HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130918 Ver 6_Borrow site near Briarmeade Road for U2525B_20151030 (2)Wanucha, Dave From: Sent: Wanucha, Dave Friday, October 30, 2015 3:21 PM To: Thomson, Nicole J; David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mi) Cc: Parker, Jerry A; Smith, Brian V; michael.wood@threeoaksengineering.com Subject: RE: Borrow site near Briarmeade Road for U2525B Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Hi Nikki, Thanks for th� information. DWR r�quir�s that DOT monitor borrow sit�s to �nsur� complianc� with th�ir �xisting NPDES (NCS000250) and associat�d stormvvat�r p�rmit (NCG 01000) for Construction Activiti�s including, for �xampl�, �rosion control m�asur�s, insp�ctions and r�cordk��ping to list a f�w. Th� r�port m�ntions that much of th� 50° buff�r ar�a for Str�am SA has alr�ady b��n disturb�d du� to highvvay construction (S�ction 5.5). W� vvould �xp�ct that buff�r zon�s b� obs�rv�d for jurisdictional str�ams sinc� this n�w activity (th� �orrow Pit) is subj�ct to th� Jordan Lak� Riparian �uff�r Rul�s (15A NCAC 02�.0267). f�� Rr � '^ ■„ � �^ 11 � s , "� r !�C � i� � * �. :� • � � � �I �� � ��II � . ��, � � �I�� � � � ���� � � � .. � � e . � i� � is a������ �������,��s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ��������,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��������� ��.����� �������:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �:s�����,�. From: Thomson, Nicole J Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 3:25 PM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Parker, Jerry A<jparker@ncdot.gov>; Smith, Brian V<bvsmith@ncdot.gov>; michael.wood@threeoaksengineering.com Subject: Borrow site near Briarmeade Road for U2525B Good afternoon gentlemen. Please see the attached report for another proposed Borrow Site. This is similar to Huffine Mill in that the limits of disturbance for the borrow activities are near to JD streams and a wetland. Please review and let me know your thoughts, or if additional information is required in order to make a decision. Thankyou! Nikki Nicole J. Thomson Division Environmental Supervisor Assistant Division Environmental Office 919-754-7806 Mobile Nithomson2(c�ncdot.qov PO Box 14996 Greensboro, NC 27415-4996 a������ �������,��s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ��������,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��������� ��.����� �������:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �:s�����,�. I rr�7all �:urrc,�l�ui�dci��;e, �C�u ai�d ��rurr�7 �U•ii� �e,i�dcr i� �ul�j��;� �u �C�h•ie, I"J � I�'�"ul�li�; I ta�:ur�:;� I..aw ai�d ir�7ay I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I�artie,�,