HomeMy WebLinkAboutWake_Well Abandonment_20240318 (8) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD FoTIrairrrdl Use UNLY
This forn can tk iiwd for sirtakt,of multit+k i+cils
1.Well Contractor Information: W'F.LI.ABANDONMENT DF:TAIi 5
Scott Hunt, Jr 7a.Number of v%dix being abandoned: 1
tt'cll l'milaclof Name WI well oniiif p:rwm;ilJ)AxiMufa:ig wrll.ln Ins lief prop.m i r:•, Wafo/•'. rn;rtJ,na .k 'A-I-.,.rrrI f,:JJ .rf+s D.VLY wati roar
,v m,rew ri,M Uf•.j*kW/Ww 1.4v r(00'.HIV.Irr,.ufr l,r,r,
NC A'01 CnNrtctnt-CCnirkilion NuvbcT 7b.Appniximate wilume of vtater remaining in%eBIN: igal.)
Coatpaw+Nai w -r. I c pe of th'in(eetant uwd: —
a Wdl Cot»trat'tian Permit M:,
Lau al (4'ri.:Nr.f.t.r.,vah..k&-.l anwav ImnJlom e)t.i if AN.
'd. �nnru.rt nt di.infcclant a+cA:
3.Wtll ux(check Hell use):
W ater Snpld% Well: 7r.Scaling materi.l,u.rd i chat I.Al thet apph):
OAgricnkutal 7Atu mctpalTi"I: M I*eat Ccmeru(RWI f-I Rcnlonite Chilr nr PL-Wis
❑(;nithernul(Hrrtin)+('nob%,Srtpplt f ❑i1cMd-ittial[Valet Suppit isinplci ❑ Sand Central Qum ❑ Dn CU%
❑lydnsrn:d-Comnwrcivil ❑Kc-,kIcralal A'atet Sirpph[shared) ❑Crnrcrete 6"It ❑ Drill Cutttup
Dltti tioit ❑ Spcti-taitr Grout ❑Grastl
NOn-Water Supph W'cll: CI Fknlcnute Slum V I Ctrlxr(Csplarn utiM"rn
XlNlounonnc DFtttu�rn
lnjretinn ell: 7f.Fereach nivi-riA wict•trd ab.r+r.pro+idc rnuwm of mAtfriakaxcd:
❑At(tnt rRcclnargc OGniriodustezRcntediattoo Neat Cem.:94lbslb ,Wtr:5clal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal.
❑Atlutler wraLe and Recoi en Malia% tamer --
OAquiter lest OSk+rmtsatcrUrutwYe Bentonite.:5%lb ,Wtr:gal. type 2 portland Amount:2 gall,
❑Expettntetual TCCIniulog) ❑ ulin-dctice Coritrul
3y Ptio,ide a brief dc•uripturn of the abandunincnt prntt^dan:
1'0cothernutl!Closed i.00pl 0—frdcet
Tremie grout well from bottom to top; no well tag with info
i1C;eothrnial(Heatiniz•Cvolin Rehtrn) i lC�tltt;r(ex in coder^ ) on well was found
4.Dote wrlttslabandnnetk 2-29-24 jE
't 6n�a+-iss r t. G
Sa.Well location:
North White Street Landfill
Factlq)tltti><r�ittfr 1'.�ilin lnd.tl tpp{ic<ibl ) $•Ceni/kalien: a s+
s 1t1ii.�rY.e►:':l . -:.::,K'+r::=.y U M
1226 N. White St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 ,r UWIA3.x7
Ph.sical Adds,%.Cm,aid Zip :•m a!•s r ::t:.d Well Canrrxhn in WcH O"mr Dak
Wake )it-vgning (&,i finr•ix, 1 hereby certrA-thug the wellfso wnz Itterer dhourkultd in
Coamn I'.n:cl I,t;fartrc:aPita N..tPt'o cxt(xrlisx'e wilk li:l VC.-I 'I)Y' W(Wor Y' 0-'W Wcl!(fxi.drxtAi�u Srr+nrJlrrrfti
tmd thraf a Copy Ol this ret'fwd IAar been prm-uk d k)4-wril e*m r.
Sb. 1 atirmle and liai2irudr is rkgrrrvmirturciLcrmadr orde+rimttl dit$rall:
•.if ncl:I xkJ.cox:kn.k;r!•r,-allwmx: 9.Site diagram or additional will dMall9:
You net+ tut•Illy bact,of this pap IO pro%itk addilivih9l%tell site dewds of"ell
N W' abatdemitent detaib. You may also:stach:r<Witiuiwl paFxs rf mccssan
aq;,i K.'i:li N:..;�llClp At rc,L Wdl rr U,w4h..rl' i—'1.wo;%'e a.Ftr."two ••1+'}'J.i
.it fl,I).4).Y a:ri.,fir a,rar t.,,.,,r,a rrrr.a+•ar.k.arwrrrt vw ca,"hw,r,otr lww 10a. For All \\ell.: 4uhu<tl flits forgo eithm.10 days of compidion of "yell
ba.\!ell ID*:MW-lRRS ibaidennicru in the followmi!
Di%ision of Water Resourcirs.Information Prtrcrxving Unit.
Lb.TutAl well dtyith: 17
1617 Matz Seritiee Crater.Raleigh.NC 2 7699-16 177
Illb.Ftir 1.6mikm Wjclla: In.addiion to seiidirig the funs to floc ;xMtem in loa
atone. atso submit rite.:opt of tins form within .to lass of txuupletion of"ell
etc.Rr..tFitdi diannter;? Iia.) :ttiandurmrcmr to the rolluniaG
Dhisiun ul Wa wi I.ter Reamn, ndvixnound injection Contrul Program.
r.rl.\\ogre Irtirl Mlnw --wound.iirtacr_ 10 tft.) 1636;hail Scrtjee('enter,Raleigh.N('I7699-1636
10c.F1or Water Sotinh & lnketlim Wells: lot addition to w1bding(tie form to
4.c.Outer coxing length(if Imoti m: unknown (ft.) Ilk AddressicY) a v+v. also submit L4* cups of this fomi "ithin it1 days of
.omple-tion of Weil abantlonunent to Ito cotuvv health tkpailaxra of the c(ntrtt♦
unknown whCre alkindancit
L(. lnncrca�tin�tuhin;;icn:,Kh(if hn.Ji.ui: III.)
to,_,.Screen lent ton(if knot+nl:un�OT"n oft.)
Fonn CyW-ati Nanh Carolina tktrttinteix of En%trontrrcnf and Natumf lksowes- Dn rswa of 1i`awr Rcsonrctis Re%is..`d 1agum:+,I t
This foslrt c'aa t used for sintat or ill:il(itde%ells
Contractor Inferinstion: WELL ABANDONMENT DF.TAII S
Scott Hunt, Jr 7a.Number of Hilt+beinC shandoned: 1
Well VeNtltacwt Name tot hell o"Ilex l uTmilialh rWado+strg N.L an IIK lie tggvll+I r.r millflrti+ :!r(<+hn,r � # r-�.r C' �I,t'iJf rc'ifi OAL►' �:Iti !lam eWn,.
<nrr.oq.n.w Uti.irkl'JiMl,vrr 1•rN[av.ertvn:r„►k•tiuw
7b.Approximate tolnra of"titer remaining in well(sy. wal.)
NC N'cn Contrlciar ConirwAirin Nusdur
cklnvain Name lc.Typr of didsfectant rued:
L Well Comtructiou Perttllt C,
L+iJ:rt•,�{:.J,fr Jk'P.fai>'J.r.f!4Nlt1. tklk.lrAir[rrK'C lrryrairrritetetr7lrwrvn
7d.Amount i:l di. niccl,lnl ux'd:
3.W01 use(check"ell use):
Water Ctlplih Well: 7r.Sealing ruaterialc uxrd(check all that a(lpl}):
DAgncuhural DMtulicltx&lsublie M Neat ccinclit(in-Hit Fl Rcntonilc Chips or Pellets
❑(ioi)thernlal tHront}+(noun,Sttppls) DResideidial Water Supph is iWIcl D Sand C erinetu Grout ❑ Dn CU%
❑IndusinaP-Comnterrial DRem(kn tal Water Supply(;:hared) D Concrete Grout ❑ Drill Cuflitip
Dtrtigataun ❑ Sixtlall) Grout ❑Cinnel
Non-%%titer Supph Well: 11 Rcntonne Slurry fl C)(lwr tc"plaill utrdcr 'f I
E Molu tC Him,, DRctia�rn
Injection Welt- 7f,For each Inwrl i:A a'lactad ahu+r_lnu+idr-auutwnl of niatrriak used:
DAilodt tRcdtarl;c 13(1nAinduatcrRcutedi;sien Neat Cetn.:94lbslb ,Wtr:5gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal.
❑Agwlet wtage and Rccrn en Walnuh Barrier
❑Aquiler7esf DSI°rtn"alarUnutm= Sentonite.:5%lb ,Wtr:gal. type 2 portland Amount:4 gall,
DExpertirwitial Ioclr okV ❑sidmi etlee Control Pnl-idea hriaf de,cripbnn of the alrandunmcnt proccdurc:
CJGeotliernlal;Closed Loop► tJTracet
f7tmci(IrernwltH(�lun •Conlin Rehlrn) flt}tlterlex inutldCr7 ) Tremie grout well from bottom to top; no well tag with info
on well was found
1.Dale,"011i)AbanAmed. 2-29-24
52L Well leention:
North White Street Landfill IVl>J R i 8 ��C4
Fxtho(),t,1-r",6ita• I.,xisi.lnfrdavrli;!'kicy $•Ceni/kslirrtt:
1226 N. White St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 ,ram' �' .' 3/3/2024
M sical Addr%-A.Crn.and Zip :.sl:al't'a>rrl'kM WUll contcx I'l or Well 01.Rr DOW
Wake R,v gtgutrty ;lust 1nrm, I/tereky ceritify rh[u the wellfrr wax rrerer ahanrkined ur
['auuh P.acat Id.-oidw.•anrn M-(ft�r trrc[irhrrx4•trilh I A VCAC 0.N'.111(.xJ ur_ * 0-'(NY ff ill Crnn.Vrvr4un S&nuAwIx
[trirl thal a cnfn q1 this rerxrrd IAiPv Arran provn eel to Aso urll owner.
SK 1 aritlul.•and tnnl!irude is da�nritilmimtrC�'sernads or diximal degrir.:
I)i%cll to Ill.ow tit.long tk+ulbcviy: 9.Site diagram or additional we II details:
You nia+ ruse die balA of(Iris tinge to pro+i&additional sell site details m+sell
N W' abandotatlrm details. You ma+ also ailaeli a Witiotud pragrs if rkcessrn
MIkir "M aaas!I?K r..,r rra•ai II At uaw&aftk t.0 w#41(! k:ry'rar:u.,,x,mi-o, ar auppii
OTT 0AL►010 4k'+:,+W'2.Nr.+NiA tl!Hr Ah.Vkk`�WNr7N I-W[YM WJgrrt fVle P;rw 10a. For All Welch: Submit Ihts lorul tunhm .10 do s of completion of well
aha tide ntacnl In the followin)t
Division of Water Remmret.%,Information Precruang twit,
1617 Mai Sen to('enter,Rakirb.NC 27699-1617
MP, ToGr)Nell depth: 34 Ifl.)
Intl. bir Inirrtion%Vd ; In acklilion to wndutg the forth to the address in Mal
ibunc_ also subutit aide copy elf ilas filttlt unhm ZI)dais of LonVletion of"ell
Rlirelrrl)c diameter;2 rip.) : undo harm to[lie I-ol unkit;
Dhision of%i Ater Relirurres,Cndergritund InjaYioa Control Pro(tram.
bd.N Ater level Mrin+l --•roved uurface: 10 (ft.) 1636%fail lienier('ewer,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
Inc.For Wally Suiiltl+ .4 lokg( o Wrib: In Wilton to warding tun form to
nc.Outcrca.inl lcn ah cif Imo"n): unknown Ith) lire wWressits) at+n+c. also stibmir +tie co;v,% of this fArni "ithin (tl (1•dvs of
:oinpk-tion of%ell ah.mdonincrit to the ti itniN lwalllt depanmcnl of Ilse colno%
Unknown "here atiandoncd
i.(. Inner casrn;:•tubin;;IrmKh of larown): lft.Y
tr .lcrtenlcnUtlt(iIkmii+ni:unknown lft.)
r i i U+- � Non Catoliin ikMvin cix ai Env ironowtil and Natural R.wvncs-Dn tswst of Water k[sorcnvi Re%cscd Airgusa Uri 1 U
This forth Call be useld few simlie at mullipk»ells
1.Well Cantracmr Information: %'EL.I.ABANDONMENT OFTAIi S
Scott Hunt, Jr _ in,Number of sell.being shandom* 1
w0l Cogiliaaw Nails: wndrw!' ;.a;t.t,., .s .a.+r-,,,.;�.. ,,,;�;•tr cl;, O.\'tY ��#r else•
.'.r,q,thyr.i1.,l,pRdtMvw t,N+tcM+�wMliti.+Mc•p,�lu
'h. 1ppnriiin.iie stdunic it(wanv remaining inviell(s): teal.)
N('\\'cl!C'nNrtctnr Ccnificatinn P:xatxi
Ulxv tttl Name 't. 1 i pv(if dlm"lleciant usrd:_
2.Well Construction Permit
:n,•nL<� ,, < , r,nr.'•.+...!1�b2h.J'taM.i,u•�.mrt /1gaViUuq.rJc.+:J�4rwa
?tl. \mount of disirifcctnnl n.cd:
3.%'elt avr(check weal utie):
W atrr S liph Well: 7c.Scaling niatriitnis usavl(check all that apph):
OAgmuhuntl ❑hlunknpATtibhc x Neat Cemcln(Rout 1-1 Rctrlonnc Chip.rt N14-1,
❑finathertnal(HcatiripCoohng Supply) 011midciui:d\Yaicr Suppls mirr_Irs ❑ Sand C ourm Grout ❑ Dn C U%
01 dusinal:Comnrrciil ORcaid:lulal%Valcr Supply tsliarci ❑ Concrete Grout ❑ Drill C'ultrul c
Mitigation ❑ Stxmalo Grout ❑GraicI
Non-W ater Supph Well: f.l fiemonue Slurp I I Cklxr(explain under^p
EMonitonng DRccusrn
Injection Well: 7C For each nian•rial selected shove,Ionnide anrnunt of materiak used:
❑AgtuierRCclbr,-e ❑Gnxindi►.acrRcracibattrni Neat Cem.:941balb ,Ntr:5gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal.
❑Aguder Storage atd Rc oven ❑Salinity Barrier
OAgeiifec 1'sst DSkirntsialar[}rurwge Bentonite.:S%lb ,Wtr:gal. type 2 portland Amount:8 gall,
DE-4xnincntal Icch ology OSubskknizeC'onintl
7;,Prm'idc a britf dcuriptu+n nf'tht•abando incnt prnccdurc:
rJGmtherntal(Closed Loop► CiTracer
Trasie grout well from bottom to top; no well tag with info
(10cotkk"wl(Hva6ng,,Cooli!S Returni I IC)tik.r(ec in uttrder^.
on well was found
4.Date w'ell(%)aba(tthinetk 2-29-24
Sa.Wen location:
North White Street Landfill Wit
f(.(l'i11t lCatlfill:
F,i,:ilgi-()td nit V:im F.i:•i 1itN In r+if;ippli'<iblc S
1226 N. White St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 t}, CYY�G:yJG� 3/3/2024
M sical Addnxs.Cob.aid Zip :i�i:•:sr a!'=.'er.Jtid W'C11 Coati7t-kit rat Web 01A11rr D ttt
Wake hi,u urtkg dai.lt►rm. t ltenehy cernJt'doev the well(ri wax ivierei ahanckined jot
("aani� tin-CCI I&nu(w.•:nicsti Mo.41"Mi MCoirtAnx4,wtlk 1 A V7';1C0Y'."10d ar'r' IVIM)Well t'<,naruc'I;on Ste n,k,rrfi
t»ul iMir a chin'of this rer'fird ikity been prr,vitletl tc,Ow orrll owner.
Mh. 1 aritilily aitd liuigirude ilk lie�rrcwmitill rt'c:.r.nnd%nr ifiY'itti:rl rliy;nV%:
,it i%J'Ca:kl.ook:hM.img ih yi!iicxxi..: 9.Site diagram or additional well detaflt;:
You ntat ibis'the bacl,of this page to pion i&additional nell sat&-(ads of vs ell
W abaidwuineni de(ails. You ma. also attach additional pagxs if necensx%.
.ktrk it writ u-wix!<•i+c ire+r:.�u',i',r tt u�,n.,a',tc. t'„�•an7C:!ie alrYc7hu:Ul+xri•watrr aq+ntfi
,1Y'tly().4).Y"idy ttu'raw w vw.,trwri—i,itiuf.tl.MMl7it._toll c•a i m hwd,Cie 1,)f • l0a. For AB Wdk: Stdimnt this forth Nithtn:K) days of compictlon of Nrll
6a.W'ell IDO:MW-ID abandonnicm in the folionine
DhWan of Water Rem onrco,Info rmatiitn Precinkung L•ait,
t►b."f'utal hell depth: 52
1617 Mai Sers ice('cater,Raleigh,NC'2 7699-16 1 7
I11h. Ftir Inicetitin Wdls. In addition to sending the faun to the irAliess in Ula
a. also stihutit one ctipy of this fimti within 4)days of ctmlplrlion of Well
bc.1hr MlNtic dianx err; inn.)
:banlunnirw to the ftrlluninQ
Disision of Kerr Resources,L'ndetRnntnd Injection Coninal Program.
till.\\seer Irirl twit)'" zm,uad vrrfacr: l� eft.) 1636 Mai SerOw Center,Raleigh.K('27699-1636
Itre, Fur Water Sunnh & lithttion Wells.: in aMi(ion to sriK%ng the form to
t.c.()uhrcasin( IcnCahtit'IainNn): unknown Ift.) the addressicsl aboie. also subini( (vie min of this forma Kithin t11 (jays of
eompk:tion of Neil abarrdin into to the,oiwty' health departm¢tl of the comity
unknown w here atminioncd
i.t. Inner casin�tubint ieny�th(if hitunu): (ft.)
6 ,Streen length(il'tat+ii+nl,unknown (ft.)
Fonn Gil°-91r Nanh Caroliin J.Tnnnncnt.it Ens iromiwin aiiA varara!lt:saivacs Un rswn of 1b'ater Raonntis Ro cscd Ai"a:1if i
This forum call be ukcd lot silvgk of multiple t,rlla
1.Well Contractor Information. WELL ABANDONMENT NT DETAIE S
Scott Hunt, Jr 7a.Number of aeBs being abandoned: 1
Well Cotmacwf!wale tact hell tmiief Ix3usiLtU,ab%lotanz well riu lm,'hei plett:m 1 r<v .rnrlgi t•r�.a< r t';r; lfAJ.}'
CMl�ptt!id.W Ut4AM:f.'.. .,r rr,k itNY YMNNNt.Mr h+rM
?b. :lpprutiurta•r rdunrc,rf a Ater rrntaining rn uclh�r: i„al.)
C2+n:pae+Niarrk -c. I r lx of dr.inl"lant U%vd:
2,Well Casstradiun Permit 0:, ,
t-!..r uttl:rl+1,fva`!int:'t>,rvn.,Lr,,.r•.(1.ynJi.SwM.(�,rxax'e Imr4hom elr.r+t 4rw.r�,; -ti, 1,ntrunl lrl di.fnlct'lartt ua•d:
3.Well,use(checktuL4l use):
th Ater Supph Well: 7e.Sealing materials sited(check:all that allph):
❑Ag»cnhutst DhiutacipalTubtic to N CA CcactK Gnat n Rculonin Chit*nr Pew-is
❑(kothemul(Hcming"Coobn Situ It 1 ❑Rmiderriab Water Supply mitWici ❑ Sand Centem Grout ❑ DF%(illy
❑irdusirtapConuncrcial C1R:t;td:tnial Water Supph W-areds ❑Cc»k-rete Grout ❑ Dill Cuttulp
Dirtigatwo ❑ Sm-talq Grout ❑(ira%cl
Ilan-WateT.Supph Well: I:1 Ii:Monttc 51Urtr 17 Cltlltr(e%plan Undet 1g)
i&NIotutonng. ❑krc:atety
Inj"-tion Well: 7f.For each material%elecn'd Alin,r.pritt id, anumnt.,f malrrialc 11%etl:
❑A+tdl tRrcharge QGtuunducarrRrtrtedctltan Neat Cem.:94lbslb ,Wtr:5gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal.
❑Atlutter Storage and kcco%en ❑Salnut% (lamer
Hentonite.:59s1b ,Wtr:gal. type 2 portlaad Amount:4 gal;
❑Aquiler1w DSlormualcrMums=
❑bxpcnincutal Iochrwlogy ❑Subsickticc Coulnil Prrn'ide a brief dexriprinn of the abancitmtneni procedure:
riGmtherotal iCkosed Loopi C]Tracer
Tremi grout well from bottom to top; no well tag with info
fJGeatWrovi ftati •Ccrolin Rehrm) 00(her(explain uodet 7 l
on well was found
4.Dote wrll(s)ah:tndt,artt. 2-29-24
sa.Well location; MAN 1 8 2024
North White Street Landfill
S.Certiflcatiwr• ln�i:,��.�:tr;, ?r-;.5t:.rzh. ;ISRlE
Faii1H+fiusu�iam 1%.-r:�ilih ln,?t6:rppliC.7blct � � tJ'�il;:,''•�'�^.i
1226 N. White St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 r -' 3/3/2024
PM sisal Add&-%.CT.and Zits ±ic:.v=•se a!'?o:.K4 Well ContraCrtrr cn wen(.buns Dak
Wake lice vgimm- this/:wm, I hrreh)'tertiJt•11ka the wellexi wn< twcrer ah"trtkmrd it?
t':ranh Ravel ill.-tutfwt okin Na.4Pt14) O(Vtorla xr with lis t.VC AC o4Y"0100 or 2(' 0-7)0 if fl/Givi.4"tiffs)Sta"IAx-rIv
cmd lhw u t r,pt'ol this reined bees be c1r provukti to drum%+ell Owner.
Sh.1 arinlrk•and Ittngitutl+in fhtirei•dinimitecwronds ttr dnrimal degrivs!
tit hitAnig v,+alt,cxrx: 9.Site diagram or additional w(di details:
you uta use the back,of this page to promle additictiral%tell sale details IN we'll
Tt W abandunnwitt detaih. YOU rtta%'also altat:11 aMitiulral psigrs ff trccrssan
CUN'�f Rl t'TIUN D1:'I It(lF,\L 1 I is K€I',(: at34\BONED S('iEA11TT.1i.fl-RUCTiONS
.i+::.. uc .y:... .. . .....r.i'. ., .. ..-a`.. ,.i. roue;tic -.... ..r,Y1n•,fufrl wpgdt
ax'i1x ON"WIri"the M vnr t.rrarrec rn.�r aNR V rkn -q"V?-t lv cur:wA n,r cure A.rnc k0a. For All Wrib: Submit this form within 0 dais of completion of uell
6a.Well ID#.MW-1B abartdernuctn to the fallowing
Dtsi'sitin of Natcr Re n Resources.Infosatit►n Processing Unit.
b 28.5 1617 Alai)yen ice Center,Raleigh.NC'2 7699-16 1 7
eb.'i'otal"ell de lift. {it,)
Illb.For Iniection Wells: In:wldilion itt sendirtg the font to the address io ttla
abmv- also submit Otte urp� of tins form%whin (a dots of t;. nPIction of cell
6e.Itftrcltttle dlanxter:2 iis.} a bandunntem to the folltn%tnG
Di%ision ul Rater Rewlurces,Underkruund Injection Control Program.
wl.Water te%•el tx4nvt -around.%urface:.7 (ft.} 1636 Mail Seniec Center,Ralcieh,NC•27fi99-1636
known 1(k. For Waternfect bgmlh h I ',u l'.11 lit addition to--wiWing tlu farm to
tit.Outer calling length,if lato%nJ: unknown (ft 1 lilt addressttsj at+o%e. also submi( .ate top% of this font ttithin Ott dais of
completion of acil abandomtunl to the i:vtumv hcatlh depantncnt Of fire collrQ)
unknown wlt:rr Ationdoncd
hl.caner easin;:;tubiny length(if MnunY: (ft.)
(if,Scrft-u ktiglh lif hgownl:unknown ID.)
Pon"OW-ift NonhC'arohrm Dquiurmtna1 En+rrommitt atd Natural R.somes-an own Of Water lU ooV5. Re%set At"L 54 M3