HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01545_Well Construction - GW1_20240312 II- , . .. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD is o c ag . •. ' • rA or bdcnal Use ONLY: Thlamcanbiscdfiinglcttmultipkwells 1.Well Cntrattor Information: • ,CI:WATER ZONES- . . • Scott Hunt, Jr .. . FROM 70 • 10:SC101.110N Welt ContritclorWanw " - ' 16 ft. 28 ft. red an yellow tacky silty clay ft. ft. 4561 . ' AS.',OUTER CASING(fortnitItkintdineffs1 OR LINER Wan Heald& ' - NCWcJI Corttructorartilication Nadler Fitold 70 : . DIAMT.1.ER•' " THICKNESS" 3IATEIHAL SAEDACCO . ,rt... . h.. : in. 1 . . Computy.Nape . ,16."-INNIIR CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed-Innit) • '• • -FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL .. 2,Well tonStructn Perna tri: . - 0 • ft." 13 ft. 2 i.LIL "SCH-40 PVC • ' 40 4711 Waal*welt penult-31k.C'eunry;&Tee.,.Varrairee.Infecticti,err.) • it. ft. I'in:•" 1 '• . 3.Wcil.Use(thoeltWell 054: • - • 17:SCREEN- ' . ... . ... , ' •' Water SimplyWell: - FROM. ., 70 DIAMETER SLOT MEE Tit ICKNISS. I MATERIAL • 13 ft: 28- 'ft: 2 its• '.010 SCH-40 PVC C3Agricultitral 1:11i4tutidipaUPublic ' nGeothennal(Heatingtooling Supply) ClRitsidential Water Supply(single) " Ft. ft. , ClIndustrialtConuitercial OResidential Water Supply(shared) • ..--.:071°uT"16• • -- " _ , ... _ .. _ _ . , UMMI'. .. EMPLACEIHENT METHOD&AMOUNT ElkiiPution . S . - 0 • ft.' 10 .11. portland trimmir . . Non-Water Supply Well:. .• • • h. . 1 111.Monitoring . . , ft _ -jiRecovety • Injection WO: • - . , • • .rt, • ft. • ' :.• .. ' ClArptifer Recharge" Odioundvitticr Reritcdiation" ,IT:'SAND(GRAVELPACIC(if attalicabte)• . • 'FROST •70' MATERIAL EA I PLA CEMENT mrroOti 1;1 Atpiit:CFSI0rdig;ROI RcoFcty 1= alipity Barrier 12 ft.": -28 it. sand ;: 2 . • 13thittlfer Test . 1:1Stominatcr Ihaitiagc I. ft.. - ' :Eioperinicntal Technology ESubsid.en e Co n* i . • i • — ' ' •IltDRILLI?GLOG kisch additonalshoilaf neccuarel ECeothenal(Closed Loop) • :Tracer - . • FROM , .70 - ' DESCRIPTION Imbi..liartInevi,WI:Pick nut.mrain Stithdo.) : . ' " • . LIGtmthetmal(Fleathiatdolin 1: thin a Return) : 0ther(explain under fal Reks) . ° ' -'1' 10 ft. red fill dirt , 10 ft.: 716 It: silty clay red/brown • 4.Date WOO).Completed: 2-21-24 well m M41-13 . • • '16 it,- 28 tt. red/yellow tacky silk-clay • 5a.WrIl[location: ft. it , ; ., • •.. ; i'''.4---4 . - . „,--.- •--.r L.-,, . . , 0 . k k,.....i....a I__;, Ve hmal, 1.-... Walk-On Products ft. '. 1, , . . .FacilityKlierri-Nitrao Facility IDA 6E74011,1W) ' A ' . ft. . - 1170.Chuck.Taylor Lane , Salisbury, NC, 28147 . . .rt.. • ft; - , • .illitrirt;,:',...i2r) ?r7.:-...wn:flg I.J.Fi ' Pkticai AdliF:gs.City.aittlZip• ,,2t. i'/ARKs' , . . ' . 111,.kr.."1."-).‘z •Rowan Bentonite seal from 10-12'. • County , Parcel ItionliticatiOn No,(PIN) • • . • . 5b:I:Minute atitigamgitude in degrocs/rninu MS/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certifitation: , Orwell field,ens Lutleng.isrticicto - , N - • W it, Aritlii.? 2/26/2024 - Sigz a ,Cettii ,.Well Contractor'- .Pale •. . . 6.Is(aril the sell(s):-.X1Permanent. .or 13Temporary .14:*fling ibis feiM,:l hereby eererfy that Mr nellfs)vi-urrivirrei renorilered 111,covorrlancv lei&1M NCAr OZC.0100 or 15A NCAC 02e;0200 Well Corral...redo!Stattdards and sliti a 7.Is this a repair-fa attraistiagINclit- Elites or 110 No ;ropy of Mk recorif hos beers'providrelto rhe livii onaler. • 1101Slio repair:fill oat kruinit ma cm/maim Worm:Ion anti explain the nature of the repair tinder 021 remarks Arciirin any,the bait of thfr Prat. 23.51E4 tlittgram'or additional w011 details: . You may use the back of this page.to provide additional well site detjilior well 8.Number of wells.canstracted: 1 . consItuction details. You may also attach additional'pages if accessaty. For rirnalple Infeeilon or nail- rer supply wells ONLY WM the same construerIon,you con • =tank one prin. . StiBNIITTAL INSTUCTIO 'NS . . • 9.Total well slept!,below laud surface: 28 . (fr) .24a. Fur All Wells:-Sithmil this faint within 30 days of'completion of vell For nuthiple ivelirlisr di depths 4-different(example-30200'orni.2@l(V) constmetion to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casinw, 16 . _ - (ft.) Division of Water Roan ree.s,Information Processing Unit, If water level is'above easing:ale"+" 1617 Mail Scrvice CeUtcr,Raleigh,NC 276994617 . . . 11.Boreimicilianiemr:8,25 7 ' (ill.) 21h.For-bifection Welic ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address hi 24a above,also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction Method!RSA - Cothlructitlii to the folloWing: I (Le:auger miry.cable,direct musk etc.) j ' 'Division af Water Resources,Underground Injection-Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: . 1636 Mail Service Cdtiter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 24e,For Water Supply&Injection Welts: pa,Yield(gpm) - MeRiell of test: ' Also'submit one copy of•this fonts Within 30,days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: _ • Amount: well Consuoition to the county health department of the.counti.whem Constructed. I ' I ' Fenn GW-1 Noah Carolina Dcparnitcat or tiviroonria and Natural Resources-Dleision of Water Rottrrz. Revised AugustlOI3 { ' . .