HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuncombe_Well Abandonment_20240311 I , WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Usdm1LY; This form rah be used for sinete or muliipte swells 1 I.Welt Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS ! - Robert Miller . 7it.Number ofArdis being ahandauchi!5 WeneorlrnelarNona!(orct&IC\YlaYpeuonally.nluntanlaeaeitantaillterprapcny) For ruidnplc. t+fertlar .or mu-water I supply wells ONLY with ate amne r Mtructionvbandoi!eL'ot,lY/N Car submit i aefarrt. 2675-A NC Well CamrtporCcnifirailoti Nnrrbcr - 71r.Appmximatc volume of* t �rneinaining in w ell(s): , . (itL) SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • Co:pan Namc 7e.Type of disinfectant used: i I 1♦Vell Cansttvction Permit 4:, , WI0100704 j List oil spplkkr+ble nrellpertrits(i. Cos ,Star,Variative.brjertian„ek i tJdnu!vn it..luionnt of dliinFectaint'ltsitl: 3.Well use(dieektt•ell use): 1 . . . . . . Water Supply Well: - 7e.Sealing materials-used(cheer;all that apply): E3Agricoltttcat" titrlcinicipalfPubl[o to Nett Cement Grout , F DI 13cntonite Chips of Poppets °Geothermal(Heating/'Cooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) -El Sancl'Centent Gmut ' ! El Dry Clay ❑huhisttial(Comntcrcial °Residential Watcr•Supply-(stared). G ConcteteGrout" • i 1]Drill Cuttings Ohrigation l7 Specialty Gruut -i7 Gravel Ron-Water Supply Well: El Bentonite Shiny 1 °Other(explain under 7g) OMarittoruig. . . • °Recovery i Injection Well: L - • • 7f.For each Material selected above,provide amount of materials used: o Aquifer Recharge DGruttitdnnter Remedintinn , I °Aquifer Storage and Recovery ,°Salinity Barrier • °Aquifer Test OSlomnxaterDrairiage Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. • OEpperintental Technology °Subsidence Cottml 7g.provide a bricfdcscription of the abandonment procedure: °Geotitennal(Closed Loop) °Tracer Pulled,tooling-and abandoned boreholes w/ granular °Geothermal(Heaunn/Cooling Return) C]Other(explain under 7g) •bentonite. I 4.Datesscll(s).abandoncd: 2/28/24 _ 4;' r '�` ' 5a.•Welllocation: ; 1 M,11n 70Z4 Zboyovski Property . .8.Calla-Muni; Facility/OwnerNnoc FacilnylDM(ifupplicable) lniZ;;;Y3b:i: 1 ?r-. 196 Smokey Park Hwy. Asheville, NC 28806 ,/j�J" j Qi�r"3' a 2/28/2024 Phi•sleat Address.City.and Zip' Sierrah:f.0:'•"re.'.s::'*g::ti'%;;!,St, 'S4:v rx:r . .Dale Buncombe . - Br signing Mix lanai 1 hereby certify that the waifs)Hex Owe)abandoned in County Psi 1 ldcritifie it!ai Na.(PIN raccvrrlrntce with l i;1 NCAC 02C.Ol(l9 or 2C.0200 1Ve41`Co tstrttclion Standards ' 'and that a copy ofthis record has been provided(o Jie well owner. SU;I,ltilttdc and longitude in de grceshntirtutesdseconds or dormer tl1degreesi i, ' (ifnclt fold,one btflung is snrtllcier>t) 9.Site diagram or additional well denitls: You tuay use the back of this"page to:provide additional isiell site details or well N W .atbandonmentdetails. You may also attach additional pages if necessary_ • CONSTRliION DETAii S ON WE BEING ABANDONED ;SUBMITTAL ; f'P , .afar nrctl,romirnotiort tear-dfs)If ovth1abdd. Fur naiTpie infra-flare-or rw,j.lsrrlu•apply - - i uxllsONLY u-lJi tlruminige rnstnirtwre4armrrloyrural,iron or ntbmlr one firm. Ina, For All Wells: Submit this foist avithin 30 days of completion of ell 6a.Well ID :B-1 - B-5 abaandoiuucnt to the following: . 1 I - • Division of Water Resaur ,l ees Information-Pracessing Unit, (D.) -,1617 Mail Service Cetirce Ralet li NC 276r99-1617 6b..Total well depth: 33 ' • 10b.Fnr.Tnleclien Wells: In addition to;sending the form to the address to Ella fc.Barcholc diantetcr:l•5 (in.) above,also.submit one copy of this fount within 30 days of completion of bell 'abandormteut to the following: i I 1. fid.Water level below ground surface: (ftJ Division of Water RControl-Program.erground injection Control-Program. 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Ge Outer easing dlmrrsvn); • (ft) 18c For Water Sootily.0 infection Wells: In addition to.sending the form to g length( Hie addresses) above, also submit one copy of-this foot within 30 days of • cotnptctiou-of well abandonment to the'.county health departntcrd of the eontr(y 6f.Inner easing/tubing length if Imown° where abandoned. 4 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) Fans GW-3o Non Carotins Demo:mi i ofEnvironment nib Niuurat Renounces—Division of Rimer lteso scaei ! Revised August 2013 ' , i II WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD 'For!ro m l:Use ONLY; 'I . This brim can be used for-single or multiple wells" 1.Well•Contractor inl'orgiation; • WILL ABANDONMENT DETAILS' Robert Miller . . 7a.Number rif wells being ahandraneldJ ' Welt Cot rac/orNanie or fate to r rsonam ablintanino„ell anbkikr r cn For multiple. li fcetlwr or rota-:rtrtcf !supply. wells ONLY uOh the .awre ( 1> y' P°p•-51 canter terinn•'abaar, sent,iva carsntwuurfform, 2675-A I" 71).Approximate volume of watt.remaining in ivell(s): .)(Rat NC WellConlracierCenlfrcattouNmiter . . SAEDACCO FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Company Name " 7e.Type of disinfectant used: I 2.Well Construction Pcrtitlt if:, , W10100704 , Lis!01 applleafrle well perarits fie.Coat*Stara,Yur&emit lufeetion,-olc:-1 IIfbawl - lit.Amount of dislnfect:nit us 41: • 3.Well use(cheek well use): Water Supply Well: 7c.Sealing mutetials_used(cheek all that apply); lJAgrfenititilt[ l7Mtinicipal/Public• l 1 Ncat Ccrucnt.Grout • ! via Bentonite Chips or Pellets 17Gcotkcnnal(Hcating/Cnoling Supply) Dltesidentihl Water-Supply(single) ❑Sand Cement Gmut I ❑Thy Clay ❑htdristrial/Commercial- ❑Residential 1Vntcr Supply-(sliaued) ❑Concrete Grout ❑Drill Culiinps • ❑iIdeation ❑Specialty Grout 1 O Gravel Non-Water Supply Weil; - ❑HentouiteSluny° . : ❑Other(explain under 7g) ❑Monitoring ORecovery , . • 1 Injection Well: - • • • 7f.For each material selected above.provide amount of.Materials used: ❑AquiferRecliarge . EIGniuinitt;iler•Rentedfaaion DAquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Agurfer Test ❑SlonmeaterDrahiage Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. I ❑Evpa riuleWul Tochuotagv- OSubsidetxe Control •7g.Provide a brief-description Of thelabandnument procedure: • OGeothermat(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer 1 Pulled tooling and abandoned boreholes w/ granular ®Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) Maier(explainunder 7g1 bentonite. •y I'4{_`E .M-•"�3�0� - •4.Datewcll(s).abandoncd:2/28/24 I: Li 5a.Well location: Zboyovski Property tiapi-l17?,,om;Pr^,c.up ryas!f.1rrsi 8.Certification; f D ' tev ¢. .4 Facility/Owner Rams Fxfttty MM.Orappliwbic) -3 146 Smokey. Park Hwy. Asheville, NC 28806 ,/�� II 2/28/2024 • •Physical Address.City,and Zip Shelf:(c of:.,r %t:' ;ii��; (.w... d:+„+a wr , Oslo 1 Buncombe • 11y signing!Iris farm, 1 hereby cerlijy'that the wed(s)was(were)abandoned in County Parcel tdcrillfiaidtru No.(P111j accordance with LTA.h:CAC 02C,010.0.or 2C.0200 lt7e11 Con:rrrticliun Standards 'and aural a copyoftlrisrecord has beearprwidedtothefeel/owner: ' SIe.J atitude and longitude In ttegr'ces/minutes/scconds or-decimal-degrees: ' • I, 1 bait/long (it%veil rsld,one tg srticier:i) 9.Site diagram or ndditlouat well details: • You tuay use the:back of tliispage to provide additional well site details or well N - ' - W abandoimieid details..You may also attach additional'pages if ilecessoty. CONSTRIt(TION DETAILS OF WELLS)BEING A13ANDt)NED eUB8i11TAL INSTRUCTIONS Math feel!c,rmrractnua mcurd(s)if available. liar multiple illectian'ar rdna•w aiir supply ' wells ONLY with the same:rointraekwriabutr;hauraacmt.)ea can rebuilt oneAri. 10a. Far All Wells; Submit this folio'Within 30 days of"completion of well Ga.WeU ID#sC-1 - C-7 abandontacnt to the following: DlViski n of Water Resoureis l infornntlon"Processing ilnit, 6b.Total well depth: 33 (ft.) 1617 Alail Service Centcri1Raleigli,NC 27699-1617 • lOb.For inleelton Welli: In addition to sending the form to the address in lOa fee.Borehole diacuctet 1.5 (iu.) • 'above,also-Submit-one Copy of this fonli within 30 days of"completion'of Well aW'auionitient to the fallowing: I' • I 6d.lVaterlevdbc[ow ground surface: (ft.) -Division of Water Resources,Underground Lijection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Cents•,i Icigh,NC 27699-1636 6e.Outer casing lcn,^,W(if[mown): (ttj lOc.'For Waiter•Sunnly•&infection Wells: In addition•tosending the form to the addresses) above."also submit Ode'copy of this form within 30 days of • completion-of yell abandonment to the county health department of the county 6f.Inner easing/tubing length(if!mown); (ft.) where abandoned. - 6g.Screen length(If known): - (ft.) Faml G1W.,M North Carotin Dcpsnnrcm of Ent'lronoicnt and Naluml Resources-I h'islori of WatcrRcsoul'5 I Revised August 2013 i i WELL ABAND.ONMEN.T RECORD For lntaniatUscONLY: This form can be used for single of nttiltipte wells 1.Well Contractor information: WELL ABANDONMENT91RTAiL.s Robert Miller 7a.Number of wells being abanduncIdi 5 WgliCoulradorN3nte(oraillowr.persntraltyaban;[onluattiell.onlusierpiolioly) Fir rrochiple injection. or' r.on-vuuee'1svpty wells ONLY will, ilk some aorutructiori itorrrfnutsient,po can submit 04rnr, 2675—A • NC Wcl1 Conlrndorter111iratioi hborber 711.Approximate snlunte of water•remaining in w•cll(s): . (gal) • SAEDACCO FOR WATFR SUPPLY�I ELL S ONLY: Company Name I' 7e.Typetrfelisiofeetont userl: •. i 1 . •2:Well Construction Permit#:, , W10100704 • I -. U:e1 rill opphivbte 1411parurise(i.e.CvririN,Stet,Yariurree.Lrjectiart.rtril illarnwrt Id Ainount of dlstnfcct int used: 3.•Wdl use(chedcwell use): - is , - • Water Stipp!).Well: . 7c.Sealing materialsused(chat~all tii at apply): • DAgricuttttrat DMtinieipaUPublte: 0 Neat Cement.Grout I ' W Benionitc`Chips orPcilets RGeothcrnnal(HcatinglCooling Supply)' Ottcsideminl Water Supply(single) O St;tdi Eii i!rtt Gtnut - j' i ❑Dry Clay ❑hidusttial/Cotnntcrcial • ORcsidenti,'tl Water Supply(shared) ' El Conetelt,Gtout 1 .CI Drill Cuttings _9 Inigation - . C Specialty Grout • I, ❑Gravel . Non Water Supply Welt: O Bentonite Slurry OMatiitorine . . lRecovety' � I. O Other{explain under 7g) . Injection Well: - : ." 7f,For each material selected above,ji•rov ide amount materials tined: • OAquiferRecltargci ®Gruwuiw-ier.Rcntediatimn I . CiAqutffr Storage and Recovery • OSalinityy Barrier 'OAquifer:Test OS[animater Drain* Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. i , DExperimtetilal Technology •0Subsidence Connml I' 7g.Provide a briefdL.scriptian Of the uUiuialnnrncat prnci•+lum: • OGeothentnl Posed Loop) OTracer II Pulled.tooling and abandoned boreholes iv/ granular .0Geothenual(11eatinai'CoolingReium) ©Otherlexplain under 7g) . . . bentonite. • 1 4.Bate we s).abandoneti:2/28/24 S- '1-.:' .. c v/c'` 5a WcU luentlon: . . . . I'.MA K 1 2024 . • Zboyovski Property - , ,` i Facility/Owner FxilityIDe(irappliwblc) 8:Cerli[Ictilioil: Intc.i Tl ;en ?,r• Ny VYVC 3 146 §mokey Park.Hwy. Asheville, NC 28806 • 2/28/2024 Physical Address.City.mid Zip Sigh .r>k•tS S.:'"F;bt y,,:e;,!at..• 5 +s•ti:r Dame Buncombe 11y.signing this 1 herby cer►ify that the well(s)weer()rape)abandoned in Couuty Parcel ldcrilit"t,ca11int No.(PIN) ttirvrrlaina with15A NCACO2C,01p'O:or?C.0?00117e11;CunstuUiafiStinrktids and Oast.a ivy of this record hasbeiar propided to tare well owner. 5b.Latihtdc and longitude in debm es/minutes/seconds Or deeinuutl degreees. (Ifsi•clt nerd,one Uttllong is sarlriricrz) 9..Site diagram or additional well derails:_ • You may''t�e the back of h as page to`pr to ide additional twit site details or well N . W .abandaimtetudetails..You may'II1St1 altacbtadditiomal pages if ntecessamY. CONSTRHHCrION Dls'r,'11LS O VF LL(S)BEING AB;1NfONrD d UBMiTFAT.INSTRUCTIONS :reruns e(r/lrorrruncttwi rrcurret l if avoNruta. .Far imrlriple i lierrioreur boar wmr stippiy ' I usllr ONLY Will tik mile:t ursmletlordrabarr t inilit.ier eon whist w,ehi* Loa; For All Wells: Submit.this fomi within 30 days at'completion of well ' 6i,Well B}#:D-1 - D-5 abandonment to the fallowing: ,, I • Dlcisirin of Water Resouret.n,Info ntioo Processing Unit, 6b.Total well depth: 33 (1}) • 1617 Mail Scriice Center; rrn Raleigh,NC 2769'9-1617 10b.rnrl'nleclfon Wells: In addition to I udii g the fonn to the adthuss In 10a 6c.Borehole diameter:1•5 _(in.) above.also submit one Copy of this form;witlaii 30 days of completion Of*yell ubiiti omnent Indic following: I. • ', Division of Water Rcsoutres;Undergrround injection COMM'Prtgratu, id.Water level.below"ground surf see: (fr.) 1636 Visit Service Ccnrerl3talcigh,l\C 27699-1636 toe Fnr Water•Stmnly&infection Wells: In addition to.sending the form to be.Outer caring length(if lanwn): • (ft.) tile,address(es)above. also submit onel copy'of this,form Within 30'days of completion-of well abansiaitmcnt to the otnirtty health department of the county 6f.Inner east ng/tubing length(If[mown); (ft) where abandoned, I t 6g.Screen length(if known): . . (ft.) I' i • Fomi GW-30. Noah Carolina Dcputmcnt ofEntiroomcm awl Naltrtst Rcsouires—DI Islon of Water Rcsotuces Rcsiscd Aqua 2013 , II J ,• I WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD . For Inland Usd ONLY; • This form can be used for single or multipte wells. ' .1. • J.Wett Contractor Information:. WELL ABANDONMENT-DETAILS I 1 . Robert Miller . . 711.Number of with being abanditned: - Well eouiradarNanic(or nellOnna personally abancioning nell an Ifisdir puipcny) For traff01710- tqlgtifor a" 12°U'll'all,e111 ._SUPPb. W41115 ONLY 'with Ilk scale eonstruatealabantlohtuorit„itut ctur subuticovjeprm, 2675-A 711.Approkimate volume of riatt.T remaining in*alibi): . . (g,tiL) • NC Vell Ceniractar tett Ilicitiimi Nantes- 1-. . • • . • SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: . ommany Name' . ' 7e.Type Of disinfutant used: 2.Well Construction Pernik fir, ,.MO100704 ' . . . . LaridlivpllioPle lid!pqmits 0.4...evaiuy,.4tohl,Variance.iiipaiiim,,eli ifkrungio Id.AmoLitit of dishit.e.cont ,d,:, 3.,Well use(cheek we.11 use): .. . . . . ,•.. . . . • • - . Water Supply Well ' • . .7e.Sealing matcrintsuseti(check:2110in apply): , • OAgricultutai OMunicipal/Public, 0 Neat Ccnicnt grout 1. IX BeMonitc Chips or Pellet's. • ,.. ., . • °Geothermal(11ealing/Caoling Supply) 011esidenthil Water Supply(single) , 0:silnd-cellteill GrolLII ' 1. El Dry Clay 0 Inthisni.11/Cannitercial ' EIRcidential WaterSupply(shared) CI-CauereteiGroul ' ,- Cl Drill Cuttings Oktigation ' - _. O Specially Grout 1 .0 Gravel , , • ..._____. -- . Non-Water Supply Welk - 1:1 Bentonite Shiny • ' Cl Other(explain under 7g) • OMmillaring-. . . , OFtecovery injection Well: ' - . 7f.Foreath Material Riveted above,preside antount attittiterials tnetl: 1 I ElAquilrey Recharge . - 112Gniinuttrater Reniediation 1' I . OAnnifer Storage and Recovery .OSalinity Battier • . • . Bentonite.:251b ,i4tr:gel. • OAllitifer Test • OSMninvater Drainage .1: . - Otxpitinterital Technology. PSubsidette bontml. , 9g,.Pros-idea brief description Of thC,abantlnitmcnt procedunn . . rigeootennat(Closed Leap) . OTracer . Pulled tooling and abandoned boreholus,w/ granular. . .C1Geothernial(Heating/Cooling Return) • 00ther(explain under 7n) . • ' I L r\4''' .- bentonite. . ! L. is C • ., . • . • 4.Date welt(s).abandoned:2/28/24 ' '! I ' MAR 1 1 2024, • . . . • Sa,'WCII Inearion: • . • Zboyovski Property • . . • l' I DWibi.'13.',3(...3..1"V'JO tlfiCer S.c ati0H: Faeltity/ChvnoNluilc Facility Inn Orapplicable) . 0 . - 146 SmOkey Park Hwy. Asheville, NO 28806 •-4L7016‘. -.V..,417. - ''. l' . -2/28/2024 • Physical:Address,City.-and Zip- Signanic tir',;ze.'.,;:,:f.1:7 eq.?!‹..-;=•:1C:.'tt ,,.,..-,Ator . . . . Bate It I Buncombe _ . • • , , By fignIng'flits fin7n;1hereby certffr•tbOt the Ivell(s)N'17.37 OM*abandoned in Parcel peniiii6tion No.(PIN) accordance iville"15A:WAG'02C,.0100i pi-2 e.0200 Well:Constiwction Standards and dui'a copy pith&record lea&been#rOvidedto titan ihwer, Sit,Latitude and longitude in*give' stminuteesciands or decimal degrees: I 1 • . I (Ifwelt(eld.ow Lailong is sofficlein) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: W. You ma);use the,back,of tins page to'pros additional well site details or well • N - - ,ahandoinuentditails.,You may also attach initlitional pages if necessaty. . . • 1 I , .CON'STRilLTION DETAILS OP WELLIS)REIN('ABANDONED' : SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS !: I Attack,1141 coasirudidit rutirtlis)If uktilable. •for multiple iMectitui or I-jemmy:op.supply wells ONLY WO thesom.aritstro.ctionlakutubitkierit.put MU 1:16*.0.1Wii.IfIl. laa.,For All,Wells: Submit-this faint cithin 30 days of completion of well •6a,Well ifithE-1 - E-4. . . abandonment 19 die following: . • ; 1' l' I - • Dfyisitin af Water RonuretN,,Information,Prociing Unit, • 6b.To talivell depth: 1617 Mail Service tenter,Raleigh,NC 276994617 • 3 "• 014 , i • • . ,. • - . 10b.For infection Wells: -ht addition 10'sending the foma to the address hi 10a • . above.also submit one Copy of this Canni:withiii 30 days of Comptetion'of well 6c.Borehole diameter:1.5 tin.) abandonment tothe following; : . . Division of Water Resouriesillodpiround Injection Colonl;Program,6d.Witter level below ground .round surface: (ft-) 1636 Mail Service Center.11alcigb,NC 27699-1636 _ • . • • 10e.For W-tter Sminlv A Titfeetimi Wells: In addition-to sending the form to 6c.Outer easing!nob(if larown): (R4 ,the address(es) above. also submit budCopy of this.Ibm:within 30-days of completion-of well abandonment to thcicaintty health depattmetti of the county • where abandoned. GE Inner easing/0)in length Of lama* (ft.) 11 . . 6g,Screen length(if laiown): (ft.) t, I I • . Fon GW-30 North Carolina Depoquont a linvirollinent and Nktural Resopires-Ohidon of Water Rcsoitrccs I: gevicil August 2013 . .. • . - I • WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: II ThIs form can be used for single or multiple wells I . J.Well Contractor Information:- WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS • I Robert Miller . ' . 7a.Number Of ndls being abandanedi WelleourraMor Nook(or nett einem-p:.,rsannly atraMioning well On Midler proticrty) For midnple Injection or non-wentte‘i.supj# wells. ONLY 'with the..i0111t., C00417T(Cflkleitlandailelh??0,VON cote embnitriutefirror. 2675-A , ' - I 'I 7!).Approihnote yolome of watir reniaining•inivell(s): • . : (gaL) NC.Well ContractorGailtimaion Nutiber . , FOR WATUR. UPPLYWELES.OY:• SAEDACCO . . 1 Company Name • Te.Type of disinfeetoni urea: . •' .1 . . . . : 1 . I Well Construction Permit 8:, , W10100704 • • a1 all oppllivirk well permiti ji.e...Catruy,-4.ye,Portotrex..hrjectiefd)'flamer! 7d,AntoOM of disinfect:hi-used: 1. ' . 3.Well we(clicelr well use): • • . . • .'. '! i ' . . • . . . Water Supply Well: . . 7e.Sealing miterialS.uscii(Cheek.ill that'apply); 1±144.trieulttirat - bMitnitipal/Pol?lie, " Cl Neat Centent.(3rout l' , 121.13emonitc Claps or Pellets 1 . • bOcotircrmal(Hcatin*Cooling*ply) • ottFsidennut Water supply(single) • El 5P'ild.fen104 Grant i 1 13.DRY Clay El Indastrial/Commercial • imietidentini-Water Supplyishated) .El.ConOute:Glaul 1. - -1:1 Drill-patinas 11 , • • Clinigatien . . . . . - . . . El SpecialtyGroul ' ,, El Gravel - 1•[ . . Non-Water Supply Well: '' .II 13entonite Shiny ' : 1 0 Other(explain under 7g) . i, • • OMmiitorine ' • ORecovery • . Injection wcii: - - -- • • 7E Forirach material seletted above,*ride amount Of.Materials rfsed: . • DAquiferReebarge, . BlOniuirdwater Itentediation • :'.'1 - • fiAquifer Storage at411 RedoVery .1:1Salinity Barrier .. • 1 1; . Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. • IDAntrifer Test ' CISMnantoterDmiriage• IntverintentalTechnotoev cjSubsidetre bintrul Tg.Provide-a'yid d6crIption of the abangonnient prnettinre: OGeothermal(Closed Loop) - L1Tracer: . • i - Pulled tooling and abandoned,boreholes w/ granular DGeotheimal(Heating/Cooling Return) • 1:101ficr(explain:under 7u) L) • bentonite. I . il . .• . . 1 i [-•-•1/4..,LZ i 1".. 4.Date well(s).srbandoncdt 2/28/24 '. ti. . inf.(..7,7•11•P',..1HrFT1, ,,-,.-:,--...*.i.ri,g o • . 5a.Well locailon: M A R I 1 4202 ' . . . •- . • Zboyovski.Property - , • - . . . n U . Ficilityithmer Natter Facility IDtt trapplicablet 5.Certilkatio : th , 1 utto Cti 30G . 14 6.Smokey Park Buy; Asheville, NC 28806 . ...k.'7.0,L.C. „.. 4.1.1-- • . : i; 1 2/28/2024 . . . - • . - PhySical Address.City.and Zip Sigrolit4 Orr,',-.. ..1:1:771.-.':..'nvii4eP..1-.11-N.7"—e...v.V(ivrqr Dale - ' Buncoiribe . • By signing MO ppm; 1 hereby certiA.that the irell(s)wax(were)abandoned in Com* , Parcel litentif=ninit No.(PIN) aoectrlance with 15.1.2,0r4C 02e,,olo9:0,12C 11200 Wellrolistiliction Staeckarils • • and that a copy oft/us record has.'been provided to the well Owner. . . r . 51).1.atitu de and longitude hi degreestroduutestscennds'or decimal"dcgrces: IN - (lriell rield,one 1:0/1011.,a is mightier:I)- 9.She diagram or additional welf deltatLi: • . . You.tut the.back af this page to proiide,additional melt site details or Well •• N . . - : • ' • • • W. .abatidoinowdetalts.:You may alio attaeltidditional pages if riecessaty. • . . • . ' . • r • 1 • CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ini%VELL(§i RE1NG ABANDONED . RURMITTAt.INSTRUCTIONS 1 moth tiO.Fornenearm recortlo tilloble. -For multiple injection'ar tia.inrwatIr eamily - l',- 1 . ireAra ONLY with the sew consouctionith andomnern,?AI CVO sub*pre form. 10m-Far All-Wells: Submit•this Conti Within 30 days:of cotnpletion•of well 60.Well 1D#:F-1 - r-4 • 'abandonment to the following: '• • BOision of Water Resourcti4nformiltion-Frocesiing Unit, 5 . • 6b.Total well depth: - : (ft.) . '1617 Mail Service Caner;Raleigh,NC 27699-1.617 . .1: 1.. . 33 10h.For-In leellott Wills:•In addition to sending the fain to the oddreSS In 10a • - ' • above.also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion Of well 6c.Borehole diameter:1,5 . (in.) • abandonment Itithe following: l' 1 ' • • • Division of Water Resouremilluderground Injection Commit Program,Water tivel.bclow g .round surface: - (ft.) 1636 Mail Sex-sire Carler4talcigh,NC 27699-1636 1 '1 10c.For AliFitemSmiolv'ier in leetio0 Welli: In addition-to sending the form to 6e.Outer casing length(if known) (ft) ;the address(es)ginKe. also submit one copy of ibis form within 30 days of compietioti-of well abandonment to the cdiutty health department of the county where abandoned. 1 11 (If.Inner casing/tubing length(If[mown): (ft.) 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) ,1 1 Farm GW.,30 Noah Carolina DeFqritirri1 of Environment am]Natural Resources—Division of Water Resourci.1 , Rev i'ed August 2013 i 1 • . ,1 i WELL ABANDONMYLEN.T RECORD rat lnlciiutl Use ONLY; .I This font can be used for single or muliipte wells. . 1,Well Contractor lnthrntation: - WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS I . • - I • Robert Miller 7a.Number arm-ells-being abnndan Id 14 Welt CodmetorName or%tilltiwia�r tsortall.altamkmtlneaellenitisllter r Fur multiple tuleettwr or fon-liYlfer 1I supply wells' ONLY teltb ilk swne ( Ik s p�nS) , I. cmtsfrrtcnrxt.eubmdlonmenf,)vN eau mahitlr oneforu: 2675-A Li TIC Wci1 t bniraaorCcdificaifon Miter71t.Approzimxte volume of:tatty.r nl ining in%tiell(s): •. • (jar.) SAEDACCO - FOR WATER$UPPLY WELLS ONLY: • Colosimo'Name 7e.Type of disinfectant tined: . 1 - . 2:WeliConstructiotr Pernik a:, , WI0100709 • Ilse ltfl ytpllruLle wellpmaiiis fie.County,Stele,Yurium e.hfrcriotr.rrcl If bogy 7d.Amount of disinfectant used ! i . 3.Well uSe(eheelcwell use): . • Water Supply Well: le.Sealing mtitetiais:used(dtcct:all that nipple): • • IDAgrieultiint . • - EIMtinteipal/Publie, ❑Neat CcnientGrout• I CZ Rcntonitc Chips or Pellets lJGcotlicnnal(Heating/Cooling Stipple) •iJttcsi*ntial Water Supply(single) 17 Sat dfientrttI Grout ❑Diy Ctav 'pbtdustriallCommcteial ORcsidential Water Supply(shared). 0 Cpncmte Grout 17 Drill Cuuint s ' Mitigation d SpedaltyGrout - 1 I7 Gruel -Rog-Water Supply Well:- ❑Bentonite Shirty . ❑Other(explain under 7g). t7Motiilorhtg i7Recoectp ,' injection Wcll; - 7f,for-each material selected above,provide amount of materials used: ❑AgniferRecltarge DOrein:d :ter.RentPdisrtinn DAquifer Storage attd-Reco�•ety .bSaliitity Battier , 1 • CAquifer Test' . DStortmmterDrainage • • Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. I. . UEgtetieneWalTewchnology ❑Subsides.eControl. 7g.Pros'idc a brief dcscriptitin of thc:ishanrinntncnt rroeOdun: ❑Geothenual(Ctoscd Loop) OTracer j ' Pulled.tooling and abandoned-boreholes w/ granular OGeothermal(HeatnnglCootingRetum) COther(explaia under,7g) • . - bentonite. 4.Date ett(s).gbandtinc<!:2 2a 2a h: I'4 i}`(k_, r 1Vf""• , Su.-W'e0 location: - F Zboyovski-Property 1 �9��r-i 3 •[�C4 .ii.Certification: Facility/Owner lime Facility lire,(Fappti able) IrliLria-ta i n ?,•-..` - . t 196.Smokey. Park.Hwy. Asheville, NC 28806• • i L'l/CI;.J3 /2P/7029 Physical'Address.City.and Zip' 5% pt1.%•c' r', ,'t ti,r..ti..•.c, :v,-t cry r Pale • 1, Buncombe - By sighing this Enron;1 hereby certify.rki the ire14s)time(wtere)abmuiated-in . Camay Ptucel liketiliccitlaallo.(PINN) irccxrrtdmrte irtllt 15A ACAC 02C..0100.0rl2C.0200 Well Caris'linction Star:dard -add Mai a copy earls-record has beenprovidedlolhewellouiler; • cb,,l:atitudcAnd longitudein degrees!minuteslsccondsordcchuol'degrees: - i; (IfnC1Irietd,ate at/lonaisatllctera) 9.Site diagranroradditionalweltdetails:. You tuap.use the back of this.page to pit:Side additional Sven site details.or sell . • •N - - W- •abaudottntetu-detalls..You may also attach additional pages if ttecfssaty it C(INSTRIIC'I'ION DETAILS OF WELL(B)BEING ABANDONED SUBMiTTAi.iNSTRUCT1ONS ' I :roach bell vew:idlen nwrdfs)if=gable. -For multiple injection'err nen•irutrr supply - welleONLYulUhdm!.semi.ewubrsctSoMubeirthuteleau,iauattrsrrbmii oreftnic 10a.For All Wells: Submit-this fomi Within 30 days of Completion of well ' • • - abandonment to•the fallowing: 6n.Well ID#:G-1 - G-9. Division of Water Resourea,Information Processing Unit, 33 .1617 Blot Service Cctitcri,liLdeil ly NC 27699-1417 6b.Total:wclldepth: • (ft.)'. - - - 10b.For.inIeeflon Wells:-in addition to aetding the font to the address hi Lou 6c.Borehole dLtmctet:l•5 (in.) above.also subunit one copy of this font)Within 30 days or completion of well abandonment hi the following: _ I' - • fid.Water lcrel boom ground surface: (ft,) -Dhisiott of Water Resources,Underground Iiijection Control Prdgram, • 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh;NC 27699 1636 Ge.(hiker.eosin I of! ( .) loc.ear,Willer-Stmnh•'&Infection Wcllc: In addition to.sending the fonn to gcag t( rotten):. .the address(es)aboge. also submit one r.opy of this fonts within 30 days of completion-of well abnndoiunent to the county health depottntent of the county 61.Inner easing/tubing-length(if!mown); (ft.) where abandoned.. I . 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) Form GW-30 North Carolha Deptrlmcol of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of WaterResontecs Revised Awn 2013 i I. i WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD' For Internal Use ONLY: I This fair can be used for single or nlrtlliplewells. I I.Well Contractor information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS . Robert Miller 7a.Number of wells being abandaned: 1 wen Cotyrne9or Name(orfullnursep:rsanall}aliando',Nguell,onhiaihcrpropcn}) For rriu&tpk hJeetton or issn-wartlr IIsarpl2. wells ONLY with the wane cYirurrttcoai•libundai wit,purr eons bnar'bne rrn. NC Wdl Contractor Coo Ifcndoti Ma ter 71s.Approximate tvdume of►rater staining in well(s): - (gal.) it SAEDACCO FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • Couq cot?Name 7u Type of disinfectant used: 1 I . 2.Wel1Construction Permit+i:, , W10100704 _ i L1.tuRopldii4le well permits 0.e.Coauh:.Sa ie,Yarinrce.L;erGurr,.eh:l libeler, 7d.rluiountuf disinfectant used: • 3.Well use(chedtwell use): - - ; Water Supply Well: ' 7e.Sealing materials:used(cheek all that apply): . ❑Agricultural • - - Ohltinicip,31/Ptlblie. ❑Neat Ccmcnt.Grout ' ; Dl Bcntonite Chips or Pellets. ❑Geothcrrnal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DResidential Water Supply(single) ❑•Sand Cement Gout i• ❑DryClay Ohultistrial/Comntcrcial EIRcsidentiat Water Simply(shared) ❑Concrete Gram- I i ❑Drill Cuttings • ❑irrigation _ - . . El Specialty Groul ' I ElGravel Ron-1VatcrSupply Well: —` _-._ ❑Bentonite Slurry . •I El Other(explain under 7g) UMoaitorhig . pRet oveiy Injection Wcll: - • - 7f.For each material selected above,provide amount of:titaterials trct.d: . ❑Aquifer Recharge DGniundw-,uer Renicdititimr • i • DA'quifcrStomge and Recovery ElSalinity Barrier . ' ! Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. ❑AguiferTest . OSlonnwaterDratnage _,i . ❑E.perinteutal Teehnoloev .❑Subsideike Control 7g,Ptttvtdc a brief description of the ult:rndmmncnt procedure: • DGeolltertnal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ' 1, . Pulled tooling and abandonedjiborehole w/ granular bentonite. OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Ot ertexplaire under 7a} - I t__- -• - -- -...,, 2/28/24 • 4.Dafcwell(s).abaruloncd: _ - i MAR" i ? Sa Well location: I:I 2024 Zboyovski Property . . +. I : 5''0.A''4'•'�a .1R Facility/Orvn:r Name Facility Ina(ifapplkablc} S.Certification: Dt�dt �� • 146 Smokey- Park Hwy. Asheville, NC 28806 2/28/2024 Physical Address,City,and Zip 5i�rgtu�.e .,7:.r;bt;,;: .'St�' ?`.• ,ir'rt:r Dale Buncombe 13y signing this fins, 1 hereby certify flit al the wars)r)wac(trerej abandoned in . County Parcel likaaifiditimiNo.(PIN) accordance with 15. .br.C1C 02C.0109.ur2C.0200 Well Gofistntclion Stanrkrrd • and that a copy ofll:is record has bear provided to the ti•e11 outer. • Sh.l ltihtde and longitude in degrees/Minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: I i (if well trrcld,ow)4u/lnag is sollidea) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional Well site dixails-or Well N %V _abattdoimleitt Aetails.•You may also attack additional pages if necessary. .CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELD'S)RUING ABANDONED• $URMITTAT.iNSTRUCTtONS Made hell coriarnetion tncurel(s)if available. Fir multiple iMecrite rin or n•watir supply 1 Hells ONLY with the s env ruroueum'aben r,AaitMem.ion con vibmtt.tmeArlit 10a.,For All-Wells: Submil this forts Within 30 days of.completion•or well abandonment to the lbollowing: . 63.Well l O l:H-1 Dayisirin of WutcrResnntrcts,Information Processing Unit, 33 .I617 Mail Service Center;Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 6h.Total well.depth: A) 1Uh.Forth lecllon Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in [Oa 6c.Borehole dlatncter:l•5 (in.) above,also submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of'completion of well abiuulomneut to the following: I I • Division of Water Resources,Uudei'ouud ihijection Coutavl Progratu, 6d.Water level below ground surface: (ft.) 1636 Mail Service Center,italcigh,NC 27699-1636 1 1 6e.Outer easing length(if!mown): • (ft.) the Fnr Water Snnnly&itriectton Weilsi Its addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this font:within 34 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health depiinnteni of the county '6f.Inner easing/tubing length(if)mown): (ft.) where abandoned. 6g.Screen length(If known): (ft.) . I' Farm GW-30 Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Natuctl Resources-Division of Water Rom p s i Revised August 2013 1. i I ' I1 I II . WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD FerlmernalUseONLY; This feint can be used forsinele or multipte wells 1,Well Contractor information: •WELL ABANDONMENT DETAI11S1 Robert Miller • \ 7a.Number urArdlsbeingnhnndanld15 Vt'clrC ntmclor.None(ornUtonr persanally.:dmmfonlnyscllanlisnterpropcny) Far multiple Infection, or rroimraterrFi,supply. wells ONLY 'with the. sane cmartnrariorr/abaedoitment,irm eausailvn)t wr I ftr7n; 11 2675-A • MC Well ContradorCeniftcatioii Narita•• '711.Aljprgzrmate volume of watts•rent lining in*elks): - {gaU • • sAEDACCo • FOR WArRSurpLY WELLFOR WATTAISUPFLY WELLS ONLY: CoarpanyNatnc • 7e.Typeo6disjnfectantti±red: . : I • . • 2:Well Construction Pct•ndt ll:, , WI0100704 ' List all apldtitable well permits(i.e.Carriii pale,:Parirrnxe.Il jtlrtlarl N1Cl f t'swwtl 1' 7d.Autoun t of disinfectant-uswt: 3.Well ustl(chcdcwdl use): . Water Supply Well; 7e Scaling m;tteriplsused(chcc[;all 1D t apply): lJtlgricultatat • • 17Mtinicipal/Public , ❑Neat Cement Grout I till Bcntonite•Chips or Pacts • pGeotlicnntl(Heating/Cooling Siipply) 17itesti:kra)tl W,aterSupply(single) '❑Sand•Cenrertt Grn_ut ❑thy Clay ❑hidu5trial!Commcrcial ❑Residential Water Supplys(shared) Elncr Concrete Grout. • 1 d Dtitl Ciltdngs • ❑litigation d Specialty Grout - I El Gravel Non-Water Supply Welt: . ❑Bentanite Slnrty El Other(explain under 7g) • EMonitorine Eget:ovety • injection Well: • . - 7f.For cacti material sd_cetcd'aboct:,;pro%ide amount Of.nititeiials used: • I:Aquifer.Reciarge �GrouitdwaterRentediation . []Aquifer Storage and Tiecov ety DSalinity Rattier ' Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. !, ClAguiferTest ❑Stonmvater.Dnliiiage DEtgtstimental Teehttotog ❑Subsidence Coattrrl • • f 7g.Provide a brie dcseriptian Of the:ill aritionment procedure: ElGeodieflnat(Closed Loop) . ❑Tracer !' I' Pulled tooling and abandoned;boreholes WI granular , OGeothenual(Heating/Cooling Return) .• ❑Other(explain under 7g).. . . • bentonite. a fb -' T+„ ,,. - '�r t.. ,. 1r' 4.Date well(s).abandoaed.2/28/24 Sa,-Wdl location: ;,•IMAr� ! ��24 lntr `r en 7._Zboyovski.Property 8.Cer1ikatioit: I, 1 Dv., ,:f"-, .4 UnaFact triowntr Nam Fadlity IPA(ifapplicablcl 1 • rCYB 196 Smokey Park.Hwy: Asheville, NO 28806 _ lj 2/28/2024 - • Physical Address.City.and Zip Si n.reor,;,.•F:`•;'�:•lt�:,':;s�!st *nr r pare. I Buncombe _ 13y signing 110s farm,1 herby certify Mitt the wilts)was(were)abandoned in Couinty' Paid ldenll0 trims No.(PINj nc.erdrrdce ivitlt 1541:'CAC 02e.0100i'11r;2C.0?00 iVell Conan ation Standards and thin a copy ofilris record hat been pprorided to the well rimier. Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrecenrinnOifSeeandsordecintardcgrccess • • ' • Orwell field,one Leong is rattrtcicty) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You t use ti►e•back of this page to:>rovide additional VivaVivasite.details or hell • - N - • • • - W uay.abandoiuttem details..You alio.attacl'L additional pages if ttecessaly.. . CONSTRI1CTION DETAILS OF WELL(Sl BEING:ABANDONED SUBMriTAL.INSTRUCTIONS t ' • :ttlad,.irtl cvnt'iractlart recvrd(s)if aoirrilable. For multiple Oyertleueor rian•a•atu•supply ' - . eltsONLY tritli sire avnI •rstrractiom'ahoirthmrrern.ieu eansulutal cure form 10n:Far All'Wells:' ,Submit•this tom[Ittithin 30 days'of completion of well Ga Wclt :A-1 - A-5 abandonment to the following: - Diiision of Water Resaurets,Iiinformation•Prucessing Unit, Gb.Total well depth: 33 (Ills} .1617 Mail Service Cente'r,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 10h.F r In lee'ion Wells:'In addition to1sending the form to the address In tOe 6c.Borehole diameter;l•5 (• above,'also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion Of Well abandonment Collie following; I' Gd.Water rev el bctove ground surface: (ft.) Division of Water Resourers,Underground injection Control Progrittu, 1636 Mail Service-Center,litaleighi NC 27619-1636 Gc.Outer cnsitrgit n�,Qlr(Klmnr'n): (fL) 10e.For Water-Snarls.•&ii,icrtinto WOIL In addition to.sending the form to the address(es) Owe.'oho submit one copy of this form within 30 days of ' completion-of well abandonment to the-annoy health department of the county where abandoned. 61.Inner ensin�g(tuhing length(iflmuwn): (FL) •, 6g.Street]length(if Iniotvn): (ft.) FaintGW-30 NonhCarolimDcp timecaofE,wironutcntandNaturalRcsou_sees-Envision of Water Moms Revised Aqua 2013