HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01776_Well Construction - GW1_20240320 . WELL CONSTRU('I'ION RECORD Fwt®remalttscONLY 'This(cancan be escd for sink or outlttpk twits 1.Well Contractor information 14 WATER ZONES • —s Stefan Smith PROM ,TO I DEM;OPTION Well.Corsrrcior Norm ft. ft. ft. ft. 3576A r6.Wit,"A'.1211t(f1fRlt w UNERiitamplicabk) NC Welt CoNranor Ccniftetion Number - 1 FROM TO ai1'tifrRR Tttteti'srss a1ATFatst SAEDACCO 0 ft. 6 ft. 1 ht. SCH-40 PVC t'on;r; n NAM '-'-'ii311111101 lw G �i tototbeemalailed-hoot ,.:. •,........«, ::'< / PROM lU DIAMETER THRT1 NtSS MaTCRLaL 2.Will('ottstrecti011 Perak it: 70003186 ft. ft. I*. 13,r.11.qy.h.,rFf. r.rrlprotart tie:COMO.State,:Variance,lifectt'Qr1-<r/+•:J'.: fit.. h. :...In._ i 3.Well 1"sc(chuck well use): "fi~ Ns'Ater Supply Wait PROM TO 1 DIAMETER st.OTtilit TM(lts Es. NIVIINiNI 13Agriculturnl C:llstttnicieetl/Pnbl 6 ft. 16 ft. 1 1t 010 i SCH-40 PVC PRE P�CK °thermal(Heating/Cooling S tpQ (single) is Supply) water St h ft. n. ❑lltdustriatlCoritmefeta! °Residential Water Snook !Awed) EA GR°FT BRO!A TO UaTERtaI. � EMPLACEMENT MfTfiOUdAhtOt;4T °ltettt:rttan ft. ft. Non-Water Supply Well: h. ft. 00Monitonng EIRectnrty _ , Injection Well: ft. ft. °Aquifer Recharge (3Groundnater Remcdiation _19.SANIWGP.AVELPAOstifs Csbtrt —_ EROMt 0) MaTPRtVt t Sin Vt I%t►_yi METHOD °Aquifer Storage and Rev.Cnrty °1Salinity'Ranier i 4 ft. 16 ft. Filter Sand t #2 °Aquifer Test [3StormwaterDTainage ft. ft. °Experimental Technology flSubsidencc Control `Ift DRR.LING LOG(attach addidaaaxt sheets if Rest an) °Geothermal(Closed Loop) °Tracer FROM 10 DENCR1PTIOS Bober.Asirdpra,warm 1,pe,grain.ua,Ht.l ❑Geothemsd(Heating/Cooling Return) °Outer(explain under M21 Remarks) 0 tt. 16 ft, Silt 4.Date W'ell(st Completed: 2-20-24 WM'IDMT -5 1111 Sa.Well Location: ft. ft. 200 East 7th Street Owner LLC tt. ft. MAR ? 0 4024 Factlit Oui r'vanr Focilh 11LN(if applicable) - w .. �Y ,.*C442 Unff. 324 N. College St., Charlotte, NC, 28202 ft. ft. -• _- --- . .��J rW Pinsicnl Addiess-City,and Zap 21.T m Mecklenburg 08002401 Bentonite seal from 2-4' County Pared tdcss.CicatuooNo;(PIN) 5h.Latitude and Longitude in de rresIminuteslsetOnd*9r decimal degrees: 22.C : try uC I,ts;Id-otc lit•Ivry a%AI N:fe w) 35.228047 N 80.838796 w !'f^f ' ld i x �:., 2/29/2024 ` '.ofCt l --# . WdlCo natator Dee 6.b(arti the went* :I lterdtancot or XTempararj its Artrtin,c this tram,I A<rebr.vMj(r t6ei the walks)swtr(ycrrr)(wows/tied kr otwordepice w,ik I SA erne:t)?C,ol0'or l i.*NOV'02C,02100 well Connie Nan St0Rdo'4s out thru o 1.Is Wm a repair to as aiming is ell: I:IVesi of 112Na <,2pv of the,errs n!has hren p,on 6'd rr ibr srll mow. !Phis it a repair fill oar know well eshontrion tn)urmar a t asd rAptain she aware cdf the 23.Site diagram or additional well drdtittt: raptor under!:I ortharkr station or Gat the bark of sMs brat. You may use the back of this page to prmide adtptionnl well site details of well $.1$iRtber of wells witstreeted: 1 construction details: You may also rich additional pages if necessary. For atria*fnjraikan or sari-tuner ISgrjn/s-welt ONLY with thr satire roastraetiort yam am SUBMITTAL C[1iS?[TC110 NS aabnetoarOm.. 9.Tow well depth below!rind snip 16 (ft) 24a. For AR Wefts: Subuil tins form within 30 days of completion of well For m<dtapte nadir ata11 depoloY If tittle-rear fa rahtpl<:tif200`ent a 20.iotr) constntction to the foilowing: 10.Static water legal below top of casino (R.1 Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, rfkuse<kw;o obtuk,aw.1 a....', 1617 Mail Service C ester,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 11.Rptldrole dislareter:2.2 5" (in.) 24b.Far Inicctlap Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well I2.Well constniellon method: OPT construction to the following, (i.c anon,rotary.cart.direct posh,cdc.I Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Se..ice Center.Raleigh.NC 276994636 13a Yield(> ) of test: 2 .For Water'Smoot)&InjaYion Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within it) days of completion of I3b.Disinfection tape Amwtnt., step CoilsHucrinn to the county health department of the county where w. � _ constructed Tors(iW-i Saab Carolina Monument of Ensnomr/cm and*4ar<ua1 Resumes-Dn`uinn of Water Resources RCA creel August 201i