HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950693 Ver 2_More Info Received_20151102From: Lepsic, Robert <Robert.Lepsic@arcadis.com> Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 8:14 PM To: Williams, Ed Cc: Stanfill, Chris Subject: RE: Baxter Healthcare - WWTP Improvements 401 permit Attachments: Baxter Marion_401 Permit Plans_10-30-15.pdf, PCN Baxter pages 5-6.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Attached is an electronic copy of the site plans/details and revised pages 5 and 6 of the PCN application. The revisions reflect the new temporary buffer impacts. Also see the responses below. Let me know if you have any questions. Rolheirt II....elpslic, IGPWS I Sr. Scientist ..:..:.. .., ,. `-..' AIRCAIDIS G&M of NC, Inc. 1 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 1 Raleigh, NC, 27607-5073 T: 919.415.2278 1 M: 919.810.7883 1 F: 919.854.5448 Connect with e..isl www.arcadiis e..is.com II!::::ii,.r]kedJ..r.. l .I[..a i.11.er l If::acebook ARCADIS, Imagine the result 11[,rarto consider [hc onvlronmcnI)Ororo prim lnq [hist [nrrall, From: Williams, Ed [mailto:ed.williams@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 3:40 PM To: Lepsic, Robert <Robert.Lepsic@arcadis.com> Subject: Baxter Healthcare - WWTP Improvements 401 permit Per our discussion, here are items to be addressed to complete the 401 approval: 1. Please provide an electronic copy of the site plan when zooming in. Electronic pdf set of the plan submittal provided. The current one provided is in small scale and not readable Sheet dimensions are full-size (22"x34") 2. Please provide cross section details of culvert showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2)] A cross section of the proposed 60" RCP pipe that will span underneath the plant access road is provided on Sheet AR -C-02 (Design Profiles and Sections, 60" RCP — Section @ 0+00). The cross section is cut at the downstrearn 1 end ofthe culvert profile. The culvert is proposed to be ernbedded one -foot to pronnote aquatic life passage as represented inthe section. EmbedmenLmaterial Loconsist ofnatural channel bedding. Please provide a detailed engineering plan, profile view, and cross-section of the proposed culvert and effluent pipe. These drawings must include details regarding stream alignment in relation to pipe alignment, pipe slope, pipe burial, and dissipater pad. [I54N[4[02H.0502/b\] ReferLo5heeL4R-[-01(OveraU5iLeP|an)foradeLai|edengineeringp|anshovvingLhea|ignmenLand|ayouLofLhe proposed 60" pipe culvert and effluent pipe. Re-a|ignmenLofthe sLream is riot required to construct the proposed 60" pipe culvert. A profile and cross section of the culvert and effluent pipe are located on Sheet AR -C- 02 (Design Profiles and Sections). 4. Please provide a detail showing the proper installation (below the streambed elevation) of the riprap pad at the culvert and effluent outlets. [I54N[4[02H.0502(b)] ReferLo5heeL4R-[-O3(DeLai|s,5LormDrainOuL|eL5Labi|izahon)foradeLai|shovvingLhedimensionsand installation ofthe riprapoutlet stabilization pad. 5. Per Condition 5ofG[388lall work must bedone "in the dqy. Therefore, dewatering methods will benecessary totemporarily dewmterthe stream channel during pipe installation. Please provide aconstruction sequence that details the method of dewatering to be utilized at the site and the sequence of construction events to be followed toensure compliance with this condition. [I54N[4[02H.0502/bV3\] Dewatering detail for the construction of the proposed 60" culvert provided on Sheet AR -C-03 (Details, Stornn Pipe Diversion). A construction sequence detailing the construction of the pipe culvert and diversion of strearn flows during construction is provided on Sheet AR -C-01 (Overall Site Plan, Sequence of Construction for Culveft "4"(6O"R[P)). 6. Please provide an updated stream impact table for the temporary impact associated with the sediment basin. The stornn drain outlet stabilization riprap pad will irnpact approxinnately 137 square feet of the strearn buffer. See attached pages 5and 6ofPCN application. You can disregard my request for the 20% impervious calculation, since this GC doesn't require a postconstruction stormwmterp|an. The G[3883isattached. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Ed Ed Williams Water Quality Regional Operations Section NCDEQ — Division of Water Resources 1,28 296 4500 office EFn7ail cxrespomIerice to amI ffom tf?is, ad�ess isoubiect to tf?e 0oil/ Cemlit/ePublic ReoonIs,/Law endo/eybe�Iis, close d/obhh,dpeilies, 0 This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of Arcadis. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error please return it to the sender and then delete the e-mail and destroy any copies of it. Whilst reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no software viruses are present in our emails we cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachment is virus -free or has not been intercepted or changed. Any opinions or other information in this e-mail that do not relate to the official business of Arcadis are neither given nor endorsed by it. I 2 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION FOR CULVERT "A" 60" RCP): 1. NOTIFY THE ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE (ARO) INSPECTOR PRIOR TO DISTURBANCE OF THE SITE. 2. INSTALL ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STRUCTURES AS SHOWN IN THE INITIAL PHASE OF THE DRAWINGS, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER, AS THE FIRST ITEM OF WORK WITHIN A GIVEN DRAINAGE AREA. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL E STRUCTURES SHALL BEGIN DOWNGRADIENT OF THE AREA TO BE DISTURBED AND PROCEED UP GRADIENT. T 4 �10 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES MAINTAIN ALL SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STRUCTURES AND PRACTICES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AND UNTIL PERMANENT STABILIZATION AND GRASS COVER IS ESTABLISHED. 4. ESTABLISH STREAM WORK ZONE LIMITS IN THE UN—NAMED TRIBUTARY AND CONSTRUCT PIPE DIVERSION UTILIZING A SAND BAG / STONE BARRIER, SUMP HOLE, DEWATERING PUMP, AND DISSIPATION STRUCTURE TO BYPASS STREAM FLOWS PER STORM PIPE DIVERSION DETAIL. 5. REMOVE AND REPLACE PIPE CULVERT AS DIRECTED IN THE DRAWINGS. 6. ONCE THE PROPOSED 60—INCH PIPE CULVERT IS INSTALLED, STORM DRAIN OUTLET STABILIZATION HAS BEEN APPLIED, AND FINAL GRADES ARE ESTABLISHED, APPLY PERMANENT SOIL STABILIZATION ALONG THE STREAM BANKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS. 7. NOTIFY THE ARO INSPECTOR AFTER STABILIZATION OF DISTURBED AREAS. 8. UPON ARO INSPECTOR'S APPROVAL, REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES. �N SEE NOTE FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING ELECTRIC GATE CROSS SECTION \ G, OUTLET STABILIZATION 4 CHEMICAL PUMP BUILDING r / / / 1472 /J� F-2 / ti5 147 lk AMAL ilk - NOT IN CONTRACT FOR REFERENCE ONLYCROSS SECTION i y /LEGEND: iOUTFALL— i i � % � ABANDON/DEMOLISH INV. EL. r 1450.0� OUT -ET ` �� ioo YEAR vL000wnv 0 50' 100 N. �2 \ \ \ C-1 *7:w \ \ oe \ y Sn1l sTnr.Kpu F \ / I ARCADIS Infrastructure - Water - Environment - Buildings LEGAL ENTITY: ARCADIS G&M OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 7917 NOTES: 500—YR FLOOD EL. 1476.2' BLDG. FLOOR SLABS ® 1477.2' SEALS PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION MARION, NC ax er NORTH COVE WWTP ATLBAXNC.EN01 3 26 OCT 15 CML PACKAGE N0. 1 REV. 1 AH 2 20 OCT 15 NCDENR COMMENTS JH 1 2 OCT 15 CIVIL PACKAGE NO.1 AH A 24 APR 15 BODR REVIEW AH NO. DATE ISSUED FOR BY COPYRIGHT: ARCADIS G&M OF 2015 NORTH CAROLINA, INC. DATE: PROJECT NO.: FI LE NAM E: DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET TITLE OCTOBER 2015 ATLBAXNC.ENO1 AR—C-01 A. HAGEN R. KUNZ A. SHARP CIVIL OVERALL SITE PLAN ISCALE: 1 " = 50' AR -C-01 SHEET 5 OF 10 1 0 E 0 N 1480 M O N V a) a) 1475 1470 0- O N O U 1465 B J U Li LiLi 1460 z 0 w 1455 in O 0 0 0 1450 —0+50 —0 0 / 0 Q U Q A 0 0 V) U Z 2 3 60" RCP - PROFILE n 7 0 0 0 O ln� <a� _ z E ISTING GRAD / OUTLET STABILIZATION / PROPOSED GRADE - - - - - - I I 14n nn' rf 14" HDPE @ 0.50% I I I +40 —0+30 —0+20 —0+10 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+60 0+70 0+80 0+90 1+00 4 1475 0 1475 w Lo EXISTING o M ca 1470 ROAD GRADE Q o z_ 1470 (BEYOND) ` a- > ------X�STIN(` ------ 1465 GRADE ` 1465 1460 1460 PROPOSED I_v011 GRADE' 1455 / EMBED PIPE 1' 1450 —20 —10 0 10 1455 1450 20 60 RCP -SECTION @ 0+00 14" HDPE - PROFILE 1+10 TO UV STATION Y 1+20 1+30 1+40 1475 1470 1465 1455 1450 1+50 1475 1470 1465 1460 1455 i sARCADIS Infrastructure - Water - Environment - Buildings LEGAL ENTITY: ARCADIS G&M OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 7917 SEALS PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION MARION, NC Ba....xreir NORTH COVE WWTP ATLBAXNC.EN01 � : 1 W I 1475 I 0 N 1475 w4 o6 0 30 OCT 15 401 PERMIT AH o NO. DATE ISSUED FOR BY Ln '1 'tN `� -r 0 I co� Qo•-o _ 1470 `� C :) i Q o z 1470 -EXISTING z a> 1470 j z¢a > COPYRIGHT: GRADE 2015 NORTH CAROLINA, INC. a z PROPOSED GRADE I 1465 / DATE: v 1465 / GRADE 1465 / PROJECT NO.: ATLBAXNC.ENO1 I OUTLET STABILIZATION - i AR -C-02_401 P DESIGNED BY: A. HAGEN PROPOSED �� / 1460 DRAWN BY: R. KUNZ GRADE 1460 (�/ " ' 1460 J. HUGHEY SHEET TITLE —pl 32.61' of 60 RCP ® 2.55% JOE 1455 / 1455 EMBED PIPE 1' 1450 I I I I I 1450 —0+30 —0+20 —0+10 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 60" RCP - PROFILE n 7 0 0 0 O ln� <a� _ z E ISTING GRAD / OUTLET STABILIZATION / PROPOSED GRADE - - - - - - I I 14n nn' rf 14" HDPE @ 0.50% I I I +40 —0+30 —0+20 —0+10 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+60 0+70 0+80 0+90 1+00 4 1475 0 1475 w Lo EXISTING o M ca 1470 ROAD GRADE Q o z_ 1470 (BEYOND) ` a- > ------X�STIN(` ------ 1465 GRADE ` 1465 1460 1460 PROPOSED I_v011 GRADE' 1455 / EMBED PIPE 1' 1450 —20 —10 0 10 1455 1450 20 60 RCP -SECTION @ 0+00 14" HDPE - PROFILE 1+10 TO UV STATION Y 1+20 1+30 1+40 1475 1470 1465 1455 1450 1+50 1475 1470 1465 1460 1455 i sARCADIS Infrastructure - Water - Environment - Buildings LEGAL ENTITY: ARCADIS G&M OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 7917 SEALS PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION MARION, NC Ba....xreir NORTH COVE WWTP ATLBAXNC.EN01 � : 1 1450 —20 —10 0 10 1455 1450 20 14" HDPE -SECTION 0+00 CIVIL DESIGN PROFILES AND SECTIONS SCALE: HORZ. 1 " = 10' / VERT. 1 " = 5' AR -C-02 SHEET 9 OF 10 W d a 1475 w4 0 30 OCT 15 401 PERMIT AH o NO. DATE ISSUED FOR BY opo `� C :) 1470 j COPYRIGHT: ARCADIS G&M OF 2015 NORTH CAROLINA, INC. a z EXISTING DATE: OCTOBER 2015 / GRADE 1465 / PROJECT NO.: ATLBAXNC.ENO1 - - - IS - FILE NAME: AR -C-02_401 P DESIGNED BY: A. HAGEN PROPOSED �� / 1460 DRAWN BY: R. KUNZ GRADE " CHECKED BY: J. HUGHEY SHEET TITLE 1450 —20 —10 0 10 1455 1450 20 14" HDPE -SECTION 0+00 CIVIL DESIGN PROFILES AND SECTIONS SCALE: HORZ. 1 " = 10' / VERT. 1 " = 5' AR -C-02 SHEET 9 OF 10 I; .i 0 0 J N N 0 N 0 M 0 _ 0 N Y 0 0 6 a - M C :_ L2 0 N 0 M 0 0 0 0 U 3 0 0 It I M a I U I Q B J U Ld w w z V) 1-1Z 0 Q w x a m I 0 0 0 0 0 v rn 0 0 i 0 a U a i A 0 0 V) U z I a U N a V) N Z D Y L f/J 1 1 2 1 NOTES: 1. DISCHARGE PIPE CONTENTS INTO CREEK DOWNSTREAM OF CONSTRUCTION LIMITS. PIPE SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 1 -FOOT BELOW CONSTRUCTION. 2. A SEDIMENT FILTER SHALL BE INSTALLED ON PIPE. 3. WATERPROOF SHEETING SHOULD BE SEAMLESS POLYETHYLENE WATERPROOF SHEETING WITH MINIMUM OF 4 -MIL THICKNESS, AND BE SHEETING IMPERVIOUS AND RESISTANT TO PUNCTURE, TEARING, AND ULTRAVIOLET DEGRADATION OF EQUIVALENT. 4. MONITOR DAILY FOR LEAKAGE. MIN, 1' 5. DISSIPATION STRUCTURE SHALL BE MADE OF TYPE 3 RIP RAP. WORK AREA ABOVE 6. DEWATERING PUMP TO BE GODWIN C0150M DRI -PRIME PUMP BASEFLOW WITH JOHN DEERE 4045TFC03 FINAL TIER 4 ENGINE OR - - APPROVED EQUAL. SECTION A -A SAND BAG / STONE BARRIER SUMP HOLE WORK ZONE (1' MIN. DEPTH, 3'1 STREAM BELOW STREAM FLOW MIN. DIA.) A CONSTRUCTION LIMITS A A L- DISSIPATION STRUCTURE DEWATERING PLACE DIRT/SEDIMENT PUMP FILTER ON PIPE TO COLLECT SEDIMENTS IN WATER STORM PIPE DIVERSION PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA - NO WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL 0 O ° Q�6 A B 00 °�° 0° do ` W2 c I IO ° d °(°�j `V 00 cc PLAN PIPE OUTLET TO WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL La I - La 111. SECTION A -A GEOTEXTILE SECTION B -B GEOTEXTILE WIDTH OF WIDTH OF APRON APRON NOTES: (W2) EXTEND TO EXTEN D TO TOB 1. La IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON. 7.5' 18.5' EXTEND TO EXTEN D TO 2. D = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER EL 1465 6' 15' 3' BUT NOT LESS THAN 6". 3' 7' 3' 7' 3. IN A WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL EXTEND THE APRON 7.5' UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION OF 6" ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAILWATER DEPTH OR TO THE BANK, WHICHEVER IS LESS. 4. GEOTEXTILE SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIPRAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. STORM DRAIN 0 STABILIZATION RIPRAP APRON SUMMARY CHART 10 -YR PIPE 10 -YR FLOW VELOCITY DIAMETER/ 100 -YR (During (During RIPRAP SIZE APRON WEIR WIDTH 100 -YR FLOW VELOCITY Construction) Construction) (CALC/USE) STONE DEPTH LENGTH HEADWALLID* (Do) (cfs) (fps) (cfs) (fps) (d50) (D) (La) A-2 60" 197.71 14.39 NA NA 0.5'/0.5' 1.5' 22' B-1 30" NA NA 5.36 5.64 0.2'/0.5' 1.5' 16' C-1 24" NA NA 4.75 5.48 0.4'/0.5' 1.5' 13' D-1 24" NA NA 9.97 6.59 0.4'/0.5' 1.5' 13' E-1 12" NA NA 0.77 3.73 0.2'/0.5' 1.5' 6' F-1 12" NA NA 1.77 4.86 0.2'/0.5' 1.5' 6' G-1 12" NA NA 0.54 4.14 0.2'/0.5' 1.5' 6' 1-1 18" NA NA 2.51 3.89 0.2'/0.5' 1.5' 6' 13,500 11.97 L-1 (N. FORK (N. FORK (WWTP CATAWBA CATAWBA OUTFALL) 14" RIVER) RIVER) 2.48 NA 0.5'/1.0' 2.0' 8' POND "A" OUTLET 24" NA NA 19.81 8.02 0.4'/0.5' 1.5' 13' POND "B" OUTLET 18" NA NA 10.51 7 0.3'/0.5' 1.5' 10' WIDTH OF WIDTH OF APRON APRON (W1) (W2) EXTEND TO EXTEN D TO TOB TOB 7.5' 18.5' EXTEND TO EXTEN D TO EL 1465 EL 1465 6' 15' 3' 7' 3' 7' 3' 7' 4.5' 7.5' 3.5' 9.5' 6' 15' 4.5' 11.5' 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 v Z v m oC0 C NOTES: Q z a . >t_40 O W1 (FT.) p 6++ * THIS PRECAST ENDWALL MAY BE USED FOR THE FOLLOWING H O U M O --i STANDARDS: 838.01, 838.11, 838.21, 838.27, 838.33, LL J � H z H Z __q_ > 838.39, 838.51, 838.57, 838.63 AND 838.69. O 0 Cn = = O D > m * INSTALL PRECAST ENDWALLS WITH WINGS AND PAY w Q Z LL = �(Z O 1 -off J 1'-0" FOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION SECTION 838. Q U H O H Z = O TI t * USE 4000 PSI CONCRETE. � = z w • O H PROVIDE ALL REINFORCING STEEL WHICH MEETS ASTM A615 Cn LL 0 J n 2 Z � I 3 f.- - FOR GRADE 60 AND WELDED WIRE FABRIC CONFORMING O O Cf) D D _ r / p TO ASTM A185 WITH 2" MIN. CLEARANCE. Z . j _<H F H2 I H2 * PLACE LIFT HOLES OR PINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH T H O CS/RCP OSHA STANDARD 1926.704. w O Z IV H1 H1 * PIPE TO BE GROUTED INTO HEADWALL AT JOB SITE BY r \ - - - CONTRACTOR I ALL ELEMENTS PRECAST TO MEET ASTM C913. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - �- * WELDED WIRE FABRIC MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR REBAR 1 1'-0"" �- J ? AS LONG AS THE SAME AREA OF STEEL IS PROVIDED. CHAMFER ALL CORNERS 1" OR HAVE A RADIUS OF 1". io 8" O.C.(TYP.) 6" 8" O.C.(TYP.) REFER TO CHART REFER TO CHART FOR BAR SIZE w r7l FOR BAR SIZE NOTE: THE MINIMUM BAR SIZE SHALL BE #5 BARS � J LU AT 8 CTS.THE CONTRACTOR WILL HAVE THE OPTION co 11m E LEVAT ION SIDE TO INCREASE THIS BAR SIZE AS NEEDED. C r H C3 0 CA m N = H Z ' N LU ENDWALL DIMENSIONS WCL = 0 Uj CL Z - - FT. MINIMUM MIN./MAX. MIN./MAX. MIN./MAX. MIN./MAX. MIN./MAX. I-- �o Z PIPE DIA. BAR SIZE H1(FT.) H2(FT.) D (FT.) W1 W2 W C } 1.0 #5 @ 8" 1.25/2.00 2.00/3.75 1.25/1.75 3.00/3.75 5.50/6.00 0 N = v I a rn 1.25 #5 @ 8" 1.25/2.00 3.00/3.75 1.25/2.00 3.50/3.75 6.50/6.75 Q 0 H m - - - - - - ---- - 1.50 #5 @ 8" 1.25/2.00 3.00/4.25 1.50/2.50 3.50/3.75 6.50/6.75 2.0 #5 @ 8" 1.50/2.50 4.00/4.75 1.75/2.50 4.00/4.25 7.50/8.25C\1T m z D 2.5 #5 @ 8" 2.50/3.50 4.00/6.00 2.00/3.00 4.50/5.50 10.00/11.50 H N LU v CD 3.0 #5 @ 8" 3.00/3.50 5.00/6.00 2.75/3.50 5.25/5.75 11.50/11.75 w Q C'3 0 O ro �Q•� 3.5 #5 @ 8" 3.25/4.50 6.00/6.75 3.25/3.50 6.00/6.75 12.00/13.25 z W � m `�� w CD r l 4.0 #5 @ 8" 3.50/4.50 6.50/7.00 3.25/3.50 6.50/6.75 13.00/13.25 � PLANr+ � 4.5 #5 @ 8 4.00/5.00 6.50/8.50 3.25/4.00 7.00/9.25 13.50/15.75 LL 5.0 #5 @ 8" 4.50/5.00 7.00/8.50 3.25/4.00 7.25/9.25 13.75/15.75 5.5 #5 @ 8" 4.50/5.00 7.50/8.50 3.25/4.00 7.25/9.25 14.00/15.75 6.0 #5 @ 8" 4.50/5.00 7.50/8.50 3.25/4.00 7.75/9.25 14.75/16.75 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET 1 OF 1 838.80 838.80 HEADWALL/ENDWALL DETAIL ARCADIS Infrastructure - Water • Environment • Buildings LEGAL ENTITY: ARCADIS G&M OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 7917 SEALS PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION MARION, INC ax er NORTH COVE WWTP ATLBAXNC.EN01 0 30 OCT 15 401 PERMIT AH NO. DATE ISSUED FOR BY COPYRIGHT: ARCADIS G&M OF 2015 NORTH CAROLINA, INC. DATE: OCTOBER 2015 PROJECT NO.: ATLBAXNC.EN01 FILE NAME: AR -C-03_401 P DESIGNED BY: A. HAGEN DRAWN BY: R. KUNZ CHECKED BY: J. HUGHEY SHEET TITLE SCALE: CIVIL DETAILS NOT TO SCALE AR -C-03 SHEET 9 OF 10 . C V, LEGEND: — — — — LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE / CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT I� —❑ SEDIMENT FENCE ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION ® TREE PRESERVATION / N /F i TD —► TEMPORARY DIVERSION WILLIAMS RICKY N TRUSTEE OF ' CHECK DAM RICKY WILLIAM REVOCABLE TRUST i� NOTES: 1. THE PROPERTY LINE SHOWN ON THE PLANS IS APPROXIMATE. THE DELINEATION AND PROPERTY /� TEMPORARY ACCESS ROAD INFORMATION IS PROVIDED BY MCDOWELL COUNTY GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, GIS & LAND RECORDS DEPARTMENT. / 2. STAKE OUT THE 25 -FT STREAM BUFFER FROM PTS. 1 TO 2 AND PTS. 3 TO 4, CLOCKWISE. INSTALL 48" TALL, / HIGH DENSITY ORANGE POLYETHELENE SAFETY FENCE, WITH T -POST STAKES, 12 -FOOT ON CENTER. / 3. LIMIT TREE REMOVAL AND CLEARING AND GRUBBING TO AS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT OUTFALL. `N / � o 4. PROVIDE SKIMMERS FOR EACH SEDIMENT BASIN PER / DETAIL. 4 13 0- s ( O BAFFLES / SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN "A" cs yy,L , START FENCE REMOVAL AT GATE • i\` i< I / ' \ I /ice140 - , --1 . m- 58 \ ok l � � 1 5 ' GARCADIS infrastructure - Water , Environment - Buildings LEGAL ENTITY: ARCADIS G&M OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. _ CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 7917 o / o \ �o\ Di -3 ---- 2 2 Tp o \o END FENCE REMOVAL �y�\ APPROX. 160' IPM i r 1 O iilpplpp 1 SKIMMER SEDIMENT \ BASIN "B" EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EXISTING CONTOURS AT BAFFLES °`k6�0 O/ SEDIMENT BASIN o / ARE APPROXIMATE � o \ o EMERGENCY SPILLWAY/ YI I 11100, r �I I I / ° o I SEE NOT 3 I I \ I \I I � i I ° / I I I � i I I I I I I I / I I I I I0m 41L ?rwiw I ' r w Nc Di -5 J%1. Di -4 SEALS ❑ \\MARION NC O NORTH COVE WWTP //° I O/ / ATLBAXNC.EN01 ,I I USE EXISTING GRAV A CONSTRUCTION ENT ANC /I / I � I / I I 2 23 OCT 15 NCDENR COMMENTS JH 1 2 OCT 15 CIVIL PACKAGE NO.1 AH I /I 0 18 SEP 15 NCDENR PERMIT JH I I NO. DATE ISSUED FOR BY I � PP I COPYRIGHT: ARCADIS G&M OF 2015 NORTH CAROLINA, INC. DATE: OCTOBER 2015 I O I I I PROJECT NO.: ATLBAXNC.EN01 I y FILE NAME: AR—ES-05 I I I / � DESIGNED BY: A. HAGEN I I / DRAWN BY: R. KUNZ I I 4 1 CHECKED BY: J. HUGHEY i F�000 SHEET TITLE I I � i X00 CIVIL LEGEND: X/ � �// 1 c I•• EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL EXISTING SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 50' AR -ES -05 SHEET 5 OF 10 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. impact number (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or ❑X Other:Trout type Temporary (T) 6g. Buffer Impact Reason for impact Stream name 01 Choose one Choose 02 Choose one Choose 03 Choose one Choose 04 Choose one Choose 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, then complete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Pond ID number Proposed use or Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland purpose of pond (acres) Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated P1 Choose one P2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑X Other:Trout 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer Impact Reason for impact Stream name Buffer Zone 1 Zone 2 number — mitigation impact impact Permanent (P) or required? (square (square Temporary (T) feet) feet) B1 T Sediment basin outlet LIT to North Fork Catawba River No 137 B2 Yes/No B3 - Yes/No B4 - Yes/No B5 - Yes/No B6 - Yes/No 6h. Total Buffer Impacts: 137 61. Comments: The impacts are temporary and the sediment basin will be removed when construction is complete. The area of impact Is a maintained grass field with no woody vegetation. The additional sediment basin was a requirement of NC Division of Land Quality. Page 5 of 10 D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project Even though there are no NCDWR buffer rules for the area, the project was designed to stay outside of 25 foot trout buffer from the top of stream bank except for the pipe outlet structure and culvert replacement. A temporary impact to the trout buffer will result from the outlet to a sediment basin required by NC Division of Land Quality. The length of the driveway culvert being replaced was kept to the minimum required. Demolition of the portions of the existing wastewater treatment plant will allow more water to infiltrate in those areas. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. No tree clearing or building demolition will occur between May 15 and August 15 to avoid potential impacts to the northern long-eared bat. An erosion and sediment control plan will be prepared and implemented during construction. The stream will be dewatered during the driveway culvert replacement to prevent sediment from being released to downstream waters. The new culvert will be buried and the existing concrete apron removed from the stream bed. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes ❑X No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this El Payment to in -lieu fee program project? ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: Type: Choose one Quantity: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type: Choose one Quantity: Type: Choose one Quantity: 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: Choose one 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009