HomeMy WebLinkAboutWake_Well Abandonment_20240318 (12) «'ELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For frurmll.-soONLY Thin foon"lei be used for siiiek of multiple%%gills 1.Well Coatractar Information: W'FLL ABANDON NIEN-f DETAIIS Scott Hunt, Jr 7a.Nonber of nelb being abanduncd: 1 WCII0NIdi ctof Name tot lie propem i f.d .• .n.n-Ns<•- ••,tkpp 1 t.elfs OtiLY , •. ,'Ml:ryry.:fhNt erA,l,PrA,JiI+kY.f.1,*Co4,-NArtllf-OW OWJN 4561-A NC W'01CowactorCcdit'rc.NianNtraixi 7b.ApprnYinwtestdutnruf Natty remaining on xrll+.t: tp,Al.) SABDACCO FOR W ATER SIJPPI.Y N Y'I.I.S O Ni.V: Colivan±Name 7e.'i'yyx of di infectant ward: L Well Coontrrction Pennk 0:. l...,,t.,41 wpixa4i,uti:;hrxu.,,...+'tb,rtf.Maw.+..mare llgwhwr.Aral ifkrw,va 7d.-\mount td di.infcrtant uxd: 3.Wdl eve(checkwelf use): 1>,a0.r Su(+Ir1T Well: 7e.Sealisy;ntatetial.uN•d felled,All that altpl�): DAgncuhuavt ❑hittrdciy>vtlfRltstk m NCC11 Ccmuu ORM11 Ft Rctionitc Olip or Mk is ❑Geothermal tlicatitioz"Cooling lmi*yi ORccidetdial\Vales Snpph isitLlei ❑ Sand Cetrient Garin ❑ Dn Clay Dlndustri rl-Conmictcoal ❑Rewd::rMIA Wader Strpph 10amd? ❑Concrete 4,tout ❑ Drill Cidtrrps Ohti uutt ❑ Specralh Grout ❑Gra%el Non-Water�-oplih "cil: f I Rcntotmc Shorn 1-1(wham(c\plaur toliki�gl Mhloralontis ❑Rccod en TAjntinn Well: if.For each insTrital wleeted Awte.l+t'a%idt'attiouni of nvatcriak v%od: ❑ ipidcr Recharge ❑Grotindu.acr Rcittedr:dton Neat Cen.:94lbslb ,Wtr:5gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Agwlcr storaecined ltmo%en ❑Salmit-, Hamer []Aquifer lest ❑SlornraatcrUrurrf= Bentotnite.:5%lb ,Wtr:gal. type 2 portland Amount:4 gall ❑Expenuu ntal Tcxhnt+log� OSttbsodenec Corirul 7g.Pntride a brief(kxriptirin of the abandonment procedure: 00cotherntal447iosed Loopi ;_]Tracer Tremie grout well from bottom to top; no well tag with info flGeothzrrttal(Heaton •Coolin Return) f.1Ch1w(explain under^ i on well was found a.DittewrNtslabantMned� 2-28-24 `'f V E]•"� Sa.Well location: 8 2014 North White Street Landfill F;>titl,n tltdrt4rV tmr Tilih IT)e tif 8.CelflfllaliWl: avMic,bky 1226 N. White St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 3/3/2024 Ph+sical Addmss.Cib.sled Zip >i .,far a!' onf*%A Well Canrm*n or Well OAr►r Wale Wake Is► Isgn um t/tu jorrn, I hereby terhty lolow the wellfil wad ]were/ ahawkwed in t=.ncef)l-ajfrcaaalkt 4PI%i ufrrxdivice it ilk f5A V(.-I(*lJYA/00or'f- 0.t?X)Well tixi.wrrrfYirrr Velar&+rri.+ Cmd th of fi twpl ell tht.r rn-fwd hixe bren pt•rnwkd to i*v wrll ootner. Mi. 1 arint+lc•and Irrllgitiode is decimal dtxrery tJ nd}ft W nlic fit.beg n.,ul]k> Ix: 9.Site diagram or additional vit If details: You ntad wr die back of this page to pert idle adtl hoiral%%ell soic details or nall A W abandwuttetn details. You rnad also attach atWNWllal lxgws If riecessan (*02.NSTRC'U1IQN DF7AILN OF Wta_IASI BEING ABANDONED S('BA/iTTAI.RN,STRUCTiONS .1(4ki: ari;a..raCntdr..rr rrr.v,f',,{7 u,urlmhk ;.,r.tr1/;i5ti( ta,: L•..v.A.ran-».uc, •n;'}•i, .se-th ONLY with ibr m~C,vnirwrnm IhJkk-%"rrcr.t w rem,kAsnt ever au..• 111a. For All betty Submit this fonn nuhm ;f) dads of completion of ueil 6a 1T,'cll ID#t B -3$ abandoinucia to the fnllnnind; Dhisisn of Water Remourve%.Information Prscrsring bait, 1617 Mail Sersice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 htt.'I'otal"ell depth: 30 4iI.) fill). Fur(rokylion%,sd : In addition to sendnig live fun t to the address ill H)•a atxne. also suhutit ogle upof this fornr nti ,ithi)days of carnpletion of cell (�.Btlrelwile dianxter:2 tia.1 ;ibanlorniteru to the fAJonraG Division of Water Rvwerces,l ndctimound Injectitrn Contrul Prutlrarn. ittt.\tinter It trl betas L�rttund.wirfaer_ 3 tft.) 1636:Nail S-er ice Center,Raleigh,iN('27699-1636 unknown list, Fur W>A(Ct- bgppls A Iooketio �'ells: Tot tidditiwi to xtitding(tic form to oc.()utercasiay Ifnsth{iflmortn): {ft-! the addresstesy abate. also submit cow copy of this famt within %it da}s of completion of uctl abandotuneni to the coved} health clepanmcta of the carvtrl} unknown W'here ationdonod bt.tenet ra.in=,ituhrng R•rrgth{if"lawns): A) dig.Scrtti-n length(if knonn):unknown (ft.) Fade(AV-itt Nanh Catoben Dclitirlimm of Ent ironnietil and vattmal Rcsowes-Dn ownl of W'atcr Resoltays tie,6cd lagust 201 d WELL ABANDO-NNIENT RECORD For lnknelVWONLY This form ran be us.d for shiek at multiple%ells I.i%'ell Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONhiENIF DF.TAII S Scott Hunt, Jr 7x.Number of sells being-Abandoned; 1 ]felt(Y•tflaolN1 Nd,tte tail Nell on fie PLWOHAl atMakftatt•4'%,31 1 propeat t r.v .rnc4rr�, ;nta,r•r.., ...._.,. .• . Q%J.t vPl, '..� . r,,r•,(i11L 1)•k,.A�••IN.J,JiMw.•1 .. „ ... .. ,.. 4561-A v( 1%iI1('nxlrtemrCctaifta:dint:Nxatert 7b.Approxbeatritakawrof%atei rentainingniudllsl: SABDACCO FOR WATERSi,'PPI.I' UNLY: r•�„�;::n, K.Ptq' 7c.hN lte of diNnfectant usrd:_ 2.�1 t,•Il C'uttsiructwn Yrrmit M;, Lwratluwxvbir Uer.•prrnru..1,.:.a'taah.We&.I,tro.ue a 1"Y10xt.rk.I ifkncwrr 'd, %mount of di.infcclant wwd: 3.Well use(Check;in ell use), Waiter Sepplc Wed: 7s.Wing materials used(check all that altph): DAgtecuhural OMutuctFtil Public 0 Neat Celrnenu Grout fl RCIAORAC Chips or Pellets 06cothermai(Hodiny"Coolu SIVO)► ORmidcm A%letter 5upph isinvie 1 0 Sand Ceirent C;ruttl ❑ Dn CU% 01ndustrul•Corturic :ial OReskkniml Walcr SufTl►'isliumi ❑Concrete Gtout ❑ Drill Cutuugs 01"wation 0 Slxti-Ialty Grout ❑Grastl \on-Water Sup{th Well: 0 Wise- is Slum I I Older(e%plaul undo Tyr SRJotakmns ❑Riro+en Injntinn Well: 7f.For rich ularcriat w Ic cur d ahm r.pr+.+ide aornurtl of mairriak rased. OrlgautcrRedwrtc OCiratttdu;rareRctnediahen Neat Cem.:94lbslb ,Wtr:5gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. OAtituter Stutaec and Rc:cnen OSalnuh Banter -- OAquiiot felt OSWirmaterDratmec Bentonite.:5%lb ,Wtr:gal. type 2 portland Amount:3.5 ga O@xpemrteutal ictiltnolog) DSttb:tdctxc Conirul if,Provide a bit-irf da•xri{Nu,n of the abandumnent{u+ttccdrn: CIG'othenrial(Closed f.aopl I.-]Tracer Tretaie grout well from bottom to top; no well tag with info rJCxothertnal(Heatin ,Coolin Rehm i,I(Alwr(ex hlin 11"Cler 7,g I —on well was found L Datc n rlhat attatrahtned: 2-28-24 ell lucalion: North White Street Landfill VA 11`t, {r,1,F N.,r. Uns — — rx itn.ins rda0plic<tbkS 8.Cenifkxliun: y L,{ a 1226 N. White St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 .� :1C 3/3/2024 Pthsieal AddrQ�,.Cm.and Zip Kin:r st a!"i ondk d Welt(•aatrac.•tcrt in WC110nngr Date (take 1b, ugning t/ui jnrm. I hrrehy rernlr river the wellpo wat merer ahutttkrued ur Count 1':..d W-iddk•:asro N., ;P1\, inctorlrnxe•with lf.l.VC-IC!).tr' 111(ml or:'C Oyu)(►Well(ita.+YrwaYNio.Ganalrmfc and(het v tnf!u Qj 1ha.r weird luxe he('lt prr)vkletllo!h r tre11 owiwr. W 1-ariludr;end hingitode it dt(rrt slminuteR crcrtndx or decimal d grmv I n:l;I't:It] c,w W.1:ter 1,,it171cx w: 9.Site(Nag.An or additional midi details: You neat the fire bail,of this page lit pro(idr adtliliowl%ell sae details or►cell S W abandonownt detaih.. You nta% also attach a lditionral p:tyxs If rtecessan. ('ON s-f-R11CTION DE'tAll OM V6'CUAS)BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL iNST tUCTIONS .tak;; ,.ri!ayrr..,:n.arw,r r.-..v;h.;r:v,vrlmtilc ;•v.trxicr!lr vyrar:a,:,,r,wn-.ra,trr veiled( mix A,UNLY Mrrh rhr&t~a'Wter c'rr!Nt rr<tiuxk.,n!arnl.1rw cnrr"'NW,r(„re N,rm• 10a. For U Wells• Stdttnu this Joint within A) days of completion of %rll 6a.Well IDO-W-4 aharrientnent to the fallow sug Pit Won of%atcr Rextturco.fill.omation Procrssinu I.nit. t+ill depth: 24 IfL) 1611 Mail Srnice('enter,Raleigh.NC 2 7699-16 1 7 aria %'rats% lOh. Frlr Luiection Wdls; In atidilion to setdintg the fund to ilk:address in l0a r.c,firucFtcylc diaotclrr;2 ahei m c. also miburit om cof;N of tins for %tthnn It)dens of crxttpletion of well tip.► --- .dtalalultotnt to 1f1C fdluntnG Disit.ion of%rater Resoercn.t odctitrrrttrtd 11100iun Conlntl Pn12ram. teal.%%atct beet Mina %r'tuud surface: 5 lft.) 1634 MAN%mice{'enter,Rakich,N('17b99-1636 itic•. For Ralcr �VLm?h & Its eti+rn %%•11s: lot addition to-wading the form to 4.e.Outer casing!lcn;.ah 61'Immi,,: unknown (ft.f the atldwssrei) at+c•+d. also submit otie C,)p of this fend %ithin %0 days of :ornpL9ton of%ell aba ullontrictu to the;:ouar. health dcpannteutt of the coum wn nkno i.f. Inner casinVtubin:;icn;,Kh(it►;nliun�: u (ft.) wWre.ftrrdencd 4W,.Screen lertxth(if Itnuwnl:unknown (ft.) Form OW-tl, Nonh t'arolt,o:hIotlimni of En,tronniew and Natural Roomes-Dn mwn of%%star Rcwatoa5 Rc,csW logos%201 t