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20071952 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20071119
~°~ w a r~9 `Qr Q~ ~? r ~ ~ ~ ~ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality November 19, 2007 DWQ #07-1952 Onslow County Certified Mail: Return Receipt Requested Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Attn: Frank Sanders, Jr. PO Box 1415 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540 Subject Property: Hubert Water System Distribution Improvements Permitting Fee and Impacts Dear Mr. Sanders, On November 19, 2007 the Division of Water Quality received the application package for wetland impacts for the above project. DWQ is returning the check as the fee structure for 401 Permits has changed. Based on the noted wetland impacts the correct fee to remit would be $240.00. Important notice: 401 Certification/Isolated Wetlands Permits Fee Increase -The North Carolina General Assembly approved an increase for application. fees for all regulatory programs administered by DWQ, effective July 1, 2007. However, please note that this does not mean that the increased application fees for the 401 Certification/Isolated Wetlands Permit Programs will be retroactive to July 1, 2007. The Director of DWQ determined that the fee increase will specifically become effective for the 401 Program on September 1, 2007. All applications received as of September 1, 2007 will be subject to the new fee schedule. ® The fee for applications is $240 for projects impacting less than an acre of wetland and less than 150 linear feet of streams (whether intermittent or perennial). For projects impacting one or more acres of wetland or 150 or more feet of streams (whether intermittent or perennial) the fee is $570. ® Incorrect and/or missing wetland, intermittent-perennial stream and/or buffer impacts. DWQ is unable to review this project without noted or corrected impacts reflected. The wetland impact numbers noted on page 8 of the application tota1.30 acres; the application reflects .31 acres. Please correct by sending one (1) corrected original and four (4) corrected copies. N. C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) (919) 733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), (h, ttp:ri7a2o.em•.state.nc.us/ncweilands) Customer Service #: 1-877-623-6748 '. If you have any questions regarding this letter please do not hesitate to call Ian McMillan or me at (919)-733- 1786. Si cerely, ~Q~~ Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit CBK/rnj Enclosure: Check #21075 for $475.00 cc: Joanne Steenhuis, DWQ Wilmington Office USACE Wilmington Regulatory Field Office WK Dickson, Daniel Ingram, 3101 John Humphries Wynd, Raleigh, NC 27612 File Copy + check copy Central Files + check copy 071952HubertWatersystemDistributionImprovements(Onslow)_ReturnedCheck_Irnpacts v~1~L4~W WA1~~~EWERAt9~Wd~€}~' • OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RE 11/07/2007 21075 210 7 5 Invoice # Inv Date PO Number Description Amount 110607 11/6/2007 PRE-CONST. NOTIFICATION PERMIT APE 475.00 D ~~~~ '" ~ N~}V ~ r~ X007 Check Total 475.00 ' \ ~Ir$t,Citizens Ba~Rk PO'BD]t`t445{18541) 2Z8 GE4~GETOWM itOAD {2854Dj tiEi•3W5~1. 2 ~. 0 7 5 .rft~KSOt+F4ILLE; NC ~ ~ - -- " boslow Watflc&SeWarApthorlty~:. (910)455-072'1. : : THIS DIS~URS~MENT tiA38EENAPPROYEDAyt:REQUIRL`DBY = - fi}JEL{3CAL GOVERNMI:F}T J3UDGFT-A79F){`JSCAfCQN'IT(OF-ACT ~ : : 0 ~:._ PAY Exactly Pour nur,.dred seventy` f ~r~ .and 0 / 10 0 _ ;; , ~ DATE CHECK Nb. - AMOUpT ~, 11/0'7/2807 2107 *****475"_Ofl ~~ ,~ ~ ~- TO THE NC DEPT: (DP .ENVIRONNIEI$'I' "& NAT[7RAL RE50TJRCES ~ ,.,, ~~~~~~,,~,_~` '. _ ~f ~ g N ORI~~Ft ~,1~~VI5ION '©~ WA~'E~t ~LTALIT~.' ,' t3~ 1"617::I~'fAI~ SERVICE CENTER ~' RALES~I3 ` ~C 2 7 6 ~ 9 -16 ~. 7 ~.r +r..~-~ Al£tJ{pRl7~ S ~ 1QA i}RE ~ Ap ii'0 2 LO 7 5ii' ~:0 5 3 100 300:000 76 1 340 568ii' Vendor 11762 NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RE 11/07/2007 21075 Invoice # Inv Date PO Number Description 110607 11/6/2007 PRE-CONST. NOTIFICATION PERMIT APF Check Total ONSLOW WATER & SEWERAUTHORITY 21075 Amount 475.00 475.00