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Granville County, NC A < ‘ \ li *1 40111VW11,01111,, , ,,,,„. . v,, ,r, l S VI , Oft\ . p \ ._'.." R.op6-GPRN�RR_ 1 .a.r n.• MIS ge7 f4 —RO.GK--P-RING-0MURGH-RD. ; �\S.1%.k / -E ikIllkiler 01‘10,110! ••••••• R, .... .... i i•i ' .,' *0 7 c.... -8 -. , , ,'-- _:4.- IP.. :-..;/' 11' 1:„ re • r...' �GP .,, J F i V� — . C1; e .a ��\N�w w� 6 PROJECT SITE111Wirl re . 1 Co , 1 ea: --7 n"r-Wil*." 49.\— --W . • . — , 1 — -• , c't. - AlliWkWA - Z Nip, - 44- I-- ..#., . b.(4-\;4 INdlif bop ...... ,:r e , 100 c� I . <N Z — ISO � . r• IIIILAKE RID.f;�DR '� w o SL ' ' lilli •••••• lam .. ... cr — - —ix a_ vo ARM RD` QQ- �... :,.�I iiir -rt. �- BLUEBON ‘4,41 -6p . 4 1:0* • 4110145. 1.01111111 ASSIOW Cj ARMRo -- t A , EL ; ' � P ER S RV.,F _ tifr ' . G — 45 C.,) _ 2 Alp s ..r., • . as t Y ! µ i .: 4.--- In /, ..,..... .... „o „a...,. , mo n ... .. _. OPAZ ST. x - c ®y � q ; a ' -".41.ro.7. ._ ._ ..„ ,_ c., ' Will g No r1.--An in w' 'mit . NI.. 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C �' _ L _-, , , ,>':C 1 ,1 Cut+, Kayla �A m I• I 1 78°37'W 7 16 78°36' V Wake Forest,NC 718 7 19 78°34' 0 .5 1 0 1000 2000 4000 5000 1 .5 0 KILOMETERS 1 m i i i i i . i NAD83/WGSS4 UTM Zone 17 MILES FEET 1000 0 METERS 1000 ©2016 National Geographic Partners. Please refer to index map on page 1 for more details. User assumes all risk associated with the use of this map. 6/21/22,9:54 AM Latitude and Longitude Finder on Map Get Coordinates Qe LatLong.n et Geographic Tools Pricing Places TV Series Movies @LatLong a User Login BEST °© BUYsi Ad by Sponsor Latitude and Longitude Finder Latitude and Longitude are the units that represent the coordinates at geographic coordinate system.To make a search, use the name of a place,city,state,or address,or click the location on the map to find lat long coordinates. Place Name Type A Place Name Find Add the country code for better results.Ex:London,UK Latitude Longitude 36.062194 -78.605905 For better accuracy please type Name Address City State Zipcode. + ___�� x View larger map '� wee • — ` i --- .0--I , J .. ' rMesmerizing Arts+ °'' I .Creedmoor Market'11 �_ Y ' 4tl 36.062194,7 an'd'Wine Shop `8.605905 t• rs+ Br / a''*e,tte Moonshine' ti, * r At, v.�oo o.Ne I.Fr .. • 02022 Imagery C/2022,Mazer Technologies,U.S.Geological Survey' Leaflet I©OpenStreetMap USDA/FPAC/GEr Lat Long GPS Coordinates (36.062194, -78.605905) 36°3'43.8984" N 78° 36'21.258"W Share this location link Location page url https://www.latIong.net 1/3 Hydrologic Soil Group—Granville County, North Carolina (Blue Ash Hydrologic Soil Groups) .A Fs 715100 715300 715500 715700 715900 716100 716300 716500 I 36°4'13"N 36°4'13"N 4 I 74i ,t 8 C C2\ °, L iApB �PaE � di," - E. ;: ':.. - Y , 4e.. 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Meters N 0 150 300 600 900 Feet 0 500 1000 2000 3000 Map projection:Web Mercator Corner coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 6/8/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 6/21/22,9:15 AM Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Map Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Map NC DEQ Stormwater Program Identifies stormwater permitting authorities for development projects in NC.Use the SEARCH button to find a location or address,and then click on the map for guidance.NOTE:Please contact DEQ staff to determine if a D E Q property is within a watershed or area that requires special considerations(SA,HQW,ORW,Special Management Strategies). V LEGEND Ca Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Information - County GRANVILLE Where are I? GRANVILLE CO Permitting Local Type Water Supply Watershed Basis WS-IV NSW Watershed Notes In Falls Lake Watershed, see also www.fallslake.org Contact Local Water Supply Protection Program, Cl Zoom to 'd soon Town of Cary,Granville County,State of North Carolina DOT,Esri,HERE,Garmin,GeoTechnologies,Inc.,Intermap,USGS,METI/NASA,EPA,US... aff https://ncdenr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/StoryMapBasic/index.html?appid=70e2781780834a4bb5d3ec95ddfc01 a6 1/1 6/21/22,9:39 AM NC Surface Water Classifications 1EQNC Surface Water Classifications NC Classifications Website , ■ Report an Issue la.I Stream Details Legend )I Layers )1 —. of a®�j® i\ \\\ txe a 9 - 4 489 R a o0 1J d cremponc` 3 O rP., a b Surface Water Classifications: ti 4�60 AC�J 9�9 j KSa, �o $ Stream Index: 27-13-1-(1) s` Asa s�„0 A eniertn Stream Name: Buckhorn Creek 4o6 rr 'Ro e� 1oni, Description: From source to point 0.7 s, my ar i �g mile downstream of /r, vtat,e°a e.eam cr°'" oaeyLn Granville-Wake County Line e, Classification: WS-IV;NSW m� n rei nr o Date of Class.: July 31,1998 li3O us 6i a ? 'isF GO° What does this Class.mean? View 0, �c 4 471fl �° �`� %a �" River Basin: Neuse �,&Run o cis t �� Granvil /tid9e Rd 9�B 4620 A 7°pazs a ?E Bay a % 6 a ? aCt % o(.i h.h 4ibin PI D Y y Vest, ,), N.;., 0 �0> It' < B,CMMrn In �\� rt v ° o o Re S c r LI 0.4 km I I Town of Ca Granville County,State of North Carolina DOT,Esri,HERE,Garmin,GeoTechnolo Inc.,USGS,METI/NASA,EPA,USDA Powered byEsri ICary, tY, 9ies, - https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/7073e9122ab74588b8c48ded34c3df55/?data_id=dataSource_1-SurfaceWaterClassifications_6584_4677%3A7818 1/1