HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--02068_Well Construction - GW1_20240405 . i , L.,==... WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORpMW-11 'For littemal the ow: : .._ I.Well Contractor Informatiom i 'U`1 1411C1 We ' • , . .. • _ . . 1,141-,WATIEMONICL::!:,;:`,-,.:-it. ;:..;-:: z::.::: : ':."--....* ,..:...:.;:-• .,. • . YitiCo-titiactorNaxac -- -- ,amps ,To oftsmarocei • lift likfteftadfti.. .i . . i '.1.50136112R etiONagraFiridadaiad• lit*MUM=ctt ' )-::.• :,.,.. :- .. Ai/all V e if S, VIAMP FROM THICIDIESS MATERIAL - ' . ... ComPanYlame '163101ERCASEMOR.11ThitfiGarsditnisirdesistiocia)7 •::1_ ., -.. .-' . 2.Well ConstructionPeoritk / CI 9(° MOM TO DOOM= 7NRONOIESS MATIZIAL 14stog aPPliciabk Ise leassaucciort,penidts gctia'axiom Sas:Varkez 44'. st. ft. &Wen The(titeckwell tra* • n. , • ,,, tte u*Wen: - - • AWSCREW!.',24;?:,::-;-•,....,.,::-:;...::”:.. .-;:.,:'.:,-..,•.-.4-;' .1:..?; 'e, ..:• .'•':.• ,_ mom TO LOMETER SUIT AZE IMCKTIESS nun= 1 Agricultural DMA it. it se. II Geothemml(Liestb&Coortos Supply). 03ResMestial WaterSupply(iingle) - it St le. . 1 hulustriallCommercial roxidmtialwiovsuPPIAth=d) Amitarour :.:.-.,..,...:.-.-.-:-,.-:?.•...y...,!,:.-7., . .•-•,:.:'..-- •,:,.. *•.-...:,, • Ad irsi,'roe -iltOM TO malmoOm. . x.. . .,alidETBOD A-- .IN.T 'Pion,Water Supply Woll: • a. a . 20 ife47164 1 Maxim . DRecov 0,, ft, . . . . biked-Oft NMI: '-- - - • - - - . --- I Aquiferneebarp E3Grometlwaltriteamtration . - • .. it Aquifer Storage zed Recoray ElSalinity&aria MOM r M&TERLI.1. iiejiciinEtcr Iiiinufm 1 Aquifer Test riStommutrDiaiesge a. ft.. 1 Expsaimental Technology riSubsialutoeCralrol ft. ft, • ' -— I Goahoroal(Closed Imp) E3Troccr . ,usatftiliziat.00cattocoidaraiiiin:abins iriaciatarlf.....-.-,• -7:-.••,,... I Gmthemad(Ilimliagrooftug Return) rjOilmr(exTbiouarter#2116muaks) ni°51 . T4 4 .3: .--' ' biff'tst m".ri'l _ - •ilit-:egm __... 21 A- Si. . fia.Weil texanora ft* IL .,4 , 1 zetit - - ---- . 7.7viv/s oo4ford 71 ft. I‘5. ft gib,e c-,70,d1W iiiiiiiii‘.--. - — ,-- - . - r,,G-,*t5Aitz-fi-yir4bk---i--- ft. It. c..t' L._:;i. , 1 ::o /16S /10,7/4 St,gi/S ft. ft. Physical Addams,thy,ral Zip ' fa rt. : .A r R u ti 2-024 alt.4 si 0/7 . - — ' 9 if,i4-ir;;;;::::-71 ;Jr:-:-..x.;.s.,c-, . countr '--- Pamenficatincatk.azioe20 , --....._ 4.-.9 tinN t.iv k...:1 C..e.../G - db.Latitude and loggitudela deOreeshatioutestsecredsor deems' al degrees: (ifsvglISAI,ono Imam is soffigiem) 35, bgjeq N gi° Li W or EITemparary Signaireof•- .17:,Wlle extractor Date 6.1s(ore)thesrdl(s)11)Penontent By Jilning AO form I herby owe That she WIN ims(ren)constagged to amordarla • eb fstbjia mart/to sultaistIng well; ClYes or alrio moo/UMW 02C.010 or MIMIC cac.coo Wel Constraceon&wan*and!haul plis is a scci4r,fill art kawnweil constrzedantifonno.thosond griprongclowsofthe =Weed*ilicea k a;born Pua d e d 10&went= rsepotr andernl rizswriessactionor an thrback,plisforga. 23.Site&grainer addldoced win detail= Leo Geothermal Wells the You swum tho bock of this page to pvvideadditioaral well Site debEs-or wIlt &.For Coombe/DP?or Closed- p haviag m= castrudon twos.you maysisuattach_,Au„....,paomiruccaszy. coo,settetim4 eftly 1 OW-I isneeded.InalieituTOTALNUMBER acids 411"UPA".41 drilled ',SUBMITTAL rISTRUCTIOPPS 9.Totsdiven deptithelowlandsmface: ' 16 5 • OP •2da Irm All , • Welk Submit this fent vain 30 days of completk welln of formuttipteiveth lid ail deptisferthrencie forociage-V209•402@lan ocustructicalolheibilowiag: _ 10.Stadeonter low,below top greasing: Cri° OP Widen of Water Resources,Information Processts Unit, rwaterlead is above awing we'+"1. 1617 ma service'pos*4 Rehargh,NC 27699-1617 It Borehole dhuneter: if ./el , .(IL) 24b.For fecftoo Wells: In Wilke to spading the fam to the address in 24a above;also submit OM copyns of this fi within 30 days of completion of well llcoustron 1Z Weortimeth Aodz - c.. _ .0.0.40.who foiknykw I' (Lc.fuse;rotary,stae,diva pusb,cu.) . . ......,. . ... nhisioo ofWer Resoluta,lindergOund Nei:6'm Control Program, , iiiiiiiiktfi-itONIA'; 1636 Man Service Coate;Raleigh,NC27699-1636 • ^• • ' L 14+ ' 24..EaLswo.,:_ftoy,!*Tow*uiti: it addition tO smarms dm Earn to 1.3ilridd Wm) . Aktbodellest -- -5..,.‘"; •1he addensjes)above,also submit am copy of this ram*bin 30 days of in„Dis&roctran op=chierm e, Agiumit •0 1-4f--- oromtesku of well coustfildall il,the count)!health departmad of the county , _. . ...,........,.______.... - -- - *-where coustructed. *.. • ! . . • • . i