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GW1--01498_Well Construction - GW1_20240312
- ii WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far Toupin!Use ONLY: ' This farm can be used lot sitigk or multiple wells. 1.Wcl[Contractor Information: . LI:WAIT:R•LON ES Robert Miller',_- - ' FROM ' r TO - '-PESCSIRDON Well Contractor Name • ft.• ft, i 2675-A .ft.. ft. • NCWel1 ConlmctorCcnification Nurdt'er. • =IS:OUTER CASING fforiudll-cisedsd1s)OR-LiNER(if nn ilcabkl:• FROM •TO • ' DIAMETER• THICKNESS- AIAiERtAL•-- - SAEDACCO - f6 IL. lit. Quatrain.[fame I6.-INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal dosed-loop) • -FROM TO ' DIAMETER TUICELNESS MATERIAL 2.Wcit.Construction Pe)mnit it:WI0100704 R. : ft: , .tit. . f.iu oil appiliciible wolf permits fcc.County;Stain;.Variance.liyect cal efr.:i .R,. ft, ; ita 3.Well t se(check well use):- . - • ri.SCREEN Water Supply Weft : • - -- --- - -- FROM.- to .Di%Mr;TSR' SLOT SIZE 1111C1tNMS. MATERIAL, ❑Agricultival ❑Muaieipal Public ft. R, it - ❑Geotheflnal(l3eating'ICooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) ft ft. in. ©ludustiia-ilComntercial ®Residential Water Supply(shad) .Sac GROUT FROM TO . MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT AIETUODSAAIOWT ❑Irrigation . . .fr. ' ft. Woo-Wafer Supply Well:; R. It. , ❑Monitoring -. ❑Recovery. - , Injection Well: ft, • tt. 13AnnifcrRecharge CGGrolundiriter Rentcdinfion t9:sANOIGILAVEL PACK or appliCabter - :;•= -- - 'I.ROM - - 10• MA'rERWr. E1IP1ACEMENT MrTHOn ' 13AguifcrStorLgcand Rccovrty P5alinity 6amcr R. ft. - EIAgriifcrTest- 175tommatcrDraiinagc ft ft.. QRx7tCtipu nfnl T 1LnotPgy ❑SrtbsidctKs C'01Ntpl ,2a;pi{JLLUNG'i:OGranaeli,naditiorftr sticels tf ncccswrvt ' ' • ❑Geotltermal(ClosedLoop) • ❑Tracer • FROM• TO DESCRIPTION Dolan heMn MI,wirmck7l*ntwirl 4te.dr) l7Geodtetival(13eatinetCooliue Return) ❑Other(erplait►under#21 Reoiatls) n rt. 4.Date Well(s)Completed:'2/22/24 ,Well pDff H-1 . ft. • ft. • i•) {��~�'R/" ; }� .'' Sa.Wdl Location: .rt. . rL. ' �- • • .MAR 1 2 .2024 . . Zboyovski Property . . . ft. h, 7r i^��. FadlitylDir•ncrName . Facility iDk(ifapplkable) . . R: ft. • 1nS ,=t;+_^l: y •;. I�... • D'4f`vQii5'. = 146 Smokey. Park.Hwy., Asheville, .NC, 28806 ' . .R. ft. . • Elry'Sical Address City.and Zip i21.REMARKS • Buncombe- • - • Injected 104 gallons of Cool-Ox per boring; CmistY Nivelkica!lifLCanou No,(MN) 20-33' 5b,latitude acid Longitude in de rees/minutcslscconds or decimal degrees: 22.Cettificatian: (If Hell field;9ak l W7olig ir'strlrcknl) N WV , 1 2/28/2024' Siviuuueofs:rra!a!:owrs•,:.:�..Gs•';� manic 6.Is.(are)the wcll(s}r-t7Perinanent .or• 81Teniporat • . By,5ignrnb rlris.jotm.1 hereby certify rLar thgn•ellN ism(ptrmJ cnrtrtructed ln,acrotrlanre iiith I SA NCAC 02C,0100 or ISA NCAC 02d.0200 A'eU Conatrirerion Sraia:fards and that a • 7.Is this a repair to air existing well: DYe-v or 'Ill No rcyirbf riiir recorrl has lh'cn provided ratite urll(+wrier, If;Nils a repair;fill oar k i6sii well c nastnrctlon lnlbmurriwu and a tplaht the rutrare of rho repair rnrd'er621 remarle-erciian or on the hart of the form ' 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back Of this page.to.provide additional well site details or Well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 • . " coustmetioitdetails, You-May also auac[raddilionat pages if necessaly. •For nnilrlple hdecilon or non-water siippWu'tik ONLY with iiic same conatr iflon,yoti a an ' sahwit oneiann. SUBM[TTAi.iNSTUCTIONS. . . 9.Total well depth below hind surface; 33 (ft,) •Iiii. Mir AU Wells: Submit this Toni]within 30 days of completion of well- - Air mathiple. eflrllsrcoOdepthsifd •i'rem((craotple-i@200'atud.20,100) - - constmction.roiltefollowing; '• ' ' 10.Static water level below top of callow • (ft,) Di�•isinn of Water Resorirees,Information Processing Unit, If n!irer kid is of ore casing.ase"+" 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole-diameter:1.5" . (in.) 24b.For iui[ectior;Wells ONLY: Ili addition to sending the form to the address in 24aaboye.also,submit a copy of this fonu within 30 days of.completion of well 12.Well construction method:DPT . coustnidiau to the following: -- (Le:auger.rotary,Cable.direct gushetc.}- Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - - 1636 Mad Scrvlce'Center',Raleigh,NC27609-1636 13a Vicki(>ILm) Method of test: 24C,For Water Supply&Injection Wells: . - Also submit one copy-of this faun within 30•daysofcouipletionof '13h.Disinfection type: Amount: • well construction to the county health department of the.00unly.Wherc consinicted. ' Farm GW-I - Nonli Carolina Depyt)itcm.of Em iionnsuu and Natural Renautres-Diviiioa of Walcr Rrxmr .Remised August 1013 r , i.