HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01836_Well Construction - GW1_20240322 • • `WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(OW-i): - For Internal Use Only• print Form. • I.Well Contractor Infortnattent . Gary Thompson . . . . -14.WATER ZONES . . . . WoUConIn torNeme Faoai To atr . . 4418-A. dcrSR,' 'ti.�}a.�' • r 4 e_ra':: . . ��:Ups .NC Well Codtnelar'CptificattanNumber- AquaDrill,inc.- . .4.OUTER CASDN(i(i'erinankadaiwalb 02 LINER(lt ) FROM TO. DIAMETER- 7eec:oisas.' 1 MA°zanw, Coma»axame, :e.fi L. .ft.'"- ers; 4t)� .�: Qua 2.We11 Coiutraettoti Perdmit '#:1 Hw P'i3QY.` i. FROM a• c SINGORTI ( dsed.�,a) . . NODDED- ASS MATERIAL . Lfnail4Pplkn6le xrl1 cols done mils(4.WC County:Smta�.i/aNmdt4i�) - f tn, . . . . :3.Well Ube(clieeirweU user . . ft.. • .. ' ft. .:• v: - "Water Supply weU:. 17.6CRWI : Agrfculiuta1'. ' . •FROIIi !TO. ' . DUMEi 10 . SLOTAIZE TRICRNESS . MATERIAL .. . � ..��,• GeoUtmnel.(Het ig/Cooling gitpply): dentiall Watdr Supply(tingle)' ft.;. - - . Industiial/Commeieil. : tlel water$tt i6(8 Ia.Gt:Oiii . • rQiesiioa. • 1Vott-Water Supply'Well: To' MATEsfAr.'. . : �m ACEM rrsDS7ROD& OII Q. ' .. .. .. ' •• Monitoring,. - . b .- -`z8 ew w:. . r . Recovery. . - • • - ' at. : •':gAq.l• . : • N'• • . - • . Injection Wells: . gaiferRecharge l lteetdiatlen• ;Offer$tottige and Recoveiy: r • •19.SAND/GRAVSt.PACK( aindleebk) _ • . • Aquifer Test. • • • .'DSO ' ro:R•• - .f• erAt�irAt. r�,►c�uatrrt► nroD' Expennietdal Technology. Thainage : • . �sbbaiaeaca corrttol. - • . ":aheimel ClosadLoOp) ' :�74axr • 1DDAILLIIf. GL OG(�cbdditfonYa•h.w. ltirueeaus): ". : . :. . . Geod� ODun&�nY-'fOdiec(explainundei l:Re> )- Ro►r -: .ro DscRrrnoitl.r,t�uss'actneek e1t,6."I' -- d.R. ft.' . -.C/A V .4.Date:�Ve (a)CemP1 t�: � :i " 'W: .Wenm� . .. ' : )f a' A: wcf .sr z:;pi • .' Sod/Sa.Well Iocaton: _ � n Q4rM �y'L...L1IA .LGdN y1 '4 •i . + 6cA:r:.. :.FaeRty/OvnerName.' RenyIDO(itaplea ee) . h_ : ( . . -6 PhYskal , ,endZtp,- . .L,/ n' O,Ua a.;1` r .,►t. .--".• '. .,.'.�"^. -s. "' �'� '�!i. . • - I, -aC.tn/f j:.A1 2LREMARi;g 6 • Y : ParcelideniiSaWaiNo'(PIM :• •• • NIK� 202? sb:>aeaae• and iongidide ii de miutrtdteconda ' •f. ofweii.A.id,oriahtlbog;;aat)icioatj urdeetmaldegrees: lltifv .._ .,. s:.a4.f Ur., - .22.Certlfcatlea: • Lira Cti 0 % /G.. .dt 7-7 z.. ,w • p.�.., .: •i , �- � ,. .:`'Z' : 6.Is(Rre)We W�e1i(e er mettent . or es . Si,... , .or�; W //� continua' '" Date • 7.is thta t*Parr to:Hi' - �' g t i,One,l h•reby'cnef dhai the ue1i(�,wan Omit)cbnitnrded bi acegidahce • . : rt i t i a!rIalr.',Rll out to:Hi'wn i►tllt i Or '"�'"'_ Ada lSANCdCO2C.0100irrl9ANCAC 02C.0100 WeU.Coinbvdfon 5tandairb pied that a•dd6rmadonagderplo/nthe.t:00000d • : .9".ifthbreawdhaabeenpuaiidedrorhe owlet . •fepdtr:meter##3l reiddsaellianoroblhebaekgrabfi m: : ,'. ' - ' T3.Site diagnin:or additional.we l details:- &For Geoprobe/DPT•or Qosed-Loop Geother:nal Willi#teeing ttte. Yoe m ay.use the badcof this page,to piovide additioneleief cite di its or:well .constriction,only 1 OW-I Is needed..Inicate TOTALNOMBER'ofwefs COnstacUon details:You may also attach eddtanal Pages tfinecetsaiyc._'drilled:: 9.T al�►eA depri below land ttitaface: LA .' • • suanui to.D�iS77t1TCTIoNs. ..i, PormulrtpiewiarUnaAdelxhsfrdifeida(c ampto-3( OWandand2@l00)• - • ) .�cotts- ctltt- I within' 3a days of.compl�lon•of.well 10:Sttktva ter keel below.taPefeaatng: �^j).: ! , . ll allCWaaboveeast%ase'y� J 1 (�) D1tLion'Mil ,Informtit[onProcesdegUnit, :1617 ServleeCenter,IWelah;NC 276994617.1L Bceehole dinner is• - • •Ca, • (ht.) 246`For Ioleetion Well,. In addjIio to sending the form to the address.in•24a • 12.-Wen oristanitton urethra:•• a•�(t{C1►-. - 13t:✓ e>iove,•niso sebmit e copy of this firm within 30 dayd of iwmpintien* f well •;14aoser� Y:able.dt at %eta.). nstructicdtothe.follonowittg:. • FQRwAT1IR SOPI!LY WEL - ONLY:: :• 'Widen of Wat�er.Rosanna,U deegmtindiefeetion Control Piu ram, ! r , •1636 Mai Service Center,Notelet,NC 27699�-1636• • ',13 Yltld • m); ► F 3,. . Melhed ofletft i C►s &k to►34t.•. :24e.Fi r•Water'SoD1v A.latedalia-WeSse In addition to sending the form to' 136.D oa.ty�. ant-{:`'l Dii. -Anrottttit: • 1( b/ cotnpl Ofwela l•constructionpit-one copy` he tti.depaiment within oftt County: ty. whereconshucted: : - beeltll.dEpailntettt of the d9ouaty Penn ciw 1. Nob(:.iolleaDopufmoatorBnvh talQadity,Dlvieion°MaterResarices i - • Revised2224016. •