the dirt road will be on the right in 1.6 miles. Follow the  dirt road for 0.3 miles. The Parcel will be located on the left.  2. 2 Parcel Background  Prior to construction, the Parcel was used rotationally to graze cattle and produce row crops. In general,  this area has maintained its rural farming character over the last 60 years with only minor changes in  land cover. Tables 2, 3, and 4 in Appendix A provide detailed information regarding the Project Activity  and Reporting History, Project Contacts, and Project Information and Attributes. 2. 3 Parcel Objectives  The main objective of the Parcel is to reduce nutrient and sediment loading to the Neuse River receiving  waters, restore and improve terrestrial and instream habitats, and improve stream and bank stability. By  restoring native vegetation up to 200 feet from top of bank of the project features, the riparian corridor  will slow overland flow velocities and provide filtration for flood flows. This will result in sediment  deposition and nutrient absorption in the floodplain, reducing loads to project features.  3.0 NCDWR As‐Built Evaluation  On January 31st, 2024, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of  Water Resources (NCDWR) performed an As‐Built Evaluation of the Parcel. An inactive drainpipe was  found during the visit and NCDWR required that Wildlands either remove or seal it to ensure it remains  inactive. Additionally, NCDWR requested that a vegetation plot be surveyed in a 0.05‐acre area of  standing water near the surveyed tree line each monitoring year and that photographs be provided  _____________________________________________________________________________________           Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel                                                                                                                         As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Report – April 2024  Page 2  within the As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Report and monitoring reports 1‐5. Photographs included  within monitoring reports 1‐5 will be taken at the end of the growing season. The photograph included  within Appendix E was taken in February 2024.   4.0 Restoration Activities  Developing the Parcel for mitigation required converting existing agriculture land use practices adjacent  to project features into riparian forest. Riparian area restoration involved planting appropriate native  tree species along the riparian corridor.   The species composition planted was selected based on the desired community type, occurrence of  species in riparian areas adjacent to the Parcel, and best professional judgement. Bare root trees were  spaced at 7 feet by 12 feet, which is sufficient to meet the performance standards outlined in Rule 15A  NCAC 02B .0295. Live staking of hydrophytic species was conducted within a depressional area  surrounding the top of D1 as well as the area of standing water discussed during the NCDWR As‐Built  Evaluation, which together total 0.21 acres. Species more tolerant of prolonged saturation and which  are commonly cultivated as live stakes were selected for these areas. Table 6 in Appendix A lists the tree  species and quantities planted on the Parcel.  Herbaceous cover is partially established across the Parcel at the time of this report. Areas that are not  populated with native volunteer herbaceous vegetation by the spring will be seeded with a mix of cover  crop species, such as millet (Setaria italica) and clover (Trifolium repens), and permanent native species,  such as black‐eyed susan (Rudkbeckia hirta), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and Virginia  wildrye (Elymus virginicus). Cover crop species are to ensure quick establishment of herbaceous  vegetation to provide ground coverage while permanent native herbaceous species become established.  Vegetation management and herbicide applications may be needed over the first few years of tree  establishment in the riparian restoration areas to prevent encroachment of undesirable species that  may out‐compete the planted native vegetation.   The drainpipe noted during the NCDWR As‐Built Evaluation was plugged using concrete and the pipe  outlet was buried to ensure that diffuse flow is maintained across the Parcel. A photograph of the  plugged pipe can be found in Appendix E.  The easement was marked using placards placed on fence posts and t‐posts approximately every 100  feet. Placards were placed on fence posts on segments of the easement boundary where fencing was  installed to prevent all future cattle access and on t‐posts in wooded areas where there is no cattle  access and fencing was not necessary.   5.0 Project Credit Potential and Deviations from the Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP)  Of the 13.69 acres protected under the conservation easement, 11.9 acres were restored. Of the 11.9  acres of restoration, the Sponsor is requesting 0.7 acres be used to generate riparian buffer mitigation  credit (30,833.000 credits) and 11.2 acres be used to generate nutrient offset nitrogen credits  (25,460.289 credits). Riparian restoration for riparian buffer mitigation credit on D2 extends out to 50  feet from the top of bank. Riparian restoration for nutrient offset nitrogen credits extends from top of  bank out to 200 feet on D2 and from 50 feet out to 200 feet on D1. Minor deviations in credits from the  BPDP occurred due to improved accuracy that the as‐built survey provides in comparison to estimates  obtained from GIS software. This equated to an addition of 0.275 nutrient offset nitrogen credits and  5.000 riparian buffer mitigation credits. Table 1 and Figures 3 and 6 in Appendix A detail credit  generation for the Parcel.   _____________________________________________________________________________________           Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel                                                                                                                         As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Report – April 2024  Page 3  6.0 Monitoring Protocol & Success Criteria  Seven fixed 10‐meter by 10‐meter vegetation monitoring plots were installed and three circular  randomly located plots with a radius of 5.64 meters were surveyed within the riparian restoration areas  to measure the density of the planted trees (Figure 4). Random plot 8 (RP 8) was located within the  riparian restoration area along D1, while random plot 9 (RP 9) was within the riparian restoration area  along D2. Both random plots will be located within these general locations each monitoring year. Lastly,  random plot 10 (RP 10) was located within the area of standing water near the surveyed tree line and  will be located within the area of standing water each monitoring year. The number of plots required  was determined in accordance with the Carolina Vegetative Sampling Protocol (CVS) Level 2. Vegetation  assessments were completed in February 2024 following the CVS Level 2 Protocol for Recording  Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008). Baseline data shows an average planted stem density of 567  stems per acre across fixed vegetation plots and RP 8 and RP 9 (Table 7). Fixed vegetation plots have an  average density of 572 stems per acre, while RP 8 and RP 9 have an average density of 546 stems per  acre. These densities surpass the requirement of 260 stems per acre at the end of year five monitoring.  RP 10 has a density of 1,093 stems per acre and is not included within summary data for random plots or  the overall site summary data within Table 7 of Appendix B. The 0.05‐acre area of standing water the  plot is located within was planted at a higher density than the remainder of the Parcel to ensure  adequate survival in future years. Additionally, due to the differences in saturation and species selection  between this area and most of the Parcel, it would not be appropriate to include its data within  summary totals or means.    Annual vegetation inventory will begin in the fall of 2024 and will occur during September or October for  the remainder of the monitoring period. Each year a reference photo will be taken from the  southwestern corner of each vegetation plot, and all planted stems will be marked with flagging tape  and stem measurements will be recorded.  Species composition, density, height, vigor, and survival rates  will be evaluated on an annual basis by plot for the entire Parcel. Wildlands shall submit to NCDWR an  annual monitoring report, no later than December 31st of each year for five consecutive years and will  follow the terms and conditions of the BPDP approved in August 2023. The measure of vegetative  success for the Parcel will be the survival of at least four native hardwood tree species, where no one  species is greater than 50% of the established planted stems, and an established density of at least 260  planted trees per acre at the end of monitoring year five. Appropriate and desirable native volunteer  species may be included in the Parcel’s density to meet the performance standards with written NCDWR  approval.  7.0 Financial Assurance & Long‐Term Management  6.1  Financial Assurance  After completion of the restoration/construction, a separate Performance/Maintenance Bond will be  secured for 100% of the estimated cost to implement the monitoring and maintenance plan, but not less  than $100,000.00. The Performance/Maintenance Bond shall apply at the inception of the monitoring  period for a term of one year, to be extended annually for a minimum of five years. Upon NCDWR  approval, this may be lowered each year based on the adjusted cost to complete the monitoring.   6.2 Parcel Maintenance  Adaptive measures will be developed, or appropriate remedial actions will be implemented if the Parcel  or a specific component of the Parcel fails to achieve the success criteria. Parcel maintenance will be  performed to correct any identified problems that have a high likelihood of affecting project success.  Any actions implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria and will include a work  schedule and updated monitoring criteria. Any Parcel maintenance performed will be included in the  _____________________________________________________________________________________           Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel                                                                                                                         As‐Built & Baseline Monitoring Report – April 2024  Page 4  monitoring report for that year. A rigorous herbicide schedule may be implemented in the first few  years of tree establishment in the restoration areas to prevent establishment of invasive species or  undesirable vegetation that may out‐compete native vegetation. The only herbicides used on the Parcel  will be aquatic approved herbicides that will be applied in accordance with North Carolina Department  of Agriculture rules and regulations.   The easement boundary will be checked annually as part of monitoring activities. Easement boundary  conditions as well as any maintenance performed will be reported in the annual monitoring reports to  NCDWR. If mowing is deemed necessary by the Sponsor during the monitoring period, the Sponsor must  receive approval from NCDWR prior to conducting any mowing activities within Zone 1 and Zone 2 of  the Neuse buffers to ensure that no buffer violations have occurred.  8.0 References  Lee, M.T., Peet, R.K., Steven D., & Wentworth, T.R. (2008). CVS‐EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation  Version 4.2 [PDF file].   NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. (2004).  Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration [PDF file].   NC Department of Environmental Quality. (2015). 15A NCAC 02B .0259 Mitigation Program  Requirements for Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers [PDF file].   Wildlands Holdings IX, LLC. (2023). Loop Road Bank Parcel Development Package. NCDWR, Raleigh NC.    APPENDIX A. General Figures and Tables Project Area N Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) P Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) Credit Type Location Subject? (enter  NO if ephemeral  or ditch 1) Feature Type Mitigation  Activity Min‐Max  Buffer  Width (ft) Feature Name Total Area  (ft2) Total  (Creditable)  Area of Buffer  Mitigation (ft2) Initial  Credit  Ratio (x:1) % Full  Credit  Final  Credit  Ratio (x:1)   Convertible to  Riparian  Buffer?   Riparian Buffer  Credits   Convertible to  Nutrient  Offset?   Delivered  Nutrient Offset:  N (lbs)  Buffer Rural No Ditch Restoration 0‐50 D2 30,833 30,833 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 30,833.000 Yes 1,608.885 Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 0‐100 D1 and D2 236,224 236,224 1 100% 1.00000 No —Yes 12,326.489 Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 101‐200 D1 and D2 251,695 251,695 1 33% 3.03030 No —Yes 13,133.800 Buffer Rural No Ditch Restoration 101‐200 Non-Diffused Flow  Deductions ‐ D1 and  DA 5,611 0 1 33%No —No Totals (ft2):524,363 518,752 30,833.000 27,069.174 Total Buffer (ft2):36,443 30,833 Total Nutrient Offset (ft2):487,919 N/A Square Feet Credits 30,833 30,833.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 30,833 30,833.000 Square Feet Credits Nitrogen:25,460.289 Phosphorus:0.000 N/A Table 1. Project Credit Table Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Neuse 03020201 ‐ Outside Falls Lake 19.16394 Total Riparian Buffer: TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION Mitigation Totals Nutrient Offset:487,919 TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM) Mitigation Totals Restoration: Enhancement: Preservation: Year 5 Monitoring 2028 December 2028 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc P.O. Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Table 3.  Project Contact Table Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Bank Sponsor Wildlands Holdings IX, LLC 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.332.7754 Table 2.  Project Activity and Reporting History Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Scheduled Delivery Loop Road Mitigation Banking Instrument N/A August 2023 BPDP Approval Date N/A August 2023 Conservation Easement N/A August 2023 Bare Root Planting N/A December 2023 February 2024As‐Built and Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0)April 2024 Year 3 Monitoring 2026 December 2026 Year 4 Monitoring 2027 December 2027 Year 1 Monitoring 2024 December 2024 Year 2 Monitoring 2025 December 2025 Monitoring, Point of Contact Kaitlyn Hogarth 919.851.9986, ext. 122 McMinnville, TN 37110 Nursery Stock Suppliers Dykes and Sons Nursery and Greenhouse Monitoring Performers Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Bare Roots 825 Maude Etter Rd Table 4.  Project Information and Attributes Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Table 5.  Adjacent Forested Areas Existing Tree and Shrub Species Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Wetland  Indicator Status FAC FAC FACW FAC FAC FAC FACW FAC Loblolly Pine FAC FACW Number  Planted 339 677 677 339 677 677 677 677 1,016 677 339 12 12 13 13 10% Quercus nigra Magnolia virginiana Water Oak Sweetbay Magnolia 5% American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 15% 10% 10% Swamp Tupelo Swamp Chestnut Oak Nyssa biflora Quercus michauxii 10% Persimmon Diospyros virginiana 5% River Birch Betula nigra 10% Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides % of Total Black Cherry Prunus serotina 5% Boxelder Acer negundo 10% Common Name Scientific Name Bare Root Betula nigra Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana Southern Wax Myrtle Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Myrica cerifera Laurel Oak Pinus taeda Table 6.  Planted Tree Species PROJECT INFORMATION Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Project Drainiage Area (acres) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area Physiographic Province River Basin Wayne County 13.69 35.283350 N, ‐78.131426 W PROJECT WATERSHED SUMMARY INFORMATION County Project Area (acres) Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) USGS Hydrologic Unit 8‐digit USGS Hydrologic Unit 14‐digit DWR Sub‐basin UT1 ‐ 80, D1 ‐ 59, D2 ‐ 21 1.0% Coastal Plain Neuse River 03020201 03020201170010 03‐04‐12 Live Stakes Quercus laurifolia Button Bush Cephalanthus occidentalis 24% Willow Oak Quercus phellos 5% Project Name Common Name Scientific Name UT1 ‐ 86% agriculture, 13% forested, 1% developed, D1 ‐ 90%  agriculture, 8% forested, 2% developed, D2 ‐ 82% agriculture, 17%  forested, <1% developed CGIA Land Use Classification American Holly Ilex opaca Chinese Privet Ligustrum sinense Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua Boxelder Acer negundo Red Maple Acer rubrum River Birch Elderberry Sambucus nigra 26% Black Willow Salix nigra 24% Silky Dogwood Cornus  amomum 26% Figure 1. Vicinity Map Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel As-Built Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 10.5 Miles Wayne County, NC ¹ ^_ Bank Parcel Conservation Easement ^_Loop Road Bank Parcel Location 2019 Aerial Photography Directions: From the City of Raleigh, travel east on I-40 for approximately 42 miles. Take exit 341 for NC-50/NC-55 towards US13/Newton Grove. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Newton Grove. Turn left onto NC-50 S/NC-55 E. At the traffic circle, take the 4th exit onto US-13 N. Continue onto US HWY 13 S. In 7.8 miles, turn right onto Loop Rd. The entrance to the dirt road will be on the right in 1.6 miles. Follow the dirt road for 0.3 miles. The Parcel will be located on the left. Figure 2. Credit Service Area Map Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel As-Built Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 126 Miles Wayne County, NC ¹ ^_ County Boundaries HUC 03020201 Riparian Buffer Credits & Nutrient Offset Credit Service Area ^_Loop Road Bank Parcel Location 03020201 Figure 3. Credit Generation Map Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel As-Built Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 200100 Feet Wayne County, NC ¹ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 50' 200' 200' 200' !( !( !( 15' from TOB 10' from TOB Wider Section of Ditch D1 D2 UT1 DA Project Location Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Project Stream Project Ditch Non-Project Ditch Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credit (0-50') Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (0-100') Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (101-200') Non-Diffuse Flow Deduction (5,611 sqft) Not for Credit (68,636 sqft) Non-project Streams [Installed Fencing Surveyed Tree Line !(Origin Points 2019 Aerial Photography Figure 4. Monitoring Components Map Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel As-Built Report Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 200100 Feet Wayne County, NC ¹ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 GF D1 D2 UT1 DA Project Location Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Project Stream Project Ditch Non-Project Ditch Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credit (0-50') Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (0-100') Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (101-200') Non-Diffuse Flow Deduction (5,611 sqft) Not for Credit (68,636 sqft) Bare Root Planting Live Stake Planting Fixed Vegetation Plot Random Vegetation Plot Non-project Streams [Installed Fence Surveyed Tree Line GF Plugged Drain Pipe 2019 Aerial Photography LOOP ROAD MITIGATION BANK PARCEL N.C.S.R. 1215 WEAVER RD r "I N.C. HWY13 TO GO LDSBO RO RIPARIAN BUFFER CREDIT SQ. FT. ACRES N.C.S.R. 1126 LOOP RD SOIL ROAD VICINITY MAP (NTS} GENERAL NOTES: �11111_�-11111 �o oO o oO � c:Poc:Po 1.ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES IN U.S. SURVEY FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS IS NCGS STATE PLANE NAD83 (2011) DATUM. 3.THE AREA SHOWN HEREON WAS COMPUTED USING THE COORDINATE COMPUTATION METHOD. 4. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO SHOW THE AS-BUILT AREAS FOR RIPARIAN BUFFER CREDITSS WITHIN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT. THIS PLAT IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. THE LAND PARCELS AND THEIR BOUNDARIES AFFECTED THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ARE NOT CHANGED BY THIS PLAT. 5. LINES NOT SURVEYED ARE SHOWN AS DASHED LINETYPE AND WERE FROM INFORMATION REFERENCED ON THE FACE OF THIS PLAT. 6. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHT-OF-WAYS, AND/OR ENCUMBRANCES THAT MAY AFFECT THE PROPERTY(IES). 7. CONSERVATION EASEMENT MAP RECORDED IN P.C. P, SL. 92-D (D.B. 3842, PG. 66) IN THE WAYNE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE. 8. STREAM TOP BANK LINES TAKEN FROM TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY K2DESIGN GROUP, P.A. MILLS FAMILY PROPERTIES, LLC D.B. 2475, PG. 743 Parcel ID:2566103958 STREAMS AND DITCHES BUFFER RESTORATION 0'-50' (MIN. 30') NUTRIENT OFFSET DITCH 0'-100' (MIN. 50') NUTRIENT OFFSET DITCH 101'-200' NO CREDIT TOTAL CE AREA WOODLINE 24,800.13 0.57 30,832.58 0.71 236,224.10 5.42 251,695.35 5.78 52,588.49 1.21 596,140.62 13.69 � MILLS FAMILY PROPERTIES, LLC D.B. 2475, PG. 743 Parcel ID:2566103958 I, JOHN A RUDOLPH, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CERTIFY THAT THIS BUFFER MAP WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED N THE FIELD, THAT THE EASEMENT BOUNDARY IS MILLS FAMILY PROPERTIES, LLC D.B. 2475, PG. 743 Parcel ID:2566103958 BASED ON PLAT BOOK SEE, PG. NOTES, RECORDED IN WAYNE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE, AND THAT THE BUFFER AREAS SHOWN ARE CALCULATED FROM AS-BUILTS CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 1st DAY OF MARCH, 2024. -111111111,, JOHN A. RUDOLPH, P.L.S. DRAWN BY: FGR DATE: 03/01/2024 CHECKED BY: JAR DWG. NO.: WIL586EXH24 SHEET. NO.: 1 OF 1 L-4194 \ \ \ CA I I I ,, -<\-\ Ro // ,>' �\ .. ········. 't..✓, /// ,' 0 .. ··�-'f;.SSto·· .. '1,,_ <--' � .· 0� A.•. "d -:::. -'•� ·;,· T / � /q_ SEAL <\ � - :. L-4194 _: �-.< ():.-,... � 0 ··-:-'V, 4-0 .• --� f <--�.··.� SUR'-'� .. ··o::v -...' / ·v • • A -... ,,/ -"1 •• •....• •• 0v ' ///1 .Sf.fLEY � ,,,, '1,111111111'' DEED REFERENCES: BEING THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT RECORDED IN D.B. 3842, PG. 67 OF THE WAYNE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS. MAP REFERENCES: BEING THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT RECORDED IN P.C. P, SL. 92-D (D.B. 3842, PG. 66) OF THE WAYNE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS. LEGEND: --CE--CONSERVATION EASEMENT • • • • • • • • • • WOODLINE THIS MAP MAY NOT BE A CERTIFIED SURVEY AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY APPLICABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH RECORDING REQUIREMENTS FOR PLATS 774 S. Beston Road La Grange, NC 28551 252.582.3097 www.k2designgroup.com Firm License No.: C-2111 APPENDIX B. Vegetation Plot Data Table 7a. Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel DWR No. 2020‐1938v2 Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 111111111222222222111101010 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 222222111111111111222101010 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 111111111111111 555 Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Shrub Tree 111222111222111222111101010 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 222111111111333222111111111 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 111111222222333111333131313 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 333222111 111222222111111 Prunus serotina Black Cherry Shrub Tree 111111222 111 111666 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 111222222333 222111111111 Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree 111111111111 111111666 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 1 1 1 111111222111 666 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 13 13 13 99 99 99 101010101010111111999999101010999111111 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 607 607 607 607 607 607 526 526 526 572 572 572 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS ‐ Planted Stems Excluding Live Stakes P‐all ‐ All Planted Stems T ‐ All Woody Stems 0.17 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 7 Species count Stems per ACRE 1 0.02 1 0.02size (ACRES) size (ares) Fixed Vegetation  Plot Summary DataCurrent Fixed Vegetation Plot Data (MY0 2024) Fixed Plot 5 Fixed Plot 6 Fixed Plot 7 MY0 (2024) Stem count 0.02 1 0.02 Fixed Plot 1 Fixed Plot 2 Fixed Plot 3 Fixed Plot 4 1 Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel DWR No. 2020‐1938v2 Monitoring Year 0 ‐ 2024 Random Vegetation  Plot Summary Data Overall Site  Summary Data Scientific Name Common Name Species Type RP 8RP 9RP 10 MY0 (2024)* MY0 (2024)* PnoLs PnoLs P‐all PnoLs PnoLs Acer negundo Boxelder Tree 2 1 3 13 Betula nigra River Birch Tree 1 5 6 16 Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon Tree 2 2 7 Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia Shrub Tree 1 1 2 12 Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo Tree 3 1 4 15 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 2 2 15 Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood Tree 1 1 12 Prunus serotina Black Cherry Shrub Tree 1 2 3 9 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Tree 11 Quercus nigra Water Oak Tree 1 1 2 8 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Tree 1 1 2 8 Cephalanthus occidentalis Button Bush Shrub Tree 3 Salix nigra Black Willow Shrub Tree 8 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Shrub Tree 4 Sambucus nigra Elderberry Shrub Tree 12 13 14 27 27 126 111 2 9 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0494 0.2224 9 8 4 10 11 526 567 1,093 546 567 *Livestakes not included in Rotating Vegetation Plot Annual Mean or Overall Site Annual Mean totals Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Volunteer species included in total PnoLS: Number of planted stems excluding live stakes P‐all: Number of planted stems including live stakes T: Total stems Current Random Vegetation Plot (RP) Data (MY0 2024) Stems per ACRE Table 7a. Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count VEGETATION PLOT PHOTOGRAPHS Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel  Appendix B: Vegetation Plot Data – Vegetation Plot Photographs           VEG PLOT 1 (12/20/23) VEG PLOT 2 (12/20/23)          VEG PLOT 3 (12/20/23) VEG PLOT 4 (12/20/23)          VEG PLOT 5 (12/20/23) VEG PLOT 6 (12/20/23)           Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel  Appendix B: Vegetation Plot Data – Vegetation Plot Photographs          VEG PLOT 7 (12/20/23) R VEG PLOT 8 (12/20/23)     R VEG PLOT 9 (12/20/23) R VEG PLOT 10 (02/14/2024)    APPENDIX C. NCDWR Surface Water Determination and Site Viability Letter April 21, 2021 Project 20201938 Wayne County Andrea Eckardt Wildlands Engineering Inc. aeckardt@wildlandseng.com Carolyn Lanza Wildlands Engineering Inc. clanza@wildlandseng.com Subject: Determination for Applicability to the Neuse River Buffer Rules 15A NCAC 02B .0714 Project Name: Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Address: 214 Loop Road, Goldsboro, NC 27530, Wayne County, NC Location: Lat., Long: 35.285198, -78.132003 Dear Ms. Eckardt and Ms. Lanza: On January 29, 2021, Shelton Sullivan of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) conducted an on-site review of features located on the Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel at the request of Wildlands Engineering Inc. to determine the applicability of features on the site to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules, Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02B .0714. The enclosed map(s) depict the feature(s) evaluated and this information is also summarized in the table below. Streams were evaluated for being ephemeral, at least intermittent, and for subjectivity to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules. Streams that are considered “Subject” have been located on the most recently published NRCS Soil Survey of Wayne County and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic (at 1:24,000 scale) map(s), have been located on the ground at the site, and possess characteristics that qualify them to be at least intermittent streams. Features that are considered “Not Subject” have been determined to not be at least intermittent, not present on the property, or not depicted on the required maps. This determination only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules within the proposed easement and does not approve any activity within buffers or within waters of the state. There may be other streams or features located on the property that appear or do not appear on the maps referenced above. Any of the features on the site may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and subject to the Clean Water Act. The following table addresses the features observed and rated during the DWR site visit. DocuSign Envelope ID: A9406950-D5E2-4373-8CF4-9838E5E4658A Project 20201938_Loop Road Wayne Co. Page 2 of 2 Feature ID Feature Type: stream (ephemeral, intermittent, perennial), ditch, swale, wetland, other Subject to Buffer Rules Start @ Stop @ Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS Topo UT1 Ditch No Easement boundary Confluence with Feature UT2 Yes No UT2 (main trib) Stream-at least I Yes Upstream of Easement boundary Continues beyond Easement boundary Yes Yes partial UT3 Stream-at least I Yes UT3 Start at confluence with Ditch 3 and 4 Confluence with UT2 Yes No Ditch 3 Ditch No Not evaluated Confluence with Ditch 4 and UT3 Start Yes No Ditch 4 Ditch No Not evaluated Confluence with Feature Ditch 3 and UT3 Start No No * E: Ephemeral, I: Intermittent, P: Perennial This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute this determination made by the DWR may request an appeal determination by the Director of Water Resources. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter to the Director in writing, as per 15A NCAC 02B .0714 (4). If sending via U.S. Postal Service: Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 512 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 This determination is final and binding as detailed above, unless an appeal is requested within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter. If you have any additional questions or require additional information, please contact Shelton Sullivan at shelton.sullivan@ncdenr.gov or 919-239-0238. This determination is subject to review as provided in Articles 3 & 4 of G.S. 150B. Sincerely, Paul Wojoski Supervisor, DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Attachments: Site Map with labels, Photos, NRCS Soil Survey, USGS Topographical Map cc: Katie Merritt via email katie.merritt@ncdenr.gov 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch files Wayne Mills, Mills Family Properties LLC via email at rwmills@gmail.com Filename: 20201938_LoopRoad_WayneCoStreamCalls Letter_4-21-21 DocuSign Envelope ID: A9406950-D5E2-4373-8CF4-9838E5E4658A DWR Site Visit 1/29/21 UT2 main trib UT3 UT3 Start UT2 main trib DocuSign Envelope ID: A9406950-D5E2-4373-8CF4-9838E5E4658A DWR Site Visit 1/29/21 UT1 Ditch looking downslope UT2 Main Tributary looking downslope 3 Ditch looking upslope UT3 Start flowing right: Confluence of Ditch 3 and Ditch 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: A9406950-D5E2-4373-8CF4-9838E5E4658A Figure 3. 1974 NRCS Soil SurveyMapLoopRoadBankParcelNeuseRiverBasin (03020201) 0 700350 Feet Wayne County, NC 1974 NRCS Soil Survey of Wayne County - Sheet 30 Project Location DocuSign Envelope ID: A9406950-D5E2-4373-8CF4-9838E5E4658A Figure 2. USGS TopographicMapLoopRoadBankParcelNeuseRiverBasin (03020201) 0 700350 Feet Wayne County, NC Project Location 2019, Grantham & Southwest Goldsboro, NCUSGS7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle DocuSign Envelope ID: A9406950-D5E2-4373-8CF4-9838E5E4658A Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id: A9406950D5E243738CF49838E5E4658A Status: Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: 20201938_LoopRoad_WayneCoStreamCalls Letter_4-21-21.pdf Source Envelope: Document Pages: 6 Signatures: 1 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages: 1 Initials: 0 Shelton Sullivan AutoNav: Enabled EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 217 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27699 shelton.sullivan@ncdenr.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status: Original 4/20/2021 5:25:17 PM Holder: Shelton Sullivan shelton.sullivan@ncdenr.gov Location: DocuSign Security Appliance Status: Connected Pool: StateLocal Storage Appliance Status: Connected Pool: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Paul Wojoski Paul.Wojoski@ncdenr.gov North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Sent: 4/20/2021 5:26:38 PM Viewed: 4/21/2021 1:43:20 PM Signed: 4/21/2021 1:43:42 PM Freeform Signing Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 4/20/2021 5:26:38 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 4/21/2021 1:43:20 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 4/21/2021 1:43:42 PM Completed Security Checked 4/21/2021 1:43:42 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps July 27, 2021 Andrea Eckardt Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (via electronic mail: aeckardt@wildlandseng.com ) Re: Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation & Nutrient Offset – Loop Road Site Near 35.283350, -78.131426 in Goldsboro, NC Neuse 03020201 Wayne County Dear Ms. Eckardt, On June 7, 2021, Katie Merritt, with the Division of Water Resources (DWR), received a request from you on behalf of Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) for a site visit near the above- referenced site in the Neuse River Basin within the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201. The site visit was to determine the potential for riparian buffer mitigation and nutrient offset within a proposed conservation easement boundary, which is more accurately depicted in the attached map labeled “Figure 1-Site Map” (Figure 1) prepared by Wildlands. The proposed easement boundary in Figure 1, includes all riparian areas intended to be proposed as part of the mitigation site. On July 7, 2021, Ms. Merritt performed a site assessment of the subject site. Staff with Wildlands were also present. Ms. Merritt’s evaluation of the features onsite and their associated mitigation determination for the riparian areas are provided in the table below. This evaluation was made from Top of Bank (TOB) and landward 200’ from each feature for buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015) and for nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5DB659C5-80CC-45C0-8959-1A5274E84C07 Loop Rd Site Wildlands July 27, 2021 Page 2 of 3 1Subjectivity calls for the features were determined by DWR in correspondence dated April 21, 2021 (DWR# 2020-1938) using the 1:24,000 scale quadrangle topographic map prepared by USGS and the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the NRCS . 2The area of preservation credit within a buffer mitigation site shall comprise of no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(5) and 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(4). Site cannot be a Preservation Only site to comply with this rule. 3NC Division of Water Resources - Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment 4 Determinations made for this Site are determined based on the proposal provided in maps and figures submitted with the request. 5 All features proposed for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset, must have a planted conservation easement established that includes the tops of channel banks when being measured perpendicular and landward from the banks, even if no credit is viable within that riparian area. 6The area of the mitigation site on ephemeral channels shall comprise no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7). Determinations provided in the table above were made using a proposed easement boundary showing proposed mitigation areas shown in Figure 1. The map representing the proposal for the site is attached to this letter and initialed by Ms. Merritt on July 27, 2021. Substantial changes to the proposed easement boundary as well as any site constraints identified in this letter, could affect the Site’s potential to generate buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. This letter does not constitute an approval of this Site to generate buffer and nutrient offset credits. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295, a mitigation proposal and a mitigation plan shall be submitted to DWR for written approval prior to conducting any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters for buffer mitigation credit. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703, a proposal regarding a proposed nutrient load-reducing measure for nutrient offset credit shall be submitted to DWR for approval prior to any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters. Feature Classification onsite 1Subject to Buffer Rule Riparian Land uses adjacent to Feature (0-200’) Buffer Credit Viable 3Nutrient Offset Viable 4,5Mitigation Type Determination w/in riparian areas D1 Ditch >3’ depth No Non-forested agricultural fields No Yes Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) DA Ditch No Non-forested agricultural fields No No Directly hydrologically connected to Ditch D1 D2 Starts @ 35.287336, -78.128809 Ditch <3’ depth No Beginning @ point down to UT3: Left Side - Mature Forest Right Side – Non-forested agricultural fields *see Note Yes (non- forested fields only) Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(8) *Buffer Mitigation Note – Assessment concludes the right side of ditch meets 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(8) (A, B, C, D & E). More information is required to be provided in a mitigation plan for complete assessment. See rule. D3 Ditch/Swale No N/A No No Feature does not meet criteria to be viable for nutrient offset or buffer mitigation credits Loop Branch Stream Yes A combination of mature forested areas and non- forested agricultural fields 2Yes Yes (non- forested fields only) Forested Areas - Preservation Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(5) Non-forested areas = Restoration site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5DB659C5-80CC-45C0-8959-1A5274E84C07 Loop Rd Site Wildlands July 27, 2021 Page 3 of 3 All vegetative plantings, performance criteria and other mitigation requirements for riparian restoration, enhancement and preservation must follow the requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to be eligible for buffer and/or nutrient offset mitigation credits. For any areas depicted as not being viable for nutrient offset credit above, one could propose a different measure, along with supporting calculations and sufficient detail to support estimates of load reduction, for review by the DWR to determine viability for nutrient offset in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703. This viability assessment will expire on July 27, 2023 or upon approval of a mitigation plan by the DWR, whichever comes first. This letter should be provided in any nutrient offset, buffer, stream or wetland mitigation plan for this Site. Please contact Katie Merritt at (919) 707-3637 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch PW/kym Attachments: Figure 1: Site Map cc: File Copy (Katie Merritt) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5DB659C5-80CC-45C0-8959-1A5274E84C07 Loop Branch 200' D2 DA D3 D1 2017 Aerial Photography Figure 1. Site MapLoop Road Mitigation Bank ParcelNeuse River Basin (03020201)0 500250 Feet Wayne County, NC ¹ UT3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5DB659C5-80CC-45C0-8959-1A5274E84C07 APPENDIX D. Conservation Easement APPENDIX E. Overview Photographs   Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel  Appendix E: Overview Photographs   (12/20/2023)    (12/20/2023)    Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel  Appendix E: Overview Photographs   (12/20/2023)    (12/20/2023)  ADDITIONAL MITIGATION ACTIVITIES   Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix E: Overview Photographs – Additional Mitigation Activities Filled Drainpipe    (02/14/2024)    Loop Road Mitigation Bank Parcel Appendix E: Overview Photographs – Additional Mitigation Activities Live Stake Photographs – Top of D1      (02/14/2024) (02/14/2024)     (02/14/2024) (02/14/2024)