HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01823_Well Construction - GW1_20240322 ' Print Form- WELL:CONSTRUCTION-RECORD(GW..1) . :For Internal Use Only:.. ,- .I 1.Weil Contractor Information: r----- - .Cameron.Bazih . • • 14._WATER ZONES Well Contractor Name' • PROM TO 'DESCRIPTION 4518-A . 700 fr.'. n• • 1 Phil. . ft. ' •ft.' I. NC Well Contractor Certification Numbs 15.OUTER CASING(far multi-cased wells)OR LINER(if op Ileable) :Aqua'Drill, Ind. . 'FROM • . -TO, . • •DIAMETER; . THICKNESS '.MATERIAL'. • • ' - Company Name 0' fL' 70 • 'It'' . 6. • {n.. . PVC. 0843. ' 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed-loop) . •2.Well Constructlon'Permit#: ' • -• .. ' FROM . TO • . DIAMETER' -THICKNESS-• •MATERIAL:. . .List all applicable well construction permits(lie.WC County,State..Variance,etc.). - ' it.- . In. .:3.Well Use(check well use)t ' • .: R: . • -ft. .' In.: • Water Supply WeUo- 17.SCREEN . 'FROM • `TO• . • • DIAMETER- SLOT SIZE'. THICKNESS- MATERIAL ' . E Agricultural ' • , ; '11 Municipal/Public: , ' it.' • .ft.' In: : Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply); Eltesidentig Water Supply(single) ...iL : • . n• In. ri Industrial(Comnierciah EC Residential Water Supply(shared) .' • • 13.GROUT•. 1-E i ruination. • • . . '•FROM • . 'TO. MATERIAL • •EhIPLACEMENr IIETHOD&AMOUNT • Non-Water Supply Well • 0' ••'L: • '25.• ti•• .Chips ' j • -Poured '•E'Monitoring• Recovery. . -ft. ft. - Injection Well: • 11l Aq'uifcr,Rccharge' • ®Groundwater Rcmediation. f L I • 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) {I Aquifer Storage and Recovery ,:OSalinity Barrier' - ' FROM' - TO -MATERIAL• , . EMPLACEMENT METHOD . - • ' I Aquifer.Test• I[ Stornwater Drainage. ft '- it.'-. I • • E Experimental Technology . IgSubsidence Control ir: 1L. .,IA Geothermal.(Closed Loop). 'MTracer . 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets If necessary) E Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return): Other(explain under.#21'Remarks) .FROM TO . DESCRIPTION(eolor,haNaesl sowrnel+ty�e seats eiu:eta) •O. . .ft::- '.60 it: . sand' ' •4.Date Well(s)Completed:2/1.3/24 •Well ID# 60'. it.. 905 ' .. rock'. 5a.Well Location:. ft. 2 - ".: "''' :.� '•i Terrie Ann Powell- -ft:- _ tt:. . .:�-�' �" r, Facility/OvinerName • _Facility1DN(ifapplicable) �• R• MAR L [DLit • 1824-Rid_ge run rd Boomer,:NC • . •ft..:: • ft.: : Physical d Zi t . tU .. . W A dress,City;end p k f: +i;,r+ rr.. Wilkes .' 21.REMARKS • • 1 • County' - • :Parcel Identification No.)(PIN) . . . ' • 5b.Latitude and longitude In-degrees/mtnutes/seconds or ddnt eal degrees: • - . . . - '(if well field,one let/long is sufficient) 22.Certification: .36:07230 •• •N.-8.1:306.. - • R, :re . ' =2113/24 6..Is(are)the wells) Pernnlnent' .mi.'I[Temporary Sisrtaturc of Certified Well Contractor Date• • •By signing this form;I hereby certify that the well(s)'nas:(were)constructed In-accordance 7.Is this'll repair to an existing well:.• all Yes •or".1::1No' .. ' with-ISA NCAC 02C,0100 or.ISA NCAC 02C.0200 iYel Construction Standards and that a if this is a repair,Jill out known well construction hlforinallon and explain the nature ofthe copy-of this record has been provided to the well owner.. repair under#21 remarks section or on the back of this form. . 23.Site diagram or additional well details: . 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same • You.may use the'back of this page to provide additional well site.details or well. construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional:pages if necessary-. • drilled:.. . SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS ' • ' • 9:Total Well:depth below:land surface: 905:- . - • . •(ft•) 24a. For•All.Wells:''Submit this form:witltin,30 days:of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths Ifdifferent(example=3@200'and2@l00') consttuctiori to.tbe following: I. 10:Static water level below tap of casing:'40 •(tlr:) . Division of Water Resources'Information'Processin Uni If water level Is above casing,lice"+" S• is 1617 Mail Service Centel,•Rd 2 leigh;NC7699-1617' 11.Borehole diameter:•6- . (in.), 24b.:For inlection'Wellsr.In addition.to'sending the form to the address in.24a. • 12'Welhconstntction;metho- ROtary above,also submit one copy of this'form within 30.days of completion of well construction to thdfollowin I • (i.aauger,mtery'cable;direct push eta). & I Ii Division of Water Resources,-Underground Injection Control Program,: -FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: •1636.Mau'Service Center,Raleigh;NC 27699.1636 •13a;Yield.(gpm) 1-Pint Method of test: Bucket•. , •.'24c.for Water Stipbly&'Inleetlon.Welise.In addition to•sending the form.to- HTH the address(es) above,.alto'subntibone.copy of this form within•30 days'of tYpe:. 13b:Disirifeetion . . . :Amount: 160Z'- ; . .completion of well-construction-to the'of ty health.department of the county• - 'where constructed. . Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources ' , . . 'Revised 2-22-2016