HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240517 Ver 1_Jack's Creek ESC Report_20240404JACK'S CREEK IMPROVEMENTS EROSION CONTROL REPORT Corner of N Harvey St and E 51" St, Washington, NC 28411 January 2024 (Google Earth) Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists 8601 Six Forks Road, Suite 700 Raleigh, NC 27615 Phone: 919-878-9560 Table of Contents ProjectNarrative...........................................................................................................................................3 PlanChecklist................................................................................................................................................4 DrainageArea Map....................................................................................................................................... 5 RelevantDeeds............................................................................................................................................. 6 VicinityMap................................................................................................................................................21 TopographicMap........................................................................................................................................ 22 NRCSSoils Map........................................................................................................................................... 23 WebSoil Survey Map.................................................................................................................................. 25 Run-off Rate Calculations and Time of Concentration Calculations........................................................... 29 Clean Water Diversion and Temp. Pipe Capacity Calculations...................................................................30 ESCSpecial Provisions................................................................................................................................. 32 1.0 Project Summary The Jack's Creek Improvement project will construct several wetland benches along Jack's Creek near Veteran's Park in Washington, North Carolina. Vegetation will be planted in bank excavation areas, increasing the stability of the bank and reduce the risk of future erosion. The bench will connect back to existing grade with a 3:1 slope to be seeded and stabilized. Because impervious will not be added a part of this project, there should not be an increase to the run-off. During the construction process, upstream clean water will be conveyed through a clean water diversions and temporary pipes to allow the nearby Veterans Park and Jacks Creek Greenway to remain. All work is to be completed on county owned property. The total area of disturbance for this project is approximately 2.1 acres. These areas include the restoration areas and areas required for erosion control measures. The project location is shown on USGS and soil maps. The soil for this project is primarily comprised of C soils, specifically Altavista -Urban land complex and is classified as Primary Contact Recreation, Fresh Water (B) and trout waters (Tr). Since the entirety of the limits of disturbance are on city owned land, and water won't be discharged on adjacent properties, no easements are needed. During construction, the contractor will avoid work on adjacent properties. Stockpile locations will vary during construction. Page 3 EROSION and SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY REVIEW CHECKLIST The following items shall be incorporated with respect to specific site conditions, in an erosion & sedimentation control plan: NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit NCGO10000 Q Designation on the plans where the 7 or 14 day ground stabilization requirements apply per Part II.E.1 of the permit. 0 Design of basins with one acre or more of drainage area for surface withdrawal as per Part II.B.8 of the permit. LOCATION INFORMATION Q Project location & labeled vicinity map (roads, streets, landmarks) 0 North arrow and scale Q Identify River Basin. 0 Provide a copy of site located on applicable USGS quadrangle and NRCS Soils maps if it is in a River Basin with Riparian Buffer requirements. GENERAL SITE FEATURES (Plan elements) Q Property lines & ownership ID for adjoining properties Q Existing contours (topographic lines) Q Proposed contours Q Limits of disturbed area (provide acreage total, delineate limits, and label). Be sure to include all access to measures, lots that will be disturbed, and utilities that may extend offsite. e✓ Planned and existing building locations and elevations ✓ Planned & existing road locations & elevations, including temporary access roads Q Lot and/or building numbers Q Hydrogeologic features: rock outcrops, seeps, springs, wetland and their limits, streams, lakes, ponds, dams, etc. (include all required local or state buffer zones and any DWQ Riparian Buffer determinations) Q Easements and drainageways, particularly required for offsite affected areas. Include copies of any recorded easements and/or agreements with adjoining property owners. see narrative ✓ Profiles of streets, utilities, ditch lines, etc. ✓ Stockpiled topsoil or subsoil locations see sheet C-202, note 1 ✓ If the same person conducts the land -disturbing activity & any related borrow or waste activity, the related borrow or waste activity shall constitute part of the land -disturbing activity unless the borrow or waste activity is regulated under the Mining Act of 1971, or is a landfill regulated by the Division of Waste Management. If the land -disturbing activity and any related borrow or waste activity are not conducted by the same person, they shall be considered separate land -disturbing activities and must be permitted either through the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act as a one -use borrow site or through the Mining Act. Q Location and details associated with any onsite stone crushing or other processing of material excavated. If the affected area associated with excavation, processing, stockpiles and transport of such materials will comprise 1 or more acres, and materials will be leaving the development tract, a mining permit will be required. Q Required Army Corps 404 permit and Water Quality 401 certification (e.g. stream disturbances over 150 linear feet) EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES (on plan) Q Legend (provide appropriate symbols for all measures and reference them to the construction details) 0 Location of temporary measures Location of permanent measures ✓ Construction drawings and details for temporary and permanent measures. Show measures to scale on plan and include proposed contours where necessary. Ensure design storage requirements are maintained through all phases of construction. Q Maintenance requirements for measures Q Contact person responsible for maintenance Wayne Black: (252) 975-9660 SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES wblack@washingtonnc.gov Q Existing and planned drainage patterns (include off -site areas that drain through project and address temporary and permanent conveyance of stormwater over graded slopes) Q Method used to determine acreage of land being disturbed and drainage areas to all proposed measures (e.g. delineation map) Q Size, pipe material and location of culverts and sewers Q Soil information: type, special characteristics Q Soil information below culvert storm outlets Q Name and classification of receiving water course or name of municipal operator (only where stormwater discharges are to occur) STORMWATER CALCULATIONS Q Pre -construction runoff calculations for each outlet from the site (at peak discharge points). Be sure to provide all supporting data for the computation methods used (rainfall data for required storm events, time of concentration/storm duration, and runoff coefficients). Q Design calculations for peak discharges of runoff (including the construction phase & the final runoff coefficients for the site) Q Design calcs for culverts and storm sewers (include HW, TW and outlet velocities) Q Discharge and velocity calculations for open channel and ditch flows (easement & rights -of -way) Q Design calcs for cross sections and method of stabilization for existing and planned channels (include temporary linings). Include appropriate permissible velocity and/or shear stress data. Q Design calcs and construction details for energy dissipaters below culvert and storm sewer outlets (include stone/material specs & apron dimensions). Avoid discharges on fill slopes. Q Design calcs and dimension of sediment basins (note current surface area and dewatering standards as well as diversion of runoff to the basins). Be sure that all surface drains, including ditches and berms, will have positive drainage to the basins. VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION Q Area & acreage to be stabilized with vegetation ✓ Method of soil preparation ✓ Seed type & rates (temporary & permanent) Q Fertilizer type and rates Q Mulch type and rates (include mulch anchoring methods) NOTE: Plan should include provisions for groundcover in accordance with NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit NCG010000. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM 0✓ Completed, signed & notarized FR/O Form Q Accurate application fee payable to NCDEQ ($100.00 per acre rounded up the next acre with no ceiling amount) 0✓ Certificate of assumed name, if the owner is a partnership ✓e Name of Registered Agent (if applicable) ✓ Copy of the most current Deed for the site. Please make sure the deed(s) and ownership information are consistent between the plan sheets, local records and this form. 0 Provide latitude & longitude (in decimal degrees) at the project entrance. 0 Two hard -copies of the plans (some regional offices require additional plans or multiple sizes; please contact the regional coordinator prior to such submittal.) NOTE: For the Express Permitting Option, inquire at the local Regional Office for availability. Express Reviews are performed by appointment only. NARRATIVE AND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Q Narrative describing the nature & purpose of the construction activity. ✓e Pre -construction conference, if requested. ✓ Construction sequence related to erosion and sediment control (including installation of critical measures prior to the initiation of the land -disturbing activity & removal of measures after areas they serve are permanently stabilized). Address all phases of construction and necessary practices associated with temporary stream bypasses and/or crossings. 0 Bid specifications related only to erosion control rev. 1-18-22 Page N wa NOlONIHSVAAJ-AiI3 z� S1N3W3n02idWl �33bO S�"r 1 LO m a GPIN: 5685-17-1685 REID 143900 sKPa563 if k r; :f am", "Ksom "AK13me VIM M. A., Attanrya at Lof M a. 2rA St., V. a: aoa 1747 E -- IarAi�gtan W VW Talfptafa: C919) 06-3m - i STATE OF NORTH CAR016INA I COUNTY OF BEAUFORT THIS DKED, made and entered into this the ! NI_'---- day of s r 19.96, by XAMAR CORPOIATION, a North. Carolina Corporation authorized to transact business in Borth Carolina, i { Grantor, to the CITY Or IMBi1G208, a municipal corporation orga- tt aimed and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina,. 11 Grantee, whose address ise Post. Office Box 1988,. Washington NC 27889; I� V I T8_!BS='f8: i That the Grantor, for valuable consideration received from the i Grantee, the receiptand,sufficiency- of which is hereby acknon- F �E Iedged, does hereby convey unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in i the City of Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina, more particularly described as'follows:_ j BEING. located on the Northwest corner of the intersection of East Third Street . I and Brown Street, beginning at an engineer's tack in the gutter and 3110ths of a foot from the outside edge of said gutter at the Northwest corner of the inter- section of Third Street and Brown Street and running thence North 55' 26- West with the North property line of East Third Stint 166.71 feet; thence North 33' 31' East 13731 feet to a point in the Southern line of. the park area; thence South 48' 43' East 169.45 feet to a concrete monument in the West property :ins of E Brown Street;.thence running South 34.05' West along the West property line of Brown Street 117.50 feet to the place of the beginning, as shown on Map of Sar- aommAn. iioL-ZCHFR. , vey made by Rivers A Associates, on March 10, 1970, entitled 'Plot=Plan North - Ii•1f:O5:O. West corner East Third and. Brown Streets, Washington, :N. C.' Being, the same � - ' as conveyed to Kamlar Corporation, the Grantor herein, by deed dated August - x.,,„_ 31, 198Z and recorded is Bonk $16, Page 105 of the Beaufort County Registry. Reference is herein made to sand Map of Survey' and Deed and the same are F== ° ..... � incorporated herein for a more complete and adequate description: i 6FAUF03T rp�,}tfY3i D RE )S 1R-F4EtM�l r f ACC HA 1 Lwd of oafs Page 6 i 8K1058PCS64 :F To HAVB AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and. singular, ;the rights, ways, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or n anywise. appertaining: unto the said Grantee, its successors. and ; l ssigns, in fee simple, subject, however, to the following: 1. 1996 Beaufort county Ad Valorem taxes. 2. Such easements, rights -of -way and restrictions of record n the Beaufort County Registry. 3. Non-compliance with any local, county, state or federal [�gqovernmental laws, ordinances or regulations relative to moning, t subdivision, occupancy, use, construction or the development of'the ubject property. E 4. A five-footright-of-way easement along the Southwestern I i E Froperty line adjacent to Bast Third Street. ! The Grantor covenants with the Grantee that it is seized in =fee.simple of the above described property and.has good right and Eititle to convey the same; that the same is free and clear of all i ( eas and encumbrances, except those matters above set forth, and It -hat, subject thereto, it will forever warrant and defend the title �to.the same against all lawful claims and demands:. � IN FATNESS WHEREOF, RAM AN. CORPORATION has. caused this J . i instrument to be. executed in its name by its President,. j `attested by its Secretary, and its corporate seal to be i 4ereto affixed, all by corporate authority first duly given, this ! :'c•",= nays"�E�. Alut. the day and year first above written. { 3117 By: (Seal) f . President f Page 7 OIL 0S8PaS65 € E :I rIATTESTi I� Se ary i� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT f I, , a Notary Public of the State and {County aforesaid, certify that personally appeared before se this day and acknowled that he/she is ! ISecretary of CORPOYA.7.'IOr, and that by outhority.duly given f land as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was fsaaned in its name by its President, sealed with its corpo- 11 jrate seal and attested by himself/herself as its �1Secretary., ! WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the 4ffi day of ��- aCii7�'30f i996. S k NOTARY PUBLIC my Commission expires: Is 6ii,&ALsrm. r Natad . r�e.1h aroma . :I coewr►raF �s,rtr, PAMEL A S. MILLER l� wr cetim e,v. Deana., se.+soe E € Borth Carolina ! SSS Beaufort county The for ng Cert"ficate C bl a/i�o=`.er a hlie i�ssfljaare certified to be treat 9?sis�d83r o'clockBY f E Register of Deedo A944/Deputy Register of Deeds - sev:ceseo.nrErtiP.a_€ - - .r c.orr. He city%dad=ty-tac FW%tt 9-V-% �i { FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS ®K JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST 1 9 f G 9 I 9 aEAUFORT COONIY, Pic 2001 OCI" 01 02 18:42 PM 8R 1219 PC 91B-925 FEE Sie OU NC REVENUE STAMP $1,71e 00 1N5TRUME"NT 8 26D1006823 This instrument prepared by: C. Ray Joyner, Attorney at Law P.O. Box 2311, .�� Rocky Mount, NC 27802-2311 NORTH CAROLINA GPIN:5685-07-7924 Tax Parcel No.: 01-030170 BEAUFORT COUNTY REID:141756 THIS DEED, made this the 26th day of September, 2001, by E.C. POWELL and wife, RUBY P. POWELL, and CAMDEN POINTE APARTMENTS, a North Carolina General Partnership, Grantor, to the CITY OF WASHINGTON, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, Grantee, whose address is Post Office Box 1988, Washington, North Carolina 27889-1988; W I T N E S S E T H: That Grantor in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to it paid by Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Grantee in fee simple the following described tracts of land lying and being in Washington Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1: BEING located on the northeasterly side of East Third Street, and Beginning at a concrete monument in the northeasterly property line of East Third Street, said concrete monument and beginning point being located 865 feet, NORTH 550 26' WEST, from a point marked by an engineer tack in the gutter at the northerly intersection of East Third Street and Brown Street, and running thence NORTH 340 34' EAST 164.50 feet to another concrete monument, a corner; thence running SOUTH 870 38' EAST 86.38 feet to another concrete monument, a corner; thence running along the southwestern line of the Public park area, SOUTH 480 43' EAST, 258.55 feet, cornering; thence running SOUTH 340 23' WEST 180.34 feet to a point in the northeasterly property line of East Third Street; thence running NORTH 550 26' WEST along the northeasterly property line of East Third Street, 330.42 feet to the concrete monument at the place of BEGINNING, as shown on that certain map of survey made by James E. White, Jr., R.L.S., dated October 2, 1986 and entitled "Plot Plan Greenmount Associates". PARCEL NO, 2: BEGINNING at a point in the northern property line of East Third Street, said beginning point being located 166.71 feet, NORTH 55' 26' WEST, from an engineer's tack located three -tenths 1 BEAUFORT COUNTY LARD RECORDS LR - FORM001 #__ Lilla -- ACCEPTED-- AW --� l.zlld Rmwds Official Date Page 9 9K1219PG920 (3/10) of a foot from the outside edge of the gutter at the northwest corner of the intersection of East Third Street and Brown Street as shown on the map of survey prepared by James E. White, Jr., R.L.S., and from said beginning point running thence with the northern property line of East Third Street, NORTH 550 26' WEST, 367.87 feet, cornering; thence running NORTH 340 23' EAST, 180.34 feet, cornering; thence running SOUTH 480 43' EAST 368.50 feet, cornering; thence running SOUTH 33' 31' WEST, 137.31 feet to the point of BEGINNING in the northern property line of East Third Street, as shown on a map of survey of the above described tract of land made by James E. White, Jr., R.L.S., dated October 2, 1986. Being the identical property conveyed_to E.C. Powell by deed dated May 31, 2001, recorded in Book 1203, page 40, Beaufort County Registry. Being the identical property conveyed to Camden Pointe Apartments by deeds dated May 31, 2001, recorded in Book 1203, pages 52, 56, 60 and 64, Beaufort County Registry and deeds of correction dated June 18, 2001, recorded July 11, 2001 in Book 1208, pages 213, 217 and 221, Beaufort County Registry. This land is conveyed subject to certain restrictions as to the use thereof, running with said land by whomsoever owned, said restrictions, which are expressly assented to by the Grantee in accepting this deed, being as follows: (1) This property shall be dedicated and maintained in perpetuity for uses compatible with open space, recreational, or wetlands management practices; and (2) No new structure(s) shall be built on this property except for the following: (i) A public facility that is open on all sides and functionally related to a designated open space or recreational use; or (ii) A public restroom; or (iii)A structure that is compatible with open space, recreational, or wetlands management policies and practices, which the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approves in writing before the construction of the structure begins; and (3) No application for State or Federal disaster assistance will be made for this property for any purpose and no such assistance shall be provided; and 2 Page 10 ®K1219Pc921 (4) Any structure built on this property shall be located to minimize the potential for flood damage, be floodproofed, or be elevated to the Base Flood Elevation plus one foot of freeboard; and (5) On October 1, 2002, and every two (2) years following this date, the City of Washington shall report to the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (NCDEM) to certify that this property is maintained consistent with the deed restrictions listed herein; and (6) Allowable uses for this property are open spaces, recreational, and wetland management uses such as parks for outdoor recreational activities, nature reserves, cultivation, grazing, camping (except mobile homes), unimproved, permeable parking lots, and buffer zones. Allowable uses do not include walled buildings, flood reduction levees, or other uses that obstruct the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tracts or parcels of land together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantor in fee simple. And Grantor covenants with Grantee that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: easements and restrictions of record, if any. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter as required by context. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Grantor has hereunto set 3 Page 11 1K1219Pc922 their hands and adopted as their seal the word "SEAL" appearing beside their names the day and year first above written. i—� (SEAL) E.C. POWELL _ (SEAL). RUB'Y P./POWELL CAMDEN POINTE APARTMENTS, A North Carolina General Partnership By: t° -�/`'4�' (SEAL) . E.C. #POWELL, JR., General Partner By: ��AiJ� ��� (SEAL) , DENISE P. RUSSELL, General Partner By:(SEAL) J THOMAS POWELL, General Partner By: (SEAL) DEBOR H P. FIGLEWS ry, General Partner STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF '-h CL" I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that E.C. POWELL and wife, RUBY P. POWELL, each personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WI ESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the ,11 day of 2001. QXO-QQ4 JO -Qc-, ,� Notary Publ c My commission expires: ��,.�, �.� �(}IG (p r S0.lOYNERRYPUBUCOMM NC 4 Page 12 AK1219PG923 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that E.C. POWELL, JR., a general partner in CAMDEN POINTE APARTMENTS, a North Carolina General Partnership, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said partnership. WITj4ESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the 46 day of X1 2001. Notary Public My commission expires: p DELDRES D. JOYNER NOTARY PUBLIC NASH COUNTY, NC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF -1 C.'la-N I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that DENISE P. RUSSELL, a general partner in Camden Pointe Apartments, a North Carolina General Partnership, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said partnership. WIT ESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the day of d , 2001. Notary Pub c � My commission expires: wi W. M STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF '*—h Clah I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that JOHN THOMAS POWELL, a general partner in Camden Pointe Apartments, a North Carolina General Partnership, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said partnership. WIT ESS my hand and official stamp or seal, this the day of , 2001. h' Notary Pu ic'��" My commission expires: W-a�•o�Ob{o DELORES Q 101'NER NOTARY PUBLIC NASH COUNTY, NC 6 Page 13 sK1219rG92`i STATE OFF �tut,�Qiy COUNTY OF��l,Q•� I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that DEBORAH P. FIGLEWSKI, a general partner in Greenmount Associates, a North Carolina General Partnership, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of said partnership. 0,714 WIT SS my and and official stamp or seal, this the day of y 2001. Notary Pub is My commission expires: ()OG c:\My Documents\DEEDS\T5367 Camden Pointe to CityofWashington.doc M 6 Page 14 OK1219PG925 JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST BEAUFORT COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS COURTHOUSE BUILDING 112 W. 2ND STREET WASHINGTON, NC 27889 Filed For Registration: 10/01/2001 02:18:42 PM Book: RE 1219 Page: 919-925 Document No.: 2001006823 DEED 7 PGS $18.00 NC REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX: $1,715.00 Recorder: BARBARA TAYLOR State of North Carolina, County of Beaufort The foregoing certificate of DELORES D JOYNER Notary is certified to be correct. This 1 ST of October 2001 JENNIFER LEGGETT WHITEHURST , REGISTER OF DEEDS -J By: i Deputy4As&WtffAt Register of Dees *2001006823* 2001006823 Page 15 VA, 1696Pc785 GP I N : 5685-08-3791 REID:120671 WIAWGRT COUNTY LAND RECORDS ROUTING FORM Land Records ficial Date STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS Jennifer Leggett Whit ehurst Beaufort County, NC September 02, 2009 04:41:38 PM Book 1696 Page 785-787 FEE: $20.00 NC REVENUE STAMP; $136.00 INSTRUMENT # 2009005114 PREPARED BY: RODMAN, HOLSCHER, FRANCISCO & PECK, P. A., Attorneys at Law 320 North Market Street Post Office Box 1747 Washington NC 27889 Telephone: (252) 946-3122 h� THIS DEED, made and entered into this the C� day of September, 2009, by CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ENRICHMENT PROGRAM, INC., a North Carolina Corporation, Grantor, to the CITY OF WASHINGTON, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, Grantee, whose address is: Post Office Box 1988, Washington NC 27889; WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for valuable consideration received from the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby convey unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: Page 16 ff 1808�G7 8 6 Lying on the East side of Harvey Street and on the North side of Fourth Street and beginning at the intersection of the Northern side line of Fourth Street with the Eastern side line of Harvey Street, and running thence North 33' East 391 feet to a ditch; thence with said ditch South 29' 15' East 75 feet (this call is corrected from the erroneous call of South 29' 15' West 75 feet contained in that deed in Book 1389, Page 676, Beaufort County Registry); South 15' 45' East 160 feet; thence South 0° 45' East 68 feet to a marker; thence South 331 West 210 feet to the Northern side line of Fourth Street; thence with the Northern side line of Fourth Street in a Westwardly direction 210 feet to the beginning, containing 1.35 acres according to the survey and plat of W. C. Rodman, Jr., RS, dated December 1949 and being that portion of the above described lands formerly known as the Beaufort County Health Department, BUT SAVING AND EXCEPTING that portion of said lands fronting 50 feet on Fourth Street and running back between parallel lines a distance of 100 feet on which was formerly located the Girl Scout Hut owned by the City of Washington. Further reference is made to Deed dated January 25, 1950 from the City of Washington to the county of Beaufort of record in Book 396, Page 273, Beaufort County Registry. This being all of that property conveyed to Christian Fellowship Enrichment Program, Inc. by deed dated March 25, 2003 of record in Book 1389, Page 676, Beaufort County Registry to which deed reference is herein made for a more complete and accurate description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular, the rights, ways, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, in fee simple, subject, however, to the following: 1. Such easements, rights -of -way and restrictions of record in the Beaufort County Registry. 2. Non-compliance with any local, county, state or federal governmental laws, ordinances or regulations relative to zoning, subdivision, occupancy, use, construction or the development of the subject property. The Grantor covenants with the Grantee that it is seized in fee simple of the above described property and has good right and title to convey the same; that the same is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except those matters above set forth, and that, subject thereto, it will forever warrant and defend the title to the same against all lawful claims and demands. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ENRICHMENT PROGRAM, INC. has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its President, attested by its Secretary, all by corporate authority first duly given, this the day and year first above written. Page 17 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ENRICHMENT PROGRAM, INC. Damellia S. Davis, President ATTEST: ac Secretary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT I, Zing W. Burba-ge, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that WILLIAM ZACHMAN personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he is Secretary of CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ENRICHMENT PROGRAM, INC., and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, attested by himself as its Secretary. rl WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the � day of September, 2009. NO Y PUBLIC My Commission expires: ZINA W. SUMAGE NOry PdA NO Besui d canny. My Commission Bow 1o.134M2 Po- n2, �jv\Stile I IZS)+— Page 18 1 /24/24, 11:23 AM Property Summary Tax Year: 2024 REID 17544 PIN 0 JOHN SMALL Location AVE Property Address Description Print Property Info GPIN: 5685-08-7608 REID: 117544 5685-08-7608 Property Owner CITY OF WASHINGTON 13.46 AC JACKS CRK/LOTS 102 E 2ND ST P O BOX RODMAN S/D Owner's Mailing 1988 Address WASHINGTON NC 27889 Administrative Data Transfer Information Plat Book & Page Deed Date Old Map # NONE Deed Book Market Area CEDAR Deed Page Township City of Washington Revenue Stamps Planning BEAUFORT Package Sale Date Jurisdiction Package Sale Price CITY OF City Land Sale Date WASHINGTON Fire District Land Sale Price Spec District Improvement Summary Land Class EXEMPT VALUE Total Buildings History REID 1 Total Units History REID 2 Total Living Area Acreage 13.47 Total Gross Leasable Area Permit Date Permit # Photograph Building Summary 10/31 /1966 000604 00586 $2 No Photo Found Property Value Total Appraised Land Value $168,041 Total Appraised Building Value Total Appraised Misc Improvements Value Total Cost Value $168,041 Total Appraised Value -valued By $168,041 Cost Other Exemptions $168,041 Exemption Desc City Use Value Deferred Historic Value Deferred Total Deferred Value Total Taxable Value https://Ircpwa.ncptscloud.com/Beaufort/PrintPRC.aspx?PARCELPK=l 7544 Page 19 1/24/24, 11:23AM Print Property Info Misc Improvements Summary Card Unit Base Eff Phys Depr (% Econ Depr (% Funct Depr (% Common Interest (% # Quantity Measure Type Price Year Bad) Bad) Bad) Good) Value No Data Total Misc Improvements Value Assessed: Land Summary Land Class: EXEMPT VALUE Deeded Acres: 0 Calculated Acres: 13.46 Soil Size Adj. Land Zoning Description Size Rate Land Adjustment Class Factor Value R6 SITE-XXX-P 1.00 BY THE ACRE $60,000 $60,000 PRICE NONE OCLASS3 OPEN LAND-XXX- 10.47 BY THE ACRE $10,000 0.44 SHAPE-60.00 $27,641 P PRICE R6 SITE-XXX-P 2.00 BY THE ACRE $60,000 MARKET ADJUSTMENT- $80,400 PRICE 67.00 Total Land Value Assessed: $168,041 Ownership History Owner Name Current CITY OF WASHINGTON Notes Summary Building Card No Data Deed Type % Ownership Stamps Sale Price Book Page Deed Date DEED 100 2.2 000604 00586 10/31 /1966 Date Line Notes https://Ircpwa.ncptscloud.com/Beaufort/PrintPRC.aspx?PARCELPK=17544 Page 20 VICINITY MAP us ate` ma c� shington biterfr8"CS' nt ocs�, 1 /25/2024 Jt �o O •< t8�s C Fast// Seventh Street ' Park n Sheet NC 32 (Memorial Park '/fit?�Inl \\• �i CeMGroveCMewm'eI t®y 9�oh Hampton_ 9� eh4e Pamlico Memorrial i Jo I N9L John Sm811 GardensClnc Avenue� 8thsbeet/ /° y 1 _ V e �lFast /�/ .aet •:F hs�ee - RunO A - d - FF 9� Kugler Field\ �� o� ic ► ,st,��t s`��% ► Havens`- Gardens"ParkNC 32 NC 32 r s sae°°�e \Washington Park Beet Grandpap Island a� e Washington Heights �street\'�U PROJECT LOCATION 1:18,000 0 0.13 0.25 0.5 mi 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 km Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Microsoft, Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates, Esri Community Maps contributors, Map layer by Esri Page 21 `�(�/�(� U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR m. xanoaydar WASHINGTON QUADRANGLE JGS U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY E� I I((�� T NORTH CAROLINA ,ie,.^1n.nin...i....l.ane �� VS, IOpo 7.5-MINUTE SERIES '08—E 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 n,ro ss.ezw 15.w OB 09 10 tt t2 13 t4 15 16 Rr dE d by me Un1— States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24 000 o imo v ^e, ^n=, nxu3� us0 .,vr. n, aM ,..ns w,o: .io e. mmry oe e,a,�et. arJeno..ruE$ .oee.ees ren ,m.no 5wewuav'arv�aL wruoa 1su,m,e. LLL81 w,e, 1) '18—E �.u,.,u aeM �wnwu Qsuuxau WASHINGTON, NC 2022 Page 22 United States ��. 'Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service In cooperation with North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources; North Carolina Agricultural Research Service; North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service; Beaufort Soil and Water Conservation District; and Beaufort County Board of Commissioners Soil Survey of Beaufort County North Carolina Page 23 r z a 009906E m 8 m m 009906E 00b9E6E z En 00b9E6E 00E9E6E 00Z9E6E 006906E 000906E 00E9E6E 00Z9E6E 006906E 000906E N z C6 En rcxhi`hi` V V N O O m � N 0) (6 d 1 m N 7 U) � O N 7 _ (6 O N U) Q m ct cr N O Ln �g >i N N z 00 C O — .ti N (6 Z m A In L>) Q W > v X v N Q 8 — C g O Ln V 7 B N > L p 0.0 N > M O O L L 7 N ziiijcZ U zEn 0 Z /W V W J a Q O O U) U) 7 U O 0-0 U O O O) E � U m m O_ O (uU O C E C U) E m y y O O O O C U) m m O- p C: U a) _0y mE y > L O O a) C > Q O a) _0 -O U) 6 > m o m E m m 0 a) m m E N O C m N y u) a) N E rn C rn E a) M' m y E 2 U) a) m wE UU)i O L O C N i y U) N u! a) O_ U U O O N p .� m E O .N E a)-6 U)— .� N O N C E =y) U) ' a) N; m C CL O O) O m E O Cc: LO N N a a) m U U) p m U) a) y L O C m N a) of u) a) CJ O a N Z O tl) U y -6 O_ y U) d a) m a) y 7 m Q N 2i O '6 O > a) E U W m O a) Z �p L 2i N O a) L y Q N Q U Q C U) OwQ m a) U U p _ O C O m U 0 a) 0 a) C U) m Q 0) O Q'- m m 70 E a) C E E a) U N L p_ Q O U) O Am E O -o O y m Q N m E, a) (6 N af3 a) nN-NQ — (DO ) 2N N o N COm J maf O 'E O na) Q N n 00 a) a) C N a) Z E o m cL ai m o a) a) m m a) 0) o O ,-" rn m -O m m m rn E O 0T C y Q a) (n, a) m m 7 ,tl) C a) o U) (6 O '6 m 0- Os� U)a) E �+ E a) _ O C E m 7 p D O a) N a) 7 N O> Q 7 0 CL 00 N m 0 m L O U) N O U U) -6 U) U c Q a) U) a) m E O y N O .Q a) S m m a) a) p a) 00 Q.� a) 3 m 0 y �_ U y — — O N m N a) O)'— E m FL E u) 0 2 Q o Q m L H o 0 7 u) u) O u) � N H O .E a) N y N C N L as °- o U L ° o a N 0 N r m o m a y w m `o m U U o Z in O Q R R C LL 0 R R u. F m o a o O w y 0) `o y a o > w H'a) a° o a 0 m 0 U 0 c Q v rn Q m U o Z 0) Q 16 Q v) .j 0 0 a y m -0 0 0 0 o a. o 0 a m m U U o z 0) Q a m m S R 0 ® ® 0 O U) m Z Hydrologic Soil Group —Beaufort County, North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI AbA Altavista -Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes C 28.3 71.1 % Se Seabrook -Urban land complex A 2.8 7.1 % Ur Urban land 1.5 3.7% W Water 7.2 18.0% Totals for Area of Interest 39.7 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. usim Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1 /18/2024 Page 3 of 4 Page 27 Hydrologic Soil Group —Beaufort County, North Carolina Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff.- None Specified Tie -break Rule: Higher usim Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 1 /18/2024 Page 4 of 4 Run -Off Rate Calculations The Runoff Rate was calculated using the Rational Method. The time of concentration was assumed to be ten minutes for drainage area up to one acre and determined using TR-55 for drainage area an acre and greater. The intensity was found with NOAA's precipitation intensity table (Figure 1) at 35.5446,-77.0488. The offsite flow to the onsite area for each drainage area based on a 10-year storm. Table 1: Drainage Area Run-off Rates Area Area (acre) C value Intensity (in/hr) Run-off Rate (cfs) 1A 0.44 0.15 6.49 0.43 113 0.30 0.15 6.49 0.29 2A 2.05 0.15 4.77 1.47 213 0.41 0.15 6.49 0.40 3A 0.34 0.15 6.49 0.33 313 0.60 0.15 6.49 0.59 3C 0.17 0.15 6.49 0.17 3 D 0.25 0.15 6.49 0.25 ------------- PDS-based precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in incheslhour)l Average rmffence interval (years) Durafion.��� 10 25 ® 100 ®® 1000 5-mmJ (4.915993) ( (6.46.T84) ( (8.23. 0A) (9.02.11A) (9.72. 2.0) (10.4- 2.9) (11 2?14.0) 13.7 ( f 0 min 4.30 (3.924.74) 5.00 (4.55-5.51) 5.70 (5.17-6.27) 6.49 (5.87-7.14) 7.30 (6 56-8.02) 8.01 8.66 (7 19-8 80) (7.72-9.50) 9.29 (8 24-10 2) 10.1 (8.55-11.1) 10.8 (9 39-11.9) 159 Smin ( 19 (3.81d62) (4.36529) ( (5.6.78) : 5 7.29 (6.07.7643) ( (6. .3.8.59) : 3 (7.9.30) ( 30 min (2 24-2671) (2. 3 3919) 3.4 (3. 0 3 76) (3: 9--4.36) (4. 75602) (4.575 60) (4: 8-6.13) (5.39 6868) 6.7 (5.91.T40) 7.30 (6.36-8,05) .53 t 46) 2 (65200) ) (2- .58 (23 � (24 (3 3.. 85 33°2• 7 (38469) ? 531) (464-588)6mn .35 Figure 1: NOAA Precipitation Intensity Table Time of Concentration Calculations Figure 2 is the time of concentration for drainage area 2A found with TR-55. Jacks Cree:c Beaufort County, North Carolina Sub -Area Time of Concentration Details Sul _-, Flow Mannings's End Wetted Travel Idect-i-c-,' Length Slope n Area Perimeter velocity Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) Drainage2A SHEET 100 0.0100 0.240 0.303 SHALLOW 295 0.0140 0.050 0.043 CHANNEL 501 4.080 0.034 Time of Concentration .38 Figure 2: Drainage Area 2A Time of Concentration Page 29 Hydraulic Analysis Report Project Data Project Title: Designer: Project Date: Friday, February 9, 2024 Project Units: U.S. Customary Units Notes: Channel Analysis: TEMP HDPE Pipe Notes: Input Parameters Channel Type: Circular Pipe Diameter 1.00 ft Longitudinal Slope: 0.0050 ft/ft Manning's n: 0.0120 Depth 0.9900 ft Result Parameters Flow 2.8437 cfs Area of Flow 0.7841 ft^2 Wetted Perimeter 2.9413 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.2666 ft Average Velocity 3.6269 ft/s Top Width 0.1990 ft Froude Number: 0.3220 Critical Depth 0.7227 ft Critical Velocity 4.6791 ft/s Page 30 Critical Slope: 0.0071 ft/ft Critical Top Width 0.90 ft Calculated Max Shear Stress 0.3089 lb/ft^2 Calculated Avg Shear Stress 0.0832 lb/ft^2 Channel Analysis: CWD Notes: Input Parameters Channel Type: Triangular Side Slope 1 (Z1): 3.0000 ft/ft Side Slope 2 (Z2): 3.0000 ft/ft Longitudinal Slope: 0.0050 ft/ft Manning's n: 0.0150 Depth 0.5000 ft Result Parameters Flow 2.0130 cfs Area of Flow 0.7500 ft^2 Wetted Perimeter 3.1623 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.2372 ft Average Velocity 2.6840 ft/s Top Width 3.0000 ft Froude Number: 0.9460 Critical Depth 0.4890 ft Critical Velocity 2.8059 ft/s Critical Slope: 0.0056 ft/ft Critical Top Width 2.93 ft Calculated Max Shear Stress 0.1560 lb/ft^2 Calculated Avg Shear Stress 0.0740 lb/ft^2 Page 31 City of Washington, North Carolina - Jack's Creek Improvements Special Provisions RK&K August 10, 2023 SP-1: Coir Fiber Matting SP-2: Construction Materials Management SP-3: Floating Turbidity Curtain SP-4: Native Seeding And Mulching — East SP-5: Safety Fence SP-6: Waste And Borrow Sources SP-7: Waterfowl Exclusion Fencing SP-8: Clean Water Diversion Page 32 SP-1 COIR FIBER MAT: Description Furnish material, install and maintain coir fiber mat in locations shown on the plans or in locations as directed. Work includes providing all materials, excavating and backfilling, and placing and securing coir fiber mat with stakes, steel reinforcement bars or staples as directed. Materials Item Section Coir Fiber Mat 1060-14 Anchors: Stakes, reinforcement bars, or staples shall be used as anchors. Wooden Stakes: Provide hardwood stakes 12"- 24" long with a 2" x 2" nominal square cross section. One end of the stake must be sharpened or beveled to facilitate driving through the coir fiber mat and down into the underlying soil. The other end of the stake needs to have a 1 "- 2" long head at the top with a 1 "- 2" notch following to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Steel Reinforcement Bars: Provide uncoated #10 steel reinforcement bars 24" nominal length. The bars shall have a 4" diameter bend at one end with a 4" straight section at the tip to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Staples: Provide staples made of 0.125" diameter new steel wire formed into a u shape not less than 12" in length with a throat of 1" in width. Construction Methods Place the coir fiber mat immediately upon final grading. Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris that will prevent the contact of the mat with the soil. Unroll the mat and apply without stretching such that it will lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. For stream relocation applications, take care to preserve the required line, grade, and cross section of the area covered. Bury the top slope end of each piece of mat in a narrow trench at least 6 in. deep and tamp firmly. Where one roll of matting ends and a second roll begins, overlap the end of the upper roll over the buried end of the second roll so there is a 6 in. overlap. Construct check trenches at least 12 in. deep every 50 ft. longitudinally along the edges of the mat or as directed. Fold over and bury mat to the full depth of the trench, close and tamp firmly. Overlap mat at least 6 in. where 2 or more widths of mat are installed side by side. Page 33 Place anchors across the mat at the ends approximately 1 ft. apart. Place anchors along the outer edges and down the center of the mat 3 ft. apart. Adjustments in the trenching or anchoring requirements to fit individual site conditions may be required. Measurement and Payment Coir Fiber Mat will be measured and paid for as the actual number of square yards measured along the surface of the ground over which coir fiber mat is installed and accepted. No measurement will be made for anchor items. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Coir Fiber Mat Pay Unit Square Yard Page 34 SP-2 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MANAGEMENT (3-19-19) (rev.04-z7-20) Description The requirements set forth shall be adhered to in order to meet the applicable materials handling requirements of the NCG010000 permit. Structural controls installed to manage construction materials stored or used on site shall be shown on the E&SC Plan. Requirements for handling materials on construction sites shall be as follows: Polyacrylamides (PAMS) and Flocculants Polyacrylamides (PAMS) and flocculants shall be stored in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures designed to protect adjacent surface waters. PAMS or other flocculants used shall be selected from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants The concentration of PAMS and other flocculants used shall not exceed those specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants is available at: https://files.nc. gov/ncdeq/Water+Quality/Environmental+Sciences/ATU/PAM8_30_18.pdf Equipment Fluids Fuels, lubricants, coolants, and hydraulic fluids, and other petroleum products shall be handled and disposed of in a manner so as not to enter surface or ground waters and in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. Equipment used on the site must be operated and maintained properly to prevent discharge of fluids. Equipment, vehicle, and other wash waters shall not be discharged into E&SC basins or other E&SC devices. Alternative controls should be provided such that there is no discharge of soaps, solvents, or detergents. Waste Materials Construction materials and land clearing waste shall be disposed of in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 130A, Article 9 - Solid Waste Management, and rules governing the disposal of solid waste (15A NCAC 1313). Areas dedicated for managing construction material and land clearing waste shall be at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. Paint and other liquid construction material waste shall not be dumped into storm drains. Paint and other liquid construction waste washouts should be located at least 50 away from storm drain inlets unless there is no alternative. Other options are to install lined washouts or use portable, removable bags or bins. Hazardous or toxic waste shall be managed in accordance with the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and NC Hazardous Waste Rules at 15A NCAC, Subchapter 13A. Litter and sanitary waste shall be managed in a manner to prevent it from entering jurisdictional waters and shall be disposed of offsite. Herbicide, Pesticide, and Rodenticides Page 35 Herbicide, pesticide, and rodenticides shall be stored and applied in accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, North Carolina Pesticide Law of 1971 and labeling restrictions. Concrete Materials Concrete materials onsite, including excess concrete, must be controlled and managed to avoid contact with surface waters, wetlands or buffers. No concrete or cement slurry shall be discharged from the site. (Note that discharges from onsite concrete plants require coverage under a separate NPDES permit — NCG140000.) Concrete wash water shall be managed in accordance with the Concrete Washout Structure provision. Concrete slurry shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with NCDOT DGS and HOS DCAR Distribution of Class A Residuals Statewide (Permit No. WQ0035749). Any hardened concrete residue will be disposed of, or recycled on site, in accordance with state solid waste regulations. Earthen Material Stock Piles Earthen material stock piles shall be located at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. Measurement and Payment Conditions set within the Construction Materials Management provision are incidental to the project for which no direct compensation will be made. Page 36 SP-3 FLOATING TURBIDITY CURTAIN: Description This work consists of furnishing a Floating Turbidity Curtain to deter silt suspension and movement of silt particles during construction. The floating turbidity curtain shall be constructed at locations as directed. Materials The curtain material shall be made of a tightly woven nylon, plastic or other non -deteriorating material meeting the following specifications: Property Value Grab tensile strength *md-370 lbs *cd-250 lbs Mullen burst stength 480 psi Trapezoid tear strength *md-100 lbs *cd-60 lbs Apparent opening size 70 US standard sieve Percent open area 4% permittivity 0.28 sec-1 *md - machine direction *cd - cross machine direction In the event that more than one width of fabric is required, a 6" overlap of the material shall also be required. The curtain material shall be supported by a flotation material having over 29 lbs/ft buoyancy. The floating curtain shall have a 5/16" galvanized chain as ballast and dual 5/16" galvanized wire ropes with a heavy vinyl coating as load lines. Construction Methods The Contractor shall maintain the Floating Turbidity Curtain in a satisfactory condition until its removal is requested by the Engineer. The curtain shall extend to the bottom of the jurisdictional resource. Anchor the curtain according to manufacturer recommendations. Measurement and Payment Floating Turbidity Curtain will be measured and paid for as the actual number of square yards of curtain furnished as specified and accepted. Such price and payment will be full compensation for the work as described in this section including but not limited to furnishing all materials, tools, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Floating Turbidity Curtain Pay Unit Square Yard Page 37 SP-4 Native Grass Seeding and Mulching (East) Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall be performed on the disturbed areas of wetlands and riparian areas, and adjacent to Stream Relocation construction within a 50 foot zone on both sides of the stream or depression, measured from top of stream bank or center of depression. The stream bank of the stream relocation shall be seeded by a method that does not alter the typical cross section of the stream bank. Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall also be performed in the permanent soil reinforcement mat section of preformed scour holes, and in other areas as directed. The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined. All rates are in pounds per acre. March 1 - August 31 18# Creeping Red Fescue 6# Indiangrass 8# Little Bluestem 4# Switchgrass 25# Browntop Millet 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone September 1 - February 28 18# Creeping Red Fescue 6# Indiangrass 8# Little Bluestem 4# Switchgrass 35# Rye Grain 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone Approved Creeping Red Fescue Cultivars: Aberdeen Boreal Epic Cindy Lou Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall be performed in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specifications and vegetative cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be installed immediately following grade establishment. Measurement and Payment Native Grass Seeding and Mulching will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1660-8 of the Standard Specifications. SP-5 SAFETY FENCE AND JURISDICTIONAL FLAGGING: Description Safety Fence shall consist of furnishing materials, installing and maintaining polyethylene or polypropylene fence along the outside riparian buffer, wetland, or water boundary, or other boundaries located within the construction corridor to mark the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland, endangered vegetation, culturally sensitive areas or water. The fence shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activities. Materials (A) Safety Fencing Polyethylene or polypropylene fence shall be a highly visible preconstructed safety fence approved by the Engineer. The fence material shall have an ultraviolet coating. Either wood posts or steel posts may be used. Wood posts shall be hardwood with a wedge or pencil tip at one end, and shall be at least 5 ft. in length with a minimum nominal 2" x 2" cross section. Steel posts shall be at least 5 ft. in length, and have a minimum weight of 0.85 lb/ft of length. Construction Methods No additional clearing and grubbing is anticipated for the installation of this fence. The fence shall be erected to conform to the general contour of the ground. (A) Safety Fencing Posts shall be set at a maximum spacing of 10 ft., maintained in a vertical position and hand set or set with a post driver. Posts shall be installed a minimum of 2 ft. into the ground. If hand set, all backfill material shall be thoroughly tamped. Wood posts may be sharpened to a dull point if power driven. Posts damaged by power driving shall be removed and replaced prior to final acceptance. The tops of all wood posts shall be cut at a 30-degree angle. The wood posts may, at the option of the Contractor, be cut at this angle either before or after the posts are erected. The fence geotextile shall be attached to the wood posts with one 2" galvanized wire staple across each cable or to the steel posts with wire or other acceptable means. Place construction stakes to establish the location of the safety fence in accordance with Article 105-9 or Article 801-1 of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for the staking of the safety fence. All stakeouts for safety fence shall be considered incidental to the work being paid for as "Construction Surveying", except that where there is no pay item for construction surveying, all safety fence stakeout will be performed by state forces. Page 39 The Contractor shall be required to maintain the safety fence in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. Measurement and Payment Safety Fence will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of polyethylene or polypropylene fence installed in place and accepted. Such payment will be full compensation including but not limited to furnishing and installing fence geotextile with necessary posts and post bracing, staples, tie wires, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete this work. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Safety Fence Pay Unit Linear Foot SP-6 WASTE AND BORROW SOURCES: (2-16-11) (Rev. 3-17-22) Payment for temporary erosion control measures, except those made necessary by the Contractor's own negligence or for his own convenience, will be paid for at the appropriate contract unit price for the devices or measures utilized in borrow sources and waste areas. No additional payment will be made for erosion control devices or permanent seeding and mulching in any commercial borrow or waste pit. All erosion and sediment control practices that may be required on a commercial borrow or waste site will be done at the Contractor's expense. All offsite Staging Areas, Borrow and Waste sites shall be in accordance with `Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects" located at: https://connect.ncdot. gov/resources/roadside/FieldOperationsDocuments/Contract%2OReclamati on%20Procedures.adf All forms and documents referenced in the "Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects" shall be included with the reclamation plans for offsite staging areas, and borrow and waste sites. Page 41 SP-7 911511— Waterfowl Exclusion Fencing Description This work shall consist of furnishing and installing Waterfowl Exclusion Fencing to protect newly planted areas of the Project. Materials A. Posts: Posts will be used as upright members to support the plastic mesh. Posts shall be 1/4 inch rebar. Posts must be a minimum of 6' in length. B. String: Thin, multi -strand twine shall be used. This string shall be made of cotton or another natural fiber. f nnctrnrtinn A. General: The waterfowl exclusion fencing shall consist of perimeter fencing of posts connected by multiple levels of string and interior posts spaced at regular intervals. Run string between the tops of these interior posts and the posts of the perimeter fencing to deter the entry of flying geese. B. Perimeter fencing: Install perimeter fencing as indicated by the Engineer. The perimeter fencing shall consist of minimum 6' posts placed 10' apart with string strung tautly between these posts. Drive these posts into the ground a minimum of 2' with a minimum height above ground of 4'. Run taut strings between the posts at 6" intervals from 6" above ground to 48" above the ground. Additionally, run a taut string between the tops of all the posts along the perimeter. Tie this string off at the ends but attach it to intervening posts with two wraps around the top of each post. This attachment method allows the easy tightening of slack string by the addition of wraps around the top of the adjacent appropriate posts. Along the riverward edge of the perimeter, offset the posts 4' from the edge of fill so posts can be driven at least 2' deep without encountering riprap. C. Interior posts: Within the perimeter fencing, drive additional posts into the ground a minimum depth of 2' with a minimum height above ground of 4'. Place these interior posts at an interval of 15' on center throughout the area inside the perimeter fencing. Run taut string between the perimeter posts and to and between all interior posts. Attach this string at the top of all posts and tie it off at the ends but attach it to intervening posts with two wraps around the top of each post. The string shall be taut enough such that tension holds the string position at the top of the posts. D. Construction planning: Install all components of the waterfowl exclusion fencing at the discretion and direction of the Engineer if deemed necessary. Typically, waterfowl exclusion fencing will be installed following plant installation. E. Maintenance: As directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall maintain the waterfowl exclusion fencing in good working order for the duration of the contract and arrange for any and all repairs that are requested by the Engineer. Page 42 F. Removal: As directed by the Engineer, at the end of the establishment period, the Contractor shall remove the waterfowl exclusion fencing and dispose of it at an approved location. Method of Measurement The quantity of Waterfowl Exclusion Fencing will be measured in square yards of surface area of Waterfowl Exclusion Fencing installed. 08/04/2023 Page 43 CLEAN WATER DIVERSION: Description This work consists of installing, maintaining, and removing any and all material required for the construction of clean water diversions. The clean water diversions shall be used to direct water flowing from offsite around/away from specific area(s) of construction. Materials Refer to Division 10 Item Geotextile for Soil Stabilization, Type 4 Construction Methods Section 1056 The Contractor shall install the clean water diversions in accordance with the details in the plans and at locations indicated in the plans, and as directed. Upon installation, the excavated material shall be immediately stabilized as provided in Section 1620 of the Standard Specifications. Other stabilization methods may be utilized with prior approval from the Engineer. Line clean water diversion with geotextile unrolled in the direction of flow and lay smoothly but loosely on soil surface without creases. Bury top of slope geotextile edge in a trench at least 5" deep and tamp securely. Make vertical overlaps a minimum of 18" with upstream geotextile overlapping the downstream geotextile. Secure geotextile with eleven gauge wire staples shaped into a u shape with a length of not less than 6" and a throat not less than V in width. Place staples along outer edges and throughout the geotextile a maximum of 3 ft. horizontally and vertically. Measurement and Payment Silt Excavation will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1630-4 of the Standard Specifications. Geotextile for Soil Stabilization will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 270-4 of the Standard Specifications. Stabilization of the excavated material will be paid for as Temporary Seeding as provided in Section 1620 of the Standard Specifications.