HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG080907_SW Permit DOSA_20240126 at. NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Stormwater eReporting Registration Form Directions are in red. Completion of the Storm water Electronic Reporting (eReporting) Registration Form is a required step for the Owner and, if applicable, other User Account(s) to obtain the privilege of submitting electronic reports to DEQ and in lieu of submitting paper reports. In addition, this form allows for Owners to designate Facility Administrator(s) and Submitter(s) who can act on their behalf. Owner and User(s) must agree to the Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) Conditions contained in this form. A. Owner Information The Owner is the legal entity to which/whom a permit has been issued. The Owner may be an individual or organization. Every Owner is required to have a Responsible Official who meets the legal signature authority requirements in 40 CFR 122.22. • For a corporation, this individual shall a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president in charge of a principal business function, or another individual who performs similar functions for the corporation, or the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities who is authorized to make management decisions about the facility operation. • For a partnership or sole proprietorship, this individual shall be a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or • For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency, this individual shall be either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. Owner Name: Greenwood Motor Lines, Inc. Title: Vice President Responsible Official Name: Daniel J. Brake Phone: 800-5430-5589 Does the Responsible Official n Yes n No If Yes, already have an eDMR account? I I User ID: Email Address: dbrake@rlcarriers.com Mailing Address: 600 Gillam Road, attn: Legal Dept City: Wilmington State: OH Zip: 45177 Stormwater Electronic Reporting Registration Form Page 1 B. Permit Information Include all storm water permit currently held by the Owner(both Individual and General permits). Designate any applicable users for each permit. Attach additional pages if you need more space. Permit No. Facility Name Facility Address Name of the User (if applicable) NCG080907 Greenwood Motor Lines, Inc. 3415 Hwy 301 NE,Wilson, NC 27893 NCG080908 Greenwood Motor Lines, Inc. 2360 East 5th Street,Lumberton,NC 28358 NCG080909 Greenwood Motor Lines, Inc. 175 N.Pine Rdg Road,China Grove,NC 28023 Stormwater Electronic Reporting Registration Form Page 2 C. User Account Information Include the following information for all User(s) listed in Part B. Attach additional pages if you need more space. Click on one or more of the two access roles available: Facility Administrator and/or Submitter. • If the user enters data and submits report on behalf of the facility, then the Submitter role should be requested. This role is automatically approved to enter and certify the data. This person must have signatory authority for the permit. • If the user is the person responsible for managing user information for the facility/permit, then the Facility Administrator role should be requested. The Facility Administrator user can be assigned by the Responsible Official or can be assigned at the time of registration by the Stormwater eDMR Administrator. Note: If this person is responsible for submitting eDMR reports, then they must have signatory authority for the permit. User Account Information Permit Number(s) JN0G080907, NCG080908, NCG080909 Request Access Role: Submitter [1 Facility Administrator Name: Daniel J. Brake Title: Vice President Do you already have an eDMR n No Phone: If Yes, Yes 800-543-5589 account? User ID Organization: Greenwood Motor Lines, Inc. Email Address: dbrake@rlcarriers.com Mailing Address: 600 Gillam Road,attn. Legal Dept. City: Wilmington State: OH Zip: 45177 User Account Information Permit Number(s) I Request Access Role: ❑Submitter ['Facility Administrator Name: Title: Environmental Compliance Manager Do you already have an eDMR ❑No If Yes, i—IPhone: account? User ID Organization: Email Address: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: User Account Information Permit Number(s) Request Access Role: nSubmitter ❑Facility Administrator Name: Title: Do you already have an eDMR If Yes, account? ['Yes ❑No User ID Phone: Organization: Email Address: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Stormwater Electronic Reporting Registration Form Page 3 D. Electronic Signature Agreement Conditions To receive and accept the required electronic signature credential, consisting of a User ID and password, issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) in order to sign electronic documents submitted to NCDEQ's Electronic Document Systems and to receive electronic documents from NCDEQ's systems; The Responsible Official and other User Account(s) (if applicable) named in this form do herby: 1. Understand that this Electronic Signature Agreement requires me to submit electronic documents to NCDEQ's approved eDMR system under the authorized program in lieu of paper submissions. 2. Understand that this Electronic Signature Agreement requires me to accept electronic transmissions, in lieu of paper transmissions of all permits, permit modifications, authorizations to construct, and any other correspondence related to reviewing and processing permits from NCDEQ. This authorization will not become effective until NCDEQ establishes a system for processing electronic documents; I am notified in writing from NCDEQ that use of the electronic systems has officially been initiated; and North Carolina rules and statutes are changed to allow the implementation of electronic submittal and acceptance of documents. 3. Understand that this Electronic Signature Agreement requires me to submit electronic all necessary information for processing of NPDES application including information for renewal of existing permits, modification to existing permits, and applications for new discharge permits. The submittals may include all necessary applications and supporting documentation to NCDEQ's approved system for electronic submittals in lieu of paper submissions. This authorization will not become effective until NCDEQ establishes a system for processing electronic documents; I am notified in writing from NCDEQ that use of the electronic systems has officially been initiated; and North Carolina rules and statutes are changed to allow the implementation of electronic submittal and acceptance of documents. 4. Understand that this Electronic Signature Agreement requires me to accept electronic submissions, in lieu of paper submissions, of all Notices of Deficiency, Notices of Violation, Civil Penalty Assessments, and any other correspondence related to compliance with federal and state water quality laws and regulations that might be sent by NCDEQ. This authorization will not become effective until NCDEQ establishes a system for processing electronic documents; I am notified in writing from NCDEQ that use of the electronic systems has officially been initiated; and North Carolina rules and statutes are changed to allow the implementation of electronic submittal and acceptance of documents. 5. Agree to protect both the electronic signature credential, consisting of my User ID and password, and security questions and answers, from compromise and from use by anyone except me. Specifically, I agree to maintain the secrecy of my electronic signature credential and security questions and answers; I will not divulge or delegate my credential or security questions and answers to any other individual; I will not store my credential or security questions and answers in an unprotected location; and I will not allow my electronic signature credential or security questions and answers to be written into computer scripts to achieve automated log-in. 6. Understand and agree that I will be held as legally bound, obligated, and responsible for the use of my electronic signature as I would be using my hand-written signature. 7. Understand that I will be informed through my registered email address whenever my User ID or password has been modified. Stormwater Electronic Reporting Registration Form Page 4 8. Understand that eDMR reports the last date my User ID and password were used immediately after successfully logging into eDMR. 9. Agree to contact the NCDEQ SW-eDMR Administrator via email at SW-eDMR@ncdenr.gov as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours, after suspecting or determining that my User ID and/or password have become lost, stolen or otherwise compromised. 10. Agree that I will review the contents of all electronic submissions prior to submission. 11. Understand that I will automatically receive an email receipt at my registered email address from the NCDEQ's SW-eDMR system for any submission that contains a valid electronic signature, identifying the document received, the signatory, and the date and time of receipt. 12. Agree to contact the NCDEQ SW-eDMR Administrator via email at SW-eDMR@ncdenr.gov if I do not receive an email receipt as specified above within five (5) business days for any electronically signed submission using my credentials. 13. Agree that if I received an email notification for an activity that I do not believe that I performed, I will notify the NCDDEQ SW-eDMR Administrator via email at SW- eDMR@ncdenr.gov as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours, after receipt. 14. Agree to report, within 24 hours of discovery, any evidence of discrepancy between any electronic document I have signed and submitted and what the NCDEQ eDMR has received from me by contacting the NCDEQ SW-eDMR Administrator via email at SW-eDMR@ncdenr.gov. 15. Understand that the NCDEQ eDMR's system will automatically reject any electronic document submitted without a valid electronic signature if such signature is required. 16. Agree to contact the NCDEQ SW-eDMR Administrator via email at SW-eDMR@ncdenr.gov within ten working days if my duties change and I no longer need to interact with eDMR on behalf of my organization. 17. Agree to notify the NCDEQ SW-eDMR Administrator via email at SW-eDMR@ncdenr.gov if I cease to represent the regulated entity specified above as signatory of that organization's electronic submissions as soon as this change in relationship occurs. 18. Understand that the NCDEQ may contact the Organization's Responsible Official, who signs below to authorize me as a signatory for the Owner/Organization, in order to verify my identity. 19. Agree to retain a copy of this signed agreement as long as I continue to represent the regulated entity specified above as signatory of the Organization's electronic submissions. 20. Certify that I have the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Organization identified above, and I am a signatory authorized to represent that Organization, and I am able to sign and submit reports and other information on behalf of that Organization in the capacity required by statute and/or regulation. Stormwater Electronic Reporting Registration Form Page 5 E. Responsible Official Signature The Responsible Official, as identified in accordance with 40 CFR 122.22, is the appropriate individual with the authority to sign and submit reports for the organization. Daniel J.Brake (printed name), have the authority to enter into this Agreement for Greenwood Motor Lines, Inc. (Owner/Organization Name). I request the NCDEQ grant me and, if included in Part B of this form, the named User(s), an electronic signature credential to submit and accept documents electronically on behalf of my organization. I acknowledge that I, and if included in Part B of this form, the named User(s), work at/for my organization and have authority to submit and accept electronic documents and act as a signatory for purposes of the NCDEQ's electronic document systems. By submitting this application, I, Daniel J. Brake (printed name), have read, understand, and accept the terms and conditions of this Electronic Signature Agreement. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant enalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine Laninprisonme . `jj L. Vice President 1 /24/2024 Responsible Offic.al Signature Title Date eDMR User ID Stormwater Electronic Reporting Registration Form Page 6