HomeMy WebLinkAbout[External] Notice of MY5 Credit Release Approval / WEI Cane Creek UMB - South Fork / SAW-2016-02364 / Chatham CountyCAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good afternoon Jeff, This correspondence is in reference to the monitoring report and credit release request submitted for the Wildlands Cane Creek Umbrella Mitigation Bank, South Fork Mitigation Site, Action ID SAW-2016-02364. The purpose of this letter is to transmit comments provided by the NC Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) during the review of the monitoring report and to confirm the annual credit release. The review of the annual monitoring report followed procedures outlined in Section 332.8(o)(9) of the Mitigation Rule. The comments listed below were provided by the NCIRT during this process. While it is not necessary to provide a response to specific comments at this time, please be sure to address the issues raised in future monitoring report submittals. Andrew Friedman-Herring, NCDWR 1. Please include the previous year’s IRT comments with written responses to each monitoring report. 2. The report does a good job proactively describing issues and proposing solutions. 3. The vegetation data problem areas and supplemental planting are noted. 4. The flow data looks good, and the stream repair areas are noted. Erin Davis, USACE 1. Are the cattle trespassing at both internal crossings? Please provide an update on observations, preventative measures, and/or landowner discussion on this in the MY6 report. The long-term steward should be made aware of this if it is a recurring issue. 2. Table 2 lists the stream survey being completed in April for MY5 and in March for MY2. Completing the survey this early in the monitoring year may not be representative or accurately capture changes in conditions annually. To minimize these concerns, we recommend surveying no earlier than May moving forward. 3. Table 8a current plot data and annual means headers reference MY4, which should be corrected to MY5. 4. Table 10 shows bank pin exposure on SF4A Reach 2. Was any scour or bank erosion observed during MY5 inspections? Please provide an update on conditions in the MY6 report. 5. The winter photos were helpful for this review in providing good visibility of the stream channels. 6. Please include CCPV location callouts and photos of all piping structure repairs in the MY6 report. Based on our review of the monitoring report and the results of the NCIRT review, we confirm that you have satisfied requirements included in the approved banking instrument and mitigation plan for this site. Accordingly, with this correspondence we confirm the release of credits as shown on the table below and on the attached credit release schedule. The District leger on the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System has also been updated to reflect this transaction. Release Activity Monitoring Year 5 Date of Release 3/21/2024 Credit Classification Stream Credits Wetland Credits Warm Water Cool Water Cold Water Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non-Riparian Coastal Current Credit Release Request 431.800 - - - - - - Approved Credit Release 431.800 - - - - - - Credits Not Released (if any) 0 - - - - - - Total Credits Released to Date 3,670.300 - - - - - - Thank you for your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. Please note that this electronic copy is an official Department of Army notification regarding this transaction. If you have questions regarding this email, please contact me by email at Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil or telephone (919) 210-6265. Todd Tugwell Chief, Mitigation Branch Regulatory Division Wilmington District, USACE (919) 210-6265 Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribution List ave satisfied requirements included in the approved banking instrument and mitigation plan for this site. Accordingly, with this correspondence we confirm the release of credits as shown on the table below and on the attached credit release schedule. The District leger on the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System has also been updated to reflect this transaction. Release Activity Monitoring Year 5 Date of Release 3/21/2024 Credit Classification Stream Credits Wetland Credits Warm Water Cool Water Cold Water Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non-Riparian Coastal Current Credit Release Request 493.900 - - - - - - Approved Credit Release 493.900 - - - - - - Credits Not Released (if any) 0 - - - - - - Total Credits Released to Date 4,306.150 - - - - - - Thank you for your interest in restoring and protecting waters of the United States. Please note that this electronic copy is an official Department of Army notification regarding this transaction. If you have questions regarding this email, please contact me by email at Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil or telephone (919) 210-6265. Todd Tugwell Chief, Mitigation Branch Regulatory Division Wilmington District, USACE (919) 210-6265 Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribution List wood@usace.army.mil>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd@epa.gov>; Hamstead, Byron <byron_hamstead@fws.gov>; Polizzi, Maria <maria.polizzi@deq.nc.gov>; Merritt, Katie <katie.merritt@deq.nc.gov>; Friedman-Herring, Andrew <andrew.friedmanherring@deq.nc.gov>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org>; Dave McHenry <david.mchenry@ncwildlife. org> Cc: Catherine Roland <catherine@waterlandsolutions.com>; kyle@waterlandsolutions.com Subject: Notice of Year 1 Monitoring Report Review/ WLS Catawba 01 UMB - Starker/ SAW-2020-01540/ Catawba County Good morning IRT, The below referenced bank Sponsor has submitted an Annual Monitoring Report for NCIRT review and is requesting a release of credits. The Annual Monitoring Report has been posted to the RIBITS Cyber Repository. This review will follow the process outlined for Credit Release Approval in the 2008 Mitigation Rule (Section 332.8(o)(9)), which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from the date listed in this email notification. Please provide any comments by 5 PM on the comment deadline shown below. Comments provided after the 15-day comment deadline may not be considered. Within 30 days of the conclusion of the IRT review period (comment deadline), a copy of all comments will be provided to the bank Sponsor and the IRT along with District Engineer's intent to approve or disapprove this credit release. 15-Day Comment Start Date: January 9, 2024 15-Day Comment Deadline: January 24, 2024 45-Day Credit Release Approval Deadline: February 23, 2024 NOTE: Deadlines will be extended if an on-site meeting is requested, and comments will be due 15-days following the site visit. Project Information: Sponsor: Water & Land Solutions, LLC Bank Name: WLS Catawba 01 Umbrella Mitigation Bank Site Name: Starker Mitigation Site USACE ID: SAW-2020-01540 River Basin: Catawba HUC: 03050101 County: Catawba Sponsor POC: Catherine Roland, catherine@waterlandsolutions.com <mailto:catherine@waterlandsolutions.com> USACE PM: Steve Kichefski, Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil <mailto:Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil> USACE Mit Specialist: Erin Davis, Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil <mailto:Erin.B.Davis@usace.army.mil> Credit Release Activities: Year 1 Annual Monitoring Credit Release Requested: 10% of the total warm water stream credits = 965.67 RIBITS Cyber Repository Link: https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:278:174265996168: correspondence we confirm the release of credits as shown on the table below and on the a?ached credit release schedule. The District leger on the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Informa?on Tracking System has also been updated to reflect this transac?on. Release Activity Monitoring Year 5 Date of Release 3/21/2024 Stream Credits Wetland Credits Riparian Credit Classification Warm Cool Cold Riparian Non- Non-Coastal Water Water Water Riverine Riparian Riverine - - - - Current Credit Release Request 431.800 - - - - - - - Approved Credit Release 431.800 - - - - - - Credits Not Released (if any) 0 - - - - - - Total Credits Released to Date 3,670.300 - Thank you for your interest in restoring and protec?ng waters of the United States. Please note that this electronic copy is an official Department of Army no?fica?on regarding this transac?on. If you have ques?ons regarding this email, please contact me by email at Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil or telephone (919) 210-6265. Todd Tugwell Chief, Mitigation Branch Regulatory Division Wilmington District, USACE (919) 210-6265 Enclosure cc (by email): NCIRT Distribu?on List 2