HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0090212_Data Monitoring Reports_20221022Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina OCTOBER 2022 PREPARED FOR Albemarle Corporation PREPARED BY SWCA Environmental Consultants SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN FOR THE ALBEMARLE KINGS MOUNTAIN LITHIUM PROJECT, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for Albemarle Corporation 4250 Congress Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 Attn: Trevor Chesal Prepared by SWCA Environmental Consultants 113 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 120 Cary, North Carolina 27511 (919) 292-2200 www.swca.com SWCA Project No. 00070316-001-RDU October 2022 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina CONTENTS 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... I 1.1 Project Background...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Area Description............................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Purpose and Scope of SAP/QAPP................................................................................................ 2 2 Monitoring and Characterization Objectives....................................................................................4 2.1 Purpose of Monitoring.................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Scope of Monitoring..................................................................................................................... 4 3 Monitoring Network............................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 Surface Water............................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Pit Lake......................................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Groundwater................................................................................................................................. 9 3.3.1 Interim Monitoring Locations............................................................................................. 9 3.3.2 Historical Wells................................................................................................................ 11 3.3.3 Stub Wells......................................................................................................................... 13 3.3.4 Permanent Monitoring Well Suite.................................................................................... 15 4 Analyte List, Detection Limits, and Regulatory Standards............................................................18 4.1 Applicable Regulatory Standards............................................................................................... 18 4.2 Analyte List and Detection Limits.............................................................................................. 19 4.2.1 Use of ICP-MS in lieu of ICP-AES.................................................................................. 19 4.2.2 Use of MDL in lieu of PQL.............................................................................................. 19 4.2.3 Analytes with Known Inadequate Detection Limits......................................................... 20 4.3 Analytical Laboratories.............................................................................................................. 20 4.3.1 ACZ Laboratories............................................................................................................. 20 4.3.2 Waypoint Analytical......................................................................................................... 21 4.3.3 Sampling Bottles............................................................................................................... 21 5 Hydrogeology and Streamflow Characterization............................................................................ 22 5.1 2018 Drilling Program................................................................................................................ 22 5.1.1 Purpose and Scope............................................................................................................ 22 5.1.2 2018 Hydraulic Testing.................................................................................................... 25 5.1.3 Vibrating Wire Piezometers.............................................................................................. 29 5.2 2022 Drilling Program................................................................................................................ 33 5.2.1 Purpose and Scope............................................................................................................ 33 5.2.2 2022 Hydraulic Testing.................................................................................................... 33 5.3 Stream Flow................................................................................................................................ 36 5.4 Bathymetric Surveys................................................................................................................... 39 6 Water Quality Sampling....................................................................................................................40 6.1 Surface Water............................................................................................................................. 40 6.1.1 Surface Water Level Monitoring...................................................................................... 40 6.1.2 Surface Water Sampling................................................................................................... 41 6.1.3 Additional Kings Creek Surveys...................................................................................... 44 6.1.4 Kings Creek Sediment Samples........................................................................................ 44 6.2 Pit Lake....................................................................................................................................... 46 6.2.1 Sampling Design and Approach....................................................................................... 46 6.2.2 Monitoring Period and Frequency.................................................................................... 47 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 6.2.3 Sampling Protocols........................................................................................................... 47 6.3 Groundwater............................................................................................................................... 49 6.3.1 Sampling Design and Approach....................................................................................... 49 6.3.2 Monitoring Period and Frequency.................................................................................... 50 6.3.3 Sampling Protocols........................................................................................................... 50 7 Brownfield Screening Sampling........................................................................................................ 54 7.1 Purpose of Sampling................................................................................................................... 54 7.2 Sampling Design and Approach/Selection of Analytes.............................................................. 54 8 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan......................................................................................... 55 8.1 Technical Procedures for Sampling and Conducting Fieldwork ................................................ 55 8.1.1 Training.............................................................................................................................55 8.1.2 Field Blanks...................................................................................................................... 56 8.1.3 Equipment Blank.............................................................................................................. 56 8.1.4 Mercury and VOC Trip Blanks......................................................................................... 56 8.1.5 Sample Hold Times and Temperatures............................................................................. 56 8.2 Quality Control Measures........................................................................................................... 56 8.3 Data Review and Validation....................................................................................................... 57 8.4 Water Quality Data Evaluation and Reporting........................................................................... 58 Appendices Appendix A. Comprehensive List of Applicable Standards Appendix B. Analyte Standards Figures Figure1. Project location.............................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 2. Surface water monitoring locations............................................................................................... 6 Figure 3. Pit lake monitoring locations......................................................................................................... 8 Figure 4. Interim groundwater monitoring locations.................................................................................. 10 Figure 5. Historical well locations used for interim groundwater monitoring ............................................ 12 Figure 6. Stub well locations used for interim groundwater monitoring.................................................... 14 Figure 7. Stub well schematic drawing....................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8. Future groundwater monitoring locations................................................................................... 17 Figure 9. 2018 field program data collection points................................................................................... 24 Figure 10. Locations of core holes used for 2018 isolated interval testing, showing resulting depth - specific hydraulic conductivity................................................................................................. 26 Figure 11. Locations of short-term hydraulic testing completed in 2018................................................... 28 Figure 12. VWP holes and installed sensor locations completed in 2018.................................................. 29 Figure 13. Typical VWP installation schematic......................................................................................... 30 Figure 14. Existing groundwater level/piezometric monitoring locations .................................................. 32 Figure 15. Location of surface water level, barometric pressure, and surface flow monitoring ................. 38 Figure 16. Lake bathymetry survey and September 2022 deep sampling location ..................................... 39 Figure 17. Example of data logger deployed in surface water bodies ....................................................... 40 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Figure 18. Surface water sample collection using a peristaltic pump ......................................................... 43 Figure 19. Pit lake water sample collection using a peristaltic pump ......................................................... 48 Figure 20. Groundwater sample collection from a stub well using the bladder pump ............................... 52 Tables Table 1. Surface Water Quality Sampling Locations and Constituents Analyzed ........................................ 5 Table 2. Pit Lake Water Quality Sampling, Water Quality Profile Locations, and Constituents Analyzed.......................................................................................................................................... 7 Table 3. Interim Groundwater Quality Sampling Locations......................................................................... 9 Table 4. Permanent Groundwater Quality Sampling Locations................................................................. 16 Table 5. Typical Bottle Checklist............................................................................................................... 21 Table 6. Summary of Isolated Interval Testing Conducted in Core Holes in 2018.................................... 25 Table 7. Summary of Short -Term Hydraulic Testing Conducted in 2018.................................................. 27 Table8. VWP Sensor Summary.................................................................................................................31 Table 9. Permanent Groundwater Water Level Monitoring Instrumentation ............................................. 35 Table 10. Locations and Durations of Surface Water Level Monitoring.................................................... 41 Table 11. Surface Water Quality Sampling Collection Points.................................................................... 42 Table 12. Sediment Sample Analytes......................................................................................................... 44 Table 13. Brownfield Screening Analysis and Number of Samples........................................................... 55 Table 14. Data Quality Indicators for Enviromnental Data Collection...................................................... 57 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina This page intentionally left blank. Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Albemarle Corporation (Albemarle) intends to reopen the Kings Mountain Mine, which produced lithium from the 1940s through the 1980s and contains one of the few known hard rock lithium deposits in the United States. The Kings Mountain Mine is located in Cleveland County, North Carolina, adjacent to the city of Kings Mountain on the I-85 transit corridor, approximately 30 miles west of the city of Charlotte. In support of advancing the Kings Mountain Mine Project (Project), Albemarle is conducting various studies to 1) establish the baseline characteristics of the Project area for acquiring various state and federal permits, and 2) support engineering designs to advance mine planning to a prefeasibility study level. These studies include water quality, water resources, wetland delineation, climate projections, soil, endangered species, and various geotechnical and metallurgical engineering studies. The Kings Mountain Mine is a brownfields site, and as such, most of the studies are focused on understanding the existing legacy facilities and conditions. Substantial hydrogeologic investigation is planned to support permitting activities. This includes characterization of baseline water quality in the existing pit lake, groundwater, and surface water, as well as automated monitoring of water levels/piezometric heads from wells, vibrating wire piezometers, and surface water bodies. At this time, monitoring is being conducted solely to develop a baseline data set. In the future, it is anticipated that monitoring will take place under a specific North Carolina regulatory framework. 1.2 Project Area Description The Kings Mountain Mine is located in the Piedmont physiographic region of North Carolina (Figure 1). This region is characterized by gently rolling hills and low ridges that form a transition zone between the Atlantic coastal plain and the Blue Ridge Mountains, which are part of the larger Appalachian Mountain range. The area is generally underlain by crystalline metamorphic and intrusive igneous rocks and, in many places, overlain by heavily weathered bedrock and soil. The regional topography is dominated by Crowders Mountain and Kings Mountain, which rise 600 to 700 feet above the surrounding terrain. The Project area has been historically mined, and topography is largely artificial, including numerous historical waste rock piles, tailings facilities, and a large open pit that has infilled with water to form a pit lake. The Project area is drained by Kings Creek, which flows through the property from northeast to southwest, eventually flowing into the Broad River approximately 17 miles to the southwest (in South Carolina). Most of the surface flow in Kings Creek is reportedly the result of pumping to dewater an upstream mining operation owned by Martin Marietta. Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 1.3 Purpose and Scope of Sampling and Analysis Plan/Quality Assurance Project Plan The purpose of this Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is to document the current and planned water resource monitoring activities at the Kings Mountain Mine. The scope of this document includes detailing these aspects of monitoring activities: • Monitoring locations • Monitoring techniques, field equipment, and instrumentation • Field parameters measured • Laboratory analyses undertaken • Duration and frequency of monitoring activities In addition, this document provides detail regarding the quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures that have been implemented during monitoring. This includes documentation of data validation procedures conducted to understand and ensure data reliability. Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Q Project Area i `l S`w�1401 _ Rr i rd A,Rna� w rA�� e I �- ma's .•., � � � I -" � y _ t - r, nrwa� .r t- � w ' 1 - •••000000�n�nMM000Offffff ... ! � .IJ ' ` � _. ��� F Main Site 1 North of 1-85 *' Main Site �'' • South ?: of 1-85 r Albemarle East Propertydw - . i .r Figure 1. Project location. 3 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 2 MONITORING AND CHARACTERIZATION OBJECTIVES 2.1 Purpose of Monitoring Albemarle's comprehensive water resources monitoring program for the Kings Mountain Mine is designed to fulfill two specific purposes. First, Albemarle must establish a baseline understanding of the surface hydrology, hydrogeology, and water quality that will guide mine designs and mine operational plans. Second, monitoring of water resources supports a number of environmental permits required for the Project. These permits require an understanding of baseline water quality and quantity to assess any mitigation for potential impacts. Specific permits include the following: • An individual Clean Water Act Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for dredge and fill of wetlands and waters of the United States • A mining permit from the Energy, Minerals, and Land Division of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) • A permit for the initial discharge of collected mine lake water to Kings Creek through the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program administered by the NCDEQ 2.2 Scope of Monitoring Albemarle's monitoring program is designed to comprehensively assess multiple characteristics of water resources at the Kings Mountain Mine. The scope of monitoring includes water quality for both surface water resources and groundwater resources, surface water hydrology and flow, and aquifer characteristics. The following specific monitoring programs are discussed in this SAP/QAPP: • Hydrogeologic characterization activities, including well installation, pump tests, and monitoring of water levels and piezometric heads (Section 5) • Characterization of surface water, including water quality sampling, aquatic habitat surveys, stream and streambed profiles, and stream sediment sampling (Section 6.1) • Characterization of the mine pit lake, including vertical water profiles and water quality sampling (Section 6.2) • Characterization of groundwater quality (Section 6.3) • Comprehensive screening to identify potential contamination resulting from historical activities at the mine or from adjacent land use (Section 7) These monitoring programs are subject to QA/QC procedures and data validation procedures (Section 8). Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 3 MONITORING NETWORK 3.1 Surface Water The surface water quality monitoring program is intended to provide baseline conditions for all major surface water features. These include flowing streams (Kings Creek) as well as man-made impoundments (No. 1 Mill Pond, South Reservoir, Club Lake, and several stormwater impoundments). Surface water quality monitoring locations are listed in Table 1 and shown in Figure 2. Table 1. Surface Water Quality Sampling Locations and Constituents Analyzed Constituents Analyzed Sampling Location Location Description Quarterly, 2018 1Q2022 2Q2022 3Q2022 4Q2022 2023 and Beyond KMSW-1 No. 1 Mill Pond I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R KMSW-2 Club Lake (south) I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R KMSW-2a Club Lake (north) I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R KMSW-3 Kings Creek at I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R Weir 7 (downstream property boundary) KMSW-3a Kings Creek at I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R Weir (below South Creek Reservoir) KMSW-4 Mud Pond 1 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R KMSW-7 Mud Pond 2 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R KMSW-8 South Creek I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R Reservoir KMSW-9 Peg 25 Pond I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R KMSW-10 Kings Creek above I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R admin building (upstream property boundary) Note: Italicized text indicates future monitoring not yet conducted I = Inorganics M = Metals R = Radiochemistry 5 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Figure 2. Surface water monitoring locations. Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 3.2 Pit Lake Starting with the initial pit lake sampling in 2018, the sampling design was intended to assess the lateral and vertical variation in water quality in the pit lake. In 2018, three pit lake locations (northeast, middle, and southwest) were selected for monitoring, and at each location, three individual samples were taken at specific depths, as shown in Table 2. The three consistent monitoring locations in the pit lake are shown in Figure 3 (PL-2, PL-5, and PL-8). Table 2. Pit Lake Water Quality Sampling, Water Quality Profile Locations, and Constituents Analyzed Constituents Analyzed Sampling Depth Quarterly, Location (feet) 2018 1Q2022 2Q2022 3Q2022 4Q2022 2023 and Beyond* From Bank Surface - I,M,R 10 M,O I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R PL-2 30 M,O (Northeast Lake) 50 M,O I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 80 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 10 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 22 M,O 50 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R PL-5 (Mid Lake) 60 M,O - - - - - 80 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 108 M,O 10 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 14 M,O 41 M,O 50 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R PL-8 (Southwest 68 M,O Lake) 80 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 100 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 120 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 140 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R 160 I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R Note: Italicized text indicates future monitoring not yet conducted I = Inorganics M = Metals R = Radiochemistry O = Organics " Until pit is dewatered 7 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Pit Lake Sampling Location •4.� frN 4 Q Project Area { t A Figure 3. Pit lake monitoring locations. r A, F I Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 3.3 Groundwater 3.3.1 Interim Monitoring Locations This section describes the monitoring locations for groundwater that are part of the current program (historical monitoring wells and stub wells), as well as a new comprehensive suite of groundwater monitoring wells being installed throughout 2022. Interim groundwater quality monitoring locations are shown in Table 3 and Figure 4. Table 3. Interim Groundwater Quality Sampling Locations Constituents Analyzed Existing Location Location Type 3Q22 Quarterly, 2 023 2018 1Q2022 2Q2022 Pump 3Q2022 4Q2022 and Beyond Testing KMMW-001 Historic monitor I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R TBD well KMMW-002 Historic monitor I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R I,M,R,O I,M,R TBD well DDKM18-173 Stub well I,M,R I,M,R - DDKM17-131 Stub well I,M,R - DDKM17-133 Stub well I,M,R - DDKM17-113 Stub well I,M,R - DDKM17-110 Stub well I,M,R - RCKM17-012 Stub well I,M,R,O - KMMW-005 Irrigation supply I,M,R,O well Water Supply Manifold I,M,R - Note: Italicized text indicates future monitoring not yet conducted I = Inorganics M = Metals R = Radiochemistry O = Organics 9 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina O Existing Groundwater Quality Sampling Location ii 0 Project Area c Gbseardt Qr.Ns � W °M4m k Rd & a, 1• �, P c RCKM17j012 a sic n`m` DDKM76-173 � r g a 1,DKIN77f133 KMMW-005 DQKM17-131 f KMMW-002 C Gw :t.*. i KMMW-007 DDKM77-110' ° DDKM17-113 s MW . W. ab iid sr y ' - a umeb,� o � m S f a st �'YSf uro AweQ P b St � nE°n Erpfea Aw iy 9 F. I N A uua Fay IF �nraidre o uo soo Figure 4. Interim groundwater monitoring locations. m Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 3.3.2 Historical Wells After reviewing all available data from on -site historical records, Kings Mountain Mine personnel found four historical wells that were installed during the 1970s. Where possible, these wells were used for water level measurements and short-term testing (described Section, Short -Term Hydraulic Testing). Figure 5 shows the locations of historical wells. Only two monitoring wells have been consistently sampled since 2018: KMMW-001 and KMMW-002. KMMW-001 is known to have a damaged casing at depth. and little can be done to pump or refurbish with this well. Sampling can be conducted using only low -flow sampling techniques, and when sampled, the water recovered is notably turbid (with rust). Well construction generally consisted of steel galvanized casing installed into bedrock (just below the fractured zone at approximately 80 feet below ground surface [bgs]) and an open hole to the bottom ranging from 230 to 250 feet bgs. KMMW-0021 is in reasonably good condition for monitoring. KMMW-002 is 229 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter, with a surface casing to 62 feet and an open hole from 62 to 229 feet. Water level is shallow, less than 15 feet. During the quarterly sampling, low -flow monitoring techniques have been used to sample this well. While meeting low -flow sampling criteria (stabilization of water quality parameters and water levels), the larger diameter of the well, the depth to open hole, and the shallow water levels suggest that the water collected may not be fully representative of aquifer water quality. In summer 2022, KMMW-002 was part of the pumping test program, as described in Section 5. Water quality samples were collected during this event and are considered to be reliable and representative of actual aquifer water quality. An irrigation supply well, KMMW-005, was also sampled during this event, and these results are considered to be reliable and representative of actual aquifer water quality; KMMW-005 is not typically available for monitoring due to the installed equipment. 1 Note that monitor well KMMW-003 is also located on -site; this well is very close to KMMW-002 and provides no additional benefit for sampling. 11 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina + Historical Well Q Project Area c 4& i I � s F M1 c� A Figure 5. Historical well locations used for interim groundwater monitoring. 12 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 3.3.3 Stub Wells As conditions allowed, 15 stub wells were installed across the Kings Mountain Mine to enhance the ability to assess long-term changes to the deeper groundwater flow system. A stub well is an open core hole where the upper portion of the hole is isolated and sealed while still allowing monitoring and sampling in the lower portion without having to install long segments of casing or screen. The stub well installations were lowered to just below the fractured bedrock contact, ranging from 10 to approximately 120 feet along the core hole length. Figure 6 presents the locations of installed stub wells, and Figure 7 presents a schematic drawing of a typical stub well. As part of the interim approach to establish a baseline, water quality samples have also been attempted on a number of the stub wells during the quarterly sampling. These have met with limited success and are not considered fully reliable for understanding the aquifer water quality. Many of the stub wells did not successfully meet low -flow sampling criteria. In many cases, the water quality parameters never adequately stabilized. In almost all cases, even the low -flow rates used with the bladder pump (less than 0.1 gallon per minute [gpm]) resulted in consistently falling groundwater levels that would not stabilize. This suggests the stub well sampling likely was not representative of aquifer water quality but solely of stagnant water from within the drillhole. Other attempts found the stub wells dry. 13 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Figure 6. Stub well locations used for interim groundwater monitoring. 14 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Figure 7. Stub well schematic drawing. 3.3.4 Permanent Monitoring Well Suite Drilling of the permanent groundwater monitoring wells began in summer 2022 and is anticipated to conclude in early 2023. Once the permanent monitoring well suite is constructed, quarterly samples will begin to be consistently collected from these wells instead of the interim monitoring points. The future monitoring locations are listed in Table 4, along with their general purposes; the locations are shown in Figure 8. 15 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Table 4. Permanent Groundwater Quality Sampling Locations Future Monitoring Constituents to be Location Purpose Analyzed Quarterly, 2023 and Beyond KMMW21-6 Shallow Mid -site groundwater conditions; shallow aquifer I,M,R characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-6 Deep Mid -site groundwater conditions; deep aquifer I,M,R characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-15 Shallow Near pit groundwater conditions; shallow aquifer I,M,R characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-15 Deep Near pit groundwater conditions; deep aquifer I,M,R characterization; dewatering assessment MW_Pit-Upgrad-1-Shallow Upgradient conditions of groundwater entering mine site; I,M,R shallow aquifer characterization; dewatering assessment MW_Pit-Upgrad-1-Deep Upgradient conditions of groundwater entering mine site; I,M,R deep aquifer characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-1 Groundwater conditions at northwest property boundary I,M,R (cross -gradient) KMMW21-4 Mid -site groundwater conditions near historical tailings, I,M,R north of 1-85 KMMW21-9 Mid -site groundwater conditions near historical tailings, I,M,R south of 1-85 KMMW21-11 Groundwater conditions at upgradient property boundary, I,M,R north of 1-85 KMMW21-12 Groundwater conditions at upgradient property boundary, I,M,R south of 1-85 KMMW21-13 Groundwater conditions at Albemarle East Property I,M,R KMMW21-14 Groundwater conditions at Albemarle East Property I,M,R MW_Plant-Downgrad Groundwater conditions downgradient of existing I,M,R processing plant MW_POC-South Point of compliance near the farthest downgradient I,M,R property boundary MW_TSF-1-2 Groundwater conditions downgradient of historical tailings, I,M,R north of 1-85 MW_WRD-1-1 Groundwater conditions at southwest property boundary I,M,R (cross -gradient) MW_WRD-2 Mid -site groundwater conditions I,M,R MW_WRD-3-1 Groundwater conditions at northwest property boundary I,M,R (cross -gradient) MW_WRD-3-3 Mid -site groundwater conditions I,M,R MW_WRD-3-4 Groundwater conditions at southwest property boundary I,M,R (cross -gradient) KMPW21-1 Dewatering None (same location as KMMW21-15) KMPW21-2 Dewatering None (same location as KMMW21-6) KMPW21-3 Dewatering None (same location as MW_Pit-Upgrad-1) I = Inorganics M = Metals R = Radiochemistry 16 KIM Ank-N. I Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 4 ANALYTE LIST, DETECTION LIMITS, AND REGULATORY STANDARDS 4.1 Applicable Regulatory Standards The monitoring programs related to water quality must be designed to achieve the wide variety of objectives identified. Specifically, the appropriate water quality constituents must be analyzed using appropriate methods. Identifying the key water quality constituents of concern relies largely on the regulatory standards that will be applied to the Project. The regulatory standards considered in the development of this SAP/QAPP include: • The North Carolina groundwater standards for Class GA waters (North Carolina Administrative Code [NCAC] 15A.02L.0202). Class GA waters represent groundwater intended as an existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. Class GA waters are characterized by chloride concentrations equal to or less than 250 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The North Carolina surface water standards for Class C waters (NCAC 15A.0213.0211). Class C waters are protected for uses such as aquatic life propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity (including fishing and fish), wildlife, secondary contact recreation, and agriculture. Secondary contact recreation means wading, boating, other uses not involving human body contact with water, and activities involving human body contact with water where such activities take place on an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental basis. NCDEQ has designated Kings Creek as a Class C water from its headwaters to the North Carolina/South Carolina state line. The headwaters of Kings Creek are identified as arising on the adjacent Martin Marietta property north of the Kings Mountain Mine. Surface water standards are complex. The standards vary by water class, by specific water use (i.e., aquatics, water supply), or by whether exposure to the water is chronic or acute. In addition, standards may be based specifically on the total or dissolved fractions,2 and some metal standards are dependent on the measured hardness of the water.' Albemarle is committed not only to meeting applicable regulatory standards but also to meeting standards that represent the recognized international, industry -standard, best management practices for mines. The Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) has developed a suite of standards, including numeric water quality standards, and provides independent third -party certification and verification of these standards. The monitoring programs in this SAP/QAPP were designed to also meet IRMA water quality standards. 2 When laboratories report concentrations for metals in surface waters, they report two types of results: "total" and "dissolved" concentrations. Physically, the metal present in a water sample will occur either as particulate matter or in a dissolved form. The "total" or "total recoverable" concentration of a metal consists of both particulate and dissolved fractions and is obtained from the raw unfiltered water sample. The "dissolved" concentration of a metal consists only of the dissolved fraction. In practice, the dissolved fraction is separated by passing the water sample through a 0.45-micron filter. This is usually done in the field prior to delivery of the sample to the laboratory. Physically, the dissolved fraction may include truly dissolved metal ions but also may include more complex ions, or metals bound to other organic or inorganic compounds. ' The hardness of a water sample is a measure of the amount of calcium and magnesium present. "Hard water" is higher in dissolved minerals than "soft water." Home water softeners operate by removing large amounts of calcium and magnesium from the water. In surface waters, the hardness of the water changes how metals affect aquatic organisms. Generally, the greater the hardness of the water, the lower the toxicity of certain metals. These metals are cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, silver, and zinc. For this reason, the regulatory standards for these metals for aquatic uses change with hardness. 18 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina The specific analyte list developed for the water monitoring programs is detailed in the next section, along with the applicable North Carolina or IRMA standard. For reference, Appendix A contains a comprehensive list of analytes with regulatory standards. Of particular importance is selecting an analytical method that provides a detection limit that is lower than that of the regulatory standard. 4.2 Analyte List and Detection Limits A consistent suite of analytes has been developed for use in all water sampling, including pit lake, groundwater, and surface water samples. Not all constituents are applicable for each individual sample; for example, radium 226/228 does not have a groundwater standard but is still being analyzed in well samples. Similarly, both total and dissolved fractions are being analyzed for all metal samples, including groundwater. Typically, dissolved metals are of concern for surface water only and, in particular, for compliance with water quality standards for aquatic use. A list of consistent analytes is provided in Appendix B. Appendix B also lists the applicable standards for each analyte as described in the previous section. While developing the consistent analyte list, a primary concern was ensuring that the laboratory detection limits were sufficiently low to allow assessment of concentrations against the regulatory standard. Two strategies were used to address detection limits greater than those of the regulatory standard. 4.2.1 Use of Inductively Couple Plasma -Mass Spectroscopy in lieu of Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy All metals are analyzed by the laboratory using an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) technique, by which small droplets of the sample are vaporized or ionized. The basic method for measuring concentrations is to use atomic emission spectroscopy (AES), a method that uses optical detection to determine the wavelengths of light emitted from the sample. The intensity of the emissions from the various wavelengths of light are proportional to the concentrations of the elements within the sample. In order to obtain lower detection limits for some metals, mass spectroscopy (MS) is used instead of AES. In mass spectroscopy, the ions are separated on the basis of their mass -to -charge ratio. 4.2.2 Use of Method Detection Limit in lieu of Practical Quantitation Limit Analytical laboratories often report two separate values in their laboratory reports: method detection limit (MDL) and practical quantitation limit (PQL). The MDL is defined as the minimum concentration that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the concentration is greater than zero, but the exact concentration cannot be reliably quantified. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has defined exact procedures for determining MDL values. The PQL is the lowest concentration at which a numerical concentration can be assigned with reasonable certainty that its value represents the actual concentration in the sample. PQLs reflect the quantitation capabilities of the specific analytical procedure and equipment used by the laboratory. PQLs are greater than MDLs. The purpose of the sampling being conducted at the Kings Mountain Mine is to establish baseline water quality to support upcoming permitting and design needs. Comparison of results with regulatory 19 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina standards is a key component of understanding the baseline water quality. In typical situations, the PQL is used as the threshold for reporting the detection of an analyte. However, for multiple metals, the regulatory standard is less than the PQL but not less than the MDL. For this reason, where required, the lower MDL is used as the threshold for reporting detection of some metals. Concentrations above the MDL are considered reliable detections of the presence of a constituent but with an understanding that the exact value may not be fully relied upon. These concentrations are therefore flagged with a data qualifier (`B") to reflect that limitation. 4.2.3 Analytes with Known Inadequate Detection Limits Two analytes have known inadequate detection limits: dissolved silver and residual chlorine. For dissolved silver, the enhanced reporting limit using the ICP-MS method (0.0001 mg/L) remains above the most stringent North Carolina surface water standard, which is for chronic exposure aquatic standards (0.00006 mg/L). For residual chlorine, two issues are present: detection limit and hold time. The North Carolina regulatory standard for residual chlorine in surface waters (0.017 mg/L) is lower than the detection limit of the analytical laboratory and may also be lower than the detection limit of the field test kit. The colorimetric method used generally can resolve a concentration of 0.2 mg/L. Residual chlorine has a 15-minute hold time, and going forward, it is anticipated to be measured in the field using an analytical test kit. 4.3 Analytical Laboratories Two analytical laboratories are used for the Albemarle baseline water quality monitoring program: ACZ Laboratories (ACZ) and Waypoint Analytical (Waypoint). 4.3.1 ACZ Laboratories ACZ handles the bulk of the sample analysis and is located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. All samples being sent to ACZ have longer hold times, none less than 7 days. All ACZ samples are shipped to the laboratory overnight via FedEx in iced coolers. Bottles and coolers from ACZ are delivered to the Albemarle facility directly. ACZ Laboratories 2773 Downhill Drive Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 Contact: Michael McDonough Office: (970) 879-6590 ext. 104 or (800) 334-5493 ext. 104 Mobile: (970) 291-1166 Email: michaelm@acz.com Albemarle has developed specific preformatted chain -of -custody documents for consistent water quality and sediment sample analysis. ACZ is currently in the process of becoming certified for analysis by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources for regulatory monitoring. Certification is expected to be completed by early 2023. Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 4.3.2 Waypoint Analytical Waypoint has a local laboratory in Charlotte and is being used for samples with a short hold time: hexavalent chromium, nitrate/nitrite, residual chlorine (now replaced with field tests), and organics. Samples are delivered directly to Waypoint every day after collection before close of business. Bottles and coolers are picked up in person from Waypoint. Waypoint Analytical 449 Springbrook Road Charlotte, NC 28217 Contact: Jamie Corporaal Office: (704) 529-6364 ext. 1625 Direct: (704) 486-1132 Email: jorporaal@waypointanalytical.com Hours: 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Waypoint is certified for analysis by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. 4.3.3 Sampling Bottles Sample bottles are provided directly by the analytical laboratories, along with plastic coolers for storing and shipping samples. Bottle sets can differ depending on the specific lab and method, but a typical bottle set is described in Table 5. Table 5. Typical Bottle Checklist Bottle/Preservative Analysis Filter in Field? LaboratoryHold Times 2-L plastic cube/nitric acid Radiochemistry No ACZ 180 days (marked with red dot) 1,000-mL plastic/nitric acid Radiochemistry No ACZ 180 days (marked with red dot) 500-mL plastic/none Wet chemistry No ACZ Varies, 7-180 (no marking) days 250-mL plastic/none Dissolved wet chemistry Yes ACZ Varies, 7-180 (marked with white dot) (filtered) days 250-mL brown plastic/sodium hydroxide Cyanide No ACZ 14 days (marked with purple dot) 250-mL plastic/nitric acid Total metals No ACZ 180 days (marked with red PC) 125-mL glass/nitric acid Dissolved metals (filtered) Yes ACZ 180 days (marked with green PC) 21 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Bottle/Preservative Analysis Filter in Field? Laboratory Hold Times 125-mL plastic/sodium hydroxide and zinc Sulfide No ACZ 7 days acetate (marked with tan dot) 250-mL glass/sulfuric acid Wet chemistry No ACZ Varies, 7-180 (marked with yellow dot) days 250-mL glass/hydrochloric acid added in Total mercury No ACZ 28 days field (no marking) 250-mL glass/hydrochloric acid added in Dissolved mercury Yes ACZ 28 days field (filtered) (marked with green dot) Three 1,000-mL glass/hydrochloric acid Oil and grease No ACZ 28 days (marked with orange dot) Three 40-mL glass/hydrochloric acid volatile organic No Waypoint 14 days compounds 1,000-mL amber/none semivolatile organic No Waypoint 14 days com pounds/polycycl is aromatic hydrocarbons 250-mL plastic/sulfuric acid Nitrate/nitrite No Waypoint 48 hours 250-mL plastic/none Nitrite No Waypoint 48 hours 250-mL plastic/none Hexavalent chromium No Waypoint 24 hours 5 HYDROGEOLOGY AND STREAMFLOW CHARACTERIZATION 5.1 2018 Drilling Program 5.1.1 Purpose and Scope In 2017 and 2018, Albemarle conducted an extensive exploration drilling program designed to inform and update the Kings Mountain geological resource model. The drilling program comprised 349 diamond drillholes, prefixed `DDKM', and 19 rotary drillholes, prefixed `RCKM'. The 2018 exploration drilling program was designed to support the prefeasibility study that addresses economic viability. The program was not designed as a hydrogeological characterization program. However, SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (SRK) used the exploration drilling program as an opportunity to collect hydrogeological data and infer on hydrogeological conditions. Specifically, the hydrogeological data were used to evaluate dewatering requirements, pit depressurization, and impacts to water resources related to the proposed mining project. Data collected from the diamond drilling program were analyzed to inform the geological, geotechnical, geochemical, and hydrogeological conditions at individual core holes. Field characterization included 22 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina hydraulic testing of select core holes at packer -isolated depth intervals, installation of multi -node vibrating wire piezometers (VWPs), and installation of barometric pressure sensors. Additionally, collected borehole data included rock type, rock and fracture characteristics, indicators of geochemical conditions, and the presence and behavior of groundwater within the rock mass. A robust groundwater level monitoring network was established via VWP instrumentation of exploration core holes and groundwater monitoring locations. The purpose of groundwater monitoring was to understand seasonal trends and hydraulic gradients across Kings Mountain Mine. Figure 9 shows all groundwater and barometric pressure data collection points from the 2018 field program. 23 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina O stub Well '� . �e ``a+ . W, + Historical Well ♦ VWP Installations Q Project Area 1 MR v �b 0 Cf + oe �. 00 I oa o0mom lll"'JJJ � L l G � 7 6 ` - o 400 eoo Fat �Melerw .- 0 100 21)0 Figure 9. 2018 field program data collection points. 24 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 5.1.2 2018 Hydraulic Testing Isolated Interval Tests SRK completed hydraulic testing (packer testing of isolated depth intervals) at five locations: DDKM18-291, DDKM18-298, DDKM18-312, DDKM18-327, and DDKM18-340. A total of 25 isolated tests were completed in various lithologies and depths. Test zone isolation was achieved by employing a single -packer, water -inflated wireline packer system (standard wireline packer system [SWiPS]) manufactured by Inflatable Packers International. Test intervals (Table 6) were identified during the advancement of the core holes and ranged from approximately 140 to approximately 1,235 feet along the core hole length. Depth intervals were selected for testing based on review of the recovered core and aimed to represent the range of geologic conditions across the entire vertical section encountered in the core hole. Additional focus was placed on testing potentially high -permeability structures or fracture zones. Figure 10 shows a map view of tested core holes. Table 6. Summary of Isolated Interval Testing Conducted in Core Holes in 2018 Hole ID Elevation (feet amsl) Dip (°) Azimuth (°) Hole Length (feet) Along Core Hole (feet) feet From To Test Length (feet) Primary Geology DDKM18-291 882.6 70 225 1,207.4 164 538.1 374.1 Spodumene Pegmatite DDKM18-298 937.0 70 20 1,080.1 196.9 341.2 144.3 Spodumene Pegmatite DDKM18-291 882.6 70 225 1,207.4 324.8 656.2 331.4 Spodumene Pegmatite DDKM18-291 882.6 70 225 1,207.4 695.5 1,079.4 383.9 Silica Mica Schist DDKM18-327 824.8 65 180 1,404.2 656.2 1,000.7 344.5 Mica Schist DDKM18-340 928.2 80 180 1,197.5 78.7 164 85.3 Mica Schist DDKM18-298 937 70 20 1,080.1 459.3 695.5 236.2 Spodumene Pegmatite DDKM18-340 928.2 80 180 1,197.5 164 439.6 275.6 Amphibole Gneiss -Schist DDKM18-358 893.0 120 70 1,006.0 695.5 1,079.4 383.9 Amphibole Gneiss -Schist DDKM18-312 882.8 70 310 1,295.9 744.8 1040 295.2 Amphibole Gneiss -Schist DDKM18-327 824.8 65 180 1,404.2 138.8 311.7 172.9 Amphibole Gneiss -Schist DDKM18-327 824.8 65 180 1,404.2 283.1 672.6 389.5 Silica Mica Schist DDKM18-340 928.2 80 180 1,197.5 1,113.2 1,404.2 291 Phyllite DDKM18-291 882.6 70 225 1,207.4 148.6 390.4 241.8 Mica Schist DDKM18-340 928.2 80 180 1,197.5 168.3 1,404.2 1,235.9 Marble DDKM18-291 882.6 70 225 1,207.4 690 1,108.9 418.9 Marble DDKM18-340 928.2 80 180 1,197.5 670.3 872.7 202.4 Silica Mica Schist DDKM18-327 824.8 65 180 1,404.2 532.5 675.9 143.4 Silica Mica Schist DDKM18-340 928.2 80 180 1,197.5 119.1 1,197.5 1,078.4 Schist -Marble DDKM18-358 893.0 120 70 1,006.0 79.7 370.7 291 Mica Schist DDKM18-358 893.0 120 70 1,006.0 365.2 675.9 310.7 Mica Schist DDKM18-298 937.0 70 20 1,080.1 1,014.8 1,197.5 182.7 Marble DDKM18-358 893 120 70 1,006 164 479 315 Schist - Marble DDKM18-312 882.8 70 310 1,295.9 469.2 764.4 295.2 Marble DDKM18-312 882.8 70 310 1,295.9 725.1 1,000.7 275.6 Marble amsl: above mean sea level 25 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/day) ODDKM18-291 0.4 DDKIW18.298 S 0.3 s 0.2 W�M18-312 - _ KM147M7 - fr" 0.1 0 DDKM18-340 0 1000 2000 3000 Figure 10. Locations of core holes used for 2018 isolated interval testing, showing resulting depth -specific hydraulic conductivity. 26 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Short -Term Hydraulic Testing In addition to isolated interval testing, SRK conducted short-term hydraulic tests to calculate the transmissivity of the entire saturated length at eight drillholes (Table 7). Figure 11 provides the locations of the short-term tests performed. One of the locations was an existing historical well (see Section 3.3.2); the remaining tests were performed in stub wells (see Section 3.3.3). Short-term hydraulic testing was performed using the falling head slug method, testing the saturated thickness from water level in the core hole to the bottom of the core hole, with depths over 2,000 feet in some cases. The duration of each test was determined in real time from the formation response (i.e., returning of water levels in the tested borehole to pre -test levels). Isolated interval test results completed in similar geologic formations across the Kings Mountain Mine indicated that hydrostratigraphic units below the upper fractured bedrock had very low hydraulic conductivities. Therefore, SRK interpreted short-term test results as mostly representative of the saturated upper portion of core holes that penetrated overburden and fractured bedrock, even if the tests included substantial intervals of deeper, sparsely fractured rock. Table 7. Summary of Short -Term Hydraulic Testing Conducted in 2018 Hole ID Elevation (feet amsl) Dip (°) Azimuth (°) Hole Length (feet) From Along Core Hole (feet) To DDKM17-133 946.0 55 103 707.0 60.2 707.0 DDKM18-173 929.0 75 103 524.9 61.2 524.9 DDKM18-282 899.0 70 200 1,250.0 70.3 1,250.0 DDKM17-021 805.0 45 283 2,046.0 60.4 2,046.0 DDKM17-077 953.0 80 103 1,542.0 60.4 1,542.0 DDKM17-131 954.0 55 103 1,059.7 80.1 1,059.7 DDKM17-110 914.6 55 103 607.0 60.0 607.0 KMMW-002` 934.3 90 0 229.0 62.0 229.0 Vertical well 27 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina ® Short Term Testing Location w Project Area y '-I' , r R" DDKM17-021 UDKM17-O77 if DU KM 17-113 DUKM17-11Q �� Figure 11. Locations of short-term hydraulic testing completed in 2018. 28 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 5.1.3 Vibrating Wire Piezometers Description of Equipment Five multi -node VWP strings were installed in DDKM18-291, DDKM18-298, DDKM18-312, DDKM18-327, and DDKM18-340. At each core hole, five separate sensors were mounted to a guide pipe and lowered to various target depths. Once the strings were in place, the annular space in the core hole was backfilled with cement from the bottom to the surface. Wires extending from the VWPs were connected to data loggers at the surface. Data from these data loggers were collected and used to evaluate groundwater hydraulic heads, as well as vertical and horizontal gradients. Figure 12 shows a three- dimensional (31)) representation of the VWP holes and installed sensor locations completed in 2018, and Figure 13 shows a schematic of a typical VWP installation. * DDKM16-340 i n D M18-: ppKM18.248 — Y" — i (J 500 1000 1500 2000 Figure 12. VWP holes and installed sensor locations completed in 2018. 29 m k k L Lk k LLk k k k L k k L k kk L k k k.k k k a k Lkk k Lkk5 k Lkkk Lkk5 k LLkk 5 kkkk is kk_k_ k_kk_k_k_kk_k_ k_kkk_k_kkk_ k_kkk_k_kkk_ k_k_kk_k_k_kkk k_k_kkk_k_kkk k_k_k_kk_k_k_kkvkk_ LLt-L k k k L k_k k k_k_k k k k_k k k k_k k k k_k k k k_k k k k k_k k k k_k k k k_k k k k_k k k k_k_k k k k_k.�.k.k.k: k.k.k_k_M- k_k_k_h_k_�k_k_��k_k_#Lk_k_k_k_k_k_k_k_k��k_k_��k_k_�k�k_k_k_k_k_k_k_k_k�k_k_���k���k_k_k_k_k_k_k_k_k�k_��k_ k } } } b } } } b k�- Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Location and Duration of Monitoring During 2018, SRK installed five separate VWP strings in select core holes, each equipped with five sensors to various depths. Each VWP installation was equipped with a data logger at the surface. Data loggers were installed and configured prior to the conclusion of the field characterization program in November 2018. SRK was able to access the data loggers and collect the stored data only 3 years later in November 2021. Unfortunately, the data loggers were no longer functioning or recording data because of maintenance issues. In some locations, short data intervals (on the order of 2 months) were collected but were not usable. In April 2022, new data loggers were installed and connected to each of the VWPs. Figure 14 shows the location of each VWP installation, and Table 8 presents a summary of each VWP sensor. Table 8. VWP Sensor Summary SensorlD (Hole ID-#- Vertical Depth) Sensor Serial Number Pressure Rating (MPa) Sensor Length Along Core Hole (feet) Sensor Vertical Depth (feet bgs) Sensor Elevation (feet amsl) DDKM 18-340-129 1831467 0.7 129.1 121 794 DDKM 18-340-384 1833436 1 383.8 360 555 DDKM 18-340-699 1833665 2 698.8 655 260 DDKM 18-340-980 1830417 3 979.6 918 -3 DDKM 18-340-1158 1831312 5 1,157.8 1,085 -170 DDKM 18-327-164 1831468 0.7 164.0 149 669 DDKM 18-327-490 1833664 2 490.0 443 375 DDKM 18-327-790 1833663 3 790.0 715 103 DDKM 18-327-1090 1830416 5 1,090.0 988 -170 DDKM 18-327-1378 1831311 5 1,378.0 1,252 -434 DDKM 18-312-126 1831469 0.7 125.7 118 765 DDKM 18-312-500 1833662 2 500.0 479 404 DDKM 18-312-880 1830415 3 880.0 852 31 DDKM 18-312-1120 1831310 5 1,120.0 1,087 -204 DDKM 18-312-1285 1831309 5 1,285.0 1,250 -367 DDKM 18-298-131 1822360 0.7 131 122.2 814.9 DDKM 18-298-351 1823469 1 351 328.3 608.8 DDKM 18-298-526 1824466 2 526 490.7 446.3 DDKM 18-298-676 1822676 3 676 628.5 308.5 DDKM 18-298-1061 1821309 5 1,061 974.6 -37.5 DDKM 18-291-127 1821619 0.7 127 120 763 DDKM 18-291-297 1823468 1 297 280 603 DDKM 18-291-604 1824455 2 604 569 313 DDKM 18-291-897 1822675 3 897 846 37 DDKM 18-291-1197 1820128 5 1,197 1,129 -247 MPa: megapascal 31 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina ♦ Water Level Datalogger ♦ Vibrating Wire Piezometer (Mulit-Level) Q Project Area F_ r 4 ` i� f k DDKM18 282, DDKM18-241 PL4 DDKM17-OOB 8-31=2 I' RCKM17-012 aD KM18-173 KMMW-001 J i ` 7 Figure 14. Existing groundwater level/piezometric monitoring locations 32 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 5.2 2022 Drilling Program 5.2.1 Purpose and Scope In August 2022, Albemarle initiated a drilling program to characterize the subsurface conditions through different engineering and geoscientific disciplines to support the ongoing permitting efforts, including hydrogeologic characterization. As part of expanding the groundwater monitoring network, 24 permanent monitoring wells (see Figure 8) will be installed to replace the temporary stub wells (see Figure 6) as the monitoring well network. The 2022 drilling program builds on the 2018 characterization efforts and is an expanded, dedicated program designed to characterize the entire Kings Mountain Mine, with considerations for future tailings, waste rock facilities, and permitting requirements. The key objectives are to evaluate pit dewatering requirements, pit wall depressurization, and impacts to water resources. The scope of work targeted the drilling required to characterize subsurface conditions within the overburden, fractured bedrock, and groundwater systems below competent bedrock. In the 2018 campaign, the upper system was found to comprise surficial soils, weathered bedrock (saprolite, saprock, and highly fractured bedrock), down to competent bedrock. The lower system, which occurs from approximately 30 feet below the top of competent bedrock, is assumed to have lower permeability with possible permeable faults or unknown fractured features at depth. Therefore, drilling methods in 2022 focused on well installations in the upper system and open hole boreholes in the deep bedrock. Long-term pumping tests were conducted in historical and proposed pumping wells. Short-term testing and installation of long-term water level monitoring instruments were proposed for selected wells. 5.2.2 2022 Hydraulic Testing Two sets of pumping tests were planned for 2022, each designed to reduce uncertainty with regard to the hydraulic properties of the upper saturated zones in and around the proposed open pit. Data were collected to evaluate viability of historical pumping wells for future dewatering and to establish baseline water quality. Refer to Figure 5 for the locations of the two wells used in the first pumping tests (KMMW-002 and KMMW-005). Refer to Figure 8 for testing locations for the second set, which consist of the wells being drilled in 2022 for the new comprehensive groundwater monitoring network. The long-term tests will consist of pumping and recovery tests lasting up to 5 days, water quality field parameter monitoring, multiple groundwater samplings throughout the pumping tests, and continuous water level monitoring. Field activities will consist of installing several thousand feet of discharge hose, large -volume tanks for interim storage of test discharge waters, and transfer pumps to manage discharge from each pumped well. The pumped wells will be developed prior to testing using wire brushes, surging, bailing, and pumping. Well conditions following development will be evaluated visually using a downhole video camera. Long -Term Testing Wells to be tested for a longer duration will be determined based on observations made during drilling. Observed water strikes, losses, and pressure increases will provide preliminary estimates on likely flow rates and duration of the pumping tests. The actual duration of the tests will be concluded during the pumping phase based on monitored aquifer responses. SRK will design the test durations and logistics to allow critical evaluation of boundary conditions (i.e., recharge or no flow boundaries) or to ensure analyzable response in a particular monitoring well. 33 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Short -Term Testing Following installation and development, each well will be tested to evaluate transmissivity of the formation exposed in the screen or open hole. Based on the results of the initial characterization, SRK will test each location for up to 12 hours, or longer depending on observable changes in water levels and predicted drawdowns. After each well has been tested, a spinner log will be deployed at each well to evaluate the distribution of transmissive zones. Installation of Long -Term Monitoring Equipment Following closure of the previous open pit operation, the hydrogeological system at the Kings Mountain Mine is approaching a quasi -steady-state condition caused by reflooding of the open pit with groundwater and surface flow ingresses. Based on recently obtained groundwater level measurements from the stub wells (see Section 3.3.3), the shallow groundwater water table (less than 100 feet from the ground surface) is on par with the pit lake water level. The hydrogeological system will be altered again with the commencement of the proposed open pit excavation. Therefore, additional hydrogeological characterization and evaluation will be required, which will include installation of monitoring equipment as described below: • Eighteen shallow monitoring wells (to about 150 feet in depth) will be installed to monitor water levels, develop baseline groundwater chemistry, record variability in hydraulic conductivity, update the numerical groundwater model, support waste rock characterization, obtain geotechnical data, and obtain rock samples for geochemical analysis. Three deep monitoring wells (to about 400 feet in depth) will be installed to characterize the deep groundwater system and to obtain rock samples for geologic, geochemical, and mineralogic analysis. These wells will also provide long-term monitoring for variations in water levels and impacts from open pit dewatering and pit expansion. Lastly, these locations have the potential to penetrate a suspected permeable feature associated with the shear zone at the silica mica schist and schist marble contact. Three shallow pumping wells (to about 150 feet in depth, in the same location as the deep monitoring wells) will target the upper overburden and fractured bedrock, generally the highest - permeability formation. Installation locations will focus on areas with limited coverage from existing pumping wells, areas requiring further characterization, and areas potentially impacted by drawdown from pit dewatering. These wells will be installed with 6-inch-diameter galvanized steel and wire -wrapped stainless steel screen. • Four existing (historical) wells were installed in the 1970s during prior mine operations. These wells were generally constructed by drilling through the overburden and installing galvanized steel casing into the top of fractured bedrock and then an open borehole to the bottom (230-300 feet). The casings are not grouted in place. Existing wells include KMMW-001, KMMW-002, KMMW-003, and KMMW-005 (Figure 5). • Twelve existing stub wells have also been equipped with water level monitoring equipment. The long-term monitoring instrumentation following the 2022 drilling program, and the purpose of each well, is summarized in Table 9. Locations are shown in Figures 5, 6, and 8. 34 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Table 9. Permanent Groundwater Water Level Monitoring Instrumentation Permanent Monitoring Instrumentation Type of Location Purpose Period of Record Location KMMW21-6 Shallow New monitoring well Mid -site groundwater conditions; shallow aquifer To be installed in 2022 characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-6 Deep New monitoring well Mid -site groundwater conditions; deep aquifer To be installed in 2022 characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-15 Shallow New monitoring well Near pit groundwater conditions; shallow aquifer To be installed in 2022 characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-15 Deep New monitoring well Near pit groundwater conditions; deep aquifer To be installed in 2022 characterization; dewatering assessment MW_Pit-Upgrad-1- New monitoring well Upgradient conditions of groundwater entering mine site; To be installed in 2022 Shallow shallow aquifer characterization; dewatering assessment MW—Pit-Upgrad-1- New monitoring well Upgradient conditions of groundwater entering mine site; To be installed in 2022 Deep deep aquifer characterization; dewatering assessment KMMW21-1 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at northwest property boundary To be installed in 2022 (cross -gradient) KMMW21-4 New monitoring well Mid -site groundwater conditions near historical tailings, To be installed in 2022 north of 1-85 KMMW21-9 New monitoring well Mid -site groundwater conditions near historical tailings, To be installed in 2022 south of 1-85 KMMW21-11 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at upgradient property boundary, To be installed in 2022 north of 1-85 KMMW21-12 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at upgradient property boundary, To be installed in 2022 south of 1-85 KMMW21-13 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at Albemarle East Property To be installed in 2022 KMMW21-14 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at Albemarle East Property To be installed in 2022 MW—Plant-Downgrad New monitoring well Groundwater conditions downgradient of existing To be installed in 2022 processing plant MW—POC-South New monitoring well Point of compliance near farthest downgradient property To be installed in 2022 boundary MW—TSF-1-2 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions downgradient of historical tailings, To be installed in 2022 north of 1-85 MW—WRD-1-1 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at southwest property boundary To be installed in 2022 (cross -gradient) MW—WRD-2 New monitoring well Mid -site groundwater conditions To be installed in 2022 MW_WRD-3-1 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at northwest property boundary To be installed in 2022 (cross -gradient) MW—WRD-3-3 New monitoring well Mid -site groundwater conditions To be installed in 2022 MW—WRD-3-4 New monitoring well Groundwater conditions at southwest property boundary To be installed in 2022 (cross -gradient) KMPW21-1 New pumping well Dewatering To be installed in 2022 KMPW21-2 New pumping well Dewatering To be installed in 2022 KMPW21-3 New pumping well Dewatering To be installed in 2022 KMMW-001 Existing well Historic monitoring well, mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present KMMW-002 Existing well Historic monitoring well, mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present KMMW-003 Existing well Historic monitoring well, mid -site groundwater conditions To be installed in 2022 I Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Permanent Monitoring Instrumentation Location Type of Location Purpose Period of Record KMMW-005 Existing well Historic monitoring well and current irrigation well, groundwater conditions to the northeast side of the property To be installed in 2022 DDKM17-006 (submerged) Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM17-052 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM17-077 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Unknown; may be lost down hole DDKM17-110 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM17-113 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM17-117 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM17-131 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM17-133 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM18-173 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM18-241 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM18-282 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present RCKM17-012 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present DDKM17-006 Existing stub well Mid -site groundwater conditions Jan 2022—present Water quality sampling during 2022 hydraulic testing Water quality samples were collected from the pumping well discharge at the middle and end of each pump test. These samples are representative of groundwater that will need to be managed during dewatering activities and will flow into the pit after closure. Additional groundwater chemistry will be collected from wells that will be installed in 2022 in order to provide more information regarding the variation of groundwater quality throughout the Project area. Samples will be taken from the sampling port installed on the discharge line at the pumping wellhead and will be sent to respective laboratories for analysis. The standard operating procedure (SOP) for sample collection is detailed in Section 6 of this SAP/QAPP. 5.3 Stream Flow Surface flows at the Kings Mountain Mine will be continuously monitored at two locations (Figure 15). The first site, located at Monitoring Point KMSW-3 (a legacy concrete and steel plate weir designated as Weir #3), is located on Kings Creek below the confluence with South Creek and upstream of the culvert crossing under I-85. The second site is located at the outlet of South Creek Reservoir just upstream of the confluence with Kings Creek at Monitoring Point KMSW-8. Weir #3 is a multi -stage weir consisting of a 1.4-foot-deep V-notch weir below a 26.5-foot-wide rectangular weir. Flow depth over the weir is continuously monitored at 1-minute intervals by a Vega 11 lookdown radar sensor and Campbell Scientific data logger with solar power supply. Data from the logger is transmitted via cellular network and is available through a web interface. A stage -discharge relationship for the weir was developed using theoretical weir equations and validated with manual streamflow measurements. The stage -discharge relationship for high flows above the weir were established using 7cp Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina hydraulic simulation of Kings Creek adjusted to align with the theoretical weir discharge when flow depths are at the top of the weir. The stage discharge relationship is incorporated into the web interface so the monitoring data can be presented as water levels, water elevations, flow in cubic feet per second, or flow in gallons per minute. The outlet from South Creek Reservoir consists of two 32-inch-diameter high -density polyethylene tubes installed during the most recent dam improvements in July 2019. Water levels in the reservoir are monitored along with the groundwater monitoring network using a Rugged Troll pressure transducer suspended in the reservoir from an existing platform and associated data logger. A stage -discharge relationship for the culvert outlets was developed using the Federal Highway Administration software package HY-8 (Version 7.70) for heads on the culvert from 0 to 18.63 feet (assumed depth to dam overtopping), corresponding to flows from 0 to 152 cubic feet per second. A hydraulic analysis of the concrete inlet structure confirmed that the culverts are the hydraulically limiting structure. Measurements from the data logger are manually downloaded along with the groundwater monitoring network measurements and converted to flow rates using the stage discharge relationship for the culverts. On a quarterly basis, water level and flow data for the two monitoring stations will be downloaded, and stream flows will be calculated for reporting. In addition to the continuous monitoring, Albemarle will perform manual streamflow measurements using a handheld acoustic instrument following the U.S. Geological Survey discharge measurement method (ISO 748:202 1 -Hydrometry). The first sampling event was performed in May 2022, but low -flow conditions prevented accurate flow measurement on all but a few points. A second sampling event is scheduled for October 2022 when flows are higher, and subsequent monitoring rounds will be scheduled to align with water quality sampling events. 37 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina ♦ Surface Flow Measurement Location Tr� ' , T 0 ♦ Barometric Pressure Datalogger A. � o °wmQ � � � Surface Water Datalogger ° p Qua Q Project Area a r. Gti SSaf U.]lil`.IAI-cl �• � f�� j lkb� Figure 15. Location of surface water level, barometric pressure, and surface flow monitoring. 38 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 5.4 Bathymetric Surveys A hydrographic survey was conducted on the pit lake in October 2018 and used to create a bathymetry model of the pit. The survey used an 18-foot survey vessel equipped with GPS and professional -grade acoustic echo -sounding equipment. Transects were conducted roughly every 50 feet across the pit lake. The accuracy of the acoustic echo -sounding system is 0.5% of the water depth, with a resolution of 0.1 feet. The results of the bathymetry model in 2018 are shown in Figure 16. Since 2018, water levels have continued to rise in the pit. The deepest point of the bathymetry survey indicates the bottom of the pit at a depth of roughly 130 feet. In September 2022, the pit lake depth was measured manually in this same location as roughly 165 feet. Figure 16 shows the deep sampling point described in Section 6.2. Figure 16. Lake bathymetry survey and September 2022 deep sampling location. 39 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 6 WATER QUALITY SAMPLING 6.1 Surface Water 6.1.1 Surface Water Level Monitoring DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Seven water bodies in the Project area are equipped with automated water level monitoring data loggers (In Situ Rugged Troll 200s), similar to the unit shown in Figure 17. These units contain a pressure sensor and temperature sensor and record readings at regular intervals. As these units are not vented to the atmosphere, the pressure measurements must be corrected for barometric pressure changes, which are measured with three sensors elsewhere on the site (see Figure 15 for locations). Once corrected, the pressure readings can be converted into water levels. This allows for the changes in water depth within the various impoundments to be assessed in order to understand the inflows, outflows, and changes in storage. Each data logger is deployed from permanent structures that have been surveyed for elevation, allowing water level changes to be directly compared across the Kings Mountain Mine. Figure 17. Example of data logger deployed in surface water bodies. LOCATION AND DURATION OF MONITORING The seven water level data loggers and three barometric pressure data loggers deployed are summarized in Table 10. One water level data logger and one barometric pressure data loggers are currently inaccessible due to a rise in water levels in the mine pit lake and have not yet been recovered. Monitoring locations are shown in Figure 15. 40 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Table 10. Locations and Durations of Surface Water Level Monitoring Data Logger Location Location Description Period of Data Collection KMSW-1 No. 1 Mill Pond Jan 2022—present KMSW-2 Club Lake (south) Jan 2022—present KMSW-4 Mud Pond 1 Jan 2022—present KMSW-7 Mud Pond 2 Jan 2022—present KMSW-8 South Creek Reservoir Jan 2022—present KMSW-9 Peg 25 Pond Jan 2022—present Pit Lake 1 Pit Lake Wall (submerged) Unknown North Pit Baro Barometric Jan 2022—present Pit Baro Barometric (submerged) Unknown East Baro Barometric Jan 2022—present 6.1.2 Surface Water Sampling SAMPLING DESIGN AND APPROACH The surface water quality monitoring program is intended to provide baseline conditions for all major surface water features. These include: • Kings Creek, which flows uninterrupted through the main mine site from north to south, before crossing under I-85 and continuing to the southwest. Kings Creek receives flow from groundwater and springs along its length, but much of the flow comes from Martin Marietta dewatering discharges north of the Kings Mountain Mine. Monitoring is intended to establish a baseline along the entire length of Kings Creek. • No. 1 Mill Pond. This is an impoundment used as part of the site stormwater management. • South Reservoir. Much of the southwestern portion of the main site is drained by South Creek, which flows into South Reservoir, which in turn discharges to Kings Creek near Weir #3. South Reservoir is used as part of stormwater management. • Club Lake. This lake is located on the main site south of I-85 and is primarily a stormwater management feature. Water discharging from Club Lake enters Kings Creek before Kings Creek leaves the mine property. • Mud Pond #1 and Mud Pond #2. These are stormwater impoundments or collection points located on the main site north of 1-85. • Peg-25. This is a lake that has developed in a small pit in the center of the site, which is the location of historical tin mining. Peg-25 has been sampled in the past but is now considered too physically hazardous to access safely for sampling. Sampling was discontinued after second quarter 2022. MONITORING PERIOD AND FREQUENCY Historic monitoring frequency for the interim monitoring points is shown in Table 1 (see Section 3.1). Future monitoring points will remain essentially the same, although additional features may be added if needed. 41 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina SAMPLING PROTOCOLS Field Methods and Procedures Surface water sampling requires no purging or stabilization prior to sampling and relies on grab sampling to fill sample bottles. However, in order to filter samples being analyzed for dissolved metals, there must be some means of pushing the sample through the filter. To do this, a peristaltic pump is often used to draw the water from the water body to place in the laboratory bottles. When sampling flowing streams, there are many techniques that can be used to ensure the resulting sample represents the full flow of the stream. These techniques take into account sampling from different locations and different depths, and in some cases use equipment that weights the sample by flow rate. Kings Creek generally is not deep enough or wide enough to implement these techniques. Therefore the three Kings Creek samples are collected as grab samples like the other surface water samples. Field Equipment and Instrumentation The peristaltic pump and multiparameter water quality meter are the only equipment used for the surface water sampling. Sample Collection For samples collected from standing water, the sample is collected using the peristaltic pump, typically from the bank (Figure 18). Care is taken to collect the sample from the water column and to keep sediment from the bottom of the pond or lake from being drawn into the sample. Consistent locations are selected at each water body for repeatability (Table 11). Table 11. Surface Water Quality Sampling Collection Points Sampling Location Specific Collection Point KMSW-1 Collect near intake structure, from bank KMSW-2 Collect from bank near stilling well KMSW-2a Collect from bank near stilling well KMSW-3 Collect from weir overflow; area may at times be inaccessible due to flooding KMSW-3a Collect from weir overflow KMSW-4 Collect from bank near stilling well KMSW-7 Collect from bank near stilling well KMSW-8 Collect near outlet structure, from bank KMSW-9 Collect from bank, near metal stairs; note: sampling location has been discontinued for safety KMSW-10 Collect from bank; access from parking lot. When sampling flowing water, the sampler faces upstream to collect the sample without disturbing the bottom sediment. 42 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Flexible silicone tubing (3/8-inch OD) In -line 0.45- micron filter (for dissolved metals only) Peristaltic pump Surface water source Laboratory bottles Figure 18. Surface water sample collection using a peristaltic pump. All sample bottles are supplied directly by the analytical laboratory, with any necessary preservatives pre -measured in the bottle. The sample bottles are labeled by sampling personnel before sample collection begins. Personnel wear disposable nitrile or latex gloves during sampling. The laboratory bottles are filled directly from the discharge tubing with no interruption in pumping. Sampling personnel are careful not to overfill the bottles (in order to avoid dilution of the preservative) and to not touch the lip of the bottle with the sampling tube. Unfiltered samples bottles are filled first. If the sample bottle contains no preservatives, the bottle is rinsed with sample water that is discarded prior to sample collection. Sample bottles should be filled so that some headspace remains at the top of the bottle to account for potential freezing of samples or changes in atmospheric pressure. This does not apply to volatile organic compound (VOC) samples, which must have zero headspace; however, VOCs are not collected during typical quarterly sampling. Once all unfiltered sample bottles are filled, a disposable in -line 0.45-micron filter is connected to the end of the discharge tube without interrupting pumping. The first 500 to 1,000 mL of water run through the filter are not collected for a sample in order to ensure that the filter media has equilibrated to the sample. Once this purging has occurred, the laboratory bottles are filled directly from the filter outlet, again without touching the opening of the container during filling or overfilling the bottles. Sample Storage and Delivery The samples are placed in a cooler with ice immediately and maintained at a temperature between 0°C and 6°C until received at the laboratory. Samples are not exposed to sunlight after collection. Chain of custody forms are completed and signed, and laboratory copies are placed inside the cooler in a Ziploc plastic bag. As noted in Section 4.3, two laboratories are used. Generally speaking, samples with long hold times (7 days or more) are shipped via FedEx overnight to ACZ in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Before 43 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina shipment, the coolers are sealed with custody seals and packing tape. Care is taken that the samples are properly iced so that they arrive below 6°C, even after overnight shipping. Samples with short hold times are delivered by hand to Waypoint in Charlotte, North Carolina. Equipment Decontamination For the surface water sampling, all materials interacting directly with the water samples (tubing and filters) are disposable and are not reused. Since all materials are disposable, decontamination of equipment is not required between samples and no equipment blanks are collected in the field. Management of Derived Waste All water pumped from the surface water bodies and not collected in sample bottles is allowed to discharge back to the same water body. 6.1.3 Additional Kings Creek Surveys In addition to water quality sampling on Kings Creek, several additional surveys and analysis have been conducted to support permitting efforts. These include: • Aquatic sampling. Three main methods were used to assess the aquatic habitats: trapping fish within pond habitats, electrofishing in streams, and visual and tactile surveys of streams for aquatic macroinvertebrates (primarily freshwater mollusks and crayfish). Aquatic surveys were conducted in August 2022. All collected animals were identified to species and released at their capture location. Additional data, including animal lengths and sexual characteristics, were collected. The results of the aquatic survey indicate that no federally or state -listed aquatic species of concern occur on the Kings Mountain Mine. • Substrate analysis, surveys or stream profile and cross -sections, and flow modeling were conducted to support NPDES permitting analysis. 6.1.4 Kings Creek Sediment Samples In August 2022, sediment samples were collected from Kings Creek. The purpose of the sediment sampling is to provide data on pre -mining sediment geochemical conditions, prior to any discharge of pit lake water into Kings Creek, to be permitted through the NPDES program. Two samples were collected from Kings Creek at the far northern property boundary to provide information on any sediment affected by the Martin Marietta discharges into Kings Creek from the adjacent property. An additional sample was collected at the southern property boundary where Kings Creek leaves the Project area (see Figure 2). Analytes were identical to those shown in Table 12. Table 12. Sediment Sample Analytes Parameter Parameter Description" Laboratory Method Laboratory Detection Limit Carbon, total Soil analysis ASA No. 9 29-2.2.4 0.1 % Carbon, total inorganic Soil analysis ASA No. 9 29-2.2.4 0.1 % Carbon, total organic Soil analysis ASA No. 9 29-2.2.4 0.1 % Net acid generation Soil analysis Single NAG — EGI 2002 0.1 to 1 kg H2SO4/ton 44 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Parameter Description" Laboratory Method Laboratory Detection Limit Neutralization potential as CaCO3 Soil analysis M600/2-78-504 3.2.3 - Modified 0.1 % pH Soil analysis M9045D/M9040C 0.1 pH, saturated paste Soil analysis EPA 600/2-78-054 section 3.2.2 0.1 Sulfur forms Soil analysis M600/2-78-054 3.2.4-Modified 0.01 % Alkalinity General chemistry SM2320B - Titration 2 mg/L Carbon, total inorganic General chemistry SM5310B 1 mg/L Chloride General chemistry SM4500CI-E 1 mg/L Conductivity at 25°C General chemistry SM2510B 1 pmhos/cm Fluoride General chemistry SM4500E-C 0,15 mg/L Nitrate/nitrite as N General chemistry M353.2-1-12SO4 preserved 0.02 mg/L Sulfate General chemistry D516-07 - Turbidimetric 1 mg/L Gross alpha Radiochemistry M9310 2 to 4 pCi/L Gross beta Radiochemistry M9315 2 to 4 pCi/L Radium 226 + alpha emitting radium isotopes Radiochemistry M9315 1 pCi/L Radium 228 Radiochemistry M904.0 1.5 pCi/L Aluminum Metals M6010D ICP 0.05 mg/L Antimony Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.0004 mg/L Arsenic Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.0002 mg/L Barium Metals M6010D ICP 0.009 mg/L Beryllium Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.00008 mg/L Bismuth Metals M6010D ICP 0.04 mg/L Boron Metals M6010D ICP 0.03 mg/L Cadmium Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.00005 mg/L Calcium Metals M6010D ICP 0.1 mg/L Chromium Metals M6010D ICP 0.02 mg/L Cobalt Metals M6010D ICP 0.02 mg/L Copper Metals M6010D ICP 0.01 mg/L Iron Metals M6010D ICP 0.06 mg/L Lead Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.0001 mg/L Lithium Metals M6010D ICP 0.008 mg/L Magnesium Metals M6010D ICP 0.2 mg/L Manganese Metals M6010D ICP 0.01 mg/L Mercury by direct combustion AA Metals M7473 CVAAS 2 ng/g Mercury Metals M7470A CVAAS 0.0002 mg/L Molybdenum Metals M6010D ICP 0.02 mg/L Nickel Metals M6010D ICP 0.008 mg/L Phosphorus Metals M6010D ICP 0.1 mg/L Potassium Metals M6010D ICP 0.2 mg/L Scandium Metals M6010D ICP 0.05 mg/L Selenium Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.0001 mg/L Silicon Metals M6010D ICP 0.1 mg/L 45 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Parameter Description' Laboratory Method Laboratory Detection Limit Silver Metals M6010D ICP 0.01 mg/L Sodium Metals M6010D ICP 0.2 mg/L Strontium Metals M6010D ICP 0.009 mg/L Sulfur Metals M6010D ICP 0.25 mg/L Thallium Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.0001 mg/L Thorium Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.001 mg/L Tin Metals M6010D ICP 0.04 mg/L Titanium Metals M6010D ICP 0.005 mg/L Uranium Metals M6010D ICP-MS 0.0001 mg/L Vanadium Metals M6010D ICP 0.01 mg/L Zinc Metals M6010D ICP 0.02 mg/L Unless noted as soil analyses, analyses refer to aqueous samples derived from a synthetic precipitation leaching procedure 6.2 Pit Lake 6.2.1 Sampling Design and Approach Starting with the initial pit lake sampling in 2018, the sampling design was intended to assess the lateral and vertical variation in water quality in the pit lake. In 2018, three pit lake locations (northeast, middle, and southwest) were selected for monitoring, and at each location, three individual samples were taken at specific depths. This sampling protocol was replicated in 2022 investigations. However, prior to the second quarter 2022 sampling event, additional effort was put into identifying the appropriate depths at which to collect the vertical samples. In April 2022, water quality profiles were run on the lake down to 95 feet by measuring field parameters (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential). The resulting profiles described the stratification of the lake and informed where to collect the samples. In general, the pit lake exhibits several isoclines at specific depths. At these locations, water quality parameters abruptly change. • The first isocline was observed at shallow depths, roughly from the surface to a depth of about 20 feet. This shallow zone exhibited the highest temperatures and high levels of dissolved oxygen, as would be expected in the near surface zone. A sample depth of 10 feet was selected to represent this zone. The second isocline was observed between depths of roughly 50 and 70 feet. This zone exhibited an abrupt increase in specific conductivity (equivalent to higher dissolved solids in the water) and lower oxidation-reduction potential. The low oxidation-reduction potential, coupled with low levels of dissolved oxygen, suggested that anoxic and reducing conditions occur at depth. A sample depth of 50 feet was selected to represent the portion of the lake above this isocline, and a sample depth of 80 feet was selected to represent the portion of the lake below this isocline. Based on bathymetry surveys of the pit lake, it was known that the deepest portion of the lake (near the center monitoring point) extended well below the 95 feet over which the vertical water profiles were conducted. For future sampling events in 2023, the entire lake profile will be monitored and sampled. 46 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 6.2.2 Monitoring Period and Frequency Sampling of the pit lake began in 2018 and has been conducted consistently every quarter since second quarter 2022. The depths differ slightly between 2018 and 2022, as shown in Table 2, but follow the same pattern of sampling for vertical variability in the pit lake. 6.2.3 Sampling Protocols FIELD METHODS AND PROCEDURES The goal of the pit lake sampling is to collect samples at different locations and different depths. Sampling from the pit lake is conducted using a pontoon boat as a sampling platform. Samples are collected by personnel on the boat using a vertical length of submerged poly tubing extending into the reservoir, connected to a peristaltic pump located on the pontoon boat. Using this approach, samples may be collected from any desired depth. Field parameters are also measured from the boat, for the water quality samples brought to the surface and separately as part of the vertical lake profiling. FIELD EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION Rigid'/4-inch poly tubing is lowered to the depth of the lowest sample (typically a depth of 80 feet). To ensure the tubing runs straight downward, a pre -measured nylon rope with an inert weight attached is lowered slowly to depth. The rigid poly tubing is extended at the same time and zip -tied to the rope. Once the tubing is lowered to the desired sample depth, the tubing is connected to a length of silicon tubing that is used for the peristaltic pumphead, as shown in Figure 19. 47 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Pre -measured nylon rope with inert weight Periodic zip - ties to securE tubing to rop Flexible silicone tubing (3/8-inch OD) In -line 0.45- micron filter (for dissolved metals only) Peristaltic pump Rigid poly tubing (1/4- Laboratory inch OD) Designated sampling depth Figure 19. Pit lake water sample collection using a peristaltic pump. SAMPLE COLLECTION bottles All sample bottles are supplied directly by the analytical laboratory, with any necessary preservatives pre -measured in the bottle. The sample bottles are labeled by sampling personnel before sample collection begins. Personnel wear disposable nitrile or latex gloves during sampling. As all samples are being collected from the same body of water, tubing does not need to be replaced between collection of the nine pit lake samples (three locations, three depths). The peristaltic pump is turned on and allow to run for 2 minutes prior to sample collection to purge the pump of stagnant water. After 2 minutes, the laboratory bottles are filled directly from the discharge tubing with no interruption in pumping. Sampling personnel are careful not to overfill the bottles (in order to avoid dilution of the preservative) and to not touch the lip of the bottle with the sampling tube. Unfiltered samples bottles are filled first. If the sample bottle contains no preservatives, the bottle is rinsed with sample water that is discarded prior to sample collection. Sample bottles should be filled so that some headspace remains at the top of the bottle to account for potential freezing of samples or changes in atmospheric pressure. This does not apply to VOC samples, which must have zero headspace; however, VOCs are not collected during typical quarterly sampling. 48 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Once all unfiltered sample bottles are filled, a disposable in -line 0.45-micron filter is connected to the end of the discharge tube without interrupting pumping. The first 500 to 1,000 mL of water run through the filter are not collected for a sample in order to ensure that the filter media has equilibrated to the sample. Once this purging has occurred, the laboratory bottles are filled directly from the filter outlet, again without touching the opening of the container during filling or overfilling the bottles. Note that while tubing does not need to be replaced for each sample, the in -line filter is disposable and a new filter is used for each sample location/depth. SAMPLE STORAGE AND DELIVERY Sample storage and delivery are identical to that described in Section EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION For the pit lake sampling, all materials interacting directly with the water samples (tubing and filters) are disposable and are not reused. Since all materials are disposable, decontamination of equipment is not required between samples, and no equipment blanks are collected in the field. MANAGEMENT OF DERIVED WASTE All water pumped from the lake and not collected in sample bottles is allowed to discharge back to the lake. IN -SITU PIT LAKE WATER QUALITY PROFILES As noted in Section 6.2.1, in addition to collecting water quality samples, vertical water quality profiles are measured in the lake at each sampling point. A YSI multiparameter probe with a 98-foot cable is used for the profiles. Measurement parameters include dissolved oxygen (measured as mg/L and as a percentage), temperature ff ), pH, specific conductivity (µS/cm), and oxidation-reduction potential (mV). The YSI probe is lowered to the lowest reachable depth of 95 feet. The sensor readings are observed by personnel on the pontoon boat until they equilibrate. Typically, conductivity, pH, and temperature are observed for equilibration. Once equilibration occurs, the sensor readings are documented for that depth. The sensor is then raised 5 feet and the process is repeated. 6.3 Groundwater 6.3.1 Sampling Design and Approach The groundwater monitoring program uses two approaches. Both are designed to fulfill the overall goals of the monitoring program: to establish a baseline understanding of groundwater quality to guide mine design and mine operational plans, and to support required environmental permits. A baseline of four consistent quarters of groundwater quality data is desired to support design and permitting efforts. The existing groundwater monitoring points (see Figures 5 and 6) are limited in a number of key ways. They are restricted geographically, when compared with the overall Project area. • They are not designed specifically for sampling or monitoring (the stub wells). • Some are old and in poor condition (KMMW-001 and KMMW-002), which limits the effectiveness for sample recovery. 49 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina The first approach is to make use of these existing points to their maximum extent. Although limited, this is an interim approach meant to begin building baseline water quality data. This effort started in 2018, and consistent quarterly sampling began in 2022. The second approach is to drill and install a suite of 24 monitoring wells that are specifically designed to support the mine development and permitting, as described in Section 3.3.4. This monitoring suite was designed to provide full geographic coverage of the Kings Mountain Mine, and the wells are designed as dedicated monitoring wells. These are intended to form the permanent and consistent set of groundwater quality monitoring points for the Project. 6.3.2 Monitoring Period and Frequency Historic monitoring frequency for the interim monitoring points is shown in Table 3. Future monitoring points will be sampled quarterly to establish an adequate baseline. 6.3.3 Sampling Protocols FIELD METHODS AND PROCEDURES Generally speaking, collection of groundwater samples can be undertaken in three ways: • Passive sampling, in which samples are not actively collected but allowed to diffuse over time into collection containers. • Low -flow sampling, in which the goal is to disturb the well as little as possible while ensuring that the incoming water is truly coming from the aquifer formation and is not stagnant water from the well casing. • Purge sampling, in which the goal of ensuring the sample is from the aquifer formation is achieved by purging a large amount of water from the well to ensure that all stagnant water in the well casing is replaced with water from the aquifer. Low -flow sampling techniques are largely the norm for environmental sampling and have been selected for this Project. Passive sampling is not feasible due to the large volumes of water needed for any given sample, given the extensive list of analytes. Purging would require disposal of large volumes of purge water, and with the exception of KMMW-002, the existing monitoring points are not in a condition that would allow full-scale purging and recovery. After installation of the permanent monitoring suite, low -flow sampling techniques are anticipated to continue to be used. It is likely, however, that the type of pumping equipment will change as described below. FIELD EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION Monitoring Equipment - Interim Monitoring Points There are two pump options available for collecting low -flow samples from the existing groundwater wells: peristaltic pump and bladder pump. The peristaltic pump can draw water from a depth of approximately 30 feet, and results in faster sampling, while the bladder pump can draw from any depth but is slower. Use of the peristaltic pump is 50 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina similar to that described for the sampling of the pit lake. When using the peristaltic pump, all equipment remains at the surface and only rigid poly tubing is inserted into the groundwater table. The bladder pump includes several pieces of equipment, both in the well and aboveground. The bladder pump itself is placed below the groundwater table in the well, while the compressor/controller remains at the surface. The bladder pump is connected to the compressor/controller by a disposable air tube. A separate water discharge tube also runs from the bladder pump to the surface. Bladder pumps work by alternately inflating and deflating a plastic bladder. When no air pressure is exerted against the outside of the bladder, water can enter the bladder. Once air pressure is exerted on the bladder, the water is forced out and up through the discharge tubing. This cycle is repeated on a regular cycle (roughly every 30-60 seconds). Whether using a bladder pump or peristaltic pump, for low -flow sampling, both groundwater levels and field parameters must be monitored. An electronic water -level sounder is used to manually gauge depth to water (DTW) on a regular basis. A multiparameter water quality meter is attached to the discharge line using a flow -through cell to allow for undisturbed, continual measurement of field parameters. Monitoring Equipment — Permanent Monitoring Wells Sampling of the permanent suite of monitoring wells is anticipated to require different equipment, due to the possibility of deeper water levels, particularly after dewatering activities begin. Sample collection is anticipated to continue using low -flow techniques. An electric submersible pump is likely to be used for the permanent monitoring points. The electric submersible will be powered by a generator at the surface and will use discharge tubing dedicated to the pump and not replaced between wells. The pump, tubing, and electrical cord will be lowered to the preferred sampling depth. Ideally, this will be at the depth of the screened interval of the well, to maximize the direct inflow of water from the aquifer to the pump. Due to the use of equipment placed in the well and non -disposable discharge tubing, decontamination procedures will also require substantial revision to ensure proper cleaning between wells. SAMPLE COLLECTION At the beginning of each monitoring event and before undertaking any purging or sampling activities, field personnel measure and record on a field sampling form the DTW to determine static conditions in the well. DTW is measured to a precision of 0.01 foot using the electronic water -level sounder at a designated measuring point marked on each well. Where there is no designated measuring point, personnel will use the north side of the well casing as the measuring point. The DTW measurement will determine the pump that should be used. If 30 feet or less, the peristaltic pump is acceptable. If greater than 30 feet, the bladder pump must be used. To prepare the bladder pump for installation in each well, personnel decontaminate the pump housing (see Section and then replace the bladder in the pump with a new disposable bladder, and connect new disposable tubing to the water discharge and air intakes. The pump is secured to a length of new disposable nylon rope. The rope is pre -measured to place the pump at the pre -determined depth in the well and secured at the surface. The pre -measured depth for the pump is typically about 30 feet below the water level surface. 51 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina The pump is lowered to the pre -determined depth. The air intake tubing is then connected to the controller/compressor at the surface, and the water discharge tubing is connected at the surface to the YSI meter flow -through cell (Figure 20). Flow through In -line 0.45- cell with water micron filter quality meter (for dissolved metals only) UL Air tube to Water bladder pump discharge tube Bladder pump �. controllers compressor Laboratory battles Pre -measured nylon safety rope, tied off Ground surface Watersurface Bladder pump Figure 20. Groundwater sample collection from a stub well using the bladder pump. Pumping should be started at a relatively low flow rate. Generally speaking, the maximum rate of flow the bladder pump can produce is 0.1 gpm, while the peristaltic pump can operate up to 0.5 gpm. When the submersible pump is used for the permanent wells, flow rates of less than 0.5 gpm are anticipated. When pumping begins, the water level sounder is used to monitor the water levels in the well approximately every 5 minutes in order to ensure that they do not rapidly decline. The goal is to produce minimal drawdown during the low -flow purging. Rapidly falling groundwater levels suggest that only stagnant water in the casing is being removed and is not being replaced by water representative of the surrounding aquifer formation. The water quality parameters are observed and recorded every 5 minutes. Low -flow purging is considered sufficient when parameters stabilize for at least three consecutive readings within the following limits. • Temperature = +/- 1 degree Celsius (°C) • pH = +/- 0.1 • Conductivity = +/- 10% micromhos (µmhos) • Dissolved oxygen = +/- 0.3 mg/L Samples are collected once parameters stabilize. 52 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina All sample bottles are supplied directly by the analytical laboratory, with any necessary preservatives pre -measured in the bottle. The sample bottles are labeled by sampling personnel before sample collection begins. Personnel wear disposable nitrile or latex gloves during sampling. Prior to filling the sample bottles, the discharge tubing is disconnected from the flow -through cell. The laboratory bottles are filled directly from the discharge tubing with no interruption in pumping. Sampling personnel are careful not to overfill the bottles (in order to avoid dilution of the preservative) and to not touch the lip of the bottle with the sampling tube. Unfiltered samples bottles are filled first. If the sample bottle contains no preservatives, the bottle is rinsed with sample water that is discarded prior to sample collection. Sample bottles should be filled so that some headspace remains at the top of the bottle to account for potential freezing of samples or changes in atmospheric pressure. This does not apply to VOC samples, which must have zero headspace; however, VOCs are not collected during typical quarterly sampling. Once all unfiltered sample bottles are filled, a disposable in -line 0.45-micron filter is connected to the end of the discharge tube without interrupting pumping. The first 500 to 1,000 mL of water run through the filter are not collected for a sample in order to ensure that the filter media has equilibrated to the sample. Once this purging has occurred, the laboratory bottles are filled directly from the filter outlet, again without touching the opening of the container during filling or overfilling the bottles. SAMPLE STORAGE AND DELIVERY Sample storage and delivery are identical to that described in Section EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION Unlike the pit lake sampling, the groundwater sampling uses non -disposable equipment (the bladder pump housing and the electric water -level sounder). Both must be decontaminated between wells to prevent cross -contamination of samples. The air tubing, water discharge tubing, nylon rope, in -line filters, and pump bladder are all disposable and are not reused. Note that the flow -through cell and YSI probe are disconnected before any sample collection and that decontamination is not required. During decontamination, personnel will: • clean the equipment inside and out with a laboratory -grade detergent (Liquinox or equivalent) or a clean -water solution, using a scrub brush where practical; • rinse the equipment with tap water and then rinse it again with distilled or deionized water; • inspect the equipment for remaining particles or surface film and repeat the cleaning and rinse procedures if necessary; and • dry the equipment with clean, unused paper towels. When transporting or storing decontaminated equipment, personnel will protect it in a manner that minimizes the potential for contamination. As noted, the permanent monitoring wells will use a submersible pump that will require different decontamination procedures. Because equipment is decontaminated between samples, an equipment blank is required as described in Section 8. 53 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina MANAGEMENT OF DERIVED WASTE Given the low volume of sampling, discharge water may be discharged directly to the ground. Discharge of purge water from monitoring wells is explicitly allowed under North Carolina regulations: 1 SA NCAC 02T .0113 PERMITTING BYREGULATION (a) The following disposal systems ... shall be deemed to be permitted pursuant to G.S. 143- 21 S.1(b), and it shall not be necessary for the Division to issue individual permits or coverage under a general permit for construction or operation of the following disposal systems provided the system does not result in any violations ofsurface water or groundwater standards, there is no direct discharge to surface waters, and all criteria required for the specific system are met: (11) purge water from groundwater monitoring wells 7 BROWNFIELD SCREENING SAMPLING 7.1 Purpose of Sampling The Project area has historically been used for mining and lithium processing. As no major contamination or environmental compliance actions have occurred, the suite of analytes used for the quarterly monitoring (pit lake, groundwater, and surface water) focuses on metals, inorganics, and radiochemistry, but not organic constituents. Separate from the quarterly sampling, Albemarle intends to conduct a comprehensive brownfield screening sampling event to specifically focus on organic constituents. The purpose of this sampling is to screen for any evidence of historical contamination in the Project area, or contamination that may have migrated onto the Project area from adjacent industrial or historical land use. 7.2 Sampling Design and Approach/Selection of Analytes The brownfield screening sampling event will take place once the permanent suite of monitoring wells is fully installed. These wells are specifically designed for sampling and are geographically spaced to provide complete coverage, including the upgradient, cross -gradient, and downgradient boundaries. In addition to the groundwater samples, the standard surface water sampling locations will be tested, as will depth -specific sampling from one location in the pit lake. This sampling likely will take place no earlier than first quarter 2023 due to the ongoing well installation. The number of samples are shown in Table 13. The analysis methods selected are intended to provide coverage for a wide range of common organic constituents that might arise from fuel spills, chemical disposal, or chemical use, including all organics that have North Carolina groundwater or surface water regulatory standards. These include VOCs, semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Albemarle has considered but excluded two other methods as screening options: • Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), with chain length (gas -range, diesel -range, oil -range). Monitoring for TPH is a cost-effective way to screen large numbers of samples for potential organics, and should pick up gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and oil. However, the results of TPH 54 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina screening are not diagnostic and usually have to be followed up with VOC/SVOC testing. Since VOC/SVOC testing is already being undertaken, TPH is unnecessary. Herbicides/pesticides. Generally speaking, these constituents are sampled if there is a clear land history that suggests they may have been used on -site. Typical uses include pesticide use on farms, or herbicide use on road or railroad rights -of -way. There is no historical evidence for these land uses on the site. In addition, based on early communications with NCDEP, the screening analysis will also include per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS are an emerging contaminant and have been commonly termed "forever chemicals" in the media. PFAS have been used around the world since the 1950s in a wide variety of consumer goods. Today, they can be found in products like firefighting foam, non-stick cookware, cosmetics, and materials that protect against grease, oil, and water, such as stain -resistant carpeting and fabrics, food packaging, and water-repellent clothing. PFAS concentrations have been observed in a wide variety of locations, in soils, water, and even human blood samples. Because these are emerging contaminants, regulatory standards have not yet been developed by North Carolina or the EPA. In 2021, the EPA issued a "PFAS roadmap" with a timeline for setting drinking water and wastewater treatment standards, health assessment protocols, and hazardous substance designations for several PFAS chemicals. Including PFAS in the brownfield screening will allow Albemarle to proactively address this emerging issue, if needed. Table 13. Brownfield Screening Analysis and Number of Samples Analysis Suite Laboratory Method Pit Lake` Surface Watert Groundwater Wells* VOCs 8260D 3 6 21 SVOCs 8270E 3 6 21 PCBs 8082A 3 6 21 PFAS EPA 537§ 3 6 21 'Lab certification for this method in North Carolina is still under review; however the selected laboratory is certified through the Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (DoD-ELAP). " Sampled from central pit lake location (PL-5) at three depths (10, 80, and 160 feet) t Kings Creek (3 samples), South Reservoir, No. 1 Mill Pond, Club Lake t Full new monitoring well suite, as shown in Table 2 § Lab certification for this method in North Carolina is still under review; however, the selected laboratory is certified through the Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (DoD-ELAP). 8 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PLAN 8.1 Technical Procedures for Sampling and Conducting Fieldwork 8.1.1 Training All field sampling is conducted by staff who are familiar with the monitoring well and surface water sampling network and are trained in water resources monitoring and sampling. Groundwater and surface water monitoring efforts are conducted under the technical leads assigned by SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA). All team members review the SAP/QAPP before conducting fieldwork. 55 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Personnel collecting samples are required to have a copy of the SAP/QAPP in the field. Training in documentation and sampling requirements is provided at the start of each field sampling event. 8.1.2 Field Blanks In the field, personnel fill one set of sample containers with distilled or deionized water and carry the set, hereafter called a field blank, in the field and return it unopened to the laboratory alongside the samples. The surface water sampling team and groundwater sampling team will each prepare one field blank. 8.1.3 Equipment Blank In the field, the groundwater sampling team fill one set of sample containers with distilled or deionized water that is poured over the bladder pump housing, after decontamination procedures have been completed. 8.1.4 Mercury and Volatile Organic Compound Trip Blanks Laboratory method protocols require the collection of mercury and VOC trip blanks. These are collected according to the instructions provided by the laboratory. The mercury trip blanks is collected by each of the surface water and groundwater sampling teams. The VOC trip blank is collected by the groundwater sampling team. 8.1.5 Sample Hold Times and Temperatures All samples are kept on ice in coolers before delivery to laboratories, with the intention of keeping samples less than 6°C. Only ice will be used; laboratories recommend against using dry ice. For sample delivery details, hold times, and bottle details, see Section 4.3. 8.2 Quality Control Measures The field QA/QC plan consists of several components designed to maximize data quality. • Temperature: Laboratories measure the temperature in each cooler upon delivery. • Field blanks: One field blank is collected for each sampling team. Field blanks are used to establish a baseline or background value of constituent concentrations and are used to assess contaminants introduced during sample collection and transport. • Equipment blanks: One equipment blank is prepared for the groundwater collection device. Equipment blanks are used to assess contamination from field equipment during sampling. • Calibration of field instruments: This task will occur before any monitoring activity takes place. • SOPs: Personnel will follow established protocols for the collection of environmental data. • Personnel training: Field personnel will be accompanied by or trained by experienced data collectors. • Laboratory QA/QC procedures: ACZ and Waypoint will conduct a number of internal procedures to ensure data quality. Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina A description of each data quality indicator and the applicable QA/QC component, evaluation criteria, and Project goal are presented in Table 14. Table 14. Data Quality Indicators for Environmental Data Collection Data Quality Indicator QA/QC Component Evaluation Criteria Goal Precision: measure of agreement Laboratory duplicates Relative percent difference For concentrations >Method among repeated measurements of (RPD) reporting limit the same property under identical or RPD RPD <20% substantially similar conditions; Approve or modify RPD value for random error. laboratory duplicates established by the analyzing laboratory; define in SAP. Accuracy: degree to which the Calibration and check of Documentation of 100% compliance result of a measurement conforms field instrument instrument calibration to the correct value or standard. Field blanks Method detection limit <Method detection limit SOPs for data collection Documentation of 100% compliance adherence to SOPs, including SOP acknowledgment forms and training Comparability: measure of SOPs Documentation of 100% compliance confidence that one dataset can be adherence to SOPs, compared to another and can be including SOP combined for decision -making acknowledgment forms purposes. and training Holding times Holding times for individual 100% compliance analytes Analytical methods EPA or standard method 100% compliance Representativeness: the degree to SOPs Documentation of All data collected following SOPs which data accurately and precisely adherence to SOPs, represent a characteristic of a including SOP population, parameter variations at acknowledgment forms a sampling point, a process and training condition, or an environmental condition. Completeness: measure of the Complete sampling % valid data 100% completeness amount of valid data obtained compared to the amount of data expected to be obtained. 8.3 Data Review and Validation ACZ and Waypoint email all laboratory results and electronic data deliverables to SWCA, who will analyze the data by: 1. reviewing the case narratives provided by the laboratory to identify sample handling and delivery issues or for other issues encountered by the laboratory; 2. evaluating sample representativeness by calculating relative percent differences (RPDs) for laboratory duplicate samples and further scrutinizing sample results with a greater than 20% RPD; 3. evaluating other laboratory QC procedures, such as matrix spike samples, matrix spike duplicates, or method blanks; 57 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina 4. reviewing concentrations of analytes in field blanks, equipment blanks, and trip blanks and further scrutinizing sample results with values greater than the method detection limit; 5. identifying outliers using graphing and/or statistical methods (e.g., minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation); 6. storing all laboratory analytical data in a consistent database for the Project; and 7. preparing a QA/QC memorandum that summarizes the results of the QA/QC review. The equation used to calculate RPD is as follows. RPD (%) = I A+a J x 100 2 SWCA will maintain electronic copies of the sampling data on internal servers in Project folders for data evaluation and reporting. 8.4 Water Quality Data Evaluation and Reporting SWCA prepares a monitoring memo following receipt of the laboratory report. The memo includes a summary of field conditions encountered, sampling methods followed, and analytical results. The monitoring report also includes the results of data validation conducted using the laboratory and field QA/QC samples. 58 Comprehensive Water Quality Standards List Category Parameter Organics 1,1— Diphenyl (1,1,-biphenyl) Organics 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Organics 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Organics 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113) Organics 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Organics 1,1-Dichloroethane Organics 1,1-Dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride) Organics 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Organics 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Organics 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene Organics 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene Organics 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Organics 1,2-Dichlorobenzene (orthodichlorobenzene) Organics 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) Organics 1,2-Dichloroethene (cis) Organics 1,2-Dichloroethene (trans) Organics 1,2-Dichloropropane Organics 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine Organics Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate Organics 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene Organics 1,3-Dichlorobenzene (metadichlorobenzene) Organics 1,3-Dichloropropene (cis and trans isomers) Organics 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (paradichlorobenzene) Organics 1,4-Dioxane (p-dioxane) Organics 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) Organics 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Organics 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) Organics 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol Organics 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Organics 2,4-Di methyl phenol (m-xylenol) Organics 2.4-Dichlorophenol Organics 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Organics 2,4-Dinitrophenol Organics 2-Chlorophenol Organics 2-Chlorotoluene (o-chlorotoluene) Organics 2-Chloronaphthalene Organics 2-Methylnaphthalene Organics 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol Organics 2-Methyl-4-Chlorophenol Organics 3-Methyl-4-Chlorophenol Organics 3-Methyl-6-Chlorophenol Organics 3-Methylphenol (m-cresol) Organics 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine Organics 3-Chlorophenol Organics 4-Chlorophenol Organics 2,3-Dichlorophenol Organics 2,5-Dichlorophenol Organics 2,6-Dichlorophenol Organics 3,4-Dichlorophenol Organics 4,4'-DDT Organics 4-Methylphenol (p-cresol) Organics Acenaphthene Organics Acenaphthylene Organics Acetone Organics Acrolein Organics Acrylamide Organics Acrylonitrile Organics Aldrin Inorganics/General Alkalinity Organics alpha-Endosulfan Organics beta-Endosulfan Organics alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane Organics beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane Organics Alachlor Metals Aluminum, Total Inorganics/General Ammonia (Tot) Organics Anthracene Metals Antimony, Total Metals Arsenic, Total Metals Arsenic, Dissolved Inorganics/General Asbestos Organics Atrazine and chlorotriazine metabolites Metals Barium, Total Organics Benzene Organics Benzidine Organics Benzo(a)anthracene (benz(a)anthracene) Organics Benzo(a)pyrene Organics Benzo(b)fluoranthene Organics Benzo(g,h,i,)perylene Organics Benzo(k)fluoranthene Organics Benzoic acid Metals Beryllium, Total Metals Beryllium, dissolved Inorganics/General Biological Oxygen Demand Organics Bis(2-ChIoro-1-methyl ethyl) North Carolina Groundwater Standard (ug/L unless noted) 400 200 0.2 200000 0.6 6 350 0.005 70 400 2 0.04 20 0.4 70 100 0.6 400 200 0.4 6 3 70 200 50 63 4 100 0.98 0.05 0.4 100 30 400 1 40 80 200 6000 0.008 0.006 0.02 2000 1 10 3 700 1 0.05 0.005 0.05 200 0.5 30000 North Carolina Surface Water Standards (ug/L unless noted) Freshwater Fresh & Salt Saltwater Supplemental Classifications Class B Class WS (I - V) All waters (Class C) All wa ersC)Class C All waters (Class SC) Class SB Class SA Trout Swamp Waters Primary Recreation Water Supply Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Fish Consumption Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Primary Recreation Shellfish High Quality Waters Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Acute Hardness = 133 mg/L Hardness = 133 mg/L Hardness = 133 mg/L 0.17 4 70 10 0.0002 0.001 0.001 0.0002 0.001 0.001 0.00005 0.002 0.002 0.00005 0.003 0.003 2000 (Effluent Limit) 10 10 340 150 69 36 1000 1.19 51 65 6.5 5000 (Effluent Limit) IRMA Standards (in ug/L unless noted. Metals standards assumed to refer to dissolved fraction) IRMA - 4.2a - Aquatic Organisms IRMA - 4.2c - IRMA - 4.2f - Drinking water/ IRMA - 4.2e - Aquaculture IRMA - 4.2g - Acute Chronic human health IRMA - 4.2d - Agriculture Livestock (Fresh Water) Recreational Measure 0.055 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 5 mg/L 5 mg/L 0.030 mg/L 0.20 mg/L 17,000 ug/L 1,900 ug/L (T=20,pH=7) (T=20,pH=7) 500 20 6 24 10 100 200 50 10 1000 700 I 1 1 60 1 100 1 100 I I 1of4 Category Parameter Organics Bis(ChIoromethyl) Ether Organics Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) Organics Bis(chloroethyl)ether Metals Boron, Total Organics Bromodichloromethane Organics Bromoform (tribromomethane) Organics Bromomethane (methylene bromide) Organics Butylbenzyl phthalate Metals Cadmium, Total Metals Cadmium, Dissolved Metals Calcium Organics Caprolactam Organics Carbofuran Organics Carbon disulfide Organics Carbon tetrachloride Organics Carbaryl Organics Chlordane Inorganics/General Chloride Inorganics/General Chlorine, Total Residual Organics Chlorinated benzenes, total Organics Chlorinated phenols Organics Chlorobenzene Organics Chloroethane Organics Chloroform (trichloromethane) Organics Chloromethane (methyl chloride) Inorganics/General Chlorophyll -a, Corrected Organics Chlorpyrifos Metals Chromium, Total Metals Chromium III, Dissolved Metals Chromium VI, Dissolved Organics Chrysene Metals Cobalt, Total Inorganics/General Coliform Bacteria, Fecal Inorganics/General Color Metals Copper, Total Metals Copper, Dissolved Inorganics/General Cyanide (free cyanide) Inorganics/General Cyanide, Total Organics Dalapon Organics DDD Organics DDE Organics DDT Organics Demeton Organics Diazinon Organics Dibenz(a,h)anth racene Organics Dibromochloromethane Organics Dibutyl (or di-n-butyl) phthalate Organics Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12; Halon) Organics Dieldrin Organics Diethyl phthalate Organics Dimethyl Phthalate Organics Dinitrophenols Organics Di-n-octyl phthalate Organics Dinoseb Organics Diquat Organics Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) Inorganics/General Dissolved Gases Inorganics/General Dissolved Organic Carbon Inorganics/General Dissolved Oxygen Inorganics/General Dissolved Solids Organics Disulfoton Organics Diundecyl phthalate (Santicizer 711) Organics Endosulfan Organics jEnclosulfan sulfate Organics jEnclothall North Carolina Groundwater Standard (ug/L unless noted) 3 0.03 700 0.6 4 10 1000 2 4000 40 700 0.3 0.1 -d 250 me/L 50 3000 70 3 10 5 15 CU 1000 70 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.005 0.4 700 1000 0.002 6000 100 1 0.0002 nR/L I 500 mg/L 0.3 100 40 40 North Carolina Surface Water Standards (ug/L unless noted) Freshwater Fresh & Salt Saltwater Supplemental Classifications Class B Class WS (I - V) All waters (Class C) All wa ersC)Class C All waters (Class SC) Class SB Class SA Trout Swamp Waters Primary Recreation Water Supply Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Fish Consumption Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Primary Recreation Shellfish High Quality Waters Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Acute Hardness = 133 m /L Hardness = 133 mg/L Hardness = 133 mg/L 3.51 0.53 40 8.8 2.18 0.254 1.6 0.0008 0.004 0.004 0.0008 0.004 0.004 250 mg/L 230 mg/L 230 mg/L 17 17 Narrative 488 1.0 (and narrative) 40 (and narrative) 40 (and narrative) 40 (and narrative) 40 (and narrative) 15 (and narrative) 719.66 93.61 16 11 1100 50 <_ 200/100 m L <_ 200/100 m L <_ 200/100 m L <_ 14/100 mL and <_ 43/100 m L 17.58 11.43 4.8 3.1 5 5 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.00005 0.002 0.002 0.00005 0.002 0.002 0.000005 ng/L 0.000005 ng/L 110% sat (and narrative) 110% sat (and narrative) 110% sat (and narrative) 110% sat (and narrative) 4.0 mg/L (and narrative) 4.0 mg/L (and narrative) 4.0 mg/L (and narrative) 4.0 mg/L (and narrative) >_6.0 mg/L (and narrative) Narrative 6 mg/L (Effluent Limit) 500 mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.009 0.009 IRMA Standards (in ug/L unless noted. Metals standards assumed to refer to dissolved fraction) IRMA - 4.2a - Aquatic Organisms IRMA -4.2c- Drinking water/ human health IRMA - 4.2d - Agriculture IRMA - 4.2e - Livestock IRMA -4.2f- Aquaculture (Fresh Water) IRMA - 4.2g - Recreational Acute Chronic 750 750 5000 500 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach Use EPA model; relying on NC approach 5 10 50 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach 6 Measure 230 mg/L 250 mg/L 100 mg/L 400 mg/L 3000 5000 175000 50 100 1000 50 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach Use EPA model; relying on NC approach 11 100 50 1000 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach Use EPA model, relying on NC approach 1000 200 500 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach 1000 22 80 5 100 Measure Measure 500 mg/L 500-3500 mg/L (500 mg/L for berries, stone fruit, and some vegetables; 3500 mg/L for asparagus, some grains and other vegetables (see Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment for more information. http://st- ts.ccme.ca/en/index.html?lang=en&fa ctsheet=215)) 3000 mg/L 2of4 Category Parameter Organics Endrin, total (includes endrin, endrin aldehyde and endrin ketone) Inorganics/General Enterococcus Bacteria Organics Epichlorohydrin Organics Ethyl acetate Organics Ethylbenzene Organics Ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane) Organics Ethylene glycol Organics Fluoranthene Organics Fluorene Inorganics/General Fluoride Inorganics/General Foaming agents Organics Formaldehyde Organics Glyphosate Radiochem Gross alpha (adjusted) particle activity (excluding radium-226 and uranium) Radiochem Gross beta Organics Guthion Inorganics/General Hardness Organics Heptachlor Organics Heptachlor epoxide Organics Heptane Organics Hexachlorobenzene (perch lorobenzene) Organics Hexachlorobutadiene Organics Hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (technical grade) Organics Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Organics Hexachloroethane Organics Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Metals Iron, Total Metals Iron, Dissolved Organics Isophorone Organics Isopropyl ether Organics Isopropyl benzene Metals Lead, Total Metals Lead, Dissolved Organics Lindane (gamma hexachlorocyclohexane) Metals Magnesium Metals Manganese, Total Organics Malathion Metals Mercury, Total Metals Mercury, Dissolved Organics Methanol Organics Methoxychlor Organics Methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) Organics Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Organics Methylene chloride (dichloromethane) Organics Methylene -blue Active Substances (MBAS) Organics Methyl mercury Organics Mirex Metals Molybdenum, Total Organics Naphthalene Organics n-Butylbenzene Organics n-Hexane Metals Nickel, Total Metals Nickel, Dissolved Inorganics/General Nitrate & Nitrite (NO3-N + NO2-N) Inorganics/General Nitrate (as N) Inorganics/General Nitrate (as NO3-) Inorganics/General Nitrate (as NO3-N) Inorganics/General Nitrite (as N) Inorganics/General Nitrite (as NO2-) Inorganics/General Nitrite (as NO2-N) Inorganics/General Nitrogen (Total as N) Organics N-nitrosodimethylamine Organics n-Propylbenzene Organics Nitrobenzene Organics Nitrosamines Organics Nitrosodibutylamine Organics Nitrosodiethylamine Organics Nitrosopyrrolidine Organics N-Nitrosodi-n-Propylamine Organics N-Nitrosodiphenylamine Organics Nonylphenol Inorganics/General Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) Inorganics/General Oil and Grease Inorganics/General Odor Organics o-Dichlorobenzene Organics p-Dichlorobenzene Organics Oxamyl Organics Parathion Organics PCB, Total North Carolina Groundwater Standard (ug/L unless noted) 2 4 3000 600 0.02 10000 300 300 2000 500 600 15 pCi/L 0.008 0.004 400 0.02 0.4 0.02 0.05 300 40 70 70 15 0.03 50 1 4000 40 4000 20 5 1 10 mi/L I 1 1 mi/L I 0.0007 70 200 North Carolina Surface Water Standards (ug/L unless noted) Freshwater Fresh & Salt Saltwater Supplemental Classifications Class B Class WS (1 - V) All waters (Class C) All wa ersC,Class C All waters (Class SC) Class SB Class SA Trout Swamp Waters Primary Recreation Water Supply Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Fish Consumption Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Primary Recreation Shellfish High Quality Waters Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Acute Hardness = 133 m /L Hardness = 133 mg/L Hardness = 133 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 <_ 35/100 mL <_ 35/100 mL <_ 35/100 mL 1800 1800 15 pCi/L (and narrative) 15 pCi/L (and narrative) 15 pCi/L (and narrative) 15 pCi/L (and narrative) 50 pCi/L (and narrative) 50 pCi/L (and narrative) 50 pCi/L (and narrative) 50 pCi/L (and narrative) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 100 mg/L 0.00008 0.004 0.004 0.00008 0.004 0.004 0.44 18 87.97 3.43 210 8.1 0.01 0.01 0.004 0.004 0.012 0.012 0.025 0.025 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 500 (and narrative) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 25 596 66.2 74 8.2 10 mg/L Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative 0.013 0.013 0.178 0.178 0.001 0.001 0.000064 0.001 0.001 IRMA Standards (in ug/L unless noted. Metals standards assumed to refer to dissolved fraction) IRMA - 4.2a - Aquatic Organisms IRMA -4.2c- Drinking water/ human health IRMA - 4.2d - Agriculture IRMA - 4.2e - Livestock IRMA -4.2f- Aquaculture (Fresh Water) IRMA - 4.2g - Recreational Acute Chronic 1000 1500 1000 2000 20000 Measure 1000 300 5000 10000 10 300 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach Use EPA model; relying on NC approach 10 200 100 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach 11 Measure 370 50 200 200 10 100 0.1 1 2 3 1 1 73 50 10 300 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach Use EPA model, relying on NC approach 20 200 1000 100 40 100 mg/L 13 mg/L 45 mg/L 50 mg/L 10 mg/L 3.3 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 10 mg/L 1 mg/L Measure 3of4 Category Parameter Organics Pentachlorophenol Organics Pentachlorobenzene Organics Petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class (C19 - C36) Organics Petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class (C5 - C8) Organics Petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class (C9 - C18) Organics Petroleum aromatics carbon fraction class (C9 - C22) Inorganics/General pH Organics Phenanthrene Organics Phenol Organics Phenolic Compounds Organics Phorate Organics Picloram Organics Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), Total Metals Potassium Organics Pyrene Radiochem Radium 226/228 Inorganics/General Salinity Organics sec -Butyl benzene Metals Selenium, Total Inorganics/General Sewage and other wastes Metals Silver, Total Metals Silver, Dissolved Organics Simazine Metals Sodium Inorganics/General Solids Organics Styrene Inorganics/General Sulfate Inorganics/General Sulfide Inorganics/General Suspended Solids Inorganics/General Temperature Organics tert-Butyl benzene Organics Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE) Metals Thallium, Total Organics Toluene Organics Toxaphene Inorganics/General Toxic Substances Organics Trialkyltin compounds Organics Tributyltin Organics Trichloroethylene (TCE) Organics Trichlorofluoromethane Inorganics/General Turbidity Metals Uranium, Total Metals Vanadium, Total Organics Vinyl chloride Organics Xylenes (o-, m-, and p-) Metals Zinc, Total Metals Zinc, Dissolved North Carolina Groundwater Standard (ug/L unless noted) 0.3 10000 400 700 200 6.5-8.5 200 30 1 200 70 20 20 4 70 250 me/L 3 2000 0.03 500 1000 North Carolina Surface Water Standards (ug/L unless noted) Freshwater Fresh & Salt Saltwater Supplemental Classifications Class B Class WS (I - V) All waters (Class C) All wa ersC)Class C All waters (Class SC) Class SB Class SA Trout Swamp Waters Primary Recreation Water Supply Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Fish Consumption Aquatic Life & Secondary Recreation Primary Recreation Shellfish High Quality Waters Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Acute Hardness = 133 m /L Hardness = 133 mg/L Hardness = 133 mg/L 6.8-8.5 (and narrative) Narrative 300 (and narrative) 300 (and narrative) 300 (and narrative) 300 (and narrative) 0.0028 0.0311 5 pCi/L (and narrative) 5 pCi/L (and narrative) 5 pCi/L (and narrative) 5 pCi/L (and narrative) Narrative Narrative 5 5 71 71 Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative 5.25 0.06 1.9 0.1 Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative 250 mg/L 20 mg/L (Effluent Limit) <2.8 diff (deg C.) (and narrative) <2.8 diff (deg C.) (and narrative) <2.8 diff (deg C.) (and narrative) <2.8 diff (deg C.) (and narrative) <0.5 diff (deg C.) (and narrative) 0.7 3.3 11 11 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 Effluent Limit 0.07 0.07 0.007 0.007 2.5 30 Stream <_ 50 NTU, Lakes & Reservoirs <_ 25 NTU (and narrative) Stream <_ 50 NTU, Lakes & Reservoirs <_ 25 NTU (and narrative) <_ 25 NTU (and narrative) <_ 25 NTU (and narrative) 0.025 2.4 149.21 150.43 90 81 IRMA Standards (in ug/L unless noted. Metals standards assumed to refer to dissolved fraction) IRMA - 4.2a - Aquatic Organisms IRMA - 4.2c - Drinking water/ human health IRMA - 4.2d - Agriculture IRMA - 4.2e - Livestock IRMA - 4.2f - Aquaculture (Fresh Water) IRMA - 4.2g - Recreational Acute Chronic 6.5-9 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.4 6.5-8.4 6.5-9.0 6.5-8.5 Measure 13.5 Bq/L 5 40 20 50 10 10 0.25 100 50 Measure 400 mg/L 1000 mg/L 1000 mg/L 400 mg/L Measure Measure Measure Measure 40 mg/L 40 mg/L 30 mg/L <3 diff (deg C.) <2 diff (deg. C) 0.8 2 30 100 200 100 100 Use EPA model; relying on NC approach Use EPA model, relying on NC I approach 1 3000 1 2000 24000 1 5 1 3000 4of4 APPENDIX B Analyte Standards Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Table B-1. Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring and Sampling Parameters Parameter Parameter Laboratory Application Purpose of Laboratory Detection Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Carolina Surface Numeric IRMA Description Method Sampling Limit Groundwater Standard' Water Standard Standard pH Hydrogen ion Field stabilization General 6.5-8.5 6.0-9.0 6.5-8.4 concentration, parameter chemistry; effects chemical regulatory equilibrium and biological system functions Specific Surrogate Field stabilization General NS NS NS conductivity measurement of parameter chemistry total dissolved solids (TDS) Water Temperature in Field stabilization General NS <2.8° difference; not <3° difference temperature degrees Fahrenheit; parameter chemistry to exceed 29° C controls equilibrium processes Dissolved oxygen Indicates Field stabilization General NS 4 mg/L NS equilibrium with parameter chemistry; atmospheric gases regulatory and presence of biodegradation Oxidation- Indicates how Field parameter General NS NS NS reduction oxidizing or (not used for chemistry potential reducing the water stabilization) is. Turbidity Measure of the Field parameter General NS <25 NTU NS relative clarity of the (not used for chemistry water stabilization) Residual chlorine Measure of residual - Field parameter Regulatory - NS 0.017 mg/L 3 mg/L disinfectant in water (not used for that could impact stabilization) aquatics Alkalinity as General inorganic SM2320B - Laboratory (ACZ) General 2 mg/L NS NS NS CaCO3 (includes Titration chemistry carbonate, bicarbonate, hydroxide, and total) Aluminum, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP-MS' Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.005 mg/L NS NS 0.055 mg/L dissolved filtered in field Aluminum, total Total metals 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.005 mg/L NS NS 0.1 mg/L B-1 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Parameter Laboratory Application Purpose of Laboratory Detection Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Carolina Surface Numeric IRMA Description Method Sampling Limit Groundwater Standard Water Standard Standard Antimony, Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0004 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved (filtered in field) Antimony, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0004 mg/L 0.001 mg/L NS 0.006 mg/L Arsenic, Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0002 mg/L NS 0.15 mg/L 0.024 mg/L dissolved (filtered in field) Arsenic, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0002 mg/L 0.01 mg/L 0.01 mg/L 0.01 mg/L Barium, dissolved Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.007 mg/L NS NS NS (filtered in field) Barium, total Total metals 200.8 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.007 mg/L 0.7 mg/L 1 mg/L 0.7 mg/L Beryllium, Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.00008 mg/L NS 0.0065 mg/L NS dissolved (filtered in field) Beryllium, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.00008 mg/L NS NS 0.06 mg/L Biological General inorganic SM5210B/HACH Laboratory (ACZ) General 2 mg/L NS NS NS Oxygen Demand 10360 chemistry (5 Day) Bismuth, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.04 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field metals Bismuth, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.04 mg/L NS NS NS metals Boron, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.03 mg/L NS NS 0.75 mg/L filtered in field Boron, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.03 mg/L 0.7 mg/L NS 0.5 mg/L Cadmium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.00005 mg/L NS 0.00053 mg/L 0.00053 mg/L dissolved filtered in field Cadmium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.00005 mg/L 0.002 mg/L NS 0.005 mg/L Calcium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.1 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field metals Calcium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.1 mg/L NS NS NS metals Carbon, total General inorganic SM5310B Laboratory (ACZ) General 1 mg/L NS NS NS inorganic chemistry Carbon, total General inorganic SM5310B Laboratory (ACZ) General 1 mg/L NS NS NS organic chemistry Cation -Anion General inorganic Calculation Laboratory (ACZ) General NS NS NS Balance chemistry B-2 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Parameter Laboratory Application Purpose of Laboratory Detection Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Carolina Surface Numeric IRMA Description Method Sampling Limit Groundwater Standard Water Standard Standard Chemical Oxygen General inorganic M410.4 Laboratory (ACZ) General 10 mg/L NS NS NS Demand chemistry Chloride General inorganic SM4500CI-E Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.5 mg/L 250 mg/L 230 mg/L 100 mg/L Chromium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0005 mg/L NS 0.09631 mg/L (for 0.09631 mg/L dissolved filtered in field CRIII) (for CRIII) Chromium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0005 mg/L 0.01 mg/L NS 0.05 mg/L Cobalt, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.02 mg/L NS NS NS filtered in field Cobalt, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.02 mg/L NS NS 0.05 mg/L Color General inorganic HACH color Laboratory (ACZ) General - NS NS NS wheel chemistry Copper, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0008 mg/L NS 0.01143 mg/L 0.01143 mg/L dissolved filtered in field Copper,total Total metals 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0008 mg/L 1 mg/L NS 0.2 mg/L Cyanide, free General inorganic D6888-09/OIA- Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.003 mg/L 0.07 mg/L NS 0.022 mg/L 1677-09 Cyanide, total General inorganic M335.4 - Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.003 mg/L NS 0.005 mg/L NS Colorimetric w/ distillation Fluoride General inorganic SM4500E-C Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.15 mg/L 2 mg/L 1.8 mg/L 1 mg/L Gross alpha Radiochemistry M900.0 Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 2 to 4 pCi/L 15 pCi/L 15 pCi/L NS Gross beta Radiochemistry M900.0 Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 2 to 4 pCi/L NS 50 pCi/L NS Hardness as General inorganic SM2340B - Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory - NS 100 mg/L NS CaCO3 (total, Calculation (needed for dissolved) calculations) Iron, dissolved Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.007 mg/L NS NS NS (filtered in field) Iron, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.007 mg/L 0.3 mg/L NS 0.3 mg/L Lead, dissolved Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L NS 0.00343 mg/L 0.00343 mg/L (filtered in field) Lead, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L 0.015 mg/L NS 0.01 mg/L B-3 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Laboratory Purpose of Laboratory Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Numeric IRMA Parameter Description Method Application Sampling Detection Groundwater Standard Carolina Surface Standard Limit Water Standard Lithium, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.008 mg/L NS NS NS filtered in field metals Lithium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.008 mg/L NS NS NS metals Magnesium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.2 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field Magnesium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.2 mg/L NS NS NS Manganese, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.01 mg/L NS 0.37 mg/L NS dissolved filtered in field Manganese, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.01 mg/L 0.05 mg/L NS 0.050 mg/L Mercury, dissolved Dissolved metals M1631E Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0000003 NS NS NS (filtered in field) mg/L Mercury, total Total metals M1631E Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0000003 0.001 mg/L 0.000012 mg/L 0.0001 mg/L mg/L Molybdenum, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0002 mg/L NS NS 0.073 mg/L dissolved filtered in field Molybdenum, total Total metals 200.7 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0002 mg/L NS NS 0.01 mg/L Nickel, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0004 mg/L NS 0.0662 mg/L 0.0662 mg/L filtered in field Nickel, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0004 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.025 mg/L 0.02 mg/L Nitrogen, ammonia General inorganic M350.1 Auto Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.05 mg/L NS NS 0.5 mg/L Salicylate w/gas diffusion Oil & grease Organics 1664A/B - Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 2 mg/L NS Narrative NS Gravimetric Phosphate General inorganic Calculation Laboratory (ACZ) General NS NS NS chemistry Phosphorus, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.1 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field metals Phosphorus, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.1 mg/L NS NS NS metals Potassium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.2 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field metals Potassium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.2 mg/L NS NS NS metals B-4 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Laboratory Purpose of Laboratory Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Numeric IRMA Parameter Description Method Application Sampling Detection Groundwater Standard Carolina Surface Standard Limit Water Standard Parameter Parameter Laboratory application Purpose of Laboratory Detection Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Carolina Surface Numeric IRMA Description Method Sampling Limit Groundwater Standard Water Standard Standard Radium 226 + Radiochemistry M903.0 Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 1 pCi.L NS 5 pCi/L total 365 pCi/L Alpha Emitting Ra226/228 Radium Isotopes Radium 228, total Radiochemistry M904.0 Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 1.5 pCi/L NS 5 pCi/L total 365 pCi/L Ra226/228 Scandium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.05 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field metals Scandium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.05 mg/L NS NS NS metals Selenium, Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L NS NS 0.005 mg/L dissolved (filtered in field) Selenium, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L 0.02 mg/L 0.005 mg/L 0.01 mg/L Silicon, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.1 mg/L NS NS NS filtered in field metals Silicon, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.1 mg/L NS NS NS metals Silver, dissolved Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L NS 0.00006 mg/L 0.00025 mg/L (filtered in field) Silver, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L 0.02 mg/L NS 0.05 mg/L Sodium, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.2 mg/L NS NS NS filtered in field metals Sodium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.2 mg/L NS NS NS metals Strontium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.009 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field metals Strontium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.009 mg/L NS NS NS metals Sulfate General inorganic D516-02/-07/-11 Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 1 mg/L 250 mg/L 250 mg/L 400 mg/L TURBIDIMETRI C Sulfide as S General inorganic SM4500S2-D Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.02 mg/L NS NS NS, but measure B-5 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Parameter Laboratory Application Purpose of Laboratory Detection Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Carolina Surface Numeric IRMA Description Method Sampling Limit Groundwater Standard Water Standard Standard Sulfur, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.25 mg/L NS NS NS filtered in field metals Sulfur, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.25 mg/L NS NS NS metals Thallium, Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L NS NS 0.0008 mg/L dissolved (filtered in field) Thallium, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L 0.002 mg/L NS 0.002 mg/L Thorium, dissolved Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.001 mg/L NS NS NS (filtered in field) metals Thorium, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.001 mg/L NS NS NS metals Tin, dissolved Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.04 mg/L NS NS NS filtered in field metals Tin, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.04 mg/L NS NS NS metals Titanium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.005 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field metals Titanium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) General 0.005 mg/L NS NS NS metals Total dissolved General inorganic SM2540C Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 20 mg/L 500 mg/L 500 mg/L 500 mg/L solids Total dissolved General inorganic Calculation Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 500 mg/L 500 mg/L 500 mg/L solids (calculated) Total suspended General inorganic SM2540D Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 5 mg/L NS NS 30 mg/L solids Uranium, Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved (filtered in field) Uranium, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.0001 mg/L NS NS 0.03 mg/L Vanadium, Dissolved metals, 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.01 mg/L NS NS NS dissolved filtered in field Vanadium, total Total metals 200.7 ICP Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.01 mg/L NS NS 0.1 mg/L Zinc, dissolved Dissolved metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.006 mg/L NS 0.14921 mg/L 0.14921 mg/L (filtered in field) Zinc, total Total metals 200.8 ICP-MS Laboratory (ACZ) Regulatory 0.006 mg/L 1 mg/L NS 2 mg/L Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina Parameter Parameter Laboratory Application Purpose of Laboratory Detection Numeric North Carolina Numeric North Carolina Surface Numeric IRMA Description Method Sampling Limit Groundwater Standard Water Standard Standard Hexavalent Dissolved metals 3500CrB-2011 Laboratory (Waypoint) Regulatory 0.010 mg/L NS 0.011 mg/L 0.011 mg/L chromium, (filtered in field) dissolved Nitrate plus nitrite General inorganic 353.2 Laboratory (Waypoint) Regulatory 0.1 mg/L 10 mg/L 10 mg/L 10 mg/L (as N) Nitrite (NO2-N) General inorganic 300.0 Laboratory (Waypoint) Regulatory 0.1 mg/L 1 mg/L NS 1 mg/L Bold values represent laboratory detection limits that are above the regulatory standard 1 The use of Method 200.8, which uses mass spectrometry instead of optical detection, is to obtain detection limits that are lower than the regulatory standard 2 North Carolina groundwater numeric standard for Class GA waters (NCAC 15A.02L.0202). 3 North Carolina surface water numeric standard for Class C waters (NCAC 15A.02b.0211). Standard shown is the lowest concentration from water uses for aquatic life (both chronic and acute exposure) and secondary recreation for Class C waters, or for Class WS (water supply) waters. Hardness -dependent standards (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, silver, zinc) are based on a hardness of 133 mg/L (as CaCO3). This is the lowest hardness observed on Kings Creek during the second quarter 2022 sampling round. The lowest hardness observed in the pit lake during the same sampling event was 172 mg/L (as CaCO3). 4 Note that the IRMA numeric standards do not explicitly state whether the standard applies to total or dissolved fractions, or to groundwater or surface water. IRMA standards for metals in this table are assumed to apply to dissolved fraction if the standard for aquatic use, or total fraction if the standard is for another use. Standards shown are the lowest concentration from water uses for aquatic organisms (both chronic and acute exposure), drinking water/human health, agriculture, livestock, or recreation. For IRMA hardness - dependent standards, the protocol used to calculate the standards is the same as that for the North Carolina surface water standards. NS - Denotes that no numeric standard exists from the sources identified above. B-7 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Albemarle Kings Mountain Lithium Project, North Carolina This page intentionally left blank. B-8