HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240517 Ver 1_Jack's_Creek_PJD_Package_06162023-compressed_20240404June 16, 2023 Emily Thompson United States Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 West Fifth Street Washington, NC 27889 Emily.b.thompson@usace.army.mil SUBJECT: Request for PJD for Resilient Coastal Communities Program Project: Jack's Creek Floodplain and Greenway Improvements City of Washington Beaufort County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Thompson, On behalf of the City of Washington, enclosed is a draft Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) package for your review, which includes the following attachments: ■ Figure 1 — Vicinity Map ■ NCSAM Form(s) Agent Authorization ■ Figure 2 — Water Resources Map ■ Photographic Summary Form ■ Figure 3 — Topographic Map ■ Preliminary JD Form ■ Figure 4 — Soils Map ■ JD Request Form The GPS equipment utilized to locate features on this project was a Trimble® DA2-BTTM with sub -meter accuracy. The following table provide a summary of the stream information for the project study area. No surface waters or wetlands were presents within the project study area. Table 1. Status of streams in the study area Map ID Length (ft.) Classification Compensatory Mitigation Required River Basin Buffer Jack's Creek 2,715 Perennial Undetermined Subject SB 113 Perennial Undetermined Subject Total 2,828 Engineers Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists Please contact me at (919) 653-7343 or gmarsh@rkk.com, if you have any questions or would like additional information. Sincerely, Gordon Marsh, PWS, STP RK&K Project Manager cc: Paul Nyarko, NCDWR — paul.nyarko@ncdenr.gov Robert Tankard, NCDWR — Robert.tankard@ncdenr.gov Allen Stewart, NCDWR — glen.stewart@ncdenr.gov Tina Sweizy, RK&K - tswiezy@kk.com Doug Keller, RK&K - dkeller@kk.com Jonathan Russel, City Manager, City of Washington - jrussell@washingtonnc.gov Wayne Black, City of Washington - wblack@washingtonnc.gov Hope Woolard, City of Washington - hwoolard@washingtonnc.gov Mike Dale, City of Washington - mdail@washingtonnc.gov N W I- 4-F CAI Taw Project Study Area VIVa F ro n I w ILI pj n '06'' 4P 04, —Whoo*w*nRd v%, ami in, gt on Park Ih River Road Gall Club PRFPAR0 FY' 47' RESILENT COASTAL COMMUNITES F 0 Miles aW Wp a 8 W W R a ao :Z a £ J�Fu 0 W a' $o on�7� n u; VD a W w N o Q /N�VY17 QQy i cc u m v N W 19 W H P • W ^ LL s o � � o a � v ,� a � � V � V � � � Q a �N c � x � � � �- a a o u a � a�6i `—° 3 NC SAM FIELD ASSESSMENT RESULTS user rvianuai version d.,i USACE AID #: NCDWR #: INSTRUCTIONS: Attach a sketch of the assessment area and photographs. Attach a copy of the USGS 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, and circle the location of the stream reach under evaluation. If multiple stream reaches will be evaluated on the same property, identify and number all reaches on the attached map, and include a separate form for each reach. See the NC SAM User Manual for detailed descriptions and explanations of requested information. Record in the "Notes/Sketch" section if supplementary measurements were performed. See the NC SAM User Manual for examples of additional measurements that may be relevant. NOTE EVIDENCE OF STRESSORS AFFECTING THE ASSESSMENT AREA (do not need to be within the assessment area). PROJECT/SITE INFORMATION: 1. Project name (if any): Jack's Creek 3. Applicant/owner name: City of Washington 5. County: Beaufort 7. River basin: Tar -Pamlico 2. Date of evaluation: 4/4/2023 Assessor name/organization: G. Marsh, RK&K Nearest named water body on USGS 7.5-minute quad: Pamlico River 8. Site coordinates (decimal degrees, at lower end of assessment reach): 35.5429759, 77.0474683 STREAM INFORMATION: (depth and width can be approximations) 9. Site number (show on attached map): Jack's Creek 10. Length of assessment reach evaluated (feet): 500 11. Channel depth from bed (in riffle, if present) to top of bank (feet): 8ft ❑Unable to assess channel depth. 12. Channel width at top of bank (feet): 60-90 13. Is assessment reach a swamp steam? ❑Yes ®No 14. Feature type: ®Perennial flow ❑Intermittent flow ❑Tidal Marsh Stream STREAM CATEGORY INFORMATION: 15. NC SAM Zone: ❑ Mountains (M) ❑ Piedmont (P) ❑ Inner Coastal Plain (1) ® Outer Coastal Plain (0) 16. Estimated geomorphic NAB J El valley shape (skip for Tidal Marsh Stream): (more sinuous stream, flatter valley slope) (less sinuous stream, steeper valley slope) 17. Watershed size: (skip ❑Size 1 (< 0.1 mi2) ❑Size 2 (0.1 to < 0.5 mil) ®Size 3 (0.5 to < 5 mil) ❑Size 4 (>_ 5 mil) for Tidal Marsh Stream) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 18. Were regulatory considerations evaluated? ®Yes ❑No If Yes, check all that apply to the assessment area. ®Section 10 water ❑Classified Trout Waters ❑Water Supply Watershed (❑l ❑II ❑III ❑IV ❑V) ❑Essential Fish Habitat ❑Primary Nursery Area ❑ High Quality Waters/Outstanding Resource Waters ®Publicly owned property ®NCDWR Riparian buffer rule in effect ❑Nutrient Sensitive Waters ❑Anadromous fish ❑303(d) List ❑CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) ❑Documented presence of a federal and/or state listed protected species within the assessment area. List species: ❑Designated Critical Habitat (list species) 19. Are additional stream information/supplementary measurements included in "Notes/Sketch" section or attached? ®Yes ❑No 1. Channel Water — assessment reach metric (skip for Size 1 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) ®A Water throughout assessment reach. ❑B No flow, water in pools only. ❑C No water in assessment reach. 2. Evidence of Flow Restriction — assessment reach metric ❑A At least 10% of assessment reach in -stream habitat or riffle -pool sequence is severely affected by a flow restriction or fill to the point of obstructing flow or a channel choked with aquatic macrophytes or ponded water or impoundment on flood or ebb within the assessment reach (examples: undersized or perched culverts, causeways that constrict the channel, tidal gates, debris jams, beaver dams). ®B Not A 3. Feature Pattern — assessment reach metric ®A A majority of the assessment reach has altered pattern (examples: straightening, modification above or below culvert). ❑B Not A 4. Feature Longitudinal Profile — assessment reach metric ®A Majority of assessment reach has a substantially altered stream profile (examples: channel down -cutting, existing damming, over widening, active aggradation, dredging, and excavation where appropriate channel profile has not reformed from any of these disturbances). ❑B Not A 5. Signs of Active Instability — assessment reach metric Consider only current instability, not past events from which the stream has currently recovered. Examples of instability include active bank failure, active channel down -cutting (head -cut), active widening, and artificial hardening (such as concrete, gabion, rip -rap). ®A < 10% of channel unstable ❑B 10 to 25% of channel unstable ❑C > 25% of channel unstable 6. Streamside Area Interaction — streamside area metric Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). LB RB ®A ®A Little or no evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction ❑B ❑B Moderate evidence of conditions (examples: berms, levees, down -cutting, aggradation, dredging) that adversely affect reference interaction (examples: limited streamside area access, disruption of flood flows through streamside area, leaky or intermittent bulkheads, causeways with floodplain constriction, minor ditching [including mosquito ditching]) ❑C ❑C Extensive evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction (little to no floodplain/intertidal zone access [examples: causeways with floodplain and channel constriction, bulkheads, retaining walls, fill, stream incision, disruption of flood flows through streamside area] or too much floodplain/intertidal zone access [examples: impoundments, intensive mosquito ditching]) or floodplain/intertidal zone unnaturally absent or assessment reach is a man-made feature on an interstream divide Water Quality Stressors — assessment reach/intertidal zone metric Check all that apply. ❑A Discolored water in stream or intertidal zone (milky white, blue, unnatural water discoloration, oil sheen, stream foam) ❑B Excessive sedimentation (burying of stream features or intertidal zone) ❑C Noticeable evidence of pollutant discharges entering the assessment reach and causing a water quality problem ❑D Odor (not including natural sulfide odors) ❑E Current published or collected data indicating degraded water quality in the assessment reach. Cite source in "Notes/Sketch" section. ❑F Livestock with access to stream or intertidal zone ❑G Excessive algae in stream or intertidal zone ❑H Degraded marsh vegetation in the intertidal zone (removal, burning, regular mowing, destruction, etc) ❑I Other: (explain in "Notes/Sketch" section) ®J Little to no stressors 8. Recent Weather — watershed metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) For Size 1 or 2 streams, D1 drought or higher is considered a drought; for Size 3 or 4 streams, D2 drought or higher is considered a drought. ❑A Drought conditions and no rainfall or rainfall not exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours ❑B Drought conditions and rainfall exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours ®C No drought conditions 9. Large or Dangerous Stream — assessment reach metric ®Yes ❑No Is stream is too large or dangerous to assess? If Yes, skip to Metric 13 (Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition). 10. Natural In -stream Habitat Types — assessment reach metric 10a. ❑Yes ❑No Degraded in -stream habitat over majority of the assessment reach (examples of stressors include excessive sedimentation, mining, excavation, in -stream hardening [for example, rip -rap], recent dredging, and snagging) (evaluate for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams only, then skip to Metric 12) 10b. Check all that occur (occurs if > 5% coverage of assessment reach) (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams) ❑A Multiple aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses F, (n ❑F 5% oysters or other natural hard bottoms (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) 2 E ❑G Submerged aquatic vegetation ❑B Multiple sticks and/or leaf packs and/or emergent o w ❑H Low -tide refugia (pools) vegetation Y U)C ❑I Sand bottom ❑C Multiple snags and logs (including lap trees) r ❑J 5% vertical bank along the marsh ❑D 5% undercut banks and/or root mats and/or roots ❑K Little or no habitat in banks extend to the normal wetted perimeter ❑E Little or no habitat *********************************REMAINING QUESTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE FOR TIDAL MARSH STREAMS**************************** 11. Bedform and Substrate — assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) 11 a. ❑Yes ❑No Is assessment reach in a natural sand -bed stream? (skip for Coastal Plain streams) 11 b. Bedform evaluated. Check the appropriate box(es). ❑A Riffle -run section (evaluate 11c) ❑B Pool -glide section (evaluate 11d) ❑C Natural bedform absent (skip to Metric 12, Aquatic Life) 11 c. In riffle sections, check all that occur below the normal wetted perimeter of the assessment reach —whether or not submerged. Check at least one box in each row (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams). Not Present (NP) = absent, Rare (R) = present but < 10%, Common (C) _ > 10-40%, Abundant (A) _ > 40-70%, Predominant (P) _ > 70%. Cumulative percentages should not exceed 100% for each assessment reach. NP R C A P ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Bedrock/saprolite ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Boulder (256 — 4096 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cobble (64 — 256 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Gravel (2 — 64 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Sand (.062 — 2 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Silt/clay (< 0.062 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Detritus ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Artificial (rip -rap, concrete, etc.) 11d. ❑Yes ❑No Are pools filled with sediment? (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) 12 Aquatic Life — assessment reach metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) 12a. ❑Yes ❑No Was an in -stream aquatic life assessment performed as described in the User Manual? If No, select one of the following reasons and skip to Metric 13. ❑No Water ❑Other: 12b. ❑Yes ❑No Are aquatic organisms present in the assessment reach (look in riffles, pools, then snags)? If Yes, check all that apply. If No, skip to Metric 13. 1 >1 Numbers over columns refer to "individuals" for Size 1 and 2 streams and "taxa" for Size 3 and 4 streams. ❑ ❑Adult frogs ❑ ❑Aquatic reptiles ❑ ❑Aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) ❑ ❑Beetles ❑ ❑Caddisfly larvae (T) ❑ ❑Asian clam (Corbicula) ❑ ❑Crustacean (isopod/amphipod/crayfish/shrimp) ❑ ❑Damselfly and dragonfly larvae ❑ ❑Dipterans ❑ ❑Mayfly larvae (E) ❑ ❑Megaloptera (alderfly, fishfly, dobsonfly larvae) ❑ ❑Midges/mosquito larvae ❑ ❑Mosquito fish (Gambusia) or mud minnows (Umbra pygmaea) ❑ ❑Mussels/Clams (not Corbicula) ❑ ❑Other fish ❑ ❑Salamanders/tadpoles ❑ ❑Snails ❑ ❑Stonefly larvae (P) ❑ ❑Tipulid larvae ❑ ❑Worms/leeches 13. Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Consider storage capacity with regard to both overbank flow and upland runoff. LB RB ®A ®A Little or no alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area ❑B ❑B Moderate alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area ❑C ❑C Severe alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area (examples: ditches, fill, soil compaction, livestock disturbance, buildings, man-made levees, drainage pipes) 14. Streamside Area Water Storage — streamside area metric (skip for Size 1 streams, Tidal Marsh Streams, and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB) of the streamside area. LB RB ❑A ❑A Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water >_ 6 inches deep ®B ®B Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep ❑C ❑C Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 15. Wetland Presence — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Do not consider wetlands outside of the streamside area or within the normal wetted perimeter of assessment reach. LB RB ❑Y ❑Y Are wetlands present in the streamside area? ®N ®N 16. Baseflow Contributors — assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all contributors within the assessment reach or within view of and draining to the assessment reach. ®A Streams and/or springs (jurisdictional discharges) ❑B Ponds (include wet detention basins; do not include sediment basins or dry detention basins) ❑C Obstruction passing flow during low -flow periods within the assessment area (beaver dam, leaky dam, bottom -release dam, weir) ❑D Evidence of bank seepage or sweating (iron in water indicates seepage) ®E Stream bed or bank soil reduced (dig through deposited sediment if present) ❑F None of the above 17. Baseflow Detractors — assessment area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all that apply. ®A Evidence of substantial water withdrawals from the assessment reach (includes areas excavated for pump installation) ❑B Obstruction not passing flow during low -flow periods affecting the assessment reach (ex: watertight dam, sediment deposit) ®C Urban stream (>_ 24% impervious surface for watershed) ®D Evidence that the streamside area has been modified resulting in accelerated drainage into the assessment reach ❑E Assessment reach relocated to valley edge ❑F None of the above 18. Shading — assessment reach metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider aspect. Consider "leaf -on" condition. ❑A Stream shading is appropriate for stream category (may include gaps associated with natural processes) ❑B Degraded (example: scattered trees) ®C Stream shading is gone or largely absent 19. Buffer Width — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider "vegetated buffer" and "wooded buffer" separately for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) starting at the top of bank out to the first break. Vegetated Wooded LB RB LB RB ❑A ®A ❑A ❑A >_ 100 feet wide or extends to the edge of the watershed ❑B ❑B ❑B ❑B From 50 to < 100 feet wide ®C ❑C ❑C ❑C From 30 to < 50 feet wide ❑D ❑D ❑D ❑D From 10 to < 30 feet wide ❑E ❑E ®E ®E < 10 feet wide or no trees 20. Buffer Structure — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) for Metric 19 ("Vegetated" Buffer Width). LB RB ❑A ❑A Mature forest ❑B ❑B Non -mature woody vegetation or modified vegetation structure ®C ®C Herbaceous vegetation with or without a strip of trees < 10 feet wide ❑D ❑D Maintained shrubs ❑E ❑E Little or no vegetation 21. Buffer Stressors — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all appropriate boxes for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB). Indicate if listed stressor abuts stream (Abuts), does not abut but is within 30 feet of stream (< 30 feet), or is between 30 to 50 feet of stream (30-50 feet). If none of the following stressors occurs on either bank, check here and skip to Metric 22: ❑ Abuts < 30 feet 30-50 feet LB RB LB RB LB RB ❑A ❑A ❑A ❑A ❑A ❑A Row crops ®B ®B ❑B ❑B ❑B ❑B Maintained turf ❑C ❑C ❑C ❑C ❑C ❑C Pasture (no livestock)/commercial horticulture ❑D ❑D ❑D ❑D ❑D ❑D Pasture (active livestock use) 22. Stem Density — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) for Metric 19 ("Wooded" Buffer Width). LB RB ❑A ®A Medium to high stem density ®B ❑B Low stem density ❑C ❑C No wooded riparian buffer or predominantly herbaceous species or bare ground 23. Continuity of Vegetated Buffer — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider whether vegetated buffer is continuous along stream (parallel). Breaks are areas lacking vegetation > 10 feet wide. LB RB ®A ®A The total length of buffer breaks is < 25 percent. ❑B ❑B The total length of buffer breaks is between 25 and 50 percent. ❑C ❑C The total length of buffer breaks is > 50 percent. 24. Vegetative Composition — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Evaluate the dominant vegetation within 100 feet of each bank or to the edge of the watershed (whichever comes first) as it contributes to assessment reach habitat. LB RB ❑A ❑A Vegetation is close to undisturbed in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of native species, with non-native invasive species absent or sparse. ❑B ®B Vegetation indicates disturbance in terms of species diversity or proportions, but is still largely composed of native species. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clear -cutting or clearing or communities with non-native invasive species present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata or communities missing understory but retaining canopy trees. ®C ❑C Vegetation is severely disturbed in terms of species diversity or proportions. Mature canopy is absent or communities with non-native invasive species dominant over a large portion of expected strata or communities composed of planted stands of non -characteristic species or communities inappropriately composed of a single species or no vegetation. 25. Conductivity — assessment reach metric (skip for all Coastal Plain streams) 25a. ❑Yes ❑No Was conductivity measurement recorded? If No, select one of the following reasons. ❑No Water ❑Other: 25b. Check the box corresponding to the conductivity measurement (units of microsiemens per centimeter). ❑A < 46 ❑B 46 to < 67 ❑C 67 to < 79 ❑D 79 to < 230 ❑E >_ 230 Notes/Sketch: Jack's Creek is an urban stream with a tidal gate. The tidal gate is primairly closed, which affects the tidal influence on this stream Draft NIC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.1 Stream Site Name Jack's Creek Date of Assessment 4/4/2023 Stream Category Oa3 Assessor Name/Organization G. Marsh, RK&K Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) YES Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) NO Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) YES NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow MEDIUM (3) Streamside Area Attenuation MEDIUM (4) Floodplain Access HIGH (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer LOW (4) Microtopography MEDIUM (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM (4) Channel Stability HIGH (4) Sediment Transport NA (4) Stream Geomorphology LOW (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance HIGH (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat MEDIUM (2) In -stream Habitat HIGH (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate HIGH (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM (3) In -stream Habitat HIGH (2) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall MEDIUM NC SAM FIELD ASSESSMENT RESULTS user rvianuai version d.,i USACE AID #: NCDWR #: INSTRUCTIONS: Attach a sketch of the assessment area and photographs. Attach a copy of the USGS 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, and circle the location of the stream reach under evaluation. If multiple stream reaches will be evaluated on the same property, identify and number all reaches on the attached map, and include a separate form for each reach. See the NC SAM User Manual for detailed descriptions and explanations of requested information. Record in the "Notes/Sketch" section if supplementary measurements were performed. See the NC SAM User Manual for examples of additional measurements that may be relevant. NOTE EVIDENCE OF STRESSORS AFFECTING THE ASSESSMENT AREA (do not need to be within the assessment area). PROJECT/SITE INFORMATION: 1. Project name (if any): UT to Jack's Creek 3. Applicant/owner name: City of Washington 5. County: Beaufort 7. River basin: Tar -Pamlico 2. Date of evaluation: 4/4/2023 Assessor name/organization: G. Marsh, RK&K Nearest named water body on USGS 7.5-minute quad: Pamlico River 8. Site coordinates (decimal degrees, at lower end of assessment reach): 35.5429759,-77.0474683 STREAM INFORMATION: (depth and width can be approximations) 9. Site number (show on attached map): Jack's Creek 10. Length of assessment reach evaluated (feet): 100 11. Channel depth from bed (in riffle, if present) to top of bank (feet): 8ft ❑Unable to assess channel depth. 12. Channel width at top of bank (feet): 35 13. Is assessment reach a swamp steam? ❑Yes ®No 14. Feature type: ®Perennial flow ❑Intermittent flow ❑Tidal Marsh Stream STREAM CATEGORY INFORMATION: 15. NC SAM Zone: ❑ Mountains (M) ❑ Piedmont (P) ❑ Inner Coastal Plain (1) ® Outer Coastal Plain (0) 16. Estimated geomorphic NAB J El valley shape (skip for Tidal Marsh Stream): (more sinuous stream, flatter valley slope) (less sinuous stream, steeper valley slope) 17. Watershed size: (skip ❑Size 1 (< 0.1 mi2) ®Size 2 (0.1 to < 0.5 mil) ❑Size 3 (0.5 to < 5 mil) ❑Size 4 (>_ 5 mil) for Tidal Marsh Stream) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 18. Were regulatory considerations evaluated? ®Yes ❑No If Yes, check all that apply to the assessment area. ❑Section 10 water ❑Classified Trout Waters ❑Water Supply Watershed (❑l ❑II ❑III ❑IV ❑V) ❑Essential Fish Habitat ❑Primary Nursery Area ❑ High Quality Waters/Outstanding Resource Waters ®Publicly owned property ®NCDWR Riparian buffer rule in effect ❑Nutrient Sensitive Waters ❑Anadromous fish ❑303(d) List ❑CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) ❑Documented presence of a federal and/or state listed protected species within the assessment area. List species: ❑Designated Critical Habitat (list species) 19. Are additional stream information/supplementary measurements included in "Notes/Sketch" section or attached? ®Yes ❑No 1. Channel Water — assessment reach metric (skip for Size 1 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) ®A Water throughout assessment reach. ❑B No flow, water in pools only. ❑C No water in assessment reach. 2. Evidence of Flow Restriction — assessment reach metric ❑A At least 10% of assessment reach in -stream habitat or riffle -pool sequence is severely affected by a flow restriction or fill to the point of obstructing flow or a channel choked with aquatic macrophytes or ponded water or impoundment on flood or ebb within the assessment reach (examples: undersized or perched culverts, causeways that constrict the channel, tidal gates, debris jams, beaver dams). ®B Not A 3. Feature Pattern — assessment reach metric ®A A majority of the assessment reach has altered pattern (examples: straightening, modification above or below culvert). ❑B Not A 4. Feature Longitudinal Profile — assessment reach metric ®A Majority of assessment reach has a substantially altered stream profile (examples: channel down -cutting, existing damming, over widening, active aggradation, dredging, and excavation where appropriate channel profile has not reformed from any of these disturbances). ❑B Not A 5. Signs of Active Instability — assessment reach metric Consider only current instability, not past events from which the stream has currently recovered. Examples of instability include active bank failure, active channel down -cutting (head -cut), active widening, and artificial hardening (such as concrete, gabion, rip -rap). ®A < 10% of channel unstable ❑B 10 to 25% of channel unstable ❑C > 25% of channel unstable 6. Streamside Area Interaction — streamside area metric Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). LB RB ®A ®A Little or no evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction ❑B ❑B Moderate evidence of conditions (examples: berms, levees, down -cutting, aggradation, dredging) that adversely affect reference interaction (examples: limited streamside area access, disruption of flood flows through streamside area, leaky or intermittent bulkheads, causeways with floodplain constriction, minor ditching [including mosquito ditching]) ❑C ❑C Extensive evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction (little to no floodplain/intertidal zone access [examples: causeways with floodplain and channel constriction, bulkheads, retaining walls, fill, stream incision, disruption of flood flows through streamside area] or too much floodplain/intertidal zone access [examples: impoundments, intensive mosquito ditching]) or floodplain/intertidal zone unnaturally absent or assessment reach is a man-made feature on an interstream divide Water Quality Stressors — assessment reach/intertidal zone metric Check all that apply. ❑A Discolored water in stream or intertidal zone (milky white, blue, unnatural water discoloration, oil sheen, stream foam) ❑B Excessive sedimentation (burying of stream features or intertidal zone) ❑C Noticeable evidence of pollutant discharges entering the assessment reach and causing a water quality problem ❑D Odor (not including natural sulfide odors) ❑E Current published or collected data indicating degraded water quality in the assessment reach. Cite source in "Notes/Sketch" section. ❑F Livestock with access to stream or intertidal zone ❑G Excessive algae in stream or intertidal zone ❑H Degraded marsh vegetation in the intertidal zone (removal, burning, regular mowing, destruction, etc) ❑I Other: (explain in "Notes/Sketch" section) ®J Little to no stressors 8. Recent Weather — watershed metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) For Size 1 or 2 streams, D1 drought or higher is considered a drought; for Size 3 or 4 streams, D2 drought or higher is considered a drought. ❑A Drought conditions and no rainfall or rainfall not exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours ❑B Drought conditions and rainfall exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours ®C No drought conditions 9. Large or Dangerous Stream — assessment reach metric ®Yes ❑No Is stream is too large or dangerous to assess? If Yes, skip to Metric 13 (Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition). 10. Natural In -stream Habitat Types — assessment reach metric 10a. ❑Yes ❑No Degraded in -stream habitat over majority of the assessment reach (examples of stressors include excessive sedimentation, mining, excavation, in -stream hardening [for example, rip -rap], recent dredging, and snagging) (evaluate for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams only, then skip to Metric 12) 10b. Check all that occur (occurs if > 5% coverage of assessment reach) (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams) ❑A Multiple aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses F, (n ❑F 5% oysters or other natural hard bottoms (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) 2 E ❑G Submerged aquatic vegetation ❑B Multiple sticks and/or leaf packs and/or emergent o w ❑H Low -tide refugia (pools) vegetation Y U)C ❑I Sand bottom ❑C Multiple snags and logs (including lap trees) r ❑J 5% vertical bank along the marsh ❑D 5% undercut banks and/or root mats and/or roots ❑K Little or no habitat in banks extend to the normal wetted perimeter ❑E Little or no habitat *********************************REMAINING QUESTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE FOR TIDAL MARSH STREAMS**************************** 11. Bedform and Substrate — assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) 11 a. ❑Yes ❑No Is assessment reach in a natural sand -bed stream? (skip for Coastal Plain streams) 11 b. Bedform evaluated. Check the appropriate box(es). ❑A Riffle -run section (evaluate 11c) ❑B Pool -glide section (evaluate 11d) ❑C Natural bedform absent (skip to Metric 12, Aquatic Life) 11 c. In riffle sections, check all that occur below the normal wetted perimeter of the assessment reach —whether or not submerged. Check at least one box in each row (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams). Not Present (NP) = absent, Rare (R) = present but < 10%, Common (C) _ > 10-40%, Abundant (A) _ > 40-70%, Predominant (P) _ > 70%. Cumulative percentages should not exceed 100% for each assessment reach. NP R C A P ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Bedrock/saprolite ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Boulder (256 — 4096 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cobble (64 — 256 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Gravel (2 — 64 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Sand (.062 — 2 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Silt/clay (< 0.062 mm) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Detritus ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Artificial (rip -rap, concrete, etc.) 11d. ❑Yes ❑No Are pools filled with sediment? (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) 12 Aquatic Life — assessment reach metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) 12a. ❑Yes ❑No Was an in -stream aquatic life assessment performed as described in the User Manual? If No, select one of the following reasons and skip to Metric 13. ❑No Water ❑Other: 12b. ❑Yes ❑No Are aquatic organisms present in the assessment reach (look in riffles, pools, then snags)? If Yes, check all that apply. If No, skip to Metric 13. 1 >1 Numbers over columns refer to "individuals" for Size 1 and 2 streams and "taxa" for Size 3 and 4 streams. ❑ ❑Adult frogs ❑ ❑Aquatic reptiles ❑ ❑Aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) ❑ ❑Beetles ❑ ❑Caddisfly larvae (T) ❑ ❑Asian clam (Corbicula) ❑ ❑Crustacean (isopod/amphipod/crayfish/shrimp) ❑ ❑Damselfly and dragonfly larvae ❑ ❑Dipterans ❑ ❑Mayfly larvae (E) ❑ ❑Megaloptera (alderfly, fishfly, dobsonfly larvae) ❑ ❑Midges/mosquito larvae ❑ ❑Mosquito fish (Gambusia) or mud minnows (Umbra pygmaea) ❑ ❑Mussels/Clams (not Corbicula) ❑ ❑Other fish ❑ ❑Salamanders/tadpoles ❑ ❑Snails ❑ ❑Stonefly larvae (P) ❑ ❑Tipulid larvae ❑ ❑Worms/leeches 13. Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Consider storage capacity with regard to both overbank flow and upland runoff. LB RB ®A ®A Little or no alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area ❑B ❑B Moderate alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area ❑C ❑C Severe alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area (examples: ditches, fill, soil compaction, livestock disturbance, buildings, man-made levees, drainage pipes) 14. Streamside Area Water Storage — streamside area metric (skip for Size 1 streams, Tidal Marsh Streams, and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB) of the streamside area. LB RB ❑A ❑A Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water >_ 6 inches deep ®B ❑B Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep ❑C ®C Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 15. Wetland Presence — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Do not consider wetlands outside of the streamside area or within the normal wetted perimeter of assessment reach. LB RB ❑Y ❑Y Are wetlands present in the streamside area? ®N ®N 16. Baseflow Contributors — assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all contributors within the assessment reach or within view of and draining to the assessment reach. ®A Streams and/or springs (jurisdictional discharges) ❑B Ponds (include wet detention basins; do not include sediment basins or dry detention basins) ❑C Obstruction passing flow during low -flow periods within the assessment area (beaver dam, leaky dam, bottom -release dam, weir) ❑D Evidence of bank seepage or sweating (iron in water indicates seepage) ®E Stream bed or bank soil reduced (dig through deposited sediment if present) ❑F None of the above 17. Baseflow Detractors — assessment area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all that apply. ®A Evidence of substantial water withdrawals from the assessment reach (includes areas excavated for pump installation) ❑B Obstruction not passing flow during low -flow periods affecting the assessment reach (ex: watertight dam, sediment deposit) ®C Urban stream (>_ 24% impervious surface for watershed) ®D Evidence that the streamside area has been modified resulting in accelerated drainage into the assessment reach ❑E Assessment reach relocated to valley edge ❑F None of the above 18. Shading — assessment reach metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider aspect. Consider "leaf -on" condition. ❑A Stream shading is appropriate for stream category (may include gaps associated with natural processes) ❑B Degraded (example: scattered trees) ®C Stream shading is gone or largely absent 19. Buffer Width — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider "vegetated buffer" and "wooded buffer" separately for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) starting at the top of bank out to the first break. Vegetated Wooded LB RB LB RB ®A ❑A ❑A ❑A >_ 100 feet wide or extends to the edge of the watershed ❑B ❑B ®B ❑B From 50 to < 100 feet wide ❑C ❑C ❑C ❑C From 30 to < 50 feet wide ❑D ®D ❑D ❑D From 10 to < 30 feet wide ❑E ❑E ❑E ®E < 10 feet wide or no trees 20. Buffer Structure — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) for Metric 19 ("Vegetated" Buffer Width). LB RB ❑A ❑A Mature forest ❑B ❑B Non -mature woody vegetation or modified vegetation structure ❑C ®C Herbaceous vegetation with or without a strip of trees < 10 feet wide ❑D ❑D Maintained shrubs ®E ❑E Little or no vegetation 21. Buffer Stressors — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all appropriate boxes for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB). Indicate if listed stressor abuts stream (Abuts), does not abut but is within 30 feet of stream (< 30 feet), or is between 30 to 50 feet of stream (30-50 feet). If none of the following stressors occurs on either bank, check here and skip to Metric 22: ❑ Abuts < 30 feet 30-50 feet LB RB LB RB LB RB ❑A ❑A ❑A ❑A ❑A ❑A Row crops ®B ®B ❑B ❑B ❑B ❑B Maintained turf ❑C ❑C ❑C ❑C ❑C ❑C Pasture (no livestock)/commercial horticulture ❑D ❑D ❑D ❑D ❑D ❑D Pasture (active livestock use) 22. Stem Density — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RB) for Metric 19 ("Wooded" Buffer Width). LB RB ®A ❑A Medium to high stem density ❑B ❑B Low stem density ❑C ®C No wooded riparian buffer or predominantly herbaceous species or bare ground 23. Continuity of Vegetated Buffer — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider whether vegetated buffer is continuous along stream (parallel). Breaks are areas lacking vegetation > 10 feet wide. LB RB ®A ®A The total length of buffer breaks is < 25 percent. ❑B ❑B The total length of buffer breaks is between 25 and 50 percent. ❑C ❑C The total length of buffer breaks is > 50 percent. 24. Vegetative Composition — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Evaluate the dominant vegetation within 100 feet of each bank or to the edge of the watershed (whichever comes first) as it contributes to assessment reach habitat. LB RB ❑A ❑A Vegetation is close to undisturbed in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of native species, with non-native invasive species absent or sparse. ®B ❑B Vegetation indicates disturbance in terms of species diversity or proportions, but is still largely composed of native species. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clear -cutting or clearing or communities with non-native invasive species present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata or communities missing understory but retaining canopy trees. ❑C ®C Vegetation is severely disturbed in terms of species diversity or proportions. Mature canopy is absent or communities with non-native invasive species dominant over a large portion of expected strata or communities composed of planted stands of non -characteristic species or communities inappropriately composed of a single species or no vegetation. 25. Conductivity — assessment reach metric (skip for all Coastal Plain streams) 25a. ❑Yes ❑No Was conductivity measurement recorded? If No, select one of the following reasons. ❑No Water ❑Other: 25b. Check the box corresponding to the conductivity measurement (units of microsiemens per centimeter). ❑A < 46 ❑B 46 to < 67 ❑C 67 to < 79 ❑D 79 to < 230 ❑E >_ 230 Notes/Sketch: LIT to Jack's Creek is an urban stream. The tidal gate associated with Jack's Creek affect the tidal infulence on this stream Draft NIC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 2.1 Stream Site Name UT to Jack's Creek Date of Assessment 4/4/2023 Stream Category Oa2 Assessor Name/Organization G. Marsh, RK&K Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) YES Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) NO Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) YES NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Perennial USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology HIGH (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Flood Flow HIGH (3) Streamside Area Attenuation HIGH (4) Floodplain Access HIGH (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer MEDIUM (4) Microtopography LOW (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM (4) Channel Stability HIGH (4) Sediment Transport NA (4) Stream Geomorphology LOW (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH (2) Streamside Area Vegetation LOW (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Indicators of Stressors NO (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance HIGH (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA (1) Habitat MEDIUM (2) In -stream Habitat HIGH (3) Baseflow HIGH (3) Substrate HIGH (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM (3) In -stream Habitat HIGH (2) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Stream -side Habitat LOW (3) Thermoregulation LOW (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (3) Flow Restriction NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA (2) Intertidal Zone NA Overall MEDIUM 1 Photographic Summary Resilient Coastal Communities Project: Jack's Creek Floodplain and Greenway Improvement Project 'S . L.- i n '•,ice � , m r.y A^. Representation of Non -wetland low area Photo taken 4/04/2023 Facing W Lat: 35.541618 Long:-77.045486 Representation of Brown St. Bridge Photo taken 4/04/2023 Facing SE Lat: 35.541473 Long:-77.046096 Photographic Summary Resilient Coastal Communities Project: Jack's Creek Floodplain and Greenway Improvement Project Representation of Jack's Creek Left Descending Bank Photo taken 4/04/2023 Facing NE Lat: 35.542514 Long:-77.046325 Representation of Filed East of Jack's Creek Photo taken 4/04/2023 Facing NE Lat: 35.542976 Long:-77.047468 3 Photographic Summary Resilient Coastal Communities Project: Jack's Creek Floodplain and Greenway Improvement Project Representation of Waterline and Harvey St. Bridge Photo taken 4/04/2023 Facing NW Lat: 35.544601 Long:—77.048416 Representation of Greenway Photo taken 4/04/2023 Facing S Lat: 35.544563 Long:-77.048606 Appendix 2 - PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PJD: 6/15/2023 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PJD: Gordon Marsh, 8601 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh NC, 27615 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (USE THE TABLE BELOW TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND/OR AQUATIC RESOURCES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough: Beaufort City: Washington Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat.: 35.542976 Long.:-77.047468 Universal Transverse Mercator: Name of nearest waterbody: E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: ❑ Field Determination. Date(s): TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION. Site number Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Estimated amount of aquatic resource in review area (acreage and linear feet, if applicable) Type of aquatic resource (i.e., wetland vs. non -wetland waters) Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource "may be" subject (i.e., Section 404 or Section 10/404) Jacks Creek (SA) 35.541875 -77.046132 2715 non -wetland waters 401 /404 SB 35.545041 -77.048427 113 non -wetland waters 401 /404 1) The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved JD (AJD) for that review area based on an informed decision after having discussed the various types of JDs and their characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropriate. 2) In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre - construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an AJD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware that: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a PJD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional aquatic resources; (2) the applicant has the option to request an AJD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an AJD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an AJD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the PJD; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a PJD constitutes agreement that all aquatic resources in the review area affected in any way by that activity will be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an AJD or a PJD, the JD will be processed as soon as practicable. Further, an AJD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331. If, during an administrative appeal, it becomes appropriate to make an official determination whether geographic jurisdiction exists over aquatic resources in the review area, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional aquatic resources in the review area, the Corps will provide an AJD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This PJD finds that there "may be"waters of the U.S. and/or that there "may be" navigable waters of the U.S. on the subject review area, and identifies all aquatic features in the review area that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for PJD (check all that apply) Checked items should be included in subject file. Appropriately reference sources below where indicated for all checked items: ■❑ Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor: Map:Vicinity, USGS, Water Resources, Soils 0 Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the PJD requestor. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. Rationale: ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. ■❑ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: Washington; 1:24000 0 Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: Web Soil Survey, Beaufort Co., NC ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: ❑ 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: .(National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) ■❑ Photographs: ❑ Aerial (Name & Date): or ❑ Other (Name & Date): ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Other information (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later jurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory staff member completing PJD Signature and date of person requesting PJD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable)' ' Districts may establish timeframes for requestor to return signed PJD forms. If the requestor does not respond within the established time frame, the district may presume concurrence and no additional follow up is necessary prior to finalizing an action. urisdictional Determination Reauest US Army Corps of Engineers - WiEmington ❑inuid This form is intended for use by anyone requesting a jurisdictional determination (JD) from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps). Please include all supporting information, as described within each category, with your request. You may submit your request via mail, electronic mail, or facsimile. Requests should be sent to the appropriate project manager of the county in which the property is located. A current list of project managers by assigned counties can be found on-line at: http://www.saw.usace.aimy.mil/Missions/Re alatoiyPermitProgram/Contact/CountyLocator.aWx, by calling 910-251-4633, or by contacting any of the field offices listed below. Once your request is received you will be contacted by a Corps project manager. ASHEVILLE & CHARLOTTE REGULATORY FIELD OFFICES US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 General Number: (828) 271-7980 Fax Number: (828) 281-8120 RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 General Number: (919) 554-4884 Fax Number: (919) 562-0421 INSTRUCTIONS: WASHINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West Fifth Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 General Number: (910) 251-4610 Fax Number: (252) 975-1399 WILMINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 General Number: 910-251-4633 Fax Number: (910) 251-4025 All requestors must complete Parts A, B, C, D, E, F and G. NOTE TO CONSULTANTS AND AGENCIES: If you are requesting a JD on behalf of a paying client or your agency, please note the specific submittal requirements in Part H. NOTE ON PART D — PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION: Please be aware that all JD requests must include the current property owner authorization for the Corps to proceed with the determination, which may include inspection of the property when necessary. This form must be signed by the current property owner(s) or the owner(s) authorized agent to be considered a complete request. NOTE ON PART D - NCDOT REQUESTS: Property owner authorization/notification for JD requests associated with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) projects will be conducted according to the current NCDOT/USACE protocols. NOTE TO USDA PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: A Corps approved or preliminary JD may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should also request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. Version: May 2017 Page 1 Jurisdictional Determination Request A. PARCEL INFORMATION Street Address: John Small Ave. (Veteran's Park City, State: Washington, NC County: Beaufort Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN): 15005295 B. REQUESTOR INFORMATION Name: Gordon Marsh Mailing Address: 8601 Six Forks Rd Raleigh NC, 27615 Telephone Number: 919.653.7343 Electronic Mail Address: gmarsh@rkk.Com Select one: ❑ I am the current property owner. ❑ I am an Authorized Agent or Environmental Consultant' ❑ Interested Buyer or Under Contract to Purchase ❑ Other, please explain. C. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: City of Washington Mailing Address: 102 E 2nd Washington NC, 27889 Telephone Number: (252) 975-9319 Electronic Mail Address: jrussell@washintonnc.gov ' Must provide completed Agent Authorization Form/Letter. 2 Documentation of ownership also needs to be provided with request (copy of Deed, County GIS/ParceVrax Record). Version: May 2017 Page 2 Jurisdictional Determination Request D. PROPERTY ACCESS CERTIFICATION',4 By signing below, I authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on - site investigations, if necessary, and issuing a jurisdictional determination pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. I, the undersigned, am either a duly authorized owner of record of the property identified herein, or acting as the duly authorized agent of the owner of record of the property. Gordon Marsh Print Name Capacity: ❑ Owner Z Authorized Agents 06/13/2023 Date Gordon Marsh Signature E. REASON FOR JD REQUEST: (Check as many as applicable) ❑ I intend to construct/develop a projector perform activities on this parcel which would be designed to avoid all aquatic resources. ❑ I intend to construct/develop a projector perform activities on this parcel which would be designed to avoid all jurisdictional aquatic resources under Corps authority. ❑✓ I intend to construct/develop a projector perform activities on this parcel which may require authorization from the Corps, and the JD would be used to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional aquatic resources and as an initial step in a future permitting process. ❑ I intend to construct/develop a project or perform activities on this parcel which may require authorization from the Corps; this request is accompanied by my permit application and the JD is to be used in the permitting process. ❑✓ I intend to construct/develop a projector perform activities in a navigable water of the U.S. which is included on the district Section 10 list and/or is subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. ❑ A Corps JD is required in order obtain my local/state authorization. ❑ I intend to contest jurisdiction over a particular aquatic resource and request the Corps confirm that jurisdiction does/does not exist over the aquatic resource on the parcel. ❑ I believe that the site may be comprised entirely of dry land. ❑ Other: s For NCDOT requests following the current NCDOT/IJSACE protocols, skip to Part E. 4 If there are multiple parcels owned by different parties, please provide the following for each additional parcel on a continuation sheet. s Must provide agent authorization form/letter signed by owner(s). Version: May 2017 Page 3 Jurisdictional Determination Request F. JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD) TYPE (Select One) ❑✓ I am requesting that the Corps provide a preliminM JD for the property identified herein. A Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) provides an indication that there may be "waters of the United States" or "navigable waters of the United States"on a property. PJDs are sufficient as the basis for permit decisions. For the purposes of permitting, all waters and wetlands on the property will be treated as if they are jurisdictional "waters of the United States". PJDs cannot be appealed (33 C.F.R. 331.2); however, a PJD is "preliminary" in the sense that an approved JD can be requested at any time. PJDs do not expire. ❑ I am requesting that the Corps provide an approved JD for the property identified herein. An Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) is a determination that jurisdictional "waters of the United States" or "navigable waters of the United States" are either present or absent on a site. An approved JD identifies the limits of waters on a site determined to be jurisdictional under the Clean Water Act and/or Rivers and Harbors Act. Approved JDs are sufficient as the basis for permit decisions. AJDs are appealable (33 C.F.R. 331.2). The results of the AJD will be posted on the Corps website. A landowner, permit applicant, or other "affected party" (33 C.F.R. 331.2) who receives an AJD may rely upon the AJD for five years (subject to certain limited exceptions explained in Regulatory Guidance Letter 05- 02). ❑ I am unclear as to which JD I would like to request and require additional information to inform my decision. G. ALL REQUESTS Map of Property or Project Area. This Map must clearly depict the boundaries of the review area. ✓❑ Size of Property or Review Area 18 acres. ❑ The property boundary (or review area boundary) is clearly physically marked on the site. Version: May 2017 Page 4 Jurisdictional Determination Request H. REQUESTS FROM CONSULTANTS Project Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: 35.542976 Longitude:-77.047468 ❑✓ A legible delineation map depicting the aquatic resources and the property/review area. Delineation maps must be no larger than 1 lx 17 and should contain the following: (Corps signature of submitted survey plats will occur after the submitted delineation map has been reviewed and approved).6 ■ North Arrow ■ Graphical Scale ■ Boundary of Review Area ■ Date ■ Location of data points for each Wetland Determination Data Form or tributary assessment reach. For Approved Jurisdictional Determinations: Jurisdictional wetland features should be labeled as Wetland Waters of the US, 404 wetlands, etc. Please include the acreage of these features. Jurisdictional non -wetland features (i.e. tidal/navigable waters, tributaries, impoundments) should be labeled as Non -Wetland Waters of the US, stream, tributary, open water, relatively permanent water, pond, etc. Please include the acreage or linear length of each of these features as appropriate. Isolated waters, waters that lack a significant nexus to navigable waters, or non - jurisdictional upland features should be identified as Non -Jurisdictional. Please include a justification in the label regarding why the feature is non jurisdictional (i.e. "Isolated", "No Significant Nexus", or "Upland Feature"). Please include the acreage or linear length of these features as appropriate. For Preliminary Jurisdictional Determinations: Wetland and non -wetland features should not be identified as Jurisdictional, 404, Waters of the United States, or anything that implies jurisdiction. These features can be identified as Potential Waters of the United States, Potential Non -wetland Waters of the United States, wetland, stream, open water, etc. Please include the acreage and linear length of these features as appropriate. F] Completed Wetland Determination Data Forms for appropriate region (at least one wetland and one upland form needs to be completed for each wetland type) 6 Please refer to the guidance document titled "Survey Standards for Jurisdictional Determinations" to ensure that the supplied map meets the necessary mapping standards. hit2://www.saw.usace.aM.mil/Missions/Regulatory-Permit- Pro gram/Jurisdiction/ Version: May 2017 Page 5 Jurisdictional Determination Request ✓❑ Completed appropriate Jurisdictional Determination form • PJDs, please complete a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form' and include the Aquatic Resource Table • AJDS• please complete an Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form'. ✓❑ Vicinity Map ❑✓ Aerial Photograph ❑ USGS Topographic Map Soil Survey Map Other Maps, as appropriate (e.g. National Wetland Inventory Map, Proposed Site Plan, previous delineation maps, LIDAR maps, FEMA floodplain maps) 0 Landscape Photos (if taken) 14 NCSAM and/or NCWAM Assessment Forms and Rating Sheets NC Division of Water Resources Stream Identification Forms 1_J Other Assessment Forms ' www.saw.usace.aM.mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/regdocs/JD/RGL 08-02_App A Prelim _JD_Form fillable.pdf 8 Please see http://www.saw.usace.aM.mil/Missions/Regulatory-Permit-Program/Jurisdiction/ Principal Purpose: The information that you provide will be used in evaluating your request to determine whether there are any aquatic resources within the project area subject to federaljurisdiction under the regulatory authorities referenced above. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public, and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by federal law. Your name and property location where federal jurisdiction is to be determined will be included in the approvedjurisdictional determination (AJD), which will be made available to the public on the District'swebsite and on the Headquarters USAGE website. Disclosure: Submission of requested information is voluntary; however, if information is not provided, the request for an AJD cannot be evaluated nor can an AJD be issued. Version: May 2017 Page 6 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: GPIN. 5685-08-7608 MLS NO.56850577 PIN: 15005295 STREET ADDRESS: JOHN SMALL AVE, WASHINGTON, NC 27889 (VETERAN'S PARK) Please print: Property Owner: CITY OF WASHINTON Property Owner: The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize Gordon Marsh (gmarsh[u_,rkk.corn) of RK&K (Contractor 1 Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification andany and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): 102 E 211° ST WASIENGTON, NC 27889 Telephone: (252) 975-9319 We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Aut Hzed Signature Authorized Signature Date: f�� Date: