HomeMy WebLinkAbout[External] Notice of Credit Release MY4 / EPR Red Barn Mitigation Bank/ SAW-2017-01927/ Surry CountyCAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good afternoon Cidney, This correspondence is in reference to the monitoring report and credit release request submitted for the EPR Red Barn Mitigation Bank, Action ID SAW-2017-01927. The purpose of this letter is to transmit comments provided by the NC Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) during the review of the monitoring report and to confirm the annual credit release. The review of the annual monitoring report followed procedures outlined in Section 332.8(o)(9) of the Mitigation Rule. The comments listed below were provided by the NCIRT during this process. While it is not necessary to provide a response to specific comments at this time, please be sure to address the issues raised in future monitoring report submittals. Maria Polizzi, NCDWR 1. Only 10 days of consecutive flow was recorded for UT1c, and it appears that flow has been a concern on this reach in previous years. How far downstream does this low flow persist? Is there concern about retaining jurisdiction on this reach? 2. Please provide responses to IRT comments from the previous year and include them at the beginning of the monitoring report. Steve Kichefski, USACE 1. Noted that this was MY4 so no vegetation or geomorphology data measurements. Site visit recommended after MY5 report submittal and coordination of anticipated report submittal date might help timing of that visit. 2. The reminder of some minor channel vegetation clearing in March 2022 and the statement that “no additional channel maintenance is planned” is noted. The last several years of monitoring should not have vegetative clearing from channels so the IRT can assess whether it is maintaining the designed single thread channel without the maintenance. 3. Retaking project photos in November 2023 is appreciated since both consistency in monitoring timeframes between monitoring years and leaf off photos are more helpful for IRT review/comparison of stream channels, gauges and culverts. 4. Drone footage and encroachment photos appreciated. Temporary hunting blinds are allowed as long as they do not leave permanently, include larger structures that would utilize any type of vehicle to move them in/out of the CE or clear any vegetation (for structure or hunting lanes). Please update IRT in MY5 of fence repair status. 5. Multiple bankfull events in MY4 noted. Documenting physical bankfull indicators found in the field are good ways to support the gauge data. This could be photos and indicator descriptions added to Table 10. Example…during site visit on 12/6/2023, bent vegetation, wracking and sediment on vegetation were documented near CG-1 (see photo). 6. While the inclusion of previous IRT comments is appreciated, please provide a direct response to IRT comments for easier tracking versus blending the response in with the report. The low flow on SG2 continues to be concerning and a response to USACE comment 2 and 4 were not found. Based on our review of the monitoring report and the results of the NCIRT review, we confirm that you have satisfied requirements included in the approved banking instrument and mitigation plan for this site. Accordingly, with this correspondence we confirm the release of credits as shown on the table below and on the attached credit release schedule. The District leger on the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System has also been updated to reflect this transaction. Release Activity MY4 Date of Release 3/21/2024 Credit Classification Stream Credits Wetland Credits Warm Water Cool Water Cold Water Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non-Riparian Coastal Current Credit Release Request - 401.600 - - - - - Approved Credit Release - 401.600 - - - - - Credits Not Released (if any) - - - - - - - Total Credits Released to Date - 5220.800 - - - - - Thank you for your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. Please note that this electronic copy is an official Department of Army notification regarding this transaction. If you have questions regarding this email, please contact me by email at Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil <mailto:Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil> or telephone (828) 933-8032. Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Mitigation Branch (828)-271-7980 Ext. 4234 (828)-933-8032 cell Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribution List From: Davis, Erin B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 8:30 AM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>; Kichefski, Steven L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil>; Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.T.Isenhour@usace.army.mil>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd@epa.gov>; Hamstead, Byron <byron_hamstead@fws.gov>; Polizzi, Maria <maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>; Friedman-Herring, Andrew <andrew.friedmanherring@deq.nc.gov>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Leslie, Andrea J <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>; Dave McHenry <david.mchenry@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Kevin Tweedy <ktweedy@eprusa.net>; Cidney Jones <cjones@eprusa.net> Subject: Notice of Year 4 Monitoring Report Review/ EPR Red Barn Mitigation Bank/ SAW-2017-01927/ Surry County Hello IRT, The below referenced bank Sponsor has submitted an Annual Monitoring Report for NCIRT review and is requesting a release of credits. The Annual Monitoring Report has been posted to the RIBITS Cyber Repository. This review will follow the process outlined for Credit Release Approval in the 2008 Mitigation Rule (Section 332.8(o)(9)), which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from the date listed in this email notification. Please provide any comments by 5 PM on the comment deadline shown below. Comments provided after the 15-day comment deadline may not be considered. Within 30 days of the conclusion of the IRT review period (comment deadline), a copy of all comments will be provided to the bank Sponsor and the IRT along with District Engineer's credit release determination. 15-Day IRT Comment Start Date: February 2, 2024 15-Day IRT Comment Deadline: February 17, 2024 45-Day Credit Release Approval Deadline: March 18, 2024 NOTE: Deadlines will be extended if an on-site meeting is requested, and comments will be due 15 days following the site visit. Project Information: Sponsor: Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, PLLC (EPR) Bank Name: Red Barn Mitigation Bank USACE ID: SAW-2017-01927 River Basin: Yadkin HUC: 03040101 County: Surry Sponsor POC: EPR, Kevin Tweedy, ktweedy@eprusa.net <mailto:ktweedy@eprusa.net> USACE Project Manager: Steve Kichefski, Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil <mailto:Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil> USACE Mitigation Specialist: Erin Davis, Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil <mailto:Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil> Credit Release Activities: Year 4 Annual Monitoring Credit Release Requested: 5% of total stream credits = 401.600 Cool Water Stream Credits RIBITS Cyber Repository Link: https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:278:16634932886711:::RP,278:P278_BANK_ID:4775 <https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fribits.op s.usace.army.mil%2Fords%2Ff%3Fp%3D107%3A278%3A16634932886711%3A%3A%3ARP%2C278%3AP278_BANK_ID%3A4775&data=05%7C02%7Cmaria.polizzi%40deq.nc.gov%7Cf5f3dc56cfc44ffe144008dc4cd813a2%7C7a7681dcb9d0449a85c3 ecc26cd7ed19%7C0%7C0%7C638469738623713539%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=FuRYhuwPVkLONfI0cWrK%2BQB6KUB1%2BkXn9UEFZ2RRVWo %3D&reserved=0> Please note that you must be logged in to access documents in the cyber repository. When submitting comments please indicate if you are requesting a site visit. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you, Erin Erin B. Davis Mitigation Specialist, Regulatory Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (919) 930-1887 work cell 牥䘯慬整敄潣敤䰯湥瑧⁨㠱㐵㸾瑳敲浡਍�寬濫㛛0뾞彂㠆쵀ﷲ蛘洁ේ倝塠ᑜ띃訏쓌擜鏉擤奇ᾎ鲤豈Қ㾛ॄ뱸�砽힧鴿㲪㭹礹餽࣠鍅Ꮛ⤘碠渴ゞȒภ쑑ꀄ뉂㉨礿噽⣊㋺錋纤鳜캌㴊픵髏椞懨郀酀ࡻ嵐說竷耻弱矿꯴畎쀉턈ᦏ鲀梠Œࢁꯗ嶀殅䚦䴟쮪켪⑖嶑⦉Š遧豖洇쎺뵴ꨙ紉봙⩉浳�㇓钂耠὆䪲昗奄ᷧ裢ᙛ欨忞턱譹昻飇ड棰橲礟꜕ᛎ䠂攪ᷧ鯆顶훁Ꙓ〈걁恁꤀寄ꇱⅺ倅በ㉙銒䄍媲湰㮪淋쌁탨姱猻㺍韟籕骑㙲�쳊摠ᥥ垍欏떸 �ᢥB㶉떿ᷕ崮뛋뉚놇⧫联蔒춛貾﬐瓦ꀬ䂂ﺬ䖮☼�꠭࠯⎼趈绰쾖ꤗ䲮荋脂㽕큡섕狼႟Ґ铷ꍪ㢡ᵍ詊჈♂锳ᶉᡢ歠ﴹ㗈뢦�⚖桙䘲걃츧뺦⨡䈑싪槤핾鳆嘔᱒긊㵶죖៌繅殭⺳⧷ꀲ霰➾鞺禽피ᚮ萈讨入犬쨏햮镑욻㇊秮檪㧦숒઄퐹歇垨᭱괘꘮⿑뱩₢撁湔�䗪裤�겋潾ࢼꌢ瓟로靇໨࿭裰줜ꉛ꾢�慹⮲屗똶ݷᛐ藚⢚뢓뀻升�ꬪ긢螴츙䙼뚴뢮敲׌晜丩瀟提沌쌺黙塳⼲燦梖鳷灘㚜暄룓㪘ꌲ威얜ỗᔢ밣ꤗ䎵㫕앳⤅뵓㕈桑垮 䑺န咪☻ᛡ䱁褱颏㥼꒘ゝ轉粘䰲޲줱잆礤䱾虶㬤຿띉앚ɐ洮蟭궩␲筕荓ꝵ⇬怾横푭쟔Ცꬒ졼秸縱؎้⭉圢⒀⻔褘ኻ透ྡྷ㬠ꌩ젉䑇ᄞ챹�繮菤剁輎繉錑⣇ộ픥冃൒损⎊鼢鄄죁挙蠂箐ﰰ䈟ⷈा뙤듦㠈⫔⾭롯ꈤ镮ෂы梑䁌磝뜙悢蘫ᄡ薸셱ꇚ뼓쐻쐐両틼ꔔ罯텐成쑌᮶꓇숌슰밶ᑐ꿒札픗ⲍ爖㳎陉힅ꗺ蔂뛴讗돜Ѩ遉됂㐻䐌⤝Ꞟ绹卟꠳㭓�䓔澬뮛�鱅폊℩쳝㉌襳⑑ࡑ錱ᬆ믫ᜩꛏچ靕驹㟦籞혦ꥭᄞ⤬鵌왊ᦓ၅� 吃㗣繛ྩ᝷뜄䀲龿䚺₍竪㵫ᅭ擨審ğ㍪퉎虙쎢嗩렅连㽯ⅸ솁즰슝鴽ई鿻阼㠬录퐷環Ž礪䆠㑦菖㙣鐆ꢮ숬䷃㳿⇟꬛瓺﷬๷㇄纵㓍ਾ룘�찡识䩺鿉批ྜ䌕㏩�즥⽢ሥꟁ芌ꗌ㞞굲�蚒ཛ鐻邵孇嫣晃搶�핸烓뙗롌䙒₂弶庖­塙窎燡ㄅऎꕽ誶ㅩℼ滑養紈ঌ葉峔ᯖ柭ை煮骽셜ꊚ邈묭挑꺢矉ꤶ奝ᢖ巟�牧⸳旋�뢣ṷ웖ꝑ丑螫曒ឳ虥邜駎嬡︧ຎꌄ䧪폝뤳ⱹ䐁ึ먅豢昅矻ⵊ鉴팗揖츋杹뺵竄촩᫝ꛎ찂ꃱ恄ᚇᲁힻ뙪鮒栦븨⯈뒝鬚䄠㛆 짗츬㥌ॷ⹲동�륫⪙㇉ꨏ즅쩚⡓㓃✑庉埔�豳잨屽棫ᓙ�褕ろ匊堺즎發Բ絈荛ᝁ஘冋ꋿၖ搚㘝ワ⚗䲏ᐢ덶痤邞㡄ꌄ꫉덝煬త쐠௄Ꮌ៭톚㔦烹箈玖퓫㷃⌟頉⽿䶍솣ﻩ谇。醛葅鏕琄볟鬿湴ꮲꍪ爤䍧Ṓ襌﷯놝㝺ꚑꊒᲣ컼㼓㯲퉏鏵䛋䳉靏䞩끉궃皂푲尉㡌ﵗ퐿络婸窺੣❶莸෸硇蟓곪ῳ싳ꍲ꺧㢘望嵧ﳙ뺁鲟⯼À匉ɳ਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢㘍〠漠橢㰍⼼楆瑬牥䘯慬整敄潣敤䘯物瑳㔠䰯湥瑧⁨ㄱ⼱⁎⼱祔数伯橢瑓㹭猾牴慥൭栊Ⳟ㮋耎 ဠ꼅㞲ꏠ蔈冡□杂బ㎡瑢輋␯མ옔䲑쳹뾏颏磪정蒡歕粲㵨堞ꐌ셬௤஋΁ꫣ싊⠝僞鐁㝨Ꮸ쑮蛍껡⿵À덁∣਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢㜍〠漠橢㰍⼼楆瑬牥䘯慬整敄潣敤䘯物瑳ㄠ⼸敌杮桴㘠㘳丯㌠启灹⽥扏卪浴㸾瑳敲浡਍�鑼滍ホ윌앟く䧖ꛗᅀ嬠ⰽ타欀桳ᶇ襨薶囊辪�迓጖꟏ﲐ䣿把繜긬뢦ᙝ淥⹑얗㷽쉼彀ნ⯡⏙ꍅꨐ㥁虭呶ᕝ笑懊䩸㱵ࠝ咽谧竬伽諴挚ἕ↑ྲ榦폈⢠壼䍜ꁈ믐鐁⫱践�嶠ꕄ䮈楴텨�詢嫠퀷砛म壑앍໲鏞ᒋ旘뢩膻誑 녲㪂䭙㐑ⶶ흋젖獚☈䌚㐇埤ᵣ蘧ꏆ蚊槛놓괹⚥돾榼ࢻᦽ聒賈맘瀔틐꜆禯錸톑↋뙤茶칧㺜퇣ꚣﴞ㐛ﮆ澂軁砪冒梽䏃켜⫰Ḏꖘఐ酘舺鄠錄쯅հ美荜繊芼ᬓ簷蚍㴚⭛ኘ眫䤸칳蛫샸�쀮隺읷⸎߂桾쁪歓ἂ㒆ꣴ䍲竔㠢ᓘ噤韱褋昇螜燘뉬ꕐ큈ꊧⵜﬡ磴㧵⊛걭齻�轏╁ᮛ굚䉻쓏돸�蕈㎳˝礶怱픣댶�嗤춂幍䶰鼅脫脫ᦫ䵜囔嬴泑驧ꓭ抩輇湒좝㍷頬㺨棙㬄�ꂽ䅻㏷㽴⼱簒鳮嗧�軳㛖਀ኋᧆ劋꜖頔胇貼ҁ脦٩䓓턙턘馘䳆ఱ칒��ⳮ⢘ 蹭瑦჈肒쁉̴䓓⒜丐累崤綾ş঍뗭਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢㠍〠漠橢㰍⼼楆瑬牥䘯慬整敄潣敤䘯物瑳ㄠ⼱敌杮桴㐠⼱⁎⼲祔数伯橢瑓㹭猾牴慥൭栊㋞傴倰됰℄ᬛ뽽�棢�⅀혨໎ᐨ杢ဇ`䢤턈਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢㤍〠漠橢㰍⼼敌杮桴㌠㤴⼷畓瑢灹⽥䵘⽌祔数䴯瑥摡瑡㹡猾牴慥൭㰊砿慰正瑥戠来湩∽믯⊿椠㵤圢䴵䴰䍰桥䡩牺卥乺捔歺㥣≤㸿㰊㩸浸浰瑥⁡浸湬㩳㵸愢潤敢渺㩳敭慴∯砠砺灭歴∽摁扯⁥䵘⁐潃敲㤠ㄮ挭〰‱㤷㘮㔷つ㝦‬〲㌲〯⼶ㄱㄭ㨹 ㄲㄺ‶†††∠ਾ†㰠摲㩦䑒⁆浸湬㩳摲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷㍷漮杲ㄯ㤹⼹㈰㈯ⴲ摲ⵦ祳瑮硡渭⍳㸢 ††㰠摲㩦敄捳楲瑰潩摲㩦扡畯㵴∢ †††††砠汭獮瀺晤∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭摰⽦⸱⼳ਢ††††††浸湬㩳浸㵰栢瑴㩰⼯獮愮潤敢挮浯砯灡ㄯ〮∯ †††††砠汭獮携㵣栢瑴㩰⼯異汲漮杲搯⽣汥浥湥獴ㄯㄮ∯ †††††砠汭獮砺灭䵍∽瑨灴⼺港⹳摡扯⹥潣⽭慸⽰⸱⼰浭∯ਾ††††㰠摰㩦牐摯捵牥䄾牣扯瑡䐠獩楴汬牥ㄠ⸹‰在湩潤獷㰩 瀯晤债潲畤散㹲 ††††砼灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯倾捓楲瑰⸵汤敖獲潩⸵⸲㰲砯灭䌺敲瑡牯潔汯ਾ††††㰠浸㩰牃慥整慄整㈾㄰ⴹ㘰㈭吴ㄱ㌺㨹㘵〭㨴〰⼼浸㩰牃慥整慄整ਾ††††㰠浸㩰潍楤祦慄整㈾㈰ⴴ㌰㈭吵〱㈺㨷ㄲ〭㨴〰⼼浸㩰潍楤祦慄整ਾ††††㰠浸㩰敍慴慤慴慄整㈾㈰ⴴ㌰㈭吵〱㈺㨷ㄲ〭㨴〰⼼浸㩰敍慴慤慴慄整ਾ††††㰠捤昺牯慭㹴灡汰捩瑡潩⽮摰㱦搯㩣潦浲瑡ਾ††††㰠捤琺瑩敬ਾ††††††爼晤䄺瑬ਾ††††††† 㰠摲㩦楬砠汭氺湡㵧砢搭晥畡瑬㸢慂歮䌠敲楤⁴敒敬獡⁥敔灭慬整㈠㄰ㄶ〱⸸汸硳⼼摲㩦楬ਾ††††††⼼摲㩦汁㹴 ††††⼼捤琺瑩敬ਾ††††㰠捤挺敲瑡牯ਾ††††††爼晤区煥ਾ†††††††㰠摲㩦楬䬾刷㥇呔㰹爯晤氺㹩 †††††㰠爯晤区煥ਾ††††㰠搯㩣牣慥潴㹲 ††††砼灭䵍䐺捯浵湥䥴㹄畵摩昺㔵昱㥥ⴴ挹昴㐭〴ⵣ㔹㐲㈭㍣㌹㈵戸㘹㰴砯灭䵍䐺捯浵湥䥴㹄 ††††砼灭䵍䤺獮慴据䥥㹄畵摩㌺搲ㅡ慣ⴷ㠱㉡㐭愹ⴰ挸 㑥ㄭ〲㈲㤶っ㕦㰰砯灭䵍䤺獮慴据䥥㹄 ††㰠爯晤䐺獥牣灩楴湯ਾ†㰠爯晤刺䙄ਾ⼼㩸浸浰瑥㹡 †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ† ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† ††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††ਠ†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† †††††††††††††㰊砿慰正瑥攠摮∽≷㸿਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ‰‰扯൪㰼䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥楆獲⁴⼵敌杮桴㔠⼵⁎⼱祔数伯橢瑓㹭猾牴慥൭栊㋞倲倰놰矑⿎⯍け䳎踩㈶ਁ⤆舘ぉ嘻ꐿ₲㽕ㄠ딽컘‎À赧Ԏ਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ‱‰扯൪㰼䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥楆獲⁴⼵敌杮桴ㄠ㘹丯ㄠ启灹⽥扏卪浴㸾 瑳敲浡਍�踼櫁㄂䔔䳭昖诞挳䑓ᶰ兰넄뭃鍱Ṏ㐴䢝ꤒ澟씖㷽峧聍�무參䦎궼筏踳㙆覯ṱ慬㰱⑫붃襮Ꙗ韫⻘ᜐ꯿᷊꟟⿤厥Ю⮔鴉䫒�ꉃ屛軩꽐㴵윤�瘤詓뙟瀡㈂㸬忢䬾賙Ҿ⼖ﹶ᪁빷觀�ヌ퐥퐐㶯㸑宩㟈�מ靕졃਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ′‰扯൪㰼䐯捥摯健牡獭㰼䌯汯浵獮㔠倯敲楤瑣牯ㄠ㸲⼾楆瑬牥䘯慬整敄潣敤䤯孄㠼㔴㙃䔶㤵㌸㌲㈵ㄷ㈳䅁ㄱ䘳㔹㠶㌸㸹ㄼ䐹䑄㤵䔰䐶㈵㐲䄵㕂㉃㔲㍂㙅㙁㐴㸶⽝湉潦㈠‱‰⽒敌杮桴㜠⼸潒瑯㈠″‰ ⽒楓敺㈠⼲祔数堯敒⽦字‱″崱㸾瑳敲浡਍�扢Ā䘦壖؏ئ옆⃽㎒찞̾ᤢ⋀ⴜᄈ實ံⰍԾ⩌촁巹ඳ쬬☌섙̤舣ﱤ悇ﴳꢇࠁ0퍜㨌਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢猍慴瑲牸晥਍ㄱശ┊䔥䙏਍ in/out of the CE or clear any vegetation (for structure or hunting lanes). Please update IRT in MY5 of fence repair status. 5. Multiple bankfull events in MY4 noted. Documenting physical bankfull indicators found in the field are good ways to support the gauge data. This could be photos and indicator descriptions added to Table 10. Example…during site visit on 12/6/2023, bent vegetation, wracking and sediment on vegetation were documented near CG-1 (see photo). 6. While the inclusion of previous IRT comments is appreciated, please provide a direct response to IRT comments for easier tracking versus blending the response in with the report. The low flow on SG2 continues to be concerning and a response to USACE comment 2 and 4 were not found. Based on our review of the monitoring report and the results of the NCIRT review, we confirm that you have satisfied requirements included in the approved banking instrument and mitigation plan for this site. Accordingly, with this correspondence we confirm the release of credits as shown on the table below and on the attached credit release schedule. The District leger on the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System has also been updated to reflect this transaction. Release Activity MY4 Date of Release 3/21/2024 Stream Credits Wetland Credits Riparian Credit Classification Warm Cool Cold Riparian Non- Non-Coastal Water Water Water Riverine Riparian Riverine - - - - Current Credit Release Request - 401.600 - 401.600 - - - - Approved Credit Release - - - - - - - Credits Not Released (if any) - - 5220.800 - - - - Total Credits Released to Date - - Thank you for your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. Please note that this electronic copy is an official Department of Army notification regarding this transaction. If you have questions regarding this email, please contact me by email at Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil or telephone (828) 933-8032. Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Mitigation Branch (828)-271-7980 Ext. 4234 (828)-933-8032 cell Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribution List From: Davis, Erin B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 8:30 AM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>; Kichefski, Steven L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil>; Isenhour, Kimberly T CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.T.Isenhour@usace.army.mil>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd@epa.gov>; Hamstead, Byron <byron_hamstead@fws.gov>; Polizzi, Maria <maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>; Friedman-Herring, Andrew <andrew.friedmanherring@deq.nc.gov>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Leslie, Andrea J 2 <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>; Dave McHenry <david.mchenry@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Kevin Tweedy <ktweedy@eprusa.net>; Cidney Jones <cjones@eprusa.net> Subject: Notice of Year 4 Monitoring Report Review/ EPR Red Barn Mitigation Bank/ SAW-2017-01927/ Surry County Hello IRT, The below referenced bank Sponsor has submitted an Annual Monitoring Report for NCIRT review and is requesting a release of credits. The Annual Monitoring Report has been posted to the RIBITS Cyber Repository. This review will follow the process outlined for Credit Release Approval in the 2008 Mitigation Rule (Section 332.8(o)(9)), which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from the date listed in this email notification. Please provide any comments by 5 PM on the comment deadline shown below. Comments provided after the 15-day comment deadline may not be considered. Within 30 days of the conclusion of the IRT review period (comment deadline), a copy of all comments will be provided to the bank Sponsor and the IRT along with District Engineer's credit release determination. 15-Day IRT Comment Start Date: February 2, 2024 15-Day IRT Comment Deadline: February 17, 2024 45-Day Credit Release Approval Deadline: March 18, 2024 NOTE: Deadlines will be extended if an on-site meeting is requested, and comments will be due 15 days following the site visit. Project Information: Sponsor: Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, PLLC (EPR) Bank Name: Red Barn Mitigation Bank USACE ID: SAW-2017-01927 River Basin: Yadkin HUC: 03040101 County: Surry Sponsor POC: EPR, Kevin Tweedy, ktweedy@eprusa.net USACE Project Manager: Steve Kichefski, Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil USACE Mitigation Specialist: Erin Davis, Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil Credit Release Activities: Year 4 Annual Monitoring Credit Release Requested: 5% of total stream credits = 401.600 Cool Water Stream Credits RIBITS Cyber Repository Link: https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:278:16634932886711:::RP,278:P278_BANK_ID:4775 Please note that you must be logged in to access documents in the cyber repository. When submitting comments please indicate if you are requesting a site visit. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you, Erin Erin B. Davis Mitigation Specialist, Regulatory Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (919) 930-1887 work cell 3