HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071958 Ver 1_401 Application_20071120Co,x-a ~.xp ~ a ~- t R S g NCCrENit North Carolina Department of Environmerrt ar~d Natural Resources Regtkesii for Express Permit Review F1L~L•1N a1! the information Below and CNECIf the Perntit(s} you "are requesting for express review. lnclcrrle this form with the appllca#lctn package because it helps us to clistingur`sh, whr'ch projects are goin~~ review gnat not the routine review: ~. • fayeffeyille or Raleigh Region•t}avidLee 9i9-T9i-4203; david.lee~ncmar"l.net ~~~r ~ ~~~~ Moaresviife ~ i<tsheville i7egion•Patrick Grogan TO~i-663.3T72 or patrick.orooan~ncmail.net • Wasfrington Region-Lyn Hardison 262.94fi-9216 orlYrr.nardlsort~~cmall,net "~' ' ~ 't~ {~` ~ r'1~~ ~JmJngtan Region-Cameron Weaver orJanet Russell 990-350-2004 or cameron.weave ncmail.nsi aats~`e~l~)n~7l.nei Project appticatian received after 12 noon vii! be stamped in the following work day, APPLICANT Name Gene Fax Company Matlamuskeet Management &: consulting Address 6155 Wwv 44, PO Box 128 Fairfield NC 2826 Phone 252-X26-96~a4 Fax 25Z-928-9835 Emai! gfox.mmct~huclhes.nek PROJECT SYSTEMS} TRIBUTARY Tt7 Alligator River SURF'ACI= WATER CLASSIPICATION PRflJEC_i' Name Mattamuskeek Bar a Canal Maintenance {~ eration Glean-flat County Hyde PRt7JECT LOCATIpN (AD[7RESS) ENGINEERJCONSULTANT Company _ ~ __ ---- - Address Ctty,"'State Zip w Phone Fax Email Slate ar National Envir©nmerrtaf poiicy,act (SER,4, NAPA) •- E',4 or ~'1S Rewired Yes No ^ STREAM C3RlGtN Determination: of Stream calls; Stream Name ^ S74RM4YATER ^Low Density ^ High Density-Detention Pond ^ Low [3ensity-Curb ~ Gutter ^ High Density-Infiltration ;K CC?ASTAL ~ Excavation & Fill ^ Bridges & Culverts MANAGEMENT ^ Upland Development ^ Marina Developme High density-Other ^ Oft Site Structures Infom7ativn Urban Waterfront ^ t.AfJO C1l1ALITY ^ Erasion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbect.(CK #____, for DENR use)) WETi.ANDS QUESTTC-NS MUST ~E ADDRESSED BELUt~' © UC,'ETiANDS (409). Check all that apply Wetlands on Site ^ Yes ^ No Wetlands Delineation has teen completed: ^ Yes ^ Igo 1 f US ALOE Apprrval of Delineation completed: ^ Yes ^ t~to l Application in Process w1 US ACflE: ^ Yes ^ No ~ Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site ^ yes ^ Nc~ isolated wetland on Property ^ Yes ^ No Buffer Impacts: ^ No ~ YES: 1, r 5 acre(s) rvlinor Variance : ^ Na ^ YES lv9ajor General Variance ^ No ^ YES 41J1 Application required: Yes ^ No It YES, ^ Regular ~O~t Permit Received from US ACQE ^ Yes [^ No The legisiatian allows additional fees, net to exceed ~(l°r~ of the original Express Review permit application fee, to be charged far subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications. ,For C~t~,'(t ~: ~~ c:~rfY Fee Split for multiple permits:. (Check It #8729 ~8787'l Total P'ee Amr,unt ~ X2500 & $150D _ SUBMITTAL DATEB l`ee ~ $k16MITTAL DATES Rea LAMA 1iF20~07 X2000 Variance ^ Ma ; Min SW FID; LC? ._ . 401: 11f20t07 $2000 k.€~S Stream Deter,._ MAS~~ Ma~a~+~m~nt ~& ~c-~~ultir~g ti1S5 Iri~}t.w'ar~ P.CI. l3ox ~°~~ Fairfield, 'forth +C'srcalit~a ~7~26 Phone: (~''~?~9?6_tlfifi Fax; f3,5?)~2#i-~t35 Re: ~Viattannuskeet Bare Canal 1~lainten:~nce Ctpt:ratian Permit ~pplicfttion 14'iat~>rials Letter ~-f Intent Detail of Property +C)wners Consent ;1.grEements application Excavation and Fill ;'application Excavsrtiun Totals Spoil Cc,ntainrnent Dike Cross-section Project i.c~cation n~Iap l~ar~,e +C:anal (Jver-view;vit}z Depth Chfzrt Detail :~ with four Cross-sections Detail B v~`ith one Cross-section Detail C. with. one Cross-section Prior Permit Information. Green Curd to DOT {Adjaecnt Rparia~~ Owners) 1l/(l2lll7 ". , . ~- ~~`J~ ~' ~ ~~~~ Prep~rcd $y: Gene Fox 14~iattamuskeet laFianu~ement ~ Consulting ~~~J tiro;~' '~~,,, ~ ~'~ M~[na~+emer~t ~ Consulting 6I55 ~ighrva4~ ~t4 l'.(). I3ax '128 I'~airfield, North Carolina 27826 Thane: (2"50926-96fi~# Re: Mattarnuskeet Rarge Cana[. To 'Vi'harti It ~~1ay Concern: l 1102fQ7 '1`he purpose of this prcaject is to clean a barge canal located an l~lattamuskeet Fauns iar Hyde C.ounty,l'~orth Carolkna. The farmer o«~ners of tl~e faci:lifiy allo~sed the permit (99-81 CAN1A/DF) expire... l~lattamuskeet Barge Canal 141Caintenance Croup (a group comprised of all surrounding lando~w~ners) }vauld like 11~attamuskeet 11'lanagen~ent ~: C~atxsulting to apply for an emergency permit as their agcn#. The maintenance `r•ould be concentrated at the mouth of the canal where it empties into Alligator River. The reason. far ni.~ntenance is to allow k~arge passage for atirfcultural product transport. '1'her+e is trouble spot in the canal located at the tiluuth ;vher•c it opens up to the A[.lgatar River. In taking cross-sections and platting them. ~r~e have fatmcl the trt~ubled s~rca too be approximately 730' in length with an aycragc depth of 6,4', "[`he original permit called for the depth to 1>e l2', the 1~lattatnuskeet Barge Canal A~iaintenancc Group ~vou'Id propose that the canal be restored to its original depth in the troubled area. The spoil v-~ocrld k~e re.mo~~ed via barge to the facilities loc.~~ted. at the end of the canal.. Clnce there it will be off-loaded it~ta a containment t'acility and allarved to clry. The spoi! would then be €~pplicd to c.xi:~tin~; a#;ricultuxal lan€is surroundini; the project. C)nc of the members of the l~~lattamuskeet Barge Can.~k ~'I-intenance Croug ('lattamuskeet Ventures) owns approxintately 5,1100 acres of agricultural land ad,j:~cc.nt to the project area, In addition. to th+~ Hgrcnlture lf~nd I1~lattamuskeet Ventures awns :~pproxitrratcly 11,000 acres of hunting land. In the future it maFr be necessary to clean. other parts of the T3argc Canal. In such an event we would propose th;lt the spoi[ from that clean-out k~e l~lae.ed ory top of existing spoil piles along side of the canal with tkre explicit consent of tlxe nivisiar~ of C'aastal Nlanagenaent. Sincerely, Gene F ox ?~~Iattarnuskeet Mana„e.ment Sz Consulting, (252} 924-9664 +CJrftiee (252) 926-4635 Fax. (25?) 945..3194 11lol~ile ~;,fox,mnYC rta~hu~het.net ~J. CERT)i~'"~D 1~-~AIL - RETCIRN ~~~'~C~II''I` RE(~~ESTE]D DfVTSl1t3N C1F CO.A,STAL NIANAG~34fEN'~' ADJAC'EI~TT RIPARIAN FROY't:R'l l' t7WNER NC)TIFIC~TXCJ-NJWAI~'ER l:'IaRlti Name of indiw~iduaf applying for the permit `~'~°~ ~t-~_ ~~, ~ ! 4v ~...~, t`h~. ~~`- ~,. ~ P y ~~ ..,~ address of proper; ~,~:;,; c~..~:~~ 1 , f=~ ~' : ~, ~ ~~ , ~y~,,.~ ~ ~ ~ . ~.~ i2~ [C,ot tsr #rc~edd, sTreet of road) .y- r° i .. (t Yt;:~:~fictunt~) I hereby certify that I own property adjacen! to the above referenced property. The individual a}~plying for this permit has described tame (as shown an the attached drawing) the developnnent th+e«v are proposing. ~~ description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. .- i. 1f l have np Objections in this prtll-U$iKl ;3 '~....~ ~,.~..~~ ;5' ~t°:~. ~ ~ ~,1~„~ ~~ I~.YC ~? ~ ~r r~ r-t; i=•~_ jam; If you have objections to what is being praposedi please write the Division of Coastal Management: 440 Carnmerce Ave., il~lorehcad City, NC 2S5S7 ar call (252 8~ti8-2#308 v-~ithin IO days of receipt of the notice, No response is considered the. same as no oltjectian if you have been notified by Certified 141ai1. "Uti'siver Sectioay I t~ndersCand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift or sandbags must be set back a minimum distance of 1S' from my areas of riparian access unless waived by me. {Ifyau wish to v+':rive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank belov~.) l do ~~,~sh to wai~~e the 15' sei~ack recluiremmertt i do not r~~ish to ~~afve the l.~' sett~ack requirement . ;. Sism~.~ture ate l~rlilt 7''13]21 +.' Telephone numt~er with ar'~ crrde ~; ,4uthnnzed L~,~~~3$ c}n~ent .~.~2`~~II1~If$ /'~ ~J p~ 1 ~. L~.t""'i.wc~ r~?r"~ ~'Il u4!`d.~~i..l'.. ~.~.,.,~ t__~ ~-'~:.~..a.a=.~~,-{ /'Its- ~~="'~i~ ~ +. ~ ~~ 1 r~~~ ~~hal'"~. a~ta~i.-~~., CA?v~A. pe~~,it~ :~~.~: `:t:° 1<~~~a~~~.~~~~~ ~~~o~~-. ~:,ns ~^~ncy dlT~*10?i23'C1CJL' ~5 _:~1:~~ ,, '.~7~ S~~C'~1~ ^~~r'v"~°S '~.°S ~~ ~"J~Z'~. ~` =-z J 'i~~~6~ ~ it~2!°~1 ~ ~vf ,.ilri CT .~ti'~..;~~"_~: r ,~ r'~ ~; ~~ J #.utbori.ze~3 =~~en~ ~c±~ser~t 4.~re~~en~ ~y b ~~~I i~ ob~.~ng C A ~~~ gem ~ ~.. :. ~ ~ , ~~v l.sEac b4io~~ . ~~fi a~ dncz• ~.l~~ri~ario~ i:~ :i~.i~ed to #.i7.e sp~ciric ~.r-~~~a°., ~.ea:,^:'ne,~ ~~~ve, _~ r'. p'~ y ` \. ~ 9 y4 r1~y ~^~. ^y ~ ~t~~c;.it~ ~1f1~k~ ''' C.,~~r`'~' ~1Z%v.i'r S ~irr;2r~,.m, r _ ._ _ , ~utl~arz~d 4~~~~ ~ a~s~nt ?~~reem~x~f T ii""l'{ ~u - Y~ :d';,1w:."~L.. 4.'.-.. _-~j~l. -?~~,~-~>.~ ~`~r -r _~G'... 'U~ ~.~ .~ zc~~ ~~~s].~`i~ t~~t~un~ ~:~4~A taxi ~ ~ ~,: . ~.a~. _~'.sud ~wl~~'. ~"a.s a~e~~c~% a1tT..~~:~i ati~n s liraz~°~ tr *17e s~°ci.~?~ ~W'=~F ~__ ~ __ _c ~4~~x~. ~%~' z r fr,.,~ f ~ ~r~ r, ,^ ,,. ~ ~~ ~.. ~, ~ ,~..~ rim,<_.~--~- ~ a ~ 1, ~ ~L . ~ ~~- ~ ~, ~~ ., ~~ i .,' i ,~ ~ f -,~ _ r° w ,{ r' °' _ ~ ,J ~.ut~orized ~~~r-t ~~~.~ert ~~~*r~eemen ~.. 1..x-1,... V ~trr~ ~ 1'1<.ry t +~"' ~ JY~ S t-, / ~, ~..1 ~~1''~~ ,Ci t ~" .... , ~Z° 1 ! _ +~'~ ~w~ ~ 'fit c.,'t~a'`~' ii.~ 1C'i D_ ~".~ F n'rorert~~ [1vm,1^r', ; ~ ~~~T:~ ~d .'~~~:) *.~}''be~~ ,~! {7~L~..+Sli::1~ ~.1~~~,.%s, vL'~~i.1 S '~:.L" : ~7w~;'n~ ~.!5%~: ~°I~YT~7. ~"'1i5 3~`~~G~' o~..'LI'..}T1~.3~~01 la ~1'~~'c1Lwd.a ~t!:~ ~'L7~ 51~£;~,^;,LiC ;.v:ibi~° G ~°~i~~G'~.bOti~~, IGPrT:~' :"i~~T'4v5; ~- .~~` ~'':O'~vt'~4' +_;-„T_~1"gig ~',~lalL"'1~ .%~i~11~a5~. .... .-, (7 /' 1 { 1 _''yta ~. ~~~il. ~..'A" Zi.: ~jtr~y ~,'.::~ti" ~~, l ~~ ~,.rd.,... ""," V ~ ~~Ye' --2-v ~- C>~ c Auth©rized ~g~~t ~~~n~~~.t A.~reemenf ,. ~ .. ,. ~'r I ~-~,n~ti'1~ ~1__ ,h~re~~,-r.at~~aex~~t.~-~t,,~,, .k~l~.~:._~_.~~~`~~.~i~~ ,._~. ~~ ~,~~s~t}~ ~.iu~er;, „~~u~o~e~ ~ get) ~~= b1~~` iii abtg ~ ~?vi..A, ~~ri~s f~~ ;~s~ ~_~ :a'~; ~~• iis-z~d beav~. This ~~~;~~ a_l~n~rt~+.i~~ is limited tt~ ~ spe~ifi~ ~~~e~~~t~~~a c~scrl~ed abo~Te. ~1 J~ uA Lwu :`1i1U1 ~3~. r~, f~. ~ ~~ ,~~ j 5 ~'~ `''y'L,l~~~t 1' tJti4~i ai'J ~~i ~'t~il.:: ~. ~ ~,.t "Y ~~~/~"I~~-^'t ~."d~' ~ ~'~"`~_ ` ,`:.1.Z uL1U~LLb'= Ya~°.. il.,F ~~. ~t~l~: W. . -.a .~» ~. O~X~ 0.. ~ x-P Fc~rrn DCht-hLF'-~ APPLICATION (Tcr Err ~t7mplet~cl b~ a!! applicants} 1. ?'~'PI~IC:4.~'~' a. Lardow•ner: ~aSI1e !b vLr,t~~ Pr<a R ."Y~dr~.SC ~ .:+G:' l..trv f-- :,K ~!' f-- '7 t' Stace ~+' ~ Zip.,-,~`7 ~~~, I}ay Ph~ine ~z',~ti I~t~~• ~~~°~°~/ b. Auw~,c~rzecl.~.ger~t~ i0'a,'T3p ~~^~sfi't.;. `+,~'_ i~i~ i~ %!''~+~'~ ~;~ _ di.n~. ,~l ~ 'C1CY t"c ~,+~Cl(,"rf ~t~te fv+f~~ _W ~~p~~'~? '~' Da} Phone ,'1 l y ~~ +~~ , [~ r4 .. ~~, ...,- 1. ,, C. }}r4J~,^t BaLi~ (]f 3d1Y~ rr+~.t~ ~'"tl't / U!f"~'I) ~ r e'~~7E.' Parnst witt br irFa~rd it ra~rne of'a~owncr('sd, ; ~• X+IL'~ft L? itu`771tlG. 2u ~.,UC~!-T~Uiti' 4F PR{JP4SED P`RU FEG'F . t .~. ~~attnty ~~ , r o't - 19Sg h. Cit}r, tt~,r~•n, ~mtnvr,iry or landnsar4: c. S~eez acidre~s~ ur se~rndary read number d, is proposed work within city fisni or placning jurisdietion? "r'es ~-~' No e. :~a^:~e of bred}' of w teT nearest F~ecj~,4Q.~ riv,~r, creek, sound, bayl e' ~ Ctrs / ,~ rv,a>rF~r , t y~. J ' ~' 3, ~ESC~t.C'TG!~I AND PL.ANI~rES~ ~.l"E ~F PR~Pt3SEI3 PRQ,T~CT a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a 6otne, tnote9, marina, buIkh~d, pier, and ez,:avatron andlor f~tlltng activities. _ t )) ~~ ,(~ d~ fri ~^/~1 i^'" S •J?/~.i 1'~d ~Crt a~~.:T, ~+~~` '~ f"~•^L„~`I •. b. is the proplsrd activity maintenance of an exssin~ proje.^t, ne.w work., or t~.~tn'.'i~#~.rr, ~f~;r,r~ ~~' ~~,4 •`„j Ci» ~' c. VY`ill tEye prt~~e.~t be far g~ubic, pri~~a:e ~}r ~~~mrnrcal use? ~'~,~n„>r; ~~,~~~,,,f d. Circe a brief destrpticsn of purprsse, use, metu4~ds k~f u~nrcucxio8 and dail}• op~atioa^s of proposed prcFja.^t. Pf moreRspace is needed p3ea.~~° attar 3~,' ICitrlral F3~°G*5 1`'•` , r~ ~ r11 ' 1'; =^' #- .~+` *~'~'' ~";,~GCV1 +' ~ t j. .~ ec .l. r. ',iM1Jib ~ + ~~"+-. < / I'+i 7i t~a,.~4J f".S( .: ,r ~ ,~j r `.jam, .:-, ~^l.~ _.° ; -,..,. f< ' j , -:.;~ ~ _ + % t ~ ~~ ~_.}... ra' { Rec"tzed 03t4S Farm bCM.Mp-l Clit'~Z,4CT~~tISTICS m. L~es~ribe exist~rig wastewater treat+nent facilities. -.~^ s,,X'~ "~.f:._ _ _.e.~.'s'~ ~' it .sN'`,~r`-~ a. Size of enuretract_ _f~~'; ~~.~'' ~i~t`~'~ _ b. Size of individual lot(s) ~(;>~~ c. approximate elevation of tract above. t+f~l~' C'~r a, ~e:scribe location.. and type. of dischargev to eaters ~+f the state. (Prat example„ surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/cornrnereial efflu~:nt, 'was; d:7wA" and r~ideatial discharges.) r ' _ ~'r ll~ d. S,~ii t}~p~s} d textu~efs) of tfract o ~~"rtbe ezisting~rinking water supply source. r'~vft'i~4.,: i~1 /~'1'J. ..r'- y+tt yv ,(~ Fy'„iJ--~t' l~+t'~~,, r~~ ...~ ~'Lr~?rr -/ i .ry-. Y~~~vt~t~4n l~~ G+'.8 ~..f /l~~/Af°•~,rV !X7 ~7t~~.i~l} t t'.X~i ~wj~~ ~. :. ~1 ~ ~. f. Man-made. feature,< ra~rw on tract:'=~ 1~;~, "'~ -. r.r ~ ":,'',,rte ~. ~7eat is the CA1~4A Land .ise 1?lar~ lane classiflcdiion of t~'te sits? (consult trsr lo~tlvc use;e:tv:.,: _________ Ctanservatiot~ Transitional veloed ~ Cotrununiry Rural Uttl'ser h. How is the tract zoned by lckcal gtrverrus'aer~t? i. is t.~e prc~p~ased prc>je,^t cans:st~ ;, with the aiapl i;.ahie zt~+ning? Yes ltit~ ~'i,r,!,rw' t;drrenh .*rnting ct>+rgrLunse cxrra~ic.~ts, kfat~iiaablrj j. l~las a pr«fessianai arcisaeralogical assess sent hw,.o done for tlse tract? Yes /* No if yes„ by whora3? ~. ~-..DIaITI~'~'AIJ 3h~''C?R.T~~iA.'I'IOw' In addition to the camplete~ appi'scation forms the fr~,lt}~,~ing items must be submitted: • ?~ cnp~~ of the deFxi (wills state a,~p3ication onl}~) ar leather instru:nen: under which the app;icaast claims title tca the afftcd properties. ]f the applicant is Hat c? 'awning to be tfa@ tawner of sand prnFert3,', then fc+rvrard a ccap}' of the deed or other irstrurnent under which the owner claiars title, plus written per'rnission frc:rr.~ the owner to care out ehe projel.t. '~ :~ri atxzsr~ate, dated wt-rit ~rlat including plan ~;iew and moss-se+~-tiorsal drawings} drawn t.~ scale in black ir~Y en an 6 2r"1" by ] l " wlsitt paper. {Refer to Cc~asta] Rt~urces Cc+ms~ission Rulw 7.}.f12Qy for a deviled description.;i 1;:. is the project la~`ated in a National Reg~s:ered Flistoric I)isti ict ar does it irrvolve a '~;~~ic;,n31 Register listed ter eli~~t'ato propert}~^ Yes .r' 1`~c~ ], ,ire there. wetlands on ttse site? ~ /Yes _ p~,`, Coastal (:Harsh} Cfther ,,,,,,~,,,~ ;.i ,~~; if ves, hoe a ttelineatian been cr~nducted"a .'~ .~''~°'~ l~tstr~~ nG?cwr~ns.2rion, rf m~~',r~ ]she Hate shat original drawings are preferretf and t~nly tsigh quality copies will be acc~ated. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are akceptable o~y ` an ad~uate nurrsber taf quality capi~ are provided by ap7Ji;ant. t;Contact t3~ie U.S. Army Corps of 1~rl~ineer5 regarding that agen;,y's use of larger dras~~ings.j A site or icacatiora map is a part of plat r~uirements and it trsust be suff`icient?y detailed to ,guide agency persanneE unfamiliar with the aria. tta the kevi~ed t43t9„5 t~ ~, _ . ~ _ -a_; .a dorm UCM.'.4ZF'=I site, i::~' ode- highway or s~adary road:.. (SR? oumtrers. landmarks, and the like. • .~ ~tcrrmwater CertiC'tratiozY, if one is rte.:.essary ~. ~~I~'F~ ICATI{~I"v~ :t~~I3 PER'viLSSI4Sr T~ EI'~T`ER O?~I LANU • .A list of tl3? names and cx~mpleie addresses of the adjat~nt waterCrant (ripariari~, landowners and 3gnecl return receipts as proof' that such ov+rtc~ have r~ce9ved a mpg of tt-e application and pints by. cxrtiGed mail. Snob lartdawratrs must be advised that thev have 3Cr days in w~hicla to subtrcit CAttunentS can t`'~e Irrop~osed prnie.~t to the l~ivislcrrt cif iyo:.~~.a' x•4anage~ent. l~pctn signitrg this foist, the npplic;~.-tt further certifies that such notice has been provi:l'd. 'v as;-se ?~ ar., . Al~~.__ =~oae _ __ • .4 list of previous state or f~t~-a! permits isstt~ far w~,rk otr the past=~ tract. Iavlude permit nuttrbers, per;rtitte~, a.~~J issui:rg date.. • A cfieck for aye payatale to the Ue!?art*nen: c< Env~otune^t, Health, a:nd Manual p~,ur ~~•s ~~.?EHNP,j to giver the vests of processing ~ ~e aplsl i cati oa. • ~, signed ABC hazard notrc for proie.^~•s in oceast.{ront and i~et area..;. • A statement of aomlSlianee with the lrl.C. Environmental Foley A,ct ('~J,C.G.S. 113A • f to l~} If tlrie praje~t involves the ezpendit.zre of pu''~lic r"ands rsr use Q€ pubic laZr,d"s. atta~:h a stateu~er~t dcycumentiog compliance with the N.prth Ca:.~:ir: Er.G~ir~:tme~tal PoJica .+~.Gt. : t:aderstaad tbat any peratt issued is response u~ this ar ~lic'.atiOtt w°ilE allow only t}3e dedopment :iescribe~'I in the appiicatiott. TZ're proj~t will he subject to t:bt~dititrtLS an ~ restrictic~tis coES:ainc~3 ~*r tl,e permit. I c~t~sify that w the best cf tnv knowledge, ttee grvposect a~i~~ity complies with the State of '`t~r[h Carolina's a~!F; c veal Coastal Management F'rograna and veil} be c:~,n;~s:te,c! in a rnartner consistent with sucFt program, I ~e;..ify that I ast authorized to grant, and do in fawn, gt~xrt.pertnissicn to r~resett;atiwes tsf scat. and fetletal review agetrcies ttr eat;~r tali fire aforcmentbne~ }ab,tds is r~~rr<ne,^tltin with. evaluatrtrg infotmatioat related .,~ this 1,~:~r,it alaplication and followF-up tntsnitcrring of ttrc -~,j e,_t, ~.. l rurther certify ,^.~~ the inforr.-~~_:.~n pr~+videc'J ~; this apC:li,~.ation is m~::~`ul to the b~.r a€ my ~*t~wIe+~ge. 'T'hus is ttre /.~ day of c:~..,. ~°~z;:.l~_.~~`~' T ~'rtttt ?~atna ' ,~~="~ .La. ^.Ji.` 5i~~,a. e _ ~_ L.~ndrrw+ser or rSWd^.c~rivr~ .4gnu I''lC:i::, i.':dtiatE art pr.,~, .mot. „ U~CM hiP.~ ____. I~CM tYtP-3 ._„~ DCM MP-4 _ )ACM ~-5 a;..lxmexr pertaiaitrg to your proposer] Ezcavation a,ad F'il6 Informaticxn CTpland Uevelc~pment ~tivcxur~ IFtformation Bridges anal Culverts M~-i^a E7evelopmeat ;h`{~1'"'E: Pler~sr sign a,~ dcu~ each cuts2chn.* in the she pr~;~er~ ~r the hc+tzrsm of e~cit forest, R!r~i3tt~ (13145 .._ . ~~-..~.:a . Form DC'~i-M~'-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Faccxpt bridges and cuEptxu) ,~,Tt~2ch [his form to Joint Application For CAMA lvajor Permit. ;"'orm DCM_l,,gp-1. ]3e sure to ~mplete' al! other sections of the Joint Application that relate to tia'ts proposed project. Describe bel~+w the purpose of proposed exca~~ation or fill activities. AI! ~°alues to be given i>ti !'eet. Avet~tge F'itfal E~d~tics~; Projeci 1RiiS:th Ridtb tkDih tkVtli .`iw C.eSS Ch3nCJe! {hd7.wj nr ~Nwt) . Canal ~~~t ~ka.SiEl Fuca at rare p RoLi: groin Jto~lc 'oreakwater C~th~er (~ze9udng shorctinc 3Y.9.bY23tIGfl7 ~~ 1 ~ -~ ~~ a j -y, YP F ~,,,~c a ~ ~ T ~ r ~ j 1, ~~i~A'6TA'I'~C3;V a, Arnouttt of material to be excavated froth below M.H~N or I~IV4'L ir- cubic yards ,,K,~J,~,;,,~/'„"'_Liy,cr .1Y 4.x'!'7 • w. Y~j 4'G-!~. b. Type' of material to be excavated ~ ~~ - ~ c. ~:~< Cs ~e area to be excavated include wastal u'~~-'u~ds (marsh}, submerged aquatic vegetatit~n (S,~'~'s;~ or other wetlands? ~ Yes _~~"''w`o d, Highground excavation irr cubic yards ~~r"` ?. D~;S~SAZ, OF ~XCAVATEI? ~:~~T~;x~.-- a, l..{?C.~' c>f~ '~! dT~~pS~ area f~J'r'~r~~;^~fi.Y~~t~e L,t.v~ ." // ~ J' 1 Grp ~~i,~~.1.,a.¢,''~ ~~ b. Dimen.5tions of disposal area ~r!C~` c. i~c~ you. c3aim title to disposal area? .~' `z'es ?Jo If no, attach a letter granting pertniss'son from the CawrSer. d. t~~ i!! a disposal ,~'ea ba available for future rnaintenance2 ~ Yes ?~10 If yes, where? ,w,:`-~:,_._-_.~..,~:_.;~ .r';. ../ f 17~visrt9 t1~19S r~t~~at DC'~1-~iP-2 e. Dares ~e disposal area include any coastal wetlands frnarsh}, S.~Vs oz other wet]arrds? f, Uchtrs tkre ~isp~isal irac~c9e any area in the water? 3. S~t3RELL'~'E STABII.IZATIU'~',~ ' a. Type of shUa'eline ta~iiz:~[i+~a $ulkhead ___~~„_ Riprap h. Lengtly .,. j',~~erabv 4sarsce watexward of ;+~IW or N'~l. ~. ~faYit~urn distance waterward of hi~W or'wf~'L ... S;~creline ercrsinra during pr~edin~ 1~ m+~nths I~Sr.`/2tXtt t?f I^7~~^r!'Ji'?Il f+i~'pt f, "C~pe ,r b :+i~.ead ar riprap~ material.. ~. Arnc~unt of fill in cubic }~~ards to be placed ~elnw waater level V,1~ ~~33.Ir.~a~ y, ~~.~ OU.7v~w.1i~ U~4~~11 h. T.;}e t1f till material i. 5,~a~rce of fill material ~. Ct'F~-I~R FILL ACfi1~TT.[ES p'~ ` ~~" .r` 1 ~xctudin~ Shoreline ~t.~bilir~ticrn) l ~t~r a. ~'il tsll ttrater'ral 13e ~rougltt tc site? ~'es ~o Rer{~d ~_'•,'~±c if yam, ~lj Amount of material tc~ ~e pla;.ed in the water t~) l~itnznsic+tts of f~11 area ~(:~ j Purpose of fill 1~. Fill fill material be pla::eld in coastal wetlands (cnar`~;3, SAVs or c~*d'ier w~lands? Yes ltio >d~ v>n's, 1 j t~tnensitrnw of Tili area ~a:',~ Purpcss of fill 5. GE*v~RAL a. H~7w will exc3vate~l or i""ill material Lrye ]rcpt ~n site ar,~! erc:sian curytrolled? (.,, . ~: ~„v~.~t LY:~,~ i:;~, f c~. ~~"har type s~f .:>nstruction equipment will be ~~ (f~~r example, tira~;3irxe, bat:kltt,e, ter hvd;`aulic d: cz!ge}? r .: '~~' wee .u ~s }e cr~ss~ in trans~~;~ e~uipjttbat tc+ pr~rj~~ sita'' Yes '*1~ if Yom. explain steps that will be talcerr to lessz:~ .nvirt~nrr5ental impac*s. ,% 'rig ~~... ~-- ~,,..~>r,a~ant ae ~e~t tiaiaK - S~;ture I~acr ................ ~--. -' _ ~ _~ j ~ - ~ . (may tit ~ ~~; ~'~~, ~+. _ r ,, . , Z~ F ~~ -} i . S rt Y, ~ ~, 4 Y 4e5 .~ 3 fi ¢,C .tee Al.. ~~ yti ~ PY pj@L2 ACES ~ .'POlilt~g _ _ - y ~ _ :F~` ACC@Sb LhiP„171:1 {TQx 386 /A~ z $ ~ ~ ~@~$~l l°~-2 ~ Detail A=3 _ 415 121 . >; ~ ,w } ,+~ , ~~- ~ Canal (TOx3G5} ` 45$.07 tl~. 188-66 A,c ~~ r <-.. ~ betail A-3 ,~ ~ ~,i Detail A1'i ., ,~ ~ ' --- 414 ~ , ~ bg2.t9 Ac. ' ~~• . ~ j ` ~ , ~ - ~~ k ~° ~ - ~ ~ ' ~€ j ~ - 1 ~ -. '' Y h. tom' _ it3 ~ [ ~ 5! Y _'- 2'E.JSl:: bid ~ - - i ~ii,i. 7 i '~, 4Q6Ftd yF - - l~~.l~ AC_ ^ - ^ r- ~ `y ~ 4ori S - ~ - <©T.4F Fie, .' ., -- . ~ , t ,,., _M ~ i 6 ~ f ~ ~ r~~ .fir yy slj{f~41 {jii li.~4i ~i C~Qk Y~~"rJ VKd~C3; $~ t#1rC$~iRF16a 4T~iC'a .~ -..- ~{ (~ p ~ :'h. 1 } 1 ~ ' ! hl ~ ~ .. ~ { ~ ~ F ~' 5 _... - j ~ hC~~' ~iEftsi~@ toc~ to outside tae cif dike E 5 y C C I 1 ~~ai C3epcsitior7 area = a.3~~ acres S ? - i 3 i i S ~?o' l*~side toe to inside toe of dike "~~°-'~°'"~'"'"`°"` Total Clisturbed Area = i.7 acres S row. Tiq t ~ ~, e rdai \ \~ n aw Q~„a jig Pr,ir~1 ~Jrt+pCh ~ L~tftUde '~ ~~,ngituda~ ;;s, 2c ,, r ,;, ___ .~ t .ia h~''~;~ „ --- - -- -_ - -~1~ _ _ . __ 11 - a _ - _12 ~ io - i ., _ ~~,YIL 1' , ~__ ~ ~ _ _ , ~, _ ~ j' ;i _ ,.., _... f O cE __ • }~ jJ r ~ -. 'h C13F+1 '~ .. . q ti ,,r ...1~i...~ u^r , _ , ~ 7r -L,~ ...... ..... ,. ~ ~ ~ ~~ `- ,, " fit. -~~. • - 35 tta ati ball: tr 137ti i _ ~ _ _ ~ ~ 'C'. I-; _ ' _ 1p "_ __ .: ^. r_ i~~ _ .. ,. - tU __ ~ _ - . r~ _~ __ "..._ 32 f t_- -_33 3~ ~t r~~~.xs,_~ , .__. ,. .. ' .., -. , . ~ - '- _~ _ '/ , ~ ;. - ~,_. . ,~~ y 1 ~ f ~~ .. ~< __ _ - - ~~H~ :tom e,#~ ~, ~ ' ~ .P t - : x r ~3 i ~ •l ~ E *uF'}fiF 1 ~~) i ~ A ~ ~ S ~ ~ '~~ ~ j" 1717 ter as'~,~` ~ ~'r _: t~.,, `~ " ~ ~5} , _ a ~~t _ } { r _'r~y H _ a , , .s...,~f ~ F ,. x ,' l ? , -a ~ 'ay,. ~~ -Y. { ~i xw ..? -~ ~ '~ .:X "'~'cu ~S`~'~~r ~ht ->7[ f,-., rib ~ ~~ ~`~ *' _ a ~ m ~' v ~' ,, fi Viz. ~~'~~ ~~,' ;y~ ~ ~ `, ~ i ~~"~" s rs ~f~tM ~fy~ , ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~'r'c~y. r tl ~ sass ~s ^ r - ~ ~ ~ ~~y" ~„~ ~ . ?' ~f- ynfri r v ~t i ~ ~$'~~r ~ ' ~ rt ~s ~ ~ ' rc ,:r ~ F ~ 3T b r I S ~ J ~ ~~~~ ~ A '~.'~ '. -~`~x _~~~ .`tt'p~M N: ~ L ~V~II` TJ n} i5 ~~ ; JE ~ ~_ ~~ i 1~~- - Y , :y ~ <: -b~..~,~1' -^~ ,"'~'rf -0~ it ~ _~ 1~,,. + yam. ~ ~~ ~k',"~py~ 'ls ~~. ~ ^ ~ ~, YJ~ ; r ~Yrr rm. ~f I y 2 . ~ ,, ~ LIF13il H- ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ w ~ , •. ~- dr y Hv ~' ~' ~~,~ t ~ y, t ~..3a .,.z ~ , ~ ~ ,. = rc ' ;.. sl a ~ 3 .~ B - !~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,, a y, ~ ,~~~ ~~ i~'°~ ?, : u F ~a «~ r ~~ r a :• +SMad~ yjy ~ Syr- ., ~.... - ~'~~~~x~~:~~~. ~Project.Are'a :~, . ~ _ . ~~`'* ~~. ~~~ ~.~ Access CFiannel (7'tl'c~fi5'} ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~: v ~' ~ j ~ ~, x ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ,day +; ; z{ ~ 'a ° , °: i ~ 'L "5 ~._ '` .y,~ f ~~ ~ .>;~; raw *~ - ~• ~ '~ ~. ~'9 ~ ,m x y .~ ~ rh h~~'~~ _ ,ter '- xa ~L 7.: 2 E. 7h ~r•> J%'~ ~ ~ v. ~, ~ ~G1'fl38_59LI~~~tl V~7y'n6f/1E ©'@~t~l ' C 3E'itUC~@ Lt~irc}it11C10 .: a .M1; ., ~~ ~" ', ~. ~. P a ~.1~ESi{ A-1 40 10 35646.5 r 6 U'ilr_ ~ '_. ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~1eEaiE}~-2 +11 7 35.fs46x1 7r;p~85 ~ Detail A-3 E3 _ & 35.6453 ~ '_--- .. - , _ .:~, ;'I7 038-0 ~1eratra~ _ ~ ' 11 3505445 ~+: o3Ga ,, ' M~tt~muskeet Barter: Canal Maintenance Group oeC~~~ a 39 10.5 35.6254 ~s.us~z ' ' cros~ySectic~n C?etail "A" t3el:ail C. 42 . 11 35.6122. i6 0311 ~ Gross.-;recti!on 11!07107 IDe~rthrsfChannn+t+i k5 11 35,fs475' 7~Q:39:3 ' ~~~r~ ... Cross ~ectiQn Barge Cane Man~er~an~~ Permit ~ 1 I02Ia7 EXISTING trttATER 5502vi fiEC:T~6tJ T,tF:ihJ I'!;'3~che'rrAT~.f? t _ E ~ \ OPCSEI~ CHANNEL E!Ck1+.4TaCyfJ STA. 0+p0 Crass ~ectian Barge Canal E1~aintenance Permit 1 /Q21t~?' _..._.~._._..~. '_y~ ~,,_ __~.~~.~.._. rr~ "`-~ \ EXaSTIt~Ci V`d$'E~'i 1 t~,~7 STA.. "~ '~"6~ R€~PC.ISED C~iAt~1NEt. EXC:AVATiC; S~CT'.tiY~ TA+:~.Pe a°~1 {Y?~P2 dt~A.T= Crays Sect©n ~arc~e Canal (t~a~nt~nan~e Permit '~ 1 /Q21(37 ,_. _. _ _ _ .. __. __ . _.wv S FRv~clfiEfl CHkIv9vEL EXGR'VATI~! V~ ! 1~ +s1~'~1/ STQ. +'~+~{~ Cass Section Barge Canal Maintenance Permit ~ '{I07J07 __. _---- - ,~jr--~.. E1£aTpev B. TTCMivRC~U}!C _ _ r' f.~fr°~`t~~CiE: t7iiAWn,`iS~~VATKi! ~~'~~ F L~ETAtL "Ai-4" STA. 7+3p .::t",RK x "°i jr ~~ !~y `S'•. ;'I ...: . ry ~: 4~ ,. ,~... ,.,: Mattarrzuskeet Bare Canal A~laintenance Group Cuss-Section Detail "B" ~ Cross•Seetian 11142107 Crass Section Barge Canal 1yMaintenance Permit t ~ F ~~~~ r`-~-~ .. R` }r~r ~ _t ,a _r a ~__ ~__~ ~_.. Exl°rN G 3 bC~TTeYt ~~ 1 AFflPo7*IMAiE'.?R:sAI Ne'StT'~YSt 3 ry~~p ~~ r~p'rr ~f ~ri~unfm ... _ ~:' r~s,~x -: -',: i.:+~ea~'Mi :Y'~ rie: i ~`~~': "';a~~ ., ., =' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ._ 3 :: ' ~~ ~ . o "d a ~ ~ ~fl- ~ ; ~: ~ ~, r j a .._.. ~ ~? + ~~ " ~! ~, .:;;,, -ir -~,; ; ~w.,, ~~ - ~ '~ ~ ~ ~} ~.~ ~~ ~~ .,~.,~ ,~ .~. R ., ~ ~f 4~i ~"s~ 1 ~ ~ -5 ~N~, B~ +` r+ 4 rv` W ' is w ~,~ :~;,,, .. ; , I ~+ ~ . Yi -. r,. .r-. ~ +~.- ~ .:..err ~ ~ ~~ ..r ~ I '~rs~~Y~~ ~ ~ ~ .. _ ~ _ _ ~ ~~t~r.: rc . ~ ~!T 2~ ~,~~ .y rt i~=y~-~q iii +,.~-~. yr .a .y ~ .. i c.~- se~tia~r ~ Way'Fwrnt ~Lariaud. l LO~ttut~e. - .l ~. as-a __ . ~,~as~ aso3es I I]i,4-2 _ ~1 ~_35.F3~1 76.t0.s~5 F F t9eQai A-~ m 43 3 '~5.b4F,3 76.038a i ~ _____~ ~. ?t#.~9a s ~~ _ ~s:e2sa Ts:o~rz ` ~ ~. t- d k r-. ~. 1: . -~ d ~, ~ ~ s•-~, : 't ~ ~ " ~, ~,,,,ti_ ' w sa,.' ~ ~~ ~ ,,~,,,fl '~i ~~~.`: ,, .yv ~~ ~_ .. J~Q,i .. j 1}~. ? =; _,~ ~ ~y .. ~ ~~ ~` ~. Mattamuskee Bare Canal Mainten~nc~e ~ro~p C~sea:~r~ a~tall ~~H croa~r-s~oa, aa~a~nrr ~rc~ss ~ectic~n B~rg~ Canal Mainter~ar~ce Permit 1 ~ J~02IQ 7 ~XISTIf•JG VvkTER ', 2a02~7 cX:tSTt"~JG E';TTGhf 3 .~£iUUPJb nPF'R~3XJt~%T~ O(?JGI"d+-`,L BQTTC aETAIL "C'° Perrr~it lnf©m~ation Barge Ce~r'~ai Prcrjt~~;t} Original Perrrrit '~9-81 CAMA/C7t° hate (7i'S~r+J~+J1 ~i81 Pe:rrnit 12' C;Ie8E7-clut ~~' - ~~' Original Ownors Lux Farms John Han~rik P~arxtiico Pro~aerti¢,s Original Permit Agant Sag An:tt;:alt Current C}wr~er5 Mattarrruskeet'~Jenture5 Ben ~immon lil Allan Ballance G~rn~ Lankfcsrri ~f ~rreIICO Pf~~drtl@5~ LUX FaC"mS AIIicJatar Piver refuge Anent F~p~ly~ing fir Permit h,~attarx7uskeEwt Manrr~~;~•,~.:r~t ~, Consuitir~g P.d. Bc~x 1?~ F airfir.lrt, t~C ~? ~ ~v""',1S1 t,~15's5 "; .~ ST,4T~ ~~ h'C?R'~A Cr'eR+JL1".~t.A E3cpartmettt ol"'~~tiural ekes{,urcrs and tornrnunit~r~ ~7eae9opmertt ont ~aastal i~~*scs~.arc.es Car~missoon ~~~~~~~ fir Major Devci~pm.rt rr. an r4rea of En+ironmental C'oncerrs pursr:art tr '~~~5 1 ? ~,~-3 18 Excavation and run iuFing pure=rant to *it~GS 1 13.229 ~Crnlit AFurnbal 59- 6l lssucd ;u S~,G Anstalt, P. C3, l;nx 128 !~r:~ _ '..,~. C 2,824 aa~rlruri..ia;g deve%oprrterrt to HydQ ~: Alligator diver {barge canal off of) :ss requested ar. fire pernrittee's epplicatlon dated 4/ 2381, including ar_tnr,hed plat dated 3,28181 This permit, Iasuod ran s'tu~u»t 6, t9Pl ~ ~. , ;s sutject tc; cornpiiance with fire appiication (where consistent wt]r the ptrrnit), all appl:cabic tcgulations, sp~cia: tor;:r:~~.s and noses set forth below. Any' violation aCthea tarms>nay subject ~roersrittee to a fine, irnpris~3nrnont ar civii action; nr ma;+ .-ease the permit tc be rivEl and veaid. 1.) '1'l+~ae the 10~i~' road lnitia:?l,a rEque.sce~: ;tr.der z ~~{int. application is h~reb•, deletes undryr tlti.s permit tin kc~~~1n~ ~~itft 'i.'4e r:;~rx~~ar~~rtrlenCe deteri .July; 16, l~c7l from t'a;~licca Prtspert:ies Il~`t. IvC~TE: ~~ S~ectian v01. iJetr: C!uali*_y :;ertifi~~t~o^ ie required ftar zi:is project and is tieing pra~essed bar the ~iv1~ .. _f E:r~vlrr~r;tnental Msnageme:nt. NC1'!'?'. 1~n I:t'csion sand 5eciimentetir,~n C~~tttrr.~J p?:zn K*!l; b~ regrsirr.u for this project. The plan rnuet indic~ete what rem ~~r,,~ sr~' -~~man~cit erosican and seaittbentation control t#evice:~ will lie L ~`_<<~_: gat this; ~1r~, 511.1 fences, Ftraw bales, berms, »t~bilizetion ~r1th grasp, etc, , rn',rst bt~ in ce*.al ran the plan This plan rauBt lYC [tied with the. ;)eprtrtmcnt of N=atural 1tie~rc~r.arcN.:~ and ~ottanunity pievelopmen:, l.snrl t~traslity ~cc_tic~n, 1~U2 Nr~rth °-tercet 5tre+et, Washi7gton, ?>f~ 3i88~, at left»t thirty ~3~) d.ayrr prior ... v,CS~i^ning sny~ lard-diecurbing »ctivitr~. This permit action rnay' he a-pealed by t1 isai7r;it:ee or ether qualifsed persons w.~ittain twe^ G~DI ~~ ~: ,~~ rssvirt,~ date, An apgual rcqui cs r:s~lur,r~^ ~ ~:,:r ~ ~ . rnittsGCSn hr contusuance, as the ca:~ may be. 7'}tiis permit muss be a+:cessbie on•site i+a uepar.:r..r.t ~erscrnntl when the pra~ect is {ns~atcted tsar cumpSan^we Arty rnaansensnce work yr prtr~ect srt~~l~~~ic,t;c~r. nos ;,©vered hereunder requires tv,-t}rer i7epar':-er.zal apprgr at. A6i work must coase whin the pern<i; expires v~r Uec~mbtr•r ?l, 196 5i~+ted t7}~ fire authcsr,`ty of the Secretary of nNRCD and ~ the t'har:nan ~ rho C~srstal itesourcea Commission. f Kenneth b. Stc~rart, Diroctor ~}ffice of Ccrristsi Nla.r:agement a r This permit anti' tts candi:ions arc heteby accepted, ~ r In rssutng tYtrs pennts, the Stag u',~ 1`ivr~.r ~_ ~ ,~~i~~ egrets that yrtur prtaject is consistent with tits ~'~t;i1 CarUiirla Coasaa5 Mar+t~crncr.r Prcagrarn. Si~narure of Ptrmitttt ~ . r u~`Cae~ I'vr A*~pica*~t°s name SEA ;~:~staltr'~'a~'icc, "` ~ . LO C ~ t 1 ~ C2 O ~ p r l7 ] ^c C t S 1 t ° ~a ~ t" nt t t ~_~ ^-~ ` ' ~_.~t~. '~ T _~~ ~ ' ~ l T ~ . ~•.~ Lr. ~ 1 G s` .S ..,,.,._,:'1 o f r'.I~"s~ .'+~ Y:~V':547.~c7C1~JC~ CV~;~'. ~t?t~a~ t~z ,~~11 '~..~ ...._.._.r._w. C~''L'~ 7-~....~..,W,~.~... •• }~, ~ ~ ,- wF. Zt1V~n.5`..lar3tl~!+'C }~:o^.ef1C1Ze: {"y} 1.~'atG~ C?.: S .'~ "t?~.:1tK4/!~r'~~ _ i E ~ rTa s ~ p 7. ~. c ; .. _ p r _ ~ n t ~ e s °~°` .~,~. ._ .~ ~. ^_~c~ssin~, pr~oeduxe. 4pplzcat;.~r. r~ov ,y ,,d +~ +`1 k.,Li__.^.t''_~Tn~$l;int-Tt•::1 o. site descri~tio*:: E~} Local Land Lase p'' ~r 'd~ _ La::d c?a~si_ cati-~t :t_ L~P ~,1r37 u.~,..._.._.....~ Z7~v~]4rr<°^.~' CCr~~~ _..__ _.r~riCilaPd ?r. '_,Up r'~b'1; (5J AECCs~ s.nvplved: C~.~ l I~'1' ~~) (E) hater dependent: {.}i,2aTt ~a ..rd W C o~ a s t a~ *N a t E~ r d ~.~..~_ - .- Estua.rin•e wat~::~s f:'~, _.~ Intended t~se: Pu~,li~ P°l^=te EStC:erl:l~ St't~reliT":c ;{...t,. G~ter C~t:~~r _ . r.. ;._~t~_n T. Y P `= o f ;~*a s t e =.~~ a v r t r a i t ~; °^ G~ t ~ ..._. ~.~ ~, ..~. _•w_..._ _.__..._..._._ _,~.w T;r?u ar strue,~u,.es. E,xz.st~.,~; t~:..._-_.._.._._ _...._.__,~.._ Planned ~d:aic..strat~on ELi:din~, ~~~'~o~, 2 ~_r~ e?~"rat~us _ ...... ~~J ~5~";.IIlc'.rtd 2r7T.11~1 :3tt? ~Z ~'rv'ci^^.~. .w.w.~,•~._~~.,~~.--- `J.,`~itY`CE? ~J«~ 7. pabtat description: _ _~ r. ;} ~,7~,,Eet~t~c~ weclaads. ~rC -d ~ _ riil~d~ iteG naple, Gums, :~.tla:itic .~__... M'-t Gy,„Tt + ~u,,~~? s~ ~~. wht~ cedar, ~oa;; } ~d~~n-~vea~tared wetlands: (L} Cher. H~~h~round _ ~xiStirl~ spa--~_ ~ ..,G~~ s~~.ft area ____ iL7 T~stal area di~tur~~d: ..~ ~:'" .~" r v7 ] ''' ~ t S t2 fiit.Zt a^ Y" "3 ti r.{" .~'. Tt ~ t rry " ~' a n.. _ '7 +r "! i ,.~,,.; ~" '_ ^ ~ M ° '~ 's a ,- s~ "7 t ~ ;.. 2 7----r~-'.-,-1 ~' °'' r ....__..._..._„....--- p€:rmit T~~ pr~~~et uses ae dif~e a :L '~a each. 7; ~ap~~~u::t upiw,~ t3,e ot'r.er. 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