HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0064246_Engineering Alternatives Analysis_1992073131 PACE MOBILE HOME PARK JERRY G. PACE 2720 BUFFA%OE ROAD CLAYTON, N.C. 2?520 JULY 31, 1992 Mr. Preston Howard, PE Acting Director Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Res Pace Mobile Home Park Report Submittal NPDES Permit No. NC0064246, Johnston County Dear Mr. Howard: E I J U L 31 1992 DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMNT. DIRECTOR'S OFFICE >_.::.., JUL 81 1992 WATER QUALITY SECTION We would like to take this opportunity to transmit a document relating to our existing NPIIES permit. This document is being forwarded bused on a condition contained in our permit and is required since our wastewater plant discharges into a stream with a 0 cfs. 7910. The purpose of this letter is to transmit this document. For your use, we have attached the following information as a part of this requirement: I. 1 copy of a document which reviews various disposal alternatives. This report is being sent to your Division within the one year period which is specified in our permit. We hope this report satisfies the requirement as stated in the Q permit condition. With respect to our f pe permit, we note that, if your Division finds this report satisfactory, then our permit limits may be lowered in 1994. _- If we are required to meet lower limits, we will need to expend _ more funds to upgrade our plant. Also, with the low limits which we n currentlyhave in our permit, and the lack of knowledge that our dis- charge is having an impact on the receiving stream, we would appreciate your consideration of leaving our permit limits as they are now.; Finally, we would like the opportunity to discuss with you issues -; relating to the possible use of the effluent channel designation, lower permitted flow rate, and any other action which will improve the continued discharge at our site. Should questions arise concerning this submittal, please feel free to , contact Mr. W. Lee Fleming, Jr. PE at 919/833-1234. i 7erry relyyours, G. Pace Attachment: As listed �:, 4. PACE MOBILE HOME PARK ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION REPORT DATE PREPARED: JULY 30, 1992 JUL 31 1992 WATER QUALITY SECTION ,. JUL s 1 1992 DIU, OF ENVIRONMENTAL DIRECTORS OFFICE ���T Prepared By: W. Lee Fleming Jr., Engineering 601 Oberlin Road, Suite 200 Raleigh, N.C. 27605 919/833-1234 9. PACE MOBILE HOME PARK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ENGINEERING STUDY DATE PREPARED: JULY 30, 1992 I. General Information A. Background Information 1. Facility Name - Pace Mobile Home Park 2. NPDES Permit Number - NCO064246 3. County - Johnston County 4. Facility Address - Mobile Home Park is located on State Road 1003, 1.5 miles north of Archers Lodge, North Carolina 5. Name of Permittee - Mr. Jerry G. Pace 6. Permittee's Mailing Address: Pace Mobile Home Park 2720. Buffalo Road Clayton, N.C. 27520 Phone - 919/365-4208 7. Name of Receiving Stream - Unnamed Tributary to Buffalo Creek 8. Topographic Map - Attachment Number 1, illustrating point of discharge 9. Report Preparer—"- W. Lee Fleming, Jr. PE 10. Report Preparer's N.C. PE Certification Number - 9262 11. Report Preparer's Address: W. Lee Fleming, Jr. Engineering 601 Oberlin Road, Suite 200 Raleigh, N.C. 27605 Phone - 919/833-1234 12. Report preparation period - July 20 to July 30, 1992 B. Description Of The Existing Treatment Works Including Size Of Major Components A wastewater treatment plant has been installed which is capable of treating 15,000 gallons per day of domestic strength wastes. The plant was installed as a dual. train plant and the facility consists of the following components: 1. Manually cleaned bar screen 2. Equalization chamber - 1 ea 3,000 gallon 3. Aeration chambers - 2 ea 77500 gallons 4. Clarifiers - 2 ea 1,250 gallons 5. Aerated sludge holding chamber - 1 ea 5,000 gallon 6. Dual air blowers - dual 115 cfm 7. Chlorination system - 250 gallon with tablet chlorinator 8. Site fence 9. Plant outfall The facilities were designed to protect all electrical and mechanical components from the 100 year flood as defined by the -1- a most recent flood snapping. Sludge is removed from the existing plant by a licensed sludge hauler. The current plant was designed to operate at a rate of 15,000 gallons per day and to meet the permit limits contained in NPDES Permit Number NCO064246 first issued on December 19, 1985 and reissued on August 1, 1991. C. Description Of The Origin And Type Of Waste Which Is Discharged From The Treatment Facilities The existing wastewater treatment plant is designed to serve a mobile home park with 45 homes and is designed to treat domestic strength wastewater. The following calculations illustrate the estimated sewerage volume from these homes: 45 homes X 2.75 bedrooms per home X 120 gpd per bedroom = 14,850 gpd. Allow for design considerations of plant size, then design for 15,000 gpd (Flow rate in existing-NPDES permit) D. Planned Phases There are no phases planned for this facility. The complete mobile home park exists at this time with 45 spaces available. Currently, there are approximately 36 lots served by the WWTP. E. Evaluation of Past Compliance History The Division of Environmental Management's Raleigh Regional Office provided a computer printout of the past two years of self monitoring data for this facility. This information is provided as Attachment Number 2. In addition, the 1991 self monitoring data was obtained. These sheets are included in Attachment Number 2. The compliance of this facility, with the issued NPDES permit, has been demonstrated by operation of the plant since the park was opened. From the available data, it appears that the existing plant has met the limit for BOD5 almost consistantly. There have been minor violations of the Ammonia limit in the past and problems with the fecal coliform limit. These parameters are being reviewed and operating procedures changes to attempt to improve the compliance with these parameters. To date, the Permittee has received several NNP letters and a NOV (for a reporting violation; not a limitation violation problem). Further, the Ammonia level illustrated on the DEM printout for the month of September, 1991 is incorrectly listed as 118 mg/l. According to the DMR for September, 1991, and the Permittee, the value was 1.18 mg/l. Finally, from discussions with the Permittee, it appears that the sample for fecal coliform may have been taken at the incorrect location in the past. The sample location has now been clearly identified and the Permittee has indicated that the samples will be taken at the correct location in the future. F. Discussions About the Receiving Stream According to available documents, the unnamed tributary to Buffalo —2— 4 Creek is assigned the stream classification of C - Nutrient Sensitive Waters. This classification was derived since this tributary discharges into the Buffalo Creek and Neuse River drainage basins. With respect to the identification of the UT Creek's 7 day, 10 year low flow, the recently issued permit renewal defines this stream flow as 0 cfs by inclusion of permit condition Part III, F. - "Engineering Alternatives Analysis Condition". II. Evaluation of Environmental Feasibility of Nondischarge Alternatives A.1) Connection to Sewerage System a) Existing Sewerage Systems There are only two municipal sewerage systems which are located in the vicinity of the mobile home park. These are the Town of Wendell and the Town of Clayton. Using the attached maps, it appears that these sewer systems are either equal to, or greater than, 5 road miles of the project WWTP. In addition, although there may be other permits issued for facilities closer to the park site, no known plants are avail- able to this site. Finally, there are no known non -discharge systems close to this system with the capacity to accept the generatedwa�stewater. Phone inquiries were made to both municipalities about the possible connection to their systems. The following findings were gathered: According to Mr. Steve Bigs, Assistant to the Town Manager, Town of Wendell, the closest existing sewer main is located at the Town's wastewater plant. The only way the mobile home park could connect to the Town of Wendell's system would be by force main. The Town does not believe that service will be provided to this area since the park is located in Johnston County and the Town is located in Wake County. Accroding to Mr. Bigs, the Town does not plan to provide service into Johnston County. In a conversation with Mr. Randy Mundt, Planning Director with the Town of Clayton,,there are no -sewer mains outside current Town limits. Also, Mr. Mundt indicated that he did not know of any plans to extend sewer service past the Neuse River to the north of Town. Based on the aforementioned findings, the connection to an existing municipal system is not considered feasible. To add to this finding, Mr. David Glover, with the N.C. DOT, has indicated that the Owner would be required to obtain easements from property owners along the.roadway route if the necessary rights -of -way widths were not recorded with DOT. This requirement could make this connection difficult. The right-of-way width along the routes is unknown at this time. There are no other available routes to the Towns along private property. —3— Based on these findings, proceed to A.1 (b) b) Future Sewerage System Extensions The Town of Wendell indicates that the only extension of a sewerage system closer to the mobile home park will be the installation of a new force main from the Town's wastewater plant to the City of Raleigh's gravity sewer system. This force main will deliver the Town's raw sewerage to the City of Raleigh to allow abandonment of their wastewater discharge. This main will travel south on State Road 1003 and turn right on to Turnipseed Road. This main will be located approximately 2.2 miles from the mobile home park WWTP. In discussions with Mr. Bigs, it is understood that the Town has not decided whether they will allow connection of public or private mains into this new force main. Without the Town's approval, connection to this proposed force main cannot be evaluated. Finally, the new Wendell force main is planned to be installed in 1994. The Town of Clayton does not anticipate the extension of sewer beyond the Neuse River bridge to the north of Town according to Mr. Mundt. Based on this determination, the consideration of.t:he connection of the mobile home park's sewer to the Town of Clayton is not considered feasible due to the length of force main to make this connection from the mobile home park WWTP by road. Based on these findings, proceed to A A.2) Subsurface Disposal System a) Determine if Permittee Owns Suitable Lands 1) In 1985, Johnston County visited the project site to review the possible location of septic tanks. Also, at the same time the County review a site across the State Road is also .owned by the Permittee. Copies of the reports prepared by the County are provided as Attachment Number 3. In order to review the use of these sites, a report was prepared by Mr. Frank Doonan, with Whitestone, Inc. which provided a preliminary loading rate for an LPP system. This report is provided as Attachment Number 4. 2) If a central subsurface disposal system were considered, the following components could be required: 1. Land required - 18.0 acres 1. Dosing chamber - 2,500 gallons 2. Dosing pumps and controls - 10 each 3. Disposal fields - 30,000 lineal feet of LPP trench, 20 fields each with 10 lines each 150 feet in length 4. Force main - 5,000 if This design uses a loading rate of 0.1 gpd per square foot IM C of Low Pressure Pipe (LPP) disposal system as provided by Mr. Doonan. Using this loading rate and buffer zones, the active area would be 9.0 acres and, using an equal area for repair, the total area would be 18.0 acres. From the reports provided and application of the required buffer zones, it appears that the Permittee does not own sufficient lands to install a central 15,000 gpd subsurface system as illustrated by: Existing mobile home park land - The site has been modified by the installation of raods, drainage, lots, and WWTP. Based on this disturbance, this site could not be used. Alternate parcel - Using the map provided on the County, it appears that the section of land along the road front may be useable. With a width of 400 feet and a depth of about 900 feet, the total useable property is about 8.2 acres. This is less than the active area required; with no land for a 100% repair. Finally LPP systems require that the dis- posal system be installed along the contour. This require- ment will further reduce the ability to locate an LPP system within the useable property. Based on these findings, it appears that the Permittee does not oewn,,.sufficient suitable land for the installation of this large of a system and additional suitable land may be required to be purchased for this system to be installed. 3) The following buffer zones were used in this evaluation: Distance between fields - 20 feet Buffer to property line - 50 feet Distance to well - 100 feet Distance to creek or drainage - 25 feet 4) Sufficient suitable lands are not available for the install- ation of a central 15,000 gpd subsurface disposal system on lands currently owned by the Permittee. 5) Based on these findings, proceed to entry A.2 (b) b) Determine if Adjacent Suitable Lands Could Be Purchased The Pemittee has reviewed the lands immediately adjacent to the mobile home park site. He has found that the lands are either not for sale, are designated for farming activities, or are planned for residential development. These findings were otained by direct conversations with the land owners by the Permittee. In addition, two (2) adjacent property owners were contacted and letters were otained which state that their land is not available. These are provided as Attachment Number 5. A.3) Spray Irrigation System a) Determine if Permittee Owns Suitable Lands -5- c 1) Using the report provided by Mr. Frank Doonan, the ability to use the lands owned by the Permittee for spray irriga- tion can be evaluated. From this report, it can be seen that the lands owned by the Permittee have limited value for a spray system due to steep slopes and eroded areas. 2) Based on the findings of the report by Mr. Doonan, and using a conservative irrigation rate of 0.58 inches per week, it would take approximately 6.7 acres of active area plus 9.5 acres to provide the required buffer zones for this project. In addition, if 50 days of storage were required for holding the treated effluent during poor irri- gation of this pond would have to be over 0.50 acres in size if the pond were 5 feet deep. When the buffer zones for the pond is added to the pond area, then about 1.5 acres would be required for the storage -of the effluent. In total, it would take about 17.7 acres for the spray irrigation alter- native. Also, the wastewater treatment would be provided by the existing plant. Finally, due to the configuration of the permittee's land (width of property is 400 feet), then additional lands would be required. This conclusion is based on the following discussion: Existing -.;mobile home' park land - The site has been modified by the installation of raods, drainage, lots, and WWTP. Based on this disturbance, this site could not be used. Alternate parcel - Using the map provided on the County, and Mr. Doonan's report it appears that the front half of the property may be useable. With a width of 100 feet and a depth of about 1,400 feet (buffers of 150 feet from the property lines and 400 feet from road frontage dwelling have been taken from the property dimension), then the total useable property for spray is about 3.2 acres. This is less than the active area required of 6.7 acres. Based on these findings, it appears that the Permittee does not own sufficient suitable land for the installation of this large of a system and additional suitable land may be required to be purchased for this system to be installed. If a spray irrigation system were considered, the following components could be required: 1. Land required - 17.7 acres 2. Storage pond - 1 each 50 day 3. Irrigation pump - 2 each 4. Control panel - 1 each 5. Force main - 2,000 feet 6. Irrigation system,- 20 heads with drain valves 3) The following buffer zones were used in this evaluation: Distance between irrigation and property line - 150 ft Buffer of lagoon to property line - 50 feet (L Distance to residence - 400 feet Distance to creel: or drainage - 50 feet Distance to well - 100 feet 4) Sufficient lands are not available for the installation of a central 15,000 gpd spray irrigation system on lands currently owned by the Permittee due to the restric- tive loading rate, site limitations, and the configuration of the property. 5) Based on these findings, proceed to entry A.3 (b) b) Determine if Adjacent Suitable Lands Could Be Purchased The Pemittee has reviewed the lands immediately adjacent to the mobile home park site. He has found that the lands are either not for sale, are designated for farming activities, or are planned for residential development. These findings were otained by direct conversations with the land owners by the Permittee. In addition, two (2) adjacent property owners were contacted and letters were otained which state that their land is not available. These are provided as Attachment Number 5. B) Evaluation of•.Three Non -discharge Alternatives From the information provided above, it appears that none of the non -discharge alternatives are feasible due to the distance of the site to existing sewer collection systems and the lack of suitable lands for sub -surface and spray irrigation systems. Based on the determination that there are no feasible alter- natives, proceed to II.C. C) Evaluation of the Relocation of the Discharge Point C.1) Distance to Alternate Discharge Point A review of Attachment Number 1 topographic map indicates that the mobile home park is located approximately 3.5 miles, by road, from a potential discharge point into Buffalo Creek. Due to the drainage area above this point, the stream may have a positive 7 Q 10 flow. In addition, when the Permittee first investigated this park, a wasteload allocation was prepared for two sites. The first site was the selected discharge point and the second site was a point into an unnamed tributary to Big Arm Creek. Since this wasteload allocation indicated that the Big Arm limits are higher than the selected discharge point, then this site may have a positive 7 Q 10. A copy of this wasteload allocation is provided as Attachment Number 6. If relocation of the discharge point was installed to Buffalo Creek, the following components could be required: -7- 1. Lift station - 5 foot with dual pumps 2. Control panel - 1 each 3. Standby power - 1 each generator 4. Force main - 18,500 feet in length C.2) Required Easements fie.IV f1 cr''" If the Permittee were to relocate the discha Buffalo Creek, an encroachment agreement would be required from the N.C. DOT to allow the delivery force main to be installed from the mobile home park to the bridge over the creek. In addition, an easement or land purchase may be required to install the plant outfall pipe into the creek. As outlined in the connection to a municipal collection system section of this report, the DOT would require that the Owner obtain easements from property owners where the DOT right-of-way was not sufficient for the installation of the force main. This condition is unknown at this time. Should the investigation of the unnamed tributary of Big Arm Creek find that there is a positive 7Q10 flow, then a new main may be installed across the Permittee's property. In this case, no new easements would be required; but a DOT encroachment would be required to allow the force main pipe to allow the pipe::to cross under State Road 1003. D) Feasibility of Discharge Relocation Based on the requirement to obtain a N.C. DOT Encroachment agreement for the Buffalo Creek discharge point, the uncertainty of the 7Q10 flow in the unnamed tributary of Big Arm Creek, the fact that the closest possible positive 7Q10 stream is 3.5 miles from the project, this alternative appears to be not feasible. Using the findings of this report, the following chart can be prepared' Alternative Feasiblity Reason Sewer extension none distance and easement Subsurface disposal none site limitations and no new land Spray irrigation none site limitations and no new land Discharge relocation none distance, easement, & 7Q10 flow Based on the instructions provided by the DEM guidelines for the preparation of this report, Section III should not be completed if the aforementioned alternatives are found to be not feasible. III. Cost Estimation and Comparison Based on the above findings, this section is not required. IV. Additional Information In order to allow the DEM to better understand'the costs associated with the upgrade of the existing wastewater treat- ment plant to achieve the new 5 mg/l BOD5 and 1 mg/1 Ammonia limits, the following discussions are offered: The installation of plant component modifications to the meet the 5 mg/1 BOD5 and 1 mg/l Ammonia will be as follows: Unit Existing Existing Required Required Size Design Size Design Bar screen -Provided None No Change None Equalization 3,000 gal 20% ADF No Change 20% ADF "Equalization blower None None 25 cfm 25 cfm/ 1000 cf Aeration chamber 15,000 gal 24 Hrs 22,500 gal 36 Hrs @ ADF @ ADF Clarifiers 2,500 gal 4 Hrs No Change 4 Hrs @ ADF @ ADF Sludge chamber 5,000 gal 4.5 cf/ No Change 2.0 cf/ 100 gal 100 gal J. Plant blowers 2-115 cfm 3-115 cfm ^Chlorxne contact 250 gal 24 min 468 gal 45 min @ ADF @ ADF "Tertiary filter None None 12 sq ft 1.0 gpm sq ft "Clear well None None 900 gal 15 gpm for 10 min "Mud well None None 1,000 gal clear well + 10 min X ADF "Post air chamber None None 468 gal 45 min @ ADF "Dechlorination None None Tablet None Expanded unit *^New unit Notes, i. This is a preliminary estimate of units only. ii. Existing unit sizes taken from information provided by the Owner. J iii. No DEM notification of dechlorination requirement to date. In order to understand the cost to improve the existing plant to meet the lower limits, the following costs are estimated: Package plant expansion - $44,500.00 Installation - $10,000.00 Electrical connection - $1,500.00 Total construction - $56,000.00 Notes i. This is a preliminary estimate only. The costs included in this report were provided by Mr. Jack Chapman by letter dated July 27, 1992. See Attachment Number 7. ii. The cost of the plant will be directly related to the field conditions encounterL-d as the plant is designed. No land costs since there is an existing plant site. With respect to the operating costs of the plant, this facility is owned and operated by the permittee; thus there are no direct utility charges to the home owners. The permittee has obtained his operator's certification, therefore, there are no costs for operator services. Currently the only costs for operation of -the plant ale: electrical power costs, twice per month sampling costs, chlorine tablet purchase, maintenance and repair costs, and DEM annual fees. Due to the large potential cost of modification of the plant, the extremely restrictive existing permit limits, and the fact that the flows from the plant are generally much lower than the permitted flow, the Permittee requests that DEM consider the removal of the lower limits from the permit conditions and retain the permit limits at the current levels specified in NPDES Permit Number NC0064246. Prepared By: W XtZ- I I Date:tgot?x Wilton L. Fleming, Air. PE Approved For Submittal: Da t e Jerr G. Pace -10- v ATTACHMENT NUMBER 2 COMPLIANCE INFORMATION G,KE:X88/MP 07/2:3/92 COMPL:(ANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT PAGE 1 1 PE:I MI'T•••-•NC0064246 i77:F'E:•••• 00:1. REPORT PERI001 9006-•93.0;'.7 LOC:••••••••-•1: Fr•1f,:IL,1'T'Y�••PFaC;i Mi:)B:I:L.GG HOME PARK DE;3:CC,N FLOW---- Oi.."i0 L.C)C:A'r10N „CLAYTON REGION/COUNTY---05 JOHNSTON 50050 0021.0 00'.S:30 00610 3J.61.6 50060 00300 000J.0 MONTH CJlMcliu 8011 RES/TSS NI•,3+Nhl4-• FEC CC)LI CHLORINE: DO TEMP L..Iril'r .0150 P, 9.00 F 30.0 F 4.00 Jr 1000.0 NOL. F 6.00 NC)L_ 90/ 06 . 004,1 ;1. 60 6.8 1.100 67.B .300 6. 00 "(S . 00 90/07 .0043 3.00 5.5 3.4,' 1(54.9 .1300 6100 26,00 90/08 0043 .20 4.1 1.00 1.766.3i= .300 6.00 26.00 90/09 .0045 3.00 0.9 4.66F 210 300 6.00 ?2 00 90/10 . 004) 3.10 10.4 2,19 2'2999 . Oi'* 300 6. 00 :1.9 • fi0 90/ 1.:1. 0045 3100 1410 •I.. 00 498.0 .200 6.00 1.9 . 00 90/12 .0045 3.0() 4.0 1.00 2,0 .300 6.00 19.00 91/01 004'5 3100 5.0 1.100 93.0 .300 6.00 19.00 91/02 004;5 3.:10 4,0 4102F 7266.0E .'300 6.00 16.00 9:V03 O04 3.00 410 J..76 6410 .300 6.00 16.00) 91. /04 . 00250 3.00 J. 6. O 5 .:1. 2 „ "149 , 0 . 500 6.00 2:1., OU 91/05 0035 ::3. 4';) 4 . 5 6 . 69F :Lfi4 0 500 6.00 24.00 AVE:RAC)E MAXIMUM .0045 005E5 2.84 7.2 2.74 2880.5 .32 U 6.00 21 .08 MIN INUM 0043 13.60 16.0 6.69 2399910 .1,100 6.00 26.00 UNIT M(3L) 130 MG/1... 4.0 1.100 2.0 200 6.00 :1.6100 MG/L.. MG/L. 0/100ML MG/L MG/L DEG .0 07. 2::. 9C 04:31 P1.1 Pnl E.4YALUATION ANAI L IE. FT R M 11 . .... — Ni C 0 0 6 4 2 4 6 p 00 J. 'I CAI. :. Fl 0 R 1' F' E" RT. 0 D '. 9 0 0 6 9 105 L. 0 C — E oiso PACE M(3131--- HOMEM.3TON FAC Ii-.I'I*Y-- LL-1304RK 11 0 N C Cl U 14 Ty OU LOCAT I OiN-----CLAYI*OiN 00400 0 0600 0 6 6 HOWN-i Pli Tol' A L N NAOS .... TOT I m 3: It 910 6.0 90106 7.0-7.0 90/07 7 . 0---e-? - 10, 90/08 7.0-7.0 90/09 7.0-7.0 90/10 7.2-7.0 7.0-7.0 90/12 7.0-6.8 fl./Ol 7. 0-6. Os 91 0/02 7.0 .... 7.0 91/03 7. 0 6 . 1,21 91/04 7.0-6.5 L I m IT 9.0 6.0 NOL NOL A Y E R A Q Le ..... . . MAXIMUM 7.200 ........ . ........... Wl iq i m U m 6 1 '%!50 0 1. ...... .. ...... U N' I T * sti MG/L MG/1.. .1 , i'tQ0 3 :L6 :?:a; 11. TERMINAL C(:)NNFt.'1'L:I] TO:i.MS IMEi GKEXG8/MP 07i23/9: COMPI...:I:ANC:I•,;: 1::,VAI,.LJATJ:GN ANALYSJ:S RU'01 T PAGE: P1iCRMI••-•-N00064246 T' P;LF'1:.: ^001. RiiLPGR'T' FFR:CGf,I: 91•Qt>^'i�O L(:I C-----E FACII_I'1"Y-•-PACE MOBILIE 1-1(3Mi; PARK Di":1.3.1"Gil P'I_(1W-.... o:l.i0 CI._ASfS._.... ; I,..00A'T'IGN--Ci AYTON RG:C71:0N/CMUNTY- --- U.'; JOHNSTON `SUQ:YQ 00:3:i3O 005() 00610 31,616 iOU60 00300 OUO1G Iri0NTH Q/MfiO FOE) RC::S/TSS NH3•e•NI.14-- FEM CCILI CHLORINE D0 TI"MP L..I'ri I l' F` 03.50 F 9 .00 IF 1110 . 0 1= 4.00 F 1000.0 NOL. F 6.00 N Q L 91./06 00:'.55 3.00 4,3 1.. OQ 2 .0 .11,700 6.10 25.00 9i/07 0060 3.00 4.0 1.00 1::3;;. 6 1500 6.00 - ;.0O LIMIT F 01t5'0 F• 9.00 F 30.0 F 4.00 IT 2001Q NGL. NGL N01- 1./0(EI .0060 3. 00 4 .0 1. , QQ F.3l3:L , OF 400 6 , 00 24.00 91/09 .0060 1.20 4,S :L,L0 00P' 2713,OF" .400 6100 24.00 91/.J.O . 0060 3.40 9 , 7 1. u . 4017' 1.041:4 , 41- .400 6 , 00 20 , 00 91/:i.J. 0060 31O0 12,0 1,00 ;I,i.0 :iS(i0 6.00 16,00 91./ 1'2. .00450 ;3 . 10 4 „ ':i 1.00 2-9000 , QF .300 6. 00 14i . 60 92/01 00dr0 7.60 7. 0 1.100 133. U .400 6100 J.6, 00 9 2 / 0 ^2 .0060 14.00F 2110 1.. Q0 J.:7.5. 0 EV t.'i00 6.00 :I.:'i 00 si'r'f03 . 006U :3. 50 7.0 ;°i , 1501'' 4094 . OF 4:` 0 . 6. 00 15 • 90 92. 04 .0060 2:,40 iJ..0 J..00 104.0 .400 6.00 J.9.00 i'2/0113 .0060 1.80 4.0 1.00 916.OF 2.500 6.00 20.00 AVERAGE . 00t:77 4 .2t:i 7.8 1.1. , 90 3-16,5, 6 604 6.00 19. f..i. MAXIMUM 0060 14.00 21,0 1.113 . 00 23000.0 11500 6, 10 25 00 ilINIMUm 00t.5; I180 4,0 1.100 2.0 .300 6,00 1„5 00 UNIT M G D MG/1., MG/L MG/L 4/100141- MC/L.. MG/1„ E,11;6.(, 07. 23. 92 04:31 Phi PO'2 07/23/92 G. i( x 8 i:� H P COMPI...XAN(:'f*r,.-.' EV./-- UJATION ANALYSIS REPORT (:,I::. 12 P E- R M I I'-- N C , 0 0 6 4'2 46 JJ 1: f� F.7. 0 01 R E. 1:1 C) R T P E R 10 0 9.1.0 1) 92 0 ','5 L-OC------E 0:1. IJ 0 CL.ASf C I L I T y so,? f4 Cl� El MID B I LE. HOME". PARK R EGI ON/CC)UNI*)'--- Oe;.; JOHNSTON L..(.'jC'.�()TION-----C',LAYTC)N 00400 C"0600 0 0 6 6!5 F, H J'o T A L. N P F1 0 S .... T C) T LIMIT 9.0 6.0 NOL N -1-3 L 91/06 7. 0-6.5 9:1. / 0 7 7.0 .... 6.7 Ll: M I T 9.0 6.0 N Cl IY. N C.) 1'. 9 J. /0 .0 7. 0--'/'*'. o 9 0-6. 6 91/1.0 7 .0--6 , r.--; 41100 9 1 /3. 1 7 0-6 .9 92/02 "Y' i 0 .... 6,6 9 2.1 92/04 7. 0-6. 5 AVE", RAGr ... . ............ — . . . . .......... . ....... . ....... 3.. 2e04 MAXIMUM 7 0 ...... ................. 0500 MINNUM 6. re-00 15100 (! UNT'r S jj 11G/L M (**)/ L I ij 07. 23. 92 04: 31 PM P03 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: v ` DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: MO YEAR: FACILITY NAME: R e CLASS: -COUNTY: v �� OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHAR E (ORC): GRADE:._sz�._ CERTIFIED LABORATORY: CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON (s) COLLECTING SAMPLES Mail original and one copy to: I CERIIFY THAT THIS REPORT ; ATT: Central Files IS ACCURATE AHO COMPLETE TO Division of Environmental Manitclement + N C Depsutment of NRCD PO Box 27697 IRE BEST OF MY KNOWLEOC[. 11 07— cl--L Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X i;alursh nE dnAffininr in rnsnenukin eltarae will Ira ON===�mm ■m�r m ©rmmm®m m �® ®lm MI-M Elmo ffimmmm 1Jr.P1 11uM1 1" R• 1 1 1 1 /o'i EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO : A DISCHARGE NO:Qel MONTH: - YEAR: , FACILITY NAME: d �il� e:.L cs _ CLASS:-. LCOUNTY: '3"al( cTr OPERATOR 1N RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC)� ��'-� C- _ _._.GRADE:_ CERTIFIED LABORATORY: Lc-�=k CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED F PERSON (S) COLLECTIN& SAMPLES:. Mail original -anal one copy to: I CERTIFY INAT THIS REPORT ' AT T: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE 10 Division of Environmental Management N C Department of NRC D PO Box 27697 THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X �r in respStnible charge • IWO MM mum moos= wwo = mm �== OWN MAIN WINIMINI IBM �Mlmm� mmm MUNNIN MWOMMM ==Oman om 'mom■OMMMINIMM Flaw MHim �Ciii�ii WE 110 In M 0�11M mrr� rii=iie�°� mom■ MIMI WE 01 r" w — EFFLUENT , . 6 �7yfol NO: D �' MONTH: �!��'��..—.--YEAR:__.L ` DISCHARGE NPDES PERMIT NO � - �.4�•��s/J,�-o � A e- e CLASS:Z COUNTY FACILITY NAME �-�-� Pee_ GRADE_. .._ IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) OPERATOR, CERTIFIED LABORATORY: e�. PERSON (S) COLLECTING SAMPLES i CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED ' 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT '` t Mail original and one copy to: 9 AFT: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE 10 Division of Environmental Management 1. N C Department of NRCO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ' PO Sox 27687 ! Raleigh. North Carolina 77611 X Si rtaturc of operator in responsible charge 50050 00010 1 00401 00545 $0060 00310 1 00330 g6ly 00500 00300 INI(R PARAMETER CODE ABOVE LUW NAME AND UNITS BELOW U ti $ EFF 0w ; Q p N d A W O; JW -CcT 4W c.9 uj �? CV Q a Cn W�7 Jw A� to GQ A ��'� JA .; j4..! �Q•� A v � '� � ` .'.j• ;. 1.i Y ., . Q A NE C5 aG , CC F-•• W� L J C-i L Cl Lai H LaiS OC C2 CDp CON G] CI.2 NE ~ am Z O w h- I�t/�CC Q A W w A V LA-C2•C7 y �" c C! O . A-- RS MGD 1111 ML/L MG/L MG,L MG' MG; I. MC: MGi /33100 L MG,L 2 4 s ,�� � ys• 0 3 6 7 a_ 101 Icf..<iY , 14 I . .? � iY •, > 1 _Y `• t` c 15 A S 21 ' i• sw�ir..•+ 22 ..�ri.rar �.:::r 23 14 1 26 21 N bpi 17 28 30 j' Average �c`NS 3 „�• L 'O Max. Min. Com .(C)/ Gmb(G) Monthly Limit /of Z) .0p DVh1 Fotm MIt•l t 1 1184 i EFFLUENT- 9:NPDES EP RMIT NO: �DISCHARGE NO:y "% MONTH: YEAR • FACILITY NAME: c s CLASS:... COUNTY: OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) :��` `� �f c.--_-- GRADE: CERTIFIED LABORATORY: PERSON (S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: U—C OLOL- CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED _ I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT Mail ori43inal and one copy to: AT T: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPUTE TO Division of Envitonmcntal Management ' 14 C Department of NRC[) THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, P111 PO Box 27697 I Raleigh. North Caiolina 27611 X Si r lure o pc for in responsible charge 51050 00010 00401 00545 150060 00310 1 003io, IA to V0530 f 31616 00300 INTER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE NAME AND UNITS BELOW w � a � �fcn�Lcc p Inf 1."J am CID_j w 4 Z � .� LQ+J ,V +tea' Cn QC V) W LAJ d Z `-� xuj N L.1 ...rw OC OQ L"A wd� pCL_w . _ �--' •g `� )w., � y.,r t-- H OJ G i' cm "E )�-- Fes-- in 1__CnCnn acc � to x w w ac o a ._ o w w C S oA w �++ o C»L&i I.- CS p ►-- C-20 CL V) .� a Ca a* cV Ca •Q: % t-- F_Cn = LB.. C.iim C= MRSI MGD UNIT ML/L MG!I MG/L MGiL MG/L MCI MG/ / 00 L MG/L ' 2 l 4 e �a 10 . 12 ; 14 3v es U r 16 :.... ., :. -. .•:: . ..• .:�- r�r.rrr '.`' uw...i.w. •niiitse`iiwii.r : is .-:-` ----- a ,, 1 • ..2-3 20 err 21 22 13 14 a • 26 1 • 1i-.• 2a ..•..�� wrwww�• .r.irrwt�.w�- , 1�..rr.rr .....i.�.� . 21 21 30 o I O d sV D .S r__a L Avcra e o D / U Max. 3 a r 3 Min. Com .(C)/ Grab(Gj Monthly Limit . J ! 0 4� 1-1 Gc p . �� 1)I:ht Form hilt-1 111/84 t t EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: 01V w?` 4 DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: EAR: FACILITY NAME: c• �� -� -��` �• <- 5 CLASS:,�,COUNTY: �1",4dly i� OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : yt" d:4 i1 p1je -e- GRADE:.._ CERTIFIED LABORATORY:- 1�0 etf6'~-e( ' PERSON (s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: ',Tc 7 7 C1•IECK BLOCK IF ORC IIAS CNANCEE) Mail original and one copy to: 1 CIl11UY 1RA1 IRIS AII'ORI ' AT T: Cf-ntral Files IS ACCUAAIE AND 00MP1 I I( 10 Division of E nviioimiental Management N C Department of NRtm PO Box 276117 IN[ stsl 0! Mr I1nOw110r,E � Raleinh North Ca+ulina 27411 v _ _i nature o wee' for in I•e1:1 onsible char * 00010 p0109 00515 50060 00110 ODl1 0610 OOS 00510 11616 a j 0xINUR rARAME111 000E ABOVE MW CD,,, �NAME AND UNIT 1!(lOW U 4 J O O L © a�v O a �''� W —i J WCCiC QC I 7- O J a- V11 W. • Iti t= � H � l!1 C] i� O . O O � a ";IE J � � J1�►� .QQ. ,.-'J O V t.. � � � = W y C.7 p �,,,, �L KL A DC IW 1+1 1--► C3 Q ' bN t/f .Tc uj OC C.� Q O 00 cv C7 I C.2 ' ` -c 7S FO— OWe �--Nti� GNUS Lw� v •C) . G Q ; RRS MC0 Nl UL MG/ L MG,, L MG MC: L MG/ L 'M / L /100mi Bit '}' 1, •r - .t•. `Z' :r• '.0` 1 is .. '.t, •.i%.- � �. ' 1 6 2L7- t. 12 ' �► p 3/ 0 8 • V 16 �....:..r. ��• > •fit: 1\ .� •V• �w�r�, t l �` �MINl.�NI 7•• 1tY f .� 7 t • Y • 1' 20 I t - •' f' 21 3 is k . /� �", _ •: ,�- E.. ,ti.: �f > � 7� !' " a D 21 is 26 tt< Average Iv �, • c v Max. _"...."' Men. Cofn.(C)/ Grob(G) Monthly limit`—' -- ` 111I:A1 Foml A1it. 111 1;R•1 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: T' dY _YEAR:. FACILITY NAME;: 1�.-_.1�- s' , CLASS: ,,.COUNTY: 1y�L , OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : �� ,_ .� '�— GRADE, CERTIFIED LABORATORY:-- PERSON (s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHttNGED ; Mail original and one copy to: I CERIITY IIIAT INIS R[PORI kk ; ATT: Central Files t Division of Environmental Management IS ACCURATE AND COMPIE It 10 NC Department of NRCD , PO Box 27697 1HE BEsI DF Mr KllowttnrE ; Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X -•__ �� Si na a of o erat to responsible charge 51050 00010 00.101 00545 50060 00310 00340 0 I 00500 530 1616 003,10 FLOW [N11 R PARAM(T[R CODE ABOVE EFF ❑ C=O� HAM[ AND UNITS BELOW CJ cry W �W./ � W 04 tl 4 INF ►LJ W en Laien C'' H 1� �~. a ;c O �C-71 `ZE cm � '� A GLQ .rI y. W_ Ca W U 4 La C1� w w F+ CJ d W V! w = C� O p = N C� CI? I— +Y 7C Q W (-� CIC ���.� h� V1 CC i W O La. C.i • U• H K C] O NRS MGD Will ML/L MG/l MG:L MG MG�I MG;L MG/ /I fl MG/L 2 4 i� .o �s •c� J •�•!) 1,v .D I D 6 8 • 10 12 14 j t 16 1 20 77 22 - 23 24 Ar 28 � 30 Averse Max. Min. Com .(C)/ Gmb(G) Monthly Limit 0 I IWNI Form mit-1 (1 1/84 i EFFLUENT _ NPDES PERMIT NO : U ` DISCHARGE NO: a MONTH: J u YEAR: FACILITY NAME:. dyZC _ ' CLASS,: COUNTY: re LyrZ0 n� OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : GRADE:--- CERTIFIED LABORATORY : - �J e A rGC�,e yuA_„ 2 � ZrPERSON (S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: C4-,? CHECK BLOCK IF OFiC HAS CHANGED Mail original and one copy to: I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT ' ATT: Central Files IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO Division of Environmental Management N C Department of NRCD PO Box 27617 THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. E Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 X Signaturg gf merat' MMN =901M ® ® mM�® m r���r� ��s�■� Limit 4 9? 0 P. r J 141 ������NT �Z et�l NTH:.': YE R NPDES'ERMIT: NO DISCHARGE NO* -1mc A, T FACILI'YjNAM CLASS: COUNTY: 2"""21 A/ klil it �,Ld- y OPERATOR,IN, RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): I "It t T GRADES c/0;,l, Ali I - CERTIFIED:. LABORATORY: CI-111i BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT C-1 original.and one copy t o-. MATT: Central Fil h Division of Enviiallimental Management IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO I q 1% ly--N C Department of NRCD t 'Box j .14"! Ul PO 27687 THE BEST Of MY KNOWLEDGE. 'Raleigh North Carolina 27611 x c� .7 igna re of o pA responsible.,!chorpe A I o d.1n 00010 .00401 50060 - - 06310 00340 0Ouw 00500 3516 -- I Olga f,os,— W CJ LOW Lf 6=�w J lj'j' 14, SHIER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE Cw IS NAME AND UNIT! BELOW C* ;'INf 0 i LAJ Lai 9= :E Lai L&A c- Ln c-, ME -ILAJ 2M cm LAJ QXcL.9 N4 E c j LAJ Lai Ld6J C-2 C.> C16 29 w C=) ME t= c1n = 3 =3 Lai 9=1 04 con — cc czo cc C14 1--Cnd= 7 Lb. C.3 HRSAND c UNII m Kc/ 111, MCl/ L MG, MG/L MG/ L MG/L 1 /100 ML MG/ 77. ;�N: . 's t tol fll-zll t; .1; ;A - . , - J P., -V H:: 2c, A 4 7777 R. :4 PAUL. fiz h 6 mT z 4 mpqdpp' , j1. b. Lany.V . Igo: b EIRE- 10 . iv ... 1; ip 12 i Ilk. r 14 v af d n Too 771 V; f : Y. ;: 1-* .1 jII 7; 24 24 26 4 'A 291 rtc;,l IF!1, A �Db XY ocIt D I PLAY Average _44,0 Max. A Min. J-!j - Comp.(C)/ Grab(G) -J 2. Monthly Limit do -. DE M POtin , MR-1 t 11/84 .41 4 N lit L TWENT ) . v . ,1 {I i..4 e 01 NPDES PERMIT. NO: JIL7�'!'WW I— DISCIIAnGr- NO: MONTH# Kf *71 No 9- 3 FACILITY. NAME.: 14;2 dzZt-- c L.- -s i CLASS: t;L COUNTY,: 32:21A&' a '..OPEnATOR IN rtc-SPONS113LE CI­IAnGE (OrIC): GRADE! All lil:,*1 f . I CERTIFIED LABORATORY:-- - '0 P F A Zre_ J-64. V FlIqo1w ,I C'( L1�-tT I`Jr. RAM .1. $ CIIECK 13LOCKir- 011C I 1AS CIIANGED I • J Mail oilijinal and ono copyto: I CIA111Y .111AI 1111S RI PORI 1 r ;,�: bi. ► il, ; ,t. �;.': ;0,. � AT To Cantial Filopt IS ACCURAII AND commu io lo 'A" ni tivir D N C 0el). ml of N111C L PO Box 7Y6117 IN[ III S I of my 11-h0lyl I D(.I flatelgh. Hosth Carolina 27611 S f re 0 afor in re )011 1 1 chat gov 10j4-00010 —, 5t) 4 0 1 02545 $0060 00310 0 0 60 0 y jo MLI TL V GOP 1111tii rmmmit com A10vt 3E j K A.14 E NO Ails 1111, w F I 0W6J IMF ro.. _j H -i Lai L" c'. P wm IN' q ;,-. C,4 cc: V) LLA -x 7' G 83- _j 4 Cml C31 _j c1i -J ty LLI Dc: y. CL. rt C ;*.i __j ca c=1 c c� .­1 cm L" -% L" c:11 C.-* Cl> z:- L.2 di:k cc 45 Z) M V .1 C-)l -1c zr_ 0-04 His MUD V -11MIl ML/L MCIL MG; L MG-L_ I MC 4 k MG,IL /IQOML W: t 1+ 2f 1� .4 Lit. 4 ij* 0 —LO ek 7 Af! A it. 01.6 ILL r.7 Jw- I.Y7 LLO '!i �141 0 his Aw, . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 -P J A A 20 j i, _41 .1.l1 Lff j 24 ii1l V AM 26 .3 A 4_112 " S I ZI i,l ot "T AN .4.1 11 1 Ell 114 30 ..Wb .... j; 4-:111 "fit' �'ij il�i:r!,lif lt�j11•►1+,r�:t J. A. Average 6(> U -iq -1.ij Maxi M *1 n. - COMPAO/ Grub(G) A m Mon Monthly Limit onessomm -d 9.0 13 I Zo z 0 I!V I 11: Id . is, Moat. , Kt 11 1 11 1 OU-1 . 11 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: 40L2 t&,_ DISCHARGE NO: MONTH:' YEAR: FACILITY NAIVIE:.. &s- s CLASS:-QZ-COUNTY: M ZA/s'r°'��.., OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) : %j c 11 PA 0- '- :.:._; GRADE►,_.� CERTIFIED LABORATORY :..._ B J o PERSON (S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CIIANGED Mail original and one copy to: I CEitTIfT 1NA1 IRIS REPORT ATT: Canlial Files Division of Environmental Mann age,ent IS ACCURATE AND COMPLI11 TO ' N C Department of NHCD / i ' '! li;r. i :; • a . PO Box 27617 THE BEST OF MT KN01YlE0GE. Raleigh. North Carolina 27611 )( 51, nat 6fe of opt dt r in res onsible char • toso 00010 00403 oo54s S0060 I 00110 00a4 00 l 00500 00$ 9 3161630 w a Vc 9 g N 1+ � _�F C a4 c� 41 (, a W O w Gi }� V m .•.1 �. w fA 31e w QC d w f7C C.� a!7 A : O c AO N n y ,r O O g .r -X T —� Q o w ►— pC � ...rw Fes. V) ^ po}+.j F—�OC ;: . 1..r► Q �" = 1aJ O L+. C.? • w "� h �0... H st G� O IVIR PARAMETER NAME AND UN CODE AIDYL 111LOW �#� :. ` ' z +` INF El •aG p QC Hits MCD C* UNII MIrL mGit MG-1 MC-L MCIL MC/ MC/L100 lit. mi/l,RIE. -• L — 2 lit 6 AL 12 t� i�J 1 + f}, w� ,�, e ; : f'.i . , ; 2 � • j k, _ t �_ •: yl i tRy 'f � < > a : y+�<.t-• 14 16 al:.'+ tf�1}L S •>I •'f ( .{ • � ��! fV`f.'• > • `• •1� i��f: i'?;? 1�y,�'t/f �L •{K:1 �'�, Itjoj I jeod o d 3,'0 20 22 .. 1 •1 24 �a '+.N Y�4• .2�:('f} .. ,� / ' ... 1{l eiy� # i:l.. 16 � •. si Oslo <:�.• 30 , ,, :. ,: , , : • . ,i � : • .f , is i 0 ft.. '. �. �:i l'f ��•'. :q;. Average 6,96 o Max. Min. Com .(C)/ Gmb(G) Monthly Limit EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO: '..A . DISCtIARGE NO: 'L' __ MONTH: - ,�%�'' �%�YEAR:�. FACILITY NAME: c �: Yl/c' .�' !�' CLASS::,COUNTY:- J f r�/�Aj VA) ;r•OPERATOR IN RESPONSt13LE CHARGE • (ORC) :. `'_r �•� .�,�,� �� �„� +�• ' � ; CERTIFIED LABORATORY _ fi eld __--._GRADE . CHECK BOCK #r• one I1AS CIIANGED PERSON (s) COLLECTING SAMPLES i� { Mail original and 4na copy (0: I C11111V THAI THIS RlrOR1 } :• i I AT Ti Cenlret Fila• "i:;'''11. +'is�: f Divlslon of Environmental Mimagamen) IS ACCURIIIL AND COMrt i 11 10 # N C Drtlarlrtrcnt of NnC U � • . t.: %i'� ; - ' PO Box 27617 THE BISI Of MY KNOWllOia. { • Tialeigh, T'Jorlb Caroling 27611 { ` i �.• X - IOSO OOOlO Ii010 ODSIS _ 0060 003I0 Signalt+f' of n�+er 00Jf0 9O I0 I S O- OOs14 "or i reu+olilsil3le 1 charge ' Q,rr'''' TLW 1111111 FARAMIITA COPE ASOVE c . li , NO UAI IELOW ' Iff Y ;hAMI Y. 4u .aC W CL. y iL a LIP)"d aE 1�`� h- Fn �n o O F. r:.: ...1 •►c uiw � C%-,„. ' Q ~ a.. r-+ 4 p M y ZZ � o AC _j w w F— tJ Q w "; h `.� u.r a: OC G� . a ea no V4 ca C � I. H- in N 6. CA p�l..i K ;I c , ►+.1 A cy H yt 7t� 1' S CD �� _EMI /l MCiI MG, l t,S MG. L �[ 7�: C• l QwC KLL MC. L ..r.rrr.. •r:...:.:w.- - iSft,'. i3.r:ryi1{�e- .:Y'f ..�i 1}±►t ' :ie`i•{1•s: 'S l.� ,` is 1 � •4 �'_,�' Ste:+..:.:.• �,'' .-��-.. , �� �s� :ii.�.:.'y' .. ', L',14:1 :r9. 1 j t. -;.._.,::+.._.�...:.....:�.. • a •i� . ��,�,,,,�_ �r i ;..•� { �,{ �.•!' , • �yr)'�I:I t w .�•J `. is •• ° . { tip ' '. ' ! { //. Ifridi.ar. ' "' .11 �.,...,,.,,.,•„ �' � _ .� �•- • L7 "L../ G� .. 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CERTIFIED LABORATORY:— c-�>>/�_ a `' `' .. j " ; '``' ;+ • " ± •�„�/ PERSON (s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: CItECK BLOCK IF Of1C NAS CIInNCl:D i Moil orlilinal and one copy In: I Ctaufr 1NAI IRIS RIPORI + ;' ' AT T: Cent.ul Flla>, Divisional Fn vilonmf+nlal Mulfagrment IS ACCUAAII AND COMFII II 0 I }. . i•'"•, '' � i 'I E N C Dl partmenl of NRC U • ' !i Po Boll 27617 THE Rt51 Of MY KNOWIIOCI, ,:. ; . �r;;,.l, • :��;` ,`+ ., Raleigh. North Cwolina• 27611 X .t��. .i ' tutu of nin s otisiGlh charge ' I 0010 OOS 050 0]1 Dslos0 0610 i OS00� 00 11 �'v F j' ! WIN I'AAAMtltlt HAML ANO COD1 AIOYE <' t u, t' •; i' +. D tow i "QQ H ccw Lai LA � t.al f:L. Y+ 4. "'� ►-+ = QC an •: O Ocr. � = u � O ' v 1 � , _ . � • : t �;.. , ! a O fJ +ar w w x Q w "X am[ W O' N O 1— 1-- N Lj ►_ V)t/1 t l= ham„ ;. ►; ! i CS f 1C U N CIC C. a] C-10 wr X_ L1C ►_— v) AG Lwa. . fJ A 0 NRS MCO—C,_ NII M /l. 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C. 27677 Telephone 934-76N SOIL REPORT NO. 816 APPLICATIOM HO. INSPECTION OR IMVESTIGATION REPORT OF Jerry Pace Property nn Requested by___..ww__www DgilwCOatr'4-1- ©5 --..w-...wrrwrw�wwwwrw»+w«wwwwwLldtE'-.w•+w.-wwww Address_w. C..ownws•.u.1l.•wta..nwt�s.. wrwrwrwwwwrrwlwwwr+w�wwwr�rwwrrwwwwwwtr.w.rw Location ___Rtgfit-!:,ide,of SRw1003_- approximately -1.5+miles �north �ofwArcher Lodge Person(s) Contacted ....r+.wwwwrwwwww..wwwwww.rwwwwww.�wwwww-wwwiw.r.�wwwwwr.►wwwurwrw Purposew„__TQ_dgtQatiLQwthe_suit�hility_oE_th- Ie,soil�onwthis_wtract_of_land :� for septic tank sys gems �� moo . Copies to: ✓Jerry Pace - Duffaloe Rd., Clayton 1 Don Coat-9 File S41.L• .REPORT:.. . . This is a gently rolling to steep tract of land approximately. 12 acres* in size. No water or sewer improvements were noted .on this tract of land. For the purpose of this report the soils on this tract -are divided into two general soil areas. Those areas are described in the following paragraphs and are delineated on the accompanying map. Soil area one has *a gently rolling topography. In this area the soils have a brown sandy loam surface layer.. G to 15 inches thick. The subsoil is a yellowish brown to. grey sandy clay to clay that extends to a depth of 20 to •..'0 inches. . Underlying the subsoil is weathered rock or soil strata with grey soil colors., - indicating poor soil permeability. soil area two consists primarily of: drainageways. Grey'soil colors, indicating the prosence of -a seasonal high watertable were noted within -at least 30 inches of the soil surface in this area. RESULTS The majority of the soils on this tract of.land are considered unsuitable for septic tank systems. North Carolina and Johnston County Regulations pertaining to the use ..of septic tank systems require that the depth to the seasonal high watertable and soil strata with poor.permeability be at least 3G inches where septic tank systems are to be used. Jerry Pace Property Page 2 A few sites exist in area one where conventional or alternative septic tank systems (alternative septic tank systems involve the use of a pump) could be permitted. Due to the variable and orimarily unsuitable soil conditions only very low density development using septic tank systems appear to be feasible. Should you choose to develope this tract of land we will work with ,you to locate as many residence sites as possible. . I Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. Conducted by: Joseph T.. Lyon, III Soil Scientist -!�ce ,, 1 'r I I I • i JOHNSTON COUNTY HEALTH CENTER DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH' 205 South Second Street Smithfield, N. C. 27577 ' Telephone 834-76W SOIL REPORT NO, 815 APPLICATION NO. IMSPECTIOM OR INVESTIGATION REPORT OF Jerry Pace Property _.. Requested by ........ 4 1 a5 c10 Ragsdale Consultants,, Smithfield Address ........... _Mw_ ww___�_._w_w____ww_MMae ..1_ ' Location... Left side of SR 1003 _ approximately 1 5 miles +orth of Archer -Lodge: Person(s) Contacted_.r.w_w_wwrr_... i Purpose,._ Determine the suitability of the soils on this tract of land for •__w.n_ww..w.��_�w_..�w_ww__f_ww_.���_wwwr_Norw____�0.__w__urwr__ tank systems _w septic stems ; : ; Copies to: ✓Jerry Pace -- Buffaloe Rd., Clayton Don Coats File SOIL REPORT: This is a gently rolling to steep tract of land a.pproximately 27 acres in size. No water or sewer improvements were noted on this tract of land. For the purpose of this report the soils on this tract are divided into two general soil areas. Those areas are described in the following paragraphs and are delineated on the accompanying map. Soil area one has a gently rolling topography. In this area the soils have a brown sandy loam surface layer.6 to 15 inches thick. The subsoil is a yellowish brown to grey sandy clay to clay that extends to a denth of 20 to 30 inches. Underlying the subsoil is weathered rock. Grey. soil colors, indicating poor -soil permeability, were noted 20 to 30 inches below':the surface over parts of this area. Soil area two has a nearly level to steep topography. This area consists of drainage ways and adjacent steep side slopes. In the drainage ways grey soil colors indicate the presence of a seasonal high.watertable•within at least 24 inches of the soil surface. On the side slopes weathered rock was encountered within at least 24 inches of the soil surface. ' Jerry Pace Property Page 2 RESULTS: The majority of the soils on this tract of land are considered unsuitable for septic tank systems. North Carolina and Johnston County Regulations,pertaining to the use of septic tank systeiRs require that the depth to the seasonal high watertable, soil strata with poor Permeability, or weathered -rock be at least ; 36 inches where septic tank'systems are to be used. Portions of this tract are, also considered unsuitable for septic tank systems due to: steep_ slopes and the' presence of drainageways. A few -sites exist in area -one where conventionalior alternative septic tank systems (alternative septic tank systems involve the, use' of a pump) ,*could be permitted.' Due to the variable and primarily unsuitable soil conditions only very low density development using septic tank systems appear to be feasible. Should you choose to develop this tract of land we will work with you to locate as many residence sites as possible. Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. r • Conducted by: Joseph T. Lyon, III Soil Scientist %�?�� f.-� �� �, i V l 4- �Aeo- IJ rem _ a SG�t � � 7 =�9O I • r• ATTACHMENT NUMBER 4 - SOILS REPORT t y ' _ �110' ro" all ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS P.O.. 13OX 3 218 4 RA.LEIGM NC 27622 919- 8810 2028 W. Lee Fleming, Jr. P. E. July 30, 1.992 333 St. Albans Dr., Suite 105 Raleigh, NC 27609 Dear Mr, FL*ming s Attached is report on the estimated application rates for spray irrigation and on -site septic systems for the e 'park oposed waste water disposal sites for the MobilePace HThese estimates near Archers Lodge, NC in Johns County. are based on Johnston County Soil Survex, observation made by the Johnston County Health Department and conveil.ationsons Daniel Blyly who worked in the County on the Pexmiting of these sites for waste water disposal must dn of all require extensive on -.site e�valuation and pand other limiting set backs to property bounderies dwellings features. Please contact our office if you have any questions or need for our services. In your�sexvice, WHI ES.3fONE', INC I }10 Frank A. Doonan, CPS$. vv•..a, ac a.j.Jd p V1V(V1ggrU X K H 1NU Id l . .. I WH I TEjSTQ-K _... -11fC:. SOILS REPORT FOR THE POTENTIAL WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SITES FOR THE PACE MOBILE HOME PARK NEAR ARCHERS LODGE, NORTH CAROLINA IN JOHNSTON COUNTY 1.0 - LOCATION: The sites is located about 1 mi 1 e east of Archers Lodge, North -Carolina on*SR 1003. 2.0 - SOILS, TOPOGRAPHY & LANDFORM3: 2.1 - TOPOGRAPHY & LANDFORMS : These sites are 1 ocated on a gently rolling piedmont plateau surface disected by moderately steep to steep intermittent streams. The soil materials are mainly with thin relic marine terrace sediments on the higher gently sloping knobs and points disbursed throughout. . The steeper areas of the intermittent drains are generally unsuited for both spray irrigation and LVV systems based on the observation by the Johnston County health department and the soil Survey. The slopes are froln 0% to 40% and have intermittent streams running through the V shaped valleys. These areas often have severely eroded clayey surfaces and bedrock at depths of 24" to 36". The steep slopes, shallow depths to bedrock and the clayey textures neax the surface cause high rates of surface run off that make these areas generally unsuited.for spray irrigation and LPP waste water disposal Systems. These areas make up the western half of the tract of land on the west side of SR 1003 and the side slopes of the 'drains running through the eastern half of the tract of land on the east aide of SR 3.0030 Haeed can the soil maps and the observations by the Johnston County Health .Department, these steeper eroded areas make up about 25% of the area of the eastern tract and 50% of the area on the western tract.For an accurate determination of the extent and nature of this limitation a detailed field evaluation must be made. 1 e -• - " -*• 79 0ay6„ Co 9 K H INN 82 RHJT .STYE , c 2.2 - SOILS The soils on the sites are'moderately well drained Gilead and well drained Wedowee with clayey subsoils. These soil:; occur in a mixed pattern that is difficult to separate. The Gilead soils occur mostly on the higher areas where the stratified sediments occur. The Wedowee soils are mostly on the slopes below the Gilead soils and form in materials weathered from granites and schists. other associated soils are the poorly drained Lynchburg and Wahadkee soils that occur in the drains that Bisect the site. This evaluation considered the soils on the proposed sites and the soil patterns of the surrounding area. The soils on the proposed rites evaluated are typical of the pattern of the soils found on the properties in the surrounding area. Based on the soils described by the health department sanitarian the dominant soils on the gently sloping ridge top are Gilead soils."The steeper side slopes were described as Wedowee soils with mottled saprolite and bedrock within 36" of the surface. The heavy clayey textured Bt horizon and the soil wetness condition between 18 and 30" are the most limiting factors for septic tank filter fields and spray irrigation. Both of these soils are considered to' have kaolinitic mineralogy which has a lower shrink swell then other clayey soils with mixed mineralogy. ' To Permit these soils for 'septic tank filter fields the health department, may require that the soils be tested for shrink swell. Potential system failure it.- }-sigh on these soils due installation and management problems associated with clayey stratified soils. UP and spray irrigation zystems require large areas and high levels of management to function properly. The moderately well drained Gilead soils have a yellowish brown sandy clay to clay Bt horizon 24" to 40" thick. Eatimat:ed pe nivabi 1 i ty is 0.06 to 0.6 inches/hr. These soils have stratified subsoils and underlying materials which may have less permeable layers, The well drained Wedowee soils have a yellowish brown to reddish brown clay loam to clay Bt horizon 24" to 40" thick. Estimated permeability is 0.06 to 2.0 inches/br. These soils have Bt horizons that are somewhat more permeable and coarser then the Gi, l ead soils. Depth to granitic bedrock ranges from 4' to more then 10'. 2 06/29/92 15:34 a V1VfW144(b K R H into W.► �1HI TESTONE. INC. 3.0 - ESTIMATED APPLICATION RATES: These aStimatea for application rater for septic tank filter fields and spray irrigation represent estimates based on the field observations by the Johnston County health department and USDA SCS Johnston County Soil Survey.' Permitting -this site for waste disposal will require a more comprehensive site evaluation. Due to severe soil limitations these areas would not: be suited for Conventional sewage systems. The application rates for LPP sewage systems is dependent on the daterminaLion that the soils have Suitable or Provisional Suitable structure and clay mineralogy. For dominant Gilead soils with a clay to sandy clay Bt horizon the application rate range i, 0.05 to 0.2 gpd/ft2, The included Wedowee soils with a clay loam to clay Bt horizon with more variable subsoil textures the application rate will range from 0.05 to 0.3 gpd/ft2. For purposes of estimated the amount of area needed for I..PP systems an estimated rate of 0.1 gpd/ft2 may be used. The application rate for spray irrigation rates for dominant: most limiting Gilead soils is 30 to 50 inches/year or 0.58 to 0.96 inches/week. Estimate based on 9y.aluati.on of. Soils gystems, for the Idand Disposal of, Xndugitg�@1_ .Ead Liuni.aipal Effluents by B. L. Car 1 i 1 e and J, A. Phi l l i.pn . The application Late for spray irrigation should be based on the most limiting soil being used when the pattern of soils is mixed to the point that they cannot be separated' out in a management system. For purposes of estimating the amount of area needed for a spray irrigation an application rate of 0.58 inches/ week may be used. Permitting of these: sites for waste water disposal must require extensive on -site evaluation and consideration of all set backs to property boundaries dwellings and other limiting features. in your service, WHITESIiE, INC. f Frank A. Doonan, CPSS. soil Scientist. 3 From << TPA SOFTWARE SYSTEMS INC. PHONE No. : 919 365 9000 J h Ju1.31 1992 9:34PM P03 w 07. 31. 92 09:25 AM P03 From r TPA SOFTWARE SYSTEMS INC. PHONE No. : 919 365 9000 Ju1.31 1992 9:35AM PO4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Clenn Parker l u land adjoining Face Mobil* Home Park -ia not for sale at this time. Glenn Parker 7/30/92 t ATTACHMENT NUMBER 6 - WASTELOAD ALLOCATION State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Raleigh Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor DIVISION OF EtjVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary September 19, 1905 Mr. Jerry G. Pace 2720 Buffaloe Road _ Clayton, NC 27520 SUBJECT: Wasteload Allocation Proposed Mobile Home Park • Site #1 and Site #2 Johnston County Dear Mr. Pace: ' • Our Technical -Services Unit has prepared a wasteload allocation for the discharges of domestic wastewater to an unnamed tributary to Buffalo Creek (Site #1 - NPDES Permit No. NCO064246) and to an unnamed tributary to -Big Arm Creek (Site #2). To protect the water quality standards of the receiving stream, the following -effluent limitations would be required in an NPDES Discharge Permit. Effluent Limitations Monthly Average Effluent Characteristics Concentration _ N Dice If air:e 9Z Design Flow 0.015 MGD D GODS -Day 9 mg/l 19 mg/1. Ammonia Nitrogen 4 mg/l 15 mg/l. Total Suspended Solids- 30 mg/1 30 mg/l Fecal Coliform Bacteria 1000#/100.m1 1000#/100 ml pH (range) - 6-9 s.u. 6-9 s'u. Dissolved Oxygen (minimum) :: 6.0;mg/l 6.0 mg/1r it is noted, these effluent limits are preliminary and can only be con- sidered final when issued as final effluent S4�t• If you have any questions, please contact this office at.919/733231 Sincerely, avid T. Adkins Water quality Supervisor DTA/CDM/jf ' cc: Carolyn McCaskill 3600 Barrett Drive, p.0 Boot 27667, Raleigh, N 6.27611.7687 • Telephone 919-733.2314 • y:;r An Equal Opportunity Afft��;�`;� Action f:�nployer ATTACHMENT NUMBER 7` --WWTP COST ESTIMATE July 27, 1 _a92 W. Lee Fleming, Jr. Engineering 601 Oberlin Street kaleigh, NC 27SO' SubA t: Budgetary Estimate WWTP at .a MHP in Johnston Oty. Dear Lee, Thw rniowing is an estimate an you requested. The "attached design table uhoud reflect plant Criteria. Ww l,ra.,a7O= tO add anU or• modify the t-ub.ject plant as follows: A dual Path 7St:O gal.lan0750 each) aeration basin with t'a.apingr walkway and hande ail. A motor blower assembly for flow equalization. A nr-, or blower acsrambly for aeration. A twrt:cary filter with 468 gallon LL2 and 46B Dechlor and punt .air. Punt piping for sludge return and •filterr connections The above assembled on base slab with electrical hook—up, excavation, fencing and .landscaping by others. Price: $44,500.00 plats applicable taxes. i ChblmntO Of'faarmd without suite vWi•t *r plans) ploa� .. eel l �r' ' quouti nis. Thank you for this. opporhunity� n Sinc l.��:_ A ALLachment J Wa.l j � ern Region P.Q. Box 1885 • Plnehurst, North Carollne 28374 • 9191295.5536 • ^••07. 28. 92 04: l8 PM Pea DESI£M TABLE PROJECT: MHP DATE: 10/25 SECONDARY ' DESIGN CRPRCITY (MGD): D.015 AVERFGE DAILY FLOW(GPM): 10.42 FLOW EDURLIZATI Ott CRITERIA M : 25.00 FLOW EgURLIZATION VOLUME(GAL): 3750.00 AIR REQU I RMENTS CF./£) ( CFM) : 10.03 AE:RAT I Oil VOLUME(GRL): EACH 11250. 00 RETEPTION(HRS): 36.00 RETEPTION(HRS): 4.00 CLARIFIER SURFACE LORDING(GPD/SDFT): 250.00 CLARIFIER APEA(SOFT): 60.00 HER LIFTS: 2 CLARIFIER OIR.(FT): M/A SIDE WATER OEPTH(FT): 10 CLRRIFIER VOLUME(GRL): 2500 SLUDGE RET1JRN RATE(/) : D-15W. SLUDGE HOLDING CRITERIA(CUFT/PE): 2.00 SLUDGE HOLDING VOLUME (GAL) : - 2244.00 AIR REOUIREMENT(CFM?: 6 BLOWER CAPACITY(MRIN) (E RC4 IF DUPLEX) ( CFM) : 63.60 CERCi- IF TRI PL.EK) ( CFM) : 31.80 FLOW ECUALIZRTIOM (CFM): 10.03 1 ENGIHEER:FLEMIMG TERTIARY DESIGN CRPRCITY (MGD): flVERRGE DRILY F LOW ( GPM) : FILTER RATE(GPD/SQF"T): FILTER CELLS: FILTER ARER EACH(SOFT): AIR SCOUR RRTE (CFM/SUFT) : AIR SCOUR REDUIREMENTS(CFM): BACKWRSH RATE @ 15GPKeS0FT(GPM): CLERRWELL VOLUME(GRL): MUDWEL.L VOLUME(GRL): MUDWELLRETURN RRTE(GPM):' CL2 RETENTIDN(MIN): CL2 VOLUME ( GAL) : POST AERATION RETEMTION(MIN): POST AERATION VOLUME(b�): 0.0150 1iO. 42 1 2.00 5.21 1.5 7.61 _78.13 781.25 885.42 75. co 45.00 468. 75 45 468.75 � i�