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20071967 Ver 1_401 Application_20071107
_. Corps Submittal Cover Sheet Please provide the following info: 1. Project Name: Mr. Pete's (Youngblood Oil Company, Inc.) ~ 7 ~ 9 6 7 2. Name of Property Owner/Applicant: Mr. David Parris 3. Name of Consultant/Agent: Mr. Neill Yelverton (Wetland & Natural Resource Consultants) *Agent authorization attached. 4. Related/Previous Action ID number(s): 5. Site Address: 4091 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, NC 6. Subdivision Name: N/A 7. City: Fletcher 8. County: Henderson 9. Lat: 35.4259 ° N Long:: 82.5030 ° W 10. Quadrangle Name: Slyland n 11. Waterway: UT to Cane Creek D ~~ "~~~ 12. Watershed: French Broad N;~v 1 v 20~~ 13. Requested Action: DENi~ _ WATER q~lAl~~~ y~1,ANp81~1D 5T04tNN'!Al'E1t ® Nationwide Permit # 13 p, ~ ~ ~ ~~ n~ ^ General Permit # ~~'/ ra~v ~ a X007 ^ Jurisdictional Determination Request AENR - WATER QUALITY ^ Pre-Application Request 1~1'WVD3AtVDSTORMl4!4T~R9RANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following information will be completed by Corps office: AID: Prepare File Folder Assign number in ORM Authorization: Section 10 Project Description !Nature of Activity ; Project Purpose: Section 404 Begin Date Site/Waters Name: Keywords: f ., Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. November 8t", 2007 To: US Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Ms. Liz Hair 151 Patton Ave, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Re: Mr. Pete's - After-the-Fact PCN Request Henderson County, North Carolina Ms. Hair & Mr. Barnett: NC Division of Water Quality Attn: Mr. Kevin Barnett 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 The attached Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) is being submitted on behalf of Mr. David Parris for the project at Mr. Pete's Convenience Store in Henderson County, North Carolina. We are seeking Nationwide permit 13 authorization for the bank stabilization that has taken place. This is an after-the-fact permit application. Our understanding is that this project is a DWQ NOV site, we are therefore seeking Nationwide Permit Approval and Water Quality Certificationfor the bank stabilization in order to relieve the NOV. Previous work on this project has been done by Broadbrooks Associates. We have included a copy of their channel calculations (Attachment #1). Please contact me should you have any questions. Best regards, ,; ~~ i , G. Neill Yelverton 828-712-9613 Canton Office Newton Office PO Box 882 wnrinc.com PO Box 224 Canton, NC 28716 Newton, NC 28658 828-648-8801 828-465-3035 828-648-8802 Fax 1 828-465-3050 Fax ti ./ ®ffice Ilse ®nly• Form Version ;March 05 ITSAC~ Action ID No. DWQ No. 0 7 1 9 6 7 (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not App-icable" or "Nia".) I. Processing ,PAID 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: - ----- ® Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested:NW 13 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ^ II. Applicant Information D 1. Owner/Applicant Information ~~ Name: Mr. David Parris NOV 1 9 207 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2590 Hendersonville, NC 28793 ~TIAND3~p 70R6p~ATER Tv Telephone Number: 828-693-6219 Fax Number: eR~H E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Mr. Neill Yelverton Company Affiliation: Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants Mailing Address: PO Box 882 Canton, North Carolina 28716 Telephone Number: 828-712-9613 Fax Number: 828-648-8802 E-mail Address: neill(a,wetland-consultants.com III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property Pale 1 of 8 a boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Mr. Pete's Convenience Store 2. T.LP. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): n/a 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN}: 9652685237 4. Location County: Henderson Nearest Town: Fletcher Subdivision name (include phase/lot number):n/a Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.):See enclosed Driving Directions (please contact Neill Yelverton 828-712-9613) if ou wish to visit the site. 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 35.4259°N 82.5030°W 6. Property size (acres): 1.15 acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: UT to Cane Creek (Class C) 8. River Basin: French Broad (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: This site is a convenience store, gas station, and car wash. The creek runs along the western property line. The surrounding land use is residential, commercial, and industrial, with some agriculture and mining_as well. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: This is an after-the fact permit, the work has already been done. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: This work is necessary to stabilize the bank of the creek that borders the building and parking lot. The stream bank was eroding and threatinin~ Page 2 of 8 t the stability of the parking lot as well as the structural foundation of the buildings on site (see Attachment #1 Channel Stability Calculations). IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested andlor obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include. the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date; and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. This is an after-the fact permit, the work has already been done. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. None. VI. Proposed IYnpacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: 330 linear feet of bank stabilization on one bank of the creek. 1. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and fleedin~_ Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain (yes/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) n/a Page 3 of 8 r Total Wetland Impact (acres) 2. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage. multiply length X wdth_ then divide by 43_SE~_ Stream Impact Number (indicate on map) Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial 07 Intermittent . Average Stream Width Before Im act Impact Length (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) # I UT to Cane Creek bank stabilization perennial 4 330 0 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 330 0 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dreduina, flooding. drainage. bulkheads. etc. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) Area of Impact (acres) n/a Tota] Open Water Impact (acres) 5. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the nroiect: Stream Impact (acres): ~ Wetland Impact (acres): o Open Water Impact (acres): ~ Page 4 of 8 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) o Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 330 6. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. 7. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. This activity was necessary to stabilize the bank of a stream adiacent to a oarkin~ lot and building. only the area area adiacent to these features was stabilized. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, Page 5 of 8 but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. No miti atg ion plan proposed for bank stabilization activities 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres):_ Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWG) Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ^ No 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No ^ Page 6 of 8 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed lBuffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. * Impact Required Zone , ~....,.o ~ o,~ Multiplier ,~,~;+;n,,;~„ ~r I ~ ~ 3 (2 for Catawba) I 2 I.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss Stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. This is an existin dg evelopment, the addition of rip-rte for bank stabilization would increase impervious by only a negligible ammount. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Page 7 of 8 Municipal water and sewer. XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ® No ^ Is this anafter-the-fact permit application? Yes ® No ^ XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: XV. ®ther Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). 11/08/2007 Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 8 of 8 ,ngblood Di1 Company FRX ND. :8286926928 Oct. 11 2007 12:22PM P4 Department of the Army Wilmington ®istrict, Carps of Cnglneers Attn: Ken Jolley, Chief Regulatory Divislan PQ l3®x I.89(l W(Imingtort, Narth Carolina 2844~~189tJ -and- NC f~(vision of iNater Quality Attn. Cyndi Karoly 232. Crakrtree f31vd. ~a(eigh, Noah Carolina ~~64~-260 3, the ca.rrrent landowner of the property Identified below, hereby author(ze 1Netland and Natural Resource Consultants, gnc. to aet an my behai~ as my agent durong the processing of permits to impact ~/etiands and Waters of the U~ that are regulated by the Clean 9Nater Act and ~e Rivers and Harbors Act. Federal and Staff agents are authorized ~ be on said property when ac~rnpanied by Wetland and- Natural Resource ~ansultant~, Inc, staff. ~Vettand and Nafiurai Res®arce Con$~altants, tnc. is authorized to provide srapplerraentai information needed for permit processing at the request ®~ the Corps or DWQ. Property ®wner mf Recorda ~°~U~1G a fj i ~, C.~ . ~~. Address; s~~.,~.~~5~ ~ Addresso Phone Numbera -- ~1,~ °~ ~ ,~ ~ ~---- Properly i_ocadon: ~'a ~. ~ ~uE Lc.~ ~~ ~~ r~.a r,~a~~ ,~ ~~ 7 ~ ~. ®wners ~ignatur~: , ~ ~ ,,, j`Rc~,~c~v,!`._ _._ Date: l d ~ ~ a / ar fi Canton Office _ ~ - Me~rFon Office PO Eau 882 wnrinc.com PQ Box 224 Canton, NC 28716 ~lewton, ~C 28658 828-b~8-8901 828465-3035 828-8~8-83G2 ;"fix t 828-465a305Q Fcx Directions to Fletcher, NC a S.~rnrnary ar.d Notes START ~ US Army Corps of Engineers (828) 271-7980 151 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC FINISH ~ Mr Pete's Market (828) 684-1627 4091 Hendersonville Rd, Fletcher, NC Total Distance: 12.7 miles, Total Time: 22 mins (approx.) YAHaor t_ocAL Maps Mr. Pete's Distance ;, 151 PATTON AVE, ASHEVILLE, NC 1. Start at 151 PATTON AVE, ASHEVILLE going toward OTIS ST go < 0.1 mi 2~ Turn ~ on ASHELAND AVE go 0.7 mi 3. Continue on MCDOWELL ST(US-25) go 1.7 mi 4. Continue to follow US-25 go 10.3 mi 5~ Arrive at 4091 HENDERSONVILLE RD, FLETCHER, on the p 4091 HENDERSONVILLE RD, FLETCHER, NC Distance: 12.7 miles, Time: 22 mins ~, Candler .. _ '. ¢+ e ' ~ ~~ . .! ®2007 Yahoo! Inc. orest ~id^ ~o 7e Fairview Hey`, Gerton eu a It A n .. . ~ ''t,.. Data ®2007 Navbeq. TeleAtlas When using any driving directions or map, it's a good idea to do a reality check and make sure the road still exists, watch out for construction, and follow all traffic safety precautions. This is only to be used as an aid in planning. ,. :, Ir~pact #1 Bank Stabilization 330 1,~, 3 r J" \~ ~ i ~~8 ~ ~~~ 3 m gg~ 4= 4 QO~ p f C 4 Z N /, fY 7 ~l' ! `l ~/ // N ~ ~ 2 ~ r o~ f~.; C 4 J =n nn H~ $$z '~~~~ 1 of 1 ~~~~- 1:40 ~11 ~NCV II-08-07 M:ip Impact Map Project Name Mr. Pete's Convenience Store ~.~~-.•.~; Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants ~oca,;o,, NORTH P.O. Box 8p82OCLa4nOptoOpnpp, N1.C 28716 Henderson County, North Carolina ,~ -~., R?8-640-000 1 Clicnc Nrolen o c. ~~~ Mr. David Parris YOI-1000 -l r ~~`yti €~ ~.t 6°W ',- ~2° 30' 40.00" W 082° 30' 2 Name: SKYLAND Date: 10/29/2007 Scale: 1 inch equals 667 feet 082° 30' 0.00" W 082° 29' Location: 628297 ft. N 956841 ft. E Caption: YOI-1000 Mr. Pete's (~ ~ ~" ~ ~~ Henderson Co., NC 1997, Maptech,lnc Mr. Pete's NWI Map 82-30-40 W 82-30-20 W 82-30-0 W Ci~%; F~ .1r`.;; Z o u; N I ~ z 0 M Z °v z 0 v~ N N M 1 1545 _ i 1 -- letche~ I '~' j 25 Fruitland { 1 { i { f s 1006 ~ 'I i `~ ~1 W ~n N 0 Z w 'o Z w ~n w 0 z 82-30-40 W 82-30-20 W 82-30-0 W Map center: 35° 25' 47" N, 82° 30' 22" W This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for general Notes: No NWI Mapped Wetlands on site. reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. Legend CONUS_wet_scan ~ 0 r- 7 Out of range ~,/ Interstate Major Roads Other Road ~,/ Interstate y State highway N US highway Roads ~ Cities USGS Ouad Index 24K Lower 48 Wetland Polygons Estuarine and Marine Deepwater Estuarine and Marine Wetland Freshwater Emergent Wetland ~.y;. Freshwater ForestedlShrub Wetland Freshwater Pond ® Lake Other Riverine Lower 48 Available Wetland Data Non-Digital Digital No Data Scan NHD Streams Counties 100K ~ ~ States 100K [] South America f ~ North America N Scale: 1:10,000 Mr. Pete's (Youngblood Oil Company) ***WARNING: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY!*** This map is prepared for tl~e inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction, and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of this map are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification of the information contained on this map. The County and mapping company assume no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. LEGEND O Cw~c~ &r.. w~~ ~ace~ • AObest~s Monday, October 29 2007 FaC C (J r E ?6 IIYH � Hi[% L HYC Co Q 0I [c o'•o � / � FaC � i ° E HYB £ 0` \ SO 1BaB Fletcher V a G. N ip - H Y C j o ' HYCIlls o a L FaF _ a gk � rn BaB A L i Q I 25 / N, Fac / C) o ae fac Ko !t � DeB KG Co Go BaB To Creek ` FaF Cu �J BaB Ko To Ko ¢ _ TaF o _.- x � DeA DeA _�--� � Co �- ' DeA _ DeB DeB— -- -- S F WAGE DISPOSAL rt.AN I Ko Cu rKo DeB To 7S J( 1 Cu Co ,tits. ms's �1'PPMs. 9Nor 0 G ~ BONE C __~ __~~= `- i ~l \~ ~\ 1 CANE---~ -- ` - ~_~Cqf\ RM17 ~P ~~ \ ~ 9~ ,_ _. ' l--_ ~ _- -- --__-J') _ CPC V N ~~ ,i ~ ~~ ___;_ ~ ~ 5~~~ ~~ ~,. i i I ! ~~~ ~~~, , ~' 11 A-_ _ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~I ~I. ---- ~ ~'~ i0G-~ e r Flood Boundary r '~ ~~ ~` `~IOG-`Fear Flood Boundary onr Designations* ~OfV~ B L~ 1 APPROXIMATE SCALE i 7000 0 1000 FEET E~f-T ~~_-___, NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM 10~ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP HENDERSON COUNTY, NORTEI CAROLINA (UNIAICORPORATED AREAS) PANEL 20 OF 150 ISEE MAP VNDEX FOP PANELS NOT PRINTED) ~ ~~ `;A UNNAMED ~jj ROAD 7(r-- \~~•~ (.\ COMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 370125 0020 B This is an OfBCial copy of a portion of the a00~ rererenced Hood map. It was extracted using F-MIT On-Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www. msc.fem a.gov rVame of Stream Description Curr. Class Date Basin Stream Index # Shepherd Creek From source to Mud C (Osceola Lake) Creek Perry Creek From source to Osceola B Lake, Shepard Creek Finley Creek From source to Perry B Creek Tonys Creek Erom source to Osceola B Lake, Shepard Creek Wash Creek From source to Mud B (Rainbow Lake, Creek Temple Terrace Lake) Johnson Drainage From source to Mud C Ditch Creek Bat Fork From source to Johnson C Drainage Ditch Dunn Creek From source to Bat Fork C King Creek From source to Madonna B [McCabe Pond, Lake Dam Jordans Lake, Bonclarker. Lake, Madonna Lake (Highlands Lake)] King Creek From Madonna Lake Dam C to Bat Fork Menirger Creek From source to King C Creek Dye Branch From source to King C Creek Devils Fork From source to Johnson C Drainage Citch Camp Branch From source to Devils B Fork Britton Creek From source to Mud C Creek Lugana Lake Entire lake and C connecting stream to Britton Creek Hcllaman Lake Entire lake and C connecting stream to French Broad River Cane Creek From Ashworth Creek to C French Broad River Pi r..^.er Creek From source to Cane C; Tr (Morgan Lake) Creek Hcc_oers Creek From source to Cane C; Tr Creek South Fork From source to Hoovers C; Tr Hoovers Creek Creek Duncan Creek From source to Hoopers C;Tr Creek 07/C1/73 French Broad 04/01/58 French Broad 04/01/58 French Broad 09/01/58 French Broad 04/01/58 French Broad 6-55-6 6-55-6-1 6-55-6-1-1 0-55-6-2 6-55-7 C9/O1/74 French Broad 09/01/79 French Broad 09/01/74 French Broad 04/01/58 French Broad 09/01/74 French Broad 09/01/74 French Broad 09/01/74 French Broad C7/O1/73 French Broad 09/01/58 French Broad 09/01/74 French Broad C9/O1/74 French Broad 09/01/96 French Broad 04/01/96 French Broad 04/01/96 French 3road 09/01/96 French Broad 09/01/96 French Broad 09/01/96 French Broad 6-55-8 'a-55-8-1 6-55-8-1-1 0-55-8-1-2-(1) '0-55-8-1-2-(c) 6-55-8-1-2-3 6-55-8-1-2-4 6-55-8-2 E-55-8-2-1 6-55-9 6-55-9-1 6-56 6-57-(9) 6-57-18 6-57-19 6-57-19-i 6-57-19-2 Page 7 of II Attachment #1 -Previously Submitted Information Nov• 5. 2001 3;50PM Broadbooks Assoc No.1967 P. 1 Date September 3, 2006 - , Re Mr. Pete's ~ 4091 Hendersonvlila Road ~~ NOV 2005•PC-0286 NCGS § 143.295.9(a)(10) ., Henderson Couniy 1,~,NUx:arr..:ar~c°.r,n~r.c:rcaa~. ~ant~n_n~niNa ~ ~~ ~ ~ Mr. Kevin 8amett ~ fi ~ ~ ~~~~ NC Division of Water Quality, NCDENR TU 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28776 Dear Mr. Barnett: We proceeded with analysis of the stream according to the documents, including WARSSS Woricsfreet 14, that you referenced in the a-mail dated March 29, 2006. Applied River Morphology, Dave Rosgen,1996, was used as a reference. Also, we used several other methods that are more appropriate fvr a channel that was apparently excavated and realigned some years ago. Our findings are presented below and in attached exhibits. ~ Existing Conditions • January 2005 o Exhibit A includes a location map showing unnamed tributary and the site (USGS, Skyland, NG,1:24,000) o Alsq in Exhibit A is a photograph of the channel with a view upstream at about the middle of the convenience store's parking area that shows the condition of the near-bank's erosion that existed prior to placement of the rip rap. (The continuing erosion of the grassed slope caused the Owner to believe that the improved prgperty was threatened). a Exhibit B includes a topographic survey of the site that shows the NOV reach (survey by C. 0. Hampton Company, 2-232006). ~ Exhibit C includes two cross sections of the channel at Sta. 2+74 with flow calculations for Bank Full and Top of Bank conditions obtained with Hydraflow software. ~ Worksheet 14 o Exhibit p shows aH the elements of Workshee# 94, 5urnmary of S#abilify Condition Ca#egarres for Channel Process Assessment, in tabular form including references and comments. o The results: - Support visual evidence that the subject reach has been modified from its natural condition. - Indicate the reach, particularly the near-bank, is unstable to varying degrees. - Show there is little opportunity within the stream's limited confines through the site to restore the reach to a natural condition. - Indicates that turfgrass was not the appropriate cover to prevent erosion of the near-bank. o Overall. the findinas of near~bank instability show that. owner's concern for orotectian of the developed property was justified • NCDENR's Erosion and Sediment Control Design Manual (ESCpM) o Design of stable channels and diversions (pp 8.05.1 - 805.28) 3 84 ~,ast Cl~eatnut Fjtrect, ,~juite i ~' Asl,evillc, N~ Z8801 ^ Tel (828) 25z~5o58 ~ ~ax (8Z8) 255-0140 Nov. 5. 2007 3~50PM Broadbooks Rssoc No~1967 P. 2 Page 2 of 20 o The original grass cover on the east stream bank was planted in loam (USDA / SCS & FS, Soil Survey of Henderson County, North Carviina). ~ Returning to Exhibits B and C, calculations by Hydraflow software show channel and flow conditions in the NOV reach at Sta. 2+94. - At 8ankfull Depth of 1.08 ft. the calculated velocity is 4.51 ftlsec., just the maximum velocity allowed by IVCDI=NR, Table 8.05a (Exhibit E) for Tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. - At the Tap of Bank Depth of 3.4 ft. the calculated velocity is 8.17 ftJsec. and that is much greater than the_4.5 ft.lsec. maximum_ allowed by NCDENR, Table 8.05a (Exhibit E). - This ana~sis indicates that stream bank stabilization was necessary. • North American Green's Eros-on Control Materials Design Software (EGMDS) o This softwace program calculates shear stress to determine channel stability. o The depth of flow conditions shown in Exhibit C and unreinforced turf were used as the basis for calculations. o Exhibit F shows the results: - At Bankfull Depth, the turf is stable, but the foam soil is unstable. - At Top of Bank Depth the both the vegetation ans soil are unstable. o This analysis also indicates that stream bank stabilization is necessarv. • NRCSlARS Win TR-55, May 2043 Version, Software ~ This software analyzes drainage areas in a comprehensive manner. o The USGS, Skyland quad sheet was used to determine the drainage area. o Exhibit G shows the drainage area divided into subareas and reaches. o Data was entered into the TR-55 program and the program estimated peak flows for return periods of 1, 2, 5,10, 25, 50 and 100 years.). o Exhibit H shows that calculated peak flows and related depths and they appear to be excessive, considering minor flooding has been experienced just once at the convenience store. o Velocities were not calculated because depth of flow would exceed the Top of Bank Depth. a We sought another method of analysis. ~ NC State Highway Commission's Handbook of Design for Highway Surface Drainage Sbuctur~es o This manual has been used far analysis of thousands of actual projects over many years. o Exhibit I shows the charts used for obtaining Q10. d Exhibit J shows the methodology and results of peak flaw calculations for Q10 plus 2, 5, 25, 50 and 100- yearperiods using the Factors for Frequencies table in Exhibit I. o The peak flow values obtained by this method seem believable when compared to the values calculated with TR-55. o Q10,191c.f.s., is just short of the 201.35 c.f.s. Top of Bank channel capacity and velocity calculated in Exhibit C; therefore, the banks are shown to be unstable. o Exhibit K shows that either reinforced turf or rip rap can provide stable banks along the channel. ~ Conclusions o Stabilization of the near f east) east stream bank was necess~ when the Uwner had the work performed. o The building is vulnerable to flooding. 38~4~ast~hestnut~treet,~uital ~ ~sl~aviile,~~Z88a1 ~ Tcl(azs)z5z-5ogs ~ Fax(BZ8)z55-0~40 Nov. 5. 2001 3~51PM Broadbooks Assoc No~1967 P. 3 Page 3 of 20 ' Based upon our findings, we conclude that the Youngblood Oil Company sought to protect its property for a valid reason, albeit without a permit. Please advise us of any additional requirements that must be met in order to resolve the issue. We understand that the original permit must be modified or an application made for a permti in a different category, Sincerely yours, p4~';' fin A. Broadbooks, RLA, ALA • :: ~ ~ ~. 184 ~ast ~l,cstr,utjtree4, rjuitc i =~ Aai,evilie, NC 2B8o1 ~~ Tai (ezs) z~z-~o38 <~ f=ax (8z8) z55--0140 President °' ~ ~' t. ~,;e~ ~,~ 4 . Attachments - Exhibits A - K --i'•. '~ ~~`~""~~' ~r~~~~ ; cc David Parris -Youngblood Oil Company Craig Chenevert, AIA -Rogers / Chenevert Arlchitects PA ~~~~tt~et~h `,~~``,C~'[H Cq~~i,,~ r M-~~' r I `fie ~.~ ~~E •~•QY ~ + ~ +~, ~i ~ `j- ~ ~ lb + i=s ~-ate ~ a ,. '~ ~ ~' ~ V~ ip ~~ ~ Q4 Nov. 5. 2001 3~51PM Broadbooks Assoc No~1967 P. 4 Page 4 of 20 HEM IBiT A LOCATION MAP AND PHOTOGRAPH Location Map from Henderson County's GIS website. In the Town of Fletcher on Hendersonville Road, Youngblood Oil Company's Mr. Pete's site is indicated by a yellow outline. The unnamed tributary is indicated by the blue line extending from north to the south through the west side of the site and the reach being evaluated is the northerly portion of it within the property. Photograph taken in September 2Q04 dew upstream (north) showing stnrambank at mid-point of the convenience store's parking area. Notice the nearly vertical, scalloped, erosional areas along the slope face. 184 ~a3t~}~cs~nut cjtrcct, ~u~tc 1 ® Asheville, (~~ 28801 ^ Tcl (aza) z51...3oSs ~ ~ax(8~,8) z55-0140 Nov. 5. 2001 3~52PM Broadbooks Assoc • EXHIBIT B TOPOGRAPWlC SURVEY -"r - .. -lcE di/JICE ~' /I AEI ' BRICK 2073.3]' C7 2 Sv.Ft 7 Ac. ~xar Rp~~ 1~y, C/1pro oJfl7~ ~`'9 ~' rs~.8th _ _ CMF CURnS E• FNSLEY w, W7, PC. 170 ~4 ti ~ ` ~ ~~~ l WY 2S i 4 ~ No~1967 P. 5 Page 5 of 2t? .__ ~.. Y ~~'~ -, T Fa mow. ~~ G^"~~~~ ~LM~ `~~~'~~.~ ~~ G`ai~~~i J ``~.;d~~ .~ %~1~''' r ~ ~-~~ 0 ~t- ~C~~~ ~ _~r. .. __ _ r. d,5e .. N ..~ 1 84 ~asbC~~stnut~oet, Suitt 1 ~~ A6~evi1le, N~ z88U1 ~-' Y"el (sz8) z5z-5o58 ~ax{eZ8) 25g-~o19-q Nov. 5. 2007 3~52PM Broadbooks Assoc EXHIBIT C PIOV REACH CROSS SECTIONS Channel Report Merw"e,pw~ey IrNr~. ,n~py Mq m:, n~~m, KWme> 9otom wdlh tlb - s.00 D p~u =toe BStlG l3lppe (L'1} , 1.60. (.~ .!1{de) c 21.18 Teb(Depdi ~ =3.40 lrtrert E]m (f SiO e (%) > 21772.00 - 1 78 Vebpy (1tM) = 4.30 p . Welpetl PEfilh (f!) = 8.47 N"~ =0.035 C11[ Depth. Yc Uq + 1.00 G~IauIWOM Top Wdlh (7Q EGl (ft) + 5.70 = 1.46 Depth fftj r• 4.00 ~N~ ~w Nr~c-- ~G, aT ~~ ~~c. ~" ('' o~pth (fU ow (1b ~a7e100 •- - -- - - .. ~w.~ _. -. - ~., a.00 zwam !" 1 I~TI~.~~ . _ .-. 1 2075.00 ~~.. ~ - - A00 2Q7s.00 -..~. -. .:~Jk ~ - ~a . I 7D7.1G0 ---- .. 240 2074.00 - -• _ -' ~~_ ~ ~ . Channel Report No~1961 P~ 6 Page 6 of 20 ~~~awwo++ea+. >~ w+azooe ,a, a <NameT Trapwiolde! eatom Wmo, (tb • s oo Hfyh6phkd ~~(x1) . - t.50,Gom Decor pq - aqb Q(om) = 201 35 Deptl, (iq hrvert Ekv (ft) ^ 3,40 =2072 00 . A-eo (i4~ =24.65 ) . Velop()r (R7e) = 8.17 N-Value - 0,~ ~1Gt0iG Perim ({~ 0 18.84 Cttt Dop(h, Yc (m , 3.38 Top 4Y>dIh (1q = 17.50 ~ Qc+npuk bY. Known depth EGL (fq ~ 4.44 Known Depth (R} = 3.40 ..'3.00 _. ._ .._. _~ .. -.-.. _-. -._, ,.W 24Rm . ~ _ ..._ . . ~ -- -- . .......... ado 2477.a - - ._. . - - . - .. ._ ,. ..a -..,.oo 0 2 4 e B to 72 ~ to a5 Reaoh (iq 2073,00 IYiY ., .. _. V t ' 7.00 zonao - -- ~ - - ~ --- • - - aw i za7~.ao -. -. _ _ __ _ _ _ ..~.m 0 2 4 8 3 70 12 10 •_• t8 (Z88C11 (~ i a4 East Cf,~3t~~t~~~t, ~~,;t~) .., gsFrcv;llo, NG zaso) Tel (sze) z5z-5058 Fax (ez8) z55-0i ~-o Nov 5. 2007 3~52PM Broadbooks Assoc No~1961 P. 7 Page 7 of zo - FJ(H1BIT D ._. WQRKSHEET 14 DQCUMENTATION Stream • Name o Unnamed Tributary of Cane Creek • Location o Flowing north to south just west of U.S. 25, Town of Fletcher, Henderson County, NC (Exhibit A) Channel Influence Variables • Stream Type (Rosgen, Applied }?ever Morphology, 1996, pp. 5-5 and 5-6) o Not a clear choice. o G6c meets the criteria, except for the land fomts. o B6c meets the criteria except for low Width/Depth Ratio, probably because the stream was excavated years ago. Immediately upstream the width to deptiti ratio is visibly greater, more like B6. ~ Use B6C. • Flow Regime (Rosgen, p. 6-17) o P =Perennial stream channel. Surface water persists all year. 0 8 =Altered due to development. such as urban streams . o Use P8 • Stream Size (Rosgen, Table 6-3, p. 6-18) o Use S-3 - Bankfull width 1.5 - 4.6 m (5-15 feet). • Stream Order (Rosgen, Table 6-3, p. 6-18) o First order (1) • Meander Pattern {Rosgen, Figure 6-12, p. 6-21) - M3 -Slight, irregular meander. • Depositional Pattern (Rosgen, Figure 6-10, p. 6-19) - B4 -Minimal side bars • DebrislChannel Blockage (Rosgen, Table 6.6, p.6-25) o D1, minor amounts of small, tloatable material. continued ... i s~ Ea3t Cl,~$tn~t ~,-eat, Su~~~ ~ ~ ,g5he~~ll~, NC zsso r e ~'cl (sza) z5z-~o5a a fax (sza) zg~-o ~~ro Nov• 5. 2001 3~52PM Broadbooks Assoc No•1961 P, 8 a Page 8 of 20 Channe! Dimension Table D-1 STREAMBEp CHARACTERISTICS ReCFn I IDlNJ f1d/91Sl9f1flR CICI n neTe LOCATION NEAR BOTTOM BANK WATER BANK MEAN BANIG HEIGHT WIDTH 6ANK WIDTH FULL CROSS- FULL WATER FULL OF OF HEIGHT HEIGHT SECTION WIDTH HEIGHT WIDTH FLOOD FLOOD AREA TO PRONE PRONE EPTH AREA AREA (FT.) (FT.) (F'r.) (SQ.FT.) (~,) (~) D STA.1+38 4.25 3.1 0.86 3.41 5.25 0.65 6.1fl 1.72 lA0 STA.2+19 3.25 3,4 0.65 2.48 4.63 0.54 7.12 i.30 6,25 STA. 2+94 2.5 3,0 1.D8 4.70 5Jfl 0.82 5.28 Z.16 8.40 MEAN 3.3 3.0 0.86 3.53 5.19 0.67 6.01 1,73 7.35 (vote: rounding may affect last digit. • Mean Bankfull Depth (Rosgen, Figure 5-11, p.5-20) 0 0.86 ~. (from Table D-1 above) • Wean Bankfull Width (Rosgen, Figure 5-11, p. 5-20) 0 5.19 tt. (from Table D-1 shave) • Widthl0epth Ratio 0 5.19 ft. /0.86 ft. = 6.03 vs. Rosgen's y12 ~ Remarks o The near-bank is mostly man made; the far bank apparently has been excavated.. Channel Dimension Relationships • I~cisting VYidthlDepth Ratio (VYlDex) a 6.03 (from table above) • Reference Condition WidtltlDepth Ratio (Rosgen, p. 5-81) a Use WreflDref =12.01 to meet 136c W/D value of X12) • 4VIIexIDex~(VllreflDref) 0 6A3112.01 = 0.50 (existing flow depth and velocity are greater than in the reference, natural stream end bank shear stress is greater) • Stability o Moderately unstable Channel Pattern (On Site) _. • RIiUVR -Meander Width Ratio (Rosgen, Figure 4~, p. 4-9; topographic survey and field data) o Upstream meander: MWR = WbIt/Wbkf = 8 ft.l 5.6 ft. =1.4 (Rosgen's range tar Type B is 2 - 8) 18.4~ast~,hestnut~treet,suite 1 ® /ashcvillc,i~l~, zd801 ~ Tel (sz8)zjz-508 ~ ~ax(ezs)z5g-ot4-o Nov. 5. 2001 3:53PM Broadbooks Assoc No.1961 P~ 9 Page 9 of ~0 o Downstream meander. MWR = WbitlWbkf = 8.5 ft.i 5,35 ft. =1.6 (Rosgen's range for Type B is 2 - 8) o Lml~Nbkf - Meander tength to Bankfuil Width Ratio (Rosgen, Fig. 2-3, p. 2-6) o Upstream meander -150 ft.1 5.6 ft. = 27 o Downstream meander - 50 ft. / 5.35 ~. = 9.3 s RclWbkf -Meander Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Width Ratio (Rosgen, Pig. 2-5, p.2-7) o Upstream meander. 350+1- ft. ! 5.19 ft. = 67 o Downstream meander. 40 ft. / 5.35 ft_ = 7.5 • Sinuosity (Rosgen, p. 2-8 and p. 5-81; USGS, Skyland quad) o t.clL.v = 5,200 ft./5,000 ft. =1.04 vs. Rosgen's range of >1.2 • Remarks o The low MWR artd sinuosity values support visual evidence that the site's streambed has been changed by development through the years. Proflie and Bed Features • Stream Bed o Plane Bed (pools and riffles are nearly indistinct) o Channel appears to have been excavated in years past • Max. Bankfull Depth o Riffle - NA o Pooi - NA • Depth Ratio (Max/Mean) o Riffle - NA . o Pool - NA • Pool to Pooi Spacing o NA • Slope (USGS, Skyiand, NC quad) o Valley Sv = 5,000 ftJ~ ft. = 0.0180 o Average Bankfull Ss = 90 ft.l5,200 ft. = OA173 Channel Stabil' Rahn • PFankuch Rating (Rosgen Table 6-7, pp. 6-29 and6-30) o Total Score =19 + 42 + 45 + 0 =106 ._. • PFankuch adjusted by Stream o Type B6c t 84 ~ast Chestnutjtrcct, ~uite t ~ Asl~c~~llc, N~ zsso ~ • T'cl (eze) z5z-5o58 ~ Fax (828 2gg-o 1.40 Nov• 5. 2001 3~53PM Broadbooks Assoc No.1961 P. 10 Page ~o or 20 o Reach Condition for scone of 906 X79 =Poor Condition Yerttcai Stability ® Bank Height Ratio {Rosgen, Fig.6-25, p. 6-40, Fig &8, p. 6-41, and field measurements) o Bank HeighUBankfull Height = 3.310.86' = 3.9 0 3.9 > 2.8, Extreme Hazard Rating (Rosgen) "f he rating may seem high, but at the next door car wash site before tip rap was placed there was an eroded, nearly vertical bank of 3+ feet and the near-bank at titre convenience store had nearly vertical, erosional notches of about 6" to 18" high along about 20% of its length. ~ Width of Flood Arpne Area (Rosgen, o Wfp = 7.35' (from field data table above) + Entrenchment Ratlo (Rosgen, Fig. 5-2, p. 5-5} o WfpMlbkf = 7.35'I6A1' =1.22 (Rosgen's ratio for Type B =1.4 to 2.2} Bank Erosion Summary • Length of Bank Studied d Sta.1+10 ro Sta. 3+22 = 212 ft. • Annual Streambank Erosion Rate (Rosgen, Figure 6-27, Yellowstone, p.643) o Length of Reach x Mean Bank Height x Slope Face Width = 212 ft. x 3.33 ft. = 706 sq.ft. o Estimated Minimum Stream Bank Erodibility = ((Area of Bank/3) x Erosion Rate in ft.lyr. x 96 IbsJcu.ft)./2,000 lbs./ton ={(706 sq.ft.13) x 0.09 ft./yr. x 96 Ibs/cu.ft.)/2,000 Ibs.lton =1.06 ronsJyr. o Estimated Maximum Stream Bank f^rodibility =(706 sq.ft. x 0.7 ftJyr. x 96 IbsJcu.ft.)~,000 lbs.lton = 23.72 tons/yr. • Curves Used o The rate will be slow at first and increase more rapidly as more and more bare bank is created. o Yellowstone -Moderate Near Bank Stress: Low Rate = 0.09 ft.lyear. o Yellowstone -Moderate Near Bank Stress: High High Rate = 0.7 ft./yr. • Dominant BEHI (Rosgen, Table 6-8, P 6-41) o Bank HeightlBankfull Height - Value = 3.9 (from above); Index =10 o Root DepthlBank Height - Value = (3.3'-0.83')13.3' = 0.75; Index = 3.2 - Tall fescue, the predominant species, is relatively deep rooted, but not tolerant of wet soil. - Roots will exist below bankfull depth, but only down near saturated soil. a Root density - Value = 67; Index = 3.0 .. - Based upon turfgrass, compacted soil and low maintenance. o Bank Angle {Rosgen, Figure 6-25, p. 6-40) i 8.4 ~ast ~lscstnut Strcct, Suitt 1 ~ /~sl~cviiic, i~G 2880! ~ ~~cl (828) 252-5o5s ~ l=ax (82B) 255-0f Ito Nov• 5. 2007 3~53PM Broadbooks Rssoc No~1967 P• 11 Page 11 a€ 2(r - Value {in eroded areas) = 90; Index = 7.9 o Surface Protection - 6' wide slope face x 212' =1,272 sq.ft. - 90% cover an surfaces not eroded. - 18%IZ x 1, 272 sq.ft. eroded surface with no cover =114 sq. ft with na cover. - 91% x 1,272 sq.ft. x 10% na cover ~ 105 sq.ft. with no cover. - Percent ofcover = (1,272 - 21 911,272) x 100 = 83% cover. - Value = 83, Index =1.8 o Index =10 + 3.2 + 3.0 + 7.9 + 1.8 = 25.9 (no adjustments required), rounded th 26. o BEHI Rating =Moderate ~ Dominant NBS (Rosgen, Table 6-9, p. 6-01) o Far moderate BEHI the NBS =1.06 -1.14 Stream Channel ScoudDeposition Poterrtial ~ Largest Particle • Bar Sample 0 26mm (about 1 inch sieve size; bars are occasional, minimal and just along the toe of the banks; material is not representative of bam soils of on site streambanks). s tc (Shear stress} 0 1.06 -1.14 (NBS from above} .. • Existing Depth o Hbkf = 0.86 ft. (from Table b-1 above) ~ Required Depth o For a low BEHI the value for the Bank Height (Depth) to Bankfull Height (Depth) Ratio should be in the range of 1.0 to 1.1. o Therefore the required Near Bank Height should be in the range of Hbkf x 1.0 tQ Hbkf x 1.1. o The desirable Bank Height would be 3.3 ft. x 1.0 to 3.3 ~. x 1.1= 3.3 ft. to 3.6 ft • Existing Slope (Rosgen, p. 5-81, B6c slope range) o Valley Sv = 5,000 ft./90 ft. = 0.0180 o Average Bankfull Ss = 90 ft./5,200 ft. = 0.0173 • Required Slope (Rosgen, p. 5-81, 86c slope range) o < 0.2 is normal. Bot the Valley slope and the on-site bankfull slope are less than 0.2 o No change of slope is required. • Degradation Q Degradation is taking place on the near bank to the extent that the loam soils cannot be retained by the vegetafNe root mass. 184 ~asb ~~estnut Street, Suite 1 ~ As}~eville, ~C 28801 A Tel (azs) 25z-5o58 ~ I'~ {SZS) Z5~~o140 Nov• 5. 2001 3~53PM Broadbooks Assoc No•1967 P• 12 Page 12 of 2Q Stream ivolution Scenario o Not Applicable. The stream is constrained from normal evolution due to the excavated channel and adjacent development that must be protected. Sediment Supply (Channel Source) ~_ ® Supply (WARSSS Worksheet 29c) o lateral Stability - Overall Stability Rating =Stable - Numerical Index/Score = 2 o Verflcal Stability - Overall Stability Rating =Degrading - Numerical IndexlScore = 4 o Channel Enlargement - Overall Stability Rating =Moderately Stable - Numerical Index/Score = 2 o Pfankuch Channel Stability - Overall Stabifit)r Rating =poor - Numerical lndexlScore = 2 a Conversion of Stability Rating Index Score by Categories to Sediment Supply Rating - Total Score =10 - Sediment Supply Rating =High o Remarks - My visual analysis was °moderate." }=nd of Worksheet 14 s e4 ~,aet C,hestnutjtrcet, su~tc ~ ~ As~evflle, NC zero ~ ~ •Te1(ez~) z5z-yoga ~ Fax (az8) z55-0~40 Nov. 5. 2007 3~54PM Broadbooks Assoc EX IBIT E NC®ENR PENNIISSIBLE lIEll,CiC1TIES No~1967 P~ 13 Page 43 f>f 20 TabIA B.DSa Malatimum Nbttrable Deslgn Yeloeltles' for Vegetated Chaennols 'tlrp[oal Boll Gfi#ssLinfng [yermissfblaYaloctty= CChhaannnel Sbpe ChiuaatarlatlcaY ter esaWlshad t~sss Appliostlan Llntng (tusk) 03% Easily Erodlbb Non-plssdC Bermudagroaa ~/Tallieacua 5. X (Sande 8 Sins) Bahl rass 5 4 p V Ke+dudry bpwyrass . y a.s Grace-legume mixture as Erosion Reeietsnt Betmtatagtass 6.0 Plastic Tali fescue sS (Clay mixes) f3srltieprass 5.5 Kwrttrt~ bluegrass 5S GrAxsdOgume mixture 4,5 5-t0X Eit9UyEtod~le 8ermudapraes as Non~fastbc Tall fescue 4.a (sands # Silts) Bahfagraw 4.0 Kentudry bluegrass 4.D Grass-leprnne moaure 3.0 Floaxtn Resistant Bexmudagrdss 5.5 Pfeatic Tall fescue 5.0 (Clay Mares} Hahlegrass 5.0 Kermidiybluegra¢s 5.0 Grassasgumem170nn 3.5 >1o7G ~ ~ e Ba t~ rn rRri~ ? 6 N ~i i e .. {sands a saa- ~~ ~ ~~~ Erosion Resistant Bermudagreas 4.5 Plastic Tell fesae 3.5 {~ ) u Kent cky bluegrass 9.5 Sour~q: t!S>]A~4CS Mvd~led NOTE: ~ Perniaeible Velocity tnaed on t 0-yr storm peek runoff 'foil emd>blgty based on resistance to soil movement fsnm acncentratad flowing water. aBRfate gran is estabfehed, p~miesble vebclry re determined by the type of temporary liner used. Selecting Channel ~ ~~ ~ s;~e ~ ~ ~'° ~ '~ ~ ~'°""° naifiorna sod does sot vary with time. 5urce actual flow rzadtioos ~ Cross-Section the lao&mat' a thaattal,:obdiide era ~1 mm ~ ~eleea, Geometry ~ atxiga tachteach, to+~ ~ appropriua y- zru tax nose txmtmtaaly aacd cbaaud czastor~aaas ~ •v--scraped, va< aboiic, and mpeaoidaL Figaea 8,0Sb aivas tnamernatlcal gala. ~ tLe uea hydraulic rs~ns and nop width oPeaeh ottltose sGttpes. 18# East CrICSf;nut street, Suite 1 ` /~et'teviile, N~ 2sSat Tel (sz8) 25z-gods ~~' ~'ax (sza) ZS f-4140 Nov. 5. 2001 3~54PM eehAmerioen Cveen - ECMDS Yenion 4.3 - ;yj jR008 1~jj PM ~~PU7~ eY ~ ~ ...__. _. .._ ..~ 0.1ECT Ni4A~i.:~ Mr. ~~e, Fle_tcftec. NC •.. . ;FfiDJECF NO : .._. ~pOM STATIONIREACH; 2*74 ~ TD STATION/REACH: ~-~-~~•~-;DRAINi1GE AFiFjA ~ •_.__......-- bE51r GN FREgIIENCY; "_.._..__ HYQRr4l1L1C FIESLItT~ UnleNoad Ve9etetion (rw0.0351 HIt3Pf F NOV REACH STABILITY ANALYSIS OF SEPTEMBf R 2004 CONDITIONS Dieeherc,~p ~ eleely(ipe Area(s4hj Hydrer,Jrc R Narmd 0 21.2 0.3 4.51 4.70 0,73 1.08 rr ~~~ llNEl"rt F1ESi1L~ Broadbooks Assoc No.1961 P, 14 Page 14 vF 20 S=0.0173 . ', 1~ ~~~~ ~1 Not to Scale Reach Me1~OTYpe ta6ip~ VepetationCharadermi'aa Pemcerble Cakulatad Sddy Fedor Remadcs StapkPaMen Phase Clew Type DemRy SheazStr~ IP~1 5hearShsss fpsfl S3aR}+t Untadatced Vegetative, D Meg 547SX 3.33 1.17 Z86 STABLE Sal Loam 0.035 0.093 D.38 UNSTABLE AmnremrGran•ECMDSVeem,4,3 9!d/2006 ]214 PM~DMPUTEDB'Y; ieb ~ ~~~~_~~ ;PROJECT ME: A1r. Pates, Fletctwe, NC PROJECT NO.: iFHQM STA?~ONJR-70 STA~/REACH: ~ ~ ~ pgAjN!-fiEAREA -- ~~~ ~~~ ~DE51GN FpEOUENGY: Ur^dnlorad Vegetation (n~,0351 Diachage cfe Pelt floe Peridd elopy~ (hu Arce (:qhJ Hydraulic R Narmd D th .4 0.3 a17 24.66 1.77 3.40 4-~ ~~~~ iJNEF; r;s=suits 5 -0.0173 r 1 1.5 WtRh-3.OOR, ~1 Npt uo Srale Reach Matting Type teh~yA Vepetatiar Charaderatis RatniseiMe Calculated Sdeq,pada Remarks tepla pallem Phan Coss Type DeneiW Sheer Stee<s jPefl Shea Strea (~ Straight Una Vegatatlgq. D Mix 75x 3.33 3,fi7 0.91 UNSTABl~ . Sai Loam 0.035 0.292 0.12 UNSTABLE 184 ~,astCl,estnut~Ereet, juice 1 ~ Aa~revi,~C, (~(~ 2.8601 TeI {BZB) 2j2.~5o58 '~ ~ax(sZ8) 2gg~14o Nov. 5. 2007 3~54PM Broadbooks Assoc ' lBIT MAPS ~fUITH DRAINAGE AREAS AND TYPES DF DEVEL~3PMENT ESTBMATED ON ACRES ,. No.1967 P. 15 Page i5 of 2~ ~Mt~~,c~,. ~•~~~•,: z2,5fr~. ~:;: ;:.,~• ooh ~"~: r~.tr~ D ~l~~fi. O,G~rraxt+ ~ ZO "'4`' ~ O ~ 4~ ' CG~77~}~ •., . 1 ~ F r e1~i Y•, w~'~22 ~ Yip ~. c. ~ ~ ~~„., , =B ,~ ~~ , . f AA 1 ~~ t~~~,s ~G .1 ~ :'~'~ oar ~,o CAl~t1~A`L. 0~5L~~ ~}~1Qa, '}' 3llao~ o,RBm ''~21 ~~ l d ~~ e '$x~'~. uQ~~~~s~ r~ ~~a ~ 'z crau~~~. a. ~ ~ ~~ ~,~~, 184 ~,ast ~~estnut, j' trG~~, su~tc ~ ~ g5h~~;11C, NC zero 1 ~+ T'e) (sZ8} z5z-,5o5s °`' ~aK (az8} Z5~-0~4.0 Nov• 5. 2007 3~54PM Broadbooks Assoc No•1961 P• 16 ~e 16 of 20 EXHIBIT G continued ' Ttm~blslivungi Fklp !W i'ioM zoom Powsr ~ @ !~ ~ , Redrew 6qp Owaer(~t: ~.7ohg1 -•-• •--- • ~~ st ~_. _.__.... . w~eu ~ Soot PAP (ec 996343 ~.. . ~ o ~ aiaatlon P~t~s9653504d44) ---.... _ p streamasr~dRlvas -- -- r..;~ C7 ~Aaak/Page(es Q MaprRoeda ^ Stfaaturee i l ..__. ~ ~] 8alea ~ Addrw f o A6ad ~ .h"' O addreeaee , I ~N~, Camaosriea (VYorK M o ~ • ~~> .. ~~.~~ kledB4rebs,~_ l!8 FIiSFnwey25NnMfl ~ pueotiou(ror ~ tomn8 BudY AoeA • .... Nmu(pelk(~ d Pd~ ..... .. _.. ~ Pallas T~ (a e~: Nana ~ p zoning ~~ ~ H CCamniaefoner ~ ~ © ho.C. Yoliny Pn:ainds ~`~~'~ ~• ^ Manhdpal Berladarlea %~ ;. 2, ~ 8chool Dbhicls ~ l S°~o ~ (~,.D3 !7 sdsool • , ° ,L ~ 1 ~ 7 1982 Flood Rutasenea ,.!> ie~+ tlom Elevaaan ~ 5% '~ ~'~'~ 1882 flood Cruet • • rY' 3~'~ -~ ~,..,, ~ ^ ilex flood zones ~ I K „~~ ~ ~ Fee Taoc Disbids /f rr ~~ ~'~ER 4• .~+i ~ ~ Snll 7yple - ~~,I ~ Apt1dIRYMI ~btllCt"4 "~"^ ~ "" C~ }! ry r~ Y~IYt Sapply ~ ~` f'~•7,~ ; ~~~ " CietPemetfnFo New Search ~ X01 AS tTisaiu Into hupJ/wwwbendarsoncouut yaaatg/du>epViewe~viawer.l~ fr/SY,t006 ~M••yP~ ~s~r~aetCh~S~mut~~t,st,~~ f =' /•~,sha~~11e,1~fG zssaj ::~ T~~(aza)z~z-~~o~s =~ fax{sZa)z5~..o~4a Nov• 5. 2007 3:55PM Broadbooks Assoc a No.1967 P• 17 Page 17 of 2Q ' EKHiBIT H ... TR-56 PEAK FLOW VALtfES jab 1VLz. Pate's, Hend. Rd. NOV Runoff Calculations ' Henderson North County, North Carolina Hydrogxaph Peak/Peak Time Table Sub-Area Peak Flow and Peak Time (hr) by Raim£all Return Period or ReacFi 2-Yr 5-Yr 10-Xr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yx 1-Yr 7;denti£ier (cfa) (cfs) (c~"s) (cfa) (a£s) {cfs) (c£a) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hz) (hr) SUBAREAS I 34.17 '12.84 99.86 104.26 118.79 155.84 28.59 12.04 12.03 12.03 12.02 12.02 12.02 12.09 II 184.73 318.85 395.00 426.33 471.58 587.56 163.21 12.09 12.08 12.D9 12.08 12.09 12.09 12.09 III 68.54 ],18.03 146.19 157.51 179.51 216.97 60.52 12.06 12.05 12.05 12.05 12.05 12.05 12.07 IV 72.29 ?24.32 159.01 165.80 183.68 228.77 63.96 12.05 12.05 7.2.p4 12.05 12.05 12.04 12.05 V 38.68 62.68 76.04 81.35 89.39 109.39 34.71 12.03 12.03 12.02 12.04 12.02 12.03 12.44 VI 27.87 44.66 59.01 57.74 63.32 77.21 25.08 11.93 11.93 11.93 11.93 11.93 11.93 11.93 REA.CH~3 A 34.17 71.84 94.86 104.26 118.79 7,55.84 28.59 12.09 12.03 12.43 12.02 12.02 12.02 12.04 powt~ 34.07 71.72 9¢.7p 104.11 118.49 155.65 28.54 12.09 12-07 12.05 12.06 12.46 12.05 12.09 B 218.50 389-9$ 988.15 528.45 588.90 739.86 191.52 • 12.09 12.08 12.08 12.08 12.07 12.07 12.09 Down 218.60 389.82 488.15 528.05 588.55 739.65 7,91.48 12.09 12.08 12.08 12.08 7.2.07 12.07 12.09 C 285.01 504.90 632.17 583.05 760.07 953.32 250.95 12.09 12.08 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.06 12.08 Down 284.62 504.47 631:01 662.09 759.09 952.37 250.16 12.10 12.09 12.09 12.08 12.09 12.09 12.11 D 352.37 622.78 777.72 639.70 939.55 1172.45 309.69 12.09 12.08 12.08 12.08 12-07 12,07 12.09 Dorm 351.93 621.88 776.81 839.70 933.87 1170.87 309.28 12.10 12.09 7.2.48 12.08 12.09 12.07 12.11 E 387.01 679.88 847.64 914.63 1016.94 1274.22 390.62 12.09 12.08 12.08 12.98 12.07 12.D7 12.09 Down 386.49 679.01 846.62 914.22 1016.65 127Z•7g 340.21 12.10 12.09 12.09 12.08 12.09 12.09 12.11 .,~.:~- OL77,'];ET 395.74 •~695.d2 867.71 936.70 1047..82 1305.37 398.12 W~,x,'i'~L-5S, Vexsa,on 1.x0.08 Page 1 6/5/2006 12:20:44 PIS 3a~-~ast~hcstnue5treet,ju,~ 1 ~-' Aa1,~~ii~,~~ zs8a) '~` `{-cl (824)252-5058 ~•' Fax(eza)z55~ot4o Nov. 5. 2007 3~55PM Broadbooks Assoc a • EXHIBIT I . •• NCSHC CHARTS No•1967 P• 18 Page 7 s of 20 6 ~ y r B 3 4 p d .. • ~ -~ { ~ "" ! ~ r f ,. ! ~ ~ .. ~r.~,7 ' 7•' ~ ~ l ' •~~ ~B b ~ r T ,~~~ • ~-otr~ arROrriv.~ ht7Rrf/ GllROLINfI 5TR~E•. KlGNF!'f1Y ~d/1/M155lON HYDROGRf1PN~C DEPT AAAP Of HYLdPOLoGlG CdN1l1UR5 FL6? u5E IN OETfRA91N1NG PRa7./ECT OE5lGiV DlSGHHRGE5• ~ ~~ ~ ~ 61YfNPLE l9AD a aoo NfCXa0i1t L BGNE~ gpp LAID AIO• x~.4 -~.~Wva qx seo ,po _ svo m ~ ro° 9 ~~ ..~~` H ~ W ~ a ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ .m . - - a ro $ ~ ~ f~YE FR551B -Y~E ~N E~ ~ a r a r %f• i % 4~ RCNQFf FRGB~Yp~e~R~l~~E59S M4R1N G~&EOl1N~R~5~7'~ i(16ktVRY GG~I~I ~~~~~ t N1ME ARFR ~f! RC74~9 I~iFRt 6 R~DO•r!X i~~JO GfA ~ ~ T zs x !~~ . , ~ ~ Z w••.Y•' oiler ~ ~ c~ u as ~~ oar ~ ?~ ORWINN4C RAN ~~RSI ~ErER ~ v~t~tr~roN a nbRrx cAieoc~Na srn u ,, C t0o-d 184 ~„ast~}~cstnutstreet, ~juite i-~ /~~~evillc, (v~ 2B8o1 ~' rej (828) z~2-jo5s fax (828) 255-0t40 Nov. 5. 2007 3;55PM Broadbooks Assoc No.1961 P. 19 ~ Page 19 of 20 EJ(HIBIT J NCSHC RUN®FF CALCULATIONS 4 RUNOFF ESTIMATE o Itiethod - Based upon NC State Highway Commission's Handbook of Design for Highway Surface t7rainage Sittntures o urban Drainage Area - Area =167 acres (USGS, Skyland, NC Quad) _ X100 acres and <1000 acres = 0.26 sq.mi. - Hydrobgic Contour (NCSHC C200.1) = 8.0 - Q10 (C200.3) = 215 cfs - i7ensfty Correction Fac6~ -Average Development (CZ00.3) =1.0 = No Correction o Dnirrege Araa Shape Parameter (C2Q0.4) - Widitt of Wat'erstred i;Usgs) = W = 1,450 tt. - Length oFWatershed = L = 5,000 ft.. - WIL = 0.29 - Correction Factor (C200.4) = 0.89 - Carr~Ged Q10 = 215 cis X 0.89 =191 cis o Runoff for Various Frequencies (CZ00.3) - Q5=0.75X191cfs=96c(s - Q10 (Baseline) =1.0 X 191=191 cis - Q25 =1.35 X 191 cis = 268 cis - Q50=1.85X191ds=353cfs - Q100=2.15X191 ds=411 cfs ~ CONDRIONS OF CHANNEL PRIOR TQ RIP RAP HA,ROEN(NG o West Side -1:1 Average Sbpe {Topographic Survey} - vegetated with trees, shrubs and torts - Good conditior- - Minimal undar+cutting and deposition o East Side -1.5:1 Average Slope - Vegetated with turtgrass - Sl~ht erasion from bottom up, about 10% of reach - Moderate erosion from bottom up, about 10°,6 of reach - Severe erosiorr from bottom top, about ! 096 of reach o Channel Bottom Width = 3.0 Feet, Average (Yield measurement) o Bottom Gradient (s) = 0.0137 ftlR (owner's topographic survey} • STREAM SANK STABILITY BEFORE HARDENING o Sotlware - Norih AmelfCer't Green ECMDS Version 4.3 Used for Analyses - Analysis sheets are attached o Summary of Results - loam soil is unstable at estimated base flow of 7.5 cis {soil will gradually be washed away - sfowy at low flows, more rapklly at higher flows -thus undermining vegetaton). - WeB established grasses area stable fer Q10 flow of 191 cis. - Both soil and vegetation are unstable at Q25 lbw of 258 cis. • CONCLUSIONS o Protedfon against erasion was necessary. o Based upon anatysis of the e~dsting stream channel,ltre Owner should be aware that flooding of the lwtiding during a major rainfall event seems Iticely. 18475#~1'~CS#nUt5trGC#,~Ui#c 1 ~ as~eville,Nt" ZB801 ~ ~c~~828)ZSZ-3058 ~ ~ax($xS~z59-{7i40 Nov• 5. 2007 3~56PM Broadbooks Assoc SXWIBIT K ... BANK STABILITY USING R6INFORC~D TURF ®R RIP R,AP No•1967 P• 20 Page 24 of 20 athAmerin+r Grxn_• Et>,1DS Veraier 43 ~" 0323 PM MPUTED BY. iab .. ~R~IJ~~AME:~HrPetek,Flekler.NC ._.._____.........._.__.. .. ~ JECTNO.:'---._..... ...-._ ...._._. .~. }i0M STATWN/REAZ`H:'ff9l ,T STATION/REACIi: ~ ~~~ IMAGE AREA ~ ~~ ~ ~ ESIGN FFIEgUEIVLY: ~ ~~ ~ y 1•n~or~uc sa=su~Ts D' ~ Fbw (fpa Aree(anR] Ryd~eui~ D aural .4 0.3 8.17 ae,6~ 1.77 3,40 1~.~ Witlh=300ft '~3! LINER RE5UET3 Na to Scale Reec}r Matterg Type ~iy A Vegetarian Cl+sedaatica Pem~le Cdeuktad Safety Fada Remadcs Stgrkpaltam Plbee Cba Type Derr4y ShearStrest fa~1 ShearSUeee (pef] StraBht P300 Vegetation 3 D M« 75-958 7.00 3,67 1.91 STABLE Staple E Sd Loan 2000 a300 6.67 STABLE ram avnaeen un~ ~ turrus veraar a:~ ~!/t/ARIb ;0.36 PNl la rR[UE E: Mr. Prle+s. ~~`......_ .;FfI0dEL7 NO.: -` 1'i0M STATION/REACH: 2.31 :TO STATION/REACFI: ;DRAIPWGE AREA: tfirn~,uuc ~stuT's Dirchatge cf: Peek flow Paied doaly (fpe Area (sq.fQ Hydraulic R Hama[ D 2m.4 a3 7.as 2z7s i•ee 3.w ED BY: ieh ~~~1)ESIBfVFAEQUENCY: ~ -~~ ~5 wan,B~-a'DDtt i.6 Nato Scale Reach MplErrg Type tals~yArglyej Vegetariar Cha<a~iz3a~ Panne Cela4eted SaFetvFaaa Ramarke Staple Paean Phme pwa Type Derraly Shear Stress fpeFl Shear Sltesa I~1 5treight RadcRorap Unv~etah~d i87 3.~ 1.18 STABLE t4ir 18.4 ~aat lv~,cstnutjtrcct, ~uitc 1 ,gshevi~~c, NC 28801 ~~ rc4 (8Z8~ Zj2-5058 •~ ~ax {SZ9) z~5.4140 Nov• 5. 2007 3~56PM Broadbooks Rssoc .~ •~ • f1~'~ • ', ' G M .~~ •• V t ~M rr~ ~1~ ~^••~ ;, ~~ ~. °~ ~` 0 a~8 Vs a .. -- $' i a No•1967 P• 21 ~ , M t•. I ~ • y :' ~. ~~ .. ~ ~~-.~} • e ; I ~~ ~ ~~ . 4 • 1 ~: ~.. *' ~~" ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ E ,~ ~~ \~~ V t ~ . rN