HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01472_Well Construction - GW1_20240301 I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For frontal UseONLY: s ' This form can Imo,used for single or nadtip)e wells I.Well Contractor Information: 1.I WATERZONES 1 '! John Eisunman nu)M 1 'iCr OP'SCItoPTIDN Well Co icior Nance 15 ft. 25 fl. 4439A ft. . 1 NC Well Contractor Coniftwtion Ranter 1SiOUTER'CASiNG•(for:niulii=cauritionsl`OR:LiNER(ifab]licabk):. FROM I TO DIAMETER TRIMNESS MATERIAL. SAEDACCO ft. ft. I I hi. Company Name ^16 INNER CASING'OR-T@131NG'(re+iihci in.it tsedaoiijtl.• ' FROM TO DIAMETER TIiiC&N6.S5 MAiERLAL 2.Well Construction Permit 6: 0 ft. 10 ft, 2 i ' to. SCH-40 PVC fin all applimble well p.nui s fix.County..1ro'.I'urirrse.h ject C l err.) •ft. ft. in. 3.Welt'Use(check well use): t7;SCREEN . • , 1 �4'aterSupply WeIP' FROM i TO DrAMETtttI SLOT-SW: Tint:KNFtiS I MATERIAL 10 ft. 1 25 ft. 2 in.l, .010 SCH-40 PVC 0Agticuintnd ONIttnicipaliPublie OGeotitennal(Heating/Cooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) (t. rt. !n,, fJ h(dustria1iconuaierci aB IJR+sidelltitll Water Supply(shared) .FRO ROUT.TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT SrE firOD ASfOnNT ❑hripation 0 ft. 5 ft. Portland Pour Nan-Water Supply Welt: it, it ®Nlonitoring ❑Rn:o iy • I , injection Well: ft. rt. ' I • °Aquifer Recharge °GroundwaterRcntcdiation :t9.SANfl)GRAVELPACK(ifaitplicahre),. ' FROM TO I MATERCSI. EMPLACEMENT METRO!) ❑Aquifer Storage and Rceovcty ❑Salinity Barrier 8 ft. 25 II, Sand : #2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stamm;iterDrtinage ft. ft, I ❑Experintcntal Technology ❑Subsidence CoWrol I -2f::DRILLiNG'LOG(nrtac4:adititioaat sheni if"ticccssnn•1.— ❑Geotltemud(Closed Loup) ❑Tracer FROM I TO DESCRIPTION Cevlar.bnnruc,,,5utUniel lspc.mstn Ste.dt•.I /sand ❑Gcwtltemtal(HeatiltuCuoline Rennin ❑Other(explain under#21 Retuatts) 0 ft. 25 ft. cla y i 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1-3-24 Well M# -3R ft. ft. ., c 5a.Well Location: ft. ft. 1. MAR 0 I 2024 Mullinix Grocery ft. ft. Facility...Owner Name Facility MN(if appli;ablc} ft. . ft, -----t�Yfofah7.7itien?r.,:, 3079 NC Hwy 109 North, Troy, NC, 27371 ft, ft. •• DWQ;5t4 Physical Addr•ss.City.and Zip 21.REMARKS ' Montgomery 7600 00 07 7264 bentonite seal from 5-8ft " County Nice]Identification No.(PINi • 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degi es/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: I' anonlietd.one lavlom it:millicknt) ' 35.4145553 N -80.0040240 W '_ ._ 1/8/2024 Sign-auraof'�•, r.,nib.at�s.�— Date 6.Ls(are)the u'ell(s): MlPennauent ur ❑Temlwran rf ,41,1 r!!; r,f.a; :f•-�- itle:•'-� Br xi.5nn,�:iriY lu3n: , rh•tr ,.rz�. ;..:a::3.urrUatlevf in r~cwrrlrnrr 'tml5it3VC+tCr]„C.• = f d,:C'>i,.1:%a4-,l20Oit'd!Cu,smwrionSrnr.4iords<uidrlvuu 7.is this a tt:pair to an cxisting.welt: Dyes or IQ No eoty.afduc ree..nl;Jaskol lunrul.•d to 3hl•well mower. !f this is d zcgp:rlr.Jill we(--r:otm wd!(o,n7, trfru hr/aro!in4nl nod,u06u01 rl.r'ware r..10).. re'sreir wr.irr 011 rroiarki araiaa ar on the base of this funs. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or welt S.Number of wells constructed: 1' cot:stmetion details. You may also;a(tach additional pages if necessary. For ntnlliple A'ions>n ei oar-a0rer sippis•3refli ONLY with the erne eonstrucfion.Vole c•nr, suim.irunrPM. StIDMiTTALiNSTUCTiONS r 9.Total welt depth below land surface: 25 (fl.) 2aa. Fur All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of welt For mal/ll lr.ed!;'tin rr(1.4inbs if dill-rre,u le:ranhpfc•-t•e':o0'dad 2@ 100') contlnictton to the following i i.Static water level below top of casing: 15.5 ({I,) Division of Water Routines,Information Processing Unit, lrnvtmr lre•rl is.rhrn•r(3.1si1.3t4 use'•+" 1617 Mail Stu-rice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter 6 (in) tab.For Injection Welts ONLY:,in addition to sending tire fount to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy ofIthis font' within 30 days of completion of well 12;Well nurstntetiotl method:Air construction to the folluwine: l (i.e.sager.Maw.cuhle.direct push cte.I Division of Water Resources,LJndergroteud Injection Control Pragram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 16636 Mail Service: ni er.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 24e.For Water Supply&loin Lion Welts: 13ii,Yield(gpm) Nletbod of test: Also submit one copy of this Intuit within 30 days of completion of ____R_—_"___�^_ well construction to the county health department of the comity wI re I3b.Disinfection type: _. Amount: canstnueted- I. Font'OW-I Noon Carolina Department of Environment and Ntuurat Resources-Division of Water Raourm Revised Atgust 1n 1 l