HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151191 Ver 1_Application_20151112� ., Transportatian Novembcr 13, 2015 Mr. John Thomas �JS Arrriy Corps of Engineers 3331 Herit�ge Trade Dr. Suite ]�05 Wal�e Forest,lVC 27b15 PAT MeCRORY Couerrrar NICHCILAS J. T�'N�IYSON Secrefary S�IBJECT: Natianwide Pertnit #14 Bridge Na. 5Q on Mt. Vernon Rd {SR 1986) aver U7' to �'ourth Creek (Nai�s Branch]; Class C) WBS project no.: �2335.1.1 (DWQ permit Fee $54Q] Rowan County, NC Dear Mr. Thomas, We are requesting a IVat�onwide 14 permit for z-eplacement of Brid�e T�a. 50 with a�ripie barrel l�ox culvert on Mt, Vernan Roac� [SR 1986] over a UT to Faurth Creek (iVails Bran�h- Glass C} in Rowan County. I have att�ehed a pre-constr�uction nQtificatian application, a topography map with the proj�e�t area circled, a stormwater management plan, No Survey R�quiz-ee� fot°ms fram NCDOT Cultural Resources fc�r Historic Architecture and Archeology, and a mitigation acceptanee letter from Division of Mitigation Services (pMS}. Also attached are the construetion p�ans and the culvert su�vey report. The project witl permanently ir�pact 1301in�ar feet [5�'-cUlvert, 80'-bank stabilizati�n] and temporari�y impact 2� linear feet [dewatering] of the L1T ta the Fc�urth Creek �Nails Branch]. i,ow stream flow will be isolated into one laarrel, with 1' sills and the culvert buried 1' belcaw the stream bed tQ ensure aquatic �assage. The twa outside barrels will have 2' sills and flo�dplain benches constructed at the inlet and o�tlet af the culver�. The law flow barrel will be backfilled with materia� thai is excavated from the strearri tir floadplaiz�, and rnay be suppleniented with rip rap if needed. '�he �rrerflow barrels wil� be backf lled with rip rap or native ber� rnaterial of appropriate size to the sill elevation in order to es�ped�te �he es�ablishn:�ent of a n�tural stream bed. The culvert si�e will be dewatered during cansiructic+n in accordance with NCDQT's Besti Management t�ractices. The USFWS lisis Schweinifiz's sunf�ower [Helianthussehwernrtzft� as endangered and Northern Long-Eare�' bat (NLEB-Myatr"s septen�rior�aiis) as �hreatened for Rowan County. The praje�t area was surveyed ior Schweinit�'s �unf�awer on September 4, 2015 by Axny Euliss, and r�o 5chweinit�'s sunflc��vers were faund. Also, there are no 4rnawn populations nf Schweinitz's sunflower within 1 mile ofth�e project area. Therefore, it was determi�ed that there will be "no effect' on Schwein'r��`s Sunflower. T�ere is sumrrxer roos�ing habitat in the �D�fot�ting Compares'l��._ Statc qf Narth Car�iina � Depaasment of Transpnrtatian � Di��sran 9- Cf)NSTKUCTTON farm o€ trees and the e�sti�g bridge for the NLEB. The bridge was surveyed on March 31, 2015, and no bats ar evidence af �ats were f�und. We detertnined that the praject'May AiFect but is NQt Likely to Ad�ersely Aff€ct' the NLEB, NCDOT has cc�mmit�ed tc� a tree clearing morato�°ium from May 15 to Aug�st 15 of any year to avoid potential disturba�ce to the bat in its surnmer rflosting habitat, The USFWS eoncurred in a letter dated August ZS, 2015. A copy of the Ietter is attachet�. By eo�y of this letter, we also request 40� review and appraval fror� the IVC I�ivision of Water Resaurces wit�t one c�py of the application packa�e provided ta Amy Cha�man, Transportation Permitting Unit Supervisar, and Dave Wanucha, �QT Froject Coordinator. Please charge the application fee a� $a7D to WBS praject no. 42335.1.1. By copy of this letter, we also request Marla Cha�n�ers, NC Wilc�life Resources Comrr�ission, to camrnent airectly to tl�e Corps concerning tl�e �ermit requesr. If you have any t�uesiians, comme�ts or need additianal information after reviewing this material please contact SLeghanie Braqu�t at [33b} 747-7800. Tha�ak you for your cooper�tion in this matt�r. Si cerely, ����� � � Am Euliss Drvision ��nvironmental Offcer, NCDQT Divisian 9 At�achments: Applicatian Package and plans CC: Amy Chapman, NCDEQ-DWR, Transpartati€�n Permitting Unit Supervisar- e-copy Dave Wanucha, NCDEQ-DWR, Environmental Specialist- e-copy Matt ]anes, P.E., �ivision �ridge Program En�ineer- e-copy PhiI Suggs, Division 9 Roadside Bnvironmental Engineer- e-copy Marla Chambers, WRG e-copy Marella Buncick, �SFWS Assheville Field Office, e-eopy IA� o�`�F e�4� �ffIC2 U52 0€1�'�!- `=' �� Corps action 1D na. 1 1 6 � �P" � � i�/� � =:F�--��v I]WQ project r�o. �. _ � __ -_ J � Form Version �.4 .fanuary 2Q09 Pre-Constructian NotificatiQn (PCN) Form A. AppVican# fnfarrnation "�. �rocessing ia. Type(s) of approval sought from #he Corps: ❑X Section 464 Permit ❑ Sectian 10 Permit 1 b. Specify fVatianwide Permit {NWP) raumber: 14 or Gen�raf perrnit (GP) number. 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been �erified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d. Type{s) of approval sought frorn the QWQ (check afl that �pply): X❑ 401 Water Qualiiy Certification — Regular ❑ Non-4p4 Jurisdictional Genera] Permok 0 401 Water Quality Certification � IExpress ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorizatian 1 e. is this notification solely for the recorc! For the record only far �WQ For the record onky far Corps P€:rmit: beeause written approval is nof required? 401 Certifir,ation: ❑ Yes � No � Yes ❑X No 1f. Is p�yment into a mitigat�on P�a�3c or en-lieu fee �rogram praposed for fnitigatoon of impacts? If so, attach th� acc�ptance letter from mitigatian bank [�X Yes � Na or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is th� project located in any af NC's twenty coastal counties. If y�s, answer 9 h � Yes �X PJo below. 1 h. !s the project locatad within a NC DCf� Area of Enviranmental Concem (A�EC)? ❑ Yes 0 IVo 2. Project Informatian 2a. Name of project: Bridge ta culvert repiacement oi Brfdge No. 50 onu N1t Vernon Rd 2b. County: Rowan 2c. Near�st munic�pality 1 t4wn: Woodleaf 2d. Subdi�ision name: NIA 2e. NCDQT only, T.I.P. or state projec# no: 42335.1.1 3. Owner �nfarma�ian 3a. iVame(s) on Recorded Deed: NCD07 Di�is�on 9 3b. C3eed Sook and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Pat Ivery, P.E. Division Engin�er app8ical�le): 3d. Street acldress: 375 Silas Creek Parkway 3e. City, siate, zip: Winst�n-Salem, NC, 271�7 3f. 7eie,phone no.: ?36-7�7-780(} 3g. Fax no.: 336-703-6693 3h. E�raai� address: pivey@ncdoi.gov Page 9 of 10 PGN Farm — Version 1.4 January 2009 4. Applkcan# Information (if different from owner} 4a. Applicar�t i�: ❑ Ageni X❑ Other, speciiy: DEO 4b. Name: Amy Euiiss 4c. Business name NCDO"� �iWisian 9 (af applicab�e): 4d. Street address: 375 5ilas Creek ParKway 4e. City, state, zip: Wins#on-Sal�m, NC, 27'{27 4f. Telephane no.: 336-747-7802 4g. Fax na.: 336-703-6693 4h. Email address: aeuliss a�ncdat.gov or scbraquet a7�ncdot.gov 5. AgentlConsultant Informatian (if applicable} Sa. Name: Sb. Business name (if applicable): �c. Sireet address� 5d. City, stake, zip: 5e. Telephone na.: 5f. Fax na: 5g. Email address: Page 2 af 10 B. Project fnformat[on and �r4or Projec� History 1. �'ro�erty bdentificat�on 1a. !'roperty identificatian no. (tax PIN ar parce! I[]). N/A 1b. Site coordinates {in decimal degrees)� La#itude: ��•7g7 Langitude; -$d�646 ic. Praperty size: Q.75 acres 2. Surtace Waters 2a. Name af nearest body of water to proposed project: L�T �o Fourth Creek {Nails Branch) 2b. Water Quality Classificatipn of nearest receiving water: '� 2c. River basin: Yadkin 3. Project F�escription 3a. Describe the existing conditians on th� site and the general larrd use in the vicinity of the projecl at the time of this application: The existing site is a bridge. 7he &urrounding area is a mix of agricultural, reoreational, and wooded land. 3b. List ihe toiel estimated ecreage Qf all exis#ing wet�ar�ds on the property: 0 3c. List the tatal esfimated [inear feet af a�l existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: 1�D 3d. Explain the purpcsse q# the proposed Rroject: Replace an existing single span bridge with a 3�� 7'x9" RCBC on a i2� degree �kew. 3e. Descritae the averall project ira detail, in�ludireg #he type of equipr�ent to be used: Replacing a t�ridge vurth a culvert. Standard raad building equipment wilR be used. 4. Jurisdictianal Determinations 4a. Have jurosdictional wetland or stream determinations by the 0 yes [X] No ❑ Unknown Corps or State been requested ar obtained for this praperty I ro'ect includin all riar hases in the as#? Comme�ts: 4b. If the Carps rnade the jurisdictional determin�tion, what type � p��liminary ❑ Final af determinafion was made? 4c. li yes, who delineated the jurisdictional a��as? Agency/Consultank Cor�npany: Name (if lcnown): Qther: 4d. If yes, list the dates af the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determin�tiQns and atfach docurrrentation. 5. Project History 5a. �lav�s permits or certi�cations been requested or obtained for �yes X No this p��ject {including a!N prior phases) in the past? ❑ ❑ Unknowr� 5b. If yes, explain in �ietail accarding to °h�lp file" irastructions. 6. Future Praject Plans �a. Is this a phased projeet? ❑ Yes [X] No 6b. !f ye5, sxplain. Page 3 of 1 � PCN Form � V�rsirn 1.4 January 2009 C, i�ro�aosed l�npacts Inventory 1, Impacts Summary 1�. Which sections were completed below for yaur project (check all tha# appEy): ❑ Wetlands �]X 5treams—tributaries ❑ 8uff�rs ❑ �pen Waters ❑ Pond �onstructio� 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts prapased on #he site, then complete #his question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type vf imp�ct �"ype ofwetland Farested Type ofjurisdiction Area of number Corps (404,10} ar impact permanent {P) ar �WC4 (401, other} (acres) Tem ora T 1l111 - Choose one Choose one YeslNo - W2 - Chooss one Chooss ons YeslRlo - �,f3 - Cha�ose one Chaose ona YeslNo - v�q - �haose ane Choose one Yes/No - W5 - Chaose one Choose ane YeslNo - �Jg - Choose one Choose one Y�sINa - 2g. Total Wetland Impacis: 2h. C�mments: 3. Stream impacts If there ar� per�nnial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) prapased on the site, t�en complete this quastion for all stre�rn sites impacted. 3a. �b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact 5tream name Perennial (P�R) or Typ� of Average Impact number intermittent (INT)? jurisdiciian stre�m length Permanent (P) or width {linear Temparary (T) (fieet) '���tD ��j P Culwert �JT Fou�h Creek PER Corps 10 5D S2 P Sta6ilization UT Fourth Creek PER Corps 10 8Q S3 T �ewaiering UT Fourth Creek PER Corps 10 26 S4 - Choose one - S� - Chaose one - $� - Choose one - - 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 950 3i. Cornments: � UT tq Fourth Creek is also called Nails Branch. Page 4 0# 1 D PGN Form — Versian 1.4 January 2009 4. Oper� Water Irnpacts lf there are proposed impacts #v fakes, pflnds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other apen water pf the U.S. then individuall list all o en water im acts belaw. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of wa#erbody impact number {if applicable) Typ� af impact Wateri�ady Area of impact (acres) Permanerst (P} or type Tem ora T �4 - Choose one Choose 02 Cho�rse one Chaase �3 - Choose one Choose 04 - Choose one Ghoose 4f, �otal oper� water impacts 4g. Cammen#s: S. Pond oT Lake Construction If and or lake construction ra osed, then com lete th� chart below. 5a. �b. 5e. 5d. 5e. Pand ID rtumber Proposed use or Wetland Impacts {acres) Stream lmpac#s (feet) Upland purpose af pond (acres) Flooded Filled Exca�ated Floaded Filled ExcavaterJ F'1 Chaose one P2 Choose one 5f. Total: 5g. Comments; �h. is a�am high €�azard permit required? � Yes ❑ Na ff yes, permil ID no: 5i. Expected pond su�faee area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Methoei of cae�struction: 6. Buffer impacts (fpr DWQj I# project vui11 impact a protected riparian bufFer, then camplete the chart below. If yes, then inc[ivid�ally list all buffer impacts belcrw. If an irn acts re uire miti afion, then ou MUST fill aut Section D of this fprm. 6a. Prpject is in which protected basin? ❑�leuse [j 1°ar-Pamlico 0 Catawba � Randleman � Other: 6b. 6c, 6d. 6e. 6f. fig. 8uifer Impact Reason far impac# Stream name Bu�Fer Zone 1 Zane 2 num6er — mitigation im,pact impact Permanent {P} or re uired? Tem ora T q (square (square feet feet Bi - i"BSiNfl 82 - Yesrnlo B3 -- YeslNa B4 - YeslNo 65 - YeslNo B6 - YesFNo 6h. Tokal Buffer 4mpacts: 6i, Comments: h'age � of 10 D. Impact Jt�sti€ieatian a�d Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken ta a�oid or minirnize the propased impacts in designing project. The strearn vrill be isolated to one barrel during rdw flow ihrough installati4n of floodplain benches and silds. This wiil faciliiaie aquatic passage and prevent the stream channel frQm over-widening. The nvertlow pipes will be back fill�d with rip rap or native bed material of a suitable size. 7he culvert slope is 1.p0°!a, so native stream bed material should he retained in ihe cul�ert. Furtherjustification is provided in the stormwaier management plan. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to auaid or minimize the prapased impacts through construetion techniques. Construction runof� has been rninimized by designing the erosian contral plan according to NCDp�'s BMP manual. 2. Com ensato Miii ation for Im acts to Waters of fhe U.S. or Waters af the State 2a. �7oes the project require Gompensafary Mitigation for []X Yes [] No impacts to Waters of the U,S. or Waters af the State? Zb. If yes, mitigation is required by (check al@ that apply): ❑ DWQ (]X Corps � Mitigatian bank 2c. If yes, which mitiga#ion option will be used for this � p�yment to in-lieu fee pragram praject? ❑ Permittee Responsibl� Mitigation 3. Com leie if tlsin a Niiti ation B�nk 3a. Name af Mitigation Bank: Typ�: Choose r�ne Quantity: 3b. Credits F'urchased (attach receipt and letter) iyp�;:'�haose or�e Quantity: Type: Choose ane Q�antity: 3c. Commer�ts: 4. Gom iete if Makdn a Pa ment to In-iieu Fee Pro ram 4a. Approval lefter from in-lieu fee program is attached. ❑X Yes Ab. Stream rnitigation requested: 50 linear feet 4c. If using st�e�m mitigatian, stream temperature: warrt'a 4d. Buffer rnitigation requested (UWQ only): C� square feet 4e. Riparian wetland miiigation requested: 0 acres 4f. fVo�a-riparian wetland mitigatinn requested: � acres 4g. Coastal (tidai) wetla�sd mitigation requested: a acres 4h. Comrner�ts: 5. Compfete if Us�ng a Perrnittee Responsible Mitigakion Pfarr 5a. If using a permittee responsible mi#igation plan, pro�id� a description of the praposed mitigation plan. Page 6 of 10 ('CN Form — Version 1.4 January 2009 6, �Suffer Mitigation {Sta�te Regulated Riparian Buffer Rr�les} — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a pratected riparian buffer th�t requires buffer mitugatian? ❑ Yes ❑X �fo 6b, If y�s, then identify the square f�et of impact io each zone af tF��e riparian buffer that requires mitiga#ion. Calculate the amount af mitigation required. Bc. �id. 6e. Zone �?�asa� for impact Tota! impact Multiplier Requireci mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba} �one 2 1.5 8f. Tatal buffer mitigation required: �g. If buffer mitiga#ion is required, discuss what typ� of rnitigatian is proposed (e.g,, payment to private mitigation �iank, perm�ttee responsi�le riparian buffer restora#ion, payment in#o an appro�ed in-lieu fee fund}, 6h. Comments: Page 7 af 1(3 E. Stormwater Managert�ent ant! Diff�s� Flow Plan (required by f�WQ) 7. Diffuse Flaw Plan 1 a. Does th�e project include pr is ii adjacer�t to protected riparian buffers identifi�d � Yes 0 No within one of #he NC Ri arian Buf�er Protectirsn Rules? 1 b. I� yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. � Yes � No 2. S�kQrmwater Mana errtent Plan 2a. What is t'�e o�erall percent imperviousness of this proj�ct? 2i °10 2b. �oes this ro'ect re uire a Stormwater Mana ement Plan? ❑� Yes � iVo 2c. lf this project �}OES �f�T require a Stormwater N1anagernent Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Flan, then pro�ide a brief, narratiVe description of the plan: Siarmwater managem�nt plan is attached 2e. Who will be responsible far the review of the Storrrawater Management PIan7 DV�1R-TPU 3. CQrtified Loca6 Goverrament Stormwater Review 3a. In which local o�ernrnent°s �urisdictiQn is this ra'ect? ❑ Phase ll 3b. Which of the following IocaEly-implement�;d stormwater management programs ��5� � USMP apply (check all that apply); � Water Supply Wat�rshed ❑ Other: 3c. �as the approved Stormwater Management Plan with psoof of approval been ❑Yes ❑ Na attached'? 4. I]WQ Starrnwaker Pra ram Review �Caastal counties ❑HQW 4a. Which of the fallowing state-implerriented stcarmwater rnanagement pragrams appiy �b�W �check alf that apply): ❑Session Law 2Q06-246 ❑Other: 4b. Has the appraved 5tarmwater Man�gerner�t Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ Na attached'? 5. DWQ 401 Unit Starmwater Review 5a. Qoes tF�e 5tormwater Nlanagement Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑X Yes [] Na 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑X Yes � No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 Jar�uary 20D9 F, Supp�ementary Information 1. Environmerstal �acumentation (DVIfQ Requirement� 1a. Daes the prnject in�olve an expenditure of �7ublic (federal/statellocaf) funds ar the � Yes 0�!o use of public {federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answ�red °yes" to the above, does the project require preparatian of an enuironmenial doc�ment pursuant to ti�e requirements of the Natidnal or 5tate � Yes ❑ No (Norkh Garolina) En�ironmentaf Policy Act (dVEPAJSEPA)? 'Ec. If you answered "yes" Eo the abo�e, has t�e d�cument review been finalized by the 5#ate Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final appro�al 18iter.) A Type II B Programmatic Cat�gorical Ex�clusion (PCE) was prepared and signed by ���S ��� �Qm���#S: FHWA. PCEs are not required to ire submitted to State Clearing Hause 2. VEalations [DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is #he site in violatian of DVIIQ Wetland RuEes (15A NCAC 2hi .D500), lsolaied Wet�a�d fZules (15A NGAC 2H .1300), QWQ Sur�ace Wat�r or W�tiand Standards, �Yes � Na or Riparian 8a�ffer Rufes (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. as #his an after-the-fack �ermi# application? ❑ Yes X❑ No 2c. If you answered "yes" io �ne ar i�o#h of the a'�ove questions, pro�ide an explanati�n af the �ialation(s): 3. Gumufative Impacts (�WQ Requirementj 3a. Will this proteet (based an �ast and reasonably anficipa#ed future impacts} resul# i�r 0 y�s C]X Nc� addi�ianal de�efopmenQ, which could impact r�earby downsiream water quality? 3b. If yau answered "yes" #o the abowe, submit a qualita#ive or �uantitati�e cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ po{icy. ff you answered "na," pra�ide a short narrative description. The project is a bridge ko cuivert project and widl not c�ange access ta adjacent prpperties. 4. Sewage pisposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Ciearly detail fhe ultimate treaiment �ethads and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from N!A �he pr�posed �roject, or a+�ailable c,apacify of the sui�ject facility. Page 9 of '10 PCRI Form — Versio� 1.4 Jan�ary 20(}� 5. E�dangereci Species and Designated Critieal Hataitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project oc:cur in ar near an area with federaliy pratected species or 0 Yes ❑ No hai�itai? 5fa. Ha�e you checked with #he USFWS concerning ERdangered S�ecies Act 0 yes [] Na impacts? 5c. Ifyes, ind�cate the U�FWS Field Offiee you ha�re contacted. Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use ta d�termine whether yau�r site wauld impact �ndangered Specaes or Dssignaied Critical Habotat? US Fish and Wildfife Seruice and E3atural Heritage Data. 5. �ss�ntia! Fish Habitat (Corps Requireme�fi) fia. Will this project occur in or near an area d�signated as essential fish habitat? [] Yes [�X Nca 6b. What data sources c+id you use to determine whether yp�r site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? N!A 7. Hisioric or Prehistoric Cultural Re�snurces (Corps Requirement) 7a. Wif! this project occur in or near an area that th� state, federal or tRbal governments have designated as hauing histaric or cultura] preservatior� � Yes X� No statu� (e.g., Nationa! Historic Trust designation or praperties significant in Nor#h Garoiina history and archaeoa�gy)? 7b. W'hat data sdurces did you use to determine whether your site would impact histaric or archeolog�cal resources? See �ttached cultural reso�rce "no effects' letter. S. Flood Zone Designatian (Gnrps Requirement) 8a. Wdl this project occur in a�EMA-ciesignated 10D-year floadplain? � Yes ❑ I�o 8b. lf yes, explain haw project meets FEMA requirements: The project is in a FEMA limited study. The praject will be a MOA Type IIA. For more information, please refer tp the Culv�rf Suruey Report. 8c. What source(s) dad you use to maice #he flpodplain dekerminatian? NC OnelNap � ' i 1 - ,r�� i�,�� � � ; ' � , �` � ( .� � � . I Da e ApplicarltlAgent's Printed Name lica �ni"� S�gnature � (Ag�nt's signaiure is �alid only if an authonzaGon letter from the a licant is rovided. Page � 0 0� 1 a .r �j , ,` f � � � •�. ! p 4 a.��� 1 rd% ?`Y fe��r� F y. 'F� � f � � � �l� �,� . — — � � ' .' / R� y' r r "�'_ _ a� 1C'�N��� t' {7� � " �y� ��% �.� �� r . . � '1 1 ' �` . i � �' ! y • � ��� (� . � - ; _ �- _ ___ j �'�`� r'./'Y�s -'�'` � r ; "� � �`'-''�• '` �� '- � _, , � r',:.� ' �! �, , � � .�,r � '� . ` �/ `�• _ C:�. � � 6 /�� ✓�.J' � / �-- -r� -,/f _ �� C _���� °�' rL/ C�� �'`��,, ��" Y _ ./ L�' �-- � .. , � l 'r s �� "' ,� � � � + ,� j � ,,• � � ¢�� � �.� ' ,� ,/� � '�; ���_t � � i " � ` !' _ � � /`'�� � i �,,_ :r ' ! �� � ; ` •t • 't, `z x , V " �„�°1 �, '` � �_ �"� ���r r � �r l � �-•� '� i � � �. � � ' � �'� "�► 7,{� �'�- - 'f �� . ,, , r . i I ��, �.''r;s� I - - ,` : k � 'i� � • '.� . � f� , � - - � - - iry . � �,- � � � �, , � . 4 � ,% / � � ' � �--_ ��� . . ��_' � �1�� '� �{ � �� . � - _ , � 1 i 4 i � � � ��, ' � i� -J''� Q ,�'�,,' � � � � i . � � , � � �' . ,� � `� � 0 � " - " -��� � _ � � _ _ ����' � ` , � �+ � { �I � r,"'"' � "'e • l � �� � ,^ �,7`l ,X , �-�`._. , ■ ` ,. �1 ! ��.�� - ��� � �r J�., � r�,� �; . , _ �� , j M_ �� ! ` �� :., �`� � � .. �� . , �v�: � �+ / � � L " . �. / - . 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'�_. �� �� Co ri'ht:02013 National Geo ra hic Societ .i-cub' 4 a � L r + ed a � � �*...� � • � - � �� � p,� 9 9 P Y, ti l. � �/ . 4'�� � r� , � � e � a / _7 .�\ .�`�� .I �.,r � � � , V - '1 L�� Environmental Qualdty PAT MCCR+C�RY ������;�-:; DONALD R. VAN DER VAART 1;_ S "4, Ms. Amy Euliss NCDOT Division 9 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 Dear Ms. Euliss: November 12, 2015 Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: Division 9 Project, TIP B-5160, Replace Bridge on SR 1986 (Mt. Vernon Road) over UT to Fourth Creek, Rowan County; WBS Number 42335.1.1 The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) will provide the compensatory stream mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information supplied by you on November 10, 2015, the impacts are located in CU 03040102 of the Yadkin River basin in the Central Piedmont (CP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Yadkin Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. Ft.) 03040102 Non- Coastal Cp Cold Cool Warm Riparian Ri arian Marsh Zone 1 Zone 2 Impacts � 0 50.0 0 0 0 0 0 (feet/acres) This impact and associated mitigation need were under projected by the NCDOT in the 2015 impact data. DMS will commit to implement sufficient compensatory stream mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Section F3.c.iii of the In-Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from DMS. 8420. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Beth Harmon at 919-707- , r � � �.� s���/l stanfill Management Supervisor cc: Mr. John Thomas, USACE — Raleigh�guxatory Field O�ce Ms. Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT — PD A File: B-5160 — Division 9 !�"Nothing �ompares="-,�. Siate of Noi!h C�rohna Environmental Quality 1GD1 MailServiceC'enter ! Raleigh,NorthCarolina2 7 694-1 601 914 7D7-86qD 1'r•oject 7'rackir�g No, � � �-��-V �� 1 - - - o��y N� ARCHAE�LOGICAL SURVEY �l.E(�UIRED FQRIVI �����' q 7�. �`� ���`� ��' �`]tis fonn only pertains to ARCHAE(OLOGICAL RESOUR�ES for this project. It is not �`� ���� ���� �� f valid far Hiskoric Arcliitecture and Landscapes. You musl consult separately with the ���� _=�r •<,,..�C�� Flisto��ic Arct7�iecture and Landscapes Group. �,.�?�,_�,�� PR.OJECT Il'��'(IRMATI01'�TT P��oject IVo. I�'I�S No: F.�. Nn: B-5160 4�335.1,1 3BRZ-19$b(1} Federcrl �'erjrait Re�uit��d? C'o�rnty.. Docurne�t Rawan MCS Funcling.� � Stat� ❑ Fecleral � Yes � No I'ei•nail Ty�e: NWP14 Project 13e.scr•iJ�tian: Tlriil�rnject��rn�oses to re�nlErce Brrrlge No. SQ, iwJliclr r�rrries �SR198G (tVlorfrrt Ver►1n�i Rd1 nver tVraif.s Brrxe�cfr rir Rn�vnri Cnr�►iry, Nvrlh Grrolr'ita. Ar�cnrrli�tg tr3 rl�e ex�viror�me►atrrl i�r,put rer�rr�st, tlre rr►arlertrrkeirg inv�llves tl�e r�r �rlr�ce replr�ce��re�tt of llie slre�c�tere rala�rg tlte �rrstf►�� ali�erfrr�irl,1lrereby �rrr►�inirtiiar� polefirtiad st�rfrrc� rrtpd srebsr�rfrrce rlis�rrrhrrirces rrt tlir.s lncretfoia. r�i� off srte rfetn�rr rnirte is �eirtieipr�derl. Tl�e rrrelrrreologicrr! �lrerr nf Pnlerplrrr! E,/', fecl.s {fiPE) is ceailererf a�pnja Brirf�e 50 anr! n�errsures 6(10ft r'rr fevrgffr (3f�Of`t frn►ri eaef� hririgs eerrl poi�rt} rrnrl I DG►f1 iti wr'rlTli (51�f� frn►ri ereclJ sirle njtlr� �R 1I (15 ce��ler-litae). SLINdMARI' iDF CL]L'i'[JRAL RF,S(li]RCFS REVIEW Brfef descrfptiarr af review uctivities, resu![s of rev�ew, and can�l�sians: In�tially, permitting and funding inf4rmation was reviewed far determining the level of archaealogi�al input required by state and iederal laws. Bas�d �n the submitted "request for cultural resaurces re�rew" form, the �roject is 6oth fed�rally and state funded w�th Uniterf States Army Cor�s of Engine�rs fetleral permit interacticsn as wePl.. As such, 5eetion 1(76 of the National Historic Preser�ation Act will apply. Next, constructdan design and ather data �nras examined �when applicablej to define thae character ar�d ex#ent of potential impacts to fhe graund surfaces embracing the Bridge Na. 50 �raject lacale. Dnce an APE was �utlined, a map review and sete file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaea�ogy {ClSAj. !Vo previously documented archaealagscal sites ar� docated wiihin or dir�c#ly ad}acent to the project corridor. Histaric structure locations s�ften harbar archaealogicai d�pasits and features related te the farmer occupation af a praperty. An inspec�ior� �f National Register of Historic Places (NRHP}, 5tate Study Lis#ed �SL), LoGal#y Designated (LD}, oetermined �ligible (oEp, and Surveyed Si#e (55} prc�perties emplvying the iVC5F�P0 website evidenced an absence of t#�ese h�s#nric resourc�s within the im�nediate projett ar�a. In additi[an, hlstoric maps of Rawan County were appraised ta further identify former structure locations, land use patterns, or ot#�er canfirrnatian af historic occupatian in the project vieinity. Archaealogicaljhistorical reference materiafs were inspected as well. In ge�eral, the cultural backgrflu�nd review estakalis�ted that no NRHP listed properties, previously recorded arehaeofogical sites, or cemeteries are located within the ARE ar directly �roximai. 8as�d on cu�tural-historical factors, the APE is considered to have a iaw poTentia# far the docurnentation of archaeological resources. Furth�r, topographic, geolagic, and NRC5 sail sur�vey maps {MeC�, ChA, EnC, EnBJ were referenced to e�aluate pedealag}cal, g�amorpholagicad, hycirologica4, and oTher environmental deterrninants that may have resulted in past occupativrr at this lacatiora, Aerial and on-grnund phoiagraphs �NCDDTSpatial �ata Viewerj and the Gaogle 5treet View map application (when amenablej were also exarrrined/utidized far aclditionaP assessment af disturbances, both natural and human induced, wh¢ch cr�rrkpramise the �rotegrity of archaeological sites. EnvirQnrneratad and disturbance factors do not suggest an elevated arc#�aeal�gical sitc potential for the APE. Nn ARC'HAlit?f,U(iY SilliVliY RIi�J[IIRIsU "forn� jor llrire�i•'1'rea�s.sporfarPirri� {'rpjecrs n.r �)rJUlifiNCl rrr rlre 2f1U7 ProgrmPUxniic .?gree�xeral. 1 af2 Project 7'rrrcking No.: Brref Explcrr�atiQn �f w,hy the pv�rilable infarmatian �rovides a reiiable basis fnr repsorrrxbly predicting t,hat there are n[r ernidentifred hist'oric prcrperties in ti�e APE: No documented cultural resources are can#�ined within the current APE limits for #he Bridge No. 5� bridge re{�lacerroent proj�ct i� Rawan County, North Carvlina. Based on so�l & topagraphie data and aerial & grau�nd imagery, residentially altered ground surfaces and rrioderate�y eroded, and saRnewhat poorly drained unrlerlying soil types damina#e the APE. 5ignificant, iratact archaeolagical deposits or featut`es are rrery unlikely to be conkained in the rela#{v�ely campact APE. No €urther consultatian is ad�ocated. A finding of "no a�'chaealogical survey required" is consi�ered a�apropri�te. SUPPf3RT U(7C�L111JJElVTA T!(7N' See attachec�: � Ma�p(s} � Previaus Survey Inf� �] Phc�tocc��y of Cauitty 5uryey Nates F1N�11V+G 8Y NCDO7ARCNAff3L��lST CIARCHAEULC)GY�'U1�Y�'Y1�E UII�'D � Phatos ❑Correspor�d�nce Qther: „Nn AR{'tlAfs()I.QC;Y.tifJl2Yli}'1i1�(J[f11t�iU"jiir+�i fri�-hfitrnl� `I'rrriirpnrrcrrinl� I'rojecrs n.s �Jreulifreil ita rlae 2007 Pr�agrarr�rrrnrrc,4greeraeirr. 2 of 2 �@�t Cool Springs quad fl 1�2.5 32� 650 975 1,3[}0 � B51 fi� Stu�y a�ea F�� u�'�: � 6�51 �(� �r�aje�t Study Area �la� . ���..�,�' En6—Enr�n fine sandy Ivam, 2 to 8 percenx slopes Map Unit Setting • Nrrtional mpp unit symbof: 3Vn1 • Efevation: 2Q� to 1,4t}� feet • Ntean annual preeipitation: 37 to 6� inches • NTe�n arrnuol air �emperature: 59 ta 56 degrees F • Frost free perr'od'.� 2aQ to 24[} days • Farmfar�d [fassification: All areas are prime farmland �r�_- _ .._. �� •- -. -.. �-. L.. �:'.� '.: . . . t�1. •¢���! . .l �., . �.. . � ' ���1�'�•..!� �::�+,��,��„ `� � ,. ia: ' , � ���<��,� � �c �t. ,�`! :'`'� . �:;' ,,: �t ; , � �`. � a.. � 'r., � ;.; � ,. ar��� << ��� � �� Map Unit Composition • Enon and similarsoils: 85 percent • Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Enon Setting • Landform:lnterfluves • Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit • Landform position (three-dimensional): Interfluve • Down-slope shape: Convex • Across-slope shape: Convex • Parent material: Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile • Ap - 0 to 7inches: fine sandy loam • BA - 7 to 10 inches: sandy clay loam • Bt -10 to 27 inches: clay • BC - 27 to 33 inches: clay loam • C- 33 to 80 inches: loa m Properties and qualities • Slope: 2 to 8 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Natural drainage c/ass: Well drained • Runoff class: Medium • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) • Depth to water table: More than 80 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 8.3 inches) EnC—Enon fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • National map unit symbol: 3vn2 • Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F • Frost free period: 200 to 240 days • Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition • Enon and similar soils: 85 percent • Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Enon Setting • Landform: Hillslopes on ridges • Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope • Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope • Down-slope shape: Linear • Across-slope shape: Convex • Parent material: Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile • Ap - 0 to 7 inches: fine sandy loam • BA - 7 to 10 inches: sandy clay loam • et -10 to 27 inches: clay • BC- 27 to 33 inches: clay loam • C- 33 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities • Slope: 8 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Natural drainage class: Well drained • Runoff class: Medium • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) • Depth to water table: More than 80 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available waterstorage in profile: Moderate (about 8.3 inches) ChA—Chewacla loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded Map Unit Setting • National map unit symbol: 3vmx • Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F • Frost free period: 200 to 240 days • Farmland classification: Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Map Unit Composition • Chewacla, frequently flooded, and similarsoils: 85 percent • Minorcomponents: 8 percent • Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Chewacla, Frequently Flooded Setting • Landform: Flood plains • Down-slope shape: Concave • Across-slopeshape: Linear • Parent material: Loamy alluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock Typical profile • A- 0 to 4 inches: loam • Bw1 - 4 to 26 inches: silty clay loam • Bw2 - 26 to 38 inches: loa m • Bw3 - 38 to 60 inches: clay loam • C- 60 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities • Slope: 0 to 2 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Natural drainage class: Somewhat poorly drained • Runoff class: Low • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About 6 to 24 inches • Frequency of flooding: Frequent • Frequency of ponding: None • Available waterstorage in profile: High (about 11.5 inches) MeC2—Mecklenburg clay loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded Map Unit Setting • National map unit symbol: 2m9w1 • Elevation: 200 to 1,400 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 37 to 60 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 66 degrees F • Frost free period: 200 to 240 days • Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition • Mecklenburg, moderately eroded, and similar soils: 85 percent • Minor components: 14 percent • Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Mecklenburg, Moderately Eroded Setting • Landform: Hillslopes on ridges • Landform position (two-dimensionalJ: Backslope • Landform position (three-dimensionalJ: Side slope • Down-slope shape: Linear • Across-slope shape: Convex • Parent material: Saprolite derived from diorite and/or gabbro and/or diabase and/or gneiss Typical profile • Ap - 0 to 7 inches: clay loam • Bt - 7 to 30 inches: clay • BC - 30 to 38 inches: clay loam • C- 38 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities • Slope: 8 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Natural drainage class: Well drained • Runoff class: Medium • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (KsatJ:Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr) • Depth to woter table: More than 80 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Avoilable woterstorage in profile: Moderate (about 8.9 inches) �(��; �---•a.! 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(hrrerr�caf UseJ f ��'� �'Q�p" M�M[)f��l*lI7UM T[J: Drew Jvyrier, Human Environment Seetic�n E������ �� ������ ] 598 Mail Ser�i�e Center, Raleigh, �IC 27699-1598 Send Eiectronic Subrnittais to: PAtracker a�,} �� ATT�I�JTI[]N: Matt 1�4'ilkersan, Archaeolo�y Supervisor Mary PQpe Furr, HistQriG A,rchitect��re & Land � pes i r spr 3 I �� � ! ���� i FitQM: Ar�v Eu�.[ss, Dyr�rstor� 9 r��o DATE: 3l3112015 �� ....�.......... �r��ect N�a: 1rYl�S 1Vr� * *: Ferf. Aid Nn: PR(7.�EC� Ii�F(3FtMATI+pN �3-516(} Cc�ru�rty: 42335.1.1 Docurrze�rt 7' e: 3 B ItZ- I 986(1 } Ftsrtdin�. �I.�'GS Quart Cool Springs P`rnjeet 1Vrrme: Scf� edufe: Praiect Descri�ti�n : RepAace 6��idge nQ. Sa over Nails Branch with box culv . �� / �' � � (r /�o +� �" ��'ra �1 �► �' qr • � l�awan PCE 5tatc � Federal RW 8.14.15, LET 3.23.16 *" Wark cannot beg�n �ntii a charge num6ei- is prt��rsded ttiat can be billed �o by staff isz t�te Hu�n�n Environment ;ect�on. DESIGN IIVF�QRMATIt31�i Froject Len�th: Q.[}7l nailes D�tnrarr []ff-site I�oute: Existi�rg R(3W: 45' Prc�pr�ser,f 6U' RDW: Existi�agX- Varia6le grassed sk�oul�ier Pra,�r�s��f X 6' �;rassed shc��alde.r (includin� � ,s�ctic�n: with wariabl� slope* s�ctinn: uardrail} witE� �ari�ble sla e� Structure ,tv be Bridge ta eulvert Strueture 195C Re laced: B'uil� Date: �clditro�rrrl.�lesi n In ormatir�n: The k�ridge wilf be eeplacecl with the culvet`t on existing alignment, and an off-site detour will be utilized. Additi�nal E�IW and utility easemcnts are propQSed. See �ttached pfai�s for patenti�l easerraents. *typical sectians are attached � r�i'� ������� ..+���.,. -,;} � ,•fi� .�� ProJecl Trae.kr�r�; No, (�nierv;�rl U3e� 1 S�(}4-�{�O 1 I-[IS'T€IRIC ARCHI"I`ECTU��: Ai"'+1D LANDSCAFES NU SURVEY R�QUIRED FC}RM `This #'arm only pertains to Historic Ar�hitecture and Landscapes far this projeck. It is not �alid for Archaealogical Resour�es. You must cansult separately with the Archaeolagy Group. P1t�JECT INFORMATIC3t�I P�ojer� Nn: B-51 G� County: R.owan N'.�3SNo.: 42335.1.1 Uncument FCE � T e: Ferl. Ai�I Na: 3BRZ-198fi(1) F'unrlr`n�: � 5tat+e Federal Fer#�rnl Yes ❑ No Permxt N W 14 Permit s : T e(s : Prv�ect Descri,�tic�r�: Replace Bridge l�o. 5(l oz� S�. 19$fi (Maurat Vernon Ro�d) a�er Nails Branch with �ox culvert. SUMIVIARY QF HIST�RXC ARCHITE+CTilRE A�ill LANDSCAFES REVIEW Descrr�ntian af ►'evrew rretiviti�s. results. anrt conclrrsions.� Re�ie�v caf HP[3 q�iad ����i}�s, Hf'd CiIS inforinatior�, k�istr�ric �[esi�nations ros�er, and indexes was ��r��feriaken on Apt�il 9, 2��5. $asec� ot� this re�iew, tliere ar•e no existing NI�, SL, LU, DG, ar SS �arn�e�-ties in the �Irea of Potetltia� �ffects, which is defined as &i5' frain eacl� e��d of the bri��e ar1c� l OQ' from the centerl�ne ea�ki way. Ap�a���xim�tely 1 G4' southwest nf th� bricige is 880 Mount Ver«nm IRoad, a t�ne-story fr�me fanuse bieilt 1948 based on Rowan Caunty GISITax Infor�natian. Tiie ftouse, wl�ich has an as�t�alt shi�i�le raof'at�d vinyl sic�ing based on strcct view ima�e�y ancl tax inform�kion, is ��nre«iarkable ac�d not eligible for Nt�ti�nal Register listizig. 3�1nrtEi of the bricl�e is 935 anc� 98� Mount Wernc�n Road, both built in the 194Qs. 93S M�unt Vetnon Raaci is a ane-story wernacular frame house with a side �able roof anc] partialiy enclosed front porch. A on� stcary additrar� is located an the soutly ele�ration and eas� elevatiar�. There a�°e seweral frame oufbuildings nn tlie praperty. "I"la� unrernarkable and altered hcr�ise is r�ot cli�tb�e for National Pa��isteo� listirig. 984 �I�u�t Ver��o�i Roac�, �lsa a ane-story frarne hoiise, a��e�rs tn kxave been similar in far�� to 935 Mc�unt Vernon Ra�id. A one-sto�y frarne additiora was aclde�l to tl�e south sidc of tl�c F�ouse a�aci t4ie c��ie-stoi•y porch on the east ele�ation is partialiy enclosed, heavily alterin� the ori�inal tlesign. Th� uitrem�r�able ho�ise ES not eligible for Alation�l Register listin�. B��idge No. 5[l is �iot eligible #ar National Regi�ter listing based an tiie 11�iiCDQT Historic Brid�e Inventary. �li otkier p�•operties �.vithin t��e APE arc over fif`ty years af age. Thea-e are ��a National Re�ister listeci or eligibl� �roperties, and n� survey is reqi�ired. If design p�la�}s cl�ange, acldiiional revie�v will he ��e uired. ___ Wiiy tle,� availabl� i��f�rm�tinn ,�rovirl�s rr relirrhl� brrsr'.r �`nr rerrs�rir�hlv ur�rli_cti��tltrrt tl�ere rrre rra unirle�rti�ed sd�yxr'�cr�nt l�rstari� r�rcl�iFectirral vr l�r,�rlscr�pe reso��rces in tlte nrniect rrre�: H�Q quad rnaps �nd GlS uyfarin3tior� recc�rdi�ig i�1R, SL, LI}, I�E, �n�l SS pr�operties for the Rowa�� Caunty suivey ancl Cao�le Maps are consiciered valid for the p��a•poses c�f defertnini�t� the likelihao� of I�istc�ric resaurces bei��� preseElt. Ttlere are nc� National Regis�er fisteci ar eligible pro�e�-ties within ihe APE and no s�irvey is renuired. Nrafrrric �rchilecfrrr� ar�d f.n��rl+cr+,�es NCl Sl jRV1iY RFs'�7U!l�lif] fr�rerr j�r Airrioi• "I'rnz�spvrrntrwr Prnjerrs rr.s �?reufi�e'fI fal !(�C ZUU� YI'9RTU7717)iRIlf' /��YC[1F7C'iif. Pa�e 1 of 5 SC1PP��'1' U� UMEI�'TATIQI'�i `,�Map�s� ❑�'re�riaus 5ur�ey Info. Phc�tos ❑Correspt�ndence �Design Plans FIl'+iDING g�l' NCDQT AF�CHITECTURAL HIS`I'��t�A�N Historic Architecture and,Landscapes -- N�JJ SURVES�' REQUIRCD 1'�CDt�T Archite�ctural Historian D�te � � fitsrtir°ic .qrcltrrrcrrrre �zrr�f l,urirl sc�npe.r NC) .SllI�YI:Y R!s 1311I1t1s f) fr�rlr� f7r hdrunr 7'rcria.sy�ni �euinr� 1'rajecls as �1xul rftrd i�r liac 1 fN17 YrnKras��rrrrr�c A�reeriie�N. Page 2 r�f S IVfSRTH CARUI.IV 7 UL'•PARTMCNT OP 1 TRAN5PflR7'A'fIf7\" l Tlivrsr�� or• Htc�iwnys t �+ E'ROJECr 17�v��.ophr�n�T & '1?NVII�dNti1Et�lTAE, �1NAI.YSIS f�ItANCiI Iics�vnn� Cau�T� R�;Y�.n[.w: BRioc� 1�[�. 5U �� S�i 1�8G P�IAELS BRe1�'CII B-5164 Figurc 1 �.;� ' - �" y: . - �'r r"�.� '� � R - .� Y I /: .:�Ji �'\ ..�, Ski 1�E - t� y F�,l� �.7 t����i � T �Fti: ` �,���4 t' � � `Ja ,�� } +'' w. r .t �� . 'R � a � - '�z . � _ ..� i .. . , •,� � . ., .� . � : �'� t .�, , ; � . , :�, �,, �. _ � �. � ��t"y .,� F (���{{{ � ;," `;k -�, ,, � j �L a ?�� �. � ��t' S., � ��?�.. `� .� �yh f aY ��� �'� � •� rw �.a#^' lr': Y �' � . ��. 5��/'�, � 4 .. a2} ' ' , �': . .. � • . `� '. �. ! " 1 � �� t� � ' `� . � - . ; � ., y i�'H.;� 'w y '. - e N P{� , � � b' � ,� 1 �r '�`' . f e.f." �. �{ ' i . ['. '� a t ;� '�1 � ` 1 � °4 � , ,�. f; y y,�_ � ,�;. ✓ . � v . i� '�yd„ �•. � : � , t .���0'c �' . ; :�'� � F . �. •�P. ' �1p� ����,. 5� �� fF y. `'fi. _ � , � �,�,, r � { .• : . . 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''�f�` y � � �'7 7 � ur�,� , "w ,l�M�' y, -. :# �e, '. • �. � � t,' � r� : � .. - - � f 1 � �!.. � .* �,%J �� z�y �Y �ri'H -� � !� , i .c �,:"�° ' + . � ♦ � .� �� � � `�t"YMIIfl!*"R';p.� a ��n . � ; ytt �� �,. v '��_" _ .� � �:` r ��.�.1..- e ��.-'� ,: y _ e .,�:•i i ,_ .� , I�I � � �� .� a �r� � ' . ��.�-.Wjs .�.r s7�'. � u� �. �.p:�. ~_�� • I�+�4' ?� p 4T.�:y.`� i , +1�'_ n,� y' : �e �e_ YY� *` "'� �v> 3 ,'�. � 't°:"� !iF t �-' J. t T s� J� . ��� �f 91 �_...1 ' '1 :� t �.:, ,�_4_ 880 Mounf Verno�y Raad, nof cligible fnr IV[2 Iisting, Gnogie Maps Street Vie►v. � 9!3tl Mount Vernvn Road, not cligahlc for N[t listing, Goagle Maps Street View. lfi.sanrrr Arclrileclrer� rrt�d I,vr�elrcrt�ae.s h�'(] Shcl2i7i Y ftli�]Ullif:fi fia�arr fr»� Miitnr T in�a.sp�rrcrliwr 1'rojecrs ns Qual�frcr! rir 11�r 2pf171'r•og��rnrrira7ic r9�reri+refrl. Pa�e � df 5 9$0 M��nt Veritan No�t�l, not eligii�le far fVatio��l Register bisiiug. Gvagie Ma��s 5treet View. llfslnrec .�rdrilec•rrri•c a�artl.mi�l.scaprs NCl S(11�YliY Rl:�)fifl2li7J forn� for A4rrror Trarrspar7aliorr 1'rrfjce'r.s ns �]atalified iu ri�e 2007 7'rr�grcrla�rtrr�rrc Agrceri�ex�. Page 5 af 5 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asl�eville, North Carolina 28801 August 25, 2015 Ms. Amy Euliss Division 9 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 375 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27127 Dear Ms. Euliss: Subject: Endangered Species Concurrence for Potential Impacts to the Northem Long-eared Bat from the Replacement of Bridge No. 50 with a Three Barrel Box Culvert on Mount Vernon Road, Rowan County, North Carolina, TIP No. 5160, WBS No. 42335.1.1. As requested by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) in your letter of July 10, 2015 received August 25, 2015, we have reviewed the natural resources information and biological conclusion with regard to the federally threatened northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) for the subject project. The proposed project includes replacing Bridge No. 50 with a three barrel box culvert. We provide the following comments in accordance with the provisions of section 7 ofthe Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). According to the information provided, no caves or mines were found in the project footprint and within one-half mile of the project and the existing bridge showed no evidence of bat use. Minimal tree clearing will occur as part of project implementation. Based on the negative surveys for wintering habitat and a commitment by the NCDOT to a tree ciitting moratorium between May 15th and August 15t� (of any year) for the subject project, we agree that implementation of this project is "not likely to adversely affect" the NLEB in the project area. In view of this, we believe the requirements under section 7(c) of the Act are fulfilled. However, obligations under section 7 of the Act must be reconsidered i£ (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered, (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review, or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat is determined that may be affected by the identified action. If you have questions about these comments, please contact Ms. Marel1a Buncick of our staff at 828/258-3939, Ext. 237. In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log No. 4-2-15-420. Sincerely, - - origrnal sigfzed - - Janet A. Mizzi Field Supervisor H��hWdy North Carolina Department of Transportation ��� , StO�t'r7]wa��Y Highway Stormwater Program -�� � ,«�<,,�„� �P,, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN �`" °�=�'°`� (Version 2.03; Released October 2015) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 42335.1.1 TIP No.: B-5160 Count ies : Rowan Pa e 1 of 1 General Project Information WBS Element: 42335.1.1 TIP Number: B-5160 Project Type: Brid e Re lacement Date: NCDOT Contact: Bill Elam Contractor / Designer: Michael Kell Address: 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. Address: 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610-4328 Raleigh, NC 27610-4328 Phone: 919.707.6718 Phone: 919.707.6731 Email: belam ncdot. ov Email: mkell ncdot. ov City/Town: Woodleaf, NC Count ies : Rowan River Basin(s): Yadkin-Pee Dee CAMA Count ? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes Project Description Project Length (lin. miles or feet): 0.071 mi. Surrounding Land Use: Rural, Farm Proposed Project Existing Site Project Built-Upon Area (ac.) 0.2 ac. 0.1 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: Two 10' travel lanes with 3' to 6' grassed shoulders and grassed side slopes. Two 7' to 8' travel lanes, 2' to 9' grassed shoulders and grassed side slopes. Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Desi n/Future: Year: Existin : Year: General Project Narrative: B-5160 is a Transportation Improvement Project to replace Bridge #0050 in Rowan County crossing Nails Branch. The existing bridge is a single span timber deck on (Description of Minimization of Water I-Beams, timber caps, posts/sills end bents and timber bulkheads. The new structure will be a 3@ 11'x9' RCBC on 120 degree skew. Minimization and avoidance Quality Impacts) measures incorporated into the design include PSRM used in ditches instead of riprap when possible to provide treatment to the "maximum extent practicable." Best Mgmt. Practices: - Promotion of sheet flow and infiltration with grassed shoulders and side slopes. - Elimination of direct runoff from bridge deck into receiving stream. - Rip-Rap on banks to prevent eroison and provide bank stablization. - Culvert width sized to create a low flow channel in center barrel to match existing width. Waterbody Information Surface Water Body (1): Fourth Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.: 12-108-20b NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Class C Supplemental Classification: Other Stream Classification: Impairments: None Aquatic T&E Species? No Comments: NRTR Stream ID: 12-108-20 Buffer Rules in Effect: N/A Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? No Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? No (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) � � � � ;� E� n v� T _ OI � � � � � �. % � W � C � � n. � o` � �� o <» � n � � E m� o z � c? w�n° �� ��� �'1' �' w�� �� �� �r� ;�:� � O�� -��� o >. >.rfl � C mx�� � � ��.� � � ��� 0 �o � � � .� � V W 0 � � � � � � � � V � � O V � See Sheet i-A Far Index of Sheets See Sheet 9-B For Conventlonal Symbols oErouR �our� GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 `il`il�:� PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) ����� �� ����� �dJ1������ I[����I���� �IF 1I�II�]�� �,��y� ROWA1� . COUI�TY LOCATI011L• REPLACE EXISTI11tG BRIDGE 1110. 50 OVER NAILS BRA11tCH 011I MT. VER11t011t RD. (SR 1986) WITH BOX CULVERT TYPE OF WORK GRADI11tG, DRAl1VAGE, WIDE11tING, BOX CULVERT, AND PAVEME11lT MARKIIVGS TE STATE PROIECT REFERENCE NO. �� B-5160 42335.1.1 x 42335.2.1 x 42335.3.1 x � PE RWiUTILS CONST WETLAN D AN D SU RFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT SITE 1 BEGIN TlP PROJECT B-5/60 —L — POT Sta l0 f50.00 TO COOL '-- SPRINGS RD, _L_ MTe VERIVOIV SR 1986 DESIGN DATA ADT 2015 = 700 ADT 2035 = XXX DHV = X % D = XX % r = x �io * V = 60 MPH * X% TTST + X% DUALS FUNC CLASS = LOCAL SUBREGIONAL TIER ti a � w � / yS 0 .s �s \\ \d i� ,j; �j , �, �� �� PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-5160 = 0.071 MILE LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT B-5160 = 0.009 MILE TOTAL LEIVGTH TIP PROJECT B-5160 = 0.071 MILE �� s�� END TlP PROJECT B-5/60 � —L — POT Sto l4 f25.00 � ----= - � T� NEEDMORE R�° �� ii �i i �� i� i� i � i � i � � � i � �� �, �, Prepored in the Offlce of: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1000 Birch Ridge Dr., Raleigh NC, 27610 2012 STANDARD SPEClFICATlONS RIGHT OF WAY DATE: MATfH_ EW W, JONES� PE.. XX XX� ZO�Jr PROJECT ENGINEER LETTING DATE: W_AL BLANTON, PE,_PLS XX XX, ? O� 6 �'ROJF,CT DF.SIGN ENGINF,ER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER P.E. SIGNATURE: ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER r.s. S/GNA7UxE: PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 5 divC��1�1L1E°J[°lE 1�1L�N� DO NOT USE FOR R6W ACQU[SIT[ON 1P1f8�:1Ldi�I�N.S\I8�" ]fD1LA\N� DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTiON z 0 N i � rn v 7 m v 0 2 � a 3 i o. a� a 2 o� �o u� m Ot C �3 0 0 c � E c 0 .� c w NI H � � w a ? � o O T� C a� x ��� Ed � � � � w � � � � � � DENOTES IMPACTS I N 2 SURFACE WATER ° Z � � �� � , � G� �% / � Q DENOTES TEMPORARY � IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �� . ; -� -. � �� , , �,,� / PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. ILW SHEET NO. :OADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER dIV��1�ff�1L1E ]E 1P1L.�N� DO NOT 1�5E POR d W ACQUISITION WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY WETLAND IMPA TS URFA E WATER IMPACT Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fill in Fill ln in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (tt) (ft) 1 11+63/12+06-L-RT BANK STABLIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 45 10 1 11+g2/12+40-L- CULVERT 0.01 50 1 12+20/12+58-L-LT BANK STABLIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 35 10 TOTALS": 0.03 < 0.01 130 20 0 `Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Total linear stream impacts is 150 ft. (130 ft. permenant, 20 ft. temporaray) � I; . � I �-'--II�J- -- .-� -_ I_�.I ---_ I : . � ' I 1-_�- -- -- - I ---- � -,- I - I-� I - - I' I � ' ' I� ------ - I - I I _ I' j II II ! 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Waterway Opening Below lUOyr. WS EL-----192.1----�.#. Debris Poten#ial: Low ❑ Mcsderate � High ❑ Duta on Structures Up and Down Stream UPSTREAM__2_ LINES_ 103"x71" CMPA 1@60'4"_A�QNG_ CENTERI�INE ----------�-- - PIPE, 1@59`5" ALONG C�%1TERLINE PIPE. Q4`WNS7REAM: C�NFLUENCE WITH FOI,JRTH CREEK_ Gage Station No. --------N�`------------------ Period of Records ---------Na ------ Y� ------------------------ Max. Discharge -------�'-°!--------------- G-f_s Dat� ---------N'j°-`--------------- FrequencY ------�!'4', ---------- Historical Flood Infvrmatic�n: NQ KNOWLEL7GE OF aVERTOPPING SCOTT CORNATZER Period qf Date-----------. Elev---------_ft-Est. Fr�q..-------Yr. Souree R!QWAN__C4._BRI�GE MA�N�ENANC�Knowledge--1$ --yrs. JAMES PFtEVECTE {LO+CA�L ttES1DEIV7) Peri�d of L)ate �/_2D04__ Elev!-f�i7G_2_ft. Est. Freq..------_yr- Sour�e _ 980 M7=V�RN4N _ RD=--------------Knawledge 2@-+_yr�. MT.VLRNON,IVC Allowable HW Elev. . _ _ _ ��'�_�_ i�a!� _EFF._ FEMA T001ir._W5] _ _ _ _ _ {�}, Normal Water Surfcace Elev_ _ _ _�/�ifi4,4_ _ _ _ ft_ FEMA LIMITED Manning's n: L�#t O.B. �_�5-[1_13_ Chann�l,_O.OdS__ Right O.B. 0_��-�,T3 Obtained From __$T�QY--------- Non-Encroachment Flood Study/Status ._f.IMIIF�7__aEEAlL51U.DY_______�_�__�_____________________ Est�ablished? . YE5__ With Without Flr�od Study 100 yr. Discharge __ 17_�S__�c.f.s_; WS Elev_: Nort-•Encroachment b_75.45 �F,Non-�ncroachment_6_74,52ft. @River Station ? I.IESiGN DATA Hydro[ogical Methoc#-----USGS_fLURAL REGRESSION------------------------------------------------------------------ Hydrau�ic Design Method -------HEC-RAS_ 4.1------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desi n Tai�water � lOJ 12.4 9 Q�o ------------ �•% �is --»-Z----�•; QSa---N'4 --_ft-:Qiaa-----------ft•: Q5� ----�'�'--?------ �- , , � � . r s � , � � � . _■-_I-_■��_ �r�r!�r�ir.»n�:r� ����������� _■-�I��■■-_ _■-�1--.■-_ �■��I���■�� Is a �Floodway Revision Required?---NO, MOA_ TYPE_ 2a---- Total Proposed Watr�rway 4pening--_--2_42-------s.f. Outle�Velocity (VTOj ___ _____3_8_______________f,p,s. Natural Channel Velr�city (V'joj ___�___�__2-8�___________f.p.s. Required Outlet Prc�tectic�n _______CLA55 II RIP-RAP ________ __ __________ __ INFORI�4TION TC) BE SHQWN €�N PLANS W5 � ev. Ta en @ River 5fiation 17Q1 Design: Discharge --- 1200 c.f.s, Frequency ----_____?�____�_E_yr. Efev. 67�•� _.fF. FEMA Base Flood: Discharge ----LZ3�----- e.f_s_ Frequency ________ 10U-------Yr_ EEev. -------- G74.4D---------_ft. Overtopping: DiscF�arge ----145d----- c.f.s. Frequency <<_____+/-50------ Yr_ Elev_ -------- G73J----------_ft. @SAG STA. 11 + 96_54 � CULVERT SURiIEY & HYLIRAULIC �ESIGNJ REPORT � �a; a; N. C. DEPARTMENT �F TRANSPORTATION �; D1VI51t3N UF HIGHWAYS ; HYDRAULICS UNfT u; RAL�IGH, N. C, QZ� 0.�� m� � �; I.D. Nn.-----�S1G0 ------ Project No. --------42335.1_�------------. Proj. Station -----12+13-L- ---------------------- Z� Co�unty ------RO'�+VAN------------ Streana ------- �AILS BRANCH a� - --------------------------------------- Stru. No.-- �fl------ �O� m; On HighrvnySR_1986_�Mi_VERNON__RD.p Behween ---- 5R_1984--------- nnd --- Stt_ 10A3------------------------- �� Recommended Structure -----3@ _ li'x9'_RCSC -------------------------- ,�� _ ------------------------------------------- cv� , °� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- �, a� Q; I�ecommended 1Midth ofitoadway--------32'SHED_TO_SHLD•---------------------- Skew ____12D°_._,_,____ ____- �; ; Recommended Cocation is (Up At, Down] Stream from Existir�g Crossing__ � � _ _ , e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LL Sfatewide Tier ❑ Regiona� Tier ❑ SukrRegianal Tier � � a Bench Mark is _�N�#1:_�tR SPIKE_IN_BASE CJF T2"_WALNUT 38'LT. STA.12+54-L-________________________________. ---------t_.___._�__w_��___�____�_ �, ----------------------------------------------------------------- �lev. __67Uw63___,_ft. Datum: ---NAVDS$------_. �; T�m ara Crossin NA_ (OFF _S1TE DE6'OUR�_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P rY 9 ------------- --------__9P�y__�_-___------------------------------ �; � � 1 z � m .o � , � .... ._ .. ;_ ,. _., ,. . � - , , - ;::... . _� . f...:. _.. _ -- - - - - >A� - . - �' � � � s:- ;q� �'� r� . it' .. � . . � r. i C -0 t,ry �' � � �y - - € �YR� �' _ , �i , �1 � � �: �� , ��� � �, ,,, ��,. ,,,�.�� , ' �� oo� I �� .- � �,• ' � �� , �,� �:: - Z " V _ ;;.. I] ?�. ��t. �"`- � `_ ,�'�'��;: a� 'c' .�: �, ^��'� � � �;��� - � �.� '� �`'� o� .a ; i� a ' � + , � " °.' ` Y Q' �� � � � '" w �''r ; ' '�,� � �,w��" �r ,��.� � �€� � M �ql�` : . � ° _ 3. � O y .4w� h, e �.. �� i � _ _ . i K n Z ' � _ _ v _.,.�.. .�._. __.. _ �.___.... .g_,...'�_- -,.�__�.- ---. _.., _— �_.. 'a'4�y�',.. ,�__- > � F L�� _ � � in � � _; � +���i►r��►iiii�i �, .:�.� .�� CARO ���i Z� �,� ��_�,,,.....,,l�,` �•, �; Designed by: _ M.B. KELLX ------------ ,� �-•OFESSIQ�•.9 ��a�, ---------------------� Date --- 7.2015------- ,` �:Q� -9� , � m; �; Assisted by: _C.R.SMITH P.E � - ----•---------------------------------� a� • 029872 ' ' . . � Z� Pro�ect Engineer : C_R. SMITH P_E � t = = � � -----------� �-------------------------- . . . . . . � � � �-.,. GIN .=.�c � Reviewed b . - - - - x -- ,!� 4r'•..... E•'��,�`,�, ---------------------- � Y' - - - ����!�h�� �ut►►!�,i,� ��5 b� C�� �