HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC213274_Email RE Project Status_20240402 Georgoulias, Bethany From: Zach West <zwest@merrittproperties.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 2:15 PM To: Keith Wallace; Georgoulias, Bethany; Lawyer, Mike; Tran, Kieu M; Clark, Paul; mrooklyn.broussard@deq.nc.gov Cc: Nathan Robb Subject: [External] RE: Important Information about Upcoming Construction Stormwater Renewal for your Project (COC No.NCC213274) You don't often get email from zwest@merrittproperties.com.Learn why this is important CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good afternoon, Confirming that this project is still active. Zach West I Project Manager Office: 919.526.0070 1 Mobile: 443.889.2684 inftlerritt 1 TW Alexander Drive, Suite 115, Durham, NC 27703 PROPERTIES Creating Homes for Businesses Since 19679 Learn more about our family of companies at: Merritt-Companies.com I Merritt P rope rties.com I MerrittConstruction.com I MerrittC tubs.com From: Georgoulias, Bethany<bethany.georgoulias@deg.nc.gov> Sent:Thursday, March 28, 2024 1:28 PM To: Keith Wallace<kwallace@merrittproperties.com>;Travis Mohlhenrich<tmohI hen rich@merrittproperties.com> Cc: Lawyer, Mike<mike.lawyer@deq.nc.gov>;Tran, Kieu M <Kieu.Tran@deg.nc.gov>; Clark, Paul <paul.clark@deg.nc.gov>; Broussard, Brooklyn C<Brooklyn.Broussard @deq.nc.gov> Subject: Important Information about Upcoming Construction Stormwater Renewal for your Project(COC No.NCC213274) Importance: High In preparation for renewal of both the NCG010000 and NCG250000 Construction General Permits, and upon review of the listing of active COCs under the NCG250000, it appears that your project should have been covered under the NCGO10000 instead. If you believe your coverage should be under the NCG250000, please provide an explanation why. As a reminder, NCG250000 applies to Owners/Operators of construction activities that meet all the following criteria: i •result in the disturbance of a land area greater than or equal to one acre, or that are part of a common plan of development of that size or greater; • are not subject to the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (SPCA); and • are subject to the Clean Water Act(i.e.,activities that are not excluded under 40 CFR 122.3 and that meet the definition of a point source under 40 CFR 122.2). Please confirm if your project is still active (has not been released from the approved erosion & sedimentation control plan). If so,your permit coverage will be renewed under the reissued NCGO10000 effective April 1, 2024. . - NCC213274 NCG25-2021-3274 6/2/2021 Merritt Hinton Oaks Blvd Merritt-M If your project has been completed and released from the approved erosion & sedimentation control plan, please submit a Notice of Termination Request at the following link: hiips://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/NCGO 1-Termination (Please note it will not be available for new requests until next week) Thank you, The NC DEMLR Stormwater Program Bethany Georgoulias (she/her) Environmental Engineer, Stormwater Program DEMLR Laserfiche Administrator Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 3641 office 2 bethany.georgoulias @deq.nc.gov 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 (location) 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 (mailing) Website: http:/Ideq..nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. 3