HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080915 Ver 1_Duke Ltr to FERC encouraging license issuance_20151020Burdette, Jennifer a
From: Oakley, Mark <Mark.Oakley @duke - energy.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 1:54 PM
To: Amy @munione.com; ancientanglertim @aol.com; pat.morrison @yorkcountygov.com;
david.larson @yorkcountygov.com; APiasecki @kearnswest.com;
asurratt @hickorync.gov; awooten @mcdowellgov.com; baizedg @dhec.sc.gov;
bargentieri @scana.com; bbeasleyl949 @sc.rr.com; bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us;
bcampbel @usgs.gov; ben @scwf.org; Bennett.Wynne @ncwildlife.org;
Bettingerj @dnr.sc.gov; bgullet @charlottenc.gov; bh.rhodhiss @yahoo.com;
Bill.Archer @clariant.com; bmckin non @ci.mooresville.nc.us; bocash3 @yahoo.com;
Strong, Brian; brian.wilson @mtholly.us; Setzer, Britt; BSteiner @usgs.gov;
bwebb @cityofbelmont.org; BYetman @cityofrockhill.com; byron_hamstead @fws.gov;
CalvinThornburg @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; cantrewm @dhec.sc.gov; Goolsby, Carol S;
Tingley, Carol; Carolyn.hammond @kershaw.sc.gov; Butler, Catherine Hope;
CFlowers @cityofbelmont.org; CGraybeal @hickorync.gov; CHansen @hickorync.gov;
Gates, Charlie; Goudreau, Chris J.; chris @ti - law.com; christied @dnr.sc.gov;
Church @granitefallsnc.com; coverby @hickorync.gov; craig.wyant @charter.net;
csrcomm @gmail.com; ctilley @chmuseums.org; cwinfo @mcdowellgov.com; Karoly,
Cyndi; dale.herendeen @resolutefp.com; Mosteller, Dale R;
Damon.Crowther @siemens.com; Brandon, Dan; Dan.oakley @ncdenr.gov;
darin.steen @catawbaindian.net; david.bernhart @noaa.gov;
David .Epley@ maiLci.longview.nc.us; David. Harmon @yorkcountygov.com;
David.phillips @duke - energy.com; dblobaum @townofdavidson.org;
dchamblee @lincolncounty.org; dchristie @comporium.net; DCook @ci.valdese.nc.us;
Whitaker, Dennis J; DHoell @ncem.org; Rayno, Don; Donna.Jackson @ncdenr.gov;
DWilliams @petroenviro.com; eaglehull @aol.com; Bruce, Ed; edc @cityofgastonia.com;
edc @tworiversutilities.com; Edward.Goscicki @co.union.nc.us;
EKimbrell @kearnswest.com; elizwilson @truvista.net;
emilyparker @lakewyliemarinecommission.com; emjohnson @scdah.state.sc.us;
eparker @centralina.org; Culbert, Erin B; EsRudisi @usgs.gov; fcastles @cmdcsd.com;
flipb @cityofgastonia.com; fmhawkins @comporium.net; Tarver, Fred; Homeowners
Assoc, Wateree - comporium; gassociation @truvista.net; Galleher, George A;
gewilliams @scana.com; gfmayor @truvista.net; Gormancm @dhec.sc.gov;
greatfalls @truvista.net; grmode @gmail.com; grmode @earthlink.net;
Grosst @concordnc.gov; groupfive @usa.net; Sideris, Harry; hexell @chmuseums.org;
Hiattb @ci.concord.nc.us; hM Boyd @ci.charlotte.nc.us; HpSowell @lancastercitysc.com;
hshiggins @crescent - resources.com; Mcmillan, Ian; james.friday @mtholly.us; Walls,
Jason A; JBagley @cityofrockhill.com;jbrobins @usgs.gov; JByerly @statesvillenc.net;
jc @newhopemortgage.com; JCrockett @lancastercitysc.com; jCweaver @usgs.gov;
Lineberger, Jeff, Burdette, Jennifer a; Huff, Jennifer R;
jeubanks @catawbacountync.gov; jhudson @statesvillenc.net; jhuss @aol.com;
jim.burke @gastongov.com; jim.burke @co.gaston.nc.us; jim_burke @ncsu.edu;
jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us; Hall, Joe S; john.bakerl @ipaper.com;
John.Bowyer @amefird.com; Harmon, John W Sr; John.Wear @wpcog.org;
Jonathan.Williams @hdrinc.com; Kluttz, Joseph R III; jprosser @centralina.org;
jreid @hickorync.gov; jwager @centralina.org; jzdenek @comporium.net; Higgins,
Karen; Karla.Reece @noaa.gov; kcarter @caldwellcountync.org;
keith.griffin @springs.com; Reagan, Kelvin K; Taylor, Kermitt;
kevin.mosteller @hdrinc.com; Kevin @amwhitewater.org; Mcgee, Keyes;
To: kgreer @hickorync.gov; kkearns @kearnswest.com; kvlt @comporium.net;
Lackstro @mailbox.sc.edu; landsfordcanal @scprt.com; LBailey @ci.lenoir.nc.us; Peele,
Linwood; lisa.hagood @mtholly.us; Stryker, Lisa Hoffmann; Ikstory @charter.net;
LugoffH20 @aol.com; Allocco, Marcia; Oakley, Mark; mark_cantrell @fws.gov; Green,
Mary Kathryn; MattB @cityofgastonia.com; maxdevco @earthlink.net;
mbailes @crwtp.org; mblackburnl @carolina.rr.com; rjbrueckner @mindspring.com;
mcleodjh @bellsouth.net; Williams, Melanie; MelBeardbc @aol.com;
merlinperry @yahoo.com; MFul brig ht @ci.mooresville.nc.us; Parker, Michael; Ruhe,
Mike; mizzellh @dnr.sc.gov; mjchap @usgs.gov; mmedlin @truvista.net; mmorgan10
@carolina.rr.com; montgomeryron @bellsouth.net; MQUATTLEBAUM @scana.com;
mshufordwise @embarqmail.com; mvead @catawbacog.org; Wilson, Nat; Sarwar,
Neelufa; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree2 - MSN; oglendening @chmuseums.org;
onemarina4us @aol.com; pace.wilber @noaa.gov; pambeckl @bellsouth.net;
Paulmitchell @comporium.net; perryb @dnr.sc.gov; pgaines @scprt.com;
phall @cityofcherryville.com; Fragapane, Phil; piaski @bellsouth.net;
pKReynolds @ci.lenoir.nc.us; PostB @dnr.sc.gov; prestohs @dhec.sc.gov;
Putnamc @concordnc.gov; Herrin, Randy C; Welch, Randy D; Gledhill - earley, Renee;
rERobertson @crwtp.org; rgeorge @ci.morganton.nc.us; Jiran, Rick;
Rita.Mroczek @ncdenr.gov; rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us; rmcswain @live.com;
Rob.Krebs @ncdenr.gov; Nicholson, Robin P; Lawson, Ronald W; rosel @dnr.sc.gov;
roy.crabtree @noaa.gov; RRase @ci.mooresville.nc.us; rsmith @co.iredell.nc.us;
Rusty. Rozzelle @MecklenburgCountyNC.gov; sam.erwin @wpcog.org; Young, Sarah;
scott.carpenter @burkenc.org; Holland, Scott D; ScottHuneycutt @co.union.nc.us;
SDavis @camdensc.org; Self r @dnr.sc.gov; sgreene56 @netscape.net;
sharris @alexandercountync.gov; skip @perigee.net; squeaksmith @earthlink.net;
ssummer @scana.com; Jester, Steve; Johnson, Steven R;
stevepeeler @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; sturnmire @co.alexander.nc.us;
mccimsylvest @scdah.state.sc.us; t_eldridge @bellsouth.net; Styer, Tami C;
TClark @newtonnc.gov; tcouch @camdensc.org; Tdmead @aol.com;
Terry.Lail @ncdenr.gov; thomas_mccoy @fws.gov; Gause, Tim E; tim @ncwf.org;
tkenney @foothillsconservancy.org; Fransen, Tom; Reeder, Tom;
tom @catawbalands.org; troyblackmon @bankofyork.com; t- Wayne.Chapman -1
@invista.com; vetaylor @roadrunner.com; Vic.carpenter @kershaw.sc.gov;
wallison @co.iredell.nc.us; wenonahh @ccpperafts.com; whip6259 @bellsouth.net;
WMartin @newtonnc.gov; Williamson, Justin T; HIGHTOCW @dhec.sc.gov;
WENERIWR @dhec.sc.gov; ademeny @centralina.org; ahallman @lincolncounty.org;
amy @munione.com; apiasecki @kearnswest.com; Aubrey.Lofton @co.union.nc.us;
awooten @mcdowellgov.com; baizedg @dhec.sc.gov; bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us;
bbucy @lcwasd.org; bcampbel @usgs.gov; bgullet @ci.charlotte.nc.us;
bill.archer @clariant.com; bmckin non @ci.mooresville.nc.us; Stea, Robert;
brian.wilson @mtholly.us; Setzer, Britt; bsteiner @usgs.gov; btrudnak @dallasnc.net;
bwebb @cityofbelmont.org; BYetman @cityofrockhill.com; byron.miller @siemens.com;
calvinthornburg @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; cantrewm @dhec.sc.gov;
cflowers @cityofbelmont.org; cgraybeal @hickorync.gov; chansen @hickorync.gov;
Goudreau, Chris J.; church @granitefallsnc.com; Dale.Herendeen @resolutefp.com;
damon.crowther @siemens.com; Dana.I.reeder @invista.com;
david .eprey @mail.ci.longview.nc.us; david.harmon @yorkcountygov.com;
David.Hughes @yorkcountygov.com; dchamblee @lincolncounty.org;
devlinrg @dhec.sc.gov; dhoell @ncem.org; Rayno, Don; dwentz @newtonnc.gov;
dwilliams @petroenviro.com; Bruce, Ed; edc @cityofgastonia.com;
edc @tworiversutilities.com; edward.goscicki @co.union.nc.us;
To: ekimbrell @kearnswest.com; Culbert, Erin B; esrudisi @usgs.gov; fcastles @cmdcsd.com;
flipb @cityofgastonia.com; Galleher, George A; gewilliams @scana.com;
gfwtp @embarqmail.com; gormancm @dhec.sc.gov; greenej @ci.concord.nc.us;
greg.twait @invista.com; grosst @ci.concord.nc.us; groupfive @usa.net;
hiattb @ci.concord.nc.us; hmboyd @ci.charlotte.nc.us; hpsowell @lancastercitysc.com;
james.friday @mtholly.us; james @bessemercity.com; Jamie.N.Landy @INVISTA.com;
jandjstowe @bellsouth.net; JBagley @cityofrockhill.com;jbrobins @usgs.gov;
jbyerly @statesvillenc.net; Jconley @ci.valdese.nc.us; jcrockett @lancastercitysc.com;
jcweaver @usgs.gov; Lineberger, Jeff, jfantry @bellsouth.net; jfrost @ci.charlotte.nc.us;
jhudson @statesvillenc.net; jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us; john.bakerl @ipaper.com;
john.bowyer @amefird.com; jonathan.williams @hdrinc.com; jreid @hickorync.gov;
joe.ha112 @dukeenergy.com; Keith.griffin @springs.com; kenneth.hausle @clariant.com;
kevin.mosteller @hdrinc.com; Mcgee, Keyes; kgreer @hickorync.gov;
kkearns @kearnswest.com; Iackstro @mailbox.sc.edu; (bailey @ci.lenoir.nc.us; Peele,
Linwood; Ikstory @charter.net; LNMC @LNMC.org; lugoffh20 @aol.com;
Ivwp @embargmail.com; Allocco, Marcia; Oakley, Mark; mattb @cityofgastonia.com;
mbailes @crwtp.org; melinda @bessemercity.com; mful brig ht @ci.mooresville.nc.us;
Parker, Michael; mike.teague @clariant.com; mizzellh @dnr.sc.gov; mjchap @usgs.gov;
Green, Mary Kathryn; mlegg @ci.kannapolis.nc.us; mmedlin @truvista.net;
mneff @lincolncounty.org; mosborne @MckimCreed.com;
mshufordwise @embargmail.com; Wilson, Nat; Sarwar, Neelufa;
paulmitchell @comporium.net; phall @cityofcherryville.com; Fragapane, Phil;
pkreynolds @ci.lenoir.nc.us; PutnamC @concordnc.gov; Herrin, Randy C;
rerobertson @crwtp.org; rgeorge @ci.morganton.nc.us; rita.mroczek @ncdenr.gov;
rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us; Boyd, Robert (NCEM); robertpearson @ci.lincolnton.nc.us;
rrase @ci.mooresville.nc.us; Young, Sarah; Sbowers @crwtp.org;
ScottHuneycutt @co.union.nc.us; sdavis @camdensc.org; Holland, Scott D; Deaton,
Shannon L.; srobinson @charlottenc.gov; Jester, Steve; stevepeeler @ci.lincolnton.nc.us;
swhite @lcwasd.org; tclark @newtonnc.gov; tcouch @camdensc.org;
terry.lail @ncdenr.gov; Fransen, Tom; T- Wayne.Chapman -1 @invista.com;
wmartin @newtonnc.gov; wmelton @ci.kannapolis.nc.us; bwebb @cityofbelmont.org;
tcouch @camdensc.org; mbailes @crwtp.org; bgullet @charlottenc.gov;
mmedlin @truvista.net; Lineberger, Jeff, edc @cityofgastonia.com;
mshufordwise @embargmail.com; kgreer @hickorync.gov; rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us;
dchamblee @lincolncounty.org; David .Epley@ mail.ci.longview.nc.us; LugoffH2O
@aol.com; bmckin non @ci.mooresville.nc.us; bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us;
brian.wilson @mtholly.us; JBagley@ cityofrockhill .com;jhudson @statesvillenc.net;
jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us
Subject: Duke Energy files letter with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to encourage
issuance of Catawba Wateree New License
Attachments: Duke Energy Catawba - Wateree Completion Request Letter October 19 2015.pdf
This note is being sent to Catawba Wateree Comprehensive Relicensing Agreement (CRA) Parties,
members of the Catawba Wateree Water Management Group (CWWMG), members of the Catawba
Wateree Drought Management Advisory Group (CW -DMAG) and other interested individuals. Please
pardon any duplicate deliveries.
Duke Energy filed the attached letter with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission)
yesterday with the objective of trying to create some additional attention to issuance of the C -W New
License. As the letter explains in more detail, Duke Energy has planned for months to begin
implementing the New License in early 2016 based on the New License being issued in 2015. With the
end of 2015 drawing near, Duke Energy felt the need to get the Commission's attention to the
importance of issuing the New License this year. We do understand the Commission is actively
working on the New License and hope our letter helps focus their efforts and schedule to be finished
by the end of the year.
Please note the Commission cannot discuss with us any form of schedule, commitment date, or
speculate on the date they will issue the New License.
Duke Energy encourages you to add your support by sending your own letter to the Commission.
Duke Energy's letter focuses a bit more on our business impacts than on environmental
and community benefits, so each of you have an opportunity to send a supporting letter promoting
how your interests are best served by getting the relicensing process done this year.
As always, thank you for your patience. Based on results so far, I am optimistic the CRA benefits,
sustainability, and balance you have achieved for people, environment, and business are going to
survive this grinding process nearly unchanged.
Please let me know if I can provide further information.
October 19, 2015
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street Ni E
Washington, DC 20426
Re: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Catawba Wateree Hydroelectric Project
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. P-2232-522
Pending Commission Action on New License Application
Dear Secretary Bose:
Duke Energy Corporation
526 South Church Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
Mailing Address
EC12YIP.0 Box 1006
With respect for the Commission's protocol to not disclose its schedule for the issuance of its order in this
docket and for the effort the Commission is investing to complete its processing of the Application, Duke
Energy requests the Commission issue its order before the end of 2015. Duke Energy believes this serves
The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
October 19, 2015
Page 2
all interests and facilitates our transition into implementation of the may benefits and enhancements the
New License will call for.
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Certificate of Service
I hereby certify that I have this day caused to be served the forgoing document upon each
Charlotte, NC 28201-1006
(704) 382-5778