HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130595 Ver 1_Addendum_WithCoverLetter_Final_20151130 November 30, 2015 Paul Wiesner Western Supervisor, Project Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 5 Ravenscroft Dr., #102 Asheville, NC 28801 Subject: Mitigation Plan Addendum for the Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project in Burke County Catawba River Basin – CU#03050101-050050 Service Contract No. 003270 DMS No. 94645 Baker Project No. 120598 Dear Mr. Wiesner, Please find enclosed the revised Mitigation Plan Addendum for the Upper Silver Creek Restoration Project in Burke County. It is based on field discussions and written comments from DMS, Corps of Engineers, and NC-DEQ. Included are revised asset tables and maps detailing the reclassi fication of 0.42 WMUs from riparian to non-riparian wetlands. If you have any questions concerning the Addendum or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 919-481-5731 or via email at scott.king@mbakerintl.com. Sincerely, Scott King, LSS (#1301), PWS (#1908) Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. Upper Silver Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project – Mitigation Plan Addendum Michael Baker Engineering respectfully submits this wetland WMU reclassification as an addendum to the mitigation plan for the Upper Silver Creek Restoration project (DMS Project #94645). The revised table reclassifies 0.42 WMUs from riparian to non-riparian wetlands. On October 26, 2015, Baker personnel met on site with representatives from the Corps of Engineers, NC Division of Water Resources, and NC Division of Mitigation Services to inspect existing wetland mitigation areas proposed for reclassification from riparian to non-riparian. After discussion, it was determined that the wetland area located within a seep along a slope in the southwestern portion of the project was located outside of the geomorphic floodplain and acceptable for reclassification (see Figure 2). Currently the wetland area is classified as predominantly Riparian Wetland Enhancement (JDW1A) at a 2:1 credit ratio for 0.21 WMUs, with two pockets of Riparian Wetland Restoration (areas R1A and R1B) at a 1:1 credit ratio for 0.21 WMUs. This addendum simply reclassifies those WMUs as Non-Riparian (see Table ES.2.Rev). During the field investigation Baker also agreed to install an additional monitoring well in the newly reclassified non-riparian wetland area (see Figure 2). It will be installed in the upper portion of the wetland enhancement area over the winter 2015 before the growing season begins in 2016 to capture groundwater data for Monitoring Year 2 onward. The existing monitoring well located in this non- riparian area was installed in one of the wetland restoration areas. Thus this non-riparian wetland area will have two groundwater monitoring wells located within it. Additionally, during the GIS analysis conducted to reclassify and revise the WMUs for the project, two errors were discovered in the original mitigation plan calculations of the acreage for the R4 and R5 riparian wetland areas proposed for restoration. The acreage for R4 was reported as 0.62 ac but is actually 0.44 ac, while the acreage for R5 was reported as 1.53 ac but is actually 1.29 ac. These errors subsequently resulted in the miscalculation of the total WMUs for the project, with a mistaken reported overage of 0.41 WMUs. The corrected WMU values are reflected in the revised asset Table ES.2.Rev. Table ES.2: The original wetland mitigation plan asset table (from approved the mitigation plan, dated October 2013): Table ES.2 Upper Silver Creek Mitigation Plan Overview (Wetlands) Upper Silver Creek Mitigation Plan-EEP Project #94645 De s i g n Ap p r o a c h Ex i s t i n g Ar e a ( A c . ) De s i g n A r e a (A c . ) WM U Cr e d i t R a t i o WM U s Comments ENHANCEMENT WETLANDS Jurisdictional Wetland 1 (JDW1a) - Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.53 0.53 2:1 0.26 Existing jurisdictional wetland; 2:1 enhancement proposed to include minor grading in areas of fill and altered drainage patterns, replanting of mowed vegetation to include woody bottomland wetland species. Some peripheral benefit from hydrology enhancements to tributary (UT3) and mainstem. Jurisdictional Wetland 1 (JDW1b) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.9 0.9 2:1 0.45 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include significant enhancements to hydrology and vegetation. UT3 will be raised to bring hydrology within 1’ of the surface and will be routed along the periphery of this wetland. In addition, hydrology from the mainstem will be augmented (base flow elevation raised by 0.5’) and will be routed closer to the wetland area. Mowed vegetation will be planted with woody bottomland wetland species. Jurisdictional Wetland 2 (JDW2) –Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.51 0.51 2:1 0.25 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 (typical enhancement ratio) to include plug of existing drainage ditch which has altered wetland hydrology, planting of woody bottomland wetland species to replace mowed grasses, minor grading of lower part of wetland and increase of baseflow elevation of mainstem by approximately 1.5 feet. Jurisdictional Wetland 3 (JDW3) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.03 0.03 2:1 0.02 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include minor grading to remove less than 12” of overburden, reduction of hydraulic gradient by plugging existing drainage ditch and raising baseflow elevation of mainstem (these will serve to decrease the gradient of groundwater flow within the project area, resulting in an increased hydroperiod for adjacent wetlands). The area will be planted with woody wetland species to replace mowed grasses. Jurisdictional Wetland 4 (JDW4) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.24 0.24 2:1 0.12 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include reduction of hydraulic gradient to adjacent areas by plugging existing drainage ditch and raising baseflow elevation of mainstem. The mainstem will also be relocated which should increase the influence of its hydrology on adjacent areas and decrease the gradient of groundwater flow. The area will be planted with woody wetland species to replace mowed grasses. Jurisdictional Wetland 5 (JDW5) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.81 0.81 2:1 0.40 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include removal of overburden (fill) from areas where vegetation reflects the altered soil conditions, plugging/removal of ditching in the immediate vicinity and also upstream along the long linear ditch that parallels the stream, enhancement of wetland hydrology as a result of Priority I stream restoration and an increased base flow elevation, and increased storage/runoff retention by disconnecting direct ditch connections to the main channel and increasing ponding and recharge. Jurisdictional Wetland 6 (JDW6) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.30 0.25 2:1 0.13 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include diversion of additional overland flow into the area, raising of mainstem of Silver Creek to create high level of groundwater and floodplain connectivity with wetland, replanting to establish woody wetland species to replace mowed grasses. SUBTOTAL 3.32 3.27 1.63 RESTORATION WETLANDS Restoration Wetland 1 (R1) – Riparian Restoration 0 0.21 1:1 0.21 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include minor grading to create connectivity to hydric soils, route overland flow into areas to increase ponding and infiltration, and planting with target of hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses. Restoration Wetland 2 (R2) – Riparian Restoration 0 1.22 1:1 1.22 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated with road construction, remeandering of UT3 through the midd le of the proposed restoration wetland to restore hydrology, and replanting with wetland herbaceous and hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses, predominantly fescue. Restoration Wetland 3 (R3) – Riparian Restoration 0 0.18 1:1 0.18 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated pasture enhancement, plugging of drainage ditch that extends into the area to restore hydrology (reduce hydraulic gradient), and potential to divert some larger stream flows from UT3 into this vicinity through overland channels that would mimic a complex floodplain with abandoned channels and abundant roughness elements affecting floodplain flow paths. Restoration Wetland 4 (R4) – Riparian Restoration 0 0.62 1:1 0.62 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated with channel dredging, channel restoration to include removal of levy along mainstem creek bank to enhance floodplain access and also to raise base flow elevation relative to floodplain elevation, and replanting with wetland herbaceous and hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses (predominantly fescue). Restoration Wetland 5 (R5) – Riparian Restoration 0 1.53 1:1 1.53 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated with pasture enhancement, removal of adjacent ditch should reduce groundwater drawdown rate by raising the potentiometric surface in this area, and replanting with wetland herbaceous and hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses. Restoration Wetland 6 (R6) – Riparian Restoration 0 1.54 1:1 1.54 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities will include removal of less than 12” of existing overburden thought to be placed for pasture enhancement, removal of ditch features at the top of the wetland and adjacent to the mainstem that are reducing ponding volumes and recharge, raising the baseflow level and modifying the typical design cross-section of the mainstem in this area to increase floodplain activation frequency, and constructing minor diversions of overland flow and flow from high flow events on UT1 into the area to further enhance hydrology. The area will be replanted with a target hardwood bottomland forest plant community to replace existing mowed grasses and herbaceous wetland species. SUBTOTAL 0 5.3 5.30 CREATION WETLANDS Creation Wetland 1 (C1) – Riparian Creation (3:1) 0 0.99 3:1 0.33 Creation wetland; credit proposed at 3:1. Proposed activities to include grading of existing drainage ditch to a more natural and broad swale with a low gradient and intermittent ponding areas. This is already a high recharge area, but reconnection of the main stem with the floodplain will create a significant increase in flooding to this area as well. Higher global water tables will reduce groundwater flow out of the area. The increase in hydrology and the grading efforts should create conditions necessary for wetland creation. The area will be replanted with a target hardwood bottomland forest plant community to replace existing mowed grasses and herbaceous wetland species. SUBTOTAL 0 0.99 0.33 Wetland Summary De s i g n Ar e a ( A c ) WM U Cr e d i t Ra t i o WM U s Comments Restoration 5.30 1:1 5.30 Enhancement 3.27 2:1 1.63 Creation 0.99 3:1 0.33 TOTAL WMUs 7.26 Figure ES.1: The original mitigation plan asset map Table ES.2.Rev: The revised mitigation plan addendum wetland asset table: Table ES.2.Rev Upper Silver Creek Mitigation Plan Addendum: Wetland Assets Upper Silver Creek Mitigation Plan-DMS Project #94645 De s i g n Ap p r o a c h Ex i s t i n g Ar e a ( A c . ) De s i g n A r e a (A c . ) WM U Cr e d i t R a t i o WM U s Comments ENHANCEMENT WETLANDS Non-Riparian Jurisdictional Wetland 1A (JDW1A) – Non-Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.42 0.42 2:1 0.21 Existing jurisdictional wetland; 2:1 enhancement proposed to include minor grading in areas of fill and altered drainage patterns, replanting of mowed vegetation to include woody bottomland wetland species. SUBTOTAL 0.42 0.42 2:1 0.21 Riparian Jurisdictional Wetland 1B (JDW1B) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 1.01 1.01 2:1 0.51 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include significant enhancements to hydrology and vegetation. UT3 will be raised to bring hydrology within 1’ of the surface and will be routed along the periphery of this wetland. In addition, hydrology from the mainstem will be augmented (base flow elevation raised by 0.5’) and will be routed closer to the wetland area. Mowed vegetation will be planted with woody bottomland wetland species. Jurisdictional Wetland 2 (JDW2) –Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.51 0.51 2:1 0.25 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 (typical enhancement ratio) to include plug of existing drainage ditch which has altered wetland hydrology, planting of woody bottomland wetland species to replace mowed grasses, minor grading of lower part of wetland and increase of baseflow elevation of mainstem by approximately 1.5 feet. Jurisdictional Wetland 3 (JDW3) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.03 0.03 2:1 0.02 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include minor grading to remove less than 12” of overburden, reduction of hydraulic gradient by plugging existing drainage ditch and raising baseflow elevation of mainstem (these will serve to decrease the gradient of groundwater flow within the project area, resulting in an increased hydroperiod for adjacent wetlands). The area will be planted with woody wetland species to replace mowed grasses. Jurisdictional Wetland 4 (JDW4) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.24 0.24 2:1 0.12 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include reduction of hydraulic gradient to adjacent areas by plugging existing drainage ditch and raising baseflow elevation of mainstem. The mainstem will also be relocated which should increase the influence of its hydrology on adjacent areas and decrease the gradient of groundwater flow. The area will be planted with woody wetland species to replace mowed grasses. Jurisdictional Wetland 5 (JDW5) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.81 0.81 2:1 0.40 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include removal of overburden (fill) from areas where vegetation reflects the altered soil conditions, plugging/removal of ditching in the immediate vicinity and also upstream along the long linear ditch that parallels the stream, enhancement of wetland hydrology as a result of Priority I stream restoration and an increased base flow elevation, and increased storage/runoff retention by disconnecting direct ditch connections to the main channel and increasing ponding and recharge. Jurisdictional Wetland 6 (JDW6) – Riparian Enhancement (2:1) 0.25 0.25 2:1 0.13 Existing jurisdictional wetland; enhancement proposed at 2:1 to include diversion of additional overland flow into the area, raising of mainstem of Silver Creek to create high level of groundwater and floodplain connectivity with wetland, replanting to establish woody wetland species to replace mowed grasses. SUBTOTAL 2.85 2.85 1.43 RESTORATION WETLANDS Non-Riparian Restoration Wetland 1A (R1A) – Non-Riparian Restoration 0 0.06 1:1 0.06 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include minor grading to create connectivity to hydric soils, route overland flow into areas to increase ponding and infiltration, and planting with target of hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses. Restoration Wetland 1B (R1B) – Non-Riparian Restoration 0 0.15 1:1 0.15 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include minor grading to create connectivity to hydric soils, route overland flow into areas to increase ponding and infiltration, and planting with target of hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses. SUBTOTAL 0 0.21 1:1 0.21 Riparian Restoration Wetland 2 (R2) – Riparian Restoration 0 1.22 1:1 1.22 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated with road construction, remeandering of UT3 through the middle of the proposed restoration wetland to restore hydrology, and replanting with wetland herbaceous and hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses, predominantly fescue. Restoration Wetland 3 (R3) – Riparian Restoration 0 0.18 1:1 0.18 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated pasture enhancement, plugging of drainage ditch that extends into the area to restore hydrology (reduce hydraulic gr adient), and potential to divert some larger stream flows from UT3 into this vicinity through overland channels that would mimic a complex floodplain with abandoned channels and abundant roughness elements affecting floodplain flow paths. Restoration Wetland 4 (R4) – Riparian Restoration 0 0.44 1:1 0.44 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated with channel dredging, channel restoration to include removal of levy along mainstem creek bank to enhance floodplain access and also to raise base flow elevation relative to floodplain elevation, and replanting with wetland herbaceous and hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses (predominantly fescue). Restoration Wetland 5 (R5) – Riparian Restoration 0 1.29 1:1 1.29 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities to include removal of less than 12” of overburden from past fill activities thought to be associated with pasture enhancement, removal of adjacent ditch should reduce groundwater drawdown rate by raising the potentiometric surface in this area, and replanting with wetland herbaceous and hardwood bottomland forest ecosystem to replace mowed grasses. Restoration Wetland 6 (R6) – Riparian Restoration 0 1.54 1:1 1.54 Restoration wetland; credit proposed at 1:1. Proposed activities will include removal of less than 12” of existing overburden thought to be placed for pasture enhancement, removal of ditch features at the top of the wetland and adjacent to the mainstem that are reducing ponding volumes and recharge, raising the baseflow level and modifying the typical design cross-section of the mainstem in this area to increase floodplain activation frequency, and constructing minor diversions of overland flow and flow fr om high flow events on UT1 into the area to further enhance hydrology. The area will be replanted with a target hardwood bottomland forest plant community to replace existing mowed grasses and herbaceous wetland species. SUBTOTAL 0 4.67 4.67 CREATION WETLANDS Creation Wetland 1 (C1) – Riparian Creation (3:1) 0 0.99 3:1 0.33 Creation wetland; credit proposed at 3:1. Proposed activities to include grading of existing drainage ditch to a more natural and broad swale with a low gradient and intermittent ponding areas. This is already a high recharge area, but reconnection of the main stem with the floodplain will create a significant increase in flooding to this area as well. Higher global water tables will reduce groundwater flow out of the area. The increase in hydrology and the grading efforts should create conditions necessary for wetland creation. The area will be replanted with a target hardwood bottomland forest plant community to replace existing mowed grasses and herbaceous wetland species. SUBTOTAL 0 0.99 0.33 Wetland Summary De s i g n Ar e a ( A c ) WM U Cr e d i t Ra t i o WM U s Comments Restoration: Non-Riparian 0.21 1:1 0.21 Restoration: Riparian 4.67 1:1 4.67 Enhancement: Non-Riparian 0.42 2:1 0.21 Enhancement: Riparian 2.85 2:1 1.43 Figure 2: The revised mitigation plan addendum wetland asset map Creation: Riparian 0.99 3:1 0.33 TOTAL WMUs 6.85