HomeMy WebLinkAbout20042019 Ver 2_401 Application_20071109`. F A `~, ANDERSON CREEK CLUB 125 WHISPERING PINES DRIVE • SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 866-465-3568 910-814-2633 910-814-2892 (Fax) www.andersoi2creekclub. coin October 12, 2007 Wilmington Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28402 N. C. Division of Water Quality Wetlands / 401 Unit 2312 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Q' ~if)V ;~ 1007 ;~~.~! F~ - W ,1~t'~Fi ~Ip,b17Y wk°rl.t~pd nhlf~ ~fft?Kld!~.~~~ ATTN.: Mr. Thomas Farrell, Project Manager Mr. Cyndi Karoly, 401 Unit Supervisor Reference: Anderson Creek Club After the Fact Permits and Compliance Resolution Dear Mr. Farrell and Ms. Karoly: Please find the attached Pre-construction Notification (PCN) and supporting documentation to apply for an After the Fact Nationwide Permit (NWP) No. 29 and 12 for the completion of development of Anderson Creek North in Harnett County. This package also serves to address the issues of Permit Noncompliance letters sent to Anderson Creek in September 2006. PROJECT HISTORY Anderson Creek North began as two entities; Anderson Creek Partners, LP (ACP). for the residential part of the development and Love Enterprises and Associates, Inc. to construct a golf course. Currently Anderson Creek Club manages both the residential and golf course components of the property. In 2000 ACP submitted a PCN to apply for a NWP 26 (Action ID 200000911) to develop a residential community on approximately 1700 acres of former pine plantation at the intersection of Nursery Road and Ray Road in southern Harnett County. Love Enterprises and Associates also submitted a PCN for a NWP 26 (Action ID 200000910) to build a golf course within the residential community. The NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) required that the two applications be combined as one for their review. Action ID: 20000910 (Love Enterprises) authorized 2.38 acres of wetland impact and required 4.76 acres of "non-riparian" wetland mitigation through payment to the NC Wetlands Restoration ANDERSON CREEK CLUB Golf by Davis Love III J. Bret Mangum Vice President of Development 125 Whispering Pines Drive • Spring Lake, NC 28390 Phone (910) 814-2633 • Fax: (910) 814-2892 Cell: (919) 422-4714 • Toll Freea-866-GOLF LOT(465-3568) jbmangum@ audersoncreekclub. com Stantec October 12, 2007 Page 2 of 3 Program. Action ID: 20000911 (ACP) authorized 0.55 acres of wetland impact and required 1.1 acres of "non-riparian" wetland mitigation through payment to the NC Wetlands Restoration Program. Therefore a total of 5.86 acres of "non-riparian" wetland mitigation was required to satisfy both Corps permits. NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) combined the applications for both Love Enterprises and ACP and issued a single 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) (DWQ Project # 000091). The certification required 2.93 acres (2.38 + 0.55) of "riparian" wetland mitigation to be fulfilled by payment to the NC Wetlands Restoration Program. Other requirements included deed notifications and 40 acres of wetland preservation. In April 2000, Anderson Creek and Love Enterprises sent two checks totaling $72,000 to the NC Wetlands Restoration Program to satisfy the requirements for the compensatory wetland mitigation. In 2000 the required fee for 3 acres (NCWRP rounds the acreage up to the nearest 0.25 acre) of "riparian" wetland was $72,000 ($24,000 per acre). The required fee for 6 acres of "non-riparian" wetlands was also $72,000 ($12,000 per acre). In May 2000 Anderson Creek received confirmation of their payment of $72,000 to the NC Wetlands Restoration Program. That letter stated, "This receipt serves as notification that the compensatory mitigation requirements for this project have been satisfied." Anderson Creek paid to the NC Wetlands Restoration Program the dollar amount that was required to mitigate for 3 acres of "riparian" wetlands and 6 acres of "non-riparian" wetlands. Therefore Anderson Creek believed that it had satisfied the mitigation requirements of the USACE Nationwide 26 Permits (5.86 acres of "non-riparian") and the restoration component of the NCDWQ Water Quality Certification (2.93 acres of "riparian"). Anderson Creek began development of the residential phases which continue today. Of the 2.93 acres of wetland impact permitted in 2000, 0.12 acres of proposed wetland impact on the golf course were not needed. Another 0.08 acres of proposed wetland impact for a road crossing was also not needed. Two additional road crossings permitted in 2000 (Sites 2 and 3), 0.1 acres, were not completed before the permit expiration and are to be re-authorized under the current permit application. Only 2.63 acres of wetland impact were carried out under the 2000 permits. It should also be noted that stream channel impacts were not an issue in the 2000 permits. In September 2006 the USACE sent Anderson Creek a "Notice of Permit Noncompliance" requesting the remaining wetland mitigation requested in the 2000 permits and also indicating an additional area of impact. In a subsequent meeting with Tom Ferrell of the USACE and Ken Averitte of the NCDWQ in October 2006, it was tentatively agreed that Anderson Creek would apply for an "after-the-fact" permit to authorize the remaining road crossings and utility impacts needed to complete Anderson Creek North. Along with the permit application Anderson Creek would provide a mitigation plan to satisfy the 2000 permits and any new impacts, and clean up and restore additional impacted areas identified by the USACE. Anderson Creek would also re- verify the 1999 jurisdictional determination and provide a copy of the updated delineation map. Stantec October 12, 2007 Page 3 of 3 2007 Permit Application and Mitigation Plan The current permit application requests re-authorization of two road crossings from the 2000 permits and authorization of three new crossings that are needed because of changes in the project design and the addition of Phase 6 into Anderson Creek North. Permanent impacts for the current application include 0.34 acres of wetlands and 125 linear feet of stream channel. Another 1.2 acres of wetlands and 120 linear feet of stream channel will be temporarily impacted by the installation of utility lines. These areas will be restored to the original grades and the wetland areas replanted. With the 0.34 acres of wetland impacts proposed in the current application, the total permitted wetland impacts for Anderson Creek North are 2.97 acres. Since, Anderson Creek has already paid into the Wetlands Restoration Fund for 3 acres of wetland impacts, no further payment is proposed. For the 125 linear feet of stream channels impacted by road crossings, Anderson Creek proposes to preserve 8,000 linear feet of stream channels within Anderson Creek North. These stream channels are located within the wetland preservation areas shown on the attached preservation map. In order to satisfy the 40 acre wetland preservation requirement of the 2000 WQC and to satisfy the remaining 2.86 acres of non-riparian wetlands required by the USACE in 2000, Anderson Creek proposes to preserve the remaining 60 acres of wetlands within its control in Anderson Creek North. Along with the wetlands, another 44 acres of upland buffers around these wetland areas and 15 acres of ponds will also be placed in preservation. Anderson Creek has met with Mr. Richard Perritt of the Sandhills Area Land Trust in order to find a third party to hold the conservation easement on the preservation areas. Jurisdictional wetlands within existing building lots are protected by restrictive covenants that require a ten foot wide upland buffer along the wetland boundary. Anderson Creek has also addressed areas of additional impacts from poor sediment and erosion control measures by the builders in Phases 2b and 3c. New silt fencing has been put up and hand labor has been used to remove sediment from wetlands. The sediment has been spread out on uplands and stabilized. A brief restoration plan is enclosed. Sincerely, ~~ ret Mangum ice President of Development CC. Ken Averitte, NCDWQ David Levinson, Anderson Creek Partners Attachments D~f-- ~~9 ~2- Office Use Only: Form Version March 05 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: After-the-Fact NWP 29, 12 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check he(r~e?: ^ II. Applicant Information ~ ~=/ ~ ~~ ~~ 1. Owner/Applicant Information NOV 9 2007 Name: Anderson Creek Partners LP David N. Levinson, President w~n_aNnaa~unCTfY.7iIlN~T[ooe unu J. Bret Mangum, Development Manager Mailing Address: 125 Whispering Pines Drive Spring Lake, NC 28390 Telephone Number: 910-814-2633 Fax Number: 910-814-2892 E-mail Address: neesondavid(a)_aol.com , ibmangum(c~andersoncreekclub.com 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 1 of 8 I11. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17- inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Anderson Creek North 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 0505-86-8897.000 4. Location County: Harnett Nearest Town: Spring Lake Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Anderson Creek North Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): SR 1121 (Ray Road) between SR 1117 (Nursery Road) and SR 1120 (Overhills Road) 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 35.2896 °N 78.9719 °W 6. Property size (acres): 930 acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: South Prong Anderson Creek 8. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: _The project area is a residential golf course community in varvina staaes of development. Golf course. club house. and a number of Phases have been completed under previous permits. The northernmost residential communities are currently under development. Previous land use on the orogerty was forestry. Land use in area is residential and forest 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Project involves the completion of the remaining residential phases, which involve several stream crossings. Dozers, graders, track hoes, etc. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: Completion of the remaining phases of Anderson Creek North will reauire crossing wetland areas and streams. Page 2 of 8 IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). The project history is contained in the attached cover letter. Previous permits include NWP 26 (Action ID 200000911 and 200000910), 401 WQC (DWQ # 000091). A wetland delineation for the entire tract was completed in 1999. The delineation was re-verified as Anderson Creek North and South in 2006. Copies of the permits and the delineation for Anderson Creek North are attached. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. No further impacts or permits are anticipated for Anderson Creek North. Anderson Creek South golf course community will be developed at a future date. It will involve development of the pine plantation to the south. The two sites are separated by a stream channel. The future development has not been planned. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/VUaters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Impacts to wetlands and streams are needed for road and utility line crossings. Culvert pipes placed in streams will be positioned at or iust below the existing stream bottom grade to allow aquatic life movement. Utility line impacts in wetlands will be restored to the original wetland grade and replanted. Stream crossings for utilities will be restored to original stream bottom elevations. Page 3 of 8 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Located Distance Area of Impact Type of Wetland within to Nearest Impact Site Number Type of Impact (e.g., forested, marsh, 100-year Stream (acres) (indicate on herbaceous, bog, etc.) Floodplain (linear map es/no) feet 1 fill for road crossing wet flat No 500 0.1 2 fill for road crossing small stream swamp No 0-50 0.03 3 fill for road crossing headwater forest No 400 0.07 4 fill for road crossing headwater forest No 400 0.1 5 fill for road crossing headwater forest No 300 0.04 Total Permanent Wetland Impacts 0.34 ac Sheet 1 temporary, utility line Headwater and small No 1.2 stream swamp Total Wetland Impact (acres) 1.54 ac 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 82.5 acres 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43, 560. Stream Impact Perennial Average Stream Impact Area of Number Stream Name Type of Impact °r Width Length Impact (indicate on Intermittent Before (linear (acres) ma p) ~ Impact feet ) 2 UT to Anderson pipe for road Int 2 ft 40 0.002 Creek crossing 5 UT to Anderson pipe for road Int 1-2 ft 55 0.002 Creek crossing Total Permanent Stream Impacts 125 If 0.005 Sheet 1 UT to Anderson temporary for both 1-2 ft 120 0 005 Creek utility crossings . Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 245 ft 0.01 ac Page 4 of 8 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. No open water impacts. Open Water Area Impact Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody of Site Number (if applicable) Type of Impact (lake, pond, estuary, sound, Im act p (indicate on bay, ocean, etc.) (acres map) ) Total Open Water Impact (acres) 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): 0.01 Wetland Impact (acres): 1.54 (1.2 is temporary) Open Water Impact (acres): 0 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 1.55 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 245 (120 is temporary) 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. 8. Pond Creation No ponds under this application. If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The 2000 permits authorized 2.93 acres of wetland impacts for road crossings, golf course, and pond construction. Of this 0.2 acres of wetland impacts proposed in 2000 will not be done. The current application includes the re-authorization of two road crossings in the Page 5 of 8 original permit (0.1 ac) and 0.24 ac of additional wetland impacts needed because of design changes and the addition of a Phase 6 into Anderson Creek North. The total wetland impacts for the 930 acre tract are now 2.97 acres out of 82 acres of wetlands. Impacts for stream crossings have been kept to 125 linear feet and temporary impacts for utility lines have been kept as minimal as possible within topographic constraints. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state. nc. us/ncwetlands/strmgide. html. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. With the 2000 permits the USACE required 5.86 ac of non-riparian wetland mitigation, and NCDWQ required 2.93 acres of riparian wetland mitigation along with deed restrictions and 40 acres of wetland preservation. In 2000 Anderson Creek paid into the Wetland Restoration Fund $72,000 for 3 acres of riparian wetlands. Since, Anderson Creek has already paid into the Wetlands Restoration Fund for 3 acres of wetland impacts, no further payment is proposed. For the 125 linear feet of stream channels impacted by road crossings, Anderson Creek proposes to preserve 8,000 linear feet of stream channels within Anderson Creek North. In order to satisfy the preservation requirement of NCDWQ in 2000 and to satisfy the remaining 2.86 acres of non-riparian wetlands required by the USACE in 2000, Anderson Creek proposes to preserve the remaining 60 acres of wetlands within its control in Anderson Creek North. See attached mitigation plan. Page 6 of 8 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrplindex.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ^ No 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No ^ 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact Multiplier Required (s uare feet Miti ation 1 3 (2 for 2 1.5 Total Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 7 of 8 XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. 3 Stormwater (required by DWQ) type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Enhancement, or Payment into the appropriate information as identified Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Provided by Harnett County Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No ^ Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ® No ^ Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: The completion of Anderson Creek North should not have a significant cumulative effect on water. quality. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. Applicant/Agbnt's Signature Date / s signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 8 of 8 t e.. .,~;~ ,• 'r 3t ANDERSON ~c~x cLUa Covenants and Restrictions ~~ 4'' I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COTJNTY OF HARNETT FOR REGISTRRTION REGISTER OF DEEDS KHARNETT COUNTYGRNCE ZD01 JUN 15 11:59:03 RM BINSTRUMENT 1F 2001010406 '0D DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION, made on the. !5 ~' day of-June, 2001, by Anderson Creek Partners; L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, doing business in~~North Carolina as Anderson Creek 'Partners,. Limited Partnership, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant". W I T N E S S E T H Declarant is the owner of all of certain real property in the County of Harnett, State of North Carolina, which is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. . Declarant is developing the above-described Property for residential use as part of a development to be known as Anderson Creek Club, which is subject to the Planned Unit Development Section of the Harnett County Zoning Ordinance. In connection therewith Declarant wishes to ensure the proper use, development and improvement of such Property so as~to protect the Owners and Occupants of Lots therein by restricting the use of all Lots for purposes consistent with the overall development of:Anderson Creek ~ Club in an attractive and desirable harmonious and appropriately located permanent improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that all of the Property described above shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of, and which shall run with the real property and be binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the described Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall insure to the benefit of each Owner thereof. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1. "Association" shall mean and refer to the ANDERSON CREEK CLUB PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., its successors and assigns. The Association shall be a not-for-profit corporation formed under the laws of the State of North Carolina by or at the direction of Declarant and having such by-laws as may be determined by Declarant to be appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Association consistent with the requirements of this Declaration. Until such time as the Association is formed, the Declarant shall carry out the functions of the Association as set forth in this Declaration. Section 2. "Building" shall mean and include, but shall not be limited to, both the main portion of a residential structure 2 EXHIBIT A All those lots in Phase _1 of Anderson Creek Club shown on plats thereof recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Harnett County in Map book 2001, pages 611-623. 31 ~N ~ ~.~~L KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE REGISTER OF DEEDS, HARNETT COURTHOUSE P.O. BOX 279 LILLINGTON, NG 27546 :F*#*#*******v1r*****#**#t*****************#*at*#**#**t*****t*******#**********t*******#*****k***:tt****~h***k************#*t`* Filed For Registration: 06/15/2001 11:59:03 P:I'~I Book; RE 1510 Page: 89-120 Document No.: 2001010406 . COlTENANTS 32 PG5 $68.00 Retarder: TRUDI C SMITH ****************4r*********t.******************##t*****##**±t***************#*******#****#*t****************#***#********* State of North Carolina, Gau~nty of Harnett The foregoing certifcate of ERIN E. WILLiAMS Notary KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE ,REGISTER OF DEEDS By: Dep rtified to be correc . ~ i 15TH of ne 2001 ~ ,~ ~ ~.= gister of Deeds *2001010406* I,l~I,~IW,N~NkUM~AA~WBu FOR REGISTRRTION REGISTER OF DEEDS HARNETTY GOUNTYGRNCE 2@@5 RPR 12 @8:44:32 RM BK;2@65 PG;581-584 FEE;$2@.@@ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT AMENDMENT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF ANDERSON CREEK CLUB THIS AMENDMENT-made this ~~` day of April, 2005, by ANDERSON CREEK PARTNERS, L.P., (a Delaware Limited Partnership, doing business in North Carolina as Anderson Creek Partners, Limited Partnership); W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Anderson Creek Club has been duly recorded in Deed book 1510, page 89, et seq. of the Harnett County Public Registry concerning the properties therein described; and WHEREAS, Section 4 of Article X of the that the Declaration may be amended during the Declarant is or under the Planned Unit of the Harnett County Zoning Ordinance has control of and managing .the Association by by the Declarant; Declaration provides the period in which Development Section the right to be in an instrument signed NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant amends the Restrictions by adding the following sentence at the end of Article V, Section 2: "Such guidelines may include restrictions on signage, and no signs of any kind may be placed on any lot without the approval of the Architectural Committee. In the event any owner violates the requirements of these restrictions, including sign placement without approval of the Architectural Committee, installation of fencing without such approval, changing of construction plans following approval by the Architectural Committee, and any other similar violation, such owner shall be subject to a fine or penalty in an amount set out in the guidelines, and such amount shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon .the property against which each such fine or penalty is assessed. Such obligation, together with interest, costs and reasonable attorney's fees, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the owner of such property at the time such fine or penalty is assessed. The association may bring an action at law against the owner personally obligated to pay the same or foreclose the lien created herein against the property in the same manner prescribed by the laws of the State of North Carolina for the foreclosures of Deeds of Trust. Interest, costs, and reasonable attorney's fees for representation of the Association in such action or foreclosure shall be added to the amount of such fine or penalty." ~,,,,r;~r.~~~;~~~Th ~s ~~'• day of April, 2005. ~ ~~~~~~~{~ ~ r" ' `' \ ~ •"`' ~ ANDERSON CREEK PARTNERS L . P a ~~,~'° ~ ~.~,;: {~~ ~-~ i ; r~ Delaware limited partnership doing `" •- ° ~~' ~ business in. North Carolina as X~~ .,,~>~ ~; •• `~'}.~ `''.~ ~w • ` ~ ~`.'~~ Anderson Creek Partn ers, Limited ~~, _`~~`~}_ ,~~,,,,: , :~. ~ a~,~, t .'~ • Partnership .(SEAL) . _ ;~ ` , •k !r, , `~~:, ~,,~`:~,~~~~3# By: Anderson Creek, Inc. ~ , ' •` ~ - ~ .z,'. ~~R;: a Delaware corporation, -'`;' . - .-rN`•r~`~'' general partner (Corporate Seal) By. ~ Prin ' d Name: David N. Levinson President STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ~~' ~" ~vh ~ 5 -F~ ~ I, ~fa,t.~(,?~,C/~' ~J• ~~~STO~c/ a Notary Public in and for said County And State, do hereby certify that David N. Levinson personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the President of Anderson Creek, Inc., a Delaware corporation and general partner of Anderson Creek Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership doing business in North Carolina as Anderson Creek Partners, Limited Partnership, and being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing on behalf of the corporation. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 0 ~ day of April, 200~~~~a~nr~~~ ~~~~p N; pp ~~~i SEAL ~ ~~.. uoTarrr ~.~ PU9LlC '4i~ tic-'JL ~~ ~ ~'~. ~(wCiS!/'l.{J ~`~/ ~`~ i ~ ` ''%,'~reb~~a\~;~` Notary Public 1 My commissiN~~!"`'expires : ~1--/~ -Q~' ~~NE"T C 0 ~H ~Rrt{ caRe~ KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE REGISTER OF DEEDS, HARNETT 305 W CORNELIUS HARNETT BLVD SUITE 200 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 PLEASE RETAIN YELLOW TRAILER PAIGE It is part of recorded document, and must be submitted with original for re-recording and/or cancellation. Filed For Registration: Book: Document No.: Recorder: 04/1212005 08:44:32 AM RE 2065 Page: 581-584 2005006094 COVENANTS 4 PGS $20.00 ELMIRA MCLEAN State of North Carolina, County of Harnett The foregoing certificate of SANDRA N. POLSTON Notary is certified to be correct. This 12TH of April 2005 KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE ,REGISTER OF DEEDS 22.r, i~~ By• DeputylA~s~sist~at.gister of Deeds Designing a Home: Anderson Creek Club Standards Homes in Anderson Creek Club must be designed in conformity with the standards, requirements, and guidelines set forth in the Covenants and these Cruidelines. The emphasis is on the aesthetics of the exterior architectural design and a compatible landscape design preserving the natural character of the site. Superior construction using quality materials: stone, wood, stucco (including synthetic stucco), and brick is expected. In addition to the standards set forth in the Covenants, specific minimum standards are set forth below. Before designing a home, Owners, Architects, and Builders should read the Covenants and all the following standards. Dwelling Size/Minimum Standards All residences, shall conform to the following minimums: Heated Square Footage: The minimum heated square footage for residences in Anderson Creek Club is established by individual lots. Be certain to obtain a copy of the lot minimum square footage before developing a home for a particular lot. See Exhibit A. Footprint: The footprint of each home shall be compatible with the site, the neighborhood, any approved plans and any conceptual site plans. The ACC may limit the maximum footprint. Setbacks: Setbacks shall be not less than the minimum set back established from time to time by Harnett County. As of May 25, 2001 minimum set backs are as follows: Front yard. 35 ft. fronting on 50 ft. right of way. 30 ft. fronting on 60 ft. right of way (Most rights of way Anderson Creek Club are 60 ft.) Rear yard: 25 $. (Anderson Creek Club requires a minimum of 50 ft. for lots backing up to the golf course) Side yards: 10 ft. on corner lots 25 ft. (when there are no fenestrations on one side of a house. Harnett County and the ACC may permit a 5 ft. side yard set back on each side of the lot. Golf Course Buffer Strip: All home sites adjoining the golf course shall maintain a 50 foot wide buffer strip separating the golf course from the residence. Vegetation within the buffer strip shall appear natural or naturalized with trees and shrubs to clearly delineate where the golf course ends and the yard begins. Variances of the buffer strip requirements may be approved by the ACC under special circumstances and with the approval of the golf course. Wet Land Buffer: Home sites bordering on wet lands as shown on the Development Plan shall be required to leave undisturbed a minimiun upland dimension often (10) feet for the entire length of natural vegetation abutting the wet lands bordering on any February 2002 6 portion of such Home sites. Such undisturbed areas shall be noted on the landscape plan for each Home site as being undisturbed. Exterior Elevations Exterior elevations will be reviewed for architectural design and materials and for aesthetic appearance in terms of the overall dwelling and its relationship to other homes. 2. Design should be site specific and should take advantage of the natural setting. For example a sloping site may provide opportunity for a design stepped to follow the topography. The lay of the ground should dictate what is built on it. The amount of cutting into hillsides and filling slopes to make level.areas is to be minimized. Any home with athree-story elevation will be closely scrutinized to make sure it fits the natural topography. Careful placement of architectural components and windows can maximize views of the golf course. 3. Plans are to address the total design approach of the home including front, rear and side elevations. 4. Review of exterior design will be based upon the overall design themes and consideration of mass and scale; materials, textures, colors and fuushes; continuity between primary design elements and secondary surface treatments; placement of windows, doors, and openings; vertical and horizontal lines; and roof pitches. 5. Depending on the architectural style, preferred exterior features and materials include horizontal or vertical wood siding, stone, brick, stucco, high-pitch roofs, and brick or stone or stucco chimneys. 6. The ACC may bar any proposed new construction or changes to existing homes on purely aesthetic grounds, where, in its sole judgment, such action is required to maintain Anderson Creek Club's standard of architectural excellence in exterior materials and design. February 2002 ~ stantec.com ANDERSON CREEK NORTH $tclllteC Restoration Plan for Sediment Impacts Identified by the USACE February 2007 Background In November 2006, two wetland areas were identified by the US Army Corps of Engineers as needing restoration because of accumulated sediments from the adjacent lot clearing. One area is in the headwater wetland behind the lots along the east side of Orchard Falls Drive in Phase 3C-1. The builder for this Phase cleared the lots without adequate sediment and erosion control measures. Four to eight inches of sand had accumulated in several areas of the wetlands with total impact less than 1/10 acre. The wetlands impacted are typical sandhills headwater forest dominated by tulip poplar, red maple, loblolly pine, fetterbush, giant cane, and sweetbay. Hydric soils consisting of a mucky modified sandy loam are present. The second area of impacted wetlands identified is along Valley Pines Circle in Phase 2B. Here a sediment trap had overflowed into the adjacent wetlands and the sewerline easement. This area of wetlands has been somewhat disturbed by the construction of the sewer line. Vegetation consists of predominantly of broomsedge and soft rush. Restoration Orchard Falls Drive Immediately after notification Anderson Creek installed silt fencing along the back of the lots near the wetland line. Because of the density of wetland vegetation, sand was removed by hand using shovels and buckets. The sand was removed down to approximately the original wetland elevation taking care to minimize further impact. The sand was dumped on the upland portion of the lots, spread out, and seeded. Valley Pines Circle The sediment basin was removed and silt fences were installed at the back of the lots near the wetland line. Sediment removed from the wetlands has been spread out on the upland portions of the lots and seeded for stabilization. ~e two va l o ~ S~; ~ Pv~ ~ i ~ Starrtec lt/e f lu. ~v~s asp vG -1 ! ~ ' ! ~ ~ ~ - ; -r-- i ~ -r---j - , ~~~~ _:_ -: ' __ ' ~ ' - ~e~c ---- -l----- -- - - I ; i ~ i I i i i ,S~i,+~IQw ~ ~0 _ -r- ~. - --- --- _ -- -- _,_ i +_ _ , i i ~ I - ! - i - ~ ! ;' - j - I -- i - ~ ~ ~ ~ s ---i ---- 1--~ --- - ~ I-- ~--~- j gl c~'4{ ~ S~ rwie ~,~ j ~ I ' I I ~ --~-- -- C-- ~~-- -- i ! ~ I i ~ ' d v' g a r ft.~ 6 ue f I - i I i - _ i I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ! I i l/ i ! T I ~ i ~! ; i I - i I i ! ( I i ' ~ I ~ ! ~ ~ I ! ~ I ~ I ! ~ I i--~ j ~ --1--- - I --~-- I I i ~ ~~ I i i ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ -- i i ~ -I ~ i. , i e 'S i l l , ~ i ~ ~ !/ r ' ! i~ - I i-- -1--- ' - ~ ~ ~ ! ~ - ~ ! _ ! - I ~ - - f t, -- --}- -t -- - ~ - ! 1---- ~ --- i -I---- - ----- }- ---- ~ --~ ---~ - ----' , --~ - , --~-~-i ~ ~ --- ;-~--I ~ I ---, i -- --- ! --- -_ ~ _ __ ~----,-. -i _ -1- ~ - ~ i i -1 i --r i I --- -~ - I ~- --1 --~- ;--- ---- ~. -- -- -- L- - --- ~ ~ , i l I j j ~ 1 = ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i s C ~~'~ ~~w~ ,q o~ au~' ~ se~~ Designed by: ~ Checked by: MITIGATION PLAN ANDERSON CREEK NORTH August 2007 Background The 2000 permits from the USACE required 5.86 ac of non-riparian wetland mitigation, and the NCDWQ required 2.93 acres of riparian wetland mitigation along with deed restrictions and 40 acres of wetland preservation. In 2000 Anderson Creek paid into the Wetland Restoration Fund $72,000 for 3 acres of riparian wetlands. Restrictive covenants were also placed on lots with wetlands, requiring a ten foot undisturbed buffer along the wetland boundary. Of the 2.93 acres of wetland impact permitted in 2000, 0.12 acres of proposed wetland impact on the golf course were not needed. Another 0.08 acres of proposed wetland impact for a road crossing was also not needed. Two additional road crossings permitted in 2000 (Sites 2 and 3), 0.1 acres, were not completed before the permit expiration and will be re- authorized under the current permit application. Therefore, only 2.63 acres of wetland impact were carried out under the 2000 permits. It should also be noted that stream channel impacts were not an issue in the 2000 permits. In the "Notice of Permit Noncompliance" sent to Anderson Creek in September 2006, the USACE requested that the remaining 2.86 acres of non-riparian wetland mitigation that was required in the 2000 permits be accounted for. 2007 Permit Application and Mitigation Proposal The current permit application requests re-authorization of two road crossings from the 2000 permits and authorization of three new crossings that are needed because of changes in the project design and the addition of Phase 6 into Anderson Creek North. Permanent impacts for the current application include 0.34 acres of wetlands and 125 linear feet of stream channel. Another 1.2 acres of wetlands and 120 linear feet of stream channel will be temporarily impacted by the installation of utility lines. These areas will be restored to the original grades and the wetland areas replanted. With the 0.34 acres of wetland impacts proposed in the current application, the total permitted wetland impacts for Anderson Creek North are 2.97 acres. Since, Anderson Creek has already paid into the Wetlands Restoration Fund for 3 acres of wetland impacts, no further payment is proposed. For the 125 linear feet of stream channels impacted by road crossings, Anderson Creek proposes to preserve approximately 8,000 linear feet of stream channels within Anderson Creek North. These stream channels are located within the wetland preservation areas shown on the attached preservation map. In order to satisfy the 40 acre wetland preservation requirement of the 2000 WQC and to satisfy the remaining 2.86 acres of non-riparian wetlands required by the USACE in 2000, Anderson Creek proposes. to preserve the remaining 60 acres of wetlands within its control in Anderson Creek North. Along with the wetlands, another 44 acres of upland buffers around these wetland areas and 15 acres of ponds will also be placed in preservation. Anderson Creek has met with Mr. Richard Perritt of the Sandhills Area Land Trust in order to find a third party to hold the conservation easement on the preservation areas. 5,-te ~USACE AID# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map) _~ ;,,~„ STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: ~"1/-~et~~ (/!~' u°~ Z. Evaluator's name: 3. Date of evaluation: 121 ~l06 4. Time of evaluation: 5. Name of stream: u r ~O S®t, ~ y ` ~ ~p'1t ~i~~ECIlt~6. River basin: 7. Approximate drainage area: 8. Stream order: GoG~ l l awl Gape G.earr 9. Length of reach evaluated: ~j ~Q 1~'F 10. County: ~4~'n~ ff ,y. x ~ 11 Site coordinates (if known): Prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): ~ l~~i~!^S4~'! Grtc (l /~~N Latitude (ex. 34.872312): Longitude (ex. - 77.556611): Method location determined (circle): GPS Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evnaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): On ~Qa•~~i,rr- ~I roo ~ l~ r . 14. Proposed channel work (if any): /`~ ~~~ rD /' J~'DQO'~(i /`4S~ si Gl~°f 15. Recent weather conditions: 16. Site conditions at time of visit: Gdd ` ~i^~/ 17. Identify any special waterway classification known: _ Section 10 -Tidal Waters -Essential Fisheries Habitat -Trout Waters Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters -Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES ~ If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map?~ NO 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey? ® NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: ~0 % Residenrial _% Commercial _% Industrial _%o Agricultural ~% Forested _% Cleared /Logged _% Other 22. Bankfull width: ~', f.,~ ~ 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): 24. Channel slope down center of stream: _% Flat (Oto 2%) t/ % Gentle (2 to 4%) 25. Channel sinuosity: -Straight occasional bends Frequent meander _% Moderate (4 to 10%) _% Steep (>10%) _% Very sinuous -Braided channel instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comments section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream maybe divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluated each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): 1~alPs c7 't7 Comments: i1'1 R ~i ~al QtH f~~ 6f~ Evaluator's Signature: i~i0/~~~~ Date: ~ Z~Z~~~~ This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ration or requirement. Form subject to change -version 06/03. To Comment, please ca11919-8776-8441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET # CHARACTERISTICS ECOR EGION POINT RANGE SCORE Coastal Piedmont Mountain 1 Presence of flow /persistent pools in stream 0- 5 0- 4 0- 5 L f no flow or saturation=0; strop flow~nax oints 2 Evidence of past human alteration 0- 6 0- 5 0- 5 3 (extensive alteration=0; no alteration=max oints 3 Riparian zone 0- 6 0- 4 0- 5 no buffer=0; Conti ous, wide buffer=max oints) 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical dischargers 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 4 extensive dischar es=0; no dischar es=max oints a 5 Groundwater discharge 0- 3 0- 4 0- 4 2 d no dischar a=0; s rip s, see s, wetlands, etc.~nax oints ~ 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain 0 - 4 0 - 4 0 - 2 .~ ~, no flood lain=0; extensive flood lainznax oints a 7 Entrenchment /floodplain access 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 2 3 de 1 entrenched=0; fre uent floodin - x oints 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands j 0- 6 0- 4 ~ 0- 2 no wetlands=0; lar a ad acent wetlands=max oints 9 Channel sinuosity 0- 5 0- 4 0- 3 3 extensive channelization=0; natural meander-max oints 10 Sediment input 0- 5 0- 4 0- 4 extensive de osition=0; little or no sediment~nax oints 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate fine, homo eneous=0; lar e, diverse sizes~nax oints NA* 0 - 4 0 - 5 12 Evidence of channel incision or widening 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 5 de ly incised=0; stable bed & banks=max oints . 13 Presence of major bank failures ~ (severe erosion=0; no erosion, sable banks~nax oints 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5 3 14 Root depth and density on banks 0 - 3 0 - 4 0 - 5 2 no visible roots=0; dense roots throu hout-max oints 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 5 3 substantial ' act=0; no evidence--max oints 16 Presence of riffle-pooUripple-pool completes 0- 3 0- 5 0- 6 2 no riffles/ri les or ools=0; well-develo ed~nax oints E"'' 17 Habitat completity 0 - 6 0 - 6 0 - 6 little or no habitat--0; fre uent, varied habitats~nax oints 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0- 5 0- 5 0- 5 3 no shadin ve etation=0; continuous cano - x oints 19 Substrate embeddedness ~* 0 - 4 0 - 4 de 1 embedded=0; loose structure~nax oints 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) no evidence=0; common, numerous es=max oints 0 - 4 0 - 5 0 - 5 ~ 21 Presence of amphibians 0-4 0-4 0-4 O no evidence=0; common, numerous es=max oints p 22 Presence of fish 0 - 4 0 - 4 0 - 4 a ~ no evidence; common, numerous esznax oints 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0 - 6 0 - 5 0 - 5 no evidence=0; abundant evidence=max oints Total Points Possible 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) ,,S~ inese cnaractensncs are not assessed in coastal streams. Ji f e ,,s USACE A]D# DWQ # Site # (indicate on attached map) ;,,,; STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET __ Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: ~ v-dBr~sorl. Crtl~f~ 2. Evaluator's name: 3. Date of evaluation: ~~ ~~ ~`06 /f nn n // 4. Time of evaluation: 5. Name of stream: u ~ >`d SOU'I~lil Pr0a9 ftriGte/'far~. River basin: 7. Approximate drainage area: 8. Stream order:., 9. Length of reach evaluated: J ~~ ~~ 11 Site coordinates (if known): Prefer in decimal degrees. Latitude (ex. 34.872312): co~~E ~~ ~~ 10. County: J~avhCf'~' 12. Subdivision name (if any): ~t~t{~j0`I ~jy~t~lt (gyp/f~'1 Longitude (ex. - 77.556611): Method location determined (circle): ~ Topo Sheet Ortho (Aerial) Photo/GIS Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): Off l2~~~ ~gi rw~ 14. Proposed channel work (if any): ~~ ~'1 ~ {o /~ r'oq~ G !/'dSS~r~al J 15. Recent weather conditions: 16. Site conditions at time of visit: _ G~ ~H ~/ 17. Identify any special waterway classification known: _ Section 10 -Tidal Waters -Essential Fisheries Habitat -Trout Waters Outstanding Resource Waters Nutrient Sensitive Waters -Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES ~ If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? YES NO 20. Does channel appeaz on USDA Soil Survey? YES NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: gQ % Residential _% Commercial _% Industrial _% Agricultural ~~ % Forested _% Cleared /Logged % Other ( 1 22. Bankful] width: ~ ~. f 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): ` f-~ 24. Channel slope down center of stream:, _% Flat (Oto 2%) I/ % Gentle (2 to 4%) % Moderate (4 to 10%) _% Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: -Straight /Occasional bends Frequent meander _% Very sinuous Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each chazacteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comments section. Where there aze obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluated each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from revlerse): ~ 7 Comments: ---G~~HnGI uoH?rlf~'f~ ~~ S7~otr»W~'fiP~^ o~'r~ ~fot~'courf~ Evaluator's Signature: /", G~ ~We/~ Date: ~ ~ ~'f ~,~06 This channel evaluation form is intended to be used only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the Uuited States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ration or requirement. Form subject to change -version 06/03. To Comment, please ca11919-8776-8441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET # CHARACTERISTICS ~ • ECOR EGION POINT RANGE Coastal Piedmont Mountain SCORE 1 Presence of flow /persistent pools in stream no flow or saturation=0; strop flow=max oints) 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 5 2 Evidence of past human alteration (extensive alteration=0; no alteration~nax oints) 0- 6 0- 5 0- 5 3 Riparian zone 0- 6 0- 4 0- 5 no buffer=0; Conti ous, wide buffer~ax oints 4 Evidence of nutrient or chemical dischargers 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 4 extensive dischaz es=0; no dischaz es=max oints 5 Groundwater discharge a d no dischaz a=0; s rip s, see s, wetlands, etc.=max oints 0- 3 0- 4 0- 4 1 ~ 6 Presence of adjacent floodplain ~, no flood lain=0; extensive flood lain=max oints 0 - 4 0 - 4 0 - 2 a 7~ Entrenchment /floodplain access 0- 5 0- 4 0- 2 ~ dee 1 entrenched=0; fre uent floodin - ax oints , 8 Presence of adjacent wetlands j 0- 6 0- 4 0- 2 no wetlands=0; laz a ad acent wetlands=max oints 9 Channel sinuosity 0- 5 0- 4 0- 3 (extensive channelization=0; natural meander-max oints 10 Sediment input 0- 5 0- 4 0- 4 extensive d osition=0; little or no sediment=max oints) 11 Size & diversity of channel bed substrate (fine, homo eneous=0; laz e, diverse sizes~na~ oints NA* 0 - 4 0 - 5 12 Evidence of channel incision or •widening 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 5 ~„~ dee 1 incised=0; stable bed & banks=max oints ~ 13 Presence of major bank failures severe erosion=0; no erosion, sable banks=max oints . 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5 14 Root depth and density on banks no visible roots=0; dense roots throu hout-max oints 0 - 3 0 - 4 0 - 5 ~{ 15 Impact by agriculture, livestock, or timber production substantial im act=0; no evidence~ax oints 0 - 5 0 - 4 0 - 5 Z 16 Presence of riffle-pooUripple-pool complexes no riffles/ri les or ools=0; well-develo ed~nax oints 0 - 3 0 - 5 0 - 6 ~ 17 Habitat complexity 0- 6 0- 6 0- 6 little or no habitat=0; fre uent, varied habitats=wax oints 18 Canopy coverage over streambed 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5 no shadin ve etation~• continuous cano - oints 19 Substrate embeddedness * 0 - 4 0 - 4 de 1 embedded; loose structure~nax oints 20 Presence of stream invertebrates (see page 4) no evidence=0; common, numerous es~nax oints 0 - 4 0 - 5 0 - 5 Q ~ 21 Presence of amphibians O no evidence=0; common, numerous es~ax oints 0-4 0-4 0-4 •~ p 22 Presence of fish ~q no evidence=0; common, numerous es=max oints 0 - 4 0 - 4 0 - 4 6 23 Evidence of wildlife use 0 - 6 . 0 - 5 0 - 5 3 no evidence=0; abundant evidence~nax oints Total Points Possible ~ 100 100 100 TOTAL SCORE (also enter on first page) ~7 iue~e cnaractensncs are nor assesses to coastal streams. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID.: .200000910 .~ . County: Harnett GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner: Love Enterprises and Associates, Inc. Agent: Christian Preziosi °~^'.....a...t,~,,.,,°°- Anderson Creek Gotf Club Land Management G~ ~ ~~° ~` Address: Post Office $ox 20344 ~ ~"" Post Office Box 252? ~ . `; Saint Simons Island, GA 31522 Wilmington, NC 284p3 4'' :.;: ~/11'Tt L 0 Z~~Q Telephone Number: (912) 399-1425 (910) 452-0001 WfTL~NDS .''~.:.; Size and Location of project (waterway,. road name/number, town, etc.): A 1721-acre tr~cC loca pT R ~ ' ~~ - `, `' tP•~_..._,......... _ Nursery Road/NC State Road 1117 approximately 3 miles south of NC Highway 27, Anderson Creek azea, in an unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek north of Spring Lake, Harnett County, North Carolina. Description of Activity: Discharge of fill material into2._38 acre of wetlands~~r construction of a golf course: Special Condition: _:4.76 acres of non-riparian palustrine/scrub-shrub/saturated seep, restoration/enhancement, and/or creation compensatory mitigation located in the Cape Fear River Basin, Cataloging Unit 03030004/LTpper Cape Fear, to be provided by the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344) ~~,~ Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899) ,/~ Authorization: 26 Nationwide Permit Number ) Regional General Permit Number ~J . Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide (NWP) Permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919) 733-2293. Please read and cazefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there aze any questions regazding this authorization or any of the conditions of the RGP or NWP, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. ~ Date 24 March 2000 / 1/1/~1L .1 /t~ _ ' Corps Regulatory Official v Allen Davis ~ Telephone No. (910) 251-4466 Expiration Date of Veritication_ 11 February 2002 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORM, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT . '. Action Id. 200000911 County Harnett Quad ANDERSON CREEK GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: Anderson Creek, Incorporated Agent: Christian Preziosi Address: 3829 Nursery Road Land Management Group, Incorporated Spring Lake, NC 28390 Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone No.: (910) 818-8800 (910) 452-0001 Zone: 17 UTM or LAT/LONG: North: 3905697 East: 684512 .Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): A 1741-acre tract located east of Nursery Road/NC State Road 1117 approximately 3 miles south of NC Highway 27, Anderson Creek area, in an unnamed tributary to South Prong Anderson Creek north of Spring Lake, Harnett County, North Carolina. Description of Activity: Discharge of fill material into 0.55 acre ol~tlands for construction of 8 road crossings, Special Condition: 1.1 acre of non=~parian paIustrine/scrub-shrub/saturated seep, restoration enhancement, and/or creation compensatory mitigation located in the Cape Fear River Basin, Cataloging Unit 03030004/CTpper Cape Fear, to be provided by the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344) (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbors Act of 1899) Authorization: Nationwide Permit No. 26 Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919) 733-2293. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there aze any questions regardirig this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Offi 'al specified below. r: Date: March 24.2000 Corps Regulatory Official: Allen S. Davis Telephone No.: (910) 251-4466 Expiration Date of Verification: February 11, 2002 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE } ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. CESAW Form 591 Revised July 1995PNGNW State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr.,' Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director .~-.. 1 • NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES April 13, 2000 Harnett County DWQ Project #000091 Anderson Creek Golf Club APPROVAL of 401 Water Qaality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, WRP Love Enterprises & Associates Post Office Box 20344 Simans Island, GA 31522 Dear Sirs: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill , material in 2.93 acres of wetlands and for the purpose of constructing the Anderson Creek residential development and golf course at SR1117 near NC27 in Harnett County, as you described in your revised application dated February 11, 2000, Febnrary 22, 2000 and Apri16, 2000. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 3102 and 3108. These certifications allow you to i<se ~lationwide Fenatit Numbers 14 and 26 when the Corps of Engineers issues them. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or locai permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified ut the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1.. XDeed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters to notify the stale in order to assure compliance for future wetland and/or water impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place avithin 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuartce of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). 2. In addition the;`payatant to tht N.C. Wetlands Restoration Program, a conservation easement shall be placed on- at least 40 acres of-wetlands .on-site ~as described in your consultant s Apni 6, 200U letter. Written approval for this conservation easement is required from DWQ., This easement must be sent to DWQ.by May:26; 2000. 3. An additional condition is that a final, written stotmwater management plan~hall be approved by this Office for the community center and clubhouse areas before the impacts specified in this Certification occur. The stormwater management plan must include plans and specifications for stotmwater management facilities designed to remove 85~o TSS according to the most recent version of the NC DENR Stotmwater Best Management Practices Manual. Also, before any permanent building is occupied at the subject site, the stormwater management facilities, as approved by this Office, must be constructed and operational, and the stotmwater plan, as approved by this Office, shall be implemented. . Stormwater-from the golf course shall be directed to flow through vegetated buffers;or;~bto ponds. No direct discharge of stormwater from the golf course to streams is allowed. Division of Water Quality •Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27669-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper 2 We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program in order to compensate for these impacts to wetlands and/or streams. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2R .0402, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h). According to 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h}, feet of restoration will be required. Until the Wetland Restoration Program receives and clears your check (made payable to: DENR -Wetland Restoration Program), wetland or stream fill shall not occur. Mr. Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. You have one month from the date of this Certification to make this payment. For accounting purposes, this CertiScation authorizes the fill of 2.93 a'cresrof;riparian wetlands and, in 030614 river and subbasin and - ____. -- 2.93 acres of riparian restoration are> fequired. Please be aware that the Wetland Restoration Program ('WRP) rules require rounding of acreage amounts to one-quarter acre increments (15A 2R .0503(b)). If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. .. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-9646. Attachment cc: Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville DWQ Regional Office Ron Ferrell; Wetland Restoration Program Scott Finer, Land Management Group File copy Central Files S' erel T. teve - 3 NORTH CAROLINA-DTVISON OF WATER QUALITY 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY OF PERMTITED II~IPACTS AND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS In accordance with 15A NCAC 2 H .0500, Anderson Creek Golf Club has permission as outline below for the purpose(s) of proposed Anderson Creek residential community & golf course. All activities associated with these authorized impacts must be conducted with the conditions listed in the attached cetification transmitttal letter. THIS CERTIFICATION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ATTACHMENTS. COMPENSATORY MITIGATION REQUIREMENT V~EII,AND RESTORATION PROGRAM LOCATION COUNTY: BASIN/SUBBASIN Anderson Creek Golf Community Harnett 030614 As required by 15A NCAC 2H .0506, and the conditions of this certification, you are required to compensate for the above impacts through the restoration, creation, enhancement or preservation of wetlands and surface waters as outlined below prior to conducting any activities that impact or degrade the waters of the state. Note: Acreage requirements proposed [o be mitigated through the wetland Restoration Programs must be rounded to one-quarter acre increments according to 15 2r .0503(b) acres of Class WL wetlands 2.93 acres of riparian wetland acres of non-riparian wetlands acres of Class SWL wetlands linear feet of stream channel (other) One of the options you have available to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements is through the payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund per NCAC 2R .0503. ff you choose this option, please sign this form and mail it to the Wetlands Restoration Fund at the address listed below. An invoice for the appropriate - amount of payment will be sent to you upon receipt of this form. PLEASE NOTE, THE ABOVE ]MPACTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZID UNTII.. YOU RECEIVED NOTIFICATION THAT YOUR PAYMENT HAS BEEN PROCESSED BY THE WETLANDS RESTORATION PROGRAM. Signature Date WETLANDS RESTORATION PROGRAM DMSON OF WATER QUALITY .1619 Mail Service Center RALIIGH, N.C. 27669-1619 (919)733-5208 ~' . "~~,~, DIY131dN OF VN'ATER QUALITY - ... _.~ ..fj ', ~.:~ .. . ''r~ ~i . . .~N , Y 4 : iJJrMCp"H:~f'411hIT"JR;';; _ : ~'S~v ~~{t~ ~~~ 1Y;~ • ,-~,a;: w~i,~. ...~.'9tEGRETARY ' ~:. w::,. .-,y„ . i aye-~;.;~ ---- ~~~ .r~ - . 1,~-~ ... _ R' ~ Vi1 . _ .44~~- .'.. Anderson Creek Golf Club Love Enterprises ~ Associates Post Office Box 20344 Simans Island, Georgia 31522 NORT~-I CAl31:5LINA D~PARTME=NT OF EC~TVIRONM~NT qND NATURAL R~$QURCI=S a~cE~pr May ~, 2000 The Wetlands Restoration Program has received two checks totaling $72,000.00 check numbers 4299584021 and 021280 as payment for the compensatory mitigation requirements of the 441 Water Quality Certification . issued for C7WQ project #000091. This receipt selves as not cation that the compensatory mitigation requirements for this project have been satisfied. Please note that you must also comply with alI other conditions of this certification and any other state, federal or local government permits or authorization associated with this activity. if you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Ron Ferrell at (919) 733-5219. Sincerely, Ronald E. Ferrell Program Manager REF/cvb cc: John Dorsey • File M~~ , LI•, pn S d ~--~'".~. '~""~ .'~ WBTLalNDB RESQTORATION PROQkAM 1819 MAIL SCRYIGH CENTeR, RALEIBH, NC 47699.1 619 wabsite: h2o.enr.stals.llc.ua PNONE 919,733.s208 FAX 9 f ~-733-5321 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / ARdIRMATIVE ACTION f,M PLOTBq - E09(, RCCYGLEDJI Oyb PAST-CONSUMER PAPCR ~. , - ~:,- Anderson Creek 7.5' USGS Quad ~ Y;~ ~ -~- ~ ,=° ::~;~ P ""°n ~ Anderson Creek North ~° ~ _ '~ ~ Harnett County, NC ~. r ~ \ "'• ~ , ~ ,~< January 2007 ~ .~ -~ _. o~_ 9, ~ ..._~ ~~~.~ _ Z'. _ _ 1 r ~ i ' ~. ~ - ~- ~ i ? ~ ~ 1' .. _ ._ \ d , ' _ a . ~' ~. L ~~'. _ J -. ~ ~ _ "~ V r ~ ~ °^k : rl ~~ V' ~. ~ • i U _ .~ .. r z, l ~ B~aek ' ' ~ ~ r _ ~. ~,~, 1 ~ ' ~ z ~ ,_; ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ,. ., - ~`' r ~t ~ •.~r. c r ~ cia r - r ~,^~ - - w~ .~, 'i ,ski' e r '9 C/ S O 1~ Jj ~~~ -~ - _ b~yZ. f J ( _, ~ r'~u.'O i I. _ ~~ ~ - > >. ~ ~ X ~ ~ a,, - i rr.. " '.~ :O'v _ :_ er - . .. i" h' .i Legend - rs`~ ~ ,~ ~~, its Roag _-- - - ' ~` , ~ ~ Project Boundary '-; ~ x~n , r _ ~ -- ,n ~~59;. ~ i; ..:Pond ,1':. .. j'. 0 1000 2000 Feet ~;; ~~ ~ ~. ~`. a • , (4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \,,, ~~ ~~ ~~~'~ . ' ~H ~_ ,tint ~' ~ ~ -~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 1 . s ~ r 'r ~ --' I ~ 1 F 1 ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~w ~ 4 ., >. ~ + ~-i. ~~ ~ .iG;-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^. A. s~~~ry` ~ ~~~ .i~k..~~.li. FM1~• . r 'kg~~ " "` ty' . rt `" ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~~'~ r f ~r ~ `.a&.. F - ~~ v~_. °. . s ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~9iL~ ~``x.:`c~` ~~~ F , .:ems ~~.., ~ ~ ~~~ .~. r;; ,'-. -',~ ~ ~ ; .« a . ~ ~ ~ t ~~ ~~~ v~ n ~ ~ ~a ~'' ter. ~*' r . _ ~ r ~ ~ ~t { ~~ 3N .. ~' ~ 4 '~~ q, ~k ~' " x ~ ~ y .#' , , ~~ a A e :~i. ~y. _.. 4 ~: ~:. ~x n ~ '~ _ ? s ~~ tz ,~ n ~t ~t5 Y ~« e ~ ~ 1. ~~ A ID ~;~~ d '~w'C a'¢ h ?~a ~ s + '~ 9 ~( ~ 4- $~ i ~ ~.~~ . , N o ~ S ~ S A~ ~O ~ ~ \~ V Ij k '~ ~ iy+~, r+ ~ ~ :. .. jgyy K ~ ~ t . ~,.{{ ' _ ~ . A y aK. t ~. ~ - „ ~ ire *~ _ ,~ ~+°e-„. A ~'+~ °~a ~i~ ~t^; ~. ~3Yy' Ya ~. 4C: +^; •~~&~+ K i ~.. ; ,~~. !",J ytitY~ ?Q ~~w',e. ~ p:~ ~,..:.,,3 , ~ i +a yr ~ a ;.,-~F e:,P .. ~ ^ .'.. n Fa4' ~~ ~~~ '` yew r ~ k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ r ~,' r~ ~ +'m r. w> 7^~ ay l y ' r~ ~ ~ ~ $ +~. 4 ! p_ a s+; v[ ~f r ~a. a-r-'~i br 3 $i•'L~ ~,.~y~ggla # I r ~ J +~ xk~.' ~nr z~ r o wrY ryi !4 yky; ~}rw V9 e t `'' ~~ ,r.~ I w ,,.. ,,,. -n ~ . ti s . ~y »~ i * ~; °et Fem. S; f~ 1 ~ ~ - N / ~ EXISTING WETLAND y 1 IMPACTED AREA / 0.1 a AC ~ 9 PROPOSED zz' RonD .o a D ~.~ . ,. ~- 8~ 1y Y ....... - ` .. n ...~ ..~~.._. a._,.. L ~S ~=~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ROgp OND~,S AND STf~E3!~~~ ~ ..~ ~ ® Wobb~, Upchurch & ~~sociates, P.~l. Consu/tin~Enginee-s WETLAND CROS5INQ 50UTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA ANDERSON CREEK SUBDNISION ~1ARCH, zoo? PHASE 5D 300 S.W. Broad Street, Southern Pines, North Carolina 28387 ROAD ~ Phone; (910) 692-5616 -Fax; (910) 692-7342 5; ~e ~ 60' R/~ - 687 ~P -. \ IMPACTED AREA ~. 0.03 AC x15TINC ( y~ETLAND ) HORSEStpE \ ~ ~ ~ INLET PROTECTION s= J 688 16}„ 6 61 . ~,oa ~ ~ -~ ~ ~~g' RIPRAP ~If OUTLE7 ~.'•~) ~• ~ 207 "z PROTECTION JJ ''~ :N 40LF PRQPOSED \ ~.~ ,~PROxIMAT~E D~~pST~~'~'~~~RANCN s~o •\ 30" RCP \ ~ CENTERLINE OF \ CREEK ~ ~ \ \ \\ \ ` ~ ~ 689 I I_I HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FELT ) 1 h~oh 1000. --__. 660 ~, VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE a o ra > +~ ~ ( IN Fem ) t Inert = m n. ~ Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A Consu/t-ny Enylneers sourNE~1y ONES, -MVrtrN c,~ncrNA ,IA-ruArt"r, 207 300 S~~y, Brood Street Southern Pines, North CoroGno 28387 Phone; (910) 692-5616 -Fox; (910) 692-7342 STREAM CROSSING AND WAND cROSSINq ANDERSON ~JBDNISION HEATI"6i BROOK RD 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 t.~ ~ EXISTING y ~~ 8 2 6 8 2 5•; rrETUND ~q< ' ~ yygTiANOS r"vUJ TC1y~A:NATE1d 3RANCH <Fr SrRF ~xpO ~ 8 2 3 r q~ I-~PACrED AREA i 1 ~ a.a~ Ac j ~"p0 j FpRSESHO 0 IN~er 1 I PROTECTIDN 41 824 J f~ ~ 't ~ ,, PROPOSED •«K' Z4' ROAD g 0 9 56LF PROPOSiD I "~~'~ 4*p0 ~ , 18' RCP • ! ~ ~ r I I 8 0 2 srtpp s PROTECTION ! 60' R/~M/ _ r 801 ,-~~ :`~ 803 808 800 ~ ;• 1 , HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE o sa a w ao ~u earr 1 r ~W vc~r ~ 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 ~ Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Consu/t-ng Engineers sourNEMy ~IyE'~ AprtrN cA~rotINA ,,,Aar 200 300 S,~y, Brood Street, Southern Pines, Narth CoroGno 28187 Phone; (910) 692-5616 -Fox; (910) 692-7342 WER.AND CR06SNC~ ANDERSON CFt®C SUBDMSION PHASE 5B VALLEY STAEAI~I RD 3 S~ fe ~/ 60' R/~ i'±°° 869 885 ,~. ~~ ~~~ PROPOSED ~ ~ 25' ROAD i' ~~~ x)sTINc~ ' ~' ~'~ ~'' ~ETLAND ~'~ )~,IPACTED AREA ) i~ a- , 8 8 4 ~,,,~ r''{'~ ~,~~ ~ !`~ - - - ,~~ 0.10 AC ~ '~, ,~ ~t! ~„'~ ~, RIPRAP ~r y '• OUTLET •- ~ (1(1 l PROTECTIDN - - ~- - ,- r ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ !JJ ~ ~ ~ ~. r FgR5E5H~ ~•~, ,i,56LF PROPO`.~ED 1 1 `~.-,-,-,i )PROTECTION t)!~NFt•WA7rrpCalfA1.I~Y -~-~-~-~- -, ,8" RCP s °p 8 8 3 y,~n~tagr~ns7cx}~u>*;r~eanrtt;n 870 HORI'LONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE > 0 LO 3 b ( IN PELT) ( IN PEEff ) 1 Imh = t°°R. I Incb = l0 tt. ~ Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Consu/f-ny EnDineers SOUffIERtr PdrES, IrORTI~I CAROU/rA ,,ntruA~r, zoos 300 S,~J~ Brood Street, Southern Pines, North CoroGno 28367 Phone; (910) 692-5616 -Fox; {g10) 692-7342 WERAND CR06SNCj ANDERSON CFTEBC SUBDIVISION PHASE 5A-2 MICAH'S WAY s~ ~e s ob / i ~ ~, 6'.. 5 ~,a / RIPRAP / 6p' R/~ly OUTLET ~RIPRAP EXISTING PROTECTION OUTLET ~yETtAND 22' ROADD I° IIyIPO.~D~ EA~ / ,/~16' RCPPOP ED n~.. I E~~GD APP CENT STR i ROAD ONF NORSES-i0E ~ o INLET ~ - PROTECTION ` a a ~~ ~ (~ N~V 9 ~~197 Do:N~-wArlWitw~~~~~.,. VY~TIA!'1D3 AND aT4PA+CN.R"f~~? 9F{ VERTICAL G~PHIC SCALE > 0 LO b ]0 ( IN eePrr ) t loon to n. ~ ! 260 ___~ ~ i_ _.-= 1 - _ Z-- -- --- I --1 tWT-PpI~FT-EiEV-~3R ~ICu-PpdIT-ELEy-~-23A82--L aak?"E~EV-= .?34'03 - - tf]~ P NT -5 TA . 7+66.67 HI(iM hQIN~T STA. Bt~.l.b( Gp~}j POIH7 STA r:9t7f.69 255 - I _-- s1:A . 7+6o PN-STA . a+b5, ~ en. ;,~ ~---- ELEV ~ 236p~N~LEV ~'1~~~- ~ PVI ELEY~STb?- 2J6<'77 ~ ~~ ~A,U . a.Op i A.D. - -125- -- u-•-.z6:a7 -I-----~----2b~15---;------~ic~~7.7.2t-~! 250 ~ 1 1zo.ao vc , n ea.nn ve= , , , ~s.Dd_vc ~ I 4 _ -- _. o rr n M '. f I+ 245 _ F v ~tV bry _. . a P. N O ^1 _ _ ___- ~ -.-~~.w -___ Ss' A d; I• ~~ ID_ ~S~_ ~' w ~ ~' ~t ~ ~ HORIZONTAL GRAP IC SCALE (IN PELT } t loon too n. 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 ~ Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Consul finC Enpinee~s SOUTHERfr PdyES, IMOR-t- CAR~OLdrA ,ra,Nua~r, Zoos 300 S,~y~ &oad Street, Southern Pines, North CoroGno 28167 Phone; (910) 692-5618 -Fox; (910) 692-7342 STREAM CROSSING AND VVER_AND C:R06SWC~ ANDERSON CR®C SUBDNISION SASE s ROADi S3LF PROPOSED "- rt.......__.., 18~ RCP ~ RDx11,lATE PRUNE OF EAIII / ' t+ORSESHOE INLET PROTECTgN NOTE: I I EXISTING GRADE SFIALL BE RESTABLISHED UP N THE -r ~ ml 285 I INSTALLATION OF ALL UTILITIES. 1 0 N 270 265 B' PYC SAk. SEW. O 0.50% 255 3+00 ~aJN9'a6 ~3! " ~iG~G15 Q>t;' SONV'll~! A l1ilti N~!.lfM --~ kr~M3(1 `, ~ o I < - o~ R ~ G - - - ~, , ~ ~f~ / ~\26 / li ~ I 'I ~ P9 PO / 5+00 6+00 7+00 os~iD~ ~~ / ~ INE S-1B, PHASE 48-2 % ~ " 784 CAL SEINER CROSS SECTION / / i ~,Ntt' ~ 783 NTAL SCALE. 1'=50' VERTIGk SCALE; 1"=5~ / / NpRt 782 7BI / / t~' 780 / / / 779 / / / / 776 / / / / 777 778 i„'~ 5 ~ / /' ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ti LENGTHS OF SANITARY SEWER, LENGTHS AND AREAS OF TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS IMPACTED WETLANDS BY WITHIN PHASES 3A, 4A, 48-1, SANITARY SEWER WITHIN PHASES 4B-2, 5A, & 56 3A, 4A, 4B-t, 48-2, 5A, & 58 120LF TOTAL 19,269LF TOTAL LF OF CRAYITT SEWER 13,27 AC TOTAL AREA 5140LF ALONC II~PACIED AREAS 1,2AC II~PACIEO REVISIONS Q a~ ~ ,~," a ~ a ~a~'8~ ~V o N am J 0 c O a6 .c c^ y o z°~, h Q ~8 ~:i ~ ~`~~ a=te ~ y - ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~.~ _~ .~ ~aN~ ~aW £ °~' aom€ y~~1nN` ~Q ~ 8 a = v ~^/ /~ ~ V Z Z~ ~~ UW ~~ Q~ J >W > Ur TO BE CDVERm UNDER CROSSING 11AP LEGEND - - - WEnANO BouNOARr - - - - UNITS OF CONS1RUCnoN SEWER uNE ~ _ _ '~ AFFECTED AREA ~ ~ -_. i~ i~ ,. ~...r. i" ~' i ~ 1 675 ~ Q 876 877 O OF e7e Z Z B79 _ ` / Y F- 880 W ~5 881 ~ G ~ e9z U W za Oo ~z IY g 0,11 AC AFFECiEO ALONG 250LF OF 12~ CRAVIIY SEWER A A Q LINE S-1, PH SES 5- Z ~l TE~IPRDRARY SiREA~) CROSSINGS an JAN„ 2007 o~scnm, TLS ~ ownwR: TLS cx[a~m TLS swe: AS SHORN HORIZONTAL G~RAPHId SCALE „~„~ ~, ~ ~ (IN t®CE J 1 L men - zao re LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RIGHT OF WAY, LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION LINES AND ALONG ANY UTILITY EASEMENTS HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE z ,w xm ~t(1 ~ ~R~o01~ OiiAV c m ~ r ~ ~~1byi _ ~ 3h~'(~~ n = ea n ~~QZ ~ .~ C1'~ ~°' }~ (i ~!`~1 r° ~ CONTRACTOR SHALL U~ :~~~,7~I REMOVE AND REPLACE STA. 2+ RD-1 CONCRETE CART PATH BEGIN CONSTRUCTION SWALE 1 720 N 561364.26' E 2007J078.48' SEED AND MULCH 1 (TRAP 1NT 1-r _~. i ' 6 o i / ~ i~ s PROPOSED 22' " ~~ ASPHALT ROADWAY + ~ SWALE Z ~ i n R=320.00' ~' ~ a SEDIMENT 1x TRAP 2 L=273.51' 717 718 EXCELSIOR MATTING ~ PT=5+36.51 RD-1 SWALE 5 ~N 561617.76' E 2007156.59' 18 SEDIMENT EXCELSIOR TRAP 6 MATTING SEDIMENT TRAP 5 SWALE 3 SEDIMENT \ TRAP 3 ~Okk\ LSWALE 4 PIPE 1 STA. 7+56.53 RD-1 STA. 0+00 RD-2 ~ o ~ O ~ 695 WALE I ~ SEED AND MULCH Z O EXCELSIOR MATTING a Z SWALE 8 a . ~ 694 -E 7 PIPE 2 SEDIMENT 1 TRAP 8 ~ 30'R (TYP.) ~~ DISSIPATOR ~2 e ~ ~ o ~ro /~ \ S~ 7 \ ~ti 697 I 698 LEGEND m~-.-vwvv~^n EXISTING TREE LINE a PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE ~ PROPOSED SEDIMENT TRAP -rD PROPOSED 1EMP. DIVERSION DITCH -o-o- PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED EXCELSIOR MATTING o® PROPOSED SYNTHETIC MATTING PROPOSED RIPRAP +325.50 SPOT ELEVATION ~ FLOW DIRECTION HORSESHOE STONE INLET PROTECTION RIPRAP DISSIPATOR 699 \ \ 688 , SEDIMENTL TRAP 13 I 691 R=540.00' 690 L=499.63' 693 TAN=269.31' 692 CH=N15'06'21°E SEDIMENT C=482.00' TRAP 10 DELTA=53'00'46° SYNTHETIC MATTING _ ~ SWALE 10 fi89 SWALE 13 ~ X0 o SWALE 14 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION STA. 15+50 RD-1 END CONSTRUCTION PHASE 4B-tA AND 48-1B s- ~o PIPE 5 STA. 15+16.94 DISSIPATOR #5 SEDIMEM TRAP 14 PT=14+50.52 RD-1 N 562391.43' E 2007556.06 ' ~Dw .w,„, ~...,,~ ~pb~y4 o;~ o ,J;~s d ~nm ~Fti; ~ ,z. o~ ~?r 6 I ~~ mom,? a d m.„n OP a~ ~ yyn~ ~ Off,°c_n J N ~ n y~~o~- N ` ~ °~ Q i, V ~ o E (nZ 5© t ~ i y ~~ ~~oN ~ ~aN^ W ~ $ m a ~~yNa ,Q y 8 = U TAN=145.74 ~ CH=S1T0T34"W DISSIPATOR ~1 o SYNTHETIC MATTING C=265.26' E 2D07301.3T I ~ 660 I DELTA=48'58'19" STA. 8+43.53 RD-1 SEDIMENT p ~ PIPE 4 650 STA. D+00 RD-3 TRAP 4 STA. 11+80.55 ~ N 561845.81' PIPE 3 SWALE 11 ~ ) TIE NEW PAVEMENT TO 649 E 2007359.15' STA. 9+18.13 PC=9+50.89 RD-1 SEDIMENT DISSIPATOR ~4 j EXISTING PAVEMENT N 561926.08' TRAP 11 659 ~ O i~ i I E 2007430.44' SWALE 12 ~ 651 DISSIPATOR {~3 658 m 652 653 654 SWALE 9 655 657 EXCELSIOR MATTING 1 ~_,'~, 10' DRAINAGE SYIr'THETIC MATTING 656 Lll ~ ;, HEATHER BROOK RD-1 EASEMENT cTYPaI--! -- iD' DRAINAGE ~ _ I f EASEMENT (TYP.) ~, ~ 7!I ' ..._.___ GH."-.PdfNSIA.A4+072.76 ~-~~....._,._.._. .. _._}..m.-_.u_ ~- .'r, I~..,_._.,,. ;~._.._,_ ~ -_.._~,..._.,..1._ ..~._.~ _...._„~ T,.,,.__~..___•__~.-,...T _._~..__ ~ -1~ W 32- ~-il,-~___ .-_..- --._ --. _ ~ _ .__{. ,,.o, ~3~gg34 '` i____.W_ v_.~i. ~~ _... ~ .~_:..__~._.._..~ __ -~---, TRAP 1~Y"2 --____.___,._.._____._ ~ ~---{---- ' ~ _ ~ I I~ 320 290 , ~ 1290 - zD Mc. ~ _ , ~ ~ _ ... -~ N_. t_-___ -~____ ~~-___ _.___ - ` __.` -TRAP 9 ~~ ~ ~ _+ I 315 ~ -~- ! ~ _ _ + Low POCiNr sT~h~ .pia+ao os ~ _ 285 ow----!- -___--_ .---~--~ n ~ SEDIMENT :- ~.:.. -__.~..__.. L _.._._. _...... I_.__._-..r.-._.- ~ I 315 i ~ I N n t` I ~~ELEV = 49708 ~ --_."._ _. __ _.~,..__, 1...\ , 4 _-`„_ __- ---_. ~:_ _ ---..._ _ ~,,,_,,.. ~ '_.,_-.-},. _,__ i~~~ .__~ ..__._ -°o ~ ------ ---~-- __.-_~. "~ _.imm *..M _...~~.._~.~~._.___1_'_-._.__.. _.__:::_L.-__.._.;,_.._.._ Q..._.._._ .87 ;.. {. PVI STA~..T.ab06 I ~ -- _ +M. _ r w n ~ ~I,o.oo' vc 310 280 \ s y ~vr~EL~ 261.35 280111 O a ~ ... ~ ~ > ~ , -. w ~ K 2257 ' ~ ~ EXL4CING GRADE (n Z i m c> i ~ I x k228 ~ _ - 310 ~ _ II I ~ m ~~ ~ I _ _ ._ I EXISTI ~ - -i- - - -~- -- - ~ a - ..._ _.___-~L -----i95.6~J.•.i+E -- ~ ~_ ~ '~ >-_ I 4 ---t mw---I--- 0.33% ---_ _ - NG GRADE ~~ -. ~ -. ~ W ~ m , 305 I ~ A - - f ~ ~ ~ ` .. ' _ I >" m I %_ 305 275 + ~, '~ ~_--___-______~~.._ _ _- ~75 W W Y Q o .~ .- T - __ _ _ - _ ..._ .~65~ ; y v ___: X18 RCPJ N '.. w j ~ W W Q ~ _ .- ~_... ~ ~ -~ yF I 1 f ~ o ti m f - _ .. 300 PROP06ED RARE ~ ~ "h `_ m °+° N 30~ 27~ - - - ~ _ . _ ~ a j 2]O ~ U m ] T I- ---~ -- ~ -- {-~ -- .. ~. _ - - - ._ ~ ~, _ _ - ~ _ _ _..- -.,,.. ,,....._.., r --~ - _ - _ _ _ ~ - --- ~_ . I- _ ~~~~'.~~._'`~_`__ ...,~~.~~ ___ , on i ._ : ~ --295 265..__ _ ~ . ~. ..._ ~~ ~ _~.__~._.._...._. ~. ~I 1265 ~ w a ~ 295 I ~~, u1~N- T8" RCP' ~~'~ ~ _ ~ ~ i PROPOSED GRAOE~~ ~ ~ ' I_.~ _I _ __ ..___ _._.._...~..- - __.. Q 290 ~ ~ I ++ N ~ ~ i ! NU'-id ~ mo~ I - \`~ 29© 260_ ~~ i. `'~ 260 I as • , , , -- ~ - --- ~ _~ r I i ~ vi +~ _::___ __ _-__ __. _.'T..._ * ~ 1 -. :. t ~\~ I 3q RCP '. oerz ` I _. _._.J- ~ ~.. ~_. ._... _..__... _.. _.. ._. ___._._.~ ~~i ~oesiwm. JLH 285 ~ ~'F1NISHED cRADE'ELEVaYION I - _ ~ I j _. _. __~ 255 ~ _~_~~ ~ _---__- 255 ._.. -'-~-F-__-_ _.... -_... -_ .._-}.-...-....-_.... ...-._...._....-._. - ~ ... ... ~P n ~~ ,n~- M ,m ' 'meso'n ~- ~ , ' _..- ~ m a ". : ~ w : ,~ -~ rn - n e o a m N v rn n . snm n , .. I I m m lo. .. ~ o o ~ n o n o w © ~ ~ IM ,~ ,~ ~ ~ o m im ZOO _ .O O M ~M M M IM M M n IM N 'N. N N N :: ry ~ N N N N N N '~ .,250 V 2+00 3+00 4+00 5 -~~`~_ -` .~~'-____ _-_ _ . _,. _..-.._.-__ ~. ~N +00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 ,fi o~. PIPE INFO DISSIPATOR INFO PIPE LENGTH DIA. % SLOPE INV. IN INV. OUT PAD WIDTH LENGTH THICK CLASS 1 53 LF 18" 0.5% SLOPE 298.62 296.36 1 11' 9' 18" "B" RIP-RAP W APRON FILTER FABRIC 2 60 LF 18" 0.5% SLOPE 296.44 296.14 2 11' 9' 18" "B" RIP-RAP W APRON FILTER FABRIC 3 40 LF 18" 0.59, SLOPE 293.83 293.63 3 11' 9' 18" "g" RIP-RAP W APRON FILTER FABRIC 4 40 LF 18" 0.5% SLOPE 274.54 274.34 4 i 1' 9' 18" "B" RIP-RAP W APRON FILTER FABRIC 5 40 LF 30" 0.5% SLOPE 256.98 256.78 5 28'x5 25' 36" "2" RIP-RAP W APRON FILTER FABRIC :I, H:\HA0507 4B1\800\810\R0ADS\ROADS.d". LaypW: JtYOUT 1. By. ln4ipper, Pl,al 1Aon Jan 15. 3007 It 8:17am, %REra Uaed: BASE tH:\HA0507 4B1\800\810\eASE.dwgj > Cy ii + WO 325 SiA 13+00 ELEV. 325 S9 .- ,EVCE.. \ Co O W CAW O 'W W N N W w `,W W r3 X00 EW DRIVE 31487 m Z � N N D O - Z O O UI 1 O CP ''i O CP CD O N U D D l T 1 m S I 0p+/! \ \ o °i W W 41 O rNi < _...... . _...... :__ _.... _.... .._ __ - = v 313.86 v U ++ U OnO AND + w w o o Ln A -0 o ao+B m 4 - / 11 0 O - Of A O O N N D o O O g o 1 HVCE: 322.47 I STA O+OQ m < v U o n o r7zl O A Km m W= o II II z m o +O, .__ 323.71 _ _• ..... .. c7 I r :_ ..... OO : II II �'Nwzi O 326,19 z - ,_ ELEV.326 19 - N zz z QI O D Ln II a cn v m O '`h OY 00"zr a 1n W O In s e l -: A T T �l !n m_J U r1l O m A T7 A �1 A A .-0 A X m 32455 - oo 0 fD m o O :! y o A 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O N In F v v v v v v T -o ,n < to O W at II 0 tD chO } _ 31240 1 o�00000000� �j �- oo s 32660 n w o N � - O N T Amo00o 00oC3 n O z A 95 z J zb+s = 1 m C' cn U mm D -i A L cn Ln -1T1 In D A m J _ oo T !n O O A X m f rn m n mO O D m OI O \ m O o -Zi zz D Z m x Ln -v 0' .... __ ._._ A m (n Z O Z ZD7 fZi m A O A f�Tl f�Tl -u A D O 327.75 0 v m t7 _ I BVCS 145 D m 00 < / o/ z A o < I m �' 315-11 Z J> Inv n a o 4 v (D ;z m A -1 D D C N D m 315.36 m m T O D O N SO FF+o/ o 0 l a m O _--�- -TJ 328.32 \ 1 BVCS 328 32 Jd O _ > � o m Z 31636 Z f I 0 m I T z ':. c,.o A Z Z_E o o c-) A X oNi W N m w 328.78 o m n oo A A o rn n <na 329,00 0 z @l I oxom Hyl O 111 II <i D (n m g� N D _ 328.99 . .._ i. ......_ .._.... _ _ :_• :._ .. I...._ .. .. �rn n li._D.� o = v o m O < .fi 111 w N II... Fl u;mw4- °9 a 0 O 328.74 oN O+zE m A 00 Z I N 4� A O m N 32$ 26 o -a p1 cn z o EVCS. 2+.75 327.54 EVCE 327 54' D W 326.70 7 O O _ I.,` N D oo s o/ CC, ~ o 325'02 BVCS 3+65 Q 4- BvCE: 324.52 C U D m �O I 324.21 CD -1 U41 C) ,` �v D II AI < _ .. ��� p L O - oN 0 323 60 O a N W PLU - 1' .„-" F _ o m o EVICT 4+35 o "� 00 A 4 ON 323.24 .EVCE' 323]1.7 w N 323.10 j ! J CooD co o z I CP is i W O N 0 322 85 -_ p i o c rn u, o 00 S O +- n V i J O A W Ch 322.60 p zJ 66 99+ - o Od O CO = i O O 1 o° IT 319.01 STA 1+41.41 RD. 1I 00+z EVCS 7+40 57A, 9.72 RR -2 ro ELEV 318.10 VCE'. 318,18 w \ 317.60 VCS 7+70 o D 315 15 EVCE 316 43 TD + ._. EVCS s� > Cy ii + WO 325 SiA 13+00 ELEV. 325 S9 .- ,EVCE.. \ Co O 318.86 \ r3 X00 EW DRIVE 31487 O O N U D D l T 1 m S I 0p+/! \ \ N iN W W 41 O S O N ti II II II N01 DNN-'1P0 O~ o C)1 o Lp O LD O = v 313.86 v U ++ U OnO AND o Ln A -0 o ao+B m 4 - / m w D W 313.10 BVCS: 11 +72.04 - O O N N D o 322162 O g o 1 HVCE: 322.47 m < v U o n o r7zl O A Km m W= o II II z m +O, .__ 323.71 _ _• ..... .. c7 '._.. :_ ..... OO : II II �'Nwzi O 312.61 - 1 - N zz z QI O D Ln II a cn v m O '`h OY 00"zr a 1n CD s S 312.37O 32455 fD 90'9B+9 Jd7� O :! < to O W at II 0 tD chO } \W to 31240 ' �'Qw w �j �- oo s 325.14 w o N � v 312 69 w �� 95 z J zb+s = 1 C' cn 313.24 _ oo v v n o OI O \ r rn A r*t mp m --0 4 314.05 �o p 0' a=� av O \ EVCS ; 10+30 D m 00 < / o/ 315-11 _ a m EVCE 315.36 N SO FF+o/ o \ Jd O 31636 0 m I \ A X oNi w + ._. EVCS s� > Cy ii + WO 325 SiA 13+00 ELEV. 325 S9 .- ,EVCE.. \ O 318.86 \ r3 X00 EW DRIVE m z 1n to\ A O R�\7 N U D D l T 1 m S I 0p+/! \ \ N iN W W 41 S O N ti II II II N01 DNN-'1P0 O~ o C)1 o Lp O LD O v U ++ U OnO AND 321 37 m � m 4 - / BVCS: 11 +72.04 - N O cD A 322162 O g o 1 HVCE: 322.47 ti W I v +O, .__ 323.71 _ _• ..... .. c7 '._.. :_ ..... .._. .: U v II m D .- '`h OY 00"zr a 1n CD S 32455 a I N 325.14 v o C' cn Zacn o � G l'1 tim N D m W A f�Tl Z �1 n + m D w+ N -0 Z D 0 J n 0 O z K: m m < m z 0 O 325.47 EVCS 12+8704 > Cy ii + WO 325 SiA 13+00 ELEV. 325 S9 .- ,EVCE.. 325 54 .._ F STq 0 OVERVI .59 O r3 X00 EW DRIVE R�\7 O o N iN W W 41 o cn o C)1 o Lp O LD O UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND m � m 4 - o GRAVITY OUTFALL TO SERVEMICAHWAY 1qj Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. 'S ANDERSON CREEK CLUB Consulting Engineers, Surveyors &Land Planners PHASE 4B-2 RD -1 y A Southern Pines, North Carolina 28387 300 SW. Broad Street, Southern Pines, North Carolina 28387 Phone: (910) 692-5616 - Fax: (910) 692-7342 0 HARNETT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA DOF_ Z m K D � D D cr, r 0- 01 Z � n Z OZ �O� .0 C C �n Fon Z 4 0 Z D (-_ V) M --I> M F_ mz z � cn C m z mm (n � ,��N IICARp<i�" SEAL - 9570 A N 0 V) u~'~~ ~~, w PIPE #8 STA. 5+76 RD-2 a3 LF 18" RCP 0.5% INV. IN 27.24 1 768 TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP #9 765-A 767 765-8 765-C 766 STA 0+00 RD-2 SWALE #9 N 561162.94 E 2005734.48 PC=3+13.D8 I R=400.00' ni saidn sn ----, ~m L=329.01' MICAH'S WAY- - - rD - TD 77t R=155.00' L=135.22' Pr = eazie Ton=72.25' CH =130.9 T CB=N62'2T39"W DELTA=49'59'04" 77D c 769 SWALE X10 ao 0 TEMP. SE IMENT TRAP #10 // 40 t0 7D - srA s+72 RD-z STA 7+41.41 RD-1 s oo N 561956.04 o E 20D5454.t7 I 732 do ti0 731 TEMP, DIVERSION DITCH X10 NOTES: REVISIONS LEGEND , -, ExISTING TREE LINE o PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE ~ PROPOSED SEDIMENT TRAP TO PROPOSED TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH I -o-o- PROPOSED SILT FENCE PROPOSED SEED AND MULCH PROPOSED EXCELSIOR MATTING o~n~ sa PROPOSED SYNTHETIC MATTING PROPOSED RIPRAP x SPOT ELEVATION ~ FLOW DIRECTION HORSESHOE STONE INLET PROTECTION RIPRAP DISSIPATOR i\~P ..P~ ', .....,, hp~~~., , ' 'W Npi U~ ;ry :~yd ~;,a,< ~,~ti ,,,,,~„.aP~,,, Q~ c ~~ 0 1' oN~ 'V J Oy1, °c` H o z- Q o U v ~ - ~ y 2 d ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ m c ;, ~ ~' ~ v V .c c ~W m o., z J Q U S t- K 0 Z Z 0 U F F W Z Q S .SUU ... .... ~..~`...... _~ .._. -. ._.... ............. _..... ......... ..... ......... .... ......... ......... .. wi[: JANUARY. 2006 . _ ~. _. ~_~• _ xeo: JLH,TLS ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L A Ew PRCPOSED PIPE SWALL'~TO 6RADE ~ :295 cn m: DT 295 9NISHED„ GRADE ELEVA ;rN~ ,_ _. _.... 18 RCP..... _... OVx scat co ~ ^ xm x .. .....- ^ N ~ N r -m m ~ ro. a a ~ w- c ' N n m v' rn. n .... _: n -:: : u~ .a M d ::~ i 'a .r o ^ w ~ o N ~ n ° a ~ „~ o ~ N' ^ N N ^ o ~ N ,~._ of ...^ .rn d n N:_: ^ ^ ^ ^ -:_ co m N ~ ~ ~ o N co - - ~ N c _... __. N M. a N:.:. ro ^ a O ^ _... _ _... _. ~ a. 5 m o _.. r') , _. c n m rn c N N N N- N N '.N N N - M ~, ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - O O O O O O O O O O O r, " M ~ ~, r, r7 ' r7 ~ ~ G O O O M "' M ~ ~ ~, r, M 290 290 r, 00+00 , - M ~, 1+00 2+00 3+00 . ~ . ~ 4+00 5+00 6+00 . 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 zo a: LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RIGHT OF WAY, LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION LINES AND ALONG ANY UTILITY EASEMENTS REVISIONS UMITS OF SYM~ DESCRIPTIDN CONSTRUCTION ~ STANTEC COMMENTS 1 ^, \ r 1 f ~ 922 \ i I ~ ',\ I I ) 843 1 ~ 921 1 II I I ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 1 T J \l 1 li 1 l1 i ~ 84~ I 920 1. LEGEND ~~ ~ ~~ ~,, ,. ~~ ,v ', 1v 'v ~~ --- ~~ `~' ~~ 1 , 919 ( ~ v, ~'TEMP~ DIVERSION ~, v aas~\ ~` _ PIPE #221 ~' \~ DITCH ~B (EM) 1 \ 918 1 `\ ® TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP ~~ A ~ 1 ~~ \ ~.\ V ' ~ 946 ~' 'V~ v ~ 1 i ~\ v ~, '['~ (\v -Tp-- TEMP. DIVERSION DITCH ~~ 1 1 _ ~ - r TEMP. INLET PROTECTION ~ ~ :~ n ~ ~ ~ _- PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE ~~ ~IFARWAY #3~~ _ _ _ o ~ 1 ~~ ~48 ~ -' i Bii6A' ~~ o PROPOSED CATCH BASIN EXISTING (\ 1 ' ~~. ~. ` PIPE {)23 N WETLANDII-v ~ ~~ \ ~ 1~ RIP RAP VEL. DISS. PAD ~ - -_ 20' UTILIn EASEMENT, X649 `' ~ ~~ \ \~1s ~1 \ P N ~y,~~ ~ TEMP. HORSESHOE INLET PROT. _ , PIPE X26 `,, -. veso 1 v ~ v , ~ )'~~ n a~1.~lytYy x RIP RAP VELOCIn - ~ \ ~ \91~` \ 1 ~ ~LITb~ ~~Q~4r~a TEMP. SILT FENCE -- a ~ v ', l,` ~Jrld~ uary~ DISSIPATOR PAD ~3 `; '-~ ~ , ~N3L IMMEDIATELY AFTER PIPE X26 HAS BEEN ~~~~~ °' v 1 ' 1 A51`~ ~ ~ ~ v i I~'' INSTALLED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL °~ 1 ' ~' v PIPE 25 ~ AIA~ ~~~~ h `' SILT FENCE AS INDICATED AND SEED AND '~~ ~',; ~ A ~~ ~, ~ # +- ~ 1119 MULCH THE DISTURBED AREA TO PREVENT r ~' ~ ~' ` ~~ `~~ ~\as2, '\ ~ ~ 1 (~ SEDIMENTATION FROM FLOWING TO GOLF CART TEMPORARY SILT ,1 `\ ~( ~\ ` ~ ~ ~ \ \ ~I912 \ ~ h PATH AND GOLF COURSE. FENCE (nP.) ~ ~ 1 ' `, ~ A ~ '1~ p ~. r 1 , 85 \ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I 1`3 \ 1\ 1 i ~~~p ~ ~~ ~ ~ ). I~ 1 iTEMP. SEDIMENT` ' 9~1 1 1 ~ ' ~'V~ ~ V r (TRAP ~8 ~ 1 ,PIPE X24 ~ ~~ ~ .r r I ~ ~~ ~, ~ 854 I 1 ;)~ ~ ~ 1~ j ;~r~~1rE~P~SEDIMENf 1 ~ ~ ; i slo ~~. ,'I j i r / ,TRAP #7 ~ ~ 1' r ~ - I / ( ~, / i % ~ I ' ! 855 ~ i909 V. `. ,f /TEMP. DIVERSION , I 1, ' r / r i /DITCH ~7 (SM) ' 1 r e5B r l ~ ~ rl ~ !1 i J r % ,1 r / 908 ~ 1 ~ I ~' 1' 1 '/ I / r I I / i ( ~ /' _ , 7 ~ / ~ / 1 \ ! I 1 1 I i 1 ' 857 ,' / I~ ~ ~t i ~ ~~ ~ 1 1 I I i ~ ' r r/ 9071 ~/ 1i ~, _ 1 11 1 I ' I ~ 1 V ~' 1~ r ! I ~ r - i1 ---- -- ~ ~` v ' r;, ~ ,v . v 1 ~, ~ ~ ~ X91 ~~ 1 ~\ ~ 9061 1 11 !r ~ ~ x ~ - r ~ A 9U I I i _ ~ \ ~ V ~ ~\ ~I ~ 1fEMP. ~I R~ION 1 1 1 1 ~ ~I 1 1 A ~ TEMP. SEDIMENT 11 ~~ 1 \ ~ I i ~ j ! ~TCH. #5~'Ef~~ ` 'VB61', ~ ', 1 ', ' ' ~ ~ 1 r / r 1 ' I 1 PIPE #12 _, TRAP 6 1 - 1 -- i - 7 ~ 1 ~ 861 ~ 1 i ~ 905 904 90J 1 ,x ~ s ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ / /, 11 1 1 I I ~ 1 ~ 1 I I 1 ~ r ~ ~ ` ~ ' ,' ~ -'863 ~ ~1 i ~ PIPE X10-A' 1 ~ i ,l / 1, :! ~~ ~ i' PIPE ~13i i ' .~ __ _ _ ~ i ~MPP. ~~ DIMENT , i B94 ' !r ( !~ ~ - --- ~ ~~~ ~~ / / ~/~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ) LAKE r' , i ' ~ - -, ,,~ ," / ', %~ a~ ~, a64 / , ` ; ~ ~ SL ~' / I ) / I! / ~-\ ~` r i866~ PIPE 1S 'PIPE X11 ~f/~j ' ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~' -FAIRWAY #2 , i~ ~ ', ( r ' eBa1 ds7; PPE ~i6' ~ ~ e9s A I ~`' , , •, i1 I' ~ 1 ~ li j % ,' ~" - ~ A ~' 1 1 RIP RAP ~VELOCIn a 'PHASE 3A uMlTS'oF ~' I~ I ; I 'I ; I I ; ~/~ , - 'v v ~ r ~asT~- olsslPAraR PAO ~'2 i ~ I - ~ "~ _ I / ~ I ~; ~ CONSTRUCTION ~~ ~ 1. I ~ ( , , ,e7o ~ r ' ] 1 PIPE #14 , -- r I 'x i I i 1 J i 1 ~ 1 ~ % ~ ~ ~ ' PIPE ~f 16 '~ '~ ' ~ % \ ! I -' x,~/ ~ ~ ~ i 1 / j I r ,PIPE #21 ~, _ _ ~ ! I ~ 89Y EXISTING r l/ , 1 r /. ~ l~ ~ I i l~ / r ~ -_ ~ ~ ROADWAY _-- - - ~ ~ r ! ~ ~!' /TEMP. DIVERSION : TEMP. SEDIMENT __-' -_- ~ rl TEMP. ~ DIVERSION e92 ~~ ~~ BEGIN PHASE SA 2' ~ 1~, DITCH ~3 (EM) , 'TRAP ~3 z ~ , ~' ` I (3) EXISTING ~ r '' --- - - '~ r, I ~ ! -872. s71' ~. ,DITCH (~4 (EM) _ DRAINAGE PIPES k V r ~~ NEW GRAVEL ~ l~ ~ r ~ ' ~ ' 1874 ,~ ~ ' ! / ~ PIPE ,}117 ,- ~ ~ ~ es1 ' _ ;'~ .; f - `- / i ~ CONSTURCTION ENTRANCE i 1 ~ ~ - , r i ! ~ ' i EXISTING ; l ~ ~ /-~ ` r 1 ~ ~I ,' 815 z PROPOSED ~ -- / - 1 r ~ ! , ;'RIP RAP APRON - , 4' EXISTING ! ; ; ! - , I (% / ~ ROADWAY -- - -/T T~ P. SEDIMENT( 1~ ~ BB8 , ea9 `PIPE 9 ~ .`l. EDGETEM~ RY ~ / ~ ~1 / ~'~ ; ~ ~~ ~ ' 817a ~ I a7~1 r B7 ~! ~/ /, /l (, / fii _ -- PIPE ~2G -`\ ~ PIPE ~R9P #4ae~ X61 aet{ , - - ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ / ~i \ _ ~r _ _, I ~; ALT FENCE % ~ I _ 861 684 I TEMP. INLET ~ e7 TEMP. DIVERSION ' N _ ,. .~ -~: , PROTECTION (nP.) - eao olrcH pz (EM) - ~ _; '' ~ 1 N'+~/ / RIP RAP VELOCITY ~1'/ I /PIPE ~'8 % rr i /' ~ /~ PIPE #2' ~ / ~NS' ~ -- , i -' DISSIPATOR PAD ~1 i 1 r '~ !~ 1 ~ ~ 1 i / ~ ~ ~ '~~~ ~ __, ~~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ I i 1 1 PIPE H5 1 TEMP. DVERSION / ~ ~ TEMP. HORSESHOE ,r ~ ~ ;DITCH ~1 (EM) ~ r TEMP. DIVERSION ' I , ; '9 1 I y 1 / `~ ~,/ ~ DITCH #2 (EM) ~ INLET PROTECTION 7 PIPE X10 ~ ~ , ~; 1 ~ i I1 ~ r ;. , ~1 ~' i ~ i I ~ PIPE ({1 ~ ~~r' 1 I ) ~ I i I ~ i ~ 1 , ,y,~ , 20' UTILIn ~ I I I ~ I i r EASEMENT ' PIPE ~7 ,1 TEMPORARY SILT ( I ' ;FENCE (nP.) ;TEMP. SEDIMENT ' PIPE ~6\ -PIPE ~4 TEMP. SEDIMENT LIMITS OF CLEARING SHALL BE LIMITS OF j TRAP #~ I ~ ~ ~ PIPE ~'3 TRAP ~2 rEMPDRnRY CONSTRUCTION, EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF ,' ~ , ~, slLr FENCE (nP.) WAY LINES - saz \ _ ~`yo1 Nc ~ ~\ S ,' 897 1 898 ~ ~98 AMP. DVERSION )ITCH #6 (SM) C TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH ~ LINING nPE 1 EXCELSIOR MATTING 2 EXCELSIOR MATTING 3 EXCELSIOR MATTING 4 EXCELSIOR MATTING 5 EXCELSIOR MATTING fi SEED AND MULCH 7 SEED AND MULCH B EXCELSIOR MATTING F~r~ dd•~j's <<pp J(o dsd~ ~V1N Wi~(1 =77~ :W tnm ~i 'sY?;Odd... ~2+`~+i s~'`~~, nrmw a, uj~r~~ wa^~i €^ ,R CN 2i V ~ Ub 0 O .c z s 4yN~ Pte:; Q ~v n u 91 .~ 'a u •C~2s~ C vm ~ ~ ~ N G ~ ~o W ~ wm~ a~ y•~c°n~a a h = U Z J J ~." Z Z 0 W m Z J W U ~ YN WWWI Q ~ ~ ~ ~WUW n.cnZCn G 0 Q J W Q arE: JULY, 200fi oESicxm: JLH oxnwx. DBC cxmxm: DTU wxe AB BNOWN ~~ SHER NQ 14 a 19 \ REVISIONS ~ \ / SYM. DESCRIPTION DATE BY NOTE: / LEGEND , IN~r PROT. ~ e~c Nuu ,z/ze/os oNH \ / ~ CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SILT FENCE / / ~ Q 2 stautEC co~MeNts ,/,s/m wen ALONG PHASE LINES UPON REMOVAL OF '• ~~. ~ / / ~ _ _ _ - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ SEDIMENT TRAPS. ~~ ' ~ \ / / _ ~ - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WETIANDS / ____ SILT FENCE SHALL REMAIN UNTIL ALL WORK ~~ "~- PROPERTY BOUNDARY UPSTREAM OF SILT FENCE IS COMPLETE AND ',q VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. ~~i 0 RIP-RAP VELOCITY ~\ ?]: \ DISSIPATOR ~j2 (TYP.) SEE 9' MIN. \F ; ~\ . DETAIL PAGE EC-3 ', ~ ': PROPOSED 49B LF OF 36" ~'p , RCP ®3.0~ (TYP.) FlLL IN ',LL . Y, ~ -'~-- J EXISTING SWALE AFTER ~ `~ INSTALLATION OF PIPE ~ ~ DRAINAGE SWALES `~ 3 \ ~ ~D BETWEEN BUILDINGS \'i '~'4 ~4r MIN. 0.5% SLOPE //TYP. ~ 2' ' ~+.y h~~ ~ 1 ) \ ~ /. Y ~. \ " t ; '\ ~ „ 2 _` ~ TEMPORARY SILT ~',~ NLET PROTECTION '~ // ~ ~ ~ r; ~. (TYP. OF ALL) // ' 51.~ ', FENCE (TYP.) ~~ /; / ~ TEM ORAR SE6IMENT , TEMPORARY SEDIMENT O`~.... ,' ~ TRAP #2 TRAP #3 ,i' ~ ~ sG'w x 1oo'L x z'o ~ '~ ~ sD'w x 1DO'L x 2'D % ~ 6~WEIR LENGTH "`- ~~ 6' WEIR LENGTH ~l ~ ~ SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL ~, \ ~`~ SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL % / ~,~ ~ ,• ~ // ,/ ~ ^'~'~ REMAIN UNTIL ~ ~ REMAIN UMIL ~ %~ ~ CONSTRUCTION OF I~ ~ CONSTRUCTION OF ~ ~~ . PHASE 2 \' \ ` ` PHASE 2 ~" .1~ / ~~ i ~ .,~A~ ~~ TEMPORARY ~ / " ~ ~ ~ ~; ~~ ~'~ , °~ r `~ CONSTRUCTION ~ ~/' , "~ ~ _ RIP-RAP VELOCITY ENTRANCE (TYP. OF 3) ?~` / ' ,\~,' \Q~ ~ `\ ~~ \~ ~ DISSIPATOR ~1 (TYP.) SEE y . / / ~~ FFE _ ~ .l 245 \ ~ DETAIL PAGE EC-3 ~~ r~ ~' ~ ~ ,~~ 262.30 <~' 9/ ~°" `~. G '~ ~ ~ J- PROPOSED 24' xi' ... - LIMITS OF ~, ~` ~ ~ ~ t ~ > / ~~~ `' . , ~Q /' ~ ~ ~~ FP ~ ~ / ~ , ~ STORM SEWER (TYP.) `,, `,, ~ ` DISTURBANCE `, .p~... ; ~ ~ ~ /~ ~ :; V . ~`'`~ ~ i j ~ ~~~ ~, - ~ , ~ r ~-, _ - ,~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ , FFE FFE _ ~ / ~ ' ~ '' TEMPORARY SILT FENCE INSTALLED ~ ~~ ~ Q / /'~ ~ ~,a, AT PHASE LINES U.O.N. (TYP.) "~ ': 266.20 <'' ~ ~. 261.50 ~~~' _ ~ `~, ' `, ~ ~ EROSION CONTROL ~/ ^' ~ ~ ~` ~ ~ ~~ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE EC-3) `, E \ ,' ~ / ~"v ,, /~~ ~. j ~ , 245 95 ~ ~' ,, , ~' ~ ~ ~ i°., y ~ ~ "TEMPORARY SEDIMENT ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~~~^~ / ~ I -..~ TRAP ~4 _SIA'' /"~ / \~/ ~ "i ~ ~ i 5a'W X 116'L x 2'D ~ , .~ . fi' ~ FFE _ ~ ~ ,r a ~.!~ ~~ ~'. FFE _ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ I a' wEIR LENGTH ' ! >< ~ r ~ _ ~ _ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~, I ` ~ / 268.35 ~ \ ~, 259.45 ~`~ ~ SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL i / ~ \ i f /~ I REMAIN UNTIL } F ~" a 1 \ ' CONSTRUCT ~:~f~~i~~ ~ I ' I \ ION OF `~ ~ PHASE III -`~ ! ~I~.LVf~+- 29N~30 ! ! '",~- ti's ~ i ~' ~ ~ II PHASE s 11Nf~ . ; , ~ ~ ; rq~R ~ ~ , ~, ,~ ~ ~ FFE _ ~ ~ '~ , ti II ;; I W ~ „~ ;` ' ~~ ~~ AY p0! , ~« ~ 261.50 ''% „ _ ' ~ 1 ~, r IL0a2. ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,., , if OR ~'~~ _~ ~. ~ _ I t ' „ ~- ~ FFE ~ _. V. " ~ ` _.; ~„ ` 259 ~ ~, ,~ r ~ ' .. ;PHASE I ~ .50 FFE - ', .~ ~ ... , i .t , I-~ , rs ...; ~ 5~~5"' :~ r,s, ,~,~~';~ .1 {j i ~i. _ 1 r '._. ... 255 55 i ":S ,4~' L ~ ~ +~ r v ,,,,.: ~ ~' ~ ...; iy ., ... ~. ~. I .,. ~ - ~1~ ~ , ~ ~~ ~ ~ TEMPORARY DIVERSION ' ~" ~ FFE - ' TcH r DI TYP. ~ ~ ~ _.. 268.20 "% ;~ _ II ) ,~ ~ ; _, _, O ; ~, ~.. ... .... ~.~~ ~\ ~~~, .. _., ~~ ._ ,' ~ ~ -._- '~' ~~ FFE _ " , ""_~ !, ~- a 4. _, ~ ` ,._ E T ~; . ` Z "~ 262.50 ' ~ ~„ TRAPO~~RY S DIMEN ~~ ;; __ a ~- ~ _ ~ ._~ `s . _` i , , • .. ~ ~ sa'w x 13s'L x 2'D ..~ ~ ._ I ~ ~ i ~' ~ FFE 10 WEIR LENGTH 2 -.. _ - / ,, __ _. "' ~ ` ~ - TEMPORARY SILT '"°-__, `„ \p 254 40 1 r !„.a" LL a FENCE (TYP.) -~~ ~ ~.. ,„ ~ , > ' ~ SEDIMENT TRAP SHA _~ -°., PHA IV "' REMAIN UNTIL ~~ - DISTURBANCE "' ` \ ~ ~ ~ FFE _ CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 4 ~~~~ ~- FFE - ;' ~ ~ ``''~~,~ 248 '~. 250. 63 ;' ~` ALL SANITARY SEWER ~ ~ ' ~ , - -- ` NOT IN ROADWAY TO \ ~ " - ~. HAVE ENKA MATTING ~ ~ ~ 1~ ROTATED G. PER ELMIy60~ MIN.g-O6 FFE ~, `~ L ~, ~~ a o M y+aM on ,~ ~N Pi V ~ Ub y~.€zo Qo~a~ ~ 'a ~ E I ~C~nZs(° y ~ ~~~v~ V .C~Smo Ea ~~ ,~ fr' 3 d .Q h U -.I Z J d W Y W W Z ~ rWNy o Z LL U U az } 0 °z ~ W o U ~L Q Z Q Q TEMPORARY SILT ~~ 1 `, ~~ 2 ~. 5 35 a~ DEC, 2a05 , ) 3 ~'~ FENCE (TYP ' - - ~ ~ o~ncxm: JEH . ~i ~f ... 2 ,, / GRAPHIC SCALE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT ~~ "- ---.... !,J -^ _ ~ cx[cem: dEH s a a z '....~a o DRAINAGE SWALE 2 TRAP ~1 64'W x 120'L X 2'D ^'~.~w.. - - ~ - s~•,.. ,'=5D' W/ ENKA MATTING ' ~ _. _ , - " LEVEL SPREADER 10 WEIR LENGTH SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL ""- y - _. ,, _,,0 1 5 - - 30' LONG ~ xm xo. ' ~ ~ ~~ ~ REMAIN UNTIL ._ TD ~ ~ C(~ EC~2 I ~ inch = ~ n CTION OF SER ~ _ _ ,~a1 DRAINAGE SWALE ~1 TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM (TYP ) I P A 3 W/ ENKA MATTING . 4 ~ i 2' -~~ ~~ ~, C3 ~~ ~~ ~„ ~N~IE~$~®N ~~]E]E]~ N®]~~~[ 1 IEM~ 8l q CK ° Rp JURISDICTIONAL DELINEATION MAP vwi SITE ~ z o N 2~ 2 1~ti5 ~~~ ~~~ W r r OVERHIIIS RD r~ ~ m°' A /q WETLAND LINE ~~' l VICINITY MAP m zl VICINITY 3 INDEX OF SHEETS ~as>.vn~~isa~~~ar! TITLE SHEET......... PLAN SHEETS ............................2-5 ~ ^~ ' LQOZ r ~~ ~~ - NOTES: ~ ~.„ \ ~ ~ ~ 1. THIS MAP DOES NOT REPRESENTA BOUNDARY SURVEY BY STANTEC CONSULTING 2. BOUNDARY INFORMATION AND WETLAND LINE IXCEPT WHERE NOTED OTHERWIS TAKEN FROM A "FINAL PLAT OF WELTNADS FO~: QUANTUM DEVELOPMENT', BY BR~CKEN .~ \ ~,~ ~ ^ AND ASSOCIATES DATED NOVEMBER 7,1888, 3. TOTAL WETLAND ACREAGE=82.3AC ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ \ ~-'.-\ ~ \ ~ 1 j ANDERSON CREEK SOUTH U ~ v / ~ ~ ~/ / V rnrr r P d m th W GRAPHIC SCALES 150 75 0 150 ~0 ~ e ce o : rgeare ~~~~ AIM 700.p1 brr RvM Ae00 ~ T+o~~ ~ ~~~ ...Mno.. O PIANS _ y -- ----- - -- ------------ --- ----- - OWNER CONTACT.• ERBT MANGUM 17fB PRH4~ OP DAVIARIPiffil( PETE COLWELL PAOJACf MANAG®t WIDSP~ PDYBb IIA SPRpC I.IA6 Nf, ZdA1 PEOJKI REFERENCE N0. SHED N0. ,[l 1TI70D15D 2 V / ~ ~~ Stantec Consulting Services Inc. ~1,~5 HJB Suite 700.801 ,loose FrmYclln Aoad S(t Adelgh,NC 27606 Tel 91A851.6866 O~G~ ~ Iii H45 Fax 9vwatade~alaon~/ ~~{,V~~ H-23 H-16 I FF765 V H-1D B•701 I4D / ~ H I / ~ !5 aau H ~ B318 I-1 i B-530 ~ Bd32 U-7 &750 / B-180 / U~D B~813 g.0gq B4DB UPLAND 8545 B Jl-LD se56 U-26 / &726 B-80D / BSAi I I ~ B B~ Oe B-/40 2 8-382 &257 `~ /O /~ C I &281 Q N I B~fO 9412 Q ~ / O / O 8-BBB 8.217 N z I WETLAND LINE I J &192 B-125 H~N~lB ~L~"N1~~JQ1S QWt+~py~q A~.I'ibl`~ N~,Lb~M - ?~N~p 9.5a LOOZ ~ Ai;iV B B-LINE q &2 ~R-2 REVISED ~'~ r ~ y~ ~ .l~ B-17o BLR-72 ~L! 66~ ~ +S~l~./ ~J 11„~ 8-83 &27 &R~7 AC7 / ANDERSON CREEK NORTH r AG7 AG25 A-C / AC48 I AC78 NOTES: 1. UPLANDAREA WITHIN "B" WETLAND WAS RE-0ELINEATED BY STANTEC CONSULTING AND FIELD VERFIED BY RONNIE SMITH(USACE) ANDERSON CkEFK TOWNSHD' ON FEBRUARY 27, 2007. HARNDT COUMY,NC 2. REMAINDER OF WETLAND LINE TARN FROM'FINAL PLAT OF WETLANDS FOR QUANTUM DEVELOPMENT' NOVEMBER 7,1998 BY BRACI(~N AND ASSOCIATES ~' 171300150 `°'"' HARNETT ENGINEERINGAND SURVEYING, SANFORO, NC. THIS LINE WASAPPROVED BY ~ w 61 ALLEN DAVIS (USAGE) MARCH 19,1998. ,~ !~~ P101FCf HEFENNCE N0. SHEET N0. ~ ~ 171788158 3 X41 ~~h~~+~Q 1/1b1A~ ~31b'M~N~ ~'ya`.'~' CD~Z ~ ~~;,,f Stanteo Coneult~vlcea Ina 1+~ "~V Sulis 700,801 Jones FralUln Hood ~~ 7~ RalelBh NC 27606 6~.~;,( ~ ~, Tel 9 Nb51.6866 "Q fmc 919.851.1024 wecfaHeacee t E~sa ANDERSON CREEK NORTH nT ^ E~25 Q EJ07 Q E~87 ~ WETLAND LINE E~ E.ees ~. J ~ 2 E~92 ES&5 EAZD E Da929 DAO7a EA-018 E4386 E ~ EAaoe E-281 DA DB F,A-001 E~5 DA-011 D-22 Ed98 , ~ Ea81 E-1 ~ AA-057 G 1 E•230 DB-0Ot ~~ E-112 , ~ ~ ~~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ G10 F-212 \ // ~ ~ DA-0D1 G95 F32 ~0 E E.~ / ~ ~ A>~~s CA Cri y '~ ~0 E•199 E•173 / \ ~ ~ CA-014 1 F 1 ~~1 AA-011 .~ \ \ F-1 F-233 \~~/ ~ 1 ~ \ FA7 1 r- - " ~ F~ F-128 F-179 \ ~ \ E-143 ~ '~ ~ Q ~ 1.28 \1 \~ F183 ~\ T r-1 ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~'~ i ANDERSON CREEK SOUTH ~ ~ ~ i ~ I r-16 ~ I I 1 ~ NOTES: ~ 1. WETLAND LINESAA DA DB, EA AND CA WERE RE-0ELINFATED BY / STANTEC CONSULTING AND FIELD VERIFIED BY RONNIE SMITH AND THOMAS FARRELL(USAC~ ON OCTOBER 28, 2005 AS PART OF THE DELINEATION ~FSDN Gggl TCryTHSHP OF ANDERSON CREEK SOUTH. ~~ ~~ ~ 2. REMAINDER OF WETLAND LINE TAKEN FROM "FINAL PLAT OF WERANDS FOR: QUANTUM DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 7,1988 BY BRACKENAND ASSOCIATES ~' 171308150 ~""' HNINETf ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, SANFDRD, NC.ITHIS LINE WAS APPROVED BY ..,, ALLEN DAMS (USAGE) MARCH 18,1988. ae ~1~~1. ~ui~ynt,a.+olsorr~b~r , lbM, • HNC t lOpZ ~~ SON 4 `r. 1 I t t.f ~. ~~x~I .7 „AP C-! 1t~F N t "' c ' N E ra ~ 1 560(167 BD6 . [ a 2C1'0259U2C 56096 G 7 0 94 ~ 'r ? ? 6 3 ~ ' - `- C OA 6 S ~It x001 4'4 f }6' 7 5627.5 >65S uC v1 : B} 7 ^ ^7a ` SE125?.FAG 1005946.0/50 2 560G57.2019 20nG7000i0 h' .561tlC 187 b 560991.588 '19x9[0+ 009464.IBEI : , 09%34.5.:230091,x,.,671 J 171 56219 097470 4 G. io-2 %2166.4772 0657, 5: 699 47 476 56213tl.0}9 5E'210.511 2005964.0617 7005972.8671 559990055 261;075,8851 6 %0975.942 4 2009461.9?9a L O I%4,86022005152.?709 i %2111254 1006507.7}78 472 1621212571 0059749310 4 559842.901 110 n075.63?6 155 E5 %0948 4 20091314082 '1 11, 61413J697 2009t596529 37; 562t85.937 120U6173.6389 47 %218a.9A97 2W6011.9105 5 559900.1799 20n091.7575 . 6fi 56n9}7,953 92009x230514 2 12561aJ87a19 200..15A.6351 77 562148591 02006417.9568 47 562162.837 2006077.5826 6 553895,752 220tt08B.7017 675E0905.315 920G941tttDg 21 g6 }581455 d1 4gp?214,585F )7 5621265'10 12006401.6924 48 SE2119.939 2006044.0278 7 559815.2671 1011079.7532 6 9 %OA94E56 !2D09367 k45 1 14 %1456499 ]009?35.5816 31 561077.103 2006327.500} 4A1 562761.0/33 200fip66.J1fi1 8 559778.86 2011085.8547 B 9%0884.829 . 2005JA3.!6T 21 556147497. 20091774541 S7 562092191 fi 7006}16.0444 462 562174.0?26 20061100501 3 5597x1.0764 2031114.9793 ? 0 560872 914 2 290410),41?5 ?1 6561460.1149 2009!84.8?16 37 %1079.768 200626172'5 48 562195.1969 0060717897 1 559688.962 20111/1.1892 7 1 60856 670 71009391.0675 21 75614/0.6336 2009126.9165 37 561003.379 20062287056 4B 562217.161 100fi066.8564 11 559857.281 1 Ot 1135.5657 7 . 07 Z 540824 200958fi.?942 11 8563469.I496 20091249t15 38 %1985.70fi 6200E2p14625 48 %1176,2711 2006071,7772 %1 559633.3d5 1201171C 0534 7 . 7560800.865 1009376 5059 1' 9561464.?452 1009169.6132 38! %1999.197 6 006162.5856 486 561301.3981 006072.3502 !3 559610:498 ?2011090.5775 7 x56077947} . 97009359.1x3; 22 %'.530.6959 40097064993 362 56201?.110 9100613},7854 48 562319.886 2006076.2811 1a $59577.360 20110454360 % 5 %6752 930 91009}46 7563 22 1 61566.7357 20090?1.6153 JB7 563966.76a 62006059.d513 4 562377.784 2006020.4681 1. 559%0.704 101100}?075 7 6560731.57x9 ?81° 2009328 22 25fi15$03875 20090517703 JP4 %1979.963 200602P.6?}! 4 562)99.92 2005985.7071 I 559551.176 8 010971.7960 ? 9919 ?580718 . 09723 4785 22 7 %ISB6.GP09 2009040.2151 385 561898667 2W6999.7?32 4 %1158.00 2005979.7996 !7 559547.553 11p109a0tW3 ? . e %DN19 <sm . 418 20o9z9+ 22 45G3587.Ea31 009016 /54; 395 %1857.195 720059924479 491 6'487.8931 s . 005964.1127 i 5595/0.BI6 320108973/B5 7 9 %0066,597 „ 4 20091]80987 71 556157.71C04 200a980.6012 387 561832.!46 }2006017.7757 49 %25}2707 200593!.1767 19 5595+2.847 101U842.98a1 8 0 %0650.0)1 2009156 561/ C2 5615745699 2006960.3787 7 561783.712 6 006671.1297 49 5625u.68U 20059274220 1 5595%703 4201079E 9449 $ I 60638.191 07924<2147 11 . 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OW7758/u 20 %1178.0771 4008979.50?7 36656 1191377 2006719 9430 20 %!151.01 33 009011.[311 1b75fi 22%.0575 . 2006687.5746 206 61178.504 2009084.6063 3E8 Sfi 2275.9697 1006667 7E53 ' k 384.961 200.4)88,8895 N £ S49.IB81 200881].1954 871 561384.39G3 20093!F.?665 318.31}6 2008854,6190 87 561359.904 20093359375 ?80.656 ,2008900.7047 87 S6UJ7.8+6 2009557.3970 a4'' ' !60.2161 008928.7737 87 561)08.9016 2009377.!697 .t: ?197th 2008966.8647 87 561280.556 2009}98.9692 ?72.425 j008990.24fi5 07 561250.438 20094x3.8!09 ?97,856 2009020.6017 87 %1225.8447 2009490.7603 171 5452 009046.0436 87 561251.7000 20034914235 160959 2099087.1049 901 562854.517 1006431.6137 ^~ ' 101.270 2009107.6824 ' " !79.Bfi19 2009124.5899 130:022 2009143.9668 1 ~! _ ~ n [ 1 197,477 2009180:6819 V L 74656?693.079 2009308,0310 791562766,745 2009706,2112 .74656T8f0.i6J0 009298.9)02 749 462448046 200929L837x 1 562679.296 2009279,5625 751 1945.6131 009161.9011 752 563014 675 1009267.7500 75356307B.fi53 2009251.0440 754 56311812191009254.1679 755 567170,1857 2009237.7660 756567209.907 P009232.i8a1 757 563 1. 1 174 22 OS 009 .5618 Z 754 Sfi7240.9 ~ 2009155.0700 3 .759 563 59.47671009136:2169 2 7B15fi}315 9 0091 0,8846 63 4 2 3 761 3340 057 la -.7 71 % ,5 ?009 5 9 76 SE3365.467. 1005761.34?9 163 563404.4669 20091'76.2697 76< 56119 }6672009212.1121 16 5634]5.5418 092%.7965 766563911.1189 0092816483 767595374.82 2009291.0179 768563323.1575. 009291.7782 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Suite 300, 801 Jones Franklin Rood RaI6IBh, NC 27606 TBL 919.851.6866 Fax. 919.851.7024 www.stmteacom I ' r~~ll~r1 PROIECf REFERENCE N0. SHEEF N0, nl3omso a 23 558315,004. 2gD5423.1601 2 558331.496120051¢1,8.874 Y{0 5683241' eS7 100652$.7982 2 41 556 316,7325 005585:4015 24 558327.Sfi2 2005$38:5090 24 558328 96512005496:8750 444956338879 2005717,6730 N 5563393449 ?00'yF57;5aBg 246 558}59 0665 2095796;9818 247 558344.35791008@5 '3 7 o.ea 4 I BE 4 2 55833 637 0058 695 4 249 97 B~ 51r-5 S,r82 ,9 200. 6 09 a 2 558.98 0 52005955 5 5 85 251 596192 8448 2006E+0B 8620 ?52 558262 3856 200666] 8107 Z5 556248 t7532D081097g37 254 558225 598BTDg613Z976} 255 55 8 209.97192008186.776 fi 256 %8105:8665 2906222.4011 251 55A2J144$11D1162$1.35fl5 258 5584477074 20062%53065 155 558'!53.0018 208621„4936 16 558265!5712006184.9010 261 558206.fi296 2006150.4675 26255837I.I1tfi 006125,1210 ANDERSON CREEEN TONNSNIP HARNETF COIMIY,NC " Jn3aolso ~'""` NaRNETr "I-LINE" flJi\YO~ a71~\IyI.M`1,W1 l3 ~IVW ~VI\1' 4 LOOZ ~ ~iON ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ A .A A I A A A i~ AI E A A 11 c " " "AA-LINE" ~ G-LINE ~ 176 557276.526 2011199,1264 m-~ . 8 J 137 557216.6331 2011150.4617 as-07 55 907.0 200 87.96 "'O ` 138 557167.1875 2011285.0097 `~ ` aa-00557915.742009076.70 ;i2 739 557137.0183 r 20113}5.9696 0a-0 557926.7 2009023.19 f /D 557081.7121 2071JT7.3739 A aa-003557905.272009003.99 ~ 141 142 7051.7676 557007.066 011745,5688 00-00 557934.60 2008984.37 2011752,5107 a0-005551939.41 2008958.93 -006 7 7 143 144 556987,846 556951.7978 965. 8200~920.95 55 2011789.5750 aa ~""~ 2011779.9059 as-006 557973,72 2000090.24 145 556920.021 ~ 2011405.8619 as-008 558003.58 2008803.29 146 556003.2026 2011461.5970 as-011 557998.97 2008869.28 ~i~-y_ - ' 147 556876.1167 2071519.5465 aa-012557947A 2008815.22 VVw~1R,fK~e>r 146 149 556900.089 55698L8614 2011513.1990 -013 557924.67 2008809.31 aa-d 557889.08 2008788.05 $tOf1t8C CO216t1ilflg $OfVIC05 f1C. 11815 7307 150 55702}.ip15 . as-0 57850.622000762.86 2011619.6726 00-016 5704465 200871078 $17116 )00,801 ~Df146 fl'OOkin ROOd 151 152 7080.134 557726.147 2011587.1497 00-017 557844.68 2008671.38 A0181 h NC 21606 2011638.0428 0o-018 557859.51 200064L95 9 157 55715J.4686 201164D.77fi8 ao-q SSTBB2.96200060L04 iBI, 919.851.6866 154 55]2024991 2011649.0914 0a-020 557898.61 2008511.69 Faz. 919.851.7024 155 557230.97 2017707.2351 0o-021557929.0320005fi.95 Od1 WWW6TOOfBC 156 157 557237.1483 557210.2886 . 2011740.0698 a0-021 55 7975.92 2000484.96 2011786.3975 oa-02 8009.44 2009/6075 758 557176.4577 2011787.4292 as-024 58021.57 2008461.39 159 557125.820Q 2011777.5771 as-02B 58029.07 2008386.06 160 557086.5291 2011777.2589 as-03 58091.28 2008361.29 161 7082.7510 011817.7661 as-03 58072.55 2008370.99 162 580 551005 2011837.3165 as-032 58098.86 2008299.57 163 . 557085.842 2011856.0575 ao-073 SBN7.55 2008265.80 a 074 SBN267 2008239.45 1fi4 557127.J295 20118fi4.37}e aa0755801.98 008220.14 165 557189.286 2011874.5665 as-076 558201.03 20000473 168 557204.329 2011004.6567 0a-037 556220.72 2008132.06 767 557240.8851 2011910.3974 aa-0955582%12 2008024.93 i68 557270.IB96 2011805.2226 as-046 55828056 2000016.31 169 557296.869 2011947.2424 aa-098558270,78 2008006.49 170 557316.07 75 2 01197 6.7315 as-049 558260.77 2007982.35 771 87367.2586, 2011979.5973 00-050 558301.55 007959.49 172 557405.423 2011960.3159 a0-051 558315.222007915.60 176 557572.375 2011841,1976 a0-052558331.6 2007091.16 777 557537.914 20718222471 as-OS 58]5713 007869.46 778 557535.084 2071827:5788 ao-059 58780.98 20078A47 779 557534.4546 2011806.7752 as-055 5839262 2007808.25 180 557570.1888 2011799.44J2 ao-056 58410.54 007707.89 D aa-0575584543 20017%54 - L N E 781 18 57555.649 557610.706 U 2071870.3917 2011816.6718 as-050 558427.91 2007722.4 5 4 7 0076 5 4 N E 1 557842.130 .0 58 266 2 8 2011814,8165 aa-059 x0-06 558909.692007656A2 db-001558792.662008000,93 784 557674,0831' 2011784.0248 a0-061 558799.51 2007617.61 db-p0 558410.78 2008026.27 185 557897.0682 2071750.6741 aa-06 550786.90 2007563.27 db-0 558436.29 2008060.01 188 557705.3091 2011728.7811 as-06 58784,01 2007572.14 db-0 558483.97 2008051.09 187 557702026 2011701.6786 aa-Ofi4 58782.602001996.51 db-00 550530.15 2008052.81 1 557)132879 75 2011617.4972 77 f1 as-065 558400.4 2007958.61 db-00 558563.71 2008093.61 ~-LINE 7 190 55770 .82 2011609.6 500 aa--061 558430.98 200740791 db-DO 558593.97 2008108. 6 181 57754.235 2011567.1871 N E a0-06 58957.87 2007381.13 W-00 558618.57 2000127.35 192 557767.7251 011569.7509 0a-069 58480.41 2007320.97 db-01 558650.3 2008U8.17 793 55777}.6B91 2D11533.6420 aa-070 58491.952002278.82 tlb-0 558692.8 2008145.88 i 94 557761.7058 2011498.5610 aa-071 558498.9510D724B.00 db-01 55871034 2008153.75 19 557807.4103; 011468.4097 as-07 558507.88 2007220.47 m-q 55879269 2008141.67 196 557824.287 2011446,8088 x0-074 58502.97 200759.93 db-01455877L96 200811.00 187 557838.99 2011476.5894 m- 55882403 008122.71 1B 557851.5112 011389.7738 W-4755885515 008111.20 7 1 B9 557804.02$ 071359:4403 I ~ A -LINE c0-d 558909.2 200807219 2D 207 557945426 557969.3786 2011700.2330 N Q db-02 558968.91 2008050.98 2011262.2777 0498162 - 202 557901.6708 . co-001558065.2J 20 2011288.9572 ca-002550080262009003.95 203 204 558011.017 558035010 011215.8946 C0_pp 55811x74 2009028b 2011180.6006 c0-OO4558I46.65 009034.54 ~ 819351 20090454 I U P L A N D- L N E II 5 7 ~ 206 10 SB.6075 SSB 2367 SSBI96 ca-006 5 201109 .490} 2011062.6653 as-00 5486.26 008994.93 20 . 558218.3570 2011012.7191 ca-00 55467A0 2008978.89 co-009 5433.76 008954.33 2 558241,6924 ~ 20109BO.BJ02 8105.82 0089]6.99 210 558267.227 2010864.5097 c0-On 8097.2 008900.94 211 583112.8188 410973.5097 o0-OR 58087.91 008871.77 212 556729.6015 w-01 5807476 00885261 2010981.0756 217 556294.747 2011018.6765 ca- 58063. 2008896.62 214 558247.69 2011047.0891 218 218 558214.998 5582472185 2011065.4286 1578 071087 E" 217 558782.51 . 2 D A -LIN 1011105.3414 251 1478.8078 767.0966 1229.5697 1256.0285 1274.5572 1283.4896 1301.8461 1137.7285 1338.5366 I}64.8185 "B-LINE REEISED' 13s4.a141 ]458.6240 1560881,4610 009893,4029 1360.6286 580722.39632009928.1928 1790.8713 1429.4281 560758.95492009950.8164 1469.4109 560798,94872009991.8419 1515,8148 560805520620100133921 1551.1463 A 560799.8771 010010.4297 592.2152 6560787.35272010053.3985 1618.2451 7560769.43912010060.9841 1610.9706 0560737.58642010109.8621 16728027 9560720.1855 010174.0552 7a,2561 1p 560702.194 2010158.9807 1772.4243 A1D 560598.7554 2010415.9207 I )420492 11 606818561 2010186.97 58 1770.9862 22560842844 2010214.6230 1800'0527 13560684.6015 010]06.9951 1843'38114 AI}58064256972010217.1469 1849.9376 1854'}891 013 560639.2776 2070221.3098 852.6278 C 13560647.4365 20102420580 10853.9507 47104 7 560676.54972010277,3993 Al 580650.1873 0202M 5490 2014. 0348,7964 11 E A -LINE" 0384.8824 7401 8433 E N . 0446.209) 4.44 084 17.fi9 eo-00 55B ea-OD 558171.01 2008448.78 0482.3909 ea-00 558757. 2008967.4 0520.6762 ea-00 5587562 2008479.61 0561.6548 e0-0 558778.7 8525.27 0597.0139 ea-00 558786.7 008564.91 0614,5244 eo-0o 558807.6 2008599.65 5786 0627 58823.5 0086/691 . 0667.4283 ea 00 58849.77 008663.92 ea-DI 58851A 8615.25 0663.7072 ea-0 58842.0 200855370 0663,1527 ea-d2 SB86B. 2008516.40 0687.9412 ea-d 58885. 2008496.09 6770 0696 e0-01 5891075 008998.73 , )707.0773 ea- 58922.73 008959.18 588806 8479.27 '~ eo-d 58872.74 00845.71 5889078 008382.18 58850.71 008378.98 0-02 58822.85 008390.80 e0-0 58198.54 008902.94 ea-0 58149.)2 OOB4M.79 PROJECT REFERENCE N0. ~ SNEET N0. r 171300150 5 ANDERSON CREEEK TOWNSHIP HARNER COUNIY,NC °~"1A300150`tl11i HARNFR ®e o4W n rJ E E. SBH~s58532.8808~2007106.0241 SB9IISSB517.9520 2007152,9387 590 558519.2144 007175.4477 "F-LINE" !1 F DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North Date: Januar 31, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber L. Coleman State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: U land Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a otential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: Anderson Creek Drive VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 Horse su ar S m locos tinctoria shrub FAC 2 Flowerin do wood Cornus florida shrub FACU 3 Lobloll ine Pinus taeda cano FAC 4 Sweet um Li uidambar st raciflua cano FAC+ 5 Bracken fern Pteridium a uilinum herb FACU 6 Common reenbriar Smilax rotundifolia vine FAC 7 Wild in er Hexast lis arifolia herb FAC- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- : 57% Remarks: HYDROLOGY [ ]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ ]Inundated [ ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks [ ]Drift Lines [ ]Sediment Deposits [ ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches (in) [ ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test Other Ex lain in Remarks SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color (inches Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 8 10YR 2/2 LS 8 - 18+ 10YR 3/4 SL HYDRIC SOIL IND ICATORS: [ ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ ]Reducing Conditions Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ]Concretions [ ]High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [ ]Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other Explain in Remarks Remarks: Too many uncoated sand grains WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolog Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North Date: Januar 31, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber Coleman /Melissa Ruiz State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: Wetland Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a otential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: Anderson Creek Drive VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 Giant cane Arundinaria igantea herb FACW 2 Laurel-leaf reenbriar Smilax laurifolia vine FACW+ 3 Sweet um Li uidambar styraciflua cano FAC+ 4 Lobloll ine Pinus taeda cano FAC 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- :100% Remarks: NvnRnl nw [ ]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surtace Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ ]Inundated [ x ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks [ ]Drift Lines [ x ]Sediment Deposits [ ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands - (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches 12 (in) [ ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data 1 (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test f 1 Other (Explain in Remarks) SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 18 + A 10YR 2/1 Muck modified HYDRIC SOIL IND ICATORS: [ x ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ x ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ x ]Reducing Conditions x Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ]Concretions [ ]High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [ ]Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other Ex lain in Remarks Remarks: Some sandy sediment on surface -5 inches WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolo Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North Date: Januar 31, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber L. Coleman State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: U land Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: Broadlake Lane VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 Lobloll ine Pinus taeda cano FAC 2 American holl Ilex o aca cano FAC- 3 Sourwood Ox dendrum arboreum cano UPL 4 Post oak Quercus stellata cano FACU 5 Lon leaf ine Pinus alustris cano FACU+ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- : 20% Remarks: HYDROLOGY [ ]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ ]Inundated [ ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks [ ]Drift Lines [ ]Sediment Deposits [ ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches (in) [ ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test Other Ex lain in Remarks SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 8 10YR 4/2 SL 8 - 18+ 2.5Y 5/4 LS HYDRIC SOIL IND ICATORS: [ ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ ]Reducing Conditions Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ]Concretions [ ]High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [ ]Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other Ex lain in Remarks Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolo Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North Date: Janua 31, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber Coleman /Melissa Ruiz State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: Wetland Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a otential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: Broadlake Lane VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 Fetterbush L onia lucida shrub FACW 2 Giant cane Arundinaria gigantea herb FACW 3 Tuli o lar Liriodendron tuli ifera cano FAC 4 Laurel-leaf reenbriar Smilax laurifolia vine FACW+ 5 Sweetba Magnolia virginiana shrub FACW+ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- :100% Remarks: HYDROLOGY [ ]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ x ]Inundated [ x ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks [ ]Drift Lines [ ]Sediment Deposits [ ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands 2 (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches - (in) [ ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data _ (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test Other Ex lain in Remarks SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 24 + A 10YR 2/1 muck HYDRIC SOIL IND ICATORS: [ x ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ x ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ x ]Reducing Conditions x Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ]Concretions [ ]High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [)Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other Ex lain in Remarks Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolo Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North - U land Area Date: Januar 21, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber L. Coleman State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: U land Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a otential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: near U-26 VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 American holl Ilex opaca cano FAC- 2 Lobloll ine Pinus taeda cano FAC 3 Post oak Quercus stellata cano FACU 4 Turke oak Quercus laevis cano NI 5 Shortleaf ine Pinus echinata cano NI 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- : 20% Remarks: HYDROLOGY (]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ ]Inundated [ ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks [ ]Drift Lines [ ]Sediment Deposits [ ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches (in) [ ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test Other Ex lain in Remarks SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon inches Matrix Color Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 6 A 10YR 3/2 uncoated sand rains LS 6 - 12 B 10YR 4/3 LS 12 - 18+ B 10YR 5/6 10YR 4/3 few SL HYDRIC SOIL IND ICATORS: [ ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ ]Reducing Conditions Gie ed or Low-Chroma olors [ ]Concretions [ ]High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [ ]Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other Explain in Remarks Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolo Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North - U land Area Date: Januar 31, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber Coleman /Melissa Ruiz State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: Wetland Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: near U-26 VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 American holl Ilex o aca cano FAC- 2 Laurel-leaf reenbriar Smilax laurifolia vine FACW+ 3 Common reenbriar Smilax rotundifolia vine FAC 4 Black um N ssa s Ivatica cano FAC 5 Possumhaw Ilex decidua shrub FACW- 6 Red ma le Acer rubrum cano FAC 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- : 83% Remarks: HYDROLOGY [ ]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ ]Inundated [ x ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks (]Drift Lines [ ]Sediment Deposits [ ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands - (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches - (in) [ x ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data 10 (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test Other Ex lain in Remarks SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 16 A 10YR 2/1 L 16 - 24+ 10YR 6/2 10YR 2/1 few LS HYDRIC SOIL IND ICATORS: [ ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ x ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ x ]Reducing Conditions x Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ]Concretions [x] High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [x] Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Ex lain in Remarks Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolo Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North Date: Januar 31, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber L. Coleman State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: U land Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: Whispering Pines Drive ~/FC~FT~TIC)N Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 Bracken fern Pteridium a uilinum herb FACU 2 Lobloll ine Pinus taeda cano FAC 3 Turke oak Quercus laevis cano NI 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- : 33% Remarks: HYDROLOGY [ ]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available [ FIELD OBSERVATIONS ~ Depth of Surface Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ ]Inundated [ ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks [ ]Drift Lines [ ]Sediment Deposits [ ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches (in) [ ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test Other Ex lain in Remarks SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon inches Matrix Color Munsell Moist) PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 6 10YR 6/6 S 6 - 9 10YR 3/1 SL 9 - 18+ 10YR 5/6 LS HYDRIC SOIL IND ICATORS: [ ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ ]Reducing Conditions Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ]Concretions [ ]High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [ ]Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other Ex lain in Remarks Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolo Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Pro'ect/Site: Anderson Creek North Date: Janua 31, 2007 A licant /Owner: Anderson Creek Partners Count :Harnett Investi ator: Amber Coleman /Melissa Ruiz State: NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Communit ID: Wetland Is the site si nificantl disturbed At ical Situation ? YES NO Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse) YES NO Plot ID: Whispering Pines Drive VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Scientific Name Stratum Indicator 1 Fetterbush L onia lucida shrub FACW 2 Laurel-leaf reenbriar Smilax laurifolia vine FACW+ 3 Giant cane Arundinaria gi antes herb FACW 4 Inkber Ilex coriacea shrub FACW 5 Tuli o lar Liriodendron tuli ifera cano FAC 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Percent of Dominant S ecies that are OBL, FACW, or FAC excludin FAC- :100% Remarks: HYDROLOGY [ ]Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) [ ]Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge [ ]Aerial Photographs [ ]Other [X] No Recorded Data Available FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water Depth of Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS Primary Indicators: [ ]Inundated [ x ]Saturated in Upper 12 Inches [ ]Water Marks [ ]Drift Lines [ x ]Sediment Deposits [ x ]Drainage Patterns in Wetlands - (in) Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required) [ ]Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 inches - (in) [ ]Water-stained Leaves [ ]Local Soil Survey Data 6 (in) [ ]FAC-Neutral Test Other Ex lain in Remarks) SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO Depth Horizon Matrix Color inches Munsell Moist) PROFILE DESCRIPTION Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist Abundance/Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 36 + A 10YR 2/1 muck HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS: [ x ] Histosol [ ] Histic Epipedon [ ] Sulfidic Odor [ ] Aquic Moisture Regime [ ]Reducing Conditions Gle ed or Low-Chroma Colors [ ]Concretions [ ]High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils [ ]Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils [ ]Listed on Local Hydric Soils List [ ]Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other Ex lain in Remarks Remarks: Some sandy sediment on surface -6 inches WETLAND DETERMINATION H dro h is Ve etation Present? YES NO Wetland H drolo Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO H dric Soil Present? YES NO Remarks: