HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030255 DMR SW (not on req'd DMR form)J. C. STEEILE Sc, SONS, INCORPORATED SINCE 1889 TELEPHONE MANUFACTURERS OF SHIPPING ADD (704) 872-3681 71O S. MULBERRY THE GLOBAL LEADER IN STIFF EXTRUSION FAX NUMBER P. O. BOX 1834 TOLL FREE (704) 878-0789 STATESVILLE, N. C. 28687 (800) 278-3353 January 7, 2015 Central Files Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 00 �m "NO z Ref: Tier Two FLOW" —t 0 M M Dear Stormwater Group, o 2 o Z r„ �, M J. C. Steele & Sons, Inc. is committed to following the requirements set forth in our stormvobr permit by the Division of Water Quality. According to the Tier Two requirements, we are required to submit a monthly monitoring report for outfalls not meeting our permit benchmarks. If no discharge occurs during the sampling period, then we are required to submit a monthly monitoring report indicating "No Flow". This letter is to inform you that J. C. Steele & Sons, Inc. was unable to capture stormwater samples per our permit requirements for the period December 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. This letter is for our Shop's Permit No. NCG030255. A monthly rain log is kept which documents the rain events and the reasons for not being able to do sampling. Please see the "rain log" for the time period mentioned above. In closing, J. C. Steele & Sons, Inc. respectfully submits this letter informing your group of our "No -Flow" event during the referenced time period. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mark Beaver at our facility by telephone at 704-768-3220 or by email at mbeaver@jcsteele.com. Z7, David Steele, President RAIN GAUGE OBSERVATION LOG SHEET Month: December Year: 2014 Day Observation Time Rain Amount Observer's inches Name Remarks Sample (severe weather, plant closed, etc.) YLN 1 2 3 4 5 Friday - Shop and Fdry closed N 6 7:00 am (Mon. Dec. s) 0. 12 1 Mark Beaver Plant Closed - weekend N 7 Plant Closed - weekend N 8 7:o -am (Tues. Dec. 9) 0.04 Mark Beaver Plant closed - rain started late night N 9 7:00 am (Weds. Dec. 10) 0.04 Mark Beaver Plant closed - rained early morning„ continued from yesterday. N 10 11 12 Friday - Shop and Fdry closed N 13 Plant Closed - weekend N 14 Plant Closed - weekend N 15 16 7:00 am (Weds. Dec 17) 0.04 Mark Beaver Light rain started before work. N 17 7:00 am (Thurs. Dec. 18) 0.04 Mark Beaver Trace amount„ not sure when it started. N 18 19 Friday - Shop and Fdry closed N 20 Plant Closed - weekend N 21 Plant Closed - weekend N 22 7:00am (Tues. Dec 23) 0.08 Mark Beaver Rain started sometime in the early morning hours N 23 7:00 am (Mon. Dec. 29) 0.2 Mark Beaver Rained in the early morning hours N 24 7:00 am (Mon. Dec. 29) 0.98 Mark Beaver Off - Christmas Eve N 25 PLANT CLOSED - HOLIDAY N 26 PLANT CLOSED - HOLIDAY N 27 Plant Closed - weekend N 28 Plant Closed - weekend N 29 7:00 am (Tues. Dec 3o) 0.31 Mark Beaver Plant closed - rain started early morning. Gage .24" at 7:00 am N 30 7:00 am (Wed. Dec 31) 0.2 Mark Beaver Plant closed - rain continued from last night. N 31 Total inches of rain: 2.05 = Weekends,,, plant is closed on weekends. = Holidays, 1/2 day Fridays, Fridays or weeks that the plant was closed. 1. Try to record precipitation each day at the same time. 2. Record precipitation to the nearest 1/100 of an inch. 3. If precipitation is less that .01 inches, record'"" for trace. 4. Use remarks column to indicate unusual circumstances and why observation was not taken. S. Indicate If a sample was taken. drab/stormwater/RAIN GAUGE OBSERVATION LOG SHEET 2010/dmb/dec 2008 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 69c-0,646 rr 4014 12/6/2014 Saturday Plant closed - weekend 12/8/2014 Monday Plant closed - rain started sometime around 7:00 pm or after. 12/9/2014 Tuesday Plant closed - rain contined from yesterday into the early morning hours. 12/16/2014 Tuesday Plant closed - Trace amount of rain only, rain started early morning hours. 12/17/2014 Wednesday Trace amount of rain„ not sure when it started. Plant was closed when the rain started. The gage was showing .04" at 7:00 am 12/22/2014 Monday and was .08" at the end of the work day. Plant was closed when the rain started. The gage was showing .08" at 7:00 am 12/23/2014 Tuesday and that was all it rained that day. 12/24/2014 Wednesday Not sure when the rain started„ Christmas Eve„ I didn't work. Plant closed - rain started in the early morning hours. Gage was showing .24" at 12/29/2014 Monday 7:00 am. Had a total of .31" for the day. Plant closed - rain contined from yesterday into the early morning hours. The 12/30/2014 Tuesday gage was showing .20" at 7:00 am.