HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01495_Well Construction - GW1_20240312 I - WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For internal Use ONLY: I r This formats]be used for single or mullipk wells 1.Well Cant.ictor Information: - 4..IWATERZONFS , Robert Miller FROM I TO P tIIIPt1ON Well Common!.Name ft. It, . 2675-A ft. It. NCWcflCanlmctor Certification Niri,ei '1S.OUTER CASING(for multl-cdsedwcns1GRLtNERRfhptleubld - - FROM I TO • DIAMETER• THICKNESS- MATERIAL. SAEDACCO (1- f(. la. Co mun.game I6.INNER CASING OR TUBING( withortnal dosed-hinny_ •FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Constructiiin Permit tl: WI0100704 ft. ft. ht. listuR applicable well peineirs(ise.County.Mali;Variance.1r)'xo'citetc.) R. ft, is. 3.Welt,Use(cited:well use): t7.SCiti:>:N , -Water Supply Well: -- ---- FROM. TO • DIAMETER SLOT SUE TntCKNESS I MATERIAL • CiAgricultufal . ClMuuicipal/Public ft. R. in. 1 ®Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ©Residential Water Supply(single) ft. R. in, 1 • 0hidusiriallConuuci al ©Residential Water Supply(slimed) RorRQ� 10 MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT\IEi1tOD&AMOUNT Dkrigntion ft. ft. Non-Water Supply Welly R.. rt.❑Rcco\rty' T injection%Yelt:- n. ft. DAquifcrRecharge lit)ioundw:ttcrRenicdiation' r19.SANI!CILtVEL-PACK titalrplkrbtel - IDAgniforStoragean(IRecovery CISalinity Haney ft. 10 1L\'rHRCaI. EMPLACEMENT\rr METHOD R. R. IJAgtiifcr Test t7Stormwatcr Drainage• R. ft. i71 Xperimental Technolog ❑SllltSidCrKC Control •20:IRWLL1NG'LOG(attach additional shectdif accessan•i ClGeorltemtal(Closed Loop) EITtacer, .FROM- TO . DESCRIPTION(eo r.hANaes+;uriTotekO(x.prtin we.Nt} ClGeatteittal(Heating+Cooling Return) DOiher(eNplaitt under A21 Renraiks) -ft. . ft. ft. ft. I. T. 1‘...,.. i , .7''''''' l,..... �)Completed: 2/22/24 A-1 - A-5 r;a,4• t;,,o' 'A I 4.Date Weil(s)s Com teicd. Will 1D(I n. tL r. I" 1....?.f' 54.Well Location: .ft. ft. Mt.'t- 1 2 2024 2boyovski Property ft. ft, Facllity/OtsocrNamc Facility iDk(if applicable) - - la;s4r-, ,1, „ -:g ,. .,,•_ -_ fi.ft. ft.ft. a .t a...y 146 Smokey Park Hwy.,.Asheville, NC, 28806 . Uifrt ��C, , Pit)sical Address City.and Zip '21.REMARKS Buncombe Injected 104 gallons of Cool-Ox per boring; County Parcel lilenti(teation No,(PE') 20-33' 56.1,4tititdc.ariil Longitude in degrres/minutc3/Seconds ar decimal degrees: 22.Cettlfendnn: (if hell field,oat L•W7oug t3'Sidnckall N W 2/28/2024 Sianatu�of',.cc:i.:4r. k'r'_!x_:,<;r::Y �,'^--- Dale G.Is(arc)the well(s):.DPetm utrnt. or XTemlwrary •dy"signing this form.-1 hereby eerrifr dun Mr lrel!fsi was iwerc)cony:raveI br accordance with 1 SA NCAC O2C.0100 or LTA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Corrsrracnorr Standards and kw a 7.Ls this a repair to an costing well: fYcv or i 2No 'rote rhir record loos l'ccrl prorirhd to [till miner. If rh Is.is o ripely;fill ou'U knoiwi Ledl curuvscrloa hrforotrrtion mid espial);the turmre of the repair rader021 remarks secilou or on nco bail;of deer form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page.to provide additional well site details or well 8.Niunlier of wells constructed: 5 construction details, You stay also allaclrudditiotal pages if necessary. For malrlpfe htjeerlon or orm-trnrer.ripply idle ONLY with rut some cmrstrucfurr,you cart - .cubmir one form. SUBNIITTAL iNS')UCTIONS 9.Total well.depth below laud surfice: 33 (ft,) 21a. For All Wells: Submit this-limn within 30 days of completion of well For rntbiplc.'veils lisr off drlultrifdi rut:(erocrpfc-3.200'am-2r3100) construction totltcfollotting; 10.Static water level below tap of casing: • 00 Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If tmhr level is above casing.use••+'• 1017 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Dorchotc-diamcten 1.5" (in,) tab.For infection Weils ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well eonstrttetion method:DPT constmetiou to the following: (i.c:auger.rotary.cable direct rush etc.} Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • 1636 MALI Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13 L Yield(gym) Method of test: 24c,For Water Supply&Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this faint within 30 days of coutpleftoti of 13b.Disinf'eetion type: Amount: well construction to the county healii-4 department or(tic county.where contacted. Form GW-1 Noah Camllna Depar(ment of Enei(anuistu and Natural Resuutecs-Division of Water tmotreea Revised August Yen