HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC240970_Site Plan or Location Map_20240404 ` �]�v�v U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The National Map SWANSBORO QUADRANGLE science for Changing worm I NORTH CAROLINA US Topo 00 7.5-MINUTE SERIES -77.1250° -77.0000° 34.7500° '06°00mE 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 34.7500° e . ' A e � )a. � y 847momN° - 9 A_, "e • \ \ -�� - Q r ltis p _ )— p o a 46 46 1 , a \ r I w a 0 8c,_7_,_ _1_ = ___ _ - / srart•M i s � TPIeM,�, �. �_ 45 \ '1 ---- -S - Iz0 _ r l Pel tier • ofi (<No Hancock. w z)22 • '� x �_ -- I Pain[Cahoon O / �.u 1 L I> ),, �✓�S �,. y. -y*� �. .e- Ilani 1 CROATAN qq � BOO I S m �i� E°E y I"� .i % _ NATIONAL OAEST — / s- .,. y p r` x AMrn tr RRF Creek Bay \\ r� _ _ �y } Robinson I -� / A -- _� a�,pJ - i LL Porn '✓ S1a H11t /C' / • s• /s ,o,., otf Club rt x� c�� Jg C _ fi un �1 1 3 Imo=�� w "" . GE 14 s. �Holland-- •1 ( - 1 EN aA Y� A p � IxEA nm - - uzs� -O w fi ° ° ,�\ f - point � .✓ /�`/ —"' tw�cve000 r Izn / " �xoRFS Dr 42 �� 1� I 4 ✓ c LL �' 111 ' /\t Jones l- a o t p0 / Sw1tM9ri To% 1 Island G o 6a, S 5 /,� ,LL J J .��� - I � �o, t ,° �✓�S-' /v 1�✓ ape Carteret' <„ � � _ - -r"S — ' 11 �`� ,7ry (� _ A ye,(�' /�- Sanders P�n[ 1NE KRD�1\�41 ° l q'` .�J _ ., t '4" GJ I f i� ALF BOGUEb A/ I \\/� - ;fir-7lIII \ / \L Bo4ue F rd - 3, /. 41 - - / LL �� \ � i� /� - o) ManneC Ps 1 7' ,,l � • N ° Auxlhary Field ' % • e oq h oRecr, 1 I St�.1 / / S� Humphrey O/.� „gto 44, / — a 1 'Point----- �a e' i O'''-'00O' `f / Cedar Point / �NALNpAo x q �r Tuyim Buy �' %° PROJECT S E c / 0 9 N 5/ qF /� \ J�''f'0/y a �9 m" NEPruNc Da ( intracoastat / — — _ _40 j Waterway / /�� E I Fi _ fi'5`°p1 �y Guhrie / 40° \ t�tnhaQnr,1/� / was '" a ( YPomt /.�6 5P Purvey 4 d �� 1 (. /�/�.��� Q / - U\-T-i enaeer Paint Hunans ./ snoi! 1\w m ,-� m -_ Island ', N.1 • 11g., n�nnel )\1 s 'c' �O N S —_ n 1 r� O /•� c I' "i •— \ fJ'b _ Long ME-rr'h• 39 ,� ( \\ y MYFldtilsldd _ �m Salcwaler Adven_re Trl___----.—.-- t Archer C Bo ueSound / _ Point ^ � - —\ Point °saltwater Aaventure rrl �- • _ \ Z �C ID �? I Channel° 1� D Pc"em SI RALD OR _�` gg H S / eel G1C Isla d -1 / BRn then/U D �1 n Cr ` �i }/ / a coo :vs 41 38 pL Guc:ouND° ;^/ r. ,. n - - - - - `I o � mt tom,. �y O N Nn�DR 38 a� /Mn93\/ - - - ?) 'fur' l a�net ) �w �. ; Q ��0 6 �e '5 o °DDPEG R r z� ✓ 16:41 ,tr l' ,1 1 ,e - R Emerald Isle Banks az Channel <1 lJ� c5 Co `c�J �fl /J/�}loQ f gg °— c``o 9 ft Bo�.Banks 18 4 O 'EI E,LkO-°° 37 Dudley j - ,yo i Island/0, \T''''' - 3,.'w --.=L\ I A l � g s / st12 I 'r Vr/ I I \ P`sv I s A - - 36 B k Outer Banksy 36,,y-, O\\ Chun ncl ' � Onslna FI7 I iM�°a Bag ' l `I ATLANTIC OCEAN Bogue I Inlet 35 Aland �' 35 1 I 1 11 3.34...N 34 oIA I° 34.6250° 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 '16°00.E 34.6250° -77.1250° -77.0000° ROAD CLASSIFICATION Produced by the United States Geological Survey Expressway Local Connector North American Data SCALE 1:24 000 m of 1983(NAD83) NM • Secondary Hwy Local Road WoOO Geodetic System of 1984(WG584).Projection and ' 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2 NORfH Ramp 4WD 1000-meter grid:Universal Transverse Mercator,Zone 185 1000 500 0 METERS .0 3000 ���CAROLINA�V/_✓/ This map is not a legal document.Boundaries may be •Interstate Route 0 US Route 0 State Route generalized for this map swle.Private lands within government 177 MILS 'GI 1 0.5 0 1 reservations may not be shown.Obtain permission before zt kias MILES B FS Primary Route Passenger FS HigM1 en eying private lands. 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 40UD .0 .0 7000 8000 9000 10000 QWDNNLLE Locanox Route Clearance Route Imagery NAIP,October 2020-October 2020 '�, ...... FEET Check with local Forest Service unit =-m Roads U.S. Census Bureau, 201fi Roads within US Forest Service lands FSTopo Data DTM GRID AND MO MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER or SHEET 1Stella for current travel conditions and restrictions. with limited Forest Service updates,2012 1 2 3 ZHadnot Creek Names GNIS,1980-2021 CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET 3 Masontown e Hydrography National Hydrography Dataset,2004-2018 i000m�m sq�.re io NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 4 5 4Hubert �1. Contours Natsee meal Elevation Dan,ea 202 This map was produced m coxform with the 5Salter Path SWANSBORO, NC 'D dories multiple sources: tadata file Browns rc National Geespatial Program US Topo Product Standard. Inlet Q Wetlands FWS National Wetlands Inventory Not Available UO 6 2022 i i ono eeon ADJOINING QUADRANGLES