HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071668 Ver 1_Public Notice_20071119.~ _''~ ''t r ~ / - i ^: '..~ . t::w.: US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District O7- 1 964 PUBLIC NOTICE Issue Date: November 15, 2007 Comment Deadline: December 17, 2007 Corps Action ID #: SAW-2007-00902-043 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application from Jimmy Pierce seeking Department of the Army authorization to impact 1.396 acres of wetlands and 6061inear feet of stream for the construction of roads and the installation of utility lines to serve the proposed Lexington Plantation residential subdivision located near Spout Springs, Harnett County, North Carolina. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands Applicant: Mr. Jimmy Pierce Post Office Box 2191 Surf City, North Carolina 28445 AGENT (if applicable): Mr. Jason Godwin Enoch Engineers, PA 1403 NC Highway 50 South Benson, North Carolina 27504 Authority D l~ lam' ~ ~ ~:,/ -vov ~ ~ z~lu~ ~~R • IN T !~ ~tirn~l r v ~ ANA The Corps will evaluate this application and decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Location The project is adjacent to Rice Patch Branch and an unnamed tributary of Reedys Swamp and is located off of NC Highway 87 between Nursery Road and Plantation Drive, southwest of Spout Springs, Harnett County, North Carolina (latitude 35.26095 and longitude -79.02348). . ~'~ f Rice Patch Branch and Reedys Swamp are tributaries of Jumping Run Creek, a tributary of the Little River, a tributary of the Cape Fear River, which is a navigable water of the United States. Existing Site Conditions The Spout Springs community is a mix of residential single and multi-family housing, commercial development and undeveloped tracts of land located north of Fort Bragg, NC. Phase 1 of the proposed Lexington Plantation subdivision, currently referred to as "The Gate at Lexington", is presently being developed in the upland areas of the project area. Phase 1 of "The Village at Lexington" is currently being developed in the upland areas of the project area. The project area is approximately 285 acres of mostly a Pine/ Scrub Oak Sandhill community (Shafale and Weakley, 1990) with a ridge and swale type landscape. The wetlands located throughout the project area are mainly linear seeps and riparian wetlands located along the small perennial streams located in the project area. According to the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey of Harnett County, the wetlands within the site consist of Roanoke silt loam, a poorly drained soil, generally found in low lying drainage ways, and Bibb soils, a poorly drained soil, locally found in flood prone areas of the Coastal Plains. The wetlands present onsite support vegetation consisting of swamp black gum (Nyssa biflora), pond pine (Pinus serotina), red maple (Acer rubrum), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipfera), switch cane (arundinaria tecta), giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), and a few species of moss. Upland soils are classified as Gilead loamy sand, a moderately well drained soil, generally found on ridges of the upper Coastal Plains, and Blaney sand, a well drained soil, commonly occurring on side slopes of ridges in the upper Coastal Plains. Upland vegetation consists of a mix of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), blackjack oaks (Quercus marilandica), various scrubby oaks, and wiregrass (Aristida stricta). Surrounding land use currently consists of scattered undeveloped, wooded residential parcels, single family housing, and commercial development. The project area is known as Reedys Swamp Longleaf Forest by North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. The areas west of the project area are single family housing subdivisions. Northeast of the project area is Reedys Swamp. Northwest of the project area are single family residential subdivisions. South of the project area consist of single family subdivisions, and single lot homes. Applicant's Stated Purpose The purpose of the project is to provide paved road access to single lot residential homes and multi-unit condominium homes that are influenced by Fort Bragg's economy and other local community's populations and economical growth. 2 Version 12/12/05 r' Project Description This proposed project is known as Lexington Plantation with two phases known as The Village at Lexington and The Gate at Lexington. The development planned for The Village at Lexington is a mix of single lot residential and multi-unit condominium homes. The development planned for The Gate at Lexington is single lot residential. The proposed project will consist of the construction of several multi-unit buildings, roads, parking areas, and the installation of utility lines (water and sewer). The applicant proposes to discharge fill material into 1.396 acres of wetlands and 606 linear feet of stream channel for the construction of 10 permanent road crossings and 11 temporary sewer line utility crossings. 0.835 acres of wetlands and 446 linear feet of stream will be permanently impacted by the roads. In order to mitigate for the proposed impacts to the streams and wetlands, the applicant proposes to make payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). The property owners own the remainder of the Reedys Swamp Longleaf Forest, a Significant Natural Heritage of Harnett County, and propose to preserve wetlands in this natural area within and outside of the project area. Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice combined with appropriate application fee at the North Carolina Division of Water Quality central office in Raleigh will constitute initial receipt of an application fora 401 Water Quality Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260, Attention: Ms Cyndi Karoly by December 17, 2007. Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Version 12/12/05 Cultural Resources The Corps has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and is not aware that any registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein are located within the project area or will be affected by the proposed work. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistoric, or historical data may be located within the project area and/or could be affected by the proposed work. Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant. Based on available information, the Corps is not aware of the presence of species listed as threatened or endangered or their critical habitat formally designated pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) within the project area. A final determination on the effects of the proposed project will be made upon additional review of the project and completion of any necessary biological assessment and/or consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or National Marine Fisheries Service." Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably maybe expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidated State viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and 4 Version 12/12/05 the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until Spm, December 17, 2007. Comments should be submitted to Ronnie Smith at P.O. Box 1890, Wilmington, NC 28403. 5 Version 12/12/05 6~ APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Q 1 OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 Cf~ 3251 F_xpires December 31, 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information is sestimated t4 averege 10 hours per recponae, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes tha tame for reviewing ir~tructions, searching e~tisting data sourxs, gathering and rnairrraaring tfie data needed, and completing artd reviewing the co4ectfon of infornwtion. Send commerrts regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Departrrrerrt of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service DFreetorete of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office ofi Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project 10710-0003), Washington, DC 2A503. Respondents should be aware ttnat notwitfrstanding arty other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penaky for facing td comply with a collection ofi information if it does not da,play a currently valid OMB control number. Fleece DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed app~ons must be submitted m the D'~strict Engineer having jurisdicton over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection ,Research aruf Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103_ Prirncrpal Purpose: Irnformatiort provided on tlt~ form vv~ be used in evahnaRing the implication for a permit Routine Uses: This information nnay be shared with the Departrnent of Justice and other federal. state, and local govemmerrt agencies. Submi~ion of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is nat provided the permit application cannot be evalusted ran can a permit be issued. One set of orig'unet drawings or good reproduc3le copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this app6catiorn (see sample drawings and instrtnctions? and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the Iocatiorr of the proposed activity. An apa6eation that is not completed in fnn8 wi8 be retained. ,~ 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFlCE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DAB IICPPi~ION COMPLETED /n/n Y~~ '!/ ~rrxae acrnuv rn ac cirrrn av enwtr_eYn .gym / ' _ `~ ~ 5. APPLICANT'S NAME ~ 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME A~~~ a cam[ `' e - r ~ Jimmy Pierce ~ M ~ Enoch Engi 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS , P.O. Box 2191 1403 NC Highway 50 South Surf City, North Carolina 28445 Benson, North Carolina 27504 7.. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. WIAREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE a. Residence fax (910) 3 2 8- 5 4 5 2 a. Residence fax (919) 8 9 4- 819 0 b_ Business phone (910) 3 2 8- 5 2 5 7 b. Business phone (919) 8 94 - 7 7 6 5 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I heroby autfiorae, 8noch Engineers , PA to act in my behalf as my agent in the rocessin of this p g application and to iumish, upon request, suppiemerrtal information in support of this permit application. ~'-Z$-o~ DATE !~I ~`1 Lam, 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE rsae Lexington Plantation 73. NAME OF WATERBOOY. IF KNOWN ix„~,w~.eri Reedys Swamp & Rice Patch Branch 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS ~JeppGas6ld DBNf~ ~. u~~ara:r~ ounurv ANI~ AND ST013MYYATER 9Ri 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Harnett North Carolina NC Highway 24/87 near Spout Springs First Entrance at the end of Sawyer Road Second Entrance adjacent to Crutchfield Drive COUNTY STATE ` ?6. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, r..seeeiruar~:ons/ Latitude = 35.1535 degrees North, Latitude = 79.0108 degrees West, Anderson Creek Township 17, DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Beginning in Fayetteville, North Carolina go north on NC Highway 24 and 87 approximately 16 miles. The first site entrance, take a right on Sawyer road entering Starwoods at Overhills residential subdivision and entrance is at the end of road. Second optional entrance, take a right on Plantation Drive entering Northridge residential subdivision. Travel approximately 3/4 miles, turn right an to Crutchfield Drive. Entrance is on the right. R 4 EDITION OF FEB 9415 OBSOLETE (Praponertt CECW-0R? 18. Nature of Activity (oes«ipronorFro~erx,inc~udeel~r~trrgl The applicant plans to discharge fill material into a total of 1.396 acres of non-riparian and riparian wetlands and 606 linear feet of natural stream. The project area is approximately 285 acres with the proposed activity to include the development of single lot residential homes and multi-unit condominium homes within the project area. See attached labeled "Block 18" 19. Project Purpose (Desvhe the reesorr or purpose of the project, see iratrtariarsl The purpose of the project is to provide paved road access to single lot residential homes and multi-unit condominium homes that are influenced by Fort Bragg's growing economy and other local communities populations and economical growth. USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED ANDfOR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason{s) for Discharge The reason for discharge will be for the installation of culverts for 10 permanent road crossings including 7 culvert installations and 3 permanent earthen fills, and 11 temporary sewer line utility crossings, making a total of 21 wetland impacts. 21. Type(s) of Material Beinp Diseharaed and the Amount of Each Tvoe in Cubic Yards The materials to be discharged will be construction grade stone/gravel, concrete culverts, earthen fill, asphalt material, and concrete curb & gutter. See attached labeled "Block 21". 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled fseeinsbuctronsl Please see attached labeled "Block 22" 23. !s Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes ~ No IF YES. DESCRIBE THE COMPLETFIS WORK The road network is completed for a portion of the single lot residential homes. Earthen fill has been discharged at 1 road crossing (#9)in the initial phase of one of the single lot residential home areas. Initial transects missed the area from survey by delineating staff at time of delineation. ~ p 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody {If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplements! fist}, Valencia-Caballero Michael L. & Washington H W Heirs Aniceto & Deborah John H. West Nicole C. Hood Marsha Gilmore 334 Crutchfield Drive 16 Linden Road 24 Cone Road 27 Vernon Avenue Cameron, NC 28326 Cameron, NC 28326 Cameron, NC 28326 Mount Vernon, NY 10553 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATF r]FNIFfI `Would 'include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that 1 possess the auth ndertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or _ fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, factitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. R7.-..-1> 1 Q _ T~T~t-~~rs~ of A r-tlvity' Impact #'s Wetland Stream (linear Non- Riparian Temporary Permanent Impact Type Discharge of fill material acres feet Ri arias Sewer line utility 1 0.044 0 no F cs ~ ~ s no installation es Sewer line utility 2 0.091 20 no es acs no installation es Sewer line utility 3 0.036 20 ~ c s no ~ c s no installation es Sewer line utility 4 0.026 20 ~ es no ~ es ~ no installation es Sewer line utility 5 0.016 0 ~ r~ no cr ~ no installation es Sewer line utility 6 0.014 20 ~ cs no tics no installation es Sewer line utility 7 0.015 20 no ~ cs ~ es no installation es Culvert & road 8 0.067 60 no cs _ ~~ no ~~es installation es Earthen Fill for 9 0.053 0 ~ ~-es no no ~~cs road Gros ~ es Earthen Fill for 10 0.041 0 ~ vcs no acs road crossin es Earthen Fill for 11 0.012 0 acs no no ~~es road cxoss' es Sewer line utility 12 0.206 20 no ce s ves n u installation es Culvert & road 13 0.163 88 no es no `es installation es Culvert & road 14 0.187 0 ers no no vcs installation es Sewer line utility 15 0.027 20 ~ ~ ti no yes installation es Culvert & road 16 0.059 83 des no no acs installation es Culvert & road 17 0.091 76 no ces no ~ cs installation es • Culvert & road 18 0.050 76 no `cs '. no acs installation es Culvert & road 19 0.112 63 no es' no es ' installation es Sewer line utility 20 0.036 0 ves ~ ~ es no installation es Sewer line utility 21 0.050 20 no yes yes` no installation yes TOTAL 1.396 G06 Rlc~ck 21 -Nature of Material Being Discharged Impact #'s Wetland Stream ' Non- Rsparian _ Temporary Permanent Discharge r t acres ear feet Ri arias ~te a 1 0.044 0 no es ' es no Earthen fill 2 0.091 20 no es=> e§' no Earthen fill 3 0.036 20 des no v~ s no Earthen fill 4 0.026 20 } es no vrs no Earthen fill 5 0.016 0 _ } es no •es. no Earthen fill 6 0.014 20 c, no - es` no Earthen fill 7 0.015 20 no es`= es: no Earthen fill Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 8 0.067 60 no ~:es no ~-~s a halt Earthen fill, rock, 9 0.053 0 acs no no ~~rs and a halt Earthen fill, rock, 10 0.041 0 ~-es ~~ no no y=es ~ and a halt Earthen fill, rock, 11 0.012 0 ves no no ~-es and a halt 12 0.206 20 no des -rs no Earthen fill " Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 13 0.163 88 no es .' no ~ es as halt '• Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 14 0.187 0 ~~~~ '"- no no ves as halt 15 0.027 20 , ~~s no `es uu Earthen fill • Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 16 0.059 83 ~ cs no no ccs as halt Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 17 0.091 76 no vrs no . `cs as halt Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 18 0.050 76 no `~ s no ~ es a halt Culvert, earthen fill, rock, and 19 0.112 63 no es:'; no es a halt 20 0.036 0 es no es no Earthen fill 21 0.050 20 no yes - ` yes; no Earthen f~ TOTAL 1.396 606 " " Rlr,r-k 7?_ -Surface Areas of Wetlands Im act #'s p Wetland Stream (liuear Non- Riparian Wetland Type acres feet Ri anan Freshwater 1 0.044 0 no es . forested/shtrub Freshwater 2 0.091 20 no es forested/shtrub Freshwater 3 0.036 20 ~- Frs no forested/shtrub - Freshwater 4 0.026 20 ves no forested/shttub Freshwater 5 0.016 0 "' ~ es no forested/shtrub =r Freshwater 6 0.014 20 yes no forested/shtrub F=eshwater 7 0.015 20 no ~~ s '` forested/shtrub Freshwater 8 0.067 GO no es forested/shtrub Freshwater 9 - 0.053 0 ~ : ~ ~ cs no forested/shtrub ' Freshwater 10 0.041 0 ,~ ~ des no forested/shtrub Freshwater 11 0.012 0 acs no forested/shtrub Freshwater 12 0.206 20 no ~ t s forested/shtrub . - - Freshwater 13 0.163 88 no res . forested/shtrub Freshwater 14 0.187 0 ~ eti ~ es forested/shtrub Freshwater 15 0.027 20 ties - no forested/shtrub Freshwater 16 0.059 83 ves no forested/shtrub Freshwater 17 0.091 76 no ti es ~'"~ forested/shtrub Freshwater 18 0.050 76 no es, >.=== forested/shtrub Freshwater 19 0.112 63 no es forested/shtrub Freshwater 20 0.036 0 ~es no forested/shtrub r. ; ; Freshwater 21 0.050 20 no des " _ forested/shtrub TOTAL 1.396 606 ' - ~ /250 1249 1251 23 a, ~,~ . 1222 1 e ' ,~ ; ~ N ` ,xs7 ' ~ ` t ' A j~ J j V + / 1 ' ' 4 t t1 ' ` --- 1 ! - - \ -__ 1 /[~ ir~ ~T W E l , / 1280 1233 ` y ~ . ..1 ~ 2 34 \ c I 1 1214 1 1236 124 ~ 1250 ' 9 ' ~ O I ~ `t t $ _ 122 ~ 1 4 ~ _ 1 ~ ' , '~ ~ e 1228 - 1 1225 ~ ~ 1228 1239 1 280 ¢ 1 `` s tQ ; 1211 229 1 1240 1218 1252 ~j' ~ ~ m t. 35 v ~~ ~ 1251 ) ~ + 1217 1129 1228 238 1 l 8 1218 1241 a 1141 ~ t 123 fA .T ~ I I ~~ ~ 1~ 1215 1250 ~ \ ` ~ 1131 1 2034 v `~ $ 1217 1213 - 1238 +~ 1245 is I 1212 ~ `. - 1283 ~ ,}, t \ 2072 ry ~ -~'~ 1234 3 Slora 7211 1295 O 11 ~ - ~ ' 4 _ _ _ ~ ~ 1242 e 1335 ~ `` 1 1 1354 1120 1132 ` ~ 72057 111~~~tt,~~~ t 21 \ 1191 O 1 ` 1 r l / a~2597 ~I a 1 `` 1 1118 ~ _ ..~ 11117 ~ °1140 --^ _ / _ i _ I 1139 1 ~ ~I ` ~ s ~~ 2,801 „?. _ J 1 a.e.m. 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ROADS SHOVYN AS OF MAY 17, 2007 PRUJEC;l` AREA ~' County Boundary alignments are baaetl on information provided by State and Federal apsneiss, and aro shown in their approximate IoeaUons. ~ $ Legend ~ ( Q Project Area urce: -Project area considered only approximate 1 inch a uals 2 miles Scale: 1" = 2 miles VICINITY MAP FIGURE Drawn Bp: JEG n o c h Lexington Plantation Reviewed Bp: JEG ng~neers,P~a Harnett County, North Carolina 1 Date: September - '07 Consulting Engineers & Surveyors Enoch Engneers Project No. 3059 ~~~yy,1N1~~77~~~~ W ~y,~- ~E jj SVV~~( ~. >~ lp ource: -Project area considered only approximate - Wetland Boundary provided by Fuss & O'Neill and Legend McKim & Creed Project Area - Wetland boundary considered approximate until field verified by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory 0 500 1,000 2,000 ~ Weiland Boundary field office Feet Scale: 1" = 1,000' wE'I'LAND suMMARY MAP FIGURE Drawn By: JEG n o c h The Crate at Lexington Reviewed By: JEG ngineers,+ •"• Harnett County, North Carolina `} Date: June -'07 Consulting Engineers & Surveyors Enoch Engineers Project No. 3059 " ~\` e D `. i .~ ~ \ O~ i l ` \~ 1 ~ , ./i t ~~m) " 1 i O ` O \`'ol V "' ~~~~ !r ' F ~ \ ~.~ ~ ~ fib. ~ ~ ~ l \~` \~ ~•\ \yy~ \~ i ~ ~ ~ ~'U ~b I .3 - ,. `~- c ~ ~ o \f ~ p ~ 1 Cn ~~~ ~ ~ `a ' i~ ~` ~ ~$ ~ ~ ~ 1 ' ~3 1 ,~ as `~ ~' ~ ~ '~j ~~ y / °~ °' ~; ~ `I ~ \ ! v _~ ~ C i I , i. , ` `, I ~ .~ ~ m ~i a i' /N ~ / \ ._.. ~ \ >I I ~ ii ~ i "~ . i . 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N/F ~ ~^ ~~~ , - +' r! / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -w~ 3R~-s~ti+°z~34~~"r",7, '~ ~¢ ' ~ i' ''J ~~ DAVID SAWYER i ;' - / ~ . } ~~ ~~ ' _ r an~aFVm~,a'~,' ~`i: m i g ~ '/ . .~. PIN #9594-18-11 ~: r ~ ~' ~ ,~.- ~~ ~ I' ~~ v d t +~ ~ 1 5 ~ j ; ' ~ "',~,` ,~ ~ .e D.B. 1394/279 D23 ~~ J~.DD27 ~'°-• r+,. : ~. ~,7~.. •::~_._,.--~^-. ` `* r'~' /! ~i i i /r '! ~-'r~ 7 r '- M.B. 99/648 ~ ~ V. _.. , _.~ t DD24 ~ ~' ~ -,~, ,~,,; rM.~` ``^•a ems`! .~~,~i E" ;' i -~ ;` ~' ~+ ~ , ZONED; RA-20R . 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II II II II 3 3 ~ II III X11 III ~ 0 +r /: 245.5 , o ~° x oo ~ o ~,m ~, x o zocnoo-~ i~ ~ u m°w~~o~-D ~/ u- u ~ n ~ ~ p , i ~ ~ /~ i ~ ~ N r 244.0 ~ ~,"'.~N~ ~ / ........ °o°o~ ~-' i ~~z ~ Z z ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 244.0 242.0 242.0 N ~ PLAN AND PROFILE HANYl7 IMPACT #8 NFaR SPOUT srwNOs ~ ANDERSON alms TON! THE GATE AT LEXINGTON " "OUNTf Q ~ PHASE A-1 WETLAND IMPACTS ImNOra ~P wrAnoN LEXINGTON PLANTATION PrDESOZiIOI° SURF CITY. NC 26446 ,~ Rsvlalona ~~ ~ ~'I' o~ .7 s ~ Y am II I~ II I D O '? r I ° tT1 Enoch ngineers P A a,.adanuunn,,,y4 ~ ~'~~` s ~''' , . . $ ,n ~ ~ CONSULTING ENOINBBRSa SURV6YOR4 v '~ ~ 1~07NCl0~w+7 SO Swlh-llm.w,NC 27301 7~~p19~ X90 ~Wi9)~947 'k+ 'L y,~s ~„~~ ~ B p ryryn11111„7~~ ~ ` -.,.,, i ~~ ~- I---------------'----------------I `` I / - i t ~ ~ I, 1 1 w I j I W I 1 I I 2 O i I `~/~ I I s I .' 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O c»> o ~ / /~ rn c0 00 001'7 -}- ~ - - N O Op ~ / S i" ~ N I- v U N Z / ~ ~NZ~ ~ ~ ~ CJ~ / Z H. / / Z (n 0_'ZZ __ __~_ m ~ ~ X00 / / / /~ ~+ti m ON(~ / / / ~ ~ ~ - ~ / i LaJ U z Z ~ ~ NEW 2" SD 21 VC WATER MAIN 90 LF ts" RCP 1 11 x p4 41 AIN ®1.4% TEE ->,a5 lF W 8" SDI PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 4 0' H: 1"=40' V: 1 " = 4' PR FILE RIGHT PR FILE LEFT tsl ~ ~ 00 d' O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ N cD N cD N N N cfl N N 0+00 1 +00 ~ ~ (/~ wr e~ PLAN AND PROFILE NEAR SPOUT SPRINGS IMPACT #9 ANDERSON atmc TOMMSHIP ~ THE GATE AT LEXINGTON NARNErr cauNTr Q~ ~ PROPERTY OWNER(S): PHASE A-1 WETLAND IMPACTS LEXINGTON PLANTATION LLC LEXINGTON PLANTATION INVESTORS, P.o. eox 2~e~ SURF GTY, NC 28MS NOTE: lliN4owmen4ln phy,k•I a Wmanlcbm\ CI lmac aEladmetlar mnddwedmdbaMlal b ENOpI ENGWEFAS, PA uMon whldl ENOCN ENGINEERS, PA hr wluoFm plcpMy II ~~ c~1~ `~~ OpNp ~ O t~ N ~ d' c0 N N N N N N N N 2+00 3+00 Rev/slons PIANINFOFOAAnON: `aoylnnuru,, - DESIGNED BY: HORIZONTAL Sn°I C• T tl O/-+h p I EE, PA 1' • IC Lll l.ll `p~eJ~ pP iy DRAWWBr: vERncnLSCAIE: ~ .~ N ~ti ..~t.~~,~1 ,•., ngineers, P.A. ~m ~,~_ cHEacm DY: DATE cREAn:D: ~" s ,Eqt OB/17fi17 CONSULTRdG ENGDJDBRS&SURVDYORS ~~ ~ ~0~ SURVEY WFORMATION: 1403 NC Hlghwey 503au1h-Demw, NC 27504 iy+'sR ~.,]r~p ~~ P6me: (919) 8947-7 -6n Fu: (919) 894-8190 ~~/rlIN111111f1\00\\~`\~~`, NOTES H-maB: •.M eanNbL>xt needm Mlrotwnh"at+nehl•ury Nphh b"pnMUe tlib dwlm,daany pvl tllaud,abddosa wylnbrmntlonconWned M"reNbotl"n,abuxN brarry purymevAtlndlhewAtlan pemJednn dENOCH ENGINFEflB,PA ~ ~ ~~ f.. ~' / \\~`+. ` - ~ ___ ~ 1-- __ __r ___ __ _ __ ~~ ~ ~ I 1 I ~~ ~ ' ' ~', ,~ ~~ ~ 1 ~~ ~1 ~ ~ ' q 29 ~ I '. / ,l ' 11 I 1 I ...v I I J ~ ' I ~ I ~ I I I 1 I 1 ; i ,... l I I I _ I ~ I I -- --- - -------------M---~ - J -------~- ---------------4 -. - - ~ , ---~---__. ~.~~ T ,, ~~ RCP ®7.51% \ ~ . o Q --..W..._ _._~ g R/W -PUB .~ ,~ -~ ,. -~.- ,. r,.- `~ RCP ®0.45 "`- ~~' •~ ,,. d l I I I ~ I I I _. ~"" I -~ I ilia I I ~~ I I I ~~ I I.,^~I~~~ I I i Y ~ - M A Irk .~~ d- -_____ r ~.~_ W ~,~_ _._..~.....__ ___ ti O . m `` ~~ ~ ~ m ~ . - ~ .1 oU ~~ I II I 1 , , 1 /~ ~' ~'/ ~ ~ /~ ~ ~~~ 1 ham, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I - - v~~ PVI EL V = 284.00 N N Z Z p 2 m o » > A. 1.46 U ~ Z Z Z OW POINT E EV = 281.43 2 N~ a OW POINT S A 5+36.17 J ~jQ, QQQ UC I,,.) to O OO Op~N N PVI STA = 5+40 o rnLri NON I ~p I Ifj^ J U (!) f- N d- N r ~~ Z ~ Q ~ > S ~ » N ~ Tyj C>r ~ °U°~°z K = 28.71 ~cn ?? I No Ln+m 2 I 1 I Nc+oN~ 21¢-~> ~ ¢a> U LL ' ij ~~Z ~.. 2 w ~ ~ ~ ~ O N +' ~ 00 O pp rn + ~ 2 + .- . N d" 00 . . ~ > > to U > ~ ' ~~ 2 U ~ ] m ~ ,~ 2\ ~ ------ tl of \ _ _ ~`. ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ .~ ~~ ®~32% 5 LF ~ --~~ "RCP ~ „~ I . ; ~~. 2 _ t "RCP 80 LF 18" RCP ®0.50% '~' ' 2 ~° ~. ~; ,.. ~ cn rRncclnlr._ 30° RCP 2 390 LF 8 SDR . 2 0 41 % . ® r N N N N N N N N 4+00 5+00 LOCATION: PLAN AND PROFILE ~ (/~ ~ IMPACT #1 0 8a IMPACT #1 1 NEM SPOUT SPRINGS ANDERSON CREEI( TOWNSHIP '~ couNTr ~ THE GATE AT LEXINGTON "~ ~ . ~. PROPERTY OWNER(S): y ~ PHASE A-1 WETLAND IMPACTS iNVE8TO~RS. LL TATION LEXINGTON PLANTATION P,O. BOX 2181 SURF qTY, NC 28M5 NOTE; Thh tlom n"nl b VhY~ a WppJclpm, tlhcloae. vubledmatlet mn"tlaledcaAdadat b ENOCN ENGINEFfm, PA u MOnwhldl ENOCN ENGINEERS, P.A hr e.duaAa PnPOM A9hb. Nwtlw 180 LF 8 DR 35 VC 0 2.7 ~y i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I I~' 1 ~ I ~ I I ' ! P H AN SCALE: 1 " = 40' ~I L-€~A 1"=40' 1 = 4 PROFILE RIGHT PROFILE LEFT O N N pNpr7 p~pd- ~If) N NN NN NONO -00 7+00 PLAN INFORMATION: y~ `,PNmnuyfgi ~ ^~ h DESIGNED BY: MORIZONTALSCALE E110 C~ DMWN BY: VERI:CALSCALB ngllleers , 1 .L 1. = ~'~_~ Y!'i1NT 5(~G r, tR t m1, 00. .CI ~ . 4 Y Y CHEC!(ED BY: DATE CAEATBD: 5c~~te~ ~~ OB/1J/07 CONSULT'A7G ENGINEERS B: SURVEYORS y y ~'r ~^^O 1403 NC EISRwry SO SOUm--rntw. NC 27504 ~ „Iy7,`,p`` SURVEY NPORMATION: Phave: (919) 894-7765 Pu: (919) 8948190 /~~~f1111111111T3~~~~ NOIES E-mail: aocWa&ows®a°nMiPk°a J an a tambnelry Iphb b npodo Nh dcoal+nlarany pvl buao( ar bAedaa enylMmetlon cmhlnad baleb b,Mlwn,ab lue Ilbr anY WlWeewltlwul ~~~ V~~ dFllOCH ENGINEERS, PA r . AYS „~ I S~ I -.,. 1, ~~~ _~. J I ,\ -___- --_ p - r ~. `r' r- ~ ai -- ~,., ~ ~ N ~ N N~~~r ~ O O4 (~~~ ~ O m J Q d Z (n ~ Z O ~ O N cN0 d' -- - O ~. ~_ cn I ~ ~~ ~~N RETAI ING --- -._- - ~ ~ ~ N~ N NF' WHO N ZO Z(iyL- ~ w ~ > > zz CO NECT PROPOSED FM - Z~ TEFLON COATED MH - ~_ -- _ -- -- - ~ ~. ~ ~ _ _ ___ BE IND WATER A N `\\ \ _ 0.3 % --- ... r~ ~ ~ . J. - ~> 3 i /5 ; 1 !1~~'' in k.: r [r~' ~ '~r`c,'~~ 3 a.. "`ii.'~r~Z 3•- ^5Y ) _3t : ~ ,. t '~ a , ,~,~~ i ., .~ •• _. - /. LF - --- _ R%P _ ~ II ` ~\ --_-- -- 8" ORCE MAIN _ _ _ _ _ - _ - ~~ APPROX. LOCATION --- - " \ I ` ~~` (BENIN WATER MAIN) ~ . i ' OF EX. WATER _F 8 SDR -~ ov,._ ~`~ ~ 11_ / MAIN STUB VER MAIN ® ,q.% FORCE MA ~~ ~ - - - rn-alnlr_ Fpn-~ \~ - -- LIFT STATION --_ - _ ~~ ~~~ -- _ PLAN SCALE: - I - - - ~ _ 1 ~~ 40, -- - - - - - - - _ - ~-1.~II H: 1 " = 40' -3~ LF TRIPLE-~!- -- v: ~~ _ 4' I - ~a" R p-n - PROFILE RIG T ~-, -- PROFILE LEF ~r-._c~- - _ - -- o - - -- - -- - - I - - I_ -- d- N CO r 00 ~ O d. N ~ •- ~ ~ O ~~ N O N O N ~ N ~ ~ c N N N N N N N N N N N N~ 8+00 9+00 10+00 11 +00 LOCATION: RBVISlonB PLAN INFOPMATION: PLAN AND PROFILE NEAR SPOUT SPRINGS OESEI~GNPABY: HORQONTAL~ Hoch °,d~~l°""pr"``~~//nq, IMPACT #'IS ANDERSON CREfl( TOYMSHIP DMWN BY: vERncALSCAtE a`!+y~~e `"'~O~'~` ,• ..~ ngineers P.A. THE GATE AT LEXINGTON "~"~ couNn `'~`'m`°°"" ' _~ ~~ ~~ yc PROPERTY OWNER(S)• CHECKED eY: DATE CREATED: PHASE A-'I WETLAND IMPACTS LEXINGTON PLANTATION ,EG9i ae/,;,/m CONSULTINOENOlNH8RS8cSURVRYORS ,.y '' roc INVESTORS, l1C SURVEY WFORMATION: 1403 NC tDghway 50 souW-Dmaou, NC 47561 3,, y.~ ,~'(~~`~ Ph®e: (919) 894-7765 Faa:19197 8948190 ~i ~~ LEXINGTON PLANTATION P.o. Rox 2,s, R~ ~,; ~,~ o,,,,,,~lll~,,,,,o~` H-uvU: mochcngiocrn® N SURF qTY, NC 28445 :6TE: TAb doainnl In plrydwlar eMdWcfam,dWloaaa aubJad nulxmnaH"adwiAdantlalb ENOCH ENGWEFAS,PAaM on wNtli ENOCN ENGINEEHS,PA hnsvtluWSpmpMyilpl~k NWlw"dpl mr poaodmtlnnolonMrctrunkn aM ilph"brepodia lhY doavnar/rcanypullha~wl,nb Nadaae anyinhm"6n onldnad NerelnboCwa. arbuaeN"r arty pugpao WtlwlNe wilts pdnimlandENOCH ENGWEERS,PA 11~3102id ~ ~ %/ ', / ~, / i 1 / ~°; ,~~ ~` I r !~ I e., n~ 1 ....,._.,...1 ..~, ,,. ~~t I~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~ ~r t 1- ~I ~f / ~ ~I t ~ ~ i + ~ / ! ~ ~ ! o a, N 316,+........o..... _. . 314~...._~.._...... > > ..-m--.. _..~]___... 312.-........._____.. 31 Q ~,.. __.,.._..... 08._.-._.. _.~... 06-•- ~4...... ~g u-- ~^ r ^ ^ }/~ O PLAN ;SCALE: 1 " _ 40' _.......~.....-.._PROFI L-E---SCALE:......... _...._--._......-_...__.__...._-__.,y-~._.._._...- ..~____._. V: 1 = 4 PROFILE RIGHT ...~_-...___.......~__.....__.......r.__,.. __........._..~....._. PROFILE LEFT. f,.: ~~~`` ,. ,~ f ,, 0 0 - -........_-.. ~.., ..-.d,.....,....... + .= _ ............. ~,......o_.._--... .- r7 .._.....-........,.v. .... ~....._..... __... w i _...._..._..._..-.._........._..;.._.............-.._. -........r. _......_........... • ~~~ 4 _.j ..._~.., ~ I i i ~ ~... f.-..-..-._.__., .. ... ( ' ..,.-..... .. ......., ~// _-..,~i~~ _. .. ....... _... \ ~. _ ~~ ) ~ ~ - _._- ii :..... f i s ~~~ , _ _.__.._. ..... ._._ ................._...... _..-...... _~.-~_P_-..._.___.___.___.. _.___-r...._-___.._ ___-_-.__.__-.___ .._._.-_..___._ _-._ ._-__-- ___ .-_.-__._ ~ .--_ _._.___ . ...... ..... ...._. V7 N ~ p r7 ~ N ~ Q r~ cD N Qj ~ N r N ai N I N CJ O O t~ 12+00 13+00 Reviskns PLAN AND PROFILE LocAnoN: NWY 5~ y ~ IMPACT #14 ~ a~~mi TowNSNLP ^ ~ THE GATE AT LEXINGTON "~"~ `~11Nn ,A ~ vw,~ PHASE A-1 WETLAND IMPACTS P OPERrrT~ON~PSLIWTAnON INVESTORS LLC i~/ , BOX 2191 LEXINGTON PLANTATION P.O. SURF qTY, NC 28445 NOTE: TAbdaamenlb pM1yddaNMOnlobnn,dMdwr ad)eM nub wnJb.dcan/bMd bENOCN ENGpVEERS,PA m4onwhIM ENOCN ENGINEFAg,PA hu atlut+s pmpMyrlpgt Nd9w iswipl norpo®dmpleup PLAN INfORh41TI0N: l"'°I°"~ Y OESIGNEO BY: NORIZONTALSG4lE: Ttlo~h Sel ~~---, EE, PA t' . ,a ^ J 11 ,, ``"~O~ OP '~c OMVM BY: ml uai~ Ida el t ~VER ;CAL SCALE: 1 ~. 4' L P.A. nglTleers , J, ='^~~ N y~ . DATE cREATEIr , ~~ ' cNECxm IIY: ,E~ . 0^~(7/07 CONSULTH~IO ENGINHHRS&SURVHYORS NC Y7504 uW •Bwo 1403 NC Hi h SO S O ~ti ~~ SURVEY WFORMATION: ~~ g way o a ~63 Pu: (919 i894M190 Ph®e: (919) Sr94-7 •^ n-®ron E N ~ s ~~ R ~~y<<J/IIIIIIIIUIIV",`` ~ -mo : NO1ES 'ghbbnpmdun9J, dpwnw,da mypNhxpp(orb dledwesny lnbmdon mnYlnad tl-ielnbNwSabuw9Nnp'purpprwWuW9p wilRnpmYWwi p1ENOCH FNGNEERS.PA r-'''- r!/'~ I A Ila~ssd Praerlr~d-e\306\.9`• ~.~,. i ~ ~_..~,... ..._,.._ 1 ~~ i f -ire ~•-•-.-•__- .-^__-__._... i'-sGr`ax~.~i~ ~'~.. ", ""`-a \ ,I ,e \ ,~ •~~*~ 310 308 306 304 302 300 298 296 294 292 290 288 286 PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 40' PROFILE SCALE: ' " = 40 H : 1 V: 1 " = 4' PROFILE RIGHT PROFILE LEFT STREET ELEV RETAINING \ ~\ WALL ~\,\ \ ~~ 1 LF ~'~RCP ®2.53% OUTLET PROTECTION #14 \ HWmax= 4.50 FT 00 CFS 40 ~. . Qmax= Umax= 8.14 FPS Do ~~ ~ 2.50 FT RIP RAP ZONE 2, CLASS B RIP RAP La= 6x Do= 15 FT DEPTH 18" w/ LINING D = 12" 50 - W~= 3xD0 = 7.50 FT W2= 1.25xWT = 9.38 FT o co ~ N r~ Ln ~ N o d- ~ N r~ r~ Cn N o N ~ N 0 a0 Cn N 0+00 1 +00 PLAN AND PROFILE LOCATION: NWY a~ y ~ IMPACT #14 ,"AN~oEa~ ~mi"TO~wNSNIP ~ ~ THE GATE AT LEXINGTON "~'"~ cou"TM ~ ~/ fy ' PHASE A-1 WETLAND IMPACTS P LE)ONCTON PISLANTATION )NVESTOftS LLC a SC LEXINGTON PLANTATION , P.o. eox z191 SURF CITY, NC 28445 NOTE: 1Nedo mnnn(b ph/ebl a dedmnlcbim, dbdnee mb)egnwtlx mneHend wdkantld b FNOCH ENG9NEERS, PA end alxldch ENOCH ENGINEERS, PA hee atluehe pny 2+00 ReV/dons PLAN INFORMATION: DESIGNED SY: HORIZONTALSCALF TnOC~ ```fie 11111111//ry~1'',i DRAWN HY: VERTICALSCAIE $ ~ ~, Z ..~,..~~„~ ,•_,~ ngineers, P.A. = ~~ CHECKED SY: GATE CREATED: ,ECSR 06/13/07 CONSULTING ENOINHHRS&SURVHYORS ~y ~~ `O I4osxcm8bw.ysoseem-ee>u®,xcs7sod .~ s d~C+ SORVEY INFORMATION: Phum: (919) 8947765 Pu: (919) 8948190 '/III~IIlunntlPlA~ NOES H-mall; eaochmgineen® ~b1MeM NOTES yd9hk Neltlwrmalpl rgrpo N tluredtadeie trerebn iry d9hbbAPod Ude dooursd YPN be,ed rcbddme mYlMUnmtlomm~leNatl 6ieMnbolhns,rcbmeYbranYW~~~1lhewiitlenP^dENOGI FNGINEFAS,PA ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ ~ ~ ~ _ O ~- m m ~_~ ~ m ~ .. p ~ D ~ G7 ~ ~ = rrrl II ~ y II II n o .POm _m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < fJ G fJ lJ Y II II oll II II ~ c °I oll °I II Q F C u n j w~ rn N -~ ~~ ao m o o ITI X N A ~I X ~ ,- X Z UN7 ~~ N W fWJI O~ II ~ ~ N ~ ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ O II ~ C~ ~ ~ x m -I ~ w ~ oo ~ o ~ m ~ c~i, °D_ ~ cn o~I ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~_ Z z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N N N N N N N ~~~, -P -P -p -P UI CJ1 Cn C1~ CJi rn ~ N -P O 00 O N ~ O 00 O __ LOCATION: PLAN AND PROFILE NWY a~ /~ ~ NEAR SPWT SPRINGS V/ FES #59 ANDERSON CREEK TOWNSNIP ~ ~ THE GATE AT LEXINGTON "T,` o~ ~ ; ~ ~ a P Y ow +P ' PHASE A-1 WETLAND IMPACTS LE)cINCTON PLANTA110N ~ O INVESTORS, LLC LEXINGTON PLANTATION P.o. sox zlot SURF CITY, NC 2844a NOTE: TN4dminm4hphybwl ar NaQaMClam,tlWJUa w01et1mWrmntldanltl ca41tlun4YbFNOCH ENOWEERa,PA mtlon wNrlI ENOCH ENGINEERa, P.A ha utlu,Mpro `, . ~,,~ ~~ ~J , \ y ~~ +~ .., ~ I ~ " ;r~~~ ~~~'~, ;. , F '~ ~ R ~} ~ tir Rev/abna YUpI IN~UItMl111Utl: DESK PABY: HOR ;ON~ ~ T Hoch DFUVM BY: . a . ~ ~ VERTICALYERTICAL SCALE ~ • . L ngineers P A . n .~ , CHECKED BY: , ~ DATE CREATED: , . . ,EGSi 08/13/07 CONSULTINd ENGINHHRS a: SURVHYORS NC 27304 W ~ Bwo 1403 NC Hl h 30 S SURVEY NFORMATION: ~~ q g wry ou Phom: (919) 5947765 Pu: (9l9) 894-8190 ~~ H~mJI: mocheugioule®wlhlluLael ~ +a\ommuuup~ ~. .~,~pC ~~ Np',y~c ~ ~'~~ b~ .~ y ~ ~C'r '~ ,////I/III11111111U\\\\ 1 Ld d i , ~ r , ( , ~ ( ~ ~~~ , ~ t ti I,~t ( i .~- I .,,~ .~ O ~ N I"7 ~ O 00 r' O <- ~ N N N ~ N N ~ N N ~ N N ~ N N ~ y~ 1 .. NOTE: 7Me 5+00 6+00 7+00 LOCATION: ReV1810118 PIAN INFORMATION: NEARBSPOUT SPRINGS SEE, PAeY. NOR'or-tSCALE T nOCh s ~o~ptuauq,~~~'' . ANDERSON CREEX ToNNSHIP oRAHx ev: vERnaLSCaE:L•y ~!+~ y o HARNETT COUNTY •, as ~ mt aa, dv ,• . ,~_ ngineers , P.A. ~N PROPERtt GAxF1yS). ~iEtSteY~ O ~n2/~ CONSULTING I".NG1N88RS do SURVeYORS °'+y~, V~ p: LEIONOTON PLANTA71ON l+o3xcxlenw.ywsa,ln-see,m,NCntoa ' N INVESTORS, l1C SURVEY INFORMATION: FLeoe; (919) 8947765 Fm (919) 8948190 4~/s ~~` P.O. BOX 21Y1 NOTES ~iiiiyN11101ttPt, SURF CITY, NC 28445 NOTES &~`°0°~d"~LOtx H ENGMEFAB, PA endarwNCh ENOCH ENGINEERS, P.A M sRd:dvspicpaily1ghk NeMMrnalp na poeweim Ie,aofmdea ahenelea eM ~N6 b apodn tldedneMaeny pertbenwl, abdedoee eny Iribmetlon antelned benb bdhen, ab u,e pM eny paposeWMdtlhwllbn psmMmdENOCH ENGINEERS, PA u ,,.-° .~`,-- ~,~. .~~" ~. r .~ ,~ 1 ~, /' ~ / 1 ~~ 4 ~. > r . ~; _t :(~: i i *~ I'. 4 ~ ry ,~,r .S} -.~.. ~..--... ~--~~ ....._. ^\ 282 280 278 276 274 272 270 268 266 264: 262 260 258 256: O N N~ 1 ~.. O Nore 7N. ~~-^"'~ k w. ..- I .._... -~ . -,.,~, -~-.. 0+00 1 +00 PLAN INFIXOMTION: RBV19Am8 oFSlcNeoer: NowzoeuLSCAIr: ~C FE, PA 7' - ~0' n HIP DRANK BY: VFlinG4LSCAlE ~. ~ ~ 9L ,• _ , ngllleers , P.A. ~,EgtBr~ _ W s/b7 CONSULTING ENdB4BBILS &.JURVBYOB$ 3URVEY QIFOf9AATI0N: 1403 NC Hi3hmy 30 Sw0-Bm~m, NC 27!00 P6me: (919) 3947765 Pu: (919) 891-8190 E-mdl: mocLm9ium.® mi~M. OQ O N C~ O N N ~- 00 00 I~ ~ ~ co c~ N N N N N .~~~ ''~~ „f •i`jl ,rA fI i 7 f i J`~ 1r' ~ ,;~ ~ ~ ~.., r ._~,,. 1 ~i 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ .. i~ +~. r~ 1 ' \ `\ ~~~ •. a _` ~ °~~`~~.~ .,,~ ~, ?Y ~/,~t/~~\ t''~ nJ ~ ~ ~ ~C7 ~ O ~ . ~ O O ~ r- t- ~'`~ ~ ~C7 d- ~- I~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CO ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 LOCATION: RBVISIO/19 PLAN INFORMATgN: T y ~ PLAN AND PROFILE NEAR SPOUT SPRINGS o EF Ate` "cR;•°NT~~ LJ 11001 ,.``~Cy`XLLILLXLX/p'~ ~ ~ ANDER9GN CREE% TOWNSHIP ~ oRAwxeY: vEmlcuscue L r„"~ P.~~' ~ IMPACT #17 HARNETT COUNn .. ~ Xt ~X 3101, L' ~• _ 4. ngllleers , P.A. ~N y PROPERTY OWNER(S): CHECKED BY: DALE CREATED. ~ ,EG9t W CONSULTING ENGINE8R5 g SURVEYORS ~ Off` WETLAND IMPACTS LDDNGTGN PLANTAnaN ~2M ^,~ ~ ~' INVESTORS LLC IawxcEleew.ysosovm•E~®,xczlsoa ~ LEXINGTON PLANTATION P.o. aox z,o, (~ YNFORMATpN. Phwe:(919)891-7763Pu: (919)8943190 "'~.,,,R'y/LXILXLty„y,,0~ suRF aTr, Nc seu~ raiES am.u: ~mtm NOTE: lhhdawim(N GINNW a WOa9ebmi, dYrker aA~egmnXer wnddpsdwnOdenW b L9K1CH ENGI1EERS, PA rM on xfikh ENOCN ENGINEERS, PA hr n[dmhro gapwpdOhb NeBw iwlNmpo®Wm tlnndmden rc YrvbnurydOhY b npebo tl7 doamenl rc nypN bNSO(ar b dldee eny InbmrXOntmhbad tlen9n boMn, abut Xbr try P~pow xlbaulXe wdXen pamYwbn dENOCH ENGINEERS, PA _..--.• .~--~" ..~-- r .~ ~ +. ^ 1 ^ Y~ ~. PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 4 0' PROFILE SCALE: H: 1"=40' V: 1 " = 4' PROFILE RIGHT - • • - • • - PROFILE LEFT 28c 27~ 27E 274 27L 27C \~ OUTLET PROTECTION #17 26~ HW25= 4.05 FT Q25= 100.00 CFS V25= 15.30 FPS 2 6 E Do = 3.75 FT ZONE 5, CLASS 2 RIP RAP La = 10 x Do = 38 FT 264 D50= 30" -DEPTH 36" w/ LINING W~= 3x D0 = 11.25 FT 262 Wz= 1.25xW~ = 14.06 FT O co t.C) O a0 cfl ~ d- O O O O N N N N ~ -f- ~ ~ Enoch apOPlllll„p,,,, ngineers, ~y m (n'~ 7~ VD b~ CONSULTING ENGINHRRS& SURVBYOR$ y ~ p'b 1/07 NC wenw.YSO SaIm-em.W,NCrisot 3,~, Phm.~919) B947~ 7~~®(919) 8948190 ',~~~~ryy11111111tP~``` ,~'~ ~~ ~,~ .. > ~" ..---- ~~ ,~,,~ n, ~,~.. ,, i ~ r -~ ,, 6~ ~ ~ ~ r-~ o0 ..-'-'~ _ ~= -'' .-~,o _. .. __ ~- '.: i.':. 282 280 278 276 274 272 270 268 266 264 262 -... ... ._ _ . 260 258.... ____... ....._... 256 0 N _.._.._..__ ..__ ..__ __ _ .._.. ._ __... _ __ .__..__ __ PLAN. LOCATION: ReVlsbnB PLAN INFORMATION: ~ ~ PLAN AND PROFILE NEAR SPOUT srRINGS DESM.NEDBY: HORIXONTALSCALE: ``v,Tp{ILL1U/4~q~, ~ ~ a~ PA ~• . ,u Hoch ,, IMPACT #18 87 #79 HHA~E7S0TN ~` TOWNSHIP DRAVM BY: VERTICAL SCALE: a~~° 'pig': i. ~f. mIL 017. aJ N SC ~ .. ~•.,• ngineers P.A. to WETLAND IMPACTS PROPERTY OV/NER(Sl' CMECI(ED BY: DATE CTtEATED: ~ ~> ~_ N ~ LDfINGTON PLANTA710N •EC9i OY/12/V/ CONSULTA7G ENGINBORS& SURVBYORS LEXINGTON PLANTATION INVESTORS, LLC s~,~.NFORMATaN: Lam NC xLSnw.yws~m•Ba,.m,NCnsoe a ilI ? Vr ~,~ SURF dTY, TNC 28443 l~p1E65 Phme: (919)844-7765~Pu®(9190p ,/~~~~~gnnml~~~~ am•IL: NOTE:7N.daamdnLbphyelwladsdrmlcbmS dhdMe. eubkame7wcompeisdwnlHm6lb ENOCH ENGNEERB PA aid on wtlbh ENOCH ENGINEERS,PA hruduWSpnpMydOhk Ndtls ieWq pesAalon feisWmnhnatremM•nrydphbbniPOdce tlW doonwdanT wN baiwl.abaetlaw nvlidorm.don m~.b.ee,.~wxx..,.w~~.w...........,........_.....__~..,~.~,.,..,..~.,,.M...,.. ... 18+00 19+00 20+00 21 +00 i ~ ~^b ~~ i .; ~ } { e '`` C ~'~e ~ ~ ~~ #~ .~ . 274 272 ~ ;. ~ ~~± r ~_ --~- ~ r ~~ ~~ ~ ~ \~ 3 _~ ~ ~. I '.r . ~ I _ O O ~„~ y O ~I F . 5~ ~~ ~~~~ ~` 18 ~" 0 ~ ' Y~ i ~' i ~ • \MJ I~' I ` 4' o 4 E 1 u, ~ ~~ .~ 0 If \\ i% E;, ~a . ---r- 270 ~---_._wA« ____ ___ ~_._.__....._ ..............._._ .w_...._.,. 268 ~~ _.. .......~._.._.._.._.... 266._._.____w._._ .~''~ 264 ._:.__... 262 ~.._u... 260 -- 0 c0 N __ ,._--_. ______ ._m...,... ____ .. 276 ;..__...... _ ....... _....__.. ~. ._._... ..._... ~_....___ .. _._. _. 274; _.._,__..___.~.._._.__..___ __..,~.__..__.__ ~...___,.__...._~. __......_..____v.~ ~ RETAINING 272 ~:-~_.._.._t._........wA~L- _" { . ~ 270 \. ~ \ i .... ..__ __..._...._ _....v. ,.. OUTLET PROTECTION #18 . ~ ~ ~ RETAINING wA~~ OUTLET PROTECTION #19 HW25= 4.80 FT .. _ HW25= 2.85 FT iti _._;: i _.__.... __ __...._ ; _. ~ • I 025= V25= 115.73 CFS 15 30 FPS 268 ... _._.__ __._W _ _._._,. _.. __ _...:_... w~` ..._ ~ Q25= 43.65 CFS _ . ~ ``--yam V25= 13 55 FPS 36 . ~~ D° - 3.75 FT ° .. ~ D° = . 3.13 FT , ^M . ZONE 5, CLASS 2 RIP RAP 266 ... 38 LF DOUBLE 3G '"'°~°T ".'°~ RCP ®2,&3% •~~ ~ ~~~~- ~~ ~` "~ ZONE 3, CLASS 1 RIP RAP ..._.._. ..__._ La = 10 x D° = 38 FT _____, La = 8 x D° = 25 FT .._ .. _ _ RIP RAP ~ D50= 30" -DEPTH 36" w/ LINING 264 RIP RAP ;..__.___ ; ._.._ ......__..... _._ _....__ _..._ _._..__ . _ _ . . _ _ D50= 18" -DEPTH 24" w/ LINING __.____. __..._~ .._ .. ' W~= 3xD0 = 11.25 FT . _.. .. .. _ ; .. W~= 3xD0 = 9.38 FT _ .. ______..... ~ WZ= 1.25xW~ = 14.06 FT ....__.._...__.._._ ...~ .._. _..._ ..._ .._ ... , _... _._.. ~ ... _ _... _. ~ _ _.._ ,. _ W2= 1.25xW~ = 11.72 FT d- ~ N ~ ~ ~- . ~ ~ ~ C~1 N N 0+00 1+00 262 _ __ :__r_.______ _. _ ... _._ _.. _.__.__. ____.. . OC N I~ ~ c0 ~ O O o0 ~ CO CO (\ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N N 0+00 1+00 aumm~q~ \ 2o~SN CARQ~ 0 SEAL _ 9511 `0 e': ~~~pFP~` ~nnnm a O't-1964 ~~ S-12b RETAINING PLAN SCALE: 1"=40' PROFILE SCALE: H: 1" = 40' V: 1 " = 4' PROFILE RIGHT - • • PROFILE LEFT -