HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080229 Ver 1_Year 7 Monitoring Report_20141003F R.R E T CREEK MITIGATION BANK STREAM RESTORATION TORATIO SITE ORAA E SOU-jN- T . NO Yfl (.ARO .fN ] [}ember 3, 2014 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ....................................................... ,........ ................... ............... ---- ................ 1 1.1 Pmj act Locaticn and Description ... ... ....................................................................,..1 1 .2 Project Gmjls n 1.11 LNTS.............. .................... o ............... . .-........................ ---,.2 . 2,0 VQWUIRrion Condition and Ccrnparison........................................ .......................................... ,,3 3.0 Metlio&- In ---------------------- ,..............,.........................................................................3 3,1 Vcgctation Monitoring Plot .............. ........................................... -..... ,...............................3 4.0 Refercnces...................................................... ......................................,................................5 Appendix A: Site Mains `ipm l; Sitc Localion _Map Forrest Creek Restoration Cojuervatioin I?a',-LTOont As -Built a, bit (Sheets 1 through 5) Appendix B: Ve etatiam Assemsmemt Data. Table 1; Vewlukiov Plot Miligai n Success SUrrmary Tab& 2: Sterns per Acre by Plot and Yew Appe,ndix C: Vie etat9n Monitoring Plot 11hoto.% APPL,ndix Ii: Ve etaflnm Monitoring Mat Data Shet& Agip-emdix E: Carres12€ndence i 11- gntruchi-rtioMn The Forest Creek :stream Restoration Site (Site) Of the Forrest Creek MtigaLlo , Bank (Hanle) is lurzatvd mi Orange County NcAth Carolina Adth i n land ,ommed by Milton A_ I.a€ta and Sons Dainy farms, hic_ A permanent eonser�at on eascmznt mvers the: restored stream and surrounding riparian buffer. This eascmcnt € fii nes the Site's boundaries_ The Site. is located appmxirnately seven miles. nortl of Of T Tillsburt'ugh and six milds north-west of Durham in Flurthicastc7n Orange County, North Carolina (see Figure 1, appendix A')_ The stt+eams lira within [_1SOS hydrologic. unit 0--j020 U10-20 20 in the Ncu Basin. The North •CaTolina Division of Water Resources NCI WR) classifies the main reach, l' orrest Crock, as a %'S-11 (water supply 11), E QW (h igl) quality Nvatcr), and NSW (nutrient. scmi[iv The Site 'InOuc[es two strums. TL, larger reach (Forrest Creek) flows. through the property from r rth to south and drains a 3.6 ware in! le area predominantly urinsibting of Corgiobt and pasture fart The mal [er tributary (UT 1) lbws from west to cast bc:fbrc,.-)ming -%vith Forrest Crec;k, ani drains a 0.1 square mile area predominantly consisting of pasture land. Tho. Forrea Creek ResZoTaOori Coan.scry al ioan Easement As -Built Exhibit is ocated in appendix A. (Sheets 1 through 5)_ The stream restcxation work- N regulated under the Forrest Creel< MiligatiuTi BarA Mitigm(ion 13wikin,g Tostrurrment (MBI) signed by the Spoansec and the US Army Corp of Vngir e:rs (USAGE), the I'S Environmental ProtectionAgency (USFPA), thou NC Divisilula of Water Qua] ity, now hereby rekrrecl lo is Evisi)n of Water Resources (DW R), the. NC- - Wildlife Resources Commission (lvCrXQ_ These agencies compdse the Interugc:nuy Rc.vi-cw Turn (IRT), fuirromrly thu MBRT, in aoctrrdarroc with Fodcral guidelines and reputations, inc.lu ding the I`ompensator3, Mitigation losses oi`Ar uaki4. R�-QLrreors Final. Rule} 33 CFR Paris 325 arA 3 a 2 4W 40 CFR Fart 23 0. Restoration work revilted in the restoration of 6,192)- 1 i near feet, cnhanecr 3w. (Level 1) of 325 lite f' t, and presurvatiVa of 3,W5 linear feet of stream_ W ith tae resit -at n, water quality Inas boon i mr.voved due to a decrease in nt r ent:s, turbidity, and moderation in waer temperature. Biochemical oxygen demand has bccn retluoml through Filtc7ing in the riparian buffer .and riverine wetlands_ P tential habitats havu been ailed through the o:reatir7rI Of bW ti acarus anti the rLvstablislti cnt of riparian vegetati vu community. 11w s wmal rno m,(Oring work assesses the Forrest Creek main channA and 011 Unnunarct Tributary to Vexrest Creek to determine reslomtion aaxmss. The monitoring plata has been set tip based can guidance: proNrided by The Stream, MItIgatitm Gutdel ire. rdevte caped by the United States Corps of I-;rLSineers—W1lrnington DiLgziot (I+{1.c;LLndon, et al. 2003), version 1.2 11 � 16120(M) of t1ic North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEE) doiotrm 4 n t =6_-d "Content, l;orrraL and ]tutu Requltements for EEP Monitoring Reports". version 2.0 (3)2712009) of thz E,EP doc.umcnt entitled "M[figatim Plan DoctxnerrC Forn m, Data Rcq uirements, and Civ atent i ruidarloe ", and tete Forriesi Crack Mitigation Bank h1itig.atiorn Plan (Kay 2008), Monitoring his oaet:.urr d siranually for five yeam and rep its have: b ri submitted. Annual monit i ng work has in -eluded. reference phottg7, aphs, v cgetative spm counts., materials. .,Umpling., site six vcy, bankfull event doeuentatim, and _�,j€=[ s,ssessment arod n1apping of significant fixtures. Year d, 2012 nronitorring was camFl[ctcd on September 19 and Iq and Oc.loabcr 1+6, 2012. The Year 5 MenitarIng Report for iho Vorrusl Crock Buffer Mitiatio�n Bank was submitted can e ember- 4. 2012, Members of the 1R71', trmre spear ically repccs,cntatives fmm D W R am 1.;' At ,'a :, Tact with EBX-ESI, LLC `EB on -situs to evalu2de tfr. su=ss of the riparian buffer restoration. Based on the results of tb.- on -silt' meeting, D R roqu stod addit-Mr l vg=,eLtLria r monitxxiN Cor a period of threat years Additional Njuryilorirtig Required letter, -tay° 3, 2013, DVVRProlcet # 2008-0229, Appendix F)- More spe,65-ally, DDR had dw 141owrin j! uummtrnts; "Signif ewit amw within Zacnc 1 of the riparian buffer along 11)e claire reach -of the Fmcsl Crcck mitigallort site appeared to lack advguate worn counts most l kcly divz to sail t)Te and hydrnlo y issty-s. Socros that w erc. pTv xnt in Atie. I were rrro:-lir srnall, 1r0luating tkxy may have been bait -of sWplornental planting performcd in '2010 required by DWQ and ACOE. Action Required: EBX shall reevalua[c Zvw l i hryougltea ut tiv-- entire Initigated porlions of Forrest Creek and provide a r amedi ati€In Tan s.uff cy.Mt Lo provide adequate vegetatkan in ..cmc 1. 5 ufl cium ground coo r shrauld he reestabli %lied in all barc amas and, where adequatte stem ccAints ,aro absent,, EBX shall plant Lrccs that are desiraBe fec that. spcc:ifio snail ry]w and hydRilagy. DWQ recarninends larger trees be p iea_i ire sorra the me t f rx b6era�at io areas .iil+cn the ra'ach, 141cadiiicatICe13 to tb approN,cd buffer m tit ,,ation plan arc: altawed lea prov4e— I. -AX with the flexibility of CNK)Xirid, trace pec5es and vegetatkan that are macro likely to surVIVC and ra h maturity. EB Inay rnakc additional rec:tarrmenrlatia.:tA it) prekiic.te site %uccess. Monitcxiing, reports shall be subvn:ii![W fair lhree� more. }Bears (2013, 2014, and 015), and shall word only the v -,e tatIon evAiditIons along, Zone I.* This Monitoring Re rt addresses buffer restoratica areas bctw wn Stat-YMs 214+C¢3 and 232t-00, which includes Vegetation Plots 2, 3, and 4. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of the project relate to pTovkling ecological-mprovormols to the Sites .-%Utams attld riparian buffers lhrca ugh b�Anc ri u i ul aricacl i Iitatirins of liydr rlogy, water quality, and habitat. Goals ra.;latud. to hydrology int:1 ti = ire-estahl I Fhing tloodplain e ncetion by raising bed uluva1ions (UT1) ear lowering adiuccrrt fk)odplain (I'Orre-st ("reek)Imreasing. flood sweap by re-establishing iloodplain c-onncution. is gals related to water quality include: 4 FAa, O-Mjn (Urbi dity and pall of on by reduc Ing sedj nient and nutrient i rrputs cattle aexclusic ) a l dwing wavzr tomperatures by providing -.l inn IrS�re . it l stabilizing oxygen Icvcls by rcdiiu1N=, BOD /COD and inureasing re- oxygunatin�j lurbulcncc Goals raylatcd to labitat ini;:lw1u; Ir 'coving in. Fri -cam hard habitat by imrcasing nillc-pool divcTsity, redwing scd.imL-,nt ela.:posithin, and improvi rig law! flow water depths nirroving hank habitat by increasing stability and woody bi=ass # Improving floudpla-1 Tifizkbita by estahl tshing rn i crotopography and hydtra logy, rerrmoving invasi%re %re tation, and increasil.g hablu-4 diversity 0 Irnpeoving fmd web dynamics by adding biurrtass (--,ueh as detritu%, ccrarse woody de: ri5, and leafinatter) and re-establishing floodplain ccinnoictica 2 The reswration achieve,, (hto gruels through thy: following oN e ctiv es: 0 Stabi lizi ng clam] bed and banks through mod i I.1,, i 17 1� di rr,r rz. i�)n, pattern, and prca f I k brie. natural channel &:sign D ]nstalling irr-stream aructLye.% such as rack v'arw.s, log vanus, and consirmsud ri s a Raising sueam beer elev aticrz� or [owed rig tlo plxains a Ru-s[orinL-y sails in riparian buffer by excluding cattle and add[ng or €en c e-ar nponent.s Rurrxyving invasive vegetation * 1'lanti%native vegetation, in rijmTian NiffUT # FeriGing out livestock Tcvtber, thcsc impcovrimx- its have provided functicnal uplift for the watershed as a whole- Th- dintiension, pattern, and profile were remored using Rosgcn Pri only I and Ill rusturratiOn kipr-n cher (Rusgcn, David L. 1997), The Pry.�rity I approach was used on the: UTto Forrest Crock to raise bed c l cv atim s and reccannern the gtreW11 tri 1 Nt. abandu d flocadplain. Thu Pr -Drily II approach was usod on Focrest Crock to reestablish an active floadp w. n at the existing bed eledvation. °Phase rreeiods have 8ec.reased ytream lank mmu ion, cstabAislicd an active UApWn, red uued channel stress during Mods, iniprro-,v'cd a€luat5c- habitat, and reduced fire sediments. A peartion ofForresi Creek imnriedi,bely ubuv'e 1hu rusGxatilu reach was ee iarx,,ed by rrxi Wying €o down-�:re m crossing timt had -created ponding upstreaixa. The crossing rn3odificat on reestablished natural f iw and A -ill uteate a natund channe] profit-. Abov-e the enhancornent �vu a, a suction of Forrest C•rcck liars been plsee},i wader con9 enation casern-:int to prescrv'c a fulic6anal serearn chminel and ri pariarr buiTor. The remaining impaire=d riparian Nuff°er %%-a_� planted piss COur (4) zones. Zones 1 and 2 are, the strnmn rb anal and bank zon-us consisting of tree and shrub spec ies and native herl .een U-% sccding tTypically found a]-ong stream, liwk in rhe mg1un. Live:- stakus -comprised the bulk of i nswl I LX[ spmi-:s within these zones. Zcac a i s the riparian lone consisting of wlected tree and shrub species Adth a range of tolerances to i rit»iclation and saturation. Zone 4 is the 1reamAirin al mac. that ineludcs the buffer arcus (subject Gf a separate eepx t [wepcxed fbq DWR). 2.0 V eectation 4:011ditiimn ARd (=caMpArisurr Current %terry -counts (i.e. stein iS LIOIT Cl as singat: [iVing trLT spc.e:.ies) vv-erc calculated using Wg tatiun Plct monitoring data. SiKccss will be €l -fined as die £')-J3ViVed 451-rr miniarum &nsity of 120 trees and Phrubs per acre. As I oT Monitering Year "+, monitoring was c tidirted for three (3) Vog-utation Plots (Vegetation 1' its 2, 3, and 4) 6ocated 1: etween .Stati xis 214-00 and 23 2-00. Monitoring Year 7 field act i vWts gene-condmicd oci Oc lobcr 1, 2014. The p!ar d vegetation ,urviv'al hrcE&Id was nw.t for Vegetatim Plot 2, while it was not rnet fer e- tation. Plots 3 and 4. The plamed and volunteer survival thmstxild was mol for all three (3) Vegetation Plots. Skarrirntary I,uU s of [he data c:olle:ectad are provlded In .4pZr radix H. 1A kidlio olu - I ase�linu vo ctatican monitoring u s conducted in aces rdar,00P Prc}[ocel f r Rccm ding VeGetation (C VS- 1 `1 OP, v4.2). All monitoring mr-rytlioc logics fol tow the niost r urren i turnplatus and guiderlin-cs provided. by FIST (Frill, 20 t 0; FF.P, 2011). All three (3) v egdation prints that %4 -ere instalkd were located in Monitoring, Year 7. Sheets 1 tlu'eugh :5 of the Fo t Crock Restoration Conservaticm L asement As,43 ai It Exhibit (Apperdix ) dcp 1 ct l ovation of the wgetatiora plots. Tabl-: .I (Appendix B) provides a sa-coess so nl r]° nry fiy.1 4arch v'cgctation 3 mouitoring plot. Basad on the vGgutatim monitu ing, the plantLd vcgetmion sung vul tlareskXild i as met for Vegetation Not 2, while it was mt inset fray V a etatinn Plots 3 and 4_ "I Jte lilmted and volmtucr anvival ffimshold was mel for all ihrev (3) Vcgctation Plats. TaNc 2 (Appendix B) provi Lie; a summary r3 C items Baer acre by Vej etation Riot and by m3nitori ng year_ Ve Wion Monitoring Pit were photographe3cl and ,i re I cic ittXl irk Appendix C Vegan 031 Monitoring Plot Data Slhcets are provided in Appendix D_ Ea -ch Vegetation Monitoring Piot Data Sheet pr VW:s S rn e:,sure[ tnIs, location, and a•i ,.Pr (if ffa4.}Y pl mted withIT) a respectivc vegetation moritorIng plct. An inspection of the fence ar€ ut-A the perimeter of .the conservation casement was eonduutcd during th.e Ve8eW'LnT7 rrrr,r•i i t(:;Vi rig .q[t,e ,visit. 7'he fence was fu jo . tai 1^� strII:lttra[jy smind W i Lh >> � breaks or ot},,r damn -c_ No cattle were obwr-vcd with n the. ca .meat during; the sit -o visit. However, cow manure nbgerved within 6mkiservat.ion eamment, indicating that cattle. have accessed the ca,scm=. 4 4A R6grgertc!s Kimloy-1 loo a Associates, Tnc, 2012. Foprast � reek pit ifigalion RuFrk - fy 4 � �,-i'cf?c_9r'c'carrr Site �te Ann crl ,1rf rr + f � lie orf - Year 5 (2012)- _ IK i ni.l -t l.ora and AwQi-tee, Tn . 2012, Forrest Crock Rwrian Ru ffer .1lfrigaliersF2 Bank F'crrrem C'reA.V'traam Rastoratron R�r r - Lar. (2012). I= Mir;hael T., Pect Robert K, Robens Steen 1)_; and Wentworth '17tcmm R., 2008. C fmloc of jr- RtwCjrjbo7g, Agdagion Level. Vcrs,Icon 4.2. North Carolina I-'eosysterrn 1;nhtaatc vm—.nl Proa�iarn (EEP) October 2004, Cxrirclelines-for ft riaft f r Rtworarion. ,available at iMerttel. site: hIM.1 www,E .Fletim� wa."Iupoitsi of -ers. ii North Carolina E?MS,Ystekll 1;nlsae eie-Tmra Prune -Tam (EL;P) Jany mry 15, 2010. Procedural Guidance ra 'pnom Reef uire mene,-F fir EER Alnntcrin Re -V xrgs. Nc,fth Carolina Ecosystem Enbanc -unit at Prograni I,1 E;13j November 7 2011 Schafale MP and AS % ealcley_ 1990. of the _' afural Commur Wali of Ncrih Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage. PN)gmm. Division of Parks and Recreation, Dtepartj-aem t cal` .Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Cfarolim, APPENDIX Site Maps • r ° � � 1' k /L Ir'"-� �� rr•,° r' r�. .p+� � °�' 41. � � I I � � r'x-J �`�.r� I r - rl F 1��1 � h,., �_ tt� �•� V7 17-1 IPRQS"T AR I 1.YZ e At t 4i I .. - - - . - •_�• ,.� , .nom. � _ "-_._ •a 0 L15 5 7,5 MINUTE '"CALDWEL1, NC' QUADRANGLE. , 1968; 3G,1 #351355'N. 79,094,33L21'W mm mm Oman ■rr m m m m om m m m�� Saru rue r Fill�ayy4__ MkLMMqAXTMA'F �raer 4.mo*dM W+ �� W . mm m m s m m m m� mw mm ISO N mm m m � = m m m= m m m m = � = m m= = 9M-WM7 d m- ME '47 IM. Ow2JAm=wrb= SLIM riw , ME gffzffw..k4 FAELDWARY KAT Ir um APPENDIX II Vegetation Assessment Data Table 1. Vegetation Plat M itigatinm uco-ews u m m a r ' YaWe ForreNt Creek Mitigation Bank Stream Restoration Site Oramg-e C oumty, NC.' Monitoring Vear 7: October 1, 2014 McAdams Projeei #: EB ,13 050 PLANTED STEMS PER ACRE Vcgoativar Threshold Vegetation Plot 11) -l -et'?'* Tract Wan ? yes. ? Yes 10114A 4 No * Tarpzl dcrrs h- is a n in irmurin Ci f 32.) IteeS and shrubs per aerie accordiNg W I kt. "FOMA (:Fmk NIJp l 0) I`W ik I mr—sl Crctk tilm m RcvIorarion S.kc Anoual Nf un ?.crrir g Rtpwl Ycnar 5 ". 2012. PLANTED & VOLUNTEER STEMS PER ACRE �`��ita►tic►oh '['hre*hctlil Vegetatlwn Not 11) filet'?'* Tract melm ? Yes 10114A 3 Yes 4 'des * Tar�;a dr-ngiry is a rm�l m o9':M 1r s mid Shrubs per acre according lv tht "MUMS[ CFftk M-r.til icul I#ank l rrs9 k Iri rn E ssc�ral �n i€e , nrx�� A+trxri€crrir Fit rxt — Y r ", U ] _ � � Bk al § 7 ro� a 2 ��kaj ae£U £ at \ o k � E0 ƒ 2.02 ■ ,. k� � $ �L) LO L ƒ APPENDIX Vcg tation Monitoring Plat Phot.o.s, Forrest Creek Mitigation Bank Stream ]des 1orati(r n on taring Year 7 Report Vegetation -Mo-nit-oring Plant Photos z �� C cAinty, NorLh Cwu ina EB -1.50,50 Oc,tubcr 1, 2014 Fag -:#anon Maoitoriikg 1101 Pldc OS' Vee Plc -d 2. At 0.0 Veg Plea I - AL 0,0 APPENDIX D Veget,ation Monitoring Data Sheets �D 47 CD r� r- r-- n vr II 437 C. 40 r I I Caj 479I I Cbl r {� r 7 43� I I 4'J 43] t' . C3 'crM E :wr �t V4� � m � w cD d GJ m r- Lo a 1- r -r CL 0 n U L E coto 3 i I i I M I I! I!! N! I r �C 07 F CU 0+i Fb a4 II YI �I r 07 07 w g U3 ) 4a + M 5 C C7 4 4 4 0 €} di 0 Ci E :wr �t V4� � m � w cD d GJ m r- Lo a 1- r -r CL 0 n U L 07 F CU 0+i Fb a4 q r {r} r 07 07 w g U3 ) 4a M S3 E Al O } L L L Y oa u K{ 4 4 S4 3 i�� v f) < rt4 — — CG La 7 �] C C C' CJ {� 4 ?" �?" pq C: c: C: C C: r= aQ+� fL �Q-+j �Q-+} O 0 L1 EL 0a0CDC5Crj U 'sem 0 L7 m"Q�!-, C 'C C C 0' iG 0 X11 1;7 C 1—. ` ZE - ' 4, p1 � ' 0 2 y' + 35 C: C C: C� rL Y1 C C C C C C G �_ .0 PL C C � 41 0 CU �} i? Ih a G C� C Dry 0 0 0 471 0 YS � 47 SD � C1 C2 CL €1 Y1 -G M IPF 7 C E ti v ?7 � I� C ll7 > > > 3 °� ! 7 dl C c dA Co 83 2 {P � U no 7p Ll�i c 5� >K {'J 0 '�c x 'at 74 �[ K 4 •; J J LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL IL J J J �^ (D 0 `} 1- E 4 ted GD CP N 03MC)LbM-rCr) `Ci I Lafy€`JrCD8?L,Vo-t� LD[O CA r- r d-0 r V) 4-) m lei rD 4o Ors m UJ U-) 4`{? im LL C:� 9 m c E :wr �t V4� � m � w cD d GJ m r- Lo a 1- r -r CL 0 n U cq x T7 ERT7 lq r-- "r m m rQ I I c! 17 CI fy T N r r r Cy 1 1 T 1 1 C> n L a E F-4 D E c 0 i m r ME r Ln 2 II 4 b c rP} i > � o E v > Iy T II I i II 5 a m L) a� 5 C> n L a E F-4 D E c 0 i m r ME r Ln 2 II 4 b c rP} i > � o E v > Iy c cr t a t y� ,��y r; I.d L Y• V e D a i m Y Im M r 1 L L rP} > � o E v > a T y� ,��y r; I.d L Y• V e p m oa ai Im M .; zm LA > � o E v > a 5 a m L) 13 w ¢ ' 0 a oL o. oa rn 0 0 m 2 2 _ C C L C C C �.p p'� Ona 3 00)01 rA00L*�EEE�, .m it d0 E E 3 3 7 C 3 3 7 .- 0 psi a O •C C C L C C C C� LL LL. LL LL LL LL LL LL J J J C3 0-) M r' -'r U F' N * r � Lo � Cl � fti ;6n "o -;rr r.- 6 � ® q ui r4 r- � � i' C> N N Cbl m N 0j N 03 LL7 ID C! 1:3 1:21 � 'X4 ESD CCCI m m 71 F- 0 0 I r N I r r I I r {y 2 E rrrr0 0 I IC> 1 I I I A! I rNr.n ! ,ter ! r Ion ..Li N �# WG ha W -)Lo N Ln 0L 7 �n an an an Cy w mangy Ejjc�lW M ' m m co c'3 T �r �Ci Ertl Cil � r @ ll7 T ral m ._ v CL 0 z rq 0 E C� -M ,� �IIIIIIIIIlII!!�!!l99�9i; � r n u it C3 LA aL Ln E N C E L rY w LtCL 4a O O Cr aD O® ff n a C L V3 D 4 ¢C¢ 4� �a rn m m m Esq oo m c C c C v rD m E Lt � ° m li a ii B E 2 � Q EI? ^—� m ea m au w d'i w s7e as _k: 0 m m 4< Q < 4< Q Q< 4 0 0 0 3c > .u` -'.e� � � 0 o 0 0 0 c�C �# i�C} 0CJ L7d `a. —- cCrj c L �2Ls 0a! CCS aD ap t7 cam.+ v 0 V V 'C 'C 'C C C C C w w m o 4m in r+ rl+ 7v}b ?a DM p 7 3 7 7 7' In w C �. C C L C C d m2 m cm 'C 'C 'C 46 m C C C C C C C C C 13 E ql E.FL F, FL �a az CL az f4 m W .� L2iFi� E � m ca Lt 3 E E' a>> E ,w 0 0 ' ' u' E su m E v W` C C C C L C C S C_ C > > C a� j 7 7 mC C3 9 x U. LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL J Ell r 4g C C'bl Ep C'S 13 - - F- - C'� ED M to Lo Ln t�@ S{} rq -1 T Gey r+ N r V N r 4� T) ifs LO t --4k 0 LaMU3F� C3 6! 4 €3 ..Li N �# WG ha W -)Lo N Ln 0L 7 �n an an an Cy w mangy Ejjc�lW M ' m m co c'3 T �r �Ci Ertl Cil � r @ ll7 T ral m ._ v CL 0 z rq 0 APPENDIX E Correspondence AFA Norm CawNna Ceparhe%t of Enw1rorlmenl ertiii N&rel %ourms Ml1lon d YAur QupHy PEA 6 ofory Charley Wed, P.E. Cbymor Modar Mfly J. 20 11 r.71winas Rinker EBX-EMP LLC 909 Capalrllilly NVO, Srtite I100 Ra 160, NC 27606 I ; Ad(JjLianal M0111l#]Prins "UiNd Fowcst Crcek I?1I10" Bank Pareel Dear Mr. RiI ker: JOM E.a,9 DWQ pMOC4 9 2008-0224 ()rangy County On Dgm3mber 4, 201 �1, Ibc Di+riei t of WEEff QL101 ity (pWQ) received a Year 5 Mon4oring Repcirl for 11r, Ftyre9d,Crvaak BuMr M itigatioFl I3at1k atld a requMl f0v c10 -arid:, On },011$, 2.013, Katie rw miii ,1114 f ©nn if'er Bal tare •rwiEh the Divi swpn r �Wffw Q11a1 My (DWQ) visit -cd the sl'r rtlwsg w�th Tommy Cmisi.lks and N urlodl Webster firm F,.F3X-EPSP, CLC (F'13X) do rvaltulle the gu"cies of the riparian bUf'fer re-RLerati€ m Brie tCxlz frc j) DWQ and Monte AItallUer s With flit, Arany Carpe ctf Engineers (ACOL-') were 305o pmserx to evakiate t1re sk1em. 5 of [he SIMM ral:itigHtim. Dwi1Yp, tl3c site eval untimi for ripn6,1n fat ,'eF reVorMicutF M s, iaricrriff ;tocd 'd* 501 -owing! 1, SiglAficalp: ar s wirbij1 Zane: I of Elie riparian buffer gal ig tho entire reKh r -et c Forrest Crcr# MiligatiO13 site AppeaFed to lack adegNate 9te115 erxt�r % rti0SL 1A01Y 6JC io sj5il f>r1�19Lj4rsaI issue& Sterns ,!mat %"M prat In zxwe 1 were m -0911Y 5,1138, indicating 11MY Allay haw heE41 polll. of supplemandel pUktinig perfbrrned ill 2Qi n rc[jwhvd V VWQ and ALOE , Action M : E13X A811 lVeValKale Zone 1 tl,rmij�hout dile entire mitigated p rlirms of Forpest ['rmk an14 provido a rerneclialiol7 FAn 61.jffi6ent to prelvide a qur&I Vr-g adon ill ZMne I , Saffivient groxind giver show fie n %slikrlisl►wd in all babe nrm amid, w1wre odequatr 61M Collnls are x La rat, EB 7i gh311 print CV903 0W al -e desiraWc: for that fieri fie soil t ,1,114 hydrology. DWQ rromin mends lar,r trccs be plandcd i n some �o line t lust pvkle111atic auris. RIOn,g the reLich MVr-,dificAk%s 10 the j3prm ed bUffer 111ili »Liu17 Rlax • 31101vud 10 PlOvide EBB With the flet i hmty of choosing I rce species a9d w9clatiunt lurid are rMr-e I iltie ly ED .9kwviti'e 'Md 14 A n311fluriity. EBB may make iid&d uwiI iU0'11'wmdertiws 10 pr mato site sllc. M(xq ilaring rc'f.wrts 511311 be 81.111'Inoitt0d for I more years (24139 2014 mid 2[11 S} ajt4 !gItel1 rcaccrd C4 the vcLp ntim ectndiiions FAA%Zmw I 2 aa1c 2 ��I'th riprri,1rl kruffrsr alol��tlae lxitigatiun sic uas deemed sdloCe9[:ful BnrJ pro ar�ftiidaaal mrpnikw tig an this area is, requircal. AetirmBAdMd: Nmw 5tto1 , 5u , Sian WMA 9n F Unit M MjMS#rCw fir, iL,ix +4l Cerdtrra �Wq tem Laaj6n: 5L fl. &*3bL ' Gl.. R MM Uyubm MM iV F1t0 Phone: 919 M-BU1 LFAk 9 k OW *M .khEµ AC9WUWFY5 W0404 kAM STOW oy hC- arohyri a'i'� EBB -EMF LLC Fermi: Crwk Buffer Bank FadA �+5�FI� I�iey Y4i�Ju� 1 tilt fa1ncing Wag iiMAI f l FN2JMY I&TUS Along '1Id m!tigakn sitar. Also rioted mi that dile lied boon p+ wto witKv the htr�'fcr mili�atian amEo and along dc shemi r bw&i . 6j9jo Requimeal: Replacde or resione all fencing whemc iiece-sary 4. DWQ noied that the prvmme of b"vcra is still posam g a problom ori this -Sile. Adis% ifecaarar7apidg-sl: Ph ice armushing innterlal Fira]tlrtd ilte hastLonya of larger Irces in Zone I Ohm irmy he mcwt pnumc io beaver mtiviLy. S. The exlkng couservin6rtr easement has }+et to he transfaerred'iri igrmd mn an afglgmved land trtrsl nr stewaiy:ish ip. Please note tlwt th Is action must be completed prior to a final credit reWso. A rcmedimrim plan with dates pruvided fir ijkipLmeii b,tion slualI N provMed 4o DWQ nom Inter Okwi Ally i, 2013 vMrcwic.S has actio3m listed abovc_ Pictmcs shcrwirLA site comdRions befurc, the rcrncdatiun arc: r-egL1010l W In included in the rcmediatirm pLam, "I'hc rarrraiaing credit Fcicase for tWe silo is 10 percent, However, tki.s rcmairi in.8 +C t relme is i scented thi, ilia close cut of the buffer srmitigeiiian bank. It is antieipmed Mot the credit release of 10 ,ill be pmov d when al rtoitikwiI)& as micate,d aiiowc, Itias proved thal the riparian bLIJTer MELONIfimi io sue ssful cad tbat. Item (5) abkmv has been compWed. fiamse feel free to� ou I&A Katie Merritt at (919) 807-6371 if you have myy questicins mWiD.0 Ibis Currospondonrz. F �.. Karcn Hi Ong, S.ymeru`, ctl=intl , Buffers, Stoarkmater, Complimce and T`emi III Mg Lhiil KAHN' gm ec= f tte oopy (Xatie M"ritt) Tommy Cousins - EBS{ (visa eleUrcuie mail) Mc mtc Matthews— Army Warps sof I=n` ca's (rifh electronic mail)