HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01510_Well Construction - GW1_20240312 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Furrntatiutlt4eONLY: This Cormcn beused for"single sir multiple wills' I Well.Contractar information: , t•ri wATLR'LON ES - Robert Miller MIMI TO DFSCRIPr1UN Welt Coilmeter Nine R. ft. 2675-A ft. ft. ! NCWellConlraclorCcrtifcalitinNtitittcr LSOtiTERCASiNG-Ls. )GR.LINER ft fUl!fable'. FROM m DrAMIETER•, THICKNESS. - MATERIAL.. SAEDACCO n fL 1tL . Coug,my bans: • t6.INNER_CASING OR TUBING(reotheniral clnscdaonll ' • •FROM • TO DLSMETEK THICKNESS MATERIAL - ' . 2,Weil ConstructianPcrarit#:m0100707 'R. . ft. 'ht list all applica6lr mill penults(e.Counts;Stapp:,Yariaaer.fryectie/t etc.)'. •R; ft. in • 3.Wcll.Usc(i harkwell use):• L7.SCREEN ' water supply Well:_ - '- _-- `- . -- - mast. TO .- •DUMF.TEK •St..OTSIZE THIICKNESS. t MATERIAL ❑ttgriculnttal ClMturicipalwPublic ft • . •ft ©Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply), ®Residential Water Supply.(single) • . R° fa_ in. l3lndustrial/Colltniei iat CiResidential Water Supply(shared) :'4oGRH OuT•-To MIATERLAL'' • Iur ACEM1{niTMMELf10D.OANOUNT I Oftigalion . ft. •fL • Nou-Water Supply Well: • - • f]Monitoring • C]Rccovcry : . R,, ft , injection Well: h.` • f1 El Aquifer Recharge . Etlti ioulidaatcr Rentediation Iv SANDIGRAVEL PACK of appileablel` - ' 'FROM' ' •TO' •--MATERIAL . • EMPLACEMENT METHOD ' DAguiferStorige and Rcco►•ety' clSalinity Barrie' R.. . ft. - lAgnifcrTcst - C]Stomm'atcrI3riinagc• • ft. ft. []Rrgirtirttrntal TocHnatogy C]Subsidcnec COM- .10.DIM LING'LOG(attach additional shedstf ncccssanl ' CGeothetinal(Closed Loop) ItITracer FROM TO - DESCRIPTION Ic+nbr,hm]gcd.mUniekll�r.' n w:.Nt t' ElGeodtennat(Fleatiog'Caoline Retuni) : ClOther(explautunder#21 Retoaths) it. ti, ! -.� ...L ;.w . .r• . -ft.• (G t...i.. 11 �. L. • i.Pare Weil(s)Completed: 2/19/24 ,weu m#C-1 .-'•C-5ft: R. . •- M�1n - Sa:Well Locatrnn: .ft. IL:• - In`:r:r%4 a :.v.�,.$N . Former Foothills Service Center - ft, ft, RR .V ,, a �rti! Facility- icncrName. facility lDp&awliable) R.' ft. • i 312 E. Union St.; Morganton; NC, .28655 • . . . . :ft. ft.:-s • • . Piry'areal Address.City. .2l.REMARKS and Zip• Burke • .Injected 120 gallons of Cool-Ox per point; • - Cannh' I!areel tdeulitteatiouNo,(PIN) 15-30' ' Sh.i a.titude ariil I.ongitnde in ilegrecs/minutc&Jsecoads or decimal degniest 22.[edification:. (if nen Staid,one litrlotia is iuffltlkid) - N W � 2/27/2024 Signature ofi.:ir:.r.4A.=,�rx! > ! --- ' Date . . 6.Es(are)the tcell(zi):.I7Pertnanent..or $ITemporat}' • •Ry signing this form..Irereb)'rennfp that thr,nrll(sy win 6 Ire$cvri rntcted Lit wtanlance frith MtiVCAC 02C.Odt7l7 or 114 NCrtC 02 C.0200 Aril Constr ter(on Sraiulards o:nd Am a 7.Is this a repair toan existing'welli l:]Yes or RIND • 'cop-aofdir record,8asSeanproritli'd.m phi!iTilminer. if ihis'Ia a rrpalr.fill pat ATa sit well cvrutnrcrioa htformatiwt and ciplahi the'ware of the rep-airrirderfi21 remark :ircfion stay the bail•of diir form. - 23.Site diagram or additional well details: ' • You may use the back of this page ta,pro►'ideadditional well site detailsor.tell 8.Nutnherof wells constructed: 5 consttuction details. You may also attai:lt additional pages if necessary. • • For milrlple Iri jeetlon or non-norer snppli wells ONLY with die wine cousirurrlou,_'coil can • 4f)1)iNITTAL INSTUCTiONS • saymif'onr forri. � - �. _ _ - 9.Total Well depth hetow land surfacer 30 (ft,) '2da.For All Wells 'Submit this font within 30 days of comptdiort of well For mahrple,cllrl(st ail depotsifdiferent(eroopte-3@200°and2@100) construction to the following; - 10.Static water level below top of casing: {(t,) - Diviriun of Water Resources,Information Paacessing Unit, Ifni level is above casfetn:we"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,R•leig,NC 27699-1617 11.ligrchote diameter,?•5" - (in.) 24h.Par injection Wells ONLY: Iniaddition-to sending the form to the address in .2iaabose.also,submit a copy of this funs within 30 daYs'of completion of well 12.Well eiinsinuction methods DPP - consiiuctitni Lathe following: I :- tte.auger.misty,cable,direct push etc:} 'Division of Water Resources;Underground Injection Control Program: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: -1636 Mall Service Center.Raleigh,NC27699-1636 .13w,Redd(gpm) Method of test:_ - 24c.For-Water Supply&injection Wells: Also submit one copy-of this form within 30„days ofcompletionof ' 13h.Disinfection type: Amount: well constriction to the county health department of the.connh•.whcre constntctcd. FontGN-t North Carolina tkpmtmrmofEmicama-mand Natural Reso owes-Dtvatonof Water Re u'cw -ResvisedAwed:RNA