HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0080098_Permit Modification_20070321Of wa PF9 0 Q Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr.. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources � Y Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality March 21, 2007 R. Dean Harrell Linville Falls Club, LLC 5615 Potters Road Matthews, NC 28104 Subject: NPDES Permit Modification Permit NCO080098 Formerly Blue Ridge Country Club and Resort, LLC Blue Ridge Country Club WWTP McDowell County Dear Mr. Harrell: Division personnel have reviewed and approved your request to transfer ownership of the subject permit, received on March 16, 2007. This permit modification documents the change in ownership. Please find enclosed the revised permit. All other terms and conditions contained in the original permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This permit modification is issued under the requirements of North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If you have any questions concerning this permit modification, please contact the Point Source Branch at (919) 733-5083 extension 363. Sincerely, / � Gti-'t�li'ti tayAlan W. Klimek P.E. cc: Central Files Asheville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection NPDES Unit File North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Internet: h2o.em.state.ac.us 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 An Equal OpportuniWAKrmalive Action Employer-50"k Recycledllo% Post Consumer Paper Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service FAX (919)733-2496 1-877-623-6748 qH GOODWIN & HINSON, P.A. A Legal Professional Association March 6, 2007 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Re: Permit Number NCO080098 Dear Sir or Madam: S. STEPHEN GOODWIN, JR. WESLEY S. HINSON MATTHEW B. SMITH SHELLEY K. LEVINE' -ALSO ADMITTED IN $OATH CAWUNA Jl MAR _ g ,1 07 Please find enclosed the Permit Name/Ownership Change Form for NPDES Permit No. NC 0080098. My client Linville Falls Club, LLC had this form executed several months ago, but it did not reach your office. I have enclosed the completed form and a copy of the deed transferring ownership of the property to Linville Falls Club, LLC. Please contact me immediately at the number below with any further requirements for the processing of the change of ownership. Your prompt attention to this matter is much appreciated. With kind regards, I am Very truly ours. Shelley K. Levine Attorney at Law CC: Asheville Regional Office Surface Water Protection 2090 U.S. Hwy. 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 309 Post Otilce Drive ■ Indian Trail, North Carolina 28079 (704) 684.0031 Fax (704) 684.0035 SEP-15-200.6(FRI) 15:58 13 SEP. 2006 19.11 PURCHASING Nu. M r. 1 P 0011002 .tuAld F. Eu k-7. a--oor �u wlty�ta G. � IT. Satca+7 CNona bwdbs acyu�m* ofew4umncof gat1�R-&a a o ,C Ain w. ltw1c PE. W=wr Di•W65 of WowQuW:V SYA(E ` AWR PROTEC'X'ION Sr�MON PMWM MRdOMMSKW CHANGE FORM L PIMse enter !hc pcgWt rsQMber fbr wbieh the chsso99 iw terequested NPDES PwmA (or) Cerfifiesta of CovenBe N C 0 0 8 17 0 9 8 1� C C • u- Fey=ft stttw VAOr 1i S4tus CJMOVL a. Fumak issued-m (c mpsoY=wq): Blue Ridge cumtry club & ftscrt. LLC b. Pe=n kg4y tea='btc far permit MisseU A. r7dmt w.+ I j 1 LAN Pzusident INC J5 Blue RadM Or SM. A .a ftM rsdacg WMftAaIMM Marion, PC 28752 Ow scut, 756 -477 4 ha Pb=C c• Fad4tyuame (diwbW): Blue Ridge cumuY cLub 1 WIF d. Facdity address 17677 ifighway 221 NOCth Sian, MC ZH752 017 20 e. Facility ting eouma "on: krw* KeaSam (826) 756- 4214 RM / M 1 Laa PRO" M. Besse provide the foIIawing for the requmed cbaage (sewed permit)_ a. Request for amse is &cauh oL is Cbmse is ou merwp of ebe bcility O Name chwiZa or&e Udgry or owW fackwplaarauplal f: • -- _ b. P®mit i:awd so (campuyMm j} C. POMD Scgsiiy icsponsible La Pamir. d. Facility on= (d11dWge.): f Farsliry c uu= p=n*: Lin lle Faus Club IBC R Least 1%wreu FAM / Mt / 4u imember/Maroser nit 5615 Potter Road I'mm kaWsr MUked AJ4MIS flatus, W M 04 Clry ttcc z 7041 821-kW2 Brij@ d=s..00m Pbow E•mili AMMs Blue a Ccmtry mub Hwze 17M 8£gh"y 221 worth AadtcO Malzfca, Nc 29752 ab rm Wil Caxnxr Vw= / hO ! [ass (704) 621-8972 w11@bonte=abui2dc%-3-G' Phaw 64wd Jddna 5EP•IS-2006(FRI) 15:59 15. SEP. 2006 19:11 PURCHASING pERMIT NAMpdO"EXSMP CHANGE FORM Page 2 of 2 P •0021042---- 7�7 IV_ permit contact iafar=aoa= (if di8'etcot fivtn tho pmeon legally responsible for the permit) Permit eerrmcc � ac section In Ll Gaw V_ WW the perrairred facocy coaataue to conduct the Same IttdnstrW nedvWes conducted prior To this ermership ur acme change? 81 YM ❑ No Iplm rsTW4 VL Regoirodltems: 7HISAPPLICA7ZONggLLREXh7V NEDVNPROCFSSPb1P17EASAR.E INCOAlPLElE OR AO' UM5. Cl This completed spPlianu a is roquitcd fbr bulb name change and/or otrnaibip rbaagc tequeate ❑ IAVU dac,,taCaa of tba ua=fC ofuwacrdlp (such 25 relevaatpagea arm oonaw deed. ma bill of de) it ... far as owoasblp cbaugc rcquu4 pttielea of incarporariaa arc not attfEeiant for a] oo csship ........................................................ The rnefieaoaas below muss be m Tawd sad eimud by bark the permit Bolder prim To rbe �8490 and dre sew applicsat u t6c raac Otm ovncrahip thins rcg'Yae Far a name;Lange request, the sifptd Applira "s Ceru6ratian u eofsa at pMAMEE CMT01C.&VON (Pamir holdrf prior TO owaerrhip charge): 1.-�(}-S 7(![1= e4 . soot That skis epplira4On for a wtrv✓arvar+ship chmge hu been m ic. d and is =ntrite and complete m The but of my tnow)tdga I undersmnd that if all tcgoircd pate of this applimdon arc not completed and that if all rcquirod supparnag MfUlr4l600 is not included, thls applirminn p=kxgu `riq he rearmed as incompiae. 9 is 2ooa; up— A APPLICANT CATION: 4 . — , mat That Ibis applleadaa @r a namdoamet8hip ehaagc has ! sad is acnm[n and samplers m the hesr ofmy fostiwltdyc. l uadmeand tbw if aD rrcprieed pnrtt of thin ate not eomalaad sad that if all ,quid supporting iofarmatioa is not includrd, this appliGrion be ccttrrae4 as iacomgima sip. IP. pLEA.SH SEND THE CompIETE APPLICATION PACKAGE TO: Division of Winer Q ilucy Surface Waux protection Section 1617 Mai] 9wica Ctsttr Raleigh North Caraiiaa 276"-1617 p.. 7rncus 2006006169 rt OW= co, tic In sso.ao a=agRCow CUM CM $5300.00 �, rnznm= a seemr�o: U8--2006 12:11:0 PK PaUiaia A_ Path ��■ 2mossaa or exam By; Laird 8!l = emn moor= at ao= BK:C" 881 PG:562-r564 Excise Tax S 5500 "or7 Recording Time, Book and Fa Tax Lot Nol Parcel Idcmfer No. Verified by County on the - day of� , by Mail after recording to 6#�- This instrument was prepared by Ate & Elft P Pbat Ofte Boor 743C Ashev ll% NC 2M Brief Dcac *don for the index NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED TEAS DEW made on the1:�j:day of AttgaM 2006, by and between GRANTOR Bhm lodge Country Club & Resort, LLC., a North Carolina Limited Liability Company By: Charles A. Thames. Member 1'Vlawwr (Holding a 100% interest in said LLC) Linville FaUB Club, LLC. SOS Paner Road Matthews NC 291104 GRANTEE Enter in a"ropriato block for each Remy: name, address, and. if appnotnisto, charetM of ct>titt►. eJ.. cotporstiotr or aartnerahith The designation Chanter and Grantee as used heroin small include said pact es, their heirs, successors, and assigm and shall include singular, plural, maseullac. feminine or neuter as required by contexL WIT'NFSSM, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the a=* of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain. sell and convey unto the Grantee in fu simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situatod in the McDowell County, North Cambria and more particularly described as follows: Tbat Real Pwperty speclfteaW identfled on Exhs'bit A attached hereto aa incorporated by refemce. Together with and Subject M c s memd3s rigbhR of way, and resWcdlons of morel. The property hercinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Booh819, beginning on Page 110. D � wponlormew T`°W'VUNW 3 i - - . - --_ ARP Bel 563 TO HAVE MID TO HOLD the a%=id lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Orantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenstats with ft Gmtce, that Cmntor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has tha right to convey the same in fee simple, that tide is marketable and free and elm of all encumbravccs, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exeeptiow hereinafter stated. Title to the property hcrcinaWvc do.4cn'bc;d is subject to the following exceptions: All ma ters of publk record. IN WITMSS WBRIMP. the Oramtor has hemunto set his band and seal, or if catparafe, has caused this insintment to be sighed in its corporate name by its duly authorized offiwars and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year fret above written. BLUE RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB & RESORT, LLC. VAL STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA COUNrx of The undersigned, a Notary Public for said County and State, does hereby certify that, Charles D. Thames Member/Manager of 01ue Midge Country Club & Resorts LLC-, pmwijally appeared before ttto (Inseri Notary Seel) 0& day and acknowledged execution of the foregoing instrument under his duly.granted authority on behalf of Blue Wdge Coantry Club elk xteaort; LLC—Witness my hand and official stamp or sal on this the fP day of Au 2005. Cancke M Redman WWMM AWO 10214W ems . Notary Public The foregoing Certificata(s) of idare coed to be cm=t.'Thh instrument and this certificM am duly reeshold at the date and brae and in the Book and Page shown on the fugt page hermf. REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR COUNTY By Deputy/Assistant Register of DeCds. f vaw4. vvr P-alum Qvm" CRP 881 564 Being all of that real property identified in Deed Book 919, beginning on Wage 110 of the records maintained by the Office of the Register of Deeds for McDowell County, Nm* Carolina, LESS AND EXCEPT Lot 391, Plat Book 4, Page 412; Lot 441, Plat Book 4, Page 412; Lot 72, Plat Book 4, Page 413; Lot 73, plat Book 4, Page 413; and Lot 208, Plat Book SA, Page 46, which are hereby incorpor&W by reference. �t Ivww; vM � • w�Y VY"w�w/Y� v Patr lecaa A.ReelMcdowell Cou*ntyRegister of Deeds Register of Deeds 21 South Main Street, Safte A • Marion, NORTH CAROLIN,A, 28752 Telephone 825-02-4727 • Fax 628-6SZ IW7 • S-NW mcdowen"Geseancher com /.�IELL co \*fH CARN'i wwR�ff N1*wl11*w*►*NIfw1*I*1*Nf**f•N�kw*w*wwl11wwlwRwlwlwwlwlwwww/wlwwwwlw}Iwlwfwf*w ?filed Por Registrations 08/18/2006 1,1291369 PH Roof« CRp A83. Pa"I 562-564 pocu=amt no- r 2006006169 DXZD 3 POD 3320.00 Recorders Lmm BAMIR l*w*If*wRwf*w*Iw*IAIfi1*Nfiw!•fy*wf*RA'�A*wfwfllfsllwtwwtl�/UNNIwyANMA*wtfwRw�fp+�w State of North Carolina, County o! McDonnell Filed for ragiatratior aAA Duly Raear4ed this 1.55W daffy of AVW9T MS. PATRXC1A A. ML. R9016T8R OF 09=9 C%ar4-7 BY ` --- — DCVU2T nwxaTw OF DM= *wwwlww*wwww!**w•*w*wwww**Vww wwwwf wfww/wllwwflww}•ww•wwwwawAw/•••ww••}t11!*Il rl6w* DO NOT RBWOVE 1 T6ia ceztitication dbmt is a vital part OC your recorded document. Plea%ae ratain with origimal &mwaent and submit %MCI% ra•rocoVaJAg_