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DWR Project # 2020-1664 V2
Tar-Pamlico River Basin
In Agreement with:
The Roseneath Banking Instrument for
Nutrient Offset Credits Pursuant to the
Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Management Strategy
MARCH 2024
Prepared By:
Restoration Systems, LLC
1101 Haynes St. Suite 211
Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: 919-755-9490
Fax: 919-755-9492
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset and Bank Parcel pg1
Year 2 Monitoring Report – COMMENT RESPONSE MEMO – MARCH 2024
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset and Bank Parcel - DWR Project # 2020-1664 V2
Year 2 Monitoring Report – COMMENT RESPONSE MEMO
Comment 1. No stem height or vigor data is included in this report, despite being required as per the relevant
BPDP Section 5.1 which states "Species Composition, height, and survival rates will be evaluated on an annual
basis by plot". RS needs to submit the missing data in response to this comment. DWR will accept the CVS
Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) datasheets with raw data to meet this requirement. It is not required to
export vigor and height into tables Response: Noted. This data has been added to Appendix B.
Comment 2. The implementation of the supplemental planting is noted. Response: Noted.
Comment 3. Despite this planting, there are still other plots that are failing either density or diversity
requirements, and that number has increased from MY1 to MY2. Some examples of plots newly failing in MY2
are Plots 20, 25, 28, and 29. Is another AMP being considered to address the trajectory of these plots?
Response: An AMP may be considered if early monitoring during MY3 shows a significant area of concern. The
areas around the listed plots will be checked.
Comment 4. The location of the easement encroachment in MY1 is not provided in the monitoring report as
was requested by DWR last year. Even though it was small in area, RS did not indicate if any planted stems
were impacted or replanted, just that the area was outside of any monitoring plot. The location of all
easement encroachments needs to be marked in Figure 2 for all monitoring reports and the impact to any
planted stems clearly stated and documented with photos when discovered. Response: Noted. A MY1CCPV
(Fig 2) showing the location was provided and has been resent via email. No stems were replanted in this area
due to the shallow nature of the encroachment. See photos below.
Comment 5. Additionally, plots failing the density requirement of 260 stems/acre are not specified in Figure
2. Make sure to color code which plots are failing density success criteria in all future monitoring reports.
Response: Noted.
Encroachment found in MY1 Current Condition of Impact Area
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel pg. i
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset and Bank Parcel
DWR Project # 2020-1664 V2
Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Report
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 Parcel Location ................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Parcel Background ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Parcel Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Restoration Activites ........................................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Riparian Area Restoration Activities ......................................................................................... 3
3.2 Parcel Protection ....................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 Mitigation Potential ......................................................................................................................... 5
5.0 Monitoring Protocol & Success Criteria ........................................................................................... 5
5.1 Monitoring Protocol .................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Parcel Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Long Term Management Plan ................................................................................................... 6
6.0 Financial Assurance .......................................................................................................................... 6
7.0 References ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix A: General Figures and Tables
Figure 1 - Parcel Location / Service Area
Figure 2 - Current Conditions Plan View
Table 1 - Project Components and Mitigation Credits
Table 2 - Project Activity and Reporting History
Table 3 - Project Contact
Table 4 - Project Baseline Information and Attributes
Appendix B: MY2 Vegetation Data, CVS Output Tables
Table 5 – Total and Planted Stems Summary Table by Plot and Species
Year 2 Vegetation Data Sheets with Height & Vigor
Table 6 – Temporary Transects
Vegetation Plot Photos 1 – 29
Temporary Transect Plot Photos
Appendix C: Adaptive Management Plan
Bells Bridge Farm Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Page 1
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
1.0 Introduction
Restoration Systems (Sponsor) is pleased to provide the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NC
DWR) this Year 2 Monitoring Report for the Bells Bridge Bank Parcel (Parcel) as agreed upon in the
Roseneath Nutrient Offset Umbrella Banking Instrument (UBI) and Bells Bridge Bank Parcel Development
Package (BPDP), made and entered into on November 29, 2021 by Restoration Systems, LLC, acting as
Bank Sponsor (Sponsor), and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division
of Water Resources (DWR). This document details the riparian area restoration activities, monitoring
efforts, and the final mitigation potential of the Parcel.
Measuring 45.37 acres, the Parcel is designed to provide mitigation credits for unavoidable impacts due
to development within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. NCDWR representatives conducted an onsite
determination for parcel applicability and suitability of Site Features on December 2, 2020. A Site Viability
letter for Buffer & Nutrient Offset was provided by the Division on December 22, 2020 and February 16,
Restoration Systems (RS) was granted a Conservation Easement by the Boyette and White families on
February 2022. The final conservation easement was recorded at the Halifax County Register of Deeds
on April 26th, 2022; Book No. Book No. 2697, Page 158 - 171 and Page 172-190 and the related survey
was recorded at Book 2022 page 4-5 in January of 2022. The easement was assigned to the North
Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation on 5/31/2023; see Book 2734 page 52-71 and page 72-96.
RS began preparation for restoration of the riparian buffer and planted the Parcel in February of 2022.
Riparian buffer restoration activities included ripping/bedding of the parcel with a narrow set plow, bare-
root planting, and broadcast application of a permanent seed mix. On April 6, 2022, Axiom Environmental
installed twenty-nine (29) Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) monitoring plots and collected as-built data.
Year 2 monitoring data was collected by Axiom Environmental in September 2023 (Appendix B).
2.0 Parcel Location
The Parcel is located between Scotland Neck and Hobgood, approximately 1.5 miles east of the town of
Roseneath in Halifax County, NC. The Parcel is within the Tar -Pamlico River Basin 14-digit USGS Cataloging
Unit 03020102070030 of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain (North Carolina Division of Water Quality
[NCDWQ] Sub-basin Number 03-03-04) (Figure 1, Appendix A).
Parcel Location: (36.059133°, -77.421170°)
Directions to Parcel from Raleigh:
- Get on I-440 E from Capital Blvd (2.4 mi)
- Take exit 14 and continue on US-64 E (50.9 mi)
- Take exit 470 for NC-97 E and turn right onto NC-97 E (10.0 mi)
- Turn right onto W Logsboro Rd (3.5 mi)
- Turn left onto NC-33 W (1.6 mi)
- Turn right onto NC-97 E (5.1 mi)
- Turn left onto US-258 N (4.1 mi)
- Turn right onto Bells Bridges Rd and destination is on the left (1.5 mi)
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.059133°, -77.421170°
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Page 2
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
2.1 Parcel Background
The Parcel encompasses 45.37 acres of land over one tract of forested and open historical agricultural
fields. Prior to Parcel development, land use is described as agricultural row crop production including
cotton, corn, and peanuts. The landowners regularly applied fertilizers and herbicides to the fields.
Streams and ditches on the parcel had no existing riparian buffer. Site Features are devoid of woody
vegetation outside of forested areas due to historic and agricultural practices.
The Parcel is comprised of one tract with hydrological features that drain to Deep Creek, a tributary of the
Tar River. There were no existing structures in the project area. There was a soil path along feature Ea and
Eb that was removed during restoration activities.
2.2 Parcel Objectives
The primary goals associated with the restoration of riparian areas within the Bank Parcel focused on
providing ecological and water quality enhancements to the Tar-Pamlico River Basin by restoring the
riparian area to create a functional riparian corridor. Goals were accomplished as outlined in the following
Goal Objective
Decrease nutrient levels
Nutrient input will be decreased by filtering runoff from the
agricultural fields through restored native buffer zones. The off-
site nutrient input will also be absorbed on-site by filtering
flood flows through restored floodplain areas, where flood
flows can disperse through native vegetation.
Decrease sediment input
Sediment from off-site sources will be captured by deposition
on restored floodplain areas where native vegetation will slow
overland flow velocities.
Decrease water temperature and
increase dissolved oxygen
Planted riparian trees will shade the streams as they mature
reducing thermal pollution.
Create appropriate terrestrial
Riparian areas adjacent to ditches and streams will be restored
by planting native vegetation.
Permanently protect the project
Parcel from harmful uses A conservation easement will be recorded on the Parcel.
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Page 3
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
3.0 Restoration Activites
Riparian area restoration involved planting appropriate native tree species along the 200-foot-wide
riparian corridor of streams and hydrologically connected ditches at a density of approximately 680 stems
per acre on 8ft x 8ft spacing. Vegetation management and herbicide applications may be needed over the
first few years of tree establishment in the riparian restoration areas to prevent encroachment of
undesirable species that may out-compete the planted native vegetation. Tree species planted across the
riparian areas of the Parcel included those listed in Table B. Stems were mixed prior to planting to ensure
diversity of bare roots across the planted area. A seed mix including the species listed in Table C was
applied to provide temporary and permanent ground cover for soil stabilization and reduction of sediment
loss during rain events in areas without existing herbaceous cover. Planting took place on March 2, 2022.
Table A – Restoration Plan Activities
Plan Activity Phase Specific Actions
Within the Site' s proposed conservation easements:
- Treatment of Bermuda and fescue grass species within active pasture areas (see
Herbaceous Treatment note above).
- Site-wide discing of agricultural and pasture areas ahead of planting — discing
occurred parallel to the Site Features, promoting floodwater attenuation by
increasing frictional resistance of floodwaters crossing Parcel floodplains.
- Establishment of a native herbaceous community via site -specific seed mix (see
Planting List – Table C)
- Establishment of a native hardwood forest via the planting of bare -root saplings
from the top of bank out a maximum of 2QB' along Parcel Features —Planting List
– Table B
3.1 Riparian Area Restoration Activities
Restoration of the riparian area allows for recolonization and expansion of characteristic species across
the landscape. The riparian areas were restored according to the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A
NCAC 02B .0295. The planting plan for the riparian restoration area included planting 24,800 native bare-
root hardwood saplings across 45.37 acres at a Parcel density of +/- 600 stems per acre and live stakes for
stream bank stabilization where necessary. The planted species composition is intentionally diverse and
while based on these communities, also accounted for local observations and nursery availability.
All species were selected based on their ability for sediment stabilization, rapid growth rate, the ability to
withstand hydraulic forces associated with flood events, suitability to specific soil types, and Parcel
conditions. Tree species were mixed thoroughly before planting to provide a diverse and random plant
across the Site. Planting density is set to ensure sufficient diversity and density of planted stems outlined
in Rule 15A NCAC 02B.0295 of 260 trees per acre at the end of five years. No one tree species will be
greater than 50% of the established stems.
The bare root planting list is provided in Table B followed by the permanent seed mix in Table C. Baseline
data was collected in April 2022 by Axiom Environmental and derived an average planted stem density of
466 stems per acre. Year 2 monitoring data was collected in September 2023 and found an average
planted stem density of 421 stems per acre.
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Page 4
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
Table B – Planting List
Common Name Scientific Name Tree/Shrub* Number of
Species % of
River birch Betula nigra Tree 2,500 10%
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Shrub 1,200 5%
Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Tree 2,500 10%
Green ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Tree 1,200 5%
Yellow poplar Liriodendron tulipifera Tree 2,500 10%
Mulberry Morus rubra Tree 2,500 10%
Black gum Nyssa sylvatica Tree 1,200 5%
Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Tree 1,200 5%
Oak (White) Quercus alba Tree 2,500 10%
Oak (Swamp chestnut) Quercus michauxii Tree 2,500 10%
Oak (Water) Quercus nigra Tree 2,500 10%
American elm Ulmus americana Tree 2,500 10%
Total 12 Species 24,800 100%
Table C – Permanent Seed
Common Name Amount (in
pounds) Common Name Amount (in
Common Yarrow 1.50 Perennial Gaillardia (Blanketflower) 2.50
Winter Bentgrass, 2.50 Narrowleaf Sunflower 2.00
Blue False Indigo 0.50 Oxeye Sunflower 2.50
Plains Coreopsis 2.50 Wild Bergamot 0.50
Lanceleaf Coreopsis 2.50 Deertongue, Tioga 2.50
Cosmos 2.50 Clasping Coneflower 0.50
Rocket Larkspur 1.50 Blackeyed Susan 2.50
Showy Ticktrefoil 2.50 Purpletop 12.50
Purple Coneflower 2.50 Blue Vervain 1.00
Virginia Wildrye, 'Madison' 5.00
Total (pounds) 100.00
3.2 Parcel Protection
Restoration Systems (RS) was granted a Conservation Easement by the Boyette and White families on
February 2022. The final conservation easement was recorded at the Halifax County Register of Deeds
on April 26th, 2022; Book No. Book No. 2697, Page 158 - 171 and Page 172-190 and the related survey
was recorded at Book 2022 page 4-5 in January of 2022. The easement was assigned to the North
Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation on 5/31/2023; see Book 2734 page 52-71 and page 72-96. Survey
corners were marked with T-post and conservation easement signs.
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Page 5
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
4.0 Mitigation Potential
Of the Parcel's 45.37 acres protected under the conservation easement, 1,559,040 square feet are
anticipated provide Nutrient Offset Credits equivalent to 81,308.489 pounds of nitrogen offset credit
and 5,236.895 pounds of phosphorous offset credit. Riparian area restoration, measured from the top of
bank on Parcel streams and ditches, will include at least 50' from the tops of banks and will extend
outward a maximum of 200' from tops of banks and will generate Nutrient Offset Credits that are not
transferable to Riparian Buffer Credit per the approved UBI. Nitrogen and Phosphorous offset credits
will be generated from the project and shown on separate ledgers.
5.0 Monitoring Protocol & Success Criteria
5.1 Monitoring Protocol
Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation at each Phase will monitor plant survival and species
diversity. Quantitative sampling will include twenty-nine (29) permanent 10 x 10-meter vegetation plots
as outlined in the CVS Level 1-2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008) and will
occur no earlier than Fall of each year (Figure 2, Appendix A). Vegetation plot placement will adequately
represent riparian buffer credit and nutrient offset credit areas. A reference photo will be taken from the
origin point of each plot. All planted stems in the plots will be marked with flagging tape and recorded.
Data collected will include species, height, planting type (planted stem and/or volunteer). Total and
planted stem density by plot and species will be reported during monitoring years 0-5 (Table 5, Appendix
B). Individual and average stem height data will be reported during monitoring years 3-5. Monitoring of
the restoration efforts will be performed for five years or until success criteria are fulfilled. Restoration
Systems shall submit to NCDWR annual monitoring reports no later than December 31st of each year.
Each report will document the success of the vegetation and any maintenance, supplemental planting, or
encroachment within the easement areas. Success criteria within the buffer will be based on the survival
of planted species at a density of 260 stems per acre after five years of monitoring.
Year 2 (2023) monitoring occurred September 25-26, 2023. The monitoring efforts resulted in an average
of 421 plant stems per acre across the Site. Twenty-three out of the 29 individual plots met success criteria
(Table 5, Appendix B). Three of the 6 plots not meeting success contain 243 stems per acre, so they were
less than 10%, or 1 stem, shy of the 260 stems per acre performance standard. Additionally, four
temporary transects were measured. All four transect met success criteria with an average density of 395
planted stems per acre (Table 6, Appendix B). In general, trees throughout the site are vigorous. Several
isolated areas of dense herbaceous vegetation demonstrated higher rates of stem mortality, but overall,
the Site is meeting success criteria. Permanent plot and temporary transect locations are depicted on
Figure 2 (Appendix A).
5.2 Parcel Maintenance
If the Parcel or a specific component of the Parcel fails to achieve the success criteria outlined in Section
5.1, adaptive measures will be developed and/ or appropriate remedial actions will be implemented. Site
maintenance will be performed to correct any identified problems on the Parcel that have a high likelihood
of affecting the project success. Such items include, but are not limited to, fire, flooding, drought, or
insects that cause excess tree mortality. Any actions implemented will be designed to achieve the success
criteria and will include a work schedule and updated monitoring criteria. Any parcel maintenance
performed will be included in the monitoring report for that year. A rigorous herbicide schedule may need
to be implemented in the first few years of tree establishment in the restoration areas to prevent the
establishment of invasive species that may out-compete the planted native vegetation. The only
herbicides used on the Parcel will be aquatic approved herbicides that will be applied in accordance with
North Carolina Department of Agriculture rules and regulations.
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Page 6
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
The easement boundary will be checked annually as part of monitoring activities. Easement boundary
conditions and any maintenance performed will be reported in the annual monitoring reports to DWR. If
mowing is deemed necessary by the Sponsor during the monitoring period, the Sponsor must receive
approval from DWR prior to conducting any mowing within Tar-Pamlico Buffer Zones 1 and 2 to ensure
that no buffer violations have occurred.
One area of easement encroachment was observed during Year 1 (2022). The adjacent landowner plowed
a small area within the easement boundary. In response, RS installed additional easement signage in the
area on August 15, 2022. RS has and will continue to work with the landowner to ensure that the
encroachment will not recur. No additional encroachment was observed during Year 2 (2023).
During the as-built site visit on July 6, 2022, it was noted that very few planted stems were observed along
the top-of-bank to a width of 12 to 15 feet in some areas. Additionally, stems with low vigor were observed
within the old roadbed along Feature Ea. In response, RS developed and implemented an adaptive
management plan that involved supplementally planting this area (approximately 0.45 acres).
Supplemental planting areas are depicted on Figure 2 (Appendix A), and details of the adaptive
management plan are included in Appendix C.
5.3 Long Term Management Plan
A permanent conservation easement to preserve all areas and prohibit all use of the property
inconsistent with its use as a nutrient offset and riparian buffer mitigation property, including any
activity that would materially alter the biological integrity of the Site/ Parcel was recorded at the Halifax
County Register of Deeds on 4/26/2022 in Book 2697 Page 158 - 171 and Page 172-190. RS assigned the
conservation easement and its interests in perpetuity to a qualified holder under NC General Statute
("GS") 121- 34 et seq. and 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code on 5/31/2023. The assignment is
recorded in Deed Book 2734 page 52-71 and page 72-96. The holder is the North Carolina Wildlife
Habitat Foundation, which is certified under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and has been
approved by DWR.
6.0 Financial Assurance
RS secured all financial assurances according to the approved UBI. No bond shall be less than $150,000 to
cover the costs of construction and no less than $100,000 initially, to cover monitoring expenses.
Performance bonds for monitoring shall be renewed at least annually to cover the next year’s monitoring
period, with confirmation of renewal provided to DWR with each annual monitoring report when
applicable. DWR reserves the right to alter the credit release schedule if monitoring reports are submitted
without proof of bond renewals when applicable.
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Page 7
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
7.0 References
Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule - 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (Published November 17, 2014)
Lee, M.T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation.
Version 4.2. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem
Enhancement Program. Raleigh, North Carolina.
Schafale, M. P. and Weakley, 2012. A Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Fourth
US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2021. Web Soil Survey (online). Available:
https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm [Accessed June 18, 2021].
US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2021. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, and Candidate Species, Wake
County, North Carolina (online). Available:
https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/wake.html (Accessed July 18, 2021).
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Appendix A: General Figures and Tables
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
Appendix A: General Figures and Tables
Figure 1 - Parcel Location / Service Area
Figure 2 - Current Conditions Plan View
Table 1 - Project Components and Mitigation Credits
Table 2 - Project Activity and Reporting History
Table 3 - Project Contact
Table 4 - Project Baseline Information and Attributes
�C g,,e \-\-,,1 'II
B�n Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esrl, HERE, Dolom,e, lntermap, Increment P Corp., GEBCO,
USGS, FAO, N�S, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster
'\ ._NL, Ordnance Sur-,ey1 Esrl Japan1 ME'Tl, Esr1 China " (Hong"Kong), swlsstopo, fllapmylndla, $ , ¾, i / ••
�h-Holl�c:r .. ..,i"'""
'... �---'" , ......... ..,,,fl , ... 'n. f<f'
:f;I �, t1
�I '
I '
r ',
Q Tar-Pam llco USGS 8-Dlglt HUC Boundary 03020102, Se,vlce Area for Nutrient Ol'!set Credits
U"-ln., "
I I I '
\ \
Prepared foe
Division of Water Resources
401 & Isolated
Wetlands/Waters Program & 401 Stonnwater
Halifax County, NC ,..., _______ __Title:
Drawn by; RJH
Date: JULY 2021
Scale: 1:275,000
Project No .. 2020-1664 v2
Feat ur e Eb
B e ll s B r i d g e R o a d
Feat ur e D
Feature D
Feature Ea
5 4
19 25
0 400 800 1,2 00 1,6 00200
Nutr ient O ff set C red it (NO C)
Nut rien t O ff set Cre dit is cont iguo us f rom TO B, is a m in im um of
50 f t. f r om t he TO B and a m ax im u m of 200 f t. fr om th e TO B.
Dra wn b y:
Da te:
Sca le :
Pro jec t N o.:
Tit le:
Pro jec t:
Pre pa red fo r:
H al ifa x C o un ty, N C
1:5 ,0 0 0
N C D EQ D iv isio n o f Wa te r R es o urc e s
40 1 & Iso la te d Wetla n ds /Wate rs Pr og ra m & 4 01 Sto rm wa ter
20 20 -16 6 4 v 2
Octo be r 20 23
Ima ge ry: 20 2 1 NC On eMa p
Legen d
Bel ls B ridge - C ons ervation Eas ement: 4 5.37 A cres
Be lls Bri dge - S ub ject Fee-S imp le P arce l
Bel ls B ridge - S urve yed Top of B ank
Bel ls B ridge - I nstall ed CV S P lots (2 9 Total)
Year 2 (202 3) Temporary Veg etation Tra nsects
TO B O ffsets
TO B to 50 Feet
TO B to 100 Feet
TO B to 200 Feet
Bell s Br idge - NO C A rea s
No C redi t - Les s Than 50-Feet
Res torati on (TOB - 200 -ft) - N OC
Pres ervat ion (TOB - 2 00-ft) - N o C redit
Table 1: Bells Bridge, 2020-1664 v2, Project Credits
Tar-Pamlico 03020102 Project Area
19.16394 N Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound)
297.54099 P Credit Conversion Ratio lft2/n, undl
(enter NOW Min-Max Buffer Credit Type Location Feature Type Mitigation Activity Feature Name ephemeral or Width(ft)
ditch 1I
Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 0-100 Ea
Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 101-200 Ea
Nutrient Offset Rural No I/ p Restoration 0-100 A, D, and Eb
Nutrient Offset Rural No I/ p Restoration 101-200 A, D, and Eb
Totals (ft2): 1 ! Total Buffer(ft2): f t-Total Nutrient Offset (ft2):
Total Ephemeral Area (ft2 ) for Credit: .. Total Eligible Ephemeral Area (ft2 ):
Enter Preservation Credits Below Total Eligible or Preservation (ft2 ):
Credit Type Location Subject? Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min-Max Buffer
Width (ft) Feature Name
Preservation Area Subtotals (ft2 ):
Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits
Restoration: 0 0.000
Enhancement: 0 0.000
Preservation: 0 0.000
Total Riparian Buffer: 0 0.000
Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits
Nutrient Nitrogen: 80,323.305
Offset: Phosphorus, 1,539,311 5,173.442
Bells Bridge Bank Parcel Development Plan (DWR ID#: 2020-1664 v2)
Tar-Pamlico River Basin 8-Digit HUC: 03020102
Total (Credltable) Convertib le Delivered Delivered lnitlalCredit Final Credit Riparian Buffer Convertible to Total Area (ft2) Area of Buffer %Full Credit to Riparian Nutrient Nutrient
Mitigation (ft 2) Ratio (x:l) Ratio (x:l) Buffer? Credits Nutrient Offset? Offset: N (lbs) Offset: P (lbs)
170,039 1 100% 1.00000 No -Yes 8,872.862 571.481
176,838 1 33% 3.03030 No -Yes 9,227.643 594.332 -- -
480,363 1 100% 1.00000 No -Yes 25,065.983 1,614.443
712,071 1 33% 3.03030 No -Yes 37,156.816 2,393.186 ---
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- -
---= = ---
-- -
-- -
l,S39,311 0.000 80,323.305 S,173.442
0 0 t l,S39,311 N/A
0 0
0 #DIV/0! Ephemeral Reaches as% TABM
0 0.0% Preservation as% TABM
Total (Creditable) lnitlalCredit Final Credit Riparian Total Area (sf) Area for Buffer %Full Credit
Mitigation (ft2) Ratio (x:l) Ratio (x:l) Buffer Credits
0 0
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Appendix A: General Figures and Tables
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History
Activity / Milestone BPDP Proposed Date Actual Date
BPDP Approved NA November 29, 2021
Parcel Protection NA April 26, 2022
Planting February, 2022 February, 2022
As-built Data Collection March, 2022 April 6-7, 2022
Construction Completion Walkthrough NA July 6, 2022
As-built Report Submittal NA September, 2022
MY1 Data Collection NA October 2022
MY1 Report Submittal December 2022 December 2022
MY2 Report Submittal December 2023 December 2023
Year 3-5 Monitoring December 2024 – 2026 On schedule
Table 3: Project Contact
Firm POC & Address
Full Delivery Provider Restoration Systems, LLC
1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211
Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
George Howard and John Preyer
Designer/Permitting: Restoration Systems, LLC
Raymond Holz: 919.755.9490
1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211
Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
Planting Contractor: Restoration Systems, LLC
Josh Merritt: 919.755.9490
1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211
Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
Seeding Contractor: Restoration Systems, LLC
Matthew Harrell: 919.755.9490
1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211
Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
Nursery Stock Suppliers: ArborGen 1.888.888.7158
Baseline Data Collection Axiom Environmental, Inc.
Grant Lewis; 919.215.1693
218 Snow Ave. Raleigh, NC
Vegetation Monitoring: Axiom Environmental, Inc.
Grant Lewis; 919.215.1693
218 Snow Ave. Raleigh, NC
Table 4: Project Baseline Information & Attributes
Project Information
Project Name Bells Bridge
County Halifax
Project Area (acres) 45.37
Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) 36.073328ºN, -77.453896ºW (NAD83/WGS84)
Project Watershed Summary Information
Physiographic Province Inner Coastal Plain
River Basin Tar-Pamlico
USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03020102 USGS Hydrologic Unit14-digit 03020102070030
DWR Sub-basin 03-03-04
Project Drainage Area, Total Outfall (acres) 313
Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious
Area < 5%
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Appendix B: MY2 Vegetation Data, CVS Output Table
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
Appendix B: MY2 Vegetation Data, CVS Output Tables
Table 5 - Total and Planted Stems Summary Table by Plot and Species
Year 2 Vegetation Data Sheets with Height & Vigor
Table 6 – Temporary Transects
Vegetation Plot Photos 1 – 29
Temporary Transect Plot Photos
Table 5. Total Stems by Plot and Species
Project Code 22009. Project Name: Bells Bridge
PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T
Betula nigra river birch Tree 333333 111 222333
Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree
Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 1 1 1 222111 111 333
Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 444
Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 555111 10 2 5111111333
Morus rubra red mulberry Tree 111444 333444333
Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree
Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 111111111444228 18 229
Quercus oak Tree 111 111 333
Quercus alba white oak Tree 222111333 222222444 111
Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 4 4 4 222333333111333
Quercus nigra water oak Tree 5 5 5 111222444
Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1
Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 2 2 2
Ulmus americana American elm Tree 111444 333111333111 333
19 19 19 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 20 12 12 12 9 9 11 13 13 24 14 14 32 15 15 15 12 12 19 7 7 7
769 769 769 445 445 445 445 445 445 405 405 809 486 486 486 364 364 445 526 526 971 567 567 1295 607 607 607 486 486 769 283 283 283
Color for Density
Exceeds requirements by 10% PnoLS = Planted excluding livestakes
Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% P‐all = Planting including livestakes
Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% T = All planted and natural recruits including livestakes
Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% T includes natural recruits
Current Plot Data (MY2 2023)
22009‐01‐0007 22009‐01‐0008 22009‐01‐0009 22009‐01‐0010 22009‐01‐0011
Stem count
size (ares)
size (ACRES)
Species count
Stems per ACRE
Scientific Name Common Name Species Type
22009‐01‐0001 22009‐01‐0002 22009‐01‐0003
22009‐01‐0004 22009‐01‐0005 22009‐01‐0006
Table 5. Total Stems by Plot and Species (continued)
Project Code 22009. Project Name: Bells Bridge
PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T
Betula nigra river birch Tree 111555 111111 444111
Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree
Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 111 111222 111
Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 111444222 111
Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 333222222222111 333444
Morus rubra red mulberry Tree 111
Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree
Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 111111222111111 222
Quercus oak Tree 222 222222
Quercus alba white oak Tree 111
Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 222111444 555 444 222 333
Quercus nigra water oak Tree 333333111222333333222
Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 111
Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 1 1
Ulmus americana American elm Tree 4 4 4 2 2 2
81 81 81 202 202 202 567 567 567 526 526 526 445 445 445 445 445 445 728 728 728 243 243 243 202 202 202 364 364 364 445 445 445
Color for Density
Exceeds requirements by 10% PnoLS = Planted excluding livestakes
Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% P‐all = Planting including livestakes
Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% T = All planted and natural recruits including livestakes
Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% T includes natural recruits
Stem count
size (ares)
size (ACRES)
Species count
Stems per ACRE
22009‐01‐0021 22009‐01‐0022
0.02 0.02
Current Plot Data (MY2 2023)
Scientific Name Common Name Species Type
22009‐01‐0018 22009‐01‐0019 22009‐01‐002022009‐01‐0013 22009‐01‐0014 22009‐01‐0015 22009‐01‐0016 22009‐01‐0017
Table 5. Total Stems by Plot and Species (continued)
Project Code 22009. Project Name: Bells Bridge
PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T PnoLS P‐all T
Betula nigra river birch Tree 333999 222 222414141383838393939
Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree 222999
Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 6 6 6 222444222 272727282828242424
Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 19 19 19 18 18 18 13 13 13
Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 111111111 444555404057393985373737
Morus rubra red mulberry Tree 1 1 1 17 17 17 29 29 29 50 50 50
Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 12 12 12 11 11 11
Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 23 23 54 20 20 85 14 14 14
Quercus oak Tree 222111 333 171717323232656565
Quercus alba white oak Tree 1 1 1 17 17 17 10 10 10 2 2 2
Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 39 39 39 28 28 28 10 10 10
Quercus nigra water oak Tree 2 2 2 31 31 31 26 26 26 27 27 27
Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 222
Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 333
Ulmus americana American elm Tree 22 22 22 23 23 23 33 33 33
526 526 526 445 445 445 243 243 243 405 405 405 445 445 445 243 243 243 283 283 283 421 421 488 426 426 581 466 466 466
Color for Density
Exceeds requirements by 10% PnoLS = Planted excluding livestakes
Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% P‐all = Planting including livestakes
Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% T = All planted and natural recruits including livestakes
Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% T includes natural recruits
Stem count
size (ares)
size (ACRES)
Species count
Stems per ACRE
Current Plot Data (MY2 2023)
Scientific Name Common Name Species Type
Annual Means
MY2 (2023) MY1 (2022) MY0 (2022)22009‐01‐0023 22009‐01‐0024 22009‐01‐0027 22009‐01‐0028 22009‐01‐0029
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Appendix B: MY2 Vegetation Data, CVS Output Table
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
Table 6. Temporary Vegetation Transects
Species Common Name T-1 T-2 T-3 T-4 Year 2
Betula nigra River birch 3 1 3 7
Diospyros virginiana Common persimmon 1 2 2 5
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash 1 1
Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip poplar 1 4 2 7
Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 2 1 3 6
Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak 1 3 2 6
Quercus nigra Water oak 2 2
Quercus spp. Oak 1 1
Ulmus spp. Elm 4 4
Stem Count 11 8 11 9 39
Size (Acres) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.10
Species count 5 6 4 4 9
Stems per acre 445 324 445 364 395
Bells Bridge Site
MY2 (2023) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs
Bells Bridge Site Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data
M2 Monitoring Report – December 2023
Plot 8Plot 7
Plot 1 Plot 2
Plot 3 Plot 4
Plot 5 Plot 6
Bells Bridge Site
MY2 (2023) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs
Bells Bridge Site Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data
M2 Monitoring Report – December 2023
Plot 15
Plot 9 Plot 10
Plot 11 Plot 12
Plot 13 Plot 14
Plot 16
Bells Bridge Site
MY2 (2023) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs
Bells Bridge Site Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data
M2 Monitoring Report – December 2023
Plot 23
Plot 17 Plot 18
Plot 19 Plot 20
Plot 21 Plot 22
Plot 24
Bells Bridge Site
MY2 (2023) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs
Bells Bridge Site Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data
M2 Monitoring Report – December 2023
Plot 25 Plot 26
Plot 27 Plot 28
Plot 29
Bells Bridge Site
MY2 (2023) Vegetation Monitoring Photographs
Bells Bridge Site Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data
M2 Monitoring Report – December 2023
Transect 1 Transect 2
Transect 3 Transect 4
Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Bank Parcel Appendix C: Adaptive Management Plan
MY2 Monitoring Report – MARCH 2024
Appendix C: Adaptive Management Plan
Restoration Systems, LLC
1101 Haynes St. Suite 211
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ph: (919) 755-9490
February 28, 2023 Fx: (919) 755-9492
1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492
TO: Ms. Katie Merritt
Nutrient Offset & Buffer Banking Coordinator
401 & Buffer Permitting Unit
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617
FROM: Barrett Jenkins
RE: DWR #2020-1664v2 / Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Site / Completion of Adaptive Management
Ms. Merritt,
This letter is to notify DEQ of the completion of the Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) for the Bells Bridge
Nutrient Offset Site (Site) (DWR #2020-1664v2) submitted in December 2022. During the as-built site visit
on July 6, 2022, multiple items requiring corrective action were identified, including little to no planted
stems observed along the top-of-bank to a width of 12’-15’ in certain areas, low vigor within the old
roadbed along Feature Ea measuring to be +/-.45 acres, stem flagging within veg plots, and no
conservation easement placards on easement boundaries.
On August 15, 2022, NC Wildlife Habitat Foundation (NCWHF) conservation easement placards were
installed on all surveyed corners. A map is attached highlighting action items, and photos of the work
described are provided below.
On January 9, 2023, RS implemented a replant of seven hundred (700) bare roots within the referenced
roadbed and top-of-bank areas noted during the as-built site visit (Figure 1). Stems were planted on 8’ x
8’ centers, adding an average of six hundred and eighty (680) stems per acre. The species were picked
from the original planting list with minor modifications based on the species’ success.
Planted species were hand mixed into bundles by a professional to ensure proper diversity of planted
material throughout the replanted areas. One RS Project Manager was onsite to guarantee that the overall
quality of the planting would exceed success criteria requirements.
Table 1 details the species and the number of planted stems. Photo documentation is provided on pages
4-5 of the replanting effort.
Table 1: Remedial planting species and number of stems
Common Name Species Number of Stems
Mulberry Morus rubra 300
Sycamore Platanus Occidentalis 400
Total 2 Species 700
Restoration Systems, LLC
DWR #2020-1664v2 / Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Site / Completion of Adaptive Management Plan
Page 2
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 512.230.0424.
Barrett Jenkins
Restoration Systems
1.) Photo Log
2.) Figure 1 – AMP Action Items Overview
Restoration Systems, LLC
DWR #2020-1664v2 / Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Site / Completion of Adaptive Management Plan
Page 3
1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492
Photo 1: All survey corners with a post marked as below. August 15, 2022
Photo 2: All surveyed corners with a post marked as below. August 15, 2022
Restoration Systems, LLC
DWR #2020-1664v2 / Bells Bridge Nutrient Offset Site / Completion of Adaptive Management Plan
Page 4
Photo 3: Planting Top-of-Bank and Old Roadbed adjacent to Feature Ea. January 9, 2023
Photo 4: Top-of-Bank Planting along Feature D. January 9, 2023
Feature Eb
B e ll s B r i d g e R o a d
Feature D
Feature D
Feature Ea
Feature Eb
Roadbed and TOB Planting
TOB Planting
8' x 8' centers
5 4
19 25
Drawn by:
Project No.:
Prepared for:
Halifax County, NC
NC DEQ Division of Water Resources
401 & BufferPermitting Branch
Bells Bridge - Conservation Easement: 45.37 Acres
TOB Planting - Two Planting lines (8' x 8' centers)
Old Roadbed and TOB Planting
Bells Bridge - Subject Fee-Simple Parcel
Bells Bridge - Installed CVS Plots (29 Total)
Bells Bridge - Surveyed Top of Bank
TOB Offsets
TOB to 50 Feet
TOB to 100 Feet
TOB to 200 Feet
0 400 800 1,200 1,600200
2020-1664 v2
CCPV MY1 (2022)AND AMP Action Items Overview
February 2023
Imagery: 2021 NC OneMap